Crappie Rigging How-to: The 4 We Use the Most

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oh yeah [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey guys hey y'all do it this Brian cliffside outfitter thank you for for joining us today and have frettin told you like that we won't let you know that we certainly do appreciate you watching their videos when we see the the lights and subscribe to comments it's it's really as inspiration to us and Itakura just you know when we're putting these videos together so we won't let you know that we sure to appreciate today in the video we're gonna do the weather is file weather I got a lot of light then thunderstorms coming through and I've had a couple requests from some viewers and some friends that they asked me just exactly what kind of technique what kind of rig are we using when we're fishing for crappie and there's several different rigs that we use but so I'm gonna take you through a few of the ones that are most common the ones that we use day in and day out to catch crappie so check out what we're doing right here alright guys I've got you drawn in here where you can see what I'm doing this I know this hard to see but that little hook right tire is a number six Aberdeen crappie hood that's a real good hood I like the gold ones better than I do the dark-colored hoods but for viewing purposes I'm going to show you on this white background that little bronze hood is what we usually use it's the number six Aberdeen hood now for demonstration purposes I'm gonna use this because you'll be able to see that a whole lot better so let's take this food away I've also got some fishing line here this is this regular monofilament fishing line and normally what I use is four pound test that's about the biggest line that I ever use when I'm cracked fishing everyone wants a while if I'm in real heavy brush I'll use six pound test or maybe eight pound test Lopez green but the thing about it is crappie are not really that line shot so you can get by with a with a lot of different size lines the hive is gold you can get by with all that when you're fish for crappie but I think a lot of things in fishing has to do with confidence so if you have confidence in something that's gonna make you catch more fish just right off the bat so four pound test green low fifth green lines one I typically use this however is a little bit bigger line and that's for viewing purposes but there's basically one rig that is sort of a go-to rig for us when we know what the fish are doing it's it works in all situations as far as crappie fishing and live bait but it's not as good as search rig as some of the ones I'm gonna show you later on in the video but take your number six Aberdeen hook and take your standing line the main line pass the the excuse me pass the line through the eye of the hook and you can either twist the hook or you can wrap the tag in around the main line but I'm gonna go around it about six times this is called to improve clinch knot I'm gonna pass it back through that loop and then through the loop I created and as with any knot you wanna use me you want to wet that before you cinch it down pull that down tight and then take you use scissors or Clippers whatever you have and clip that off okay so we got our we got our hook on our main line I want to come 12 to 14 inches above that and you can vary that and try different ways to see what works best for you but I find that 12 14 inches is the best for me but right here I've got some split shot now this is a this is a number four and I use a lot another force use one number five the shallow where I get the smaller split shot I'll use but for demonstration purposes take this number four this is what I would use in water up to about 20 feet deep and you put that 12 to 14 inches on your standing line take you some hemostats or pliers and feet you boner and that's pretty much it but you met on drop it down to your known depth I'll drop that down if I've got a brush pile that tops out at 8 feet I'll drop that down to where this is about 6 feet and that minutes of dancing right over top of that brush and when the crappier active and they're feeding this is a real good technique to use it's inexpensive to tie it's not going to cost you a whole lot of money if you lose this rig so that's us our go-to right there just right off the bat our fur go to read for tightline crappie fishing all right guys saw our first rig is really good if we're if we've already found two fish we've already we know that they're at a certain depth on the brush pile we're not going to be moving around a lot the next rig we're going to tie is it's a knot well let's just say this it's a or of a searching rig we don't know exactly where the crap is that we know that we might find them in a certain area but we don't we don't have them pinpointed we don't know exactly where they're at so we're gonna do a little more searching this rig is we've got a jig on the bottom and then up above the jig we're gonna tie that number six or excuse me number four but Dominica is gonna be above the jig and we're gonna we're gonna be moving around a little more with this rig so it's sort of like we're troubling with the jig but we've got our men up art and we're not gonna be moving real fast so let me show you how we tie this one up let's get our standing lines our main line and the first thing we're gonna do is we're going to go up about 24 inches more or less you can you can adapt this to whatever your situation is but we're gonna take our our benefit and we're gonna tie it on about 24 inches up the standing line with a palm or not double your line and believe you'd like to say that 24 inches of tag and take and go through the hook just like that now if your hook eye is too small for you to double the line and take your food you can pass it through and then pass it back through and create the same loop we're going to take and once we get it double and pass through we're gonna tie square knot like you're beginning to tie your shoe and you're going to end up with this right here and then you're going to take this loop reach through it and grab the hook pull it through the loop now we want to wet this so there's a sense down and we've got our palm or not and we've got a you could make this you make it ten fifty you want to 24 inches 12 inches whatever you like but we're going to separate the two bates by the distance of whatever tag you left so let's take an entire jig on the bottom my favorite not for tying a jig to whatever I like a loop not because of the freedom of movement I think it gives the jig a little more action but we're gonna pass the line through the eye of the jig and we're gonna hold it double we're gonna take watch me now I'm gonna take this and I'm gonna make a loop I'm gonna create a loop with that doubled line and then I'm gonna pass my jig through the loop one two three times now once I get it past three three times I've got my double loop I'm gonna take that loop and I'm gonna hook it on the eye of the jig to help control it I'm gonna put my finger right here on the eye and I'm gonna start cinching it down once it gets close I'm gonna lubricate it but I'm gonna pull it on down to it's about a half inch or so a quarter inch on a small crappie jig and then I'm gonna pull it off and I'm gonna cinch it down and that gives me a loop knot so let's get let's get our scissors and trim or tagging we got our tag in trim down we got we got a loop knot over jig he's just as free and it can move now what's gonna happen is I'm gonna have this Menna hook to the standing line on this hook right here and as that meant of moves it's gonna move the jig so that meant and not only has he been attractive himself he's actually working the jig for me and I'm gonna pull this through the water column we've got at two different beds so that helps us that's a little more of a search bait that's another one we use when we're moving around and we're searching for fish so that's a that's a good good setup right there we use that a whole lot that last rig that we use that's real good that's a typical rig for a spider rig we're we're moving around more we got our jig that's holding the bait stationary any bite everything's tight so any bite the rod as you move will will probably set the hook so now let's move to a faster technique we're gonna drop out the Menna we're gonna go to a tandem jeah Grigg and this is what I use when I sometimes I use a jig sometimes I use a jig with a with a blade on it a spinner this is more of a trolling technique and we use this a lot when when it gets really hot and the fissure completely suspended they're scattered all over the place we're gonna get on the flats and we're gonna we're gonna tie up this rig and we're gonna troll it this is a longline trolling technique we're going to throw out we're going to drop back and we'll use a the jig heads are going to be based on whatever depth that you want to pull but this is actually a true tuck trolling setup that we use so let me show you how to tie it so first we want to we want to tie a loop we're going to use the same idea we're gonna have the long tag in but we're gonna take and tie we're gonna slip our jig on the tag in and instead of tying a pom or not we're going to tie our loop not up here high on the top jig so again we're gonna take our loop we're gonna loop it around 1 2 3 now we do not want this loop to be close to the jig head so we're gonna let it ride it actually we all we're gonna tease it up this way we're gonna pull it down to where we have a dropper that's sort of a dropper so you can see that you've got you've got your standing line and then you're gonna have this jig head and it's gonna be flooding back here behind the main line and then we're gonna take our heavier jig and both these jigs are the same size but but y'all understand what I'm coming back we're gonna take our heavier jig and we're gonna put it on the bottom and I said I like to keep this simple don't use the same knot will do the same loop and we're gonna pass it through here 3 times and this one here we're gonna keep it a little closer because we don't need to we don't need to long loop I'll pull that down then we go tease it off the top of that jig we'll pull that down we can get this separate and get her get her taggi and cut off but what that's going to do that's going to give us a jig down on the bottom and it's free we got a loop knot on it it's free you tip at the man if you want to and then on up the line we're going to have a standard loop and we're going to have our other jig and both these are going to be trailing back behind the boat we're gonna be trolling that a little little higher speed we're gonna be pulling these but that's a real good rig for for doing that let's see there we go on that I'm going to show you one more time for casting a jig I'm just out shooting dogs casting on the bank casting on brush the cast and retrieve let me show you one more time this is the knot that I use and it's a good knot let's take it let's take it and pass it through loop around your fingers I see jig three times we're gonna take him to put a finger on top of that hook eye we can tease that loop down toward the hook I just like that lift it off the hook guy and go ahead and cinch it all day and pull both lines and get it cinch them but that's our that's our standard loop knot that we use and what that does I said that gives you that gives you jig more freedom to move around and I think you catch a few more fish and get a few more bites with a loop knot versus tied directly to the hook out of time I talked to the good guy where you all right now for the last rig I'm gonna show you today we've we've tied a rig the first rig that we showed you was all about efficient so you could split shot you drop it down are you jerking the fish second rig is so we can move around a little molar maybe try to find some fish the third rig was an extreme moving around reading I mean it's a it's a rig to where we're covering large expanses of water which is a tandem trolling region we're going to move that you know we're we're way beyond tightlining they're spotted rig and we're actually trolling and the last one I'm going to show you is a rig that that we use from time to time if you have fish that are stacked up in a brush pile and and say where you're getting tangled up a lot you little minnow he's going down there and he's tangling you up and you're losing a lot of equipment let me show you the dropper eek we use a dropper rig and you can use several different weights styles to tie the dropper but to start with we're going to do the same deal with the hood essentially we're going to take and tie drop early we're gonna take and and make a loop double our line just like that and then we're going to take the line and we're going to want one side of the other you can pick either side but we're going to pass it through the loop that we've created and we want to do that about four times then we want to hold on to the portion that we've passed through you grab the the standing line and the tag in and we're going to pull this down we're gonna cinch it down one lubricate that knot and cinch that down we've made a dropper loop okay then just like Lee's gonna tie palm or not we taking and double our loop okay and always when you're when you're passing a loop through a hook guy whether you're doing a snail lot or you're doing the polymer not where your hoop is tied directly to your standing line I always go in from the hook point side and that'll that'll turn your hook upward but what we're going to do we're gonna pull that loop through and we're going to pass it over the the bend of the hook just like an and work that down and then we'll just pull that and that attaches hook that attaches you hook two to your line and you got that on the loop now that's gonna give that hook and that meant of some freedom he's gonna be able to to work around and just like our first rig but he's not gonna be on the bottom he's gonna be up on the top then you come down here on your tag in 24 inches or or whatever come down here on your tie in anti-you thinker now you can use a sinker like this you could actually even tie a egg sinker just tied over because we're not concerned with this knot we're just going to tie just whatever kind of not granny knot square knot anything because I don't have to have no sprint to because the idea is if you actually get hung up you prefer that this law would pull out a break before you before you lose that way that'll save you some hooks if you're in in heavy brush so you can take this you can drop this down until you feel the brush and once you feel the brush with this right here then you know well I'm right to her after brush within your hook it's right above it and that menos dancing around and he's moving that hook around and he's going to attract you fish up to the up to the hook and you keep your hook out of the brush so that's a real good technique for heavy brush all right yes well there you have it that's a that's pretty much the for what we would call standard techniques that many guys use when we go out crappie fishing especially when we're using meadows or when we're trolling that's basically the four the four rigs that we use and we try to adapt I read to the situation how the fish are set up and how they're they're holding on the brush or whether they're suspended or whatever they're relating to one of those techniques can usually get the bait where it needs to be to where we can get a bias so I hope you guys enjoyed the video and you picked up something that that will help you in the future to catch more fish don't forget if you hadn't already subscribe to our channel this Brown cliffside outfitters y'all have a good day [Music]
Channel: Cliffside Outfitters
Views: 53,509
Rating: 4.8405466 out of 5
Keywords: cliffside outfitter, crappie rigs, crappie fishing, crappie, crappie tips and tricks, crappie fishing secrets, crappie tips, crappie fishing with a jig, jigs, minnows, hooks, sinkers, Hickory, rhodhiss, boat, shore, fishing, fishing rigs, fishing tackle, trolling, tightlining for crappie, minnow fishing for crappie, crappie killer rig, lake norman fishing, how to fish for crappie, terminal tackle, crappie fishing tactics, crappie tackle
Id: -gWHuqD7H54
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 16sec (1456 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 02 2018
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