New World Ultimate Gear Guide 2024!

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welcome back friends to another new world video today we're going to be talking about New World's endgame I find a lot of people asking the question Baggins I've just hit level 65 and uh what do I need to do now to get myself into PVP or mutated Expeditions like what sort of gear should I be looking for how do I actually get some good items uh so that's what today's video is going to be about we're going to be talking about uh this number up here and all of these different slots and generally what makes a good weapon uh good armor good jewelry uh the artifacts you can go for and also just how to sort of get started on that Journey because a lot of people find and and rightly so that after you're done leveling up the game kind of opens up it doesn't really Hold Your Hand anymore and you just got to kind of figure out what you're going to do so going to give you guys some poins in terms of where you can go get some good weapons Arma jewelry Etc and what also makes good weapons Arma and jewelry now as always with all these videos you will be able to scrub along to find the relevant section that you're interested in so if you've already got some good Arma you're looking for good weapons or or whatever you'll be able to scrub along in the video and as always friends if you find these videos useful I know every YouTuber says this but the old like And subscribe especially now we're in the dark days of New World content where there's not really a whole lot going on with the game so if you guys do find these videos useful a like a comment uh all that stuff it does help out you know basically like feed the YouTube algorithm so uh it knows that you know I'm still I'm still here okay so anyway with that uh out of the way let's uh let's get into gearing in New World now one thing I want to include as a sort of resource to help you guys in gearing and just generally like the endgame INF new world is this Discord section that I've been flushing out here so in the description down below you'll find a link to the Discord it's slthe um in here we talk about New World stuff there's uh you know you can post pictures of your transmog in here as well but we also have this build guide section um and you can filter bu sort of different weapons you're interested in so if you want to see the speia builds that I've currently got uh running if you want to see things that involve life staff and uh just general sort of PVE and PVP uh you can find you know more and more guides hopefully uh over the next month or so I'm going to be adding quite a bit of content to here something that I've recently worked on is the good gear guide this is going to function for me almost as kind of like notes as we go through this video um to you know explain what is good gear how the gypsum kilm works and all of that stuff so if you guys want to check out this guide uh I did triy to go pretty extensively so it is you know it's quite a lot of text in here but at the same time try to you know not go over the top again can find a link to this in the description down below check out the builds the guides all of that stuff that we have on Discord so the first thing that I want to cook up with this video is best in slot you'll see people talking about this every now and again you might see it uh pop up in trade chat occasionally people wanting to sell something and they'll call it B bis best in slot is basically you know when you look at a particular like for a helmet for example this is a slot on your character the best possible piece of gear that you could wear as a helmet would be best in SL lot so we actually have a pretty good example of this we have health refreshing Elemental a verion I think all of these perks are s here very very good the only thing that's letting this down is it's uh just missing two points of gear score if it was 700 gear score we would get one extra stat so it would be giv me 32 Constitution so this is not quite best in slot um but it also leads on to another Point as well in that best in slot is subjective so I like Elemental aversion quite a lot as a Healer um I feel like in mutations it's pretty good for reducing some of the incoming mutated damage when enemies have 50% of the damage converted to fire Frost it's also good for fire staffs it's good against syncretic bow and stuff like that and PVP but some people really prefer uh Enchanted Ward they say Enchanted Ward is better and that's the one you would be going for maybe even a tank might prefer to have grit Ward so best in slot is kind of subjective also this health is another point of contention as well recently over the past couple of months there's been people the cameras covering it there's been people saying that Health maybe isn't that good and instead you want to be running slash conditioning or thrust conditioning or something like that so basically the point that I'm trying to get to here without spending too long is best in Slaughter like the best possible gear is quite subjective and that is going to apply to this video as well so the recommendations that I'm going to make for good weapons in armor and jewelry it is subjective to my own opinion now I have like thousands of hours of experience in new world but still I am generally more PVE oriented I usually spend a lot of time playing with LIF staff so what I'm going to recommend may not be the best for everybody but it's probably going to be pretty good especially if you're a new or returning player without too much familiarity with the game and what's been happening over the past year or so now to accompany this uh and to talk about like best and Slot I did make a video guide a little while ago where we go over the best perks that you can have on every item in the game for PVE so you know when it comes to your armor when it comes to your jewelry and then even every individual weapon as well including the weapon perks and we sort of categorized those all from s tier being like the best possible perk you could have on that item down to I think it was DTS so if you guys want to check out the video it'll probably be a good one to sort of um top up on the knowledge going into your gearing Journey on New World getting to 700 gear score getting good items I will put a link to that video up in the top right it'll be that little annotated box and again it'll be in the description down below and probably at the end of this video as well but yeah the uh best perks for New World season 4 um it it is a video that is available there if you haven't seen it already you might find it useful as well when it comes to determining you know what what is a good item going to look like right so we've covered the basics of like what a good item is and you know I've given you guys some resources that you can look at there now let's actually talk about how to get those items you know the thing that you clicked on the video full um one of the best sources and and I think like a big difference in new world today compared to how it was in Brimstone sandz are a year ago since the rise of the angrath expansion uh they have have added in the ability to craft gear in the gypsum Kil and the gear that pops out here is 700 gear score guaranteed so I can actually make a pair of heavy boots here which have health and shirking fortification um and then the third perk is going to be randomly assigned when I hit this craft button some people get a little bit confused by this cuz they think they're making a purple item cuz it shows you a purple item up there it will be legendary just the game doesn't have a way to show a legendary item if it doesn't have the third perk so you can Envision this as like ideally they should put a piece of text underneath it that says you know uh random perk at third gear score but you know we'll just go ahead and craft one real quick so ideally I'd be looking for refreshing Enchanted board Elemental aversion if we're going off with that perk tier list but if we just hit craft here strike conditioning okay maybe not the best perk slash thrust conditioning would have been better but what I'm trying to demonstrate here is um that was pretty easy to do I've got a 700 gear score piece of armor there not quite best in slot but you know if you're a brand new player who's just hit 65 that's not too bad now now you might be asking well baggin I don't have the option to do that when I go to the gypsum Kil I don't see this stuff the reason why you're not seeing the option to craft these items is because you need the Materia now I know then you're going to say oh well this is a bit of Tom Foolery and trickery baggin cuz to do the Materia you need to do the Dungeons and to do the dungeons you need good gear so you know we've just got a chicken and an egg sort of thing going on here well that's not necessarily true if you guys press F9 while you're in game um you can bring up the season pass and one thing you'll notice or hopefully have have seen um as you work your way through the season pass you'll get these free chests so this is on the free track at the top you have these mutation chests and they give you dense mutated material so you can see that second reward down there uh and then we go a little bit further back there's also some mutation chests here as well uh Amazon since the beginning of the expansion which came out in October has been giving these in the past two season passes so season 4 season 3 and I assume it'll probably happen in season 5 in March as well you will be able to get these boxes on the free free track which give you material so you will need to open them up and then you'll have the material in your inventory but then subsequently you'll be able to go to the gypsum kilm and you're not going to be able to craft everything in here they don't give you like so much material that you can make every single item but you'll probably be able to make one or two pieces and sometimes one or two pieces especially when it comes to a weapon that can really bump up your average gear score in a major way and combined with the next section of this video that we're going to talk about it can probably get you to 650 average gear skull and 650 is a really sweet spot to be at because that means that you can start doing mutation difficulty one Dungeons and even though it's not in the game right now uh By the time this video goes out there is going to be Cross of a groupfinder so you'll just be able to hit a button and it will throw you into a mutated Expedition provided you have 650 gar oh high just with random players and it should be pretty easy to complete and that's going to be so much like you're going to be able to accelerate all the way to 700 gear score so quickly you just need to be able to sort of complete that first step which is getting to 650 average gear SK and like I say you'll be able to do that very quickly just by making an item on you in the gypsum Kil and you get the material from these boxes now for a full breakdown on uh weapons and armor and jewelry like things that I think are worthwhile making in the gypsum Kil like the best pieces per category again funny enough we have a video we have a resource for that I will link that up in the top right of this video and again in the description down below it's the gypsum kilm crafting guide because yeah it's 700 gear scar items the third perk is randomly rolled but you can roll the item um through the upgrade system which is another thing that I want to cover while we're talking about the gypson K so if you guys scroll all the way down to the bottom in the gypson Kil you're going to find uh this section down here it's called named item crafting and basically what it looks at is items that are in your inventory right now or they can be in your storage shed so I think we've got a storage shed filled with shields over here and any of the ones that are named so they have this sort of shiny Sheen to them and they also have to say a requirement level 61 you have a problem sometimes where you can have items that are below uh so this is a named item but it's not requirement level 61 so this isn't going to show up as an upgrade option and one of thing is Quest items as well kind of frustratingly and a bit confusingly if you get given a named item as a quest reward those also don't count as well so you guys might be thinking oh I've got a I've got a named item but uh yeah if it is a um an item that's basically uh below 625 gear skull although that's not necessarily always true effectively you're looking for requirement level 61 and then it needs to say named if you have those items and you have them sitting in your uh character's bag or you have them in a star shed so basically not equipped to your character if it's equipped to your character take it off get it into the bag make sure you take it out of your gear set as well when you go to the gypson Kil with that item in your bag and you scroll all the way down to the bottom you'll see there is an option to upgrade the item now again we have the same sort of confusing system where it shows it as a purple item uh and even if we go ahead and lock in a perk here so let's say we're going to put unending Thor on this helmet you still don't see it there but you do see it over here and it will become legendary don't worry it doesn't show uh in the UI that perk being added in but if I was to go ahead and hit craft here I would then have a 700 gearcar helmet with elemental aversion enchanter board and then unending Thor or whatever the third perk you know related to the craft mod that I want to put on that item now this can be really really good because you can get some items which we're going to talk later on in this video uh that a pretty low gear score they're they're very easy to farm but they're they're quite low gear score so if I just go to uh let's see warden's rise maybe we get a few items in here um let's grab something that would be okay so this life ring Raper for example 647 gear score so that's not very good you know we we want items to be at least 650 but ideally we want them to be 700 if I take this bad boy out of here and then I go to the gypson kilm with it um and we scroll all the way down to the bottom again I will see the life ring rapia in here and we can upgrade this to 700 gear score and we can put a third perk on and this can actually become like a best in slot Rapier if we were to go ahead and put I think it would probably be omnidirectional evade is what I would go for on here um then we could have a 700 gear score vicious Rogue omnidirectional evade and this rapia relatively easy to get again don't worry we we're going to cover this later on in the video um you just then need these materials that you can this you buy off of the trading post a weapon Matrix uh armor Matrix jewelry Matrix you can craft yourself but you will need to level up your crafting all the way to 200 50 we'll probably going to do a separate video on that cuz it's going to be a pretty a big deep dive do mat you're going to get as you play the game you get these from doing mutated Expeditions you get these from doing Outpost Rush gips some orbs you can craft this Kil here it's up in the top of the menu and then chromatic seals you have to buy these from your faction vendor so if you haven't seen that yet if I go down to my faction vendor over here who is the Covenant faction vendor um this is going to be a very important material that you probably want to start buying the problem is they do cost 5,000 gold which then is going to lead you to another video of like how do we get gold and again that's another that's a topic for another video but if you do want to see that let me know in the comments down below or just hop into the stream I'll be happy to answer any questions there but yeah chromatic seals from the faction vendor doc bner from mutated Expeditions Outpost Rush variety of other things gyps and mobs you can actually also buy from the faction vendor but you can just make them in that gypson kill if you scroll up to the top of the menu and then the weapon Matrix armor Matrix jewelry Matrix you can make through crafting um so I think is it weapon smithing for weapon Matrix that would make sense yeah uh or alternatively you can buy them off the trading PO for a few thousand gold each uh but that is a really powerful thing that you can do after the rise of the angrath expansion is just take sort of uh named items two perks are always like going to be locked in so anybody who gets a life ring Rapier it will always have these two exact perks but the third perk you can choose or if it drops at 675 gear score or higher um then the third perk is randomly assigned to it but again you can roll it and have it be whatever your perk you want so I can reroll this uh strike conditioning here in the gypsum Kil if I want to and that gives you a lot of customization and like I say a really quick quick way to jump to 700 gear skull and I get some really really good items at the same time now one of the significant change to new world's endgame gearing that's happened since the rise of the angry Earth expansion is the introduction of artifacts these are special uh unique items that you can only get one of per character you can't Salvage them you can't Chuck them on the ground and they typically uh are required through a variety of different means a lot of them come from the PVP rewards track and we'll cover more on that later and then some of them come from doing mutated Expeditions so like uh the final boss of a mutated Expedition most pretty much every mutated Expedition the final boss will drop an artifact with the exception of glacial ton where it's the first boss um but yeah generally running mutated Expeditions difficulty 1 2 or three that will also drop artifacts as well now the problem is uh when it comes to Outpost Rush maybe you want to get a little bit more geared up before you do that but because you know you want to do Outpost rush to level up the PVP rewards track to get artifacts um if you want to do mutated Expeditions again you need to get geared up so are there any artifacts that we can get out there that don't really require that much effort because the benefit of artifacts not only are a lot of them really really good like potentially Bast andall items they're also always 700 gear score uh and that means that you can bump up your average gear score up here very quickly which again gets us closer to that 650 Mark which is the sweet spot for them being able to do uh mutated Expeditions which again rapidly accelerates us to 700 anyway with that ramble the initial question are there any easy artifacts to get yes there are uh I would say three artifacts that are pretty easy to get uh one of which we're at right now the spot for it and that is the artifact chest piece called featherweight now initially when I first saw this artifact I got pretty confused by it cuz it was like uh the thing about this artifact is it doesn't weigh anything and I was like well how is that beneficial you know like I put it in my bag and it doesn't weigh down my character but that doesn't seem to be too good the thing that I missed about it is it doesn't weigh anything in terms of your equip load so whether I'm wearing this chest or not you can see my character's like equip load Bond doesn't go up so it's you know technically it's as if my character's chest is naked but my character's chest is not naked instead it's being provided with the armor it's being provided with all of the perks from it it's uh it's actually pretty interesting cuz then allows you to get away with having like some heavy Arma pieces and still being considered in a light equip load and getting the benefit of the Dodge roll and all that other cool stuff as well um so this artifact is obtained by killing an enemy which spawns right here where I am um and that enemy is called nmer it's like a birdman so I am located right now in scaly Enclave we had to sort of go up to the top of this tree so I'll just walk you back down real quick while he spawns um it's like I say it's an easy artifact to farm uh it's something that you definitely want to be going to pick up I think it's like a 10% or 20% drop chance so it's not guaranteed and sadly it does look like he's got a bit of a longer respawn time than when I first killed him but either way uh completely soloable enemy you might find that there'll be other people also waiting here on your server to kill him as well so uh definitely like an artifact to go for and one that you do want to farm one other thing to be aware of when it comes to autofacts oh here we go I'm I'm going to say like here we go here's that chance I'm not going to get the autofact cuz I already have it it's one of thing that's probably worth mentioning if you have the artifact uh you can't get a second copy so once you've got an artifact like that's it um kind of like with the named items you do get the option to upgrade the final perk on them man I am just struggling here whole time am I going to die uh as I said it is it is uh relatively easy I know I'm making it look like it's a struggle right now but uh my stats are going to be uh all over the place so I can show you those in a moment but I don't think we have a setup that's even remotely uh appropriate for the weapons that we're currently doing I think stats are in uh strength intelligence Focus con yeah so we have uh we have a little bit of strength but a lot of points and intelligence but you it's anyway that's besides the point it it should be easy to solo I'm just set up really really badly I don't have my stats right or anything like that uh this guy killing him several times gets you the featherweight artifact once you equip the artifact to your character you're going to find that you have a series of quests to do so if I take this one off and then I put this artifact on here um you now have to do these sort of challenges so I've got to go kill this thing uh do this thing here do this objective and then finally upgrade it in the gypsum Kil and the upgrading the gypsum kill is similar to what we talked about with the um you know the life frame rapia and the other stuff that we showed in the gypsum kill section of the video so if you missed that again you can scrub back and find that section but yeah uh you do want to be doing at least these quests and when you finally get the resources you do also want to upgrade the item as well now when it comes to upgrading artifacts and choosing which perk to put on them you bet your biscuits we have a video for that as well we have videos for lots of different topics on the world in case you're new to the channel consider clicking subscribe we got a big back catalog of a ton of different videos which hopefully you'll find useful but yeah for that video when it comes to which parks to put on which autofacts I I went through every aact in the game and there'll be a link to that just up in the top right appearing sometime around now also links in the description down below as well so that is autofacts oh actually no that's not autofacts cuz we've also got two more to talk about as well we said there was going to be some easy autofacts that you can get another aut that is very easy to get is the attuned leather pants now a lot of you guys might already have these uh when you're watching the video cuz if you if you've hit level 65 most likely the way that you got to level 65 was doing the main story line in alian Wilds if you haven't done the main story line yet you can start the Quest for it um the it's different depending on which faction you're playing so if you're Covenant if you're the yellow faction um then the quest will be in rater if you are Syndicate it's somewhere in shafted Mountain it's either one this one or this one and then if you are the Marauders green uh it's in caliburn capital in Eden GR R so if you haven't chosen a faction go choose one stop being silly uh and then you need to go pick up that Quest you go all the way through the El and Wilds so you just keep following the main story through there and then the final quest after I won't spoil it just in case you haven't seen the uh the fight or whatever but after the final quest the final boss fight uh you then get the aune leather pants as equ Quest reward and again by equipping these to your character uh you do a series of tasks with them and you will get the perks unlocked and then you can have the decision as to what is the final perk that you put on them but these are also very very good for a new player somebody who's fresh to level 65 now the final artifact that I think you can attain relatively easy solo that is actually worthwhile you know trying to go for as well is the artifact flail it's called Odo and uh yeah it's not it's not incredible you know it's not as good as featherweight Arun leather pants that's for sure and it's not as good as some of the other artifact weapons like Serenity but uh it meets the criteria that I think you could get it solo and it would be okay to use as you're starting your gearing Journey so um one big benefit of weapons is they count towards your average gear score uh more than anything else so putting on a high gear score weapon will bump this number up really quickly and again one thing that we're current you know trying to do with this video is get you gear score to 650 or to 675 CU then you can do mutation difficulty one or mutation difficulty 2 which then again sort of hyper accelerates your journey to 700 gear score or very close to it uh so we're currently located um in the tunnels underneath like tribunal highand right now there is actually a way that you can go to High M's rest and you sort of snake along the side of the cliff here so if you think you can like jump up from here and then you sort of meander back and forth and you there's a hole up in the ceiling you can drop in so you don't have to run all the way in through all the elite enemies now vanash is a bit of a tricky one this is the guy who can drop the um artifact flail it is not like super easy to kill solo so you might need to have a little bit of Life steal in your build and uh on that note we are going to cover that just a little bit later on in the video as well but again just some sort of careful positioning uh some life steal some potions or some form of selfhealing like in this case we're using a build that is uh almost entirely designed to just solo things right now I call it the uh solo anything build which you're also going to be able to find on the Discord as well so if you guys want to check out uh various builds whether it's a build for soloing content like we have now or um you know a tank build DPS build healer build or whatever uh again go check out the Discord the build guides are all in there as well uh but vanes once we kill this guy again it's somewhere 10 20% drop chance to drop the artifact flail called Odo and just like with featherweight and with the atuna the pants if you equip the item to your character then you will be able to uh upgrade it by completing a series of like kill quests and stuff with Odo equipped there we are and of course we're not going to get Odo because we already have it uh one one thing that I want to uh talk about real quick is the overall concept of autofax is you can only have one equipped at a time so I have an artifact chest piece on right now and if I go and try try and put some artifact legs on uh it won't let me it says you already have another armor artifact equipped so you can have one weapon uh artifact one uh armor artifact and one jewelry artifact at any given time so you can't have two pieces of jewelry uh you can't like fin angle it as well you can have three on but it have to be in the separate slots um you guys might be asking about artifact jewelry like okay baggin you've talked about a weapon that you can get you've talked about armor none of the artifact jewelry I think you can get in an entirely solo fashion now there is uh some stuff from the PVP WS track and again uh that will be coming up in the video shortly but for for the purposes of trying to you know uh quickly explain and actually like things that I think are legitimately quite easy to get solo you have featherweight you have the atun leather pants and you have Odo getting any of those um well it would be like featherweight and Odo or a tune leather pants and Odo putting those on bump up your average gear scull allow you to get into mutation difficulty one much easier now on the topic of mutated Expeditions uh we've been saying this throughout the video These are in my opinion one of the fast EST and quickest ways to get geared up to get to 700 gear score to get some decent items mutated Expeditions are the way to go now it's not solely just from named items it's not always going to be uh you know getting a particular named item it's just the sort of General loot that drops throughout the dungeon now sometimes you can get unlucky and you'll just get a bunch of junk loot other times you can get some pretty good gear the way that it works in terms of difficulty one difficulty two and difficulty 3 is you will need to have a average gear score so you can see 650 if we get rid of all these pop-ups that are going appear up here 650 is the recommended Gull for difficulty 1 we need 675 for difficulty 2 and 695 it doesn't even show me actually it's kind of a bit uh shocking that it should let me know but it's 695 is the recommended for difficulty 3 and if we're R to that uh we're going to be struggling quite a lot in fact uh yeah it's it's basically impossible like if you're especially with 695 even if you're at 694 it becomes significantly so much harder but for the purpose of this video and and for like gearing in general I think you should stick to difficulty one and difficulty 2 uh to start getting geared up you are going to receive a lot more like uh 700 gear scar items in difficulty 3 but I don't believe it's going to be included in the cross server group finder and after this video comes out that is going to be a huge boom to getting geared so mutated Expeditions are a really good source of gear now rather than do like a 30 minute segment of this video where we talk about every single good drop that you can get from uted Expeditions instead I'm just going to defer you guys to the guide um so again if you haven't seen already thees or there's a link in the description down below uh I covered like a few different pieces of uh sort of medium light heavy armor weapons and jewelry and which dungeons are worthwhile going for now from doing a little bit of research from doing the mutated Expeditions myself and taking a look at the loot table uh what you can see here is there's going to be a bit of a patent so glacial ton Savage divide Lazarus imperian Forge bonkles and anyad in my opinion those are the best engines to be running when they're in mutated form so Dynasty not so great The Depths again not that good Genesis not that good there there are going to be uh some some variation here cuz again it goes back to that initial topic right at the beginning of the video is in terms of what is best in slot but generally Lazarus imperion Forge anad bonkles uh glacial ton and Savage divide they do actually have like a lot of items that can drop that are pretty good um just the sort of generic non-named items that drop there are pretty good uh Lazarus in particular right now have mutated Lazarus after this video goes live I'm not sure what the mutation cycle is going to be but it has a lot of gear that um is called The Forgotten protectors and the forgotten protector stuff is pretty solid so I've got a pair of gloves here um the ice proof is just because of the gem but they always have health and Elemental a verion and then the third perk is randomly assigned as long as it's 675 gear score or higher so the fotten protectors exists as light armor so I have a piece of it here that is a light with Focus so we got Health Elemental version slash conditioning but if I go down here I have have a helmet that is again the Forgotten protectors but this time it's a heavy helmet with strength again it's got health and Elemental aversion guaranteed but the third perk randomly rolled we have a light pair of legs 700 gear score Health refreshing Elemental aversion you can get these just by doing difficulty one or difficulty 2 Lazarus they're not named so you can't upgrade them at the gypson Kil but mutated Expeditions really good source of gear really cannot stress it enough how important you know like getting in there if you just want to you know get some good items it really is worthwhile getting yourself into M1 of particularly last imperian bonless but you guys get the idea uh check out the guide for a more of an in-depth look at you know which pieces of gear I recommend and why now for the next section of this video we're going to be talking about getting geared through PVP I know I've been pushing uh mutated Expeditions over and over again and I still think it is great to do but the good news is if you just want to do PVP um at level 65 it is actually a reasonable way to get GE up so one of the things that is awesome about doing PVP is once you go to the PVP rewards track and you get this number to say 20 or higher you have the chance to start receiving artifacts so once you're at track 20 silver or higher um on checkpoint 3 over here there is a chance that an artifact pops up I think there's like eight or nine of them right now and some of them are really really really good like this uh great sord here Serenity is like legitimately one of the best weapons in the game hands down so the fact that artifacts are available just by pushing through PVP and some of them are incredibly good definitely worthwhile there is also some gear that you can get from the PVP rewards track as you're leveling up now a lot of it is pretty rubbish it's going to be said but if you don't have any good items at all then it might be worthwhile picking some of these up there are named items you can get as well so I got grasping futility here uh which has two perks set and then the third perk random and the same sort of system applies to this um now if you are going to be leveling up and you want to get geared through PVP the best way to do it is Outpost rush now the good news is there's no real gear score requirement on here in fact there's even gear score scaling so if your items are below 675 they get Scaled up to 675 so if I went in with um you know let's see I don't have anything if this was 620 gear score it would become 675 in Outpost rush to keep me somewhat competitive now being at 700 gear score or people who have artifacts people who have like really good perks on their gear they're still going to have an advantage over you but at least it's somewhat fair and the good news is you don't necessarily have to be the best player to win Outpost Rush sometimes you can just stand there and build a door and that's a pretty effective strategy but again that's for a different video and if you know you know nonetheless though playing Outpost Rush at the end of each game of outpost Rush provided you want AFK you will be rewarded with an outpost Rush cash and these are actually another sort of thing that really actually contributes to gearing through PVP in a pretty major way so we have quite a lot of these here again you get one every time you finish a game if you pop open the box it will offer you items typically based on what you're currently wearing now this was a bit of a weird one here where I don't really think any of these items were oh no it's cuz it's a named item um so yeah we got a named legendary there we got a round shield and we got a 691 gear scar chest now these items as I was about to say do have loot biasing so when you open up an outpost Rush chest most likely it's going to be offering you items based on what you're currently wearing so I should in theory be receiving um heavy items and then it's going to be some combination of either strength dexterity or Constitution cuz that's where my stats are and most likely it's going to be Spears or great swords as well so let's see if we can see that in action not quite we can avoid Gauntlet oh again this is a named item though so I don't think named items apply to it um come on one more one more for the okay there we go two heavy helmets I don't know why I keep getting round Shields there's supposed to be loot biasing um and it is supposed to offer you items based on what you're currently wearing and what I'm try trying to suggest here is if you go to the trading post and just buy the cheapest junk that you can as long as it's somewhat relevant to what you want so even if you buy a really like you want to stop playing as a Healer ER and you want to get geared up as a Healer just put on the cheapest life staff you can find and it should in Theory start offering you more life staffs and put on light armor put more of your points in focus and you'll get offered light armor with Focus you guys get the idea but what I'm saying is your Q Outpost rush it is actually a very effective way to um level up your PVP rewards track it's generally much faster than 3v3 Arena these days because 3v3 Arena isn't cross server and outpost Rush is um you'll be earning PVP XP you'll be earning aoth salt you'll be getting Outpost Rush boxes and you'll be you know pushing through the PVP rewards track so just queuing Outpost rush back to back to back actually a pretty good way to get geared it's going to be slow to start with and you might feel like you're a bit of a disadvantage but the more games you go through the more gear you'll get and you also do get offered gold along the way as well so yeah just spamming Outpost rush I actually think is a pretty valid method for getting gear up a new world I don't think it's going to be as fast or as as effective as mutated Expeditions but I wanted to definitely include a section for that um and and as I mentioned there are also there's a huge value Val of doing it to get to at least track 20 so then you can start seeing artifacts which is even if you're not interested in PvP at all some of the artifacts that are available from the PVP rewards track really really good for example Nim uh Serenity we already talked about and the Nimble coat definitely want to be pushing through the PVP rewards track to try and unlock these artifacts right so for the next section of this video I was going to and I am still going to talk about uh weapons armor and jewelry now we do have a breakdown of each one of these sections within the video so the good news is that if you are after good items and you don't like the idea of doing Outpost rush and you don't like the idea of doing mutated Expeditions you're still not screwed there are a lot of items that you can get just as a solo player you can go out and Farm These on your own so I am in an area of the map called Sky song uh Crypt and at here there is a variety of different named enemies that you can kill that have a chance to drop uh the te item so if we're lucky here slight rosalin is govern to give us an example of um you know a way that you can earn a decent endgame item that you can use to then progress yourself further into you know uh Outpost Rush mutated Expeditions 3v3 Arena whatever it is that you're interested in so again these enemies are all entirely solo soloable and uh right there right on Q we got the te gr sword refreshing move leeching cross cut and you can upgrade this to choose the third perk that you want to put on it I would probably put trench and Strikes so it's not ideal it's not as if we're going to be getting immediately super good items here we are going to need to take this to the gypsum Kil and upgrade it with all the materials that we talked about and the gypsum kill section of the video but this sort of concept exists for pretty much every weapon several pieces of jewelry and armor in the game now they are not all located at skysong uh Crypt this is just specifically for the te items but some of the te items are very very good I use one in my endgame tanking build right now like when I'm tanking difficulty 3 mutation mutated Expeditions I use this sword over here and it's it's pretty flipping good I would say it's very close to best in slot now the good news is like I said this exists for multiple different weapons armor and jewelry in New World and we've actually made a pretty extensive list here so if you're interested in anything in particular like you're looking for a good bow for example the syncretic bow if you click on this item um then you can see what it is and we also have the recommendation of where to go farm it as well so Farm named enemies just like we're doing here in skyon Crypt you can Farm named enemies in dig site calamitus so you just want to be looking out for the enemies that have like a special name so in this case it was Slayer rosalin over here there'll be a bunch of different named enemies as well I think if we click on Zone monsters down here uh Harrow the sickle is an example of one of them Frost call of FY is another example as well so killing named enemies in this area of the map will get you the syncretic bow and then if we just go further down in the guide let's say that we're looking instead for some armor so the te set which we were just talking about there or the wood grain set you can Farm Banes for that the Keratin set named enemies in heliopolis so yeah I've tried to be pretty extensive but also keep it realistic in terms of the items that I recommend here on solo they do have the downside that they'll need to be upgraded to the gypsum Kil but it also is a huge upside that you get to choose the third perk and you know kind of make your dream item to some degree so there's a lot of items that we recommended in here um most of them should be obtainable solo and again if you want to get a link to this guide it will be in the description down below but weapons Alma and jewelry that can be attained solo and then upgraded the gypsum kill there's quite a lot of that since the rise of the angry Earth expansion as well the last thing I want to talk about in this video before we end it is the recruitment chat so if you open up your Global chat over here and you go down to the recruitment section I assume this is the same across most servers um you know I usually just play on my server of Barry but there's usually always some sort of message going on of people typing plus LIF ring or plus Idol um you know it would be plus castrum plus wall plus something Plus Mk guard if you're on a North American server or in indeed most other servers other than European servers they use an X symbol instead but it means the same thing it basically means invite me full and then whatever the content is that they want to do so Plus Mk God or X MK would be invite me for Mk and they want to go up into the region of Merk guard up in the top of the map here and uh basically open chests go through kill enemies and open chest in that area plus wall or X wall would be the wall of nebet head and now the way that you sort of interact with this is basically just typing the same thing so you just parot what other people typing in recruitment chat hopefully an invite will pop up on your screen you accept it and then you can open up the map see where your players are you'll they'll be represented with the little icons and then just go over to that area and open a bunch of chests it may not sound like super exciting content but it has become somewhat a staple of New World's End Game uh for a lot of players and it's actually pretty rewarding you can get items all the way up to 700 gear Squad just by doing this and it probably is the most straightforward and easy way out of everything we recommend in this guide is just the good old classic chest run so if everything else fails you in this video if you don't have any Lu with with farming the te uh or the named items if you can't get into a mutated Expedition if you hate the idea of PVP at the end of the day chest runs are also going to be a pretty good way to get geared now what you do with that gear at that point maybe just more chest runs or just link it in the chat and show off that's up to you uh but yeah chest runs uh they can be jumped in just by basically typing X or plus and then the same word that you see other people doing at some point we're probably going to make a video where we cover all of the common abbreviations in New World so life ring for example means the life ring items like the life ring rapia Idol I think is for the human Idol which is a trophy but yeah uh if you guys would like to see a video like that let me know in the comments down below if you've made it this far in the video congratulations uh thank you I know this was a bit of a long one but I I didn't want to like skimp out an information I tried to keep it relevant and defer to the guide when we can but I just have a habit of just so thank you as always to edit the Jack but hopefully making this uh digestible if you guys enjoyed this video and you you like hearing me talk about new world I'm streaming it almost every day over on Twitch as well so there's a link to the Twitch in the description down below and everything else that we talked about in today's video and yeah as always friends if you enjoyed this one make sure you go ahead click the like button subscribe for more and I'll see you guys all in the next [Music] video
Channel: BagginsTV
Views: 34,551
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: New World, New World MMO, New World MMORPG, Amazon New World, New World Release, New World Changes, New World Update, New World Patch Notes, New World New Zone, New World Best Build, New World Free to Play, New World New Weapon, New World Healer, New World Healing, New World Heal Guide, New World How to Heal, New World Expeditions, New World Dungeons, New World Raid, New World Season, New World BagginsTV, New World Gear, New World 2024, New World Good Items
Id: N540hnY0k9Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 24sec (2304 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 08 2024
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