Paragon is Back?! | NEW FREE MOBA - Predecessor

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what's going on Friends welcome to predecessor now if you guys are a fan of smite or maybe the late Crucible I think you're definitely going to enjoy this game it is a free-to-play MOBA but it has the mechanics of a third person shooter or a brawler So currently there are more than 30 different characters in the game we have some uh I think they call them Fighters warriors uh we have mid lane we have solo we have supports we have carries as you would expect in a traditional MOA but there is a good degree of sort of skill shots and aiming your ability this game is also made on the Unreal Engine 5 which means it looks and sounds amazing now this video is sponsored by the developers of predecessor if you want to check it out for yourself it's available for free on PC you can get it on Steam Playstation or Xbox x and Series S if you want to check it out make sure to use my link in the description down below and thank you very much to the Developers for sponsoring this video now with that being said let's jump in and actually show you guys some gameplay shall we so we're going to go for a player versus player five versus five match all right here we are are loading into a match now at the beginning of each game and I've only played maybe about four games you get to choose uh what role you want to play so you've got off Lane which is typically you know you're chilling on your own jungle when you're going through uh taking out minions looking for ganks and to sort of take down uh the enemy on the other side mid lane it's kind of like your Mage typically using lots of AOE abilities uh carry is a single Target damage and then support that's me may be no surprises to anyone who's watched the channel for any length of time and I'm just kind of here to heal and shield and uh sort of keep everybody you know moving in the action so I'm going to take a look at the list of support characters um and we're going to choose to play faas i' I've played her uh one game so far this is going to be my second game with faas she has the ability to link herself to another character we can also do this sort of big beam attack where it slows people and potentially Roots them uh if we do the beam for long enough we have this flare thing over here um which is like a you know an AOE pulse around us and then our ultimate is to basically give a massive attack speed movement speed and uh I think it's also like the frequency at which you can use abilities as well so the support typically in in these games does play with the carry so me and the carry are going to go together in the lane now which one of these characters on my team is the carry I it's this guy down here there we go I can see he's got the little bow symbol so I'm going to be playing with seek one um but I think when we get into the game it's going to give a different character name so yeah we'll probably fast forward you know just so you guys can see what the the sort of Lobby thing looks like but we'll fast forward to some gameplay through the power of editing okay here we go so at the start of every game as well we do have some gold to spend I'm going to buy the support Crest and then uh you basically these are like little mini items they have an objective and once you complete the objective um then you get to choose one of these extra Buffs down here so um we're not going to pay too much attention to it don't worry it's this stup stuff comes with time as uh you play these games um every time we get a level and you do start off with one level you can choose where you want to put the point now I am going to grab the link cuz I think this is what this whole character is about so I'm going to press right Mouse button and I get my telekinetic link and then when I get my next level we can unlock the q e and r ability obviously if you're playing on a controller though uh you would get you know it would be the the controller key bind so Sparrow I think is my my carry here so I'm going to link myself to Sparrow we're going to go towards the lane and the game starts I think uh I don't know the next 30 seconds or so minions are going to spawn now the objective in these games if you guys haven't seen em MOA before um is effectively we have Towers on our side and there's Towers on the enemy side and we've got to work together as a team to basically take down the towers and then ultimately get to their base so you can see there's that mini map up in the top right there uh we want to destroy their base if they manage to destroy our base um then we lose and if we manage to destroy their base then we win so I'm going to go and put down a little uh camera down there basically a ward so we can see if anybody's sneaking around and then we're just going to try and take down the minions so minions are going to help us push in and take down the towers cuz without minions uh it's going to be looking bad for us all right I see somebody we see a rampage Looking In the Shadows over there he's going for our uh going for our teammate oh he's just he's just down in the open we're whacking him we're whacking oh he's low oh this could be first Blood right at the start of the video all right get some good pokes that I don't have any other abilities dude I can't I can't do anything for you don't die no I'm trying to keep him alive I don't know I I don't have a heal or anything yet okay he's not dead oh my God he's so low dude you he's just trying to bait that Rampage there we go uh how do I I think I'm going to get my e cuz that gives me the laser beam I don't actually really have a heal I think I just heal by my by being linked right Grant's hero 6% power double tapping pulls them towards you oh I should try the double yeah double tap to pull them towards me okay I do have the beam now though and the beam is pretty awesome oh is it are they going in no they're not going in all right here we go Beam Beam Beam Beam Beam Beam Beam Beam yeah there we go there's the beam you see it's pretty awesome although I might have baited my teammate okay we we traded one for one uh I don't know it's been so long since I last played a MOA for those of you who haven't seen um on the channel and I don't blame anybody for not knowing a long time ago I used to play tons of games like this like I loved uh and still do love playing a good old MOA um but it's been a long time since uh you know old baggin played these sort of games regularly so this is the carry right now and I'm the support so I'm going to get bullied here if I'm not careful cuz they probably will do more damage than me um should I go back to base and spend some gold Maybe I should no my teammate's back now I want to keep supporting them right so we put the link and then we put some Wards so we don't get uh snuck up upon sneaky sneakies dude holy flip he just checked the bould is oh no I don't have a heal for you buddy oh wait wait I do the pull thing the pull yes I pulled him I did it I did the pull did you guys see that I did the pull where is he no leave him alone leave him alone leave him alone a my goodness I'm going to die as well do I have any potions I don't have any potions uh let's dip down here diping dots oh that's so low are they they going for it oh they might kill me though all tower under attack just just who needs a carry okay I'm going to put points into my aggressive abilities and I'm going to recall to base and hopefully nobody's going to jump out of the shadows and attack me I feel like we should go for something no I'm just I'm going to get the these things I've been buying these a few times they give me movement speed while I'm out of combat and they give you these Stacks so you can do this moon jump it's pretty cool the wards basically so this Purple Haze here is uh the jungle when you go into this you don't really appear on the map anymore you kind of go invisible um so the wards kind of tell you when somebody's coming out of the that sort of side fog area there Rampage is going for me pop a potion oh I might be dead here might be dead here wiggle wiggle banss wiggle wiggle wiggle he's going he has the ability to throw a rock so I got to be careful taking a quick look at the mini map over there in fact I don't think anybody's lost any Towers right now the middle Tower is about half if I'm looking at that sort of golden semicircle above the character in the mid and then uh we've done some damage to that Tower this side so link to this guy again teammates are very low in health looking up in the top left and on the on the map there right let's see if we can go take this Tower got my moon boots now as well so check this out woo and then you can see there's a number sort of building up in the in the right hand side down in the very bottom right and once I gets to 100 I get a little uh a little big jump a little big jump enemy Tower we did it tower all right we got that Tower we're winning so I've I've actually been playing a lot of matches uh well not a lot of matches like I say this is my fourth match I want to say um and so far we've lost every single game so uh if the first game here is uh that we record is actually a win that'll be pretty awesome all right I'm pushing up with this guy yeah here we go I don't have my laser beam okay he's going into big mode I think we might still be able to beat big mode though let's beam him yeah I got the kill as well I don't I don't think I should really be getting the kill as the carry but oh I have a movement ability there it is that's my movement yeah you get you get a really it's a really long cool down 300 seconds but everybody just gets like a little teleport uh okay so we get to choose what we want to upgrade our thing into um so we got Tranquility says heal yourself nearby Heroes when you activate it uh also grants 10% damage mation increase passive gold inco by 60% receive diminished gold from excessive minion kills I don't know what excessive minion kills is what is this one cleanse yourself in nearby allies 150c cool down increase passive gold income attack and then this one is silence a hero for 1.5 seconds if this interrupts abilities let's just get for this one it's got a heal on it so we can pop it and then we can get another heal actually we can actually have a heal um on healing or shielding Heroes you both gain part magical power buff yourself a nearby Heroes give them attack speed that seems pretty good yeah we could give people attack speed what's happening over here is this guy fighting the dinosaur I think he is I want to see I've never fought the dinosaur yet I want to do it yeah jungle and River Buffs last 50% longer okay so the uh the core is in sight now we' just got one more sort of tower to take down this guy is Rock throws all right going to laser be him an enemy inhibitor under right I don't know if we should go in there Sparrow I'm a little bit scared that somebody's going to we're very close to their spawn now it's like the downside of where we are in so the inhibitor I think is like once we destroy these our minions become stronger which is like you know sometimes that you can get like a pretty good runaway lead in these games you know you win and then you win more all right so there's the enemy call we can start attacking it the problem is we're going to need a big like sort of uh chunk of minions to really get in there and be effect of though so we might want to take down some other Towers got that inhibitor down let's get this guy I'm going to Ultimate so we get the increased attack speed laser beam nice uh laser beam's coming up in like two seconds it doesn't actually do a lot of damage no it's really good for slowing them but that's about it uh oh man tried to save my support there do the blast trying and stay with this guy oh I've got the laser beam here you go friend yes yeah we are we are just winning now I'm just getting ready if I need to pull him back I could just do it right now just to troll him it's just no you don't get back here oh they're uh they got the tower back up on the right side oh so they come back to life all right here we go and then press all the buttons you want to go back in so there's a the store is pretty extensive like there's a lot of options here you can search for items for supports uh um or we can like clear the filters search sorry that's not supports that's for uh Rangers Hunters carries whatever so I want to be searching for support items here this is all the items that it recommends for supports and then we can search for items that give me Max Health that are also for supports or items that give me physical armor or items that give me Mana regen you know so there's a lot of different uh categories that we can search for by here I think we might have already won calls at 25% the whole team is pretty much up in the top of the map there yeah 19 16 133 oh here we go tow destroy we did it GG's well there we go I actually my first game that I've ever won at least player versus player and uh we got it in a recording that's pretty awesome scripted video so we got four kills we only died one time quite a bit of gold here um yeah I'd say we did pretty good that I don't know what this uh like this is assists this is death this is kills I don't know what this like hooded figure means I was pretty low on that 77 so we we didn't do very well in the in the hooded figure category but everything else is pretty fine it was a 32-minute match as well holy flip So currently at the end of every match you get to level up your account you get some uh character XP and you get some ambo which you can then use to like purchase other characters and get skins and stuff like that as well so um yeah this has been a look at predecessor friends I think this game's a lot of fun I I really do enjoy it um as I say if you're a fan of smite or Paragon or The Crucible um I would highly recommend you check it out and after all it's free as well I mean you can't really complain about that so yeah once again friends if you do want to check out pred deive for yourself make sure you click the link in the description down below you can get it for free on Steam it's also available on PlayStation and Xbox x and Series S thank you so much to Developers for sponsoring this video this was a lot of fun I really did uh enjoy playing that match so um yeah highly recommend it check out the link friends and as always I'll see you guys all in the next [Music] one
Channel: BagginsTV
Views: 8,694
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Paragon, Paragon MOBA, New MOBA 2024, Predecessor, BagginsTV, Free To Play, Paragon 2024, New Game, Best MOBA, New MOBA
Id: xCJvEjb6g_0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 48sec (888 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 29 2024
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