"New Victories With Old Weapons" - Wayne Huntley

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] three new restore remind your church and make us whole I transform take us to a place we've never seen before you've done the impossible we've seen or door isn't stoppable Oh Oh Oh [Music] put your hands together believe it's all the way [Music] waiter came sweet so many times [Music] but on trusts in a faith the one who can make a difference there is nothing too hard for you God [Music] are shaking [Applause] austrack if you believe it's on the way shout yeah [Music] Rachel dates No Oh greater make sweets that great piece we were in Jamaican efforts [Music] [Applause] your spirit wore it out on me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Hey we are Elsevier [Music] trust me hey shine [Music] [Music] we just what more of your power or authority [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] Oh come [Music] Oh [Applause] Oh [Music] Oh [Music] wait [Music] [Music] for us [Applause] [Music] hallelujah why don't we just clap our hands to Jesus let's give a good thirty-second of praise to Jesus amen it's been an incredible day here at the Pentecostals of Bossier City God did some amazing things this morning in this service but also in the Spanish service they had one lady receive the Holy Ghost for the very first time yeah that's something to rejoice about hallelujah amen why don't you just turn to someone and telling us so good to see them at church tonight and if you're joining us online thank you so much for tuning in [Music] again it's so good seeing everyone tonight how many's excited to be at church and excited to see what God's gonna do tonight Wow I know I am I know I am look we just have a couple announcements so we're gonna get right into the service but this week we're gonna continue our 21 days of devotion this is our week of Prayer so we're gonna join together in the sanctuary Monday through Friday 7 to 8 p.m. that is this week in the sanctuary so please join us for prayer also bot is this week and if you want to preview the service you can go at POA you go to POS website and on Tuesday night you can watch the service and then from there I think you can purchase the service for the rest of the week if you want to watch but that is a incredible conference and I know if you watched it now trust me you will be blessed amen it's gonna be a good thing also brother Huntley he's gonna come and take the pulpit rushers if you would come we're gonna head and pray with offering but brother hung he's gonna take the pulpit right after this next worship song and look if you miss this morning's message buried in a borrowed tomb I'm telling you this one of those messages you want to go back and re-watch and if you missed it don't worry we have an archived on our YouTube page Facebook page websites viewer teaching or if you're not in the sanctuary please do yourself a favor and go re-watch that service that message truly touched me and I know it will touch you if you would take off your tithes and offering we're gonna pray over it and the remainder of this service thank you Jesus for this wonderful day that you have given us God thank you so much for what you did this morning but god I pray that the outpouring of the Holy Ghost comes tonight god I pray that someone's life is changed in Jesus name god I pray for this tithe and offering god we are a blessed group of people and tonight God we give with gladness and everyone said in Jesus name Amen [Music] on my trail but I'm singing all as well every day but I'm watching water [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah [Music] ha so in the [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] ha oh my god [Music] lift your voice wave your hands and shout unto the Lord can it praise right now hallelujah [Music] Jesus we magnify a name hallelujah and everybody said praise the Lord Oh hallelujah roll [Music] [Applause] well it feels like Sunday night in the house [Applause] III know that you realize there is a difference in Sunday morning Sunday night I don't understand because God's the same I guess we just kind of wake up a little bit on Sunday night Sunday morning there's always a wonderful spirit of the Lord but on Sunday night there's a rush of that mighty wind and I feel it in the place tonight I know you recognize this morning there was a time that I used to run around the church if I ran around the church tonight you'd be in your favorite restaurant halfway through eating before I made so I'm still running but I shorten my track I'm now running around the pulpit but the main point of consideration is I'm still running Just Cause I can't do what I used to do don't mean I can't do something type the hands unto the Lord right now with you [Music] hallelujah [Music] all right [Music] [Applause] it's always a joy to be at this wonderful church with your leadership and our time outside of church together is a treasure there's nothing like wonderful apostolic Pentecostal fellowship with people of like precious faith and we so much have enjoyed the day and the opportunity to be with brother and sister Dean and their family and we give thanks for all of God's mercy as blessings to the church I will hasten to the word of the Lord this afternoon thank you for your kind response to the word this morning and thank you for your receptivity to us as your guests I've found that you were very kind to us and we thank you for that I want to preach a passionate burden to my heart right now for all of us as apostolic Pentecostals we are at a critical pivotal point of unprecedented potential this is our finest day I mean everything is set for our church to reach higher numbers of Souls and we've ever been able to reach before and I give God praise for it and I want us never to be deceived or fooled or tricked or supplanted by our adversary so my message tonight will be more of a rehearsal a reminder and the Refresh is all about basically how we got here and how we're gonna carry on in the name of the Lord judges chapter 15 verse 16 I love everything about this church I love your facility I love the feeling I love the excellence of outreach and the entire atmosphere is so pro-growth and pro God and I thank you for that judges 15 and 16 and Sampson said now you excuse my carnality but I'm old enough to be raised old-school I don't apologize for that we enjoyed quite a few graduates from the old school so I'm not ashamed of the old school and so my conversation has been limited by a mother who was very tight on me as a young man my mother would not even allow you to say the word pregnant the family way familywe so we have some participants in the family way tonight so I'll read the scripture as my mother would be proud of me Samson said with the jawbone of a donkey I'm not quite spiritual enough to say the other word with the jawbone of a donkey these are some of the most intriguing amazing fun-filled verses in the Bible heaps upon heaps with the jawbone of a donkey have uh slain a thousand men and it came to pass when he had made an end of speaking that he cast away the jawbone I just need to have a huddle just a man around c'mere [Music] [Music] a very important detail and it came to pass me and made it end of speaking that he cast away the jawbone out of his hand and called that place ramoth Lehi and he was sore thirst called of the Lord and said thou has given this great deliverance into the hand of thy servant and now shall I die for thirst and fall into the hand of the uncircumcised but God claiming a hollow place that was in the jaw and there came water there out and when he had drunk his spirit came again and he revived wherefore he called the name thereof in a quarry which is in Levi unto this day I preached to you tonight to challenge all of us afresh on the subject new victories with old weapons [Music] new victories with old weapons hit them on ahead top appraised right now that you're in the Apostolic Church hallelujah god bless you may be seated as we stare uncertainly into the unseen challenges opposition's and adversaries awaiting us in this fledgling new year I want to reassure reaffirm and renew our confidence that the spiritual weapons that brought us here will see us through whatever this new year may wane I don't know what's on the horizons for you but I know a God who has already prepared you with victory Romans 8:37 says we are more than conquerors and myself more than conquerors which simply means when the bell rings and the battle is over you're going to tell we want we're not going to be bloody bruised betta you're not even going to be able to tell we've been in a fight because we're not just going to conquer our enemy we're going to be more than conquerors through him that loved us I love the story of the Hebrew boys and the fiery furnace matter of fact let me just say this right up front let me give you an equation a formula for 2020 that will help you I don't know what lies ahead of you as I said there may be fiery trials there may be firing temptations there may be fiery opposition's in your life but I got a word for you here it is three plus fire equals four now what that means is until the Hebrew boys went in the fiery furnace there was only three but when you added fire there was now four and the only way you will see the fourth man is when you get into fire so I don't know what kind of trial you're going to go into but I'm gonna tell you how you're going to come out of it you're going to come out of it in the presence of the fourth man because that's where he is going to meet you now the beautiful part of that story is this the Bible says the Hebrew boys escaped and they didn't even have I love this the smell of smoke it's one thing to go through a fiery trial or temptation and I've known a lot of people who have they come through the fiery trial but when they come out on the other side can I say it like I mean it they sneaked the rest of their lives they made it through the trial but their lives have become contaminated their spirits have become flawed with a smell of past experiences the beauty of the Hebrew boys is they went into that fiery furnace and when they came out you could not even smell smoke on them I want to tell you about a God that's going to take you through your pick your battles and bring you out so victorious you won't even know you've been in a battle as a matter of fact and I borrow I don't mind saying I borrow from an advantage reached for us a while back and this was his thought you don't look like what you've been through I want the devil to know there's going to be a church that's not going to look like what it's being through I don't minimize the strength of the battle I don't minimize the tenacity of the trial but I magnify a God who will see you through and bring you out and you won't even look like what you've been through clap your hands and praise the Lord right now aging is quite interesting to me December 25th 2019 I turned the youthful age of 70 in other words my birthday is Christmas day I was born December 25th 1949 I just turned 70 years oh but there's two things that I'm really concerned about one more than the other and that is the fact I'm really excited that a lot of folks say and you don't look 70 and I usually tell them have you had your glasses checked lately but the part I really like is the fact that when my mother raised me you'll hear me talk a lot about my mother because she was my hero my Savior my strength in my life I had no father in my home and all of my life my mother had to bear undue burdens to raise me and my brother and and so I tried to be a good boy I really did and most of the Whitman's and spankings I got it was prophetic oh I thought then it was pathetic oh but I found out it was prophetic oh because the discipline I got was not for what I did but for what I said I had an anointed tone it just needed to be harnessed by the Holy Ghost it was prophetic all that I was going to be a preacher but God had to get a hold of that tongue because the right kind of stuff come out of it so my goal in life as a young man was to never break my mother's heart never disappoint her and and there's one thing she always said to me that was challenging I was the oldest son and she would always say to me now she always called me honey I should have been my middle name Wayne honey honey any time my mother referred to me she never said Wayne she always said Wayne honey but she always said this to me she would say Wayne honey I wish that you would act your age anybody here ever heard that from somebody I wished you act your age about 10 years ago so my mother passed away as I stood by her casket I became quite rebellious and I said all right you're going I'm free from my promises so from now on I refuse to act my age I wish you'd turn around of some old folks got some gray hair or no hair and I wished you'd say I wish you wouldn't I wish you would not act your age I look over this church and I see a lot of no hair and gray hair so I know there's a lot of senior citizens in this congregation let me speak on behalf of pastor Dean and say I wish this church would not act your age I would should act like new converse I wish that you'd act like you just got the Holy Ghost I wish you'd act like you're playing you in the Lord because I want you to know our generation needs to see some fired up senior citizens that still love the apostolic Pentecostal way like Samson we must pause tonight to applaud and celebrate our victories of the past how many know you have much to celebrate and give God praise for that he did for you in 2019 if God did something profound for you if God did something marvelous for you would you rise to your feet right now and give God praise for what he did for you at 20 19 hey God God to give us so many blessings Samson made a riddle of his boasting and rejoicing as he rehearsed his past victories I think it went something like this can you imagine him I can't get over the fact that the Bible that is never wrong and never lies says that this man with a jawbone of a donkey killed 1,000 men I just can't comprehend that 1,000 men with a jawbone but don't that's amazing you know what's so amazing about it but yet it's so truthful what that saying is there's some things that only God can do God was up in that battle God was up in that battle and when God gets in it he can take the least and the smallest and the weakest and bring a great victory to his people so here Samson jumping around shouting a riddle heaps upon heaps everywhere he looked there were heaps of victory heaps of the blessing of the Lord and he shouted I did it with the jawbone of a donkey how many of you know that you had heaps of help in 2019 I mean it was up above your head the blessings of God upon your life so I want you to understand as we attack 2020 we are not coming into this year in defeat we're not coming into this year in weakness we're not coming into this year unprepared but we must prepare ourselves for new victories in 2020 because shortly after his amazing victories staggering statistics of success Sampson found himself in need of a new tree which Sampson was challenged for a new victory he sought for something pleasantly to meet his present need and he started searching and he started looking I can't figure this out how could you kill a thousand men with the jawbone of a donkey and just throw away just say oh well don't need that anymore it's over man I don't want to have that thing mounted in my house I'd have sent that to a taxidermist I know we got something here tonight see what you can do with this jawbone of a donkey because I'd like to put this on my wall and torment the devil everyday and say you know what happened with that I got killed a thousand men with that job who never don't get right there God gave me power to kill he just looked at it and so it's out of stop ten appreciating that it's old school it's here relevant it's not pertinent it's not for us today and he has tossed it but suddenly he he needed a near victory and this is what he said killed a thousand Philistines with the jawbone of a donkey and now that was yesterday and I am so thirsty and he started searching help me now he started looking for something to give him a new victory in a new day and as he searched he looked and he considered and he analyzed and he scrutinize maybe a red book so new victories four new battles new strategies for a new day a preacher now new ways to overcome in the new millennium he kept looking until he happened to find the jawbone of a donkey now can you imagine killing a thousand men with this and it is thirst he said I'm going to die now I don't know what i'ma do I got a glorious star-studded successful past but it's a new day and I need a new victory and the Bible said he went back to that jawbone and out of that jawbone God calls waters to flow out of that jawbone and he found revival he found success he found strength he found victory he found a new victory with an old weapon you know where I'm going so let me go and just tell you something we've thrown away a lot of stuff we still need there's a lot of places have thrown away a lot of stuff that we still need ladies and gentlemen if it worked last year if it worked ten years ago if it worked 20 years ago if we can find that jawbone it will still work today and here's what I'm talking about we must not be deceived in neglecting our old proven weapons in the face of the necessity of new victories what brought us victory in the past will bring us victory in the present and it will bring us victory in the future Samson just discarded it but he soon found that by going back to it there was still victory in it hey you don't need to concern yourself with newfound ways a modernization to overcome your flesh and overcome the devil what Rob you've been through when you first got in the church well praise you victory tonight even if you had the Holy Ghost 50 years you know Israel tried that new fame dangled fancy cart how'd that work for her that didn't work too good they wanted to move the glory on a new cart well I'm here to preach you tonight it brought death it brought death let me just throw this out in passing a cart that they built was built out of boards and big wheels so I just want to tell you that boards and big wheels cannot bring the glory of God not expect you to hurt yourself shouting on that one I'm still gonna say it again boards and big wheels cannot bring the glory of God but I want to tell you this apostolic church has got some weapons I'm going to tell you what they are in a moment that will still bring the glory down that will still put the devil on the run that will still heal your body that will still set you free that will still give you peace that will still give you joy clap your hands and shout yes I'm getting ahead of myself but I'm a pretty fast tonight listen I really don't know if this is true or not but it's funny so indulge me it was told to me to be the truth this guy visited one of our United Pentecostal churches and he was carried away now I won't do the preaching right here about the energy that was in that church he's what he called it he's a man I love this church there's energy in this church ladies and gentlemen the true apostolic Pentecostal church does not have energy it has an anointing that means we can do all the calisthenics we want on the platform but it won't bring the power of God we have all of our moves down and have everything just right as to how we should decorate the platform and have all of our things synchronized to where we we are stage ready weird camera ready we are spotlights ready but that don't bring the glory of God there's a difference in energy and anointing and what we need now is an idea of the Holy Ghost and so this old gentleman visited church after church he told the pastor oh I love your church man I love the energy that is in this church he said the church that I go to it's just a handful of old folk and he said the other day one of our own members fell out in the floor with a heart attack and they call the responders the first responders the medical people came and he said they came through the door of the church and he said they picked up three wrong ones before they got to right this church must never be so dead it must never become dead we must fight for the liberty of the spirit we must fight for the flowing of the Holy Ghost we can't be content just to come in here and do a little hand clap and go home we still need the fire to fall we still need the wind to blow we still need a what meaneth this people still need to come to our church to see what the world's going on in here what are these people doing it must never be said they perfectly understand we need the supernatural power of God this the our assembly clap your hands and shout yes when David fakes the need of a new victory he rejected the new and unproven weapons of saw in 1st Samuel 17 38 39 I won't take time to read that I'll hurry on David said I cannot use these weapons he said because I have not proven these weapons I need to stay with what is proven somebody said yes what David was really saying with my little slingshot I can show you a lion skin and I can show you a bear hide now show me what you've done with that junk you got it may be shiny it may be beautiful it may be bring it but where is your landscape and where's your bear hide Church don't be quick to chase after the new shiny modern armor of a compromised Church if they don't have any lion skins and they don't have any bear highs that's not where you belong it may not be the prettiest it may not be the fanciest but the key thing is [Applause] not being delivered if lives are not being changed if souls are not being saved then it doesn't matter how fancy it is when Israel faced the need of a new victory at the walls of Jericho somebody shout hallelujah I'm getting head of myself I got to put this first excuse me I'll I promise I'm not gonna be long-winded here tonight Philippians 4 & 9 I told the pastor about this verse this verse has lit me up Philippians 4 now Paul speaks if I say those things we're not talking about everything we're talking about those things those things which you have both learned shout learned received and heard and see do this is real complicated Paul said he said what you have learned what you have received what you have heard what you have seen in me do and the God of peace shall be with you you don't need to run all over the continent the world to this conference that conference and every conference looking for something new Paul said if you won't the God of peace to be with you just what I'm what you've learned what you received what you've heard and what you've seen in me if you just do that we're gonna be all right if this happens colic Pentecostal church we'll just do what we have learned what we ever seen what we have heard and what we have seen if we won't do that the God of peace will be with us I gotta hit it just a little bit harder I reject the idea that it was a different day then it was a different culture then it was a different atmosphere then there are some things that are cultural but i'ma let the cat out of the bag right now and tell you what I'll be preaching in a minute prayer works anytime anywhere hey worships Anytime Anywhere worship works anytime anywhere the name of Jesus works anytime anywhere anywhere that people have me clap your hands get that all weapon and I bring you some new victories so the children of Israel needed a new victory then marched around the wall six times so they come to their commander in chief we need you to speak a word to give us new weaponry for this battle the walls are still standing he's wanted me think a minute oh yeah I know what to do today you will march around the walls seven times six times more than you were per day and he said oh yeah there's one other thing you got to do shout what he said to them was this I want you to march around the wall seven times and shout in other words the way we're going to have victory is to keep doing what we've been doing and do it more and do it more and don't be mad about it and don't be bitter about it and don't resent it do what you've been doing but do it more and then he said also let me add one more thing shout about it I want to preach to a church that's not mad about standards I want to preach to a church is not mad about separation I want to preach to a church is not upset about being different from the religious world as a matter of fact we're not upset about it we're gonna do it and we're gonna shout it's good to live holy but shout about it's good to have standards but shout about it it's good to have apostolic covenants but shout about it God's gonna bless a church that will add a shout to their lifestyle I hasten when Daniel faced the need of a new victory notice Daniel chapter 6 and 10 now when Daniel knew that the writing was signed he went into his house and his windows being open in his chamber towards Jerusalem he kneeled upon his knees three times a day and prayed now I know I'm not the pastor but I'm gonna meddle just a minute see that's another blessing - getting old they see when you they say when you get old the filter goes away from your brain and you just say stuff without concern without worry without fear but it's also good to get old enough that you really aren't trying out for something else I'm gonna do my best here I'm gonna preach hard I've been blessed to preach everything under the Sun more than I could ever deserve but let the record show them I ain't trying out for another conference I'm not praying this weekend I'm gonna do so good that brother Dean is gonna call another pastor fool you should have heard brother honey all you need to come on over there you need to have him come over your chair now that sounds good great wonderful disappoint anybody but I'm not really trying out for anything new or different so I'm just gonna be open enough to say what I think and right now I'm so old I forgot what I think [Applause] not really in Raleigh I have people tell me oh I pray pastor I pray you know I John three miles a day and I pray while I'm running I pray every morning driving to work you know what I say to them what is the route that you take to work I don't want to be on that road because if you're praying there is such a minimize compromise view about praying what it is if you're really praying you lose consciousness of everything else around about you you are totally unaware that's why we close our eyes when you pray I don't know that's in the Bible close your eyes but I just know it works because if I close my eyes I can see you playing with a baby messing with your phone hired I'll talk about it more in just a minute Pryor is leaving this world and walking into another one I learned that brother Dean by brother Wayne McLean was such a great friend of mine and mentor he'd come to our church as my pastor he would lay on our platform to pray and our prayer meetings I promise you I promise you in about 10 minutes I'd walk by him and I'm telling you he wasn't there that body was there but I'm telling you he was in the he was in that tabernacle and he was in the heavenlies he was walking through that spiritual celestial place I want to tell you that the two men on the road Emmaus if I said as they walked and as they talked Jesus drew nigh prayer is an experience that you can't do in a public place if you really want the power of God now said that to say this come to prayer meeting come to prayer meeting Daniel said he kneeled upon his knees three times a day and prayed and gave thanks before his God here's the key phrase as he had done as he had done a four time it wasn't his first time to pray it wasn't a new weapon there was something old I want to remind especially our seniors here tonight if prayer got you through a tough past it'll get you through a tough present [Applause] second reason stated for I hasten for the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but they are mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds casting down imaginations every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God I want to preach to you tonight during your prayer time prayer is such a mighty weapon it will pull the strong host you know what my definition of a stronghold is it's what you've been battling year after year after year after year but in 2020 you can't pull that stronghold down repair let me throw this in quickly do you know when when goliath challenged israel you may have overlooked a little something in that context the bible said for 40 days Goliath stood in front of them and said the same thing I'm preaching the people tonight that for 40 days 40 weeks and some of you 40 years the devil has said the same thing that's the only thing he has against you he just keeps saying the same thing he keeps opposing you in the same way but how about it in 2020 the year of Plenty we make up our minds that that's going to end right here right now whatever the devil has fought me with I'm gonna pull that stronghold down in Jesus name reach up right now I'd say it Jesus name I'm gonna pull down my strong hoe it has limited me it has held me it has captivated me but now it's come down in Jesus name [Applause] I just got another word from the Lord for somebody and my wife is training me to preach very well one time I appreciate kept me now priest a long time and she told me after church she said you know that was great because it's too long I said no honey I got so much new stuff while I was preaching she said well when you get the new stuff leave the old stuff out we have got to pull that stronghold down pull it down and I just felt in the Holy Ghost this may help somebody I always thought job had a trial I always thought job had a test but at the end of his life in the final verses of the chapter God told us what was happening in job's life it wasn't a trial it wasn't a test the Bible said he turned down the captivity of Jo it wasn't a trial when the test it was a spiritual captivity and the way joke got out of it is the way you're going to get out of your captivity he prayed for his friends that were really his enemies but when they prayed for them when they forgave them God turned his captivity somebody needs stand your feet right now and pray for somebody that's wrong you pray for somebody that's hurt you pray for somebody that's held a chance against you thank God can turn your captivity remain standing let me let me get let me quickly close you see what you don't know is well I've been preaching tonight my wife has been timing me at my request faith is a weapon prayer is a weapon worship is a weapon I want to illustrate this point I need the chair and I'll quickly close with this I want to talk to you about apostolic breeze here's a weapon church if you like I'll run in foot stomping hand clapping Holy Ghost dancing on the grave of our enemy you better do it because there's a void of a force trying to calm this church down quiet in this church down modernize this church ladies and gentlemen the world is more ready now for Pentecost than it's ever been our anointing I'll run in the aisles does not offend people in 2020 they are looking for a church where there is that bus colic worse I quickly move I apologize I butchered this up tonight but I've been trying to follow the spirit Genesis 49 and a time talking about worship right here 49 8 Genesis 49 and verse 8 I thought I gave it to him see I'm 70 but I still got it did you see that I still got Genesis 49 and 8 Judah thou are healed by brethren shall praise Judah means praise in other words God said in the correct context we need to praise our praise which means we need to deeply appreciate it Revere it guarded protect it preserve it Judith I hand shall be on the neck of thine enemies my father's children shall bow down before thee would you step over just a minute the Lord said you are going to be a hand around the neck of your enemies that's why the devil hates worship I gotta tell you it's more than excitement it's smaller than emotionalism it's more than someone's not quite got it all together and here's what the Bible says in Genesis 149 1 sobs I'm sorry sobs 149 1 praise ye the Lord singing the Lord and you saw his praise in the congregation of saints that is rejoice in him that made him let the children of Zion be joyful in their king let them praise His name in the dense let them sing praises unto him with the timbrel and harp now here's what I want to say just a minute for the Lord taketh pleasure in his people now I can't do it like I used to do it but I'm still doing it something when they started that last song I forgot what it was now this means war did you play that a while ago were you able to keyboard a while ago you played this means war you were give me a little bit that course right now yeah you know what when they started but I'm not gonna act my age if you have to push me in a wheelchair I'm gonna command somebody to run me around that church and this is why God says to his angels look at that old man down there God says look at that church I love it when they run the aisles I love it when they dance in the spirit oh I want you to lean over to somebody lean over to somebody kind like this and give them a little praise right there come on I will somebody get in their step tonight there it is come out come our [Music] there it is come on kid it's a praise right now [Music] it's a known weapon let me conclude when the Lord takes pleasure in his people he will beautify the meek with salvation let this age be joyful in glory I don't recommend this one let them sing aloud in their beds Bob said there's a season for all things that's what you need to be stealing no he's gone let the high praises of God be in the mouth two edged sword in their hand there's what happens to execute vengeance upon the heathen punishments upon the people that's why the devil doesn't want you to praise God because you execute vengeance and judgments when you praise God and you bind you bind their kings with fetters of iron when you say hallelujah it wraps him up when you say Corran to God it wraps him when you say I love you Jesus it wraps him up when you get in your step in wraps him up [Music] and that's why the devil doesn't want this church praising God because it binds the devil and it looses God let me go the next verse quickly I believe what's it say in there somewhere it said this privilege this pleasure have all the people of God this honor have all the saints of God turn around somebody say you can tell you can bind the devil you can tie the devil up you can buy and the devil and before we preach we bind the devil and before we have church we bind the devil so that we come in here people can get healed people can be delivered people can be blessed people can be set free I want somebody to get a fresh grim oh that all weapon of apostolic Pentecostal praise let's do it right now bless the name of the Lord everybody [Music] I got one more thing to say I thought I was done I know all your old people gonna say I wish he'd go back North Carolina leave us alone [Music] brethren could you get Hebrews 11 and 21 Hebrews 11 21 this is for the senior saved by faith joke Jacob when he was a dying I love that North Carolina language he wasn't dying when he was a dying he blessed both the sons of Joseph and he worshiped [Music] he worshiped leaning on his staff I say you're never too old to praise God you're never too old to worship God if you gotta lean on something go ahead give it praise come on church I'm a prophesy Pentecostals a poser 2020 will be the year of Plenty if you will praise Him if you will pray if you will believe him clap your hands and bless the name of the law [Applause] [Music] about [Music] change [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] this is what we've come to do [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] sure the strike [Music] [Applause] [Music] the blood hi - two schools break straight [Music] the pound [Applause] [Music] when [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] stop [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] that's top [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] David upon the confession or your faith in your obedience the Word of God i baptize you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of your sins [Applause] [Music] ha [Music] [Music] we're don't be the war rage to that you want to be a part of the wall to praise get a hold of this room keep singing guys we're gonna build a wall of praise train the devil big enough to get past it we're gonna bind him up this is a prodigal that came home he set up in a long way out I want to get baptized again he cleared his conscience tonight he's the one of many we're not gonna kill the boy we're gonna kill the cat it's time to have a party come on if you want to be a part of this world of praise get hold of this rope and worship worship praise Him we need some old-fashioned play we need some old-fashioned Pentecostal out with solid praise [Music] [Music] your voice at ha [Music] [Music] hold that rope up ha take a look at it enemy this is a wall of praise a wall of Prayer and a wall of faith brother Huntley these people are coming to pray this week right we're coming to tear down some strongholds [Applause] [Music] but I'm [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] Hey [Music] better watch out when you get a hold of that rope you might get a Holy Ghost fell on you maybe that's the jawbone right there hallelujah this means war devil wait your brother hugly for take you [Music] [Music] I hope the devil sees what we're doing our enemy everybody's getting involved in this battle some of you gonna have to lean on your walking stick that's all right lean on it and keep praising God whoo hallelujah all the way up for the beans got it up in the production booth our Lord we're heavy revival in the production booth the video man's did not brush touch a praise on him hallelujah [Music] I [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] biani in the [Music] ah ah [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: The Pentecostals of Bossier City
Views: 2,270
Rating: 4.8709679 out of 5
Keywords: pentecostals of bossier city, pobc, pobc live, pentecostal, pentecostal preaching, pentecostal church, pentecostal worship, rev wayne huntley, wayne huntley preaching, new victories with old weapons
Id: -WK73bnEn3E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 93min 25sec (5605 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 19 2020
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