NEW TACTIC for Catching Shallow Water Crappies (Never Seen on TV) #SJTV

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you for joining us on this week's episode of sportsman's journal this week we're gonna be doing something that Tyler loves to do big copies he's super excited for it we're also gonna be giving away a little bit of a technique that we use for very secretive big crappie big copies so make sure your dvrs setter you have your notepad out that's right and we've already kind of scouted a little bit there's crappies everywhere and we're gonna be using the most important tool and that's kramer custom rods so we brought Erica line yeah we thought we'd throw them in the bowl Eric what are we using today we are using seven-foot ultra light Casey ours it's pretty much all you need for chase and crappies they're the all-around that's welcome it panfish shot yepper keeps fish pinned cast further yep for sure 7-footers gonna be awesome everybody stay tuned we'll be right back after a word from our sponsors this segment of sportsmen journal is brought to you by coleman insect repellant [Music] [Music] [Music] he's right behind this dumpy stump we're done in the pocket I better get the net there we go that is what we're talking about right here what is a big crappie that is a mom that's the Northwoods magnum guy take a look right there might be a four teenager huh yeah he's easily 13 into this Wow that's what we're going after today folks we're up here in the North Woods Wisconsin with Eric Kramer and my beautiful wife Sarah and we're gonna be using some of us do pan fish rods he's making I'm using a seven foot ultralight and let me tell you catchin fish on that phenomenal cast long you can cast this really long cast precise cast you can keep your boat away from structure and you catch fish like that with them how about that for starter fish guys that's an amazing that's that's a ding it's gonna be a hard to beat the rest of ya love it let's put that big girl back beautiful we're gonna put her back got him tight nice yeah doubles dubs that's a big fish that's not bad one no I'm not nothing like what you had there but good crappie though yeah nice fish that's a good eater right there yeah another fish was definitely had to throw back there we go this little spots hold until no 7-foot ultralight with the wacky rig deadly deadly combo yeah nice morning back crappy czar Colin copies your call god I'm got something oh that Tim that's a dandy nice crappie do you want the net nice work that's a nice one there we go nice job I think I can get him here's a nice one though he's hooked in the top lip I think we're safe here safe with him guy yeah I got him will drop the talent here there we go a nice little slab dandy I think the slab bite is picking up yeah definitely they're more active he ate that like he meant busy chase it out of there I couldn't see it all I could see ice appears exactly I could see my little minnow there and all once it disappeared so I set the hook we got him dead to rights something yeah your way here he comes here comes here comes here comes here comes you got it got it where is he he's on this side can't see him it's a nice want a better one you want the net guys what do you want me a grandma for you you know me to try and grab him you can do we out here yeah that's a good one we saw that one little sight fishing little sight he's top lip I think we're good here we are boy I'm gonna come everybody doing something pretty cool today something that Sarah and I came up with mighty you're back for fishing really skinny water crappies this is a nice fish yeah and if you see what Eric's use in there that's just a a two inch Berkley power mental any of middle imitational work but what we're doing is we're rigging a wacky style with really small jig heads and what that allows us to do besides catch nice crappies like that is the fish really skinny water sold it it allows us it allows that jig to sink really super super super slow and if you look how I have that hooked it allows the jig to sink really super slow your presentation stays in that strike zone a lot longer because of the fact that it's horizontal it sinks really slow and we're using really small jig heads you see this tactic a lot with you know largemouth bass with the Rocky you know you wacky rig sinkholes plastic worms stuff like that but you don't see a lot of guys doing for panfish and it catches everything but when you're sight fishing crappies and you need something that's balls really super slow this little right here might be the best one you can use and we actually sarah and i picked this up picked that technique up we started seeing crappies in iowa coming up in logs and they were about two feet under the water sunning themselves and every other we have to Biggs and stuff like that sick way too fast so we decided let's take a plastic hook it sideways like a wacky rig and see what that does cuz it'll sink really slow and sure enough that came right down in front of them you can dangle that for a couple seconds right from their snout and that's just enough to make a mad and they come up and eat that thing yes you got them yeah that's a big one get away thicker set of shoulders oh yeah I'm coming with the net that's a nice one we got really nervous until you get the data exactly especially when there makes labs you need to get ready I might be put white on Kramer it's picking up a little bit are you good job sir that's nice I got my bait mate crappie on there and you do maybe that was my uh well is that what you're doing why you always holding out on the bait meat on me yeah just to let them be there you go good job Sarah nice work that's a perfect eater what the nether you got him what color you got white yeah not it huge producer today but yeah that's a good one they're all nice in here they're just starting up it's been cold up here this has been a cold spring they're just starting to work your way up here this is about as pre-spawn as you can get because they're coming up and there's just cruise in the shoreline what makes it a shoreline really good right now is you got Sun penetration but the other cool thing is you get wind so that's helping us stay a little more camo'd up here that wind breaks us up a little bit so it's a little easier for us to fish this really skinny water but I'm telling you right now we're with that wind the length of the rods hoping us and they can cast their whippy enough at the tip to cut off these where we using 1/64 those chickens but there's enough backbone down here for hook sets yep well yeah I mean once you get hooks and one of these crappies out there it's pretty much he's pretty much stapled on there and yeah yeah the length really helps with fighting them but I get a lot of customers now who I asked so I mean and there's nothing wrong with it but for this technique anyway is that longer ultralight I still get a lot of customers who only want like a six foot ultralight or something you know and there's nothing wrong with those depending what you're doing but for this technique where you want to cast these little micro lures out you know that seven footer is just the answer for sure and the thing is is that we're seeing most of these crappies we know they're there yeah so staying away from them is yep the utmost importance in having that number one thing I mean it all you can't do what we're doing with five-foot ultralights no you can't five and a half adults we can't can you wouldn't be like cast half as far yeah sun's out what's one thing you're always using you're in a boat one is sunny sunscreen sunscreen gets on your hands it gets really greasy tough to handle your fishing rod these little things right here they're called camp soaps they're made by Coleman products all you do is just get them wet and then wash them off on your hands they're really cool so taking them to stick them in the water yup and then rub them together mmm and that cleans that right off of there and you get all that slippery stuff off there you clean your hands good for if you guys want it shortly I should use one I just got bugs you just like bug spray on that'll work too but those little camping stuff's awesome yeah really neat really neat yeah another dandy yes oh he's a jumper this is a little risky business with that small hook lifting them up like this I got four pound Suffolk's mono on there that's what Sarah's using too but again that wacky rig it's almost what do you got hon Gil yeah almost undeniable for those fish they almost can't say they can they basically can't say you know once they see that Daniel just analyzes them enough it's a good crappie put him back in there oh he's got him Eric that's another way I dropped the talent down for this cunning tennyson beast what do you got Sarah you get him Eric yeah you got him bud look at dad pull another big one that's another toll in a pot here I'm gonna get it up Sarah dumped him in the net there there Miko look at that oh and that's a big fish that is a big fish and I'm telling you why the length of these rods you can see it's pretty breezy out here we got some wind is helping me big-time get that lure right in front of there for yep yep we're not fishing deep water so you don't have a lot of time to catch the fish so no lesions casts are important yeah getting a little distance on the cast it helps to get it away from the bull is that nice fish or what tell you what that's a slab right there we're gonna put him back though I think we're gonna put him back it's probably a girl fish is 13 all of 13 huh I think so dump them back in [Music] [Music] so what we did here is we moved I wanted to be as close together yeah we tried to get if we get close enough together we catch more copies so that's what we're doing right now is we're huddling up and front boat but we moved to a new chunk of shoreline that's got a lot of wood on it and the other really nice thing about when you get this first big warm-up of spring you get to see what the lake has to offer I mean we've seen northerns we've seen bass we've seen big pumpkin seeds you've seen blue gills learn what's in the lake and right now we're learning that there's some really nice crowns in this one just out I'm there you go we going nice you pull them out of the wood guy hello you got them yeah and that's coming hurry I'm trying to get my rowdy that is it Danny swing them into your guy there you go hi yes hi sis slammer yeah that is a good fish another thing we're using really bright colors too so we can see and when they hit it you gotta grab him or try it they got some power the bright colors help us be able to see him come up and slap it that's why we use it I got Sarah's use away and I got chartreuse and Eric seed and chartreuse - but that Rudy that is a dandy nice fish buddy yeah yeah I'm out of that what I was able to reach that wood over there so one of the nice things about the the lakes up here is there's quite a health reduce population to pants yeah like this guy here you speak of the devil hunt that's the thing up here these Lakes up in northern Wisconsin if there's a lot of weeds there's gonna be lots of crappies I almost need to net for that one maybe I should have next time I think so yeah well that's kind of what we keyed on it's been about three really nice days in a row and we kind of figured that the fish are gonna start to move in and this lake is shallow it sweetie really good pan fish like a lot of organic bottoms that's why you could see a lot of this places it's all dark bottom and that warms up really fast till those crappies and pan fish will suck up in here really quick so it doesn't take much to get this water temp in the upper 50s 60s so it's 64 right now when we got here it was 60 so went up four degrees there you go he's lookin hice that's all that would come up and whack it got excited that thing sucked that thing down remember don't listen to your boat partner you work on feel not him his eyesight Wow I'm guessing she's missed a couple before because that's a good fish these copies are moving up we're catching them under docks we're getting them on right now we're on a big sand flat we're getting them in wood and the big thing is any type of bull rush that's kind of the big that's the big weed that they're hanging and I'll get a bull rush kind of a little bit bull rush bed or even lily pad stop styling to calm put the roots of the lily pads they come up in there and anytime you got a little shade even that's why the logs are good and the overhang of the bulrush that holds all these fish and they come in there and that's Kramer just I just I just yeah I did so that's what we're looking for and that's where these fish are holding right now I'm in the back this is a nice one - Wow got him in the bulrush here um maybe I think I can get him on Wow yeah since you're there show them in there whoa nice the net extended for me that right there is a good crappie that's a beauty another one as a beast what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna drop of town real quick right here since we caught that one it's probably several more but yeah that's a nice fish I want to show you real quick how we're rigging these wacky how we're rigging these wacky minnows on there that is a really good fish put him back it's important to throw back two big ones too I mean those are the females they're laying lots of eggs let's take a quick look here we're talking about what I do how we rigged these you can see I got really small jig that's 1/64 outs I take the power middle and the key is to put it about as exact in the middle as possible so you go in just like this kind of find a halfway point and I like to put at the top of the minnow a little more because what that does is it allows more water to push up on it as it sinks so it sinks a lot slower so that's all you got to do put it in there if you put it too close to the front you won't get the the jiggle as much won't jiggle as much you'll be more rigid so like if you say you put it here when you twitch it it's going to pull it you're not gonna get that vibration from the tail on the head so go as much as you can in the middle towards the top poker through you're gonna catch some huge crappies it'll surprise you yeah you got this one drop it right down in there you want to lift or the net or to lift when we grab the net I'm sure we're gonna likes to do things herself I've tried many times trying to get the net no hasn't cost or one yet dole no dubs we got dubs here nice dubs on the crops but Sarah's is a lot bigger than not is it yeah you come up in smoke there's a couple more sitting right I feels like I kind of feel left out cast right here yeah right in front of me see if we can get a trips got attaboy decent to look at that fish Kramer just missed one we got a nice little pot of them working here I'm gonna back up and see if we get too good up here one thing that work that we're doing here also we talked about boat control a lot as well but every species and every technique that you use Scott on we got helpful Dobbs nice every technique of species that you fish boat controls very very important and what we got going here swing him in there here you're using hook treat in the corner we're using the talent for this we're market fish and stares in the bag she's hitting the Talon down and that's keeping us in one spot and all I have to do is mess with my trolling motor tad turn around this way guy with that yeah well I'll get him unhooked and all we're doing is using the troll motor to back us up and or pull us a little closer back us up and we're clear this we're catching that's awesome I love it back there backers Sarah kids wanting to get in trouble in here so you better man in the Talon so we'll give her a break but that's perfect bolt controls name of the game having the right the right positioning for the fish especially the wind is important cool good job Sarah get them out of there get them out of the bulrush it's a pretty one nice work I loved it they're hungry you were twitching that one a little faster yeah no tap water jeez top water crop Ian yeah chop he's on top when they're hungry they're hungry I know the other thing that you need to have to do this good set of polarized glasses yeah be able to see these things and when you're in the shallows those crappies they almost look neon kind I like to say chartreuse on the back they have a different color to them in the water than say a bass or a bluegill so you can kind of once you figure out what they look like you see the first couple then you can start spotting them a lot easier so having a good pair of shades helps got him girl that's a beast that's a good one honker a giant motor and he was waiting what do you think of that ones there dude that is a toad whoa keep them over there that's gonna better deal yeah inhaled it oh my goodness nice really nice that's uh I like it that's a beaut well what do you think we had a great day yeah I think I think this might be yeah that's a that's a dandy that might be a big I think it is this is a it's a big fish Araki rods I can't say you know forget to him it's unbelievable when you call out of it that fish Sarah that is a donkey unbelievable day that's our third or fourth one that's pushing the 14 inch mark yeah it's not amazing it has been Eric thanks a lot buddy he rides again you've been unreal glad to put them to the nice fish on ok perfect way to end today everybody thanks for watching sports in a journal we'll see you next week let's get that fish back in there for more information on how to build your own Kraemer custom rod contact eric at Kramer custom rods com [Music] can't get enough of the Sportsman's journal follow us on Instagram YouTube and Facebook also check out our website horses journal
Channel: Sportsman's Journal TV
Views: 208,737
Rating: 4.6978779 out of 5
Keywords: crappies, fishing, technique, how-to
Id: 7TcchB4eKv8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 31sec (1411 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 02 2020
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