"To Experience The Dream You Must Endure The Nightmare" Jeff Arnold BOTT 2000

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I was with him in the Philippines and I told those people I said folks if you'll just holler when he's preaching it does something to him you know what they hollered about the whole time he preached himself down why don't you preach him to death tonight practice a little bit come on let's go unto the Lord on double doors hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah I give honor to all our officials and all our dignitaries and all the wonderful people of God to the Mangan family and I listen to all that stuff about people saying dumb things but that's because dumb people say dumb things say what you want to but if God hadn't raised the Mangan's up we wouldn't have this because God uses leadership I told brother Becton the Bible says as the heart of the king is in the hand of the Lord and as the rivers of water he turneth with us whoever he will God has put his hand on these people to bless people we're grateful for that we are we don't take it lightly amen we thank God for praise God before I read my text I I do need to give just humble thanks to to brother man get Anthony Mangan especially for feeling led of the Lord last year and to to all you precious people here and those that are around the world that have sent money to us to help us out of our situation and there was $100,000 committed last year and in our church I don't know the exact dollar today but we received just at a hundred and twenty thousand dollars and that helped us just overwhelmed by it thank you so very much and I've had so many emails I don't even own a computer I write my notes on the back of little pieces of paper and napkins and stuff and they got all these nice computer notes I got these little stick figures and read lines but people in our church have computers and they hand me stacks of emails and I read every one of them and thank God form and people that have just sent us emails and letters and cards and just encouragement sand it's just been wonderful and I have received so many calls I have to take a moment in here and just thank so many people I don't want to high-hat anybody but there were people that came from all over Pentecost people from Texas people for the chrome from North Carolina we had a wonderful crew from Missouri we had pastors from Illinois Missouri who came in and worked on our church and donated time wonderful man painting from her brother Kennedy's church and just on and on people came in and just I was just overwhelmed by the kindness and the love of God and and and I give thanks T and special thanks I have two very special thanks I hope I'm not misusing this pulpit but you know when you're about ready to shoot yourself you need somebody to unload your gun and probably my best friend all the world closest friend that I have his brother Harold Hoffman and Sterling Heights and he stayed on the phone with me and helped me so I wouldn't shoot myself and especially a special special thanks to him but also to a very dear friend brother Paul Welch who probably above anybody called me at least once or twice every week prayed for me encouraged me that had been through some struggles in his building and stuff and just just encouraged me so much and I don't know whether brother Paul's in the building but I just thank God for it and I appreciate it and I'm just I'm overwhelmed I've had people telling me there's praying for me and I know they're waiting for me to hit the ball out of the park and all that stuff and and I don't know I'm going to hit it but I'm gonna wrench my neck swinging hard so if you have your Bibles and would turn to a couple of portions of Scripture the gospel of Genesis 15 and reading I didn't finish my sermon last year I haven't finished a sermon I've ever preached hallelujah you ready Genesis 15 and beginning at verse 12 and when the Sun was going down a deep sleep fell upon Abram and lo and Jara of great darkness fell upon him and he said unto Abram know of a surety that thy seed shall be a stranger in a land that is not theirs there and shall serve them and they shall afflict them for hundred years and also that nation whom they shall serve will I judge and afterward they shall come out with great substance remember we reading that last year part of that but but I want you to scuzz there's something is part two of this message tonight and I want you to get this that God is telling them I'm going to put you in some stuff I'm going to give you a promise and the promise is you're going to have lots of trouble I don't know why the Lord picked on me everybody's been so mind boggling my mind is short-circuited the breakers are blown out I never heard such preaching in all my life and I've never felt anything like it all my life and and and I want to take us up high as I can but somehow God has just talked to me the other morning and said you need to talk to these people about the real world that they're going home to okay let me read another message too I'll skip that one goes time is of the essence Psalms 37 I mean Genesis 37 I'm sorry you ready Genesis 37 and verse 5 and Joseph dreamed a dream and told his brethren and they hated him yet the more the next few verses he explains a dream and they hate him some more and so now I'm reading verse 19 and they said one to another behold this dreamer cometh come now therefore and let us slay him and cast him into some pit and we will say some evil beast has devoured him and we shall see what will become of his dreams I'm going to preach the whole Bible ma I wanted to run to this pulpit and I didn't see I'm still here no you didn't hear I said I'm still here I preached for you last year and I was in mid-trib I'm going to talk to you tonight from a position of post-trip the building's finished where idiot folks are getting saved and I'm still here praise God my message tonight is simply this to experience the dream you must endure the nightmare apparently you didn't hear me to experience the dream you see in this conference the Spirit of God has been giving a whole bunch of us visions dreams and projected destinies but it's not enough to have a prophetic word you'll never experience what you've received in this conference if you don't leave here tonight with a determination I'm going to have to endure the nightmare Lord bless the Ministry of the word and helping to preach real good in Jesus name and everybody said amen you may be seated yeah I want to ask a few questions before I get to my sermon can God trust you in trouble apparently you didn't hear me I said can God trust you with trouble when he had fed the multitude the Bible said he commanded his disciples to go in the boat he send the multitude away and he went up in the mountain to pray and I asked the Lord how come you sent your disciples you're a little baby Church into a storm your God Almighty you knew the storm was coming you fed all these fat cats at your hand you fed their bellies and you healed everybody and then you sent them away and you sent the only folks discipline and dedicated into a storm how come and I heard the Lord say to me because the multitude wasn't worthy of the storm stop sucking your thumb and having your personal pity party if if God puts you in trouble it's a vote of confidence I'm gonna redefine your theology your trouble is a pathway to triumph your pain is a pathway to praise your mass is an Avenue to the miraculous stop sucking your thumb am i talking yet can out can I preach a little bit here you be seated just go ahead and be seated OOP being that you have not asked for the adverse and you have not pleaded for the problem in the pain then apparently the Word of God is true the steps of a righteous man are ordered of the Lord God has ordained for you to get in the cesspool of your mess because in your trouble you're going to call on him he's going to deliver you and thou shalt glorify Him hey God I won't preach so medicate holy standard we all love the book of Job you know why goes job's hell and chaos and trials and sorrow and nincompoops to try to advise them that trial has assisted millions of people let me ask you what God asked me in the motel today while I was praying has what you've gone through Jeffrey assisted anybody well let me ask you the hell in the chaos and the trouble of the problems that you're going through will anybody get saved out of it or they don't want to be like you God's not interested in accomplishment he's interested in christ-like attitude if I have any regrets for the Williams it's that I didn't win anybody when we were going through the building program because I got absolutely destroyed in it oh let me help you little the closer you get to your fulfillment of your dream or your goal or your vision or your purpose the tougher it gets oh you're not boy I wish I had a church to preach to I don't want this to be rated X but you haven't accomplished much in your marriage if your wife's got pregnant she's carrying your dream wait nine months and see if the dream doesn't get to be a pain you can smile or run around said oh yeah the Icebreaker we're gonna have our baby and you just enjoy yourself but uh-huh when it gets to me about that oh that last trimester when all of a sudden push push breathe push you're not hearing me apparently it's no babies born here you never get your wife laying on that crazy table and you holding her hand and say isn't it wonderful we're fixing to have our child she's going I'm going to kill you the next time you come near me push breathe push breathe the closer you get to a miracle the tougher it gets but the closer you get to your dream the more pressure is on you huh can I preach a little while here are you hearing me any crazy nation can declare war it don't cost nothing but now to win it didn't cost much for us to declare war sitting back in America but Normandy was bloody Okinawa was a disaster it'll cost you something the closer you get to a fulfill dream now you know you know get what I'm trying to tell you God has prepared moved in this conference and given us fresh vision fresh oil fresh dream fresh hopes fresh desires but you've got to leave here understanding that before your dream becomes real you're gonna have to deal with some nightmares for the dream is your destiny your dream tells you where you're going your nightmares your pathway to it hey we are so dim season we are so dumb when we waste our pain when we waste our problems on ourselves Paul said that our light affliction works for us a more exceeding eternal weight of glory watch Wow we look down at the things which are seen but the things which are unseen for the things which are seen are temporal the things which are unseen are eternal what is he saying your affliction your problem your adversity will not work for you as long as you keep looking at the problem you've got to go beyond it you've got to come oblivious to the obvious you've got to somehow see beyond what is now and realize your dream is greater than the nightmare the nightmare is just a pathway the dream is your destiny I'm not this smart doc God gave this to me in the motel I'm not this smart he's got to give it to me on his little piece of paper he talked to me today said tell the people the purpose of the dream is twofold give you a sense of Destiny and inspire you to reach far then tell the people that the nightmare is threefold self-discovery God discovery and shut hell's mouth that's the only reason God let the devil mess with job it wasn't a mess up job or mess over job or Conner cause a great story to be told was that so when it was finished Joe was shut hell's mouth why don't you use your nightmare to shut hell's mouth I'll bless the Lord at all times his praise shall continually be in my mouth oh my oh my dear do you realize that everything that has been built achieved or accomplished is the absolute direct result of a dream or a vision or persistence to that dream every building every Bridge every mall every Space Shuttle every computer every automobile this church don't you know what the church is in ancient Leal organization will you go jicama hokey that's not the church the purpose and the reason for the church is it was God's dream he said I'll build my church and he'll says I don't think so but when the nightmare was over he stepped out of the grave he poured out his spirit at Pentecost and we got a charge cuz you gotta go beyond the nightmare if you're going to experience the dream oh ma oh ma you be seated just second I'm going back to my point it wasn't good enough we need to go to Manila it was good watch this the closer you get to the fulfillment of your dream the tougher it is to make it come to pass point in case five yard line five yard line five yard line you can get some twinkle-toed 140 pound Mercury Mars whoever you want to to catch a ball or run up there and he can make 95 yards but now you're 5 yards from your dream and they taking all the wussies and they bring out the behemoths they don't have any teeth they don't have any neck they don't have any feelings and five of them line up in front of you and say you took 95 yards real fast bet you don't get the next five is easy some of us are going home to step into our dream you gotta understand that hell's gonna bring out its guns and create a nightmare but greater is he that is in you and he that is in the Wow you've got to endure the dream endure the nightmare if you're gonna realize the dream you you you be seated a my mind making sense you let me didn't scare you I was on the jet the other day with some professional wrestlers I mean it was unreal you don't know where the guy started her end and he was like a mountain of muscle his neck began around his ears like a pyramid he had things crawling out of his sleeve never grown out of my sleeve he walked around like he had sunburn armpits and I didn't feel like saying hey little wussy you wanna Rumble now wait a minute you gotta hear what I'm trying to tell you I'm trying to make a point I'm not trying to be a comedian I'm trying to make a point the purpose of the nightmare is to get you and I discouraged so we don't think the dream is possible you can't deal with the nightmare in your mindset in your power in your own ability you got to have the Holy Ghost you got to have an anointing you you got to have fresh oil or the night bear will steal your dream you'd be seated I'm kind of hurry as fast I can see the dream and the vision is actually the finished product it's the purpose fulfilled its the desired results accomplished the problem is in order to experience the fulfilled dream you and I have to deal with a lot of nightmares and setbacks I'd like to call them dream stealers you know something can steal your dream just by scaring you not try well I we ain't got the money and we ain't got this and we don't have the talent they have and we don't we don't we don't Oh give me a break I'm sorry I have to interrupt my message I'm still here no you didn't hear me he'll try to take me out I'm still here he'll try to make me lose my mind I'm still here he's been too good to me I'm not going to quit just cause I ran out of money when I ran out of ideas he's never run out of money he's never run out of ideas oh my oh my you you me see this adversity is so powerful it causes many to achieve others to concede and others to settle for Less than enough please hear this statement if you don't remember anything else that said remember this when I was raised in New York City they used to give his little cliche in school now Jeffery anything worth doing is worth doing right or worth doing well well I've got a revelation for those guys I'm gonna give you a new life anything worth doing is worth failing over you didn't hear me you don't want to give your life to something then if you fail doing it you're a total disaster if you want to give yourself to Christ like this and holy living that's worth failing over because it's a worthy goal it's a precious dream if you want to give yourself to revival that's worth failing all back you're not a failure because you fail now that didn't do for you what it did for me it was job's cry that said oh that I might find him God said fine here's a few nightmares though you not hear me and the nightmares became the pathway to finding him because had not joel got his brains beat out had he not had the nightmare he would have not been stripped and stuffy hidden need and become desperate for the stuff he did need he found God a long time after the nightmare was finished and he got his dream fulfilled because of the nightmare Oh God Oh God God promised Abraham you said huh God promised Abraham that his seed Israel was been given a promise they're going to come out but they're going to have to endure the nightmare to enjoy the dream you got I'm trying to be not don't let anybody or anything steal your dream don't let your emotion don't let commotion don't lack the lack of something don't let anything distract you or cause you to settle for less than you originally wanted last time I noticed the only way a postage stamp works if it's get licked and staked yeah I know you're laughing but that's brilliant I don't care if you paid 32 or 35 cents for it if it you don't get it licked it don't stick you want to stick without getting licked sometimes God's gonna just lick you and then slam ya hey lighten up no you got a long way to travel I'm not everything I'm supposed to be but I'm on my way to my dream I'm going to be great for God I'm going to be powerful for God I'm gonna be mighty for God don't forget we just got a notice from dreamland the PKS are having a blowout they're running the aisles and shout Wow hey folks if we concede our dreams because of nightmares our nastiness or problems will be like Israel you you me see the second I'll just catch my breath I'll try it again I'm gonna say this for those of you that have not moved yet apparently your concept of church is it's designed for you and your league during carcass we're not here for God to move us we're here to move God this ain't about us this is about j esus when I think of the goodness of Jesus and all that he's done for me I'm not gonna sit there and look pretty I'm chasing a dream I'm dancing after a dream I'm sweating after a dream you may prostitute your dream for something less not me bud I just need a few more minutes here so please sit down just second let me try to get if you and I can see our dreams we will be like Israel reincarnated we were wandering a wilderness of our own unfulfilled m't we will die in a wilderness of personal stagnation never experiencing what had been promised just remembering how great it felt when we were told oh I wish we could carry all this with us to our churches but it usually doesn't work that way it'll-it'll it the tingle will just hang go right out the door here in a few minutes can full-grown Devils are saving waiting for you did you have a nice meeting now see I can understand when I'm preaching now because I wasn't raised in Pentecost I've raised on television then now you do what you want I don't care what you say about TV I was raised on TV I spent half my life in nightmares I grew up with Boris Karloff and Bela Lugosi and Dracula sucking the blood out of your neck in the thing and and and the blob and the creature but now you don't know what I'm talking about The Creature from the Black Lagoon and I'd stay up all night just watch any scary flicks get so scared when I went to bed I didn't turn the lights out I just went out I just went to bed ain't no devils and ghosts gonna get me and then I lay in bed with my brain made that oatmeal and I'd have these terrible nightmares let me tell you the problem with a nightmare a nightmare is like a dream filled with sensations but the sensations are hopelessness and despair and no escape that's what's terrifying about a nightmare you can't wake up am I the only guy that's ever been falling anybody in the bed ever just been falling okay can I get a witness in the house I mean just just laying in bed just kind of laying in benches and if God's mercy let you hit you ignor carcass on the floor and you wake up what a nightmare face is coming for you all kinds of problems people that won't do right they visit me in my nightmares they look at you in your nightmare I go we're not gonna do what you said take that and we're gonna try to bring our relatives to drive you crazy and you're trying to wake up don't let the nightmare steal your dream because the nightmare may be powerful but the dream is your destiny can I preach a few more minutes here but maybe bc2 just minam Goh's faster can you got to hear me I was going to read to you Genesis 28 when when Jacob steps stops at Bethel he puts his head on it on that that stone and he has a dream the reason why some of you don't have more godly dreams you ain't got your head on the rock you put your head in the right place I promise you the heavens will open well Bible says that he used the stone or rock for a pillow when he finished the dream the pillow became the pillar if you get a dream from heaven you can build on it he'd ask yourself right now what are you laying your head on you know why John gave us 22 chapters of the book of Revelation even though he was in a nightmare called Patras he put his head on the Masters bosom you don't want to give your brains and your emotions to a bunch of Dodos that drive you crazy one view to give them answers that even God won't give them well well I feel like Elvis right now are you lonesome to me let me try to end the purpose of the dream is to inspire you the problem is between the inspiration and the acquisition of the dream many things must transpire of which some of you will be afraid you're going to Xfire because I've been through some stuff the last year and a half I thought I was going to die hell told me I was going to die but what does he know he's a dead spirit he couldn't tell the truth stand on the Bible looking at Jesus Christ he's a liar and he's a father of lies don't let the devil snow job you he's got no power over a child of God he's got dog bility to steal your dream he can get you to give it up I'm going home to build a better Church I'm going home to be a better pastor I'm going home to win souls I'm going home to have a revival you're ready I'm going home to deal with nightmares but nightmares are no match for Holy Ghost dreams nightmares are no match for the power of God well then let me let me go quickly I got it I got try to finish let me go quick watch out for them dream stealers they usually show up as relatives right Laban oh yeah Laban tried to steal Jacobs dream why by messing with his money stealing from him mistreating him lying to him deceiving him I don't care how spirits who you think you are you do have an emotional level that your emotions can go so far and no further you can get saturated emotionally were you talking tongues like a Chinese Laundry and you still ain't worth shooting because your emotions have absolutely been free cos I do you hear me uncle Billy I spent the last year help going to church praying fasting preached it got to a place emotionally not spiritually emotionally spiritually I'm fine emotionally I'm a disaster going to the PO play with my civil defense helmet on watch ever the Scud missiles over here and then the Scud missiles over there it's not that the people are bad but when you're emotionally whacked-out you perceive things incorrectly because perception is more real than reality I got a church full of great wonderful people that love God and they love me now hear me I guess I am on team and I've got a handful of nincompoops that I'm so dumb at times I let them steal my attention here go and they just back real spiritual and I pour my energies out to try to transform them and transfigure them and help them to become something because I don't want them lost and their resistance and their rebellion and their hatred for the things of God I've set me to the point that I mistreat the people I ought to treat good because I'm kicked off with these idiots but the devil is alive I said that devil is a lie now I don't know what's going on behind me so I don't know whether it's good or bad I want you to shout it with me I'm almost done shadow him my dream is my destiny that's why the devil sends the nightmare but my dream is greater than the nightmare my brother Anthony you're my friend I'm not trying to take advantage of my friendship I'm gonna say this as kind as I can for the last four years I've had this disease in my leg in my back down my hip I used to shout in boogaloo with the best of them when I lift my leg go to jump down it hurts so bad I won't hurt somebody can I've been asking God would you please let me dancing Boogaloo and shout like old brother Becton did I just love it and then when I look at a bunch of you cats I started asking God for your hip and for your leg and for your spine cuz of you ain't gonna use it I want to use the only reason I'm dancing a little is cause y'all prayed for me that devil is alive don't let him steal your dream give me a few minutes and I'll quit few minutes not quick yeah yeah be seated just second please Coquelin the Bible said either them do it to the end same shall be saved Jeffrey Wayne Arnold says he that endures the night man shall enjoy the dream it's wonderful to come to conferences like this and receive a prophetic promise or a word or a vision or dream but it usually entails some nightmare dealing because when God gives you a dream he always declares the end from the beginning and the things that are not as though they were and he leaves that interim for you to slug it out I'm trying to help somebody don't go home and be devastated and prostitute the wonderful vision the dream the hope the desire that's been burned in all of our hearts this week because a bunch of nightmares and goblins are jump up and you say it ain't going to work here you got to stand your ground and say wait a minute the dream is my destiny the dream is my destiny the nightmare is just a barricade it's just an obstacle but I'm going to overcome the nightmare like a five minute spider just bear with me make sure your dream is real sister tenían make sure your dream is real because your nightmare will be you don't want to go here just kind of imagine oh yeah ha give me a break you better know your dream is real because during the working out of your dream the nightmares voice will be loud and God may choose to go silent well nightmare is nasty and negative wants to kill your dream think not Jesus said I've come to build a church but I've got to deal with a nightmare I've got a deal with disciples who reject my ministry God forgive all of us for sucking our thumb and sitting under a juniper tree when we lose people as if somehow we were bigger and greater than Jesus don't be decimated and devastated and destroyed because people leave your ministry they left Jesus he had one guy that he empowered to cast out Devils and heal the sick and raise the dead and cleanse lepers and he sold them out you ain't no better Oh God Oh God please hear me I'm I'm done I'm trying so hard if brother Williams thank you you have been such a kind man to me you helped me so much you're a better man than I am but I'm chasing you that's right he's been kind to me but I'm gonna tell you something doc don't ever let anyone else's opinion become your reality well I don't I don't think you got what I just said somebody else's opinion sent three million Jews on a 40-year journey ten guys sent three million guys walking around for 40 years because their opinion became their reality if God has ordained you and anointed you and empowers you and gifted you to kill a Goliath don't let that Basilan Saul convince you that you can't beat him don't let somebody that used to live right tell you that living right ain't good say it when they don't let someone else's opinion become your reality just get it in your spirit I'm on my way down I'm fixing the clothes you sit down just second point in case Jezebel and Elijah now Elijah is my man he is my main man I love Elijah I like him because I can relate to him tremendous highs me devastating lows I mean I can call fire down from heaven then ask God to kill me under a juniper tree in one day I don't need to because of the times I can do that in one day I can preach my friend till the paint comes off the wall and it put my picture all over the world and some idiot will talk to me after the service and I'm resigning now you don't have that problem cuz y'all from Louisiana and you're all spiritual but I walked home anytime after preaching a blockbuster and go I don't know what in the name of good sense Trish are we doing here what we've got a parade of brain-dead people and we're not surgically skilled we these people don't love God they don't love me I wish I could get an honest preacher in the house wait let me try to get him brother Anthony put on steel here and people's get in the Holy Ghost in Gainesville and our church is growing what I'm going to say it I promise he won't be long Bishop Denny I'm gonna have to build again that's okay the nightmare doesn't scare me I've learned some things from the nightmare brother Michael I just need one scripture my times gone I'm sorry I messed up a great sermon give me Genesis 21 if you would you be sin seated for just a second oh I'll try to quit Elijah Elijah went from the heights of Carmel to the dirt floor of the desert in one day oh but not you no your spiritual when's the last time you outran a chariot 19 miles when's the last time you prayed a sixty-three word prayer and ended a three and a half year drought when's the last time you bumped off 850 preachers in one day and he gets to the valley of Jezreel and his tongue is polishing his sandals because sometimes some of the dumb stuff we do the reason why we get a lot of Nightmare problems cuz God never did send Elijah there I'll debate any of you theologians I know first Kings 19 inside outside upside down side there's no word from Jehovah that ever told him to leave Carmel and go to Jezreel you can get intoxicated with the anointing of God on you and just shovel I know what I'm talking about because I have so voted now you haven't because your spiritual but I know how it is to feel that in my soul just get to step in and just play the audience that's why they pay me millions at least that's where all the folks that don't tithe think I make I hope I make this year what they thought I made last year hold on I'm almost done says it sit on a river Michael I gotta finish this thing about OJ's can you imagine any logic a man fire profit man drought end in profit Olympic ideal profit and a how it goes and tells jazz what Lodge did and the worst remember that's the worst thing you could ever do is tie your faith to your expectations they did that that's on the Emmaus Road we had hoped Mary and Martha we thought for sure you can't box caught in he's not little Butler little cowboy you just quote a few scriptures and make him obey you it won't work and Jezebel sends lodge a note dear Lodge heard you bumped off my preachers heard you made me look bad in front of my troops and you outrun my old man in his chair not not now I'm paraphrasing I'm paraphrasing I mean I'm way out there paraphrasing but you're getting the drift she wrote him a little note said dear lodge the gods do to me and more so than if not by about this time tomorrow I kill you dead as a doornail like it into my preacher's lounge as and when he lied you got confronted with a new nightmare he barricaded his dream because his dream was a national revival and he was devastated when Elijah's biggest enemy Jezebel was unimpressed with his supernatural stuff I'm for the miraculous I'm for the supernatural I've sought it ever since as a kid I'm seeking it now I don't function it like I want to I'm asking God to help me but I am firmly convinced that the supernatural and miraculous is not the only thing you need to convince people because ain't nobody had a supernatural ministry like Jesus Christ and everybody didn't believe him you you hear this man the other night that's our business preach the word put your faith in the book that's the foundation of our faith it's not goose bumps and not somebody come out of a wheelchair I'm all for all of it but what you're gonna do when they don't come out what are you gonna do when you pray for one and God heals the cancer and you pray for two and they die I'm going back to the book I'm going back to my dream I'm gonna stay with this thing and I'm not going to fuss and cost about a bunch of stuff I don't understand I'm trying to close thank you very much for helping me I don't know what time it was but I had a scription I was going to have brother Williams read I'll just quote it for you 31 and 2 of Jeremiah 31 and to put it up there would you flesh thus say the Lord the people which were left of the stored here it is found grace in the wilderness god what a sermon Elijah has left his servant and went a day's journey into the wilderness he's sitting under a juniper tree he wants to die and grace shows up like an angel and instead of damning him and condemning him and ridiculing by making fun of him call him a coward how come you ran away God found a deserter in the desert and didn't desert him okay are you ready Reverend Michael hell wants to use the nightmare to kill your dream heaven wants to use the nightmare to fulfill your dream Simon Simon Satan hath desired thee that he might have thee that he can sift thee as wheat one translation reads this way Simon Oh Simon Satan has asked for you to be his opponent he wants to take you out why because your destiny will take him out have I out reached everybody here don't you know why hell's after you because have you ever walked into your destiny you're gonna cause more hell for hell then hell knows what to do why don't you stand with the unknown finish for the Michael Williams thank you for being so patient 21 I think in 14 of of Genesis and Abraham rose up early in the morning and took bread and a bottle of water and gave it unto Hagar yeah putting it on her shoulder and the child and sent her away yeah and she departed and wandered in the wilderness of Beersheba in the wilderness in the wood where that grace shows up read and the water was spent in the bottle and she cast a child under one of the shrubs and she went and set her down over against him a good way oh brother as it were a bow shot brother Tenny yes mill is Hagar dream yep but she's now in a nightmare of a wilderness and the nightmare has so overwhelmed her that she's dropped her dream and she's going a little away from it because she doesn't want to see her dream die right right but grace shows up in the willness reforming elder Michael for she said let me not see the death of the child my dream is going to die and she said over against him and lifted up her voice and wept and God heard the voice of the lad and the angel of God called a Hagar out of heaven and said unto her what aileth thee Hagar that Hagar fear not for God has heard the voice of the land where he is God did not hear hey God heard the voice of the dream right yeah I said if you've got a real god-given dream it can pray and cry when you've given up on it finish reading for me elder arise and lift up the land and hold him in that hand I'm asking this auditorium this wonderful conference as you leave and you're frustrated you deal with nightmares and here's somehow tempted to drop your dream do what God told Hagar to do awry and and do what lifts up the lab pick up the dream you've dropped hold him in the head read for me elder for I will make him a great nation here comes the watch and God opened her eyes and she saw a well of water and she went and filled a bottle with water and gave the lad drink if you were gone God tells you to do with your dream in the midst of your nightmare God will open up your eyes and show you a way to keep your dream alive oh yes oh yes oh yes oh yes and God said lift up the lad hold him in your hand other words you can't do this abstract you gotta make contact with it you got to touch what you dropped I don't know what you think but I'm gonna tell you I've been so challenged by this conference and all these wonderful ministries I realize I've dropped a bunch of dreams along the way and they've been dying because I just got frustrated over the nightmare and God is telling me now you go home and you pick up those various dreams and you lift them up to the heavens and God opened her eyes to see a well of water and then God opened his own mouth and gave a prophetic promise that he would be with the lad and the Laird grew and he dwelt in the wilderness I thank you for loving me I thank you for praying for me I thank you for believing in me thank you for listening to me I've done the very best I could to trying to help you to tell you that do not let the nightmare take your dream out of your hand you have got to endure the nightmare to experience the dream
Channel: Because of the Times
Views: 133,005
Rating: 4.8562875 out of 5
Keywords: Because of the Times, BOTT, Jeff Arnold
Id: JFg8HBF46Y8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 12sec (3852 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 10 2015
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