How to Upgrade Items in New World's Expansion

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with the rise of the angry Earth expansion for New World gearing is changing quite a bit The Humble shot system which we've had since like the beginning of 2022 and the expertise of Walter Max system which we've had since the release of the game are going away and it's got a lot of people asking what's going to happen with my gear can I take my existing gear from the live version of the game is it still going to be usable in the expansion what's gonna happen with Emerald shards what's gonna happen with gypsum how do you know what do I need to do Baggins to sort of be prepared for the expansion so in today's video we're going to break it down sort of section by section you'll be able to scrub along at the bottom of the video and we'll explain basically what's going to be happening with this update so first things first umbral shards after the expansion arrives your umbral shots will become depleted umbralshad and effectively they're not really going to do anything other than sit there and wait to be salvaged so you can salvage one stack of Rumble shots for a thousand gold so if you've stockpiled up a good amount of Rumble shots then the good news is you are gonna get at least a decent amount of gold out of it however I do believe there will be a good way to spend Umble shots before the expansion arrives now fingers crossed then I'm organized and I've managed to get this video out before the expansion is here and we'll talk about the best way to use humble shards at the end of the video now as we mentioned when you click on an item there's no longer an upgrade option as you know as a result of verbal shots effectively being defunct but the raw still ways to upgrade certain items in the game in order to do that you're gonna need to go to the gypsum Kiln now the gypsum Kiln obviously exists in multiple uh sort of areas in the game any of the level 60 to 65 settlements has one of these bad boys and if you open up the menu and then scroll all the way down to the bottom you're gonna find all of the named items that you currently have in your inventory so for me it's passage of time Genesis of life and the tangle Vine Crown now if we take a quick look at these items some of them are already legendary even though they're only 617 so this one has refreshing toast healing hot and regenerating so Genesis of Life funny enough I believe this is an earring that comes from garden of Genesis if we take a look at the earring in the menu here you can see that it's a 700 gear skull and its upgrade option it's not legendary but that's because of the way that's the the crafting menu is displayed so effectively what you can do is you can take named items from the game and they might have to be 650 or above this might just be a bug on the test server but effectively named items you can take them to the gypsum Kiln and you can bump them all the way up to 700 gear score one thing that's also cool about this as well is you can change the bottom perk so you can see here this has Healing Heart and regenerating whereas if we take a look at my inventory as Healing Heart regenerating and refreshing toast so we can actually change this refreshing toast perk on my earring here so all named items effectively now with maybe like a small exception have two perks that are always fixed on them so for this one refreshing and stamina recovery for this one it's healing heart and regenerating and for this one it is thrust conditioning and physical aversion and then we can add a third perk on or even change a third perk if the item already has three perks on it now in the process of doing this it also bumps it up to 700 gear score as well in order to do this sort of transaction you're going to need a jewelry Matrix some dark matter and the gypsum orb now this sort of answers that question about gypsum and whether it's still useful yes gypsum orbs are still very useful in the expansion uh we're gonna go over a few more uses for them but at the very least you're going to be spending gypsum orbs to sort of upgrade and change perks on named items now the next question that probably comes to mind is can I take my existing gear into this and can I upgrade that well as we showed uh previously anything that isn't a named item so crafted gear will not be upgradable so you can see that we don't get to see this primary primeval mithril ring of the soldier that does not pop up as an item that's upgradable in the gypsum Kiln it has to be one of these sort of shine shiny named items usually they say named on them now you might be asking well that against I do have some named items on the live version of the game I've got you know a bunch of items I've got the legates ring is a pretty popular one or the smooth bone ring or Simon's hack silver during all will of the Ancients because those items dropped before the expansion came out they will not be upgradable in some cases you can still get those items but you have to get them to drop again after the expansion comes out if that makes sense so any sort of Legacy items that existed prior to the expansion will not show up and they will not be upgradable so you will need to reform and sort of earn higher gear score versions of some of the same items you might have although generally a lot of the existing items in the game no longer exist in the rise of the angry Earth expansion in that you have the old version but there is no longer a new version of them now whether that's something that you want to get upset or riled up about I'm not going to touch that one a lot of people say like oh is this your first MMO this is pretty commonplace in a lot of MMOs where it's out with the old in with the new but I just want to sort of break down and sort of hopefully answer a few questions about how upgrading works so yes you can upgrade but it does have to be a named item and it has to be a named item that you acquire post angry Earth expansion that makes sense I thought one thing that might help as well with a little bit of a demonstration is actually changing or upgrading some of these items so let's take a look at what we have in the inventory right now we have passage of time with stroking.cleanse stamina recovery and refreshing I believe this is an amulet that might come from Tempest heart or the depths or something like that in fact we should be able to find it real quick and I think that will help us identify it because you can also craft these items as well it comes from Lazarus apparently because it requires Lazarus material so if you were able to get the passage of time to drop in Lazarus you wouldn't that you would then be able to take it into the gypsum Kiln and change some of the perks so it looks like the fixed perks on this is always refreshing and stamina recovery the one that we have in our inventory has refreshing stamina recovery and then shirking dot cleanse now I like to have health on my amulets so what we can do is go down here click on the passage of time and then we can change that third perk to health there we go and then if we hit craft also we'll bump it up to 700 GSR as well so there it is 700 Health stem recovery and refreshing pretty damn effective getting a you know honestly pretty close to Bastion slot amulet there just by changing one of the perks and bumping it up we'll also take a look at what happens with this one as well because this is obviously a purple item so physical version thrust conditioning um so let's take a look at that helmet there so here it is physical aversion thrust conditioning and then again we can choose the third perk to put on it now I sadly don't have a lot of The Craft mods on me right now but we can just slap refreshing in there and we'll see the same thing happen again where it goes all the way up to 700 and uh I believe if we want to we can change the perk again yeah so we do have the option the same item in your inventory if you decide that you don't like refreshing and you want to put something else you can go back to the gypsum Kiln obviously it's going to require the resources every time but you can change the perk once more again and it's still gonna stay at 700. the reason why it shows is epic is because it's not showing the third perk in there because the game doesn't know what perk you're wanting to put on it if that makes sense so hopefully that explains the upgrading and the gypsum sort of named items thing let's break down some of these materials and talk about how you can acquire them now gypsum mobs you should already understand this that are required from Gypsum which you can get right up at the top here there's a bunch of different types of gypsum you can get in the game there is some new ones as well we got the spallcraft now but Ruby comes from Outpost Rush obviously Emerald from crafting Sapphire from if you just hover over them it tells you where you can get the the gypsum prom and some of them you can get a certain amount per day and then you turn them into the orbs dark matter now this is an interesting one this is as it's a concentrated form of umbral that can be used in some artifact and named item crafting now this one is going to be acquired from a variety of different ways you can get this from salvaging gear we'll talk a little bit more about that again at the end of the video you can also get it from Quest you can get it from the PVP rewards track if I'm not mistaken it is acquired in a multitude of different ways but it is something that is used for a variety of different sort of gypsum Kiln activities and I believe some other crafted recipes as well finally we have the matrixes now these matrixes are going to require you to bump up your trade skill all the way to 250 in order to be able to unlock them so if we go into Jewel crafting for example and we go all the way down to the bottom we do have the jewelry Matrix there so you can go to a jewel crafting or an outfitting station and let's take a look at what's required to make a jewelry Matrix so I got it wrong it turns out it is the stone cutter required to make a jewelry Matrix and you need honing acid and blast rivets now this is where it gets a little bit confusing because you have to go to like different crafting stations to make these so blessed rivets for example require Prismatic Ingot and Prismatic block this is basically like super asmodium and uh super what would it be runestone effectively so these are the next tier up of asmodium but they also have a limited cooldown and then again we need more gypsum orbs for this we need some gemstone dust and we need as off and that's just to make the rivets the honing acid on the other hand I believe we make at the Arcana station so we'll take a look at that yeah and here is the honing acid so again we need like super runic leather and more of this Prismatic we also need infused alcohol and another five gypsum off so making these materials not super cheap so the Matrix is you know that could be something that you just sort of easily whip one out they do require a bit of investment however the Matrix is buying unequip I believe I think we should still have some inventory so you can trade these to other players so if you're not particularly interested in the crafting aspect of new world for whatever reason then you can buy these off of other players and off the trading post but I do imagine they're probably going to be quite expensive one thing that's interesting is you can make the Matrix at the Arcana station as well so the jewelry Matrix you make it at the stonecutter but we can also make it at the Arcane repository and the materials are slightly different this one requires a tempered cast instead so there are multiple different ways to go down to acquire the Matrix is maybe the tempered cast is going to be a little bit easier to make than the blast rivets I'm going to assume this is probably made at the forge but a full breakdown of you know each one of those I think that is going to require a separate video but that's sort of a little bit of a look at the Matrix they do require these components which then require their own components as well well so not super cheap but you can trade for them so you don't need to worry about getting to 250 that's not like that's the only way you can acquire them now one other thing that we could do with the gypsum Kiln with dark matter and gypsum orbs is related to the artifacts as well so the artifact items these are the new unique one-off Special ultra powerful items you can change the perk on artifacts as well so these always exist at 700 Kia skull but right down at the bottom again we have artifact crafting this again requires another Matrix that obviously requires the item a little bit more dark matter and five gypsum orbs and what we can do with artifacts is effectively change one of the perks on them so just like with the named items artifacts always have the perk at the bottom this time I believe is random so Keen we can change this to something else and the same with the wall over here if we wanted to change fortifying Shield rush to a different perk we can do that so you have to take the artifact in your inventory it has to not be equipped to your character go all the way down to the bottom uh we don't have the gypsum mobs anymore sadly and we can republ one of these perks in place of that Keen slot over there so we can switch out key into trench and crits for example so again more use for gypsum orbs and more of this dark matter that we need as well so we covered the gypsum mobs we covered the matrixes and we sort of slightly covered the dark matter and some ways you can obtain it but I did say towards the end of the video that we would cover umbral shots and some way that you can get some value out of them before they get converted into depleted umbral shots now we're not 100 sure if this is going to go down the way we think it is because again some things can change from live uh between PTR and live things can change but it seems like what you could do with your umbral shots right now is upgrade some of your named items to Legendary because what we've observed so far on the test server is legendary items if they're from dungeons they downgrade into Materia but legendary items that are not from dungeons they give you fragments and they also do give you dark matter as well so if you have any legendary items and I do believe it has to be named items as well although I think items from Outpost Rush caches do count they have to be above 600 gisco so they have the three perks on them and those should break down to give you um Dark Matter basically so anything you have from a dungeon you know the Lazarus bow will of the Ancients those aren't going to work so you don't need to upgrade those but if you do have a named item and you know that it doesn't come from a dungeon then that one is going to be worth upgrading to 600 gear skull most likely because then you can salvage it and get some dark matter so I gotta jump in and interrupt myself in my own video here because we have this updated information from the devs regarding upgraded named items with umbral shots I'm just going to read it out and then I'll extrapolate what it means if you're left scratch in your head they say any named items that we have updated to drop its gizko 625 Post expansion will actually Auto upgrade to guess 625 in your inventory but note not all tf5 named outers will be upgraded to geoscott 625 Post expansion but most of the recent name tier 5S will so this it's getting kind of confusing honestly I'm trying to make sense of it as well but you know that's what we do these videos for to try and break it down so to my understanding and I've started sort of compiling a storage set of items here we have certain items like these ones here so these sort of shiny named items with it with the glowy treatment I believe these will Auto upgrade so if you have a shiny named item with a glowy effect I think that is going to be an auto upgrade to 625 so you don't need to upgrade those um however there are some items that you can upgrade to 600 gear skull that again I don't think are gonna get the auto upgrade treatment and most of these come from Outpost Rush boxes so if you guys do have any boxes of outpost Rush loot when you pop them open sadly I opened them all before I recorded this you can actually click on the item so we have this Russia ice Gauntlet here we go to upgrade trade and then we upgraded all the way up to 600 gear skull and there you go it becomes legendary we're not going to be able to do that after the expansion comes out you again you won't be able to do any upgrading with Emerald shots and you can't upgrade these items at the gypsum Kiln so I think the best treatment for umbral challenge is actually upgrading items from uh Outpost Rush boxes but also major breach caches as well so these void Slayer gloves of the warden these breaching heavy cleric boots I think most of these items as well so this one again in theory should I'm just going to double check this real quick and just in case any of you guys are curious the way that I've been double checking is I go to New World database and I type in the name of the item and I see if a gear scores 625 version exists of it if it does then that seems to suggest that this will be an auto upgrade but some of them like our uh recent life stuff that we got Oasis of life for example is a good life staff that I've acquired recently this only exists at 590 so this suggests that this one doesn't upgrade so this one you will need to upgrade I no it's like I wanted to try and make sense of it for you guys so hopefully you can understand the method in the madness here so we don't upgrade this one but this other item here this breach closes musket of The Nomad because it came from a Invasion cache I think we can upgrade it yeah and it becomes legendary and then in theory we can salvage that and get dark matter I don't know which point I'm gonna interject this in the video um but that's what we're all coming down to here is you want to have these items and you want to have them at 600 gear skull to have them become legendary now that one didn't become legendary holy flip uh but yeah you want you want to be upgrading your items with these um humble shots to have them become legendary because then we can salvage them post expansion and hopefully get uh the Dark Matter however some of you might be asking well is this dark matter really going to be that difficult to acquire and honestly my evaluation is after two weeks you probably will have quite a large amount of dark matter but if you want to get ahead early if you want to be ahead in the sort of first few days of the expansion then this is a strategy you can do but if you're feeling a bit lazy or a bit overwhelmed by this don't worry just let your humble child sort of turn into the depleted Rumble shots you can salvage them into gold and you're probably not going to be that far behind as well we'll probably cut back to Baggins of the past now but I did want to provide that update to you guys because it felt like it was important so once again uh most of the shiny named items those are going to Auto upgrade so don't bother with those but non-shiny named items um and and also items from Outpost Rush boxes and invasions and Wars those you will want to upgrade to 600 to get the dark matter okay back to the video the actu the video from the past right I think that's enough information for one video there are some other stuff with gypsum mobs that you can do as well like upgrading hot runes so upgrading a hot room from 625 to 700 years goal requires 50 gypsum orbs so what if nothing else to take away from this video Hold On To those gypsum mobs uh don't spend them your current gear none of it's going to be upgradable but there is some value in upgrading non-dungeon named items to 600 because they will most likely give you dark matter if you guys have any other further questions make sure you hop in in the Stream we'll be happy to answer those we are Streaming new world almost every day also help each other in the comments down below if there's something that I missed in this video if there's a new piece of information that comes out feel free to share it in the comments but yeah hopefully this has answered some of those questions about New World's expansion it seems a little bit confusing but it'll make sense you know within like the first sort of 15 minutes of playing it is kind of how I feel about it as always guys if you enjoyed this video make sure you go ahead and click the like button subscribe if you want to see more new world content here on the channel and I'll catch you guys all in the next video foreign
Channel: BagginsTV
Views: 123,229
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Keywords: New World, New World MMO, New World MMORPG, Amazon New World, New World Release, New World Changes, New World Best Build, New World Free to Play, New World New Weapon, New World Leveling, New World Healer, New World Healing, New World Heal Guide, New World How to Heal, New World Expeditions, New World 2023, New World Season, New World BagginsTV, New World Expansion, New World Upgrading, New World Umbrals, New World Gypsum, New World Rise of The Angry Earth
Id: ImIK9nrGW7c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 42sec (1062 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 20 2023
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