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okay so we have the worst character in the game and that is going to be ganondorf ganondorf doesn't have a lot of options he hits really hard and he kills really early and that's about it he has mediocre defensive options and at a shield he has one of the worst recoveries in the game he has one of the worst disadvantaged states in the game he is really slow he's really slow in the air as well he kind of just doesn't have anything his moves are all amazing in a vacuum if you watch my move tier list skan is like almost always kind of in the higher top tier areas but he's just not good enough because his stats are awful so yeah he's the worst character in the game second worst character in the game we have little mac little mac plays half a game he has a bad recovery although it's a little better than people give it credit for it's not the easiest to edge guard if they have all their resources but he's a ground fighter only in a game where air fighting is kind of mostly how people play this game he has good with punishing great normals on the ground but he can't fight in the air you can camp him you can run away from him you can hit him and edge guard him there's not a lot of threat that this character presents if you know the matchup and you play it well and then of course he can just die at 20 granted he has kale punch to kill his opponent at 20 but it just doesn't have a way to deal with zoners or rush down or like mid-range that are just better than his except for like i'm gonna strictly be better than you but you can also strictly be better than your opponent with every character so it doesn't really matter at third verse in the game we have a slight demotion we're gonna have piranha plant i think piranha plant is one of the most linear characters and does just doesn't have a lot of good tools he has patui which honestly is a really good tool and you kind of have to run into it as the opponent and even then you can grab piranha plant if he's like holding it and hoping that you hit him and then just time your throw for the throw invincibility so patui does nothing his legs trapping is okay i think it's severely overrated by most players he has an exploitable recovery he doesn't really have any combos unless you're getting hit by like landing up air or dieing incredibly wrong so he kind of doesn't really do that much damage unless you're getting hit by poison cloud or some dumb combos that shouldn't work or you're running into stuff he has one of the worst zombies in the game in my opinion it's just not very good the armor doesn't matter he has just bad normals he has really bad normals he has like two or four good moves and that's really really bad considering even ganon has like 10 good moves you know what i'm saying so yeah no not a good character he kills you pretty early with up smash and forward smash but like you're not really going to be hitting most of those moves against people that are just playing the matchup correctly so yeah plant kind of sucks and because of this we have a slight promotion for the old third worst character in the game and that is dr mario doc didn't really do anything i don't think like bacon doing better at pound made me think this character is good it's just i thought plant was worse doc still incredibly lacks mobility uh he lacks a ton of good combos he has to out neutral you pretty hard and it's really difficult to do that as a really slow character he also has an exploitable recovery exploitable disadvantage state he does kill you mad early he has really good out of shield options and uh some scary kill confirms mostly like down tilt into upbeat or down throw into uppy at the ledge those are terrifying but if you kind of stay center against dock and kind of play that mid-range game he really struggles pill's not fast enough to really establish any pressure you can't run behind it like let's say a pikachu or a peach you can with their thunder jolts so he kind of just is hoping that people run into stuff or don't know how to deal with him and that's how dr mario generally wins because other characters either deal more damage or are stronger or are faster or are just less exploitable you have to be playing perfect but if people are playing even not super perfect but decently well in the high tier or mid tier you're still going to beat the doctor mario similar to all these characters you can only play part of the game with this next character and that is lucario i know people still think he's like lower mid tier that's fine i understand the good points of this character aura is terrifying or a sphere is a decent projectile it has like all those traps in the corner and combos and you can do aurosphere auras for your back air and up air it's crazy like the orosphere charges it's super cool however you can just not play the game most of the time until you are at like 80 percent your first stock you're not playing the game he does no damage yes he's mobile kind of he's not super mobile but he's like more mobile than the characters other than little mac in this bottom tier so like he can do a bunch of fancy stuff but it literally does not matter if you get hit so get hit just run into him mess up you took seven you took i think up throw up air or like fair fare up air when he is at zero aura does like 23 which is less than some moves that people just use in neutral and definitely less than basically any bread and butter combo for any other character he needs aura in order to win you cannot win with this character without aura but again i feel like people and the meta is progressing for stronger advantage states better kill confirms more consistency in getting kills with a lot of characters even in the mid tier right like universally thought mid tiers like pit has really decent kill confirms and like good stuff and bayonetta and stuff like that so maybe not banana i feel like people are just consistently getting too many early kills not even like necessarily like 50 early but like 80 percent early 90 early so lucario isn't getting his max aura which means that he's not going to be able to play his game in a game where everyone plays their game all the time so i think he's bottom tier because of that again if you want to put him in low tier maybe bottom of mid sure but i just don't see it and before we get into it further i want to remind you that not a lot of people that watch these videos are subscribed to the channel so please subscribe i would appreciate it i do a lot of content like this i do character analyses i do challenges i do a bunch of fun stuff so let me know down in the comments what you want as well again down there subscribe etc also just as a quick disclaimer for the rest of the tier list results do factor into my tier list a little bit but having like one or two good results doesn't really impact much like literally every character in this game has results you've had brood get second in a major granted that was a long time ago but the results exist little mac has won japanese locals and peanut does decently well at some regionals you had bacon get 17th out of major you've had sue and armadillo and other lucarios that i can't remember at the moment do decently well with lucario but to me that doesn't inherently make him better because literally every character has results at some point so you have to just kind of be like okay it has to be exceptional results a ton of players are doing really well with a specific character in order for that to matter because literally every single character has done something has done a decent amount of something so you can't be like oh but what about this one time this character did really well it every character has done well you know what i'm saying so just wanted to put that out there so that was it for the bottom tier now let us get into the low tier and we are going to start off with a beloved character banjo and kazooie i had a lesson with a banjo pretty recently and they showed me a bunch of his more technical stuff and a bit more of his potential but i still think because his damage output is generally so low and he has a decent amount of really bad matchups in a lot of the relevant characters he's going to be really low in the tier list because materialist is all about meta relevance right like it's about how well can you do in the current state of the game not potential realistic how can you do in a tournament is it hard to play the character is it you know taxing to play him so like banjo even though he has a bunch of really crazy stuff and can kill you at 50 at the ledge even 70 with his eagle blaster confirm into like wonder wing stuff one that's frame perfect or near frame perfect so it's really difficult to perform and if you mess it up you messed up your uh your chance to do that and then banjo can't really kill until like 140 150 kind of consistently is his like consistent killing unless he's sitting with like a random smash attack or ford or something like that so that's a real struggle his damage output is one of the worst in the game actually i feel like the only character that has worse damage output than banjo overall is non-aura lucario and that's a problem because i just finished ranting about how bad that was i think that banjo just is a little too clunky his hitboxes don't work consistently he doesn't have consistent drag downs he doesn't really have combos unless you're specifically doing the regal blaster stuff which is his neutral b you're not really going to get a lot of combos you can get two pieces here and there but his main thing is just kind of zoning you out making you approach hitting you for it and then trying to leg trap you or to frame you his two framing ability is amazing because he has down tilt and forward smashing down smashing side b those are all really good options in order to uh hit you for when you're trying to grab a ledge but it's not enough it's simply not enough to contend with the meta of like oh you are you can two frame them it may be good in the game but if you get one in a game and then you're killing it 140 or 150 the other two stocks it doesn't it's not gonna add up to characters that are consistently killing you at 80 or 90 or just dealing you 60 every time they win neutral at zero next up we have another projectile heavy character and by that i mean one projectile but a lot and that is day to day day to day is one of those characters that has decent lives trapping with guard alleged traps although waiting on the ledge is you know really really good uh if you're fighting against a day to day it's really important to know what beats gordo but if you do the matchup becomes way easier day to day doesn't really have a ton of combos as i mentioned with banjo his damage up is better than banjos don't get me wrong because he's a big character he hits hard but he's still really only gonna like two or three pcu which again in a meta where there's a bunch of characters that do way more than that it's not good enough he doesn't really have good attitude options which isn't good enough he's not mobile it's not good enough he can't really get off the ledge if the opponent just respects the drop off double jump up there and just kind of stands at roll distance lets him ledge jump and doesn't really care because he's really bad in the air like all you have to do when you're in the air is make sure that he can't get enough space to comfortably back air and land and that's all you have to do otherwise he has subpar neutral because he has to commit a lot earlier to a lot of his moves he has no mobility in the air so like if he jumps you can just take the space and know where you're safe from like forward and back here slowly corner him and then just hit him and keep him disadvantaged for a long time yeah he has multiple jumps but his multiple jumps aren't good necessarily he has a bad disadvantage in my opinion especially considering he's a multi-jump character gordo is just not very good and inhales a little too slow to be super effective unless you're incredibly terrified of the day-to-day in which case you should probably just like back up what if i just said ddd what if i just said ddd chat or comments would you like me to start saying ddd let me know and again while you're down there subscribe i would appreciate it yeah next up we have probably one of the best counterpick characters in the game but i don't feel like he is good enough because i'm considering what this is in terms of solo mains in this tier list and that is meta knight i'm re-recording this because i messed up my audio i've seen a lot of people be mad about my mennonite placing and i don't really understand it the peak of mennonite is bonk doing okay at regionals this is not like a bonk is bad i don't see it because again results don't really matter to me but i don't really get it i feel like his ladders don't work on the majority of the cast sdi and the i are really important versus him one of his most important moves which is his combo ender and ladders if they're vertical in terms of upbeat sometimes just doesn't work the amount of times that i have seen mennonites do a correct ladder finally get this whole thing for a comeback and get a kill and the opponent falls out of upbeat for literally no reason and then the meta knight dies is terrifying it's not like a zero suit in smash 4 thing where like oh they get pushed out and die because of it like no they just live and then kill the mennonite because he's in special fall i feel like this character is a huge matchup check if you know how to d in sdi it becomes way more difficult for men knife to get these combos can he still get them i don't really know against most characters because i play pikachu i do know he's a great counterpick character if you are struggling with a character like rob or like mewtwo or the big floaty characters in general he does great versus them but i feel like he's too linear all he wants to do is dash attack and grab and he also has good edge guarding don't get me wrong he's actually like probably one of the top like 15 or 20 edge guarders at least probably higher than that i'm just covering my bases he's a good air good back air but i feel like he just doesn't really have a game plan except for i want the dash attack a lot of the times and uh that's not good enough in a game where a lot of people either have way more degenerate game plans if they are linear or they have a way more diverse game plan and meta knight doesn't really have good options to deal with a lot of diverse game plans he's too short and stubby his mobility's decent but the minute he jumps you know what he wants because he's either gonna dare camp you or he's gonna land on top of you with a neutral air and that's that's kind of all he can do i don't know it just seems like he's not threatening in a lot of ways especially once you're like out of the range of like the the ladders and stuff like that where he's just gonna like what spam forward smash so you just have to be patient and not just run into him all the time he's a matchup check in my opinion and a matchup check does not mean that you're a good character speaking of terrifying characters that aren't actually good next up we have donkey kong donkey kong is really scary he actually has a pretty strong advantage state he has a great up air great back air a lot of damage for this character he has a lot of kill confirms and the character again has results chunky kong's like number two in south florida under i think jayma or j mafia and anathema might be above him or j mafia is like trading sets with him i don't know uh this character has a lot of good stuff but the problem is it is coupled with one of the worst disadvantage dates in the game if not like it's like bottom five at the very least and one of the most exploitable recoveries in the game because his upbeat has no invincibility on it so you can either get below donkey kong and hit him above donkey kong or hit him or even trade with the arms as he upbeats and jk is just gonna die you can rinse repeat edge guard this character super easily as a lot of characters also he's really susceptible to two framing because at certain distances he just has to go immediately to ledge and so you can just to frame him and two frame and two frame him to frame him and then eventually he's far enough away that you can just jump out and swat him with an aerial whether it's a sword or any type of disjoint or a counter or anything so many characters can edge guard this character so even though he has a bunch of good stuff it is outweighed by all of his bad stuff and again i do want to mention just while i'm like halfway through low tier a little less than halfway i think every character in this game other than the bottom like four are like good enough maybe the bottom three are good enough every character has had results basically in this game there is always some shining example of a result for every character in this game if you want to play a character in this game and you really love them just play them it doesn't really matter however i'm still talking about the ease of matchups the ease of doing well in a tournament because if you constantly have to fight four sixes and 35 65s out of your favor you're not going to do well in a tournament unless you are literally better than mk leo and that's really hard to be because no one's better than mk leo you know what i mean so i think every character is good i think every character has potential if you're playing super super hot you can do anything with any character but obviously the ease of access to higher levels of play and better tournament results comes with a better character so make your choice accordingly depends on what you want i have a video about that saying like hey these are your goals be honest with yourself and i'll put it in the card up above next up in low tier we have the first me of the game and that is me sword fighter me sword fighter's got some sauce actually his chakram is an amazing move tornado does what it does and it's pretty good in certain instances he has cool upbeats cool traps and he has some amazing normals his back air his up air his forward air and his down told are all absolutely fantastic moves the problem is if it's a move that i didn't list it's kind of mediocre he doesn't really have a good downbeat that might be like the thrust is the best downbeat but it's not like particularly amazing his neutral air kinda sucks his down air i think is really cool but it's only useful as an edge guard against certain characters so it's not very very good his smash attacks are all kind of bad i mean forward smash is the best one but it's not very good his four tilt and up tilt are very okay so he's just playing with half a kit and playing with half the kit kind of like little mac isn't a good look the things that he does do the the moves that he can use are amazing but it's just not good enough when people are using their entire kit maybe minus a move or two but even those moves have niches whereas like i don't know when a me swordfighter would ever want to neutral air because you can just like forward air and then drift back a little bit like it's just better you know what i'm saying so yeah kind of rough but he does that's the sauce he's really cool next up in low tier we have someone that made a big upset of genesis and that is ice climbers i know i put ice climbers in bottom 11. yes is waddy playing the character more sure are there results from japanese ice climbers yes is big d amazing and literally was pgr in season two yeah that's a testament to how good i think every character is in this game because i put eye slimers at the 11th worst character in the game granted the order of this low tier doesn't really matter that much but yeah slammers is a struggle i feel like they have so much good stuff squall is amazing blizzard is so good they have incredibly elaborate desync setups they have ledge trapping they have a bunch of crazy stuff their combo game is amazing and then you kill nana and they're the worst character in the game not threatening in neutral they barely have any combos anymore except for literally like up tilt up air and down throw up air at like zero to 50 or something like that they don't have any of the desyncs they don't have anything except for being bad you just have to back aaron four tilt and hopefully your opponent runs into it but also i feel like a lot of the play is unrefined against dice climbers people don't know how to accurately edge guard their uppy people don't know how to accurately kill nano when they're separated still even in to this day i see top players just let nana get back to popo for no reason so many times it's actually ridiculous so a lot of people are kind of bad versus this character but again this character has a lot of terrible matchups there's a lot of just oh you cannot win this matchup like the belmonts like pac-man like snake like game and watch probably like steve although i haven't really seen that match probably a bunch more of the top tiers that just kind of destroy this character like shulk probably like i can't imagine that matchup's very good but has a couple of good matchups in the top tier as well like i know uh void thinks that sheik's worst matchup is ice climbers so randomly can do well again i think even or winning versus game and watch probably so has like decent and like mario actually does pretty decent as well but the thing is again people don't even do this anymore people used to do this in brawl because people were way more okay with timing out in brawl but like people would literally kill nana and then camp the entire time and just run away and and just not interact to the point where the ice climber players including myself would have to sd which will lose our popo stock no matter what percent we're at we could be at 60 and we're just like yeah it's not worth it because they're just going to run away from us the whole time we would sd to get nana back because that's what people were willing to do is just be like nope i'm just going to time you out i'm just going to run away the entire time and people can do that in this game and they just don't a character that's a bit more consistent than their play style but just slightly less overwhelming is kirby i think kirby actually has a lot of good stuff kirby has had a ton of results overall you have jesus from france who has put in work there was just a kirby at a mexican invitational i don't remember their name that got second i'm pretty sure they beat uh like alan dis or something like that or some really top mexican player uh they're incredible then you of course have jaeja in the pacific northwest who puts in work but this character again loses to swords struggles to deal with people that camp but the thing is if you are playing a match up that the low profiling is obnoxious kirby has like the best low profile in the game as a use overall because he can do low profile up tilt down tilt forward tilt like his tilts are amazing his arrows are all pretty good but he's just a little slow people can run away from the character people can camp the character people can play the mid-range versus kirby incredibly efficiently if you're running at kirby to try to hit him you're not going to do particularly well but if you stand like this far away from kirby and like this is his four tilt range this is this far away he can't really do anything to you and you just kind of play the game like repositioning yourself versus them and almost every character in the game is going to be faster and better at that than kirby so yeah he's a little bit of a struggle a character that definitely doesn't struggle with the mid-range but is still kind of okay is isabelle i think this is a slight underration of isabel or underrating of isabel according to the general populations thing she's kind of underwhelming slingshot is really good her jab i think i put is like the second best jab in the game in my jab tier list which by the way check out my move here this is just saying her jab is incredible she has a lot of good stuff she just kill confirms out the ass because of jab into like down smash and forward tilt and i don't think you're gonna a jab jab up smash but up smashes uses an added shield option she has an errors in that shield option she can control neutral with forward air and back air but the problem is she has a command grab that's not a command grab because it doesn't go through shields she doesn't really have a viable way to approach she doesn't have a way to force a lot of positions against the opponent so they can just kind of like run up and like shield and keep shielding her slingshots and there's no threat like villager i know because villager's a little higher this cheerless obviously has an option to like use his side b and then run at the opponent and either take space or at the very least establish some type of pressure and then like maybe like jump backwards or slingshot or something like that to get away from pressure and just take space isabel doesn't really have that because her downbeat's more of a trap setup which is good specifically for ledge trapping because she can put down b at roll distance and then it'll come up if they roll and then you can cover the other three options decently well but at the same time a lot of her options just aren't good enough she doesn't have easy enough killing because it's kind of hard to hit jab on some characters she doesn't have great aerial kills because you're never going to see those triple turnips because you always get twos with up air and down air they're good don't get me wrong but it's just this character has to work a little bit too hard to get kills in a game where people don't have to work hard to get kills next up we have one of the most linear characters in the entire game and just some some character that's just missing a little something and that is bowser jr i think bowser junior's neutral is some of the most predictable and not very good neutrals in the game he's gonna side b and he's gonna jump he's either gonna try to go through you or he's gonna jump and forward air and that's all this character does it's all he can do because he literally doesn't have good options in neutral unless you want to nickel and dime your opponents for forever because the only combo move that he has is up air and side b because you can get side b into up air or upbeat depending on percents this character does not struggle to kill he has so many options to kill he has all of his smash attacks up smashes frame six or seven so it's very fast uh which is a great kill option he has forward smash at the ledge which is really good which can hit the ledge grabs or just you know hit like ledge jump midi something like that then he has like forward air back hair cannonball can kill jab kills obviously it's one of the best jabs in the game and hammer swing so he has he has a forward throw he has a play as a ton of kill options but the problem is getting you to the kill percents is really difficult against most characters especially if you just kind of look out for his grab if you're just mobile and kind of force bowser jr to swing early which is very easy to do because he's not particularly mobile you're not really scared of him because what he's gonna do oh he read your back dash and forward aired you it's like cool if you're at less than like 80 percent you're not really going to care about that you're just gonna like get hit and be like okay it's so much less threatening than so many other characters because his advantage state isn't super good neutral is lackluster so he just kind of is like slightly lacking in every area but killing but that means characters that have better neutrals or better advantage states because a disadvantage also isn't very good you just have to know how a cart works right he doesn't really have good disadvantage he doesn't have great advantage i mean upper is good but like otherwise he's kind of struggling and he has to like make reads for air dodges but like one read and that's it to you know put them in the same position and then do it again it's just it's just too risky a lot of the times for him and if he misses a position he has to go back and plays mediocre neutral which isn't good enough that's not good enough the second to worst low tier character is marth i know i hear you in the comments already i know you all think martha's good for some reason but listen in a game where a lot of characters can consistently get kills at whatever their kill percent is that is still way better than not consistently getting your kills it doesn't matter that marth can sometimes kill at 50 or 60 because on average if he gets one early stock a game he's getting two that aren't the amount of times that i have seen mars even good marth players have to get kills at 160 with up throw or sour spot fair offstage edge guard it's it's so high it is incredibly high i remember watching ignaes versus fatality probably the best marth that actively plays marth because like technically it's probably leo and i'm going to count how many times in this two out of three set i think fatality two owed that he lives past a hundred fatalities at 160 170 180 died at 180. and that was because fatality hella overextended realistically because he was trying to style on him then he wins and then this one 90 115 dies to a sour spot bare edge guard or okay upbeat so he died at 140. and then now he's at 110 111 140 150. sometimes marth cannot get the kill and something like that in a game where you can get a single hit against your opponent and extend for the stock as even some mid-tier characters isn't good enough it doesn't matter that he has the potential to kill you at 50 because on average he's not that was three stocks taken over a hundred percent with a character that's supposed to be killing you at 60. it's not good enough do you want to put him in mid tier sure whatever i'm not going to argue that but i just think in a game where there are so many consistent characters or there are so many characters that their inconsistencies are at least kind of consistent like steve or rob or ness or terry or something like that it's just not good enough once you just don't get hit at 40 to dancing blade you're not scared of anything anymore like is he terrifying sometimes yeah if you are winning by a lot and he gets you the last doc you're like oh god i got to be careful first i'd be sure there's some mental pressure there but like you can get hit by a mithrinaire at zero and be like oh god they're going to advantage me the entire stock and the new air dodge into a down air force a downer tech chase forward smash or something by pyra and then you die of 60. so like you can have the good things and also you know good neutral and good combos and marth is constantly struggling to do well and yes the slingshot maybe help him sure it makes him spacing better but at the same time again characters are so fast in this game are so just up in your face so often that he can't reliably space so i think he's low tier no they're not the same character yes lucina is way better it's a fact i'm sorry there's a reason that the best martha in the world have had some results asterisk if they're not being played by mk leo but then mk leila also says the character sucks so if you're not gonna listen to the literal best marth or me who are you listening to and last and not really least because she's obnoxious we have zelda zelda rounds out the low tier she's very linear does she have good peaks yeah then dude is so good this character has a really terrifying out of shield game in terms of upbeat which is for wars wind she has phantom which is one of the most obnoxious moves in the entire game to deal with if you don't know how to deal with phantom you're going to lose the matchup but i feel like as the meta is progressing more and more people are getting better at dealing with zelda and the zeldas aren't really getting better they're still doing the same things they're still dash back forward smashing hoping that you dash in because they finally don't have phantom for half a second i think that a lot of her moves are trash i think din's fire sucks i just feel like she's not mobile enough and she has one of the worst disadvantage states in the entire game like literally on par with some bottom tier characters and like dk which i have said has one of the worst disadvantage states in the entire game all she has is neutral b if you're comboing her she's gonna neutral b or she's gonna double jump in which case now she doesn't have a double jump and so then she's gonna neutral be later to try to like hit you for trying to be you know aggressive against her that's all she has she's so floaty her fastball air dodge is awful so you hit her and you either get her off stage and ledge trap her ground options and let her ledge jump because ledge jump doesn't matter because she is in the air when the air is bad or you hit her high and juggle her and she cannot get down she can't land and that's really bad in the game where a lot of characters can just advantage state you for 80 or an entire stock she has the kill potential out that she has lightning kicks and phantom is super strong and she has downer which is amazing and she has upbeat and up air she kills so early sometimes honestly earlier more consistently than marth does which hey you know extra shots but i just think her disadvantage date is so bad that she becomes one of the most exploitable characters when you eventually do get in and hit her and that's going to keep her in low tier i think all of these characters are good at this point all these characters are good they're just not as strong as the top tier so if you think oh my god you think this character's midterm that means they're bad no every character in this game outside of like the bottom three is good so just before we get into it that is the bass line that i'm talking about first character that is going to be the mid tier is king k rool i think i used to have him in low tier he does have a subpar disadvantage state but at the same time the subpar disadvantage state has armor the problem is his nare is relatively safe i think it's in theory like minus four minus five or something like that let me double check but the thing is in order for k rule to actually use his narrowing disadvantage he has to do it early because otherwise you're just going to get jumped on when or like jumped at when you're in the air in disadvantage that is obviously a struggle because that means if you do that and then you fast fall it's going to be more like minus seven minus eight and that opens up a lot more opportunities for people to punish you whether with shield grab because your jab is frame four and your spot dodges frame three or just if they have good out of shield options a frame three four five aerial something like that faster up the ear up smash and that isn't quite good enough he also has a very exploitable recovery which isn't good if you just drop down and then hit him you know as he's coming up it's not a good look if you just go close to the stage and then jump back however this character does have strengths his edge trapping is actually really good kirby kid has found spacings that it's very difficult to get around blunderbuss you just straight up have to wait which isn't fun and then he just ends blunderbuss and then can forward air you this character kills out the ass back there was ridiculous uptilt and upsmash are ridiculous he has down throw which is just a bashing check and i think it is better than robs in terms of getting out of it it's just rob's up tilt upper can kill you earlier this character has a lot of tools this character has like three spikes has some pretty good edge guarding because he has nair which has armor or can just backer you were down and you downer go through the stage as down tilt can two frame which leads into up air and up smash this character has a lot of good stuff just is slightly too bad and disadvantaged to be higher just a little bit too difficult of a character to succeed consistently at the top level kirby kid has had really high peaks but is it consistent i don't know one of the definitions of amazing strengths but inconsistent and that is richter belmont the both of the belmonts it is really difficult for the majority of characters to get in on the camping of the belmonts between forward tilt and side b and downbeat and neutral b and down tilt and dashback and there are so and like uppy at a shield there are so many options that this character has however if you do get in character struggles they can't really get off the ledge super well they can't really recover very well especially if you have a good option to deal with tethers the character's disadvantage are getting juggled isn't super good because all the ass is like down air to get down but then you just shield under him and then do it again and he eventually he's gonna run out of stage to down air so i think it's a real struggle for the belmonts to land if you just keep the accurate space there so it's really a i cannot let you in ever it's just a worse version of minmin essentially i think midman has the same struggles in terms of wow it's scary if people get in but the belmonts do that but then don't have the quite ridiculous strengths of min-min so basically they're just trying to lull you into a sense of security hit you with a forward smash or just throw a bunch of stuff at you and hope you don't know how to deal with it or hope you cannot deal with it by the time the set ends but this character does have again good rep you have t3 dom dom's amazing i think there's like a good belmont player from like uh somewhere in the south of the united states i think pg stats made a video on them they're like number two i think they got like 17th or something at low tide city i don't remember who it is but there are a couple of good belmont players but again i just think they're inconsistent and consistency at top level is very very important so it's hard to say like oh this character that can just die in a hit yeah they're good that's hard to say you know what i'm saying next up we have villager villager better version of isabelle but still in my opinion not particularly good you have a lot of good villager reps the ones that i think of immediately are kept of course from japan and then javi on earth who's been putting in work in the florida scene and has done pretty well at some majors especially ceo he beat goblin but villager has a decent amount of stuff he can force approaches with side b he has a decent recovery because he can also use a side b as like a protection type of thing um he can randomly get super big bursts of kills in terms of tree or bowling ball or axe of course he has triple turn up his edge guarding's pretty decent because his narrow lingers forever and then calvo into forward air of course he has the sling shots and all the good stuff about isabel that i mentioned before but he also has an approach option and a better camping game because he can set up the side b um and again bowling ball is broken and tree is really really stupid you can get jab not infinite it does like 45 because eventually the tree disappears uh then you get three combos you get a different projectile uh of course they both have pockets so you can't really camp the character super well or it's really risky to at the very least so the character only really struggles with rush down and heavy combo characters in my opinion or characters that are blatantly gonna time them out i actually don't know how villager does versus sonic i would assume sonic wins this character has a lot of good stuff it's just not as much good stuff as another character basically he's good but he's just not as good as other characters and that's kind of the theme of this tier is like they're good but just not as good next up we have a character ton of good options but is just slightly lacking in cohesion and that is ridley i think ridley is terrifying to play in tournament the fact that this character can just forward smash you or back-air you or side b you at 80 and kill you is terrifying you have a ton of ridley players that are putting in work you have i always forget his name oh my god you have vravis from europe who has recently taken a set from gluto nair from mexico smub creepuba from mdv8 there's a lot of ridley reps actually very recently that are doing pretty well but again i do think this character lacks cohesion he is big but not super heavy so he doesn't get the benefit of living a long time he has a weird recovery that is exploitable if you can get off stage before he uses his upbeat getting off of the ledge isn't super good because all he has is like side b so if you just kind of stand at roll distance and then let him let's jump you can't really do anything about that and then also he's not great at his advantage he has two jumps in the air but they don't really go anywhere and doesn't really have a lot of good descending aerials other than back here so you kind of just stay in front of him and if he turns around as jump you just run to the other side of him and that it makes it more difficult for ridley to land so he can get hit really hard he doesn't live super long but his offense is amazing he has some of the best normals in the game his upsmash is fantastic so is his back air and his neutral air i think that side b is a really good move to mix up a neutral because you have to shield from so many other things that ridley has but it's just like he's playing his game you hit him you feel way more comfortable and that isn't a good thing to have when you are trying to play a game where there are so many characters with amazing advantage states and really doesn't really have that amazing of an advantage state he also has to get like a lot of raw kills he doesn't really have kill confirms he has like up tilt up air but he also does have like really cheesy stuff like spikes with his upbeat which i think smug did that to teaser to win their pool set and smug like teaser is really good right he's like wreaking havoc in the states currently smug beat him just by like you're dead at 10 which is crazy to me the character has a lot of good stuff but just not enough good stuff and not consistent enough because of that bad disadvantage state speaking of inconsistent you have a character that in theory if their mechanics worked a little different they'd probably be top tier but they're not because the mechanics are bad and that is robin i'm sorry synergy i don't think this character is very good this character when they have all of their tools is amazing well they're still slow and they're still flaws with them but if you constantly had fire and thunder and you couldn't run out of up you when you're off stage and you always had 11 swords this character is a threat this character kills it has combos they have weak hit combos too which can lead to more kills their edge trappings pretty good they're like really good if they have fire uh they can camp they can kind of have movement in the air to bait people to approach like their speed's not great but they kind of make up for it for a lot of things and then you lose fire so you don't have the edge trapping and you lose thunder so you don't have the need to approach him and they lose levin sword which means that they can no longer kill with anything other than basically jab or the thunder or like the level two thunder that's not good because what you can always do versus robin is go i in my in my matchup with robin struggle to deal with one of these things i am going to wait and play annoying and passive until they run out of that thing and then fight them for some characters that's arc fire because they don't want to get ledge trapped so they just let them so they just bait them and play mid-range let them spam arc fire because they're gonna do that and then there's no fire anymore so then they're comfortable fighting because even if they get hit they're going to get put on the ledge and be fine some characters struggle to deal with thunder so they jump over the thunders a bunch and make sure they're not in 11 sword range and they run out of thunder and then run at the robin some characters or every character basically is scared of leaven sword so you play mid-range and make them swing with levin sword then they don't have 11 sword and if you're at 110 120 all you have to do is not be at the ledge specifically for one two three of the jab and you're gonna be fine and that's really bad or it doesn't allow robin to be consistent because all of your good tools can just be gone at any random moment in the game which means that you are way less of a character bronze sword for all of robin's moves are bad 11 sword moves are broken which is why i separate them in my tier lists when i make the move here by the way if you haven't checked on my move tier list you should go check them out they're up in the corner it's just hard because like you can low profile sometimes the thunder and like mark fires slightly too reactable but again if they always have these options it wouldn't be as much of a problem because you would always have 11 swords you can just fight as a sword character that also has projectiles but you can't do that because then you run out of sword and now you're no longer a threat and every character will just be like oh they don't have eleven sword we're fighting we're here like you're just you're fighting the robin when they don't have 11 swords so yeah it's a struggle i think this character is good when they have their stuff but if they don't it's a struggle and sometimes that just happens at really crucial moments in the games which can lead to stocks which can lead to games which can lead to set losses and that's why robin's down here this next character is probably the biggest demotion that i've had on my tier list since i understood the game since like let's say like 3.0 i'm going to say like my early 2 years where i was like okay rule is top 7 or whatever i put him at like that doesn't count but like since like let's say 3.0 4.0 5.0 this is the biggest emotion of a character i used to put this character in borderline top tier and now they are firmly in the bottom of me or like the low end of mid tier and that is ike ike is a better version of bowser jr you know what they want to do and they're going to do it it doesn't matter what matchup you're playing they're going to nair they're going to jump and then they're they're going to jump and then double jump and then air and that's all they're gonna do it is really good but people are getting better at this game able to parry able to play mid-range against him there are much better sword characters there are much more threatening neutrals for sword characters to the point where ike isn't cutting it anymore does he have strengths yeah he is so strong dash attack forward tilt back air up air near up air nair into everything his grab is good he's a little hard to edge guard if he can side b it's a little harder to edge guard and then let's say a crom with his up because he throws the sword up so like he has good things about him however there are characters that have a lot whereas ike you know he's going to nair and then maybe at 80 they're gonna play differently because they can down tilt they can throw you off stage and eruption you they can do all these things but like 90 of the game is they're doing their one option and that allows you a bunch of time to learn their timings learn how their habits are working with the nair get a parry get a hit his a disadvantage state isn't super good because he cannot near high to protect himself kind of like gabriel can because if he does he's gonna just be landing with nair the entire time no hitbox and then you're just gonna hit him for free so he has to pick air dodge or hope they're not gonna jump at you and then latener and that's all he can do and that's not good enough compared to the rest of the cast next up we're going to go to the queen of space herself rosalina i think the buzz underrates his characters all the time i don't think he does with this one they're just a better version of ice climbers because rosa isn't as bad as popo but rosaluma is maybe slightly worse than double ice climbers this character loses half of their character and so much of their threat when you can kill luma and the problem is even with the buff to luma cause luma got buffed and it's harder to knock back she's still easy to knock back you can edge trap her and luma dies you can just hit her shield take a back throw and luma dies there are so many characters that can just deal with luma incredibly easily does she have good matchups even in relevant characters yeah i think she does pretty good versus game and watch pretty good versus rob although that's probably like even like sonic pretty good versus him at the same time all of those are predicated on the fact that you are playing like a god and not even like oh you can just execute your combos it's not about combos it's about neutral and reads and conditioning and that type of stuff which is way harder to do against the good opponents consistently the fact that the buzz had so much success with rosalina and luma proves that either one people didn't know the matchup for a little bit oh and two the boss is really good the buzz is incredible at this game he is so good rosa struggles with a lot of meta relevant characters i think struggles with pichu and joker and pyromithra and roy and palutena and steve maybe not steve there's a ton of characters that just go oh you're rosalina and luma cool i don't care like shulk like wario i think can do really well versus him she doesn't even do well versus the zoners in this game because her downbeat's not super great so she's just playing this awkward mid-range if she's a character if it's a character that you have to play mid-range like game watch great versus him but a lot of characters can just either barge their way in camp better or at the very least have a good enough punish game that do it that rosa being annoying for 30 seconds doesn't matter and she's gonna get or she's gonna die anyway or luma's gonna die and then she gets harassed for 12 seconds 12 seconds 14 seconds until luma comes back losing this big thing about your character and not gaining something is really bad in this game so yeah next up we have the master of being good and that's about it and that is pit honestly i think pit's really good i think pit loki is like mid height here i just think that more characters are more consistent at doing what is amazing about them or have ridiculously strong strengths that people have to deal with just from the jump pit doesn't really have that pit has a good neutral pitts nair is one of the best snares in the game combo game is actually pretty good the problem is nair sends away at too high of a like mid percent so you don't really get combos off it anymore so it becomes just a move that you use in neutral that's pretty safe pit's advantage state is good but it's not fantastic he has a sword but it's really laggy like his up air and his forehead are a bit laggy so if he misses you're gonna get back to the ground he has a decent recovery because he has multiple jumps and his up he goes really far but it doesn't have a hitbox so characters that can stay out there really give him a hard time he can kill but he's not amazing at killing especially if you look out for a down tilt down told's going to be his main kill confirm because he has down tilt into up air and also he has grab 50 50's especially if he grabs you at the ledge because he can do forward throw or down throw udi in into up air and if you die out for the down throw and you they forward throw you die because it does that he has a lot of situationally really really good stuff he has some drag down stuff he has really long combos raises pit from australia is fantastic it's so good however he's just a little bit too hard and not good enough in my opinion next up we have the second me of this list and that's gonna be me gunner i think me gunner low key super hard to deal with the edge trapping of this character the general camping of this character is really really difficult to deal with however just like a bunch of other zoners that we've had so far like rosalina and luma and zelda once you get in this character can kind of struggle she doesn't have good attitude or she doesn't really have good out of shield options she doesn't have great get off me options even if it stands undertale that doesn't mean that he can gastor blast your way into winning a game it's actually really hard to play this character you have to consistently be keeping your opponent out and that's really hard to do at top level because people are really good at getting in capitancito is amazing he is such a good player he does he did work at smash world tour south and central america kopinsit is the number two player in dominican republic i'm pretty sure under sonex who's obviously fantastic he has done a lot of work and he like almost beat spargo i'm pretty sure he beat a ton of good players at the smash brothers central america so this character can work and can do well it's just hard to consistently do that over and over and over again at these majors when a lot of these majors have a lot of players that are playing more consistent characters that can blow you up in advantage state and also camp and also do all these things whereas me gunner's a little bit of a one-trick pony which is camping granted the camping is very varied and difficult to deal with and there's multiple setups there's a lot of stuff to deal with but you can eventually deal with it speaking of zoners that have a lot of different things but you can eventually deal with it we have tune link i think two link is really threatening if you have a really strong sense of mid-range and neutral game with this character it is really hard to deal with you have a lot of two tuning putting in work japan thinks two link is broken i'm pretty sure because you have rima and sigma that do absolutely amazing work there you have um jojo from the pacific northwest who's a really good tune link i don't know of any other ones that i can think of but yeah tuning has a decent amount of representation this character is actually unlike these other characters consistency incarnate two link does the same thing with up tilts and forward tilts and bomb forwarder and boomerang forwarder and up air and all these things that are very consistent and very good and it's the game plan that you know they go they're going to have when they play this character you know that they're going to camp a little bit you know they're going to run away you know they're going to get their projectiles and then do big damage and then try to keep you on the ledge that's what tune link is going to do every single time and he's consistent he doesn't have the explosive combos of a young link or a link but he's really consistent the problem is he can't really deal with other people's explosive natures his disadvantage date isn't super good i mean you can pluck a bomb and throw down and drift behind it but it's a little slow to pluck bomb unless you're gonna waste your double jump to go higher to then pluck bomb to half bomb but then you don't have to jump so then if you get off stage you're probably gonna die he doesn't have the best recovery although bomb does blow up pretty quickly so you can pull bomb and then like double jump and then up b and then the bomb blows up and then you can up b again but again those are relying on people not knowing how to edge guard you correctly which i feel like at top level a lot of people will just like run off forward there even characters that don't want an edge guard like roy can just be like run a forward air cloud can do runoff forward air so many characters just be there and be annoying to deal with tune link has a lot of amazing strengths not gonna lie and the ability to just kill at really early percents especially because bomb items in general uh don't scale with rage so it means if you have max rage bomb at 80 still gonna send exactly where it would if you were at zero but then you have max rage forward air that kills really early like really early is a pretty strong character he's just not as strong as some other characters and that's why he's down here next character is overrated a bit i think a lot of people think this character is actually really really good and honestly they're getting decent results right now so i cannot blame them and that is bayonetta a lot of good stuff about her obviously her combo game is amazing she hits you once at zero and you take at minimum even with good sdi 40 with not great sdi or you're a decently big character you're taking 80. this character has a lot of reps you have geist i think it's ohio who recently beat dark wizzy and like wins most of his uh regionals bloom from eu that's putting in work recently i think they won a european regional or like a uk regional at the very least with bao bao is getting results now not as many as some other characters but like generally bales are doing pretty well however i do think that people still don't really know this matchup because a lot of people are like oh it's not smash 4 anymore so i don't actually have to worry about knowing this matchup but you still need to know your flowcharts you still need to know her combos you need to know what to avoid and when and it's really really important too the problem with bao she doesn't have good neutral she's not out neutraling you for forever she's hoping she gets the one hit she's the opposite of let's say like me gunner pit and tune link right she's like i want to get the one hit and kill you but the problem is she doesn't kill you if you miss those early stocks or you don't get like a witch time at 80 or something like that this character is some of the worst killing in the entire game the amount of times that i have played against uh bayonettas with not just pikachu but mostly pikachu but like even like me brawler or like not edge guardable characters but characters that can't really get out of the combo super well i'm dying at 160 or 170 or i'm running into backyard which is my fault like they have to errantly backyard you or like forward throw you and that's basically gonna be their main way to kill i remember like when i play against bayonetta players and again pikachu wins the matchup pretty heavily so this isn't like indicative of how she is right there are so many times that i will take 70 and i'll be down it'll be like 70 to 20. i'll slowly get my way up i'm at 100 there at like 80. i'll get a kill with like a near down smash or something and then the entire next stock they hit me like four times because they can't combo me anymore and then i'm at 130 and then they're at 90 their next stock and like the amount of times that i've been losing by like a hundred percent first stock and then end up three stocking or like low percent two stock in debeo is ridiculous and a lot of characters can do that a lot of characters have better killing equal maybe not equal combos but like very strong combos as well she's very light and she relies on not knowing how to advantage date her and keep i mean her like dive kicks really good if you give her enough space she's going to dive kick away from you or abk apk is a great option in general but like if you just know the matchup and are okay with getting grabbed this character can struggle a decent amount and she's not good enough similarly a character that has a lot of good setups and also can't kill unless you get the specific things is duck hunt duck hunt has so many setups and so much camping and so much difficult stuff to deal with and he also has good normals up tilt forward tilt you have back air nail like all the aerials are pretty good except for like downer's okay if you're not obviously like comboing into it all the other normals are good you have some of the best camping in the game you have a frame one escape option in terms of cam which by the way i forgot to mention bao has uh bats within duck hunt has a lot of stuff but the problem is if you're not getting side b into back air or side b into up air or side b into down air you're not really going to kill your opponent until like 140. duck hunt does not kill in this game and giving characters rage in this game is terrifying because if they have rage duck hunt's going to die at 70 or 80. i can't imagine playing duck hunt putting in so much work and having all these traps and being so galactically sized brain and then can't kill your opponent then a roy jabs you at 60 at the ledge because you tried to overextend and get a kill and then you got jab back here at 16 you die that's gotta be really rough and duck kind i feel like that happens a lot i think that is the main reason that righto doesn't play duck hunt as much anymore but again without him you still have good reps you have wisdom from the us big duck hunt fan who beats bargo at a in a wi-fi tournament let's go duck hunt has some decent reps and of course raito does still play duck hunt but his results have dropped there hasn't really been a resurgence of this character since the character started to kind of drop off and again i don't really consider results to be the end all and be all it's just he's not consistent enough in killing so which makes him not consistent and gives characters rage and rage characters in this game are absolutely terrifying so you can't win like that next up we have a character that has no problem killing but in doing so makes themselves easier to kill and that is pichu pichu was also a bit dropped from my last tier list mostly because so many characters are getting good at killing so many people's advantage dates and combo games are getting good enough to the point where you hit pichu once and he is at death percent because he is the lightest character in the game that's not good the fact that pichu when he is almost a death percent let's say he's like 60 he can no longer thunderjolt he can no longer yolo back airs and stuff like that and hope to hit you and if he doesn't it's fine because he's getting closer and closer to more things killing him and that is a terrifying thought does he have one of the most explosive combo games in the game absolutely if pichu hits you you are going for a ride it is really hard to get out of peter combos there's so many different variants and the back ear loops are crazy and his nair is crazy and he can spike you and he has thunder and downer's incredible he has so many good normals but one they're stubby two he's susceptible to being camped because he can't camp back the big difference between peach and pikachu obviously there's a lot but like the main one in terms of play style is the fact that pika can camp and always get approaches with thunder jolt because there's no reason not to unless you're specifically playing a matchup that tjol's not very good pichu can't do that because then they just jump to a platform and then the tea jolt goes away and what happened is pichu is now doing worse because he took damage 0.4 0.5 i think something like that uh so the more times he tries to approach or tries to camp because he's winning the less he's winning by which is really rough obviously i think the design makes sense considering how strong some of his options are like backer kills mad early he has forward smash that is incredible down smash kills super early thunder his for him is super good because you can control which way it works it's so good even though sometimes thunder's inconsistent there are peaches that have results niyotono has been one of the best peaches for a long time and continues to do well in japan arfang i think quit for now or like doesn't play as much because he's doing medical school and void obviously plays chic but there have been a lot of pichu's historically that have done well even post nerf neotono like wins invitational still i'm pretty sure you won an invitational like a couple months ago maybe like three four months ago this character has a lot of potential it's just really hard to be consistent with a character that dies so early in a game where so many characters kill every character early not even just pichu and then you have to add peach's way to it so he dies not like 50 or 60. speaking of characters that die like that we have in my opinion still maybe a little bit too low for this character but a character i have believed in for a very long time and now their best player basement just showing off why they're super good and that is jigglypuff puff is one of the scariest characters for most people to fight in this game puff has some of the most explosive edge guarding in the game probably the second or third best edge guarding overall in the game hernaire is amazing her forward air is amazing she has so many flow charts that are absolutely incredible her combo game she does so much damage this character has been buffed so many times over the course of this game jab is a fantastic move dash attack is really good forward air is really good down air is incredible forward throw is one of the best throws in the game everything this character like this style of character can have they get except for throw combos if they have like a single throw combo even like down throw to up air at like low percents like that i feel like would change a lot for this character still very good very threatening you saw that base mage can take games from top players and beat a bunch of top players base mage's like resume at this point for the wins that he has are incredible and again results don't necessarily mean everything but the problem is everyone was like oh this character can't beat all these characters and then basement's like actually these matchups aren't that bad you're like you can definitely win all these matchups as as puff and then everyone's like yeah okay that's not true and then he does it and if your matchup chart's good in this game that means you have a good shot at doing well in a tournament there's still big struggle matchups like ike and yoshi i thought samus was an awful match-up and then i played bass major samus and granted my samus is not as good as his puff so that makes sense and it was really hard and like i definitely think this character has a lot of surprisingly good matchups in the top tier has taken plenty of players to top to game five as well i think like snake destroys puff and basement mpd was game five even if in theory the matchups are bad you can't have bad matchups in a character that has explosive edge guards and explosive combos and rest you cannot say you lose a match of -3 when you can just combo your opponent into rest and that's something that we'll see a lot in the higher tiers of just like oh yeah in theory they lose these matchups but then they get the hit and kill you puff is one of those characters she's just harder to get in with and the strengths are a little bit less obvious than some of these other characters but pop amazing in my opinion we have a character that has better limit kind of and that is we fit trainer weaver trainer is also a bit of a demotion for my last tier list i just think wifi kind of has a weird place in this meta right now because a lot of zoners are doing really well but she doesn't really beat the zoner super hard rushdown character is doing really well she doesn't really beat rushdown characters super hard a lot of beating people with wii fit trainer is either one really slow mid-range awkward characters like people that lose to camping she can do pretty well in those matchups and then people that just get aggressive like it's a it's a player thing of like oh you got aggressive you got hit by this side oh you don't know how to deal with the volleyball super well or you're gonna get hit by a ton this game she has deep breathing which is a crazy buff you can get it multiple times a game she heals when she gets the hits that she needs she you explode she has one of the best up smashes in the game in my opinion uh super fast it's invincible she has a lot of good stuff the problem is she's a little awkward she can't really deal with short characters and short characters or kind of meta i feel like she can't really deal with sword character super well i don't think her whip punishing's really good she has dash attacks sure but like dash attack is a little bit too stubby for it to be like a really good move she doesn't get like a ton of momentum like let's say like a me brawler does or something like that and that's just a random example there's plenty of characters that have good dash tags like that she's kind of in this awkward ground of just like can kind of camp but not incredibly well can kind of press buttons at you but not incredibly well and or incredibly safely so she's kind of like playing mid-ranges against characters that have better mid-ranges and camping against characters that have better camp games and being aggressive against characters that have better aggressive games or better out of shield options because she also doesn't really have good out of shield options she's exploitable offstage if you know how to deal with side b or she's exploitable and less trapping her if you again respect the side b like you just have to like not be an when you play against her like don't play like she's a bad character because if you do she will blow you up if you respect her the way she needs to be respected it's a struggle a similarly colored character is next and one of the characters that might go up as slingshot kind of gets developed more mewtwo his stuff just doesn't call us into a kid and he's inconsistent not because of his tail although tail is a thing mostly because of his size and his weight he has ridley factor right of like he's big but he doesn't really have the weight to back it up so he gets comboed really hard but doesn't live for a very long time so he takes a ton of damage and then like a higher percentage of his stock is now gone shadow ball is amazing charred shots in this game in general are very very good he has really good normal cs4 which was one of the best foreigners in the game nair is good his tail moves like up air and backyard are pretty solid his spike is okay he has side b which is amazing he has great explosive reads in terms of a downbeat and then his smashbacks are all incredibly strong the problem is it doesn't coalesce into an easy to use kit his combos are a little bit okay like he has like shadow ball into down tilt up air and that's kind of it he has really particular combos with like idj up airs into foreigners and stuff like that but it's not gonna hit as often as you would like so a lot of characters because of the fact that mewtwo just dies really early he kind of just struggles he has like one layer of really good whereas a lot of high tiers and top tiers have two layers of the same things that are really good like his ledge dropping shadow ball is so scary shadow ball side before and airlift's trapping is really really good but he doesn't have a way to get you off the ledge he doesn't have a way to media the neutral get up as well as having charge shot you know what i'm saying like samus does she has bomb into charge shot whereas mewtwo just has to go charge shot i hope this hits and if you miss then you don't have the charge shot anymore you're now not threatening whereas sam is like bomb hits you if you hold ledge for too long she can continually bomb then charge shot mewtwo has great aerials great mobility i think slingshot is actually pretty good for this character mostly for safety purposes because you can narrow and then slingshot away so your back dash isn't going to affect you because that's where tail actually is a big deal one of the most underrated problems with mewtwo is sometimes in this game like you get hit facing towards your opponent and then sometimes when you get hit you face away from your opponent and that can happen and that has huge differences because obviously if you're facing away from your opponent tails there and then you have to do something like side b or shadow ball to turn around or like back air but again you're gonna have a higher range of threat than a lot of characters have some characters have good tumble animations of like oh it's good when they fall this other way like it's better than the normal whereas mutual's is worse than the normal so having random points like that against you to me i'm gonna make him into his mobility is amazing he has a lot of good stuff he doesn't call us into a kit as well as some of the other characters in high tier and he doesn't have such overwhelming strengths as some of the other characters in high term top tier basically the last character in mid tier is a character that honestly i'm probably underrating this character has some of the highest peak potential in this game but so far we have seen it not enough not in terms of results but just it's really hard to be consistent with this character and that is lucas lucas is fast lucas has great air mobility has amazing normals has some of the safest moves in the entire game has good combos has zer which can just string you across the stage if you can just link zero over and over again he has an infinite character is really hard he is one of the highest if not the highest apm which is actions per minute character in the game he can do so much stuff he has to do so much stuff when other characters can just forward air or just neutral air is it really good when it's working can you outplay your opponent does he have all the tools necessary in order to beat most opponents yeah but then you run into like a min min or a steve or a palutena or someone that can just do as much as you with way less effort so they can put all of their mental energy into playing the game as opposed to pressing buttons obviously i'm saying that as someone that is like oh well like difficulty doesn't honestly matter that much if you mess up azer combo it's not like you mess up a combo and you go okay i'm still an advantage if you mess up as air combo and you do double jump there up into the states uh the skies you no longer have your double jump you're going to get hit your recovery is more exploitable your disadvantage is more exploitable speaking of disadvantage his disadvantage kind of sucks if you don't have the ability as lucas to get down and like move your like air mobility your way away from someone and forward your landing you're not really gonna have good landing tools it's really hard to deal with people that are just jumping up and hitting you because he's super floaty so his fastball air dodge isn't really that good so people can jump at lucas bait him to do something and then hit him for it or he does nothing and they hit him for it anyway capitalizing on lucas's disadvantage is honestly the most important thing about learning the lucas matchup and learning that his moves are broken so you have to make sure not to be super aggressive i think he is one of the best four tilts in the game he's one of the best foreigners in the game as a reflector he has a magnet he has there he has so many good things about him if you want to put him in high tier i understand especially nitox has been doing pretty well recently but there's just a little too much struggle for this character in my opinion and a little bit too difficult consistently to beat all the characters that you could in theory in theory he's probably like top 20 top 25 but right now this can change after the summer of smash maybe i'll reevaluate and do another cheerless but for right now he's gonna be at the top of mid tier which is kind of where he's always been for me he's an incredible character though he's super super strong let's get into high tier starting off with one of the most controversial ones incineroar i think it's in aurora's height here i know i always put him low before i was like oh just hit him just learn the matchup just do all these things but the problem is he has a really scary set of tools and yes he is slow but he's not a character that you can camp because he's slow and he has one very useful thing that slow characters generally don't which is an amazing whiff punish tool in terms of side b side b is incredible so you can't comfortably play the mid-range which means you have to play either a farther mid-range or blatantly just run away from him in which case he will eventually get to you in the corner his damage output is fantastic he kills obviously super early revenge is incredible as a disadvantage tool as well as an anti-projectile tool so you can't just blatantly projectile camp him you can't run at him as most characters because he'll just out damage you and out kill you and he has really good normals he has really good good off me options in terms of neutral beat he has revenge he has so many options and he has great ledge trapping and good juggling even though he's kind of slow and of course there's always the threat of side b so you're dead at 80 85 at the ledge it is really really hard to play consistently well versus his character and the incentiviers have kind of learned it so people are scared to camp and scared to play mid-range unless they have a giant sword so people have been running in and incineroar players are now dashing backwards and then forward tilting them or forward smashing them or otherwise getting a strong hit to de-incentivize people to run at the incentive players which means you kind of just don't know what to do unless you play one of those really bad matchups like pikachu for example like i am fine doing what i'm gonna do versus that character but most characters aren't which is why you have seen the results of this character increase from sky j most notably and also of course mystery soul in the pacific northwest these players are fantastic again it's not about results i don't really care that much about results but it's the fact that the theory of this character has got better and they are getting better at applying said theory so in my opinion this character is high tier hi skyj i know we argued about this it's nashville tour you're right i'm sorry still worse than captain falcon though next up we have another heavy who i think this is a slight demotion from the last tier list bowser bowser of course a heavy who unlike incineroar is fast and unlike in senor has a frame six command grab and really really good out of shield options the problem with bowser is the fact that he doesn't have a get off me option when you hit bowser he takes a ton of damage from combos from advantage from edge trapping he's one of the worst characters getting off the ledge in the entire game as long as you just respect side b range he's one of the worst characters at landing because all he can do is like down air or down b otherwise he's like a disadvantage that's comparable to like dk or ganon which by the way those are bottom and low tier characters he doesn't really have a good disadvantage or good getting off the ledge however his strengths are significantly larger than those characters one of the best out of shield options overall in the game in terms of uppy one of the best command grabs in the game if not the best command grab in the game in his sidebeat he has flame breath he has two framing abilities with four tilt and down told he has incredible damage output and he kills stupid early and he has super armor when he does any move and also just by default so you can't rapid jab him so characters that only have rapid jabs or jabs that do so little knockback they can't use them like i can't use my jab versus bowser that is kind of good he's really explosive it's really scary to play against him but obviously as you learn the match and as people have got better the bowsers have started struggling a bit more at least in north america hiro the bowser from japan is still doing fantastically and still top aiding events and i think still getting a lot of big wins but it is a little hard to play this character in a meta where most of the top tier characters are six fours against bowser yeah can you win because he's explosive sure but he's not as explosive as some of the top tiers that also have losing matchups yeah he's high tier because still has incredible strengths but he is very very volatile next up in high tier we have the lowest of the fighting characters and that is ken i've put ryu above ken for a long time and the results haven't really changed that i just think that overall ryu is more consistent and consistency is key ken has to approach and even though he's faster than ryu and can approach his combos are less threatening the one aspect of ken that is blatantly better in like any aspect there's no arguing as an entire character ken is better because up air upbeat is blatantly stronger as can sure you in general is stronger than reuse being able to anti-assure you people's jumps because it's not just at the beginning of the shore review it's really really good at high percents when people are scared in the corner especially in last hit scenarios but basically in my opinion everything else ryu does better reuse more consistent in his combos ken has good combos but they're sdi-able he's more prone to sdi his tatsu is worse his fireball game is way worse and he doesn't really have the explosiveness that ryu does if you know how to dei and deal with the stuff correctly so it means that he's going to be lacking unless you just have to get in are there matchups where ken's probably better yeah and characters that you have to approach really quickly because the camping game isn't good enough for ryu absolutely ken probably does better he has a place but in my opinion ryu is better next up we have a character that i think in the last heroes i had in mid tier so a slight promotion and that is falco falco is one of those characters that hits you and you are in combos for 12 seconds he takes so long to combo you and it does a ton of damage he has really reliable kill confirms with up tilt into back air or up air he has fair drag down down tilt he has an air drag down down told he has a really good out of shield game because he has both nair and footstool upbeat a shield which does like 30 something or 40 something for some reason he has a lot the problem is he's a little slow and he doesn't really threaten the mid-range the way a lot of characters do he really relies on up tilt for most of his game so it's a little bit linear what he wants to do granted he does have down air and the falco players have learned how to down air really really well especially with the advent of slingshotting now with slingshotting it's a little bit easier to play a little bit safer against certain out of shield options you know creates a different mix-up because like getting hit by some character's forward airs is way less threatening than a grab so you do downer slingshot get away from the grab and then you're going to be fine he has a lot of damage and a lot of killing he just sometimes you don't get that up tilt upper that up tilt back here he does struggle to kill you have to randomly hit a down tilt which is really hard to do for falco and neutral who needs to get the opponent off stage but it is not super easy or super comfortable for him to get these random kills which is why sometimes you see falco's not kill their opponents until like 160 or 170. he also doesn't have a kill throw right like there's no mix up of like dash attack versus kill throw he doesn't really have those burst kill options like that although he does have side b which is really good as well i feel like it's just a little bit too hard sometimes especially when people are learning the match up and getting out of the combos and stuff but i mean tilde has had crazy runs there are other falco players as well that are doing good although tilde is the main one i mean getting top eight at smash con is no easy feat so yeah this character has results but again results don't mean anything but the falcos are optimizing and it's scary next up we have the weakest character in dlc pack 2 in my opinion by quite a significant amount sephiroth i don't see what everyone sees in sephiroth i never really have i was like always like lower top tier when he came out i'm pretty sure maybe i had him slightly higher i think this character struggles he obviously has one of the biggest ranges in the game probably second to mid mid overall relative to every character in the game including ganondorf has the slowest frame data in the game he has like the slowest up smash or the second slowest option that's the slowest up error slow back air a slow forward air and not even that fast of an air it's framed like nine which means he has no added shield options and no way to unreactably make people hold shield or guess like you can just react to almost everything he does and does he have strengths yeah wing is ridiculous his edge guarding is really good his uppy is incredible inside me can be super obnoxious but at the same time if you're playing a character that relies on people doing stuff and then you punishing them it's really hard to do that when you have to be really preemptive because all of his moves are so slow he has trouble dealing with short characters he has trouble dealing in my opinion with zoning although that could be wrong he has some decent matches in the top tier especially like steve but i think this character needs to outplay the hell out of his opponents consistently i think there are too many archetypes of characters that do really well versus him or characters that are just better story characters that just beat him up i think he's good but i don't think he's incredible like some other people do speaking of characters that can be incredible sometimes we have hero hero's obviously one of the most inconsistent characters in the game because sometimes he can roll ridiculously well with a bunch of kabooms and buffs and stuff like that and then sometimes he doesn't but the problem is that doesn't is actually pretty exaggerated i think that hiro actually has a really high chance of getting good roles i forget how to say his full name but akka the hero from japan will straight up always get buffs he doesn't even try to roll for kaboom or magic burst or any of like the crazier bigger punishes he just goes i'm gonna buff myself deal a bunch more shield damage deal a bunch more damage and play solid and solid is what he is i think you can play solid with this character and still have a lot of success there are hero players that have been doing better in the states as well you have beastmode paul who has made several notable upsets uh in florida and i'm pretty sure had a couple of majors you have kaabi that destroys me on wi-fi granted it's wi-fi but like he's really good and he's made some progress in getting better hero is just a scary character he has invincible moves but again he's a little slow and his frame data isn't great but when you have the buffs that he does and the other shield game that he does you know i i was definitely wrong in older tier lists i didn't realize how good his upbeat shield was it's really good especially considering he also then has like crits and he can get snoozes and stuff like that so he's a really scary character to fight basically at all times because if he just rolls well you are probably going to have a much harder time and he has like really crazy big kill options like his full neutral b and his smash attacks and stuff like that and even though his up smash has like no range it combos off of platforms from upbeat and i've seen people just die at zero to upbeat into up smash crit so many times on town and city it's ridiculous character that can like play mid-range really well beats like every other zoner in my opinion so as a really solid place in the meta just not super good versus the rush down characters especially if they have safer moves than minus seven so yeah he's good but he's not topped here speaking of good but not top tier anymore we have inkling inkling obviously was super highly rated at the beginning of the game but then everyone learned how to play neutral and it wasn't just to play the neutral for you like inkling does inkling's neutral is ridiculous back air is incredible her dash is super good and super annoying to deal with they just have a lot of options up throw up air is really good you have a good combo game you have ink but the problem is if you don't get up throw up air as a kill option or you don't get an edge guard you're not killing with this character and as i mentioned so many other times in this tier list already if you cannot kill consistently you are going to have a bad time against people that can or can have rage and then suddenly their inconsistency is now consistency so you can know that you are going to be fine versus inkling you just have to watch out for a roller and you have to watch out for like four air and stuff like that but otherwise it is so hard for inkling to kill and that is a really really big deal you just have to be consistently out outplaying your opponent neutral over and over and over and over again and again inkling's neutral is very good so that's possible which is why she's high tier but it is really hard especially when players are getting better and players are just getting good at like the oh i'm just gonna overshoot and then hit you once and then you're gonna die at 70 whereas inkling struggles to kill at 140. it doesn't matter how much damage she does if she's not getting the kills because again proportionally to where you're going to get the kill even if you're doing 50 of the combo that's a third of a stock whereas a roy does 50 and that's more than half of a stock to like to jab back here you know what i'm saying so it just kind of got power crept by people understanding how to play other characters better and that's why inkling is here speaking of a character that can kill you at 50 we have luigi he can actually kill you at zero with zero death combos he's one of the only characters with pretty consistent zero to death combos or zero to 70 combos if you you know they die weird and they get open so you just do instead of down air up air you do down air nair into up air up air forward or upper upper back air this character does so much damage he has an exploitable disadvantage state because he's going to match either nair or down b and then he has a somewhat exploitable offstage play he has a lot of bad matchups he has matchups that are really really difficult like sephiroth samus the belmonts pyromithra cloud there's plenty of characters in my opinion that give luigi a really hard time but at the same time he's one of those characters that's super scary because oh you're up two stalks and a hundred percent cool you got hit off stage you ended up losing your stock to whatever you you are at zero the luigi is at 120 it's an even game right like that thought is terrifying and not many characters have that and luigi is definitely one of them which gives him a fear factor which makes him better in tournaments because you can't just be calm in those situations like you're not no players like okay i am 100 calm even though he might kill me and win the game when i was winning by so much that's not a thing that players do maybe spargo and leo type of thing you've seen elegant capitalize off of huge disadvantages to end up winning games it's less so about results but more so this character is just really scary i still feel like people are bad at edge guarding this character myself included except for the sephiroth players the sephiroth players and and spargo specifically edge guard the hell out of this character that match up so bad sephiroth luigi looks awful i saw the low tide city sets uh for elegant it was rough other than like the niche matchups i feel like he has a really good spot in meta i do think some zoners do pretty well versus him i think he is definitely fighting an uphill battle but he has all the tools to win an uphill battle because sometimes he's an uphill battle suddenly he sees the peak and then he's on a snowboard down a slope with no friction and he's doing nothing but going fast and killing you so yeah luigi's pretty good speaking of characters that say good we have corin corin's high tier i've always thought corinne was really good i mean not always but like since the buffs i was like yeah corns like upper mid tier low high tier and that's kind of where i put her now although it's more like the middle of high tier we've obviously seen what corin can do in terms of leo in terms of um shattuck i still want to say shattuck is the main one because leo is juggling like five characters right now and he went rob recently in cuba she's one of those characters that yes she's slow which isn't good obviously being faster is generally better but coren has the tools to make the speed not really matter she has one of the best advantage states in the entire game with up air and forward air and back air and pin she has really good edge guarding because of back air and dragon thing shot and pin she has really good two framing because of pin she has really good edge trapping because of back air and dragonfing shot and forward smash and pin she just has a lot of tools she does a ton of damage she has really good aerials decent combos she kills really easily with back air and up air and pin and dragon fang shot and up throw is a kill throw it's not a super good kill throw but it is a kill throw decent recovery you can mess with it if you have a multi-hit or a lingering move because you can get in where the uppy starts and then the invincibility disappears right when the hitbox does so it trades and that's really unfortunate for corrin it's really hard to fight against this character because you can't just blatantly rush her down because she has back air and down tilt and just dash back and then if you whiff she's gonna pin you she's gonna grab you she's gonna do something so then you kind of play this awkward mid-range but you're playing mid-range against a sword character and yeah she's slow so some characters can do that faster characters faster sword characters can do that so she definitely gets outclassed by certain characters but it doesn't mean she's not really good and she definitely has her spot in the meta and we've seen that literally have success the character has reps has the strats has the moves good character a character that has definitely fallen from grace's next which is mega man mega man without nerfs is probably the best character in the game because of leaf shield he's really good still but the problem is there's a lot of matchups that are just bad and just getting worse mega man really struggles with good rush down and it doesn't matter how many times you keep someone out with pellets pellets do six so if you keep someone out 14 times that's 80 or sometimes that's one hit for certain characters or that's one advantage date for certain characters and a lot of the top tiers are advantage state characters does he have a place in the meta because he does pretty well versus like peach and pretty well versus sonic and pretty well versus snake absolutely i think he does good versus wario too but it's always a you have to be playing perfect you have to be playing better don't mess up don't mess up don't mess up don't mess up and again you messed up you're going to get hit and you're going to get combed because mega man is really easy to combo really easy to edge guard really easy not to advantage state but like to keep him on the ledge i think it's really hard for mega man to get off the ledge and so you can keep him in that spot and again the combos are really good against him he you can edge guard him decently well because like if your cover as high you just kind of wait for him to land granted there's leaf shield and leaf shield's broken for multiple reasons but i feel like you can just kind of put him in bad spots over and over again or not give him the space that he can run away from you but at the same time he has like metal blade z drop out of shield stuff so you still have to be kind of careful it depends on how the mega man's playing kind of like link where it's like oh they can play in this fancy type of way but like then they're sacrificing something else like they're you they can't i guess with z drop hairs you style you still can like z drop pellet but at the same time you're not scared of like a back dash metal blade that does 10 into a grab into whatever so it's different threat ranges for different percent so it's a little bit hard to play mega man especially when so many characters can just like backer you and you're gonna take a billion damage and like a combo so yeah i got a lot of negative comments on twitter when i posted this to your list because again i have to re-record this for like halfway through this video and that is chrom i think krom has a bunch of good stuff his normals are probably overall the best in the game between all of his sword moves and his specials everything is really good about this character except for his recovery that's a big deal he doesn't have a kind of good recovery he has one of the worst and most exploitable recoveries in the game because all you have to do is hit his air dodge they're either going to up here they're going to air dodge that's literally all they can do or recover high and hope that the aerials are good enough but then if they don't they've recovered high now they don't have a jump they're going to die we have seen this character be exploited time and time and time and time again yes does he have incredible combos does he have jab into naren to jab into naren to jab into back air or jab into fort smash yes he does it's really scary are his normals incredible does he have an amazing advantage state does he have so many good things yes but the thing is he's an aggressive sword character you're not really playing chrome defensively because you don't want to back up and put yourself at the ledge so you're playing aggressively and then you guessed wrong once because you're a human and you're fallible right like you're not going to be perfect so then you ran at someone and they dashed back and with punished you and then you got hit and now you're dead and that's not something you can just deal with this crom a lot of the times does he have incredible strength yes but it's really scary to play a character especially in tournament where you're not consistent and you can just die at any time that is terrifying that is not a fun place to be and krom is one of the only characters that are this high because he has amazing aerials that is still like that he's more exploitable offstage than luigi is this character is a bit of a struggle off stage otherwise is incredible but that offstage struggle is so bad to the point where yes he is a lot worse than roy next we have one of the most difficult characters to play in the game that always has to make a choice consistency or explosive combos that is link link is a really strong character he has one of the best narrators in the game he has an incredible combo game with bomb nair and bomb fair he has a great recovery with bomb recoveries he has really big normals he's really hard to deal with he can camp you with bomb and boomerang he has a bunch of setups really good ledge trapping but the problem is when you play link all you can do is pick one you can't have crazy bomb combos and also bomb recovery so you're either picking his explosive offense with a lackluster kind of defense and disadvantage state you are picking having in a recovery or you only can nere so when people start dealing with nair or can deal with it or deal with your normals you're going to have a worse time it is really really hard to play link effectively because you are constantly having to juggle that choice and that choice can be a huge difference in a lot of matchups you got hit a single time out because they whiff punished your nerve somehow your bomb is on stage and you have to blow it up and then pluck a bomb by the time you do that your opponent is off stage and kills you before you can even bomb recover uh it's really really hard to play link effectively i think in theory if you were able to like merge both play styles incredibly effectively and not always be ready for everything but like be ready for many situations and constantly are picking when you want to play with bomb and when you don't correctly i think this character is low-key like top 15 top 20 but it is so unreasonably hard to do that to the point where right now i don't believe the character can so for that reason he's high here he's incredible he's super good he has a bunch of strengths i don't like fighting this character personally but i still think that he's just too hard he's actually too hard to make those decisions correctly all the time like not like technically he's super difficult although he is but like just like decision making wise it's so difficult to put that much effort into knowing what you have to do all the time when some characters are like haha i hit the forward air button speaking of characters that just haha hit the button uh we have bileth bilith is high tier unfortunately i want to say he's mid-tier but he has a lot of tools and also slingshotting is honestly really good for him when it comes to space and forwarders and stuff which allows him to have a more varied offense because before it was like he's gonna nair or he's going to wait for you to do something and then dash attack or forward air or something and just catch you out in those positions but now he can be a little bit more aggressive with his aerials but not in there so like back air and forward air and then slingshot out of the way and be a lot safer and then put himself in a position where he can forward you again that's really really good he has incredible killing with nair into dash attack narrowing to four runoff forward air upbeat into back air up air in general down tilt up air this character can do a lot they can deal with some rush down because they have upbeat a shield and also nair they have a lot of good combos they have the damage output the problem is they're just slow and sometimes they get rushed down a little bit too effectively or ironically camped super effectively i think this character struggles with characters like steve and like samus it's really really hard to accurately judge how good bileth is because in this game 80 characters are good so leo can pick any character and probably succeed and leo is winning almost everything he is winning the large majority of events he goes to at the very setting second he got he got third collision and i guess summit in general at every open major he's gotten first or second basically all of them except for collision but that's just the thing about this game is you can have four sixes and just be better than your opponent and leo is just better than everyone so it's really hard to accurately describe how good bilif is if you think he's top tier because leo success that's fine if you think he's mid tier and leo's just strictly better than everyone that's also fine i'm kind of in the middle ground where biolog has a lot of good stuff but at the same time leo's really really really good leo's so good at this game and people just aren't as composed as him and so he gets a lot of kills i think miles is a good character i think it's a great pick but just not top tier speaking of just not top tier and this is the one that europe always gets mad at me for greninja is next greninja is pretty one-dimensional he has a really good dash attack he's fast he wants to whiff punish with dash attack and that's all he's going to do he almost never will aggressively dash attack because it's not safe he will almost never aggressively downtown because it's not safe if he's going to approach you it's going to be with aerials and yes he does gain a little bit off of slingshot because nair is really safe but at the same time it was so safe to the point where it doesn't really avoid a lot of the attitude options as far as i'm aware i could be wrong i'm down to be wrong that's fine yeah obviously it avoids the ground moves but it was minus three minus four anyway so it was always avoiding most of the ground moves his linear isn't good enough it's good don't get me wrong dash attack up air into up air into drag down into all these things into advantage is really good but also people don't just understand how to play neutral against this character they don't just run at him they don't overshoot they're like he's gonna run forward even though greninja's literally never run forward they just don't do it greninja players always put themselves in the corner and again maybe that's a player thing uh but like greninja's best option is dash back dash forward dash attack so like you want to be mobile you want to be moving you want to be putting yourself in the corner and then people don't expect that he puts himself in the corner and then they get hit by dash attack over and over and over again i think that's a player thing but granted this character has a lot of um results you have schroeder when he plays this character you obviously have leia from japan you have all of european greninjas like alexia and eye studying there's a couple more in the states as well greninja is a solid character he's really really good i just think he's a little bit too linear and not threatening enough in that linear play to be better than this next up we have the next fighting game character is kazia i think khasi is a bit overrated at the moment he's terrifying don't get me wrong but there is a reason that all the kazia players are counterpicking kazuya he doesn't have a good matchup chart overall every single kazia is a kazia secondary or a kazuya co-main where they just only go kazia in the matchups that are good or the stages that are good so you have t pac-man who is a pac-man main cause secondary riddles who is a terry main kazia secondary tarik who is a greninja main kazia secondary they can just play kazio when they're comfortable then there's ferps who obviously is a kazian mean but we haven't seen enough of him for me to be like yeah he's gonna just beat everyone so kazia has a lot of flaws and has a lot of bad matchups is he like in theory able to beat everyone because he has invincible dashes and a bunch of invincible moves yes is he terrifying absolutely he's so scary but there is counter play to him especially if you constantly rotate your stick to make the di line kind of appear at different times it's really really hard for him to consistently do his combos like with if you are doing the correct counter play but he still does a ton of damage he still kills you mad early electric is the best move in the game either that or like steve block just for like the utility that they have it's at the very least the best offensive move in the game because of that khazia is terrifying but he has a lot of bad matchups and a lot of flaws his disadvantage isn't super good he's off stage plays and super good he can't really get off of the ledge so he's one of those characters that you just have to unfortunately play really well versus him if you mess up he's terrifying but hey as people get better they're messing up less especially with the top tiers that can deal 50 then afford to mess up or then are an advantage if they mess up still so yeah he's he's hard he's hard to fight against but there are plenty of characters that can very effectively and with that i don't have to keep re-recording because i messed up my twitch recording with the twitch vod track so enjoy past e sam before he knew what twitter said about this list enjoy diddy kong is overall just overrated his normals are good but they're not the best in the game his speed is good but his recovery is exploitable and everyone just sucks at edge guarding it monkey flip is reactable if you're not just so terrified he has good normals shield banana react to monkey flip his game plan is so surprisingly linear he's a good character don't get me wrong but like if you deal with banana you're gonna win if you have good out of shield you're gonna win if you can space on his shield with decently safe moves you're gonna win the character is good really good has a lot of randomly losing matchups you have to outplay your opponent your opponent doesn't know not what they're doing this character has to do so much to like contend with people that can just mash aerials and the mashing ariels is better is the thing so yeah high tier he's good don't get me wrong this character's terrifying if you know what you're doing he's way less terrifying i'm gonna put ryuu ryu is a crazy character again he is a bit better than ken in my opinion he fights and he's super strong but he can also camp you kind of have to approach ryu because shaku does so much damage and if you jump against him he's just gonna shark you with up air and then eventually it'll shield poke with guaranteed chores his combos are really simple but they kill down tilt down tilt tatsu down tilt down told shoryu he's more consistent than ken his moves are a little bit better he kills a little bit earlier overall small battlefield he's insane because he gets up air and then upper shore you up there which is going to kill super early and he doesn't have the risk but you can't fall out of shore you being able to camp and not falling out of shore you're having a better tattoo in my opinion that's enough yes ness is so close to top tier ness is like two less bad matchups away from being top tier i think ness is so scary he's terrifying he is good at a shield he has great normals he has amazing aero mobility he has a surprisingly hard to edge guard recovery he has a surprisingly good advantage because of magnet he has good results amazing kill potential he has an infinite scarecrow is a infinite pk fire is an amazing whiff punish he has great stage choices overall he has great two framing amazing advantage state because of pk thunder and up air and down smash and up smash he's great at ledge trapping he has everything except for the fact that he loses certain matchups very bad like there are certain matchups that are just awful for him like game and watch specifically game of watch is really bad i think sonic is pretty bad i think zero suit is in zero suit's favor i think sheik is really bad i think steve is really bad uh probably roy is not super good but also sand definitely beats goblin i haven't seen sen versus cola because ness is sometimes exploitable he's a little bit less consistent than you want he has amazing everything but sometimes you're just gonna get smacked out of your double jump magnet with no jumps and then have to like air dodge you get hit out of your air down your pick on you're gonna die like that happens enough to the point where he's not top tier but he's been doing incredibly the results of ness have been on the up and up you have more and more nest players doing well like attatata and syrup you of course have gakt and send has a lot of representation is good is strong he kills so s1 that's what i'm thinking he kills so early he has like one of some of the best killing overall in the game it's actually ridiculous next up just to give a little bit of a gap between ryu and the best fighting game character we got terry i think terry's the best fighting game character he plays the most like a standard character and the standard characters in this game are very very good his aerials are all incredible his portal is incredible his crack shoots incredible he kills so early he has go like virile has been putting in so much work with this character recently and it's not like oh again results don't mean anything necessarily but like this character can come back this character can have can build hell of big leads this character is terrifying he's one of the scariest characters in the game to fight against it's he's not super easy to edge guard he has invincible reversals like his disadvantage isn't great but at the same time power dunk can be like plus two on shield for no reason he's a stupid character he's just not top tier because some characters just beat him out like some characters are just like no like he has a lot of not a lot but like several not good matchups why does he have nair burn knuckle offstage that's so stupid he has so much good stuff and he's also like not super difficult once you learn the inputs yeah terry's ridiculous captain falcon this character is amazing this is like 30th ish he's so good he's terrifying he has side b he has grab he has dash attack he has narrative backer down here there's so many ways to play neutral with this character the result of this character have you seen what shawn is doing sean is ridiculous fatality is ridiculous jogibu is ridiculous this character has representation in so many places he does so much damage he kills so early the only bad thing about him is out of shield options but one you can do footstool falcon kick out of shield so it's not awful the best falcons or at least fatality doesn't really do idj stuff i don't know if jokeyboo does i haven't watched them enough there are so many good players of this character which again don't necessarily mean much but it's like they're just all different they're different styles and like none of them really do all the idj crazy stuff falcon is some of the craziest combos in the game if you just idj correctly and for some reason fatality was like i don't want to learn that it's like okay i don't know why character's nuts i think characters super underrated by most of the people but you know who's not underrated min-min min-min got hit i used to think she was top five and that was after she already unnerved once with her up smash the near hit was a lot was a lot to deal with for min min so she has she's a great she is the best learn her for a counter pick character in the game maybe the second actually in matchups that midman shines she is so broken she keeps people out she edge guards she two frames she edge traps she's so not okay to deal with but she has random really big struggle matchups like pichu like puff a bunch of top tiers like pika and pirate pyramid are actually too bad i think brawler does good versus or i think fox does good versus her there's a lot of characters that make her struggle sheik is an awful matchup she has some really bad matchups random even matches it's weird she's super consistent except she's not because you can hit her off stage and edge guard her and she's actually pretty edge guardable in general this character can just randomly struggle and you have to be playing perfect with her but just play better like protoz midman is beautiful to watch but yeah i think this character has a couple too many struggle matchups for her to be top tier but she's still a huge force in the men and if you don't know the matchup you are going to get absolutely slaughtered you know who's also a broken character yoshi yoshidora top fives every single major in japan that he goes to with patience great combos great recognition yoshi has the single best combo break in the game in terms of double jump because it's better than luigi down b i don't care it's better than luigi down b great spacing great setups good edge guarding good killing the only thing this character does not have is like a really good matchup versus any top tier yoshi has a lot of evens and minus ones and top tier but minus ones are doable minus two's less doable right yoshi in my opinion has the tools to deal with every single character i don't think yoshi has a single minus two but i don't think there's a single character that's like yoshi is uh like you cannot beat yoshi with against this character can't deal with the paladin ages i don't think aegis is a terrible match i think it's minus one how can they not deal with they just what are they gonna do run back and f till then you just back here then once yoshi has one unusual move inside me but every other move is actually so good a really good jab really good down till amazing forward told great up top as long as you know how the hitbox works the damage output's ridiculous the advantage it's ridiculous a great command grab downer is one of the most egregious moves in the game why is that a thing now this character's just really good great out of shield can't be shield poked i shield poke everyone i literally can't do that game against yoshi great defensive options you have yeah j mafia is honestly probably the best yoshi in in the states yo she's a really really strong character for the lowest character in top tier we have mr cloud strife spargo's been doing ridiculously well the resurgence of this character is super high i don't think he's super broken i don't think he's like top 10 again this is like 25 26 27 something like that the one flaw of this character is sometimes he gets edge guarded but also none of the clouds are getting edge guarded i don't know if that means everyone's bad including myself and he should be getting edge guarded or dead recovery is just hard to mess with the buff back in like 7.1 or something like that was huge to make his upbeat grab the ledge faster that buff was so important he has one of the best moves neutral in the game in terms of back air he has great empty jumps he does so much damage his advantage is really good his edge trapping is pretty good because he has just back here he's just going to spam back air i don't think he's like top 10 i don't think he's super broken i think there are plenty of characters that can deal with him it's just also spargo is better than most people that kid is so good it doesn't make sense great platform pressure he's good on like every stage except for fd and you just ban fd he beats every zoner except for maybe min min he's a good secondary he's pretty simple he's really he's really strong and of course that limit exists that's that's really really good for him you know what's also really really good sheik's forwarder she stops here she's fast she does a ton of damage she has a bunch of kill confirms she is the character in my opinion by far by far with the best slingshotting in the game she in my opinion rose like 10 to 15 spots because of slingshotting because she is a character that can benefit off of just a flick shot because she has b reverse needles she has needles she has being able to hold shot and do fair her damage output's ridiculous she does so much damage needles are so stupid forward air is really good she can camp the needles are amazing she has good kill confirms because she has like upper up smash on platforms up air down smash upper forward smash cobbles to go into those but she has 50 50s she has jab jab now told up there if she can kill she has bouncing fish again if you're not getting hit by some of those setups then yeah she can struggle to kill but at the same time she just has niels she can just poke needles at you for forever i think she does lose to trading if you just run at her and try to hit buttons on her she does struggle a little bit she has random losing matchups like ice climbers and pac-man all grinder pack-man's really good ice climbers like beat this character up i think there's a lot of randomly not easy matchups for chic but at the same time just play better like she's one of those characters with like super high potential but i think even right now like 25 top 26 is a good spot for her i think she's a really strong character this is probably the lowest i've ever put this character but lucina listen yes i did see proto but pro's been doing worse overall he is a co-main so just lucina and justin aren't going to be like wow they're so good she's super fundamental she has she's a sword character she doesn't have a ton of crazy combos she doesn't have a ton of crazy anything in my opinion except for like shield breaker but at the same time you don't need super crazy stuff when you are lucina and have like up air in back air and the great advantage date the problem is compared to other top tiers she doesn't have a great disadvantage state she doesn't have really good descending aerials so you can kind of poke at her from below her pretty easily and that means that getting off the ledge for her isn't super good because she can't really let's jump super effectively because you're gonna hit her for landing that's a big struggle i think that's really really important to me considering how strong people's advantage dates to in today's day and age are but at the same time she's ridiculous she can beat any character there's no match up that she has it's a minus two she's she is not a single minus two she's just minus ones evens are winnings so yeah she's super good the character that de buzz has downplayed for 17 years olmar so hard to deal with side b plays the game for you because the opponent has to deal with pikmin depending on where they're latched he can camp he can be aggressive he can edge guard he can edge trap he can do literally everything except get off the ledge getting off the ledge for olimar if you don't have purple is impossible because you actually just lose to hold shield this character does have some losing matchups lose struggles with some certain swords like roy cloud and pyromithra if you get double purple you're probably gonna win any matchup it doesn't matter it doesn't matter how many how how you're doing if you get double purple triple purple especially oh my god great throws the grab is okay but like up smash out of shield deal 70. why does snapshots match up forever work who knows i asked you it up i hope characters can struggle with some rush down i think loses to fox loses to brawler like a decent amount of losing matchups but it's hard when the character's so obnoxious and just like oh you were wrong once ford smashed it 50 you had too pikmin on you're getting ledge trapped like this character so it's randomly explosive it feels so hard to close out a game versus this character unless you are specifically like a top 10 player playing against a buzz like those that's the only people if you are a top 10 player olavar's high tier if you are not a top 10 player this character is top five toonley or sorry youngling characters he's fast he has arrow he's not like super super broken because he's not as oppressive as a lot of other characters because you can kind of just like jump and like kind of avoid what he's doing but if you're trying to like rush down on young link you're gonna have a bad time if you're trying to blatantly camp young link to like explicitly win the camping game you're gonna have a bad time you have to play this like awkward not letting him throw projectiles at you kind of being in mid-range and like hope he like commits to like a grabber or forwarder but also he has some of the safest frame data in the game for no reason i think his aerials are overall the safest in the game so first off jab two is minus seven don't know why down tilts minus seven so you can't shield grab it which i don't know why people still do like i literally watch skittles every time he plays he goes down to a spot touch like 100 of the time and everyone shield grabs it why do people do that just hold shield minus 2 minus 3 minus 3 minus 2 minus 3 minus 9 and minus 12 or 11. show them wrangle shield point blank isn't like minus four yeah this character is really good he just gets outclassed by some other top tiers and that's kind of about it because i feel like he's really good i don't even think he's that difficult you just have to like camp a little bit more than you think probably when you're playing young and he's fine like i think he's just he's incredible he's a strong character also i think slingshotting is actually broken for him because he everything is like super safe so we can just be like down tilt slingshot and then if you do something just like fair down till blah blah blah you know who's also good but not super broken zero suit zero suit does suck relative to what she was before because she used to be top five then she got nerfed ner is now not super broken honestly the biggest nerf was the boost kick nerf because since it's frame six there's a lot more like weird hurt box shifting stuff around the uppy that even though it should punch a lot of stuff it doesn't because it pushes out of the way i don't understand how to actually play this matchup it's one of my personal worst matchups so like mars beats the academy if you commit to timeout explicitly if you are like from go i'm timing you out she's top ten because it's impossible to hit her i don't know what character can actually contest with her speed but no one does that so i'm not gonna count it cuz i'm not talking like oh if you always play the best you can ever play like no she does lose a ton of matchups but at the same time she's so explosive and she can just play safe enough to the point where a lot of the characters that beat her like pt like roy like krom can just not hit her how do you hit her and yeah then she has stuff with slingshot because her nail and her upper and still like safe-ish character is really good just not as broken as she used to be so in my opinion she sucks you know who's better than zero suit friendship friendship is better than zero is better than zero i think zoro's incredible sora is actually top ten i know that when everyone is counterpicking sora recently they're losing like meister and to buzz that's because they're playing sora against top 10 players that are beating them anyway their mains are losing game and watch who is much better than sora is losing so he goes sora olimar is who's here and rosa and minman who's down here are losing the people are beating them anyway sora's broken sora has some of the best combos in the game if meister or de buzz had ohana from i think he's like new jersey if they had his combos it's crazy there are secondary stores in japan as well like kamames opana yeah ohana means family opana is the yeah the combos are incredible his neutral is really good it's super hard to hit him his edge guarding is some of the best in the game it's hard to let's trap him because he has thunder to like hit you off stage and he can just stall forever his recovery is really hard to mess with unless you're specific characters in my opinion this character is a sword character that's really mobile that combos like he's he's the best comboing sword character in the game it's just his neutral isn't as good and oppressive as some other characters like pyromithir or something like that so in top 20 the first character i want to talk about is suited samus she has like the simplest game plan in the game but it is so effective it is ridiculously effective charge shot is broken bomb is broken forward air upper her grab her kill potential is so stupid this character murders you for no reason you take 60 at zero percent from getting hit by a projectile that beats all of your approach options half charge shot which is like 29 into down throw back air it does like 60 for no reason then you get legs trapped so you get let's trap you take a bunch of damage you die super early she has nair and downer it's really hard to advantage date her unless you're like specific characters like lucina or fox or falco that can just jump up there and with bomb but bomb is so good for getting a disadvantage as well it's really hard to mess with because if you miss out if you mess up once and you're over commit just a little early she's gonna get away the amount of good players with this character is skyrocketing you have siskiy who's the second best player in europe you have teaser who is like kind of running georgia outside of cola i'm pretty like it's like cola didi teaser he also does really well in texas joker the samus from mexico you have good samus's in japan as well absolutely terrifying and loses some matchups but like her game plan is so good and she is the best the single best ledge trapper in the game yes better than steve i think she has like one minus two and that's like falco we have yet another big demotion from my last tier list because i just viewed the game differently a character that has won a major this year pokemon trainer i think that pokemon trainer has some not good matchups a lot of pokemon trainers wins rely on coming back with charizard which is not a fun place to be if you assume you're going to lose the mobility on squirtle is ridiculous but ivysaur's still bad i don't care how many people are losing to quid's ivysaur ivysaur is a really exploitable character with a bad grab that literally all you have to do when you fight ivysaur is walk shield parry back aaron forward air and spot dodge grab you know they're gonna grab because if they don't grab and you dash away because you think they're gonna grab you roll away literally nothing happens charizard wins lasts he's probably the best last hit character in the game in my opinion or one of them at the very least maybe steve is better the frame one swap doesn't do enough cause even though it's frame one it's invincible it's really easy to hit the character's game plan is too linear the linear isn't broken enough to be better than this still really good still there next up i'm sorry ramses is shulk shulk in theory even kind of realistically is top five character has like five losing matchups he has tools for literally everything he cheats he combos he does all this crazy he can invincibility through your stuff if you have a dragon like drag down combos and work for him because he just switches arts and then you do your move and then he hits you for it he can't deal with camping super easily but at the same time if you're camping shulk he's getting his arts back so you don't really want a camshaul he has some of the most explosive advantages in the game because of smash art ridiculous anti-combo ability because of smash art and shield art if he had the frame data he would be the best character in the game but he doesn't have the frame beta so characters that are like can stay in his face can sometimes give him difficulty you know what he wants to do that doesn't mean you're going to deal with it super well but characters can he has a lot of evens in my opinion i feel like people also panic versus smash art like way too hard like people don't know how to camp against shulk correctly and the arts that are scary for them so they're just like i'm going to run in versus smash and then get upbeat and die there's decent representation for this character because he's hard it's less likely to play at peak because he's so difficult but not difficult in a way that makes sense in a way that's difficult of just like oh did you misuse one art you'd lost a stock shulk's broken you know who's also really hard to play wario gluto literally had the lowest opinion of his character ever because he was like yeah this character's like still top 10 after the nerfs and then main stage happened and he like lost a couple events in europe and then he was like wario actually struggles with a lot of characters and then you know he went you know what that i was able to be people with a mid low ass tier character in smash 4. i'm being too much of a baby back and then you started beating everyone he's like the third best player in the world right now fourth best player at worst i feel like character's nuts he plays a two-stop game i think it's hard to play because is actually not very good he gets walled out a lot versus a lot of characters he struggles with swords inherently but at the same time he struggles with stories if you play the freestyle three-star game but a sword characters like go you're losing against wario the only thing you can do versus wario either hard rush him down or literally hard camp him and not give a about walk those are the only options you have every matchup that he loses he doesn't because he hits you with a loft what if he hits you with two with idj he's so stupid up air now with slingshot he can do upper slingshot and then maybe get like landing nerds which is a you know at zero which would be then a dash near his airdrift is incredible he has one of the best disadvantages in the game even though he's kind of floating because he can just go like he he air dodger goes here like it's it's so hard to hit him you have to just hard guess and it's really hard to hard guess as a lot of characters he does lose matchups but again he doesn't because he's one of the most explosive characters in the game and people always like yeah man this character beats wario minus two like game and watch because meister's never lost to pluto still i think but at the same time it's like oh it's a minus two cool but what if you get a waff and a half every game if he can get more than one loft he absolutely wins and if he gets one loft he probably wins anyway he's so stupid he's a ridiculous character snake snake is one of those characters that is so hard to play consistently like this character honestly is getting better results than he used to because you have dio from japan who's doing better mbd's always been doing well and then now you have a paula kage who's coming up as well in the n a scene so he has good results but this character's so hard you always always always always put yourself in disadvantage every time you get hit because you uppy because you have to you have to upbeat you're not going to recover low recovering low gets you killed by most characters so you're a cover high it is so hard against so many characters to consistently land enough to the point where you're winning snake is one of the hardest matchups in the game to learn 100 a little too exploitable in my opinion to be top tier overall it is so hard to be consistent with this character to the point where i have to put him not at a top 10 because he's so hard he's the hardest character in the game to play consistently in my opinion i think game of watch is only minus one i think palu palu's really bad inkling's bad fox is bad sonic is awful sonic shits on this character roy beats him like there's a lot of characters zero suit's bad young link's bad olimar is bad like this character loses to a lot of characters he can beat them anyway because he just does a different pattern but like it's hard it's really hard to beat him no i think uh snape's wrong actually finally for all the people that have ignored me or hated my tier lists because i've underrated a specific character here you go sonic he has like an almost unbeatable game plan versus the majority of characters if you have a lead as sonic you win the game if you don't have the lead he deals 70 in combos his combo game is so much better than it deserves there's no reason for his combo game to be this good have you seen what sonic's has done in advantage have you seen what ken has done in neutral there are so many good sonic players as well this character is becoming a menace you have of course georgia which has wrath who doesn't go to tournaments but wrath is if brad played this game he'd be a top 10 player rath is so good this character has the results has the consistency he loses matchups yeah but at the same time he's like oh you lose the match up unless you get a lead in theory he's like top five probably but this isn't theory you're gonna up you're gonna choke you're gonna miss time your spin dashes sometimes i think a couple of characters beat this character but it is so hard to continue to beat this character because you're wrong like twice and you just lose right and this is a slight demotion from my last tier list as well we got the plumber we got mario he combos you're out the ass his neutral is incredible he's a little slow but he has like really good normals he's great at recovering he can deal with projectiles he has a great upbeat shield some of the best attitude losses in the game explosive combos death ladders all this crazy stuff he's just slightly worse than other characters because other characters are a bit more oppressive or a bit more broken with the lead i think that's 14th in my list right now he's great on platform stages i think people definitely don't play mid-range against him well enough or don't juggle him well enough as well everything has like minus two for no reason like if you just do short hop bare bear like the second bear is minus two or three which is dumb he's a little bit susceptible to perry's and he's a little bit susceptible to playing better mid-range and there are characters with better combos than him but overall he's really stupid the best character in the game but he's big rob he does lose a lot of matchups but again like wario he doesn't actually lose those matchups if you are a character that can hit combos on people and they die at zero you don't lose many matchups in this game it doesn't matter how bad your disadvantage is if you can just think fast fall air dodge or you can just gyro off of the stage like bounce it off the stage grab it and then you have a gyro to get out of disadvantage he gets comboed rob's broken you can't ignore the fact that rob is broken when literally almost every single rob player is like yeah i barely play this game but you know what i lose all these matchups like you don't study you don't know anything the best robs don't do the combos the only rob that is good and does the combos is anathema but zomba the best rob doesn't do the combos zach gray who actually is the best rob doesn't do the combos wadi doesn't do the combos big boss kind of does the combos but not really this character has potential out to ask and literally every single rob is too goddamn lazy to learn the most broken in the game and i don't understand why the rob player base infuriates me because they have everything at their disposal and the only one that does anything is lucrecio and yopobo everyone else is a baby back and anthem is fine he has one of the best neutrals in the game with downtile he has forward air he has great camping not in terms of like i'm gonna laser you and jarrod because the projectiles aren't actually good but like just at playing mid-range there are more robs than any other good character so it's a super relevant match up and everyone's just lazy leo's literally playing rob to help big boss get better every single rob player is a lazy and i hate it number 12. we have another demotion from my last tier list game and watch swords are becoming way too relevant in this meta you see more clouds you see more lucinas you see more steves you see more of roy's you see more aegis every single matchup that game and watch struggles with is becoming more and more relevant so right now in the meta he's losing relevance there are so many players that just play a combination of characters that can beat game and launch nothing inherently got worse about game watch it's just the meta shifted to oh my god it's a sword and a sword and a sword and a sword and gluteny and a sword and a sword and esam and like that's the meta you still have mars who can give him trouble literally there's like three top roy players there's steve's that that are difficult for meister random niche matchups like ice climbers like fox was supposed to be a great match for game watch i always thought it was even and then light started being like hey what if i just camp like if you have speed or you have range and you have an okay disadvantage you can play the game and watch match up you just have to play like a super lame and people weren't willing to play like a super limo versus meister and then they were like yeah we're tired of losing to this guys we're gonna play like super lame o's so they play like super lemos and they win game watch roy's even cola thinks he loses he can be delusional that's fine i'm fine with top players being wrong top players don't know everyone is bad at this game it's fine and that's including me i get you wrong too let me know down in the comments if i'm wrong why are you doing the different subscribe my game watch is incredible super cute character and number 10. sorry number 11 is wolf i think wolfe is overrated the thing about wolf is he's exploitable right kind of like rob a little different than rob but he's super exploitable i think it is really really really really hard for wolf to play the game that they need to play overall all the time because wolfe can get punished has a bad recovery wolf has to play perfect all the time and wolf isn't putting you in crazy guesses he's not unreactable in you he's not doing anything he's just playing very solid he's a better lucina he's just very solid and very solid and has good combos and a good grab but if you mess up anything wolfe can't force his way into you he can't force aggression he can't force camping he's just playing mid-range so if your character struggles against mid-range wolf is gonna body your character that's fine you have to just be playing perfect and also his stuff isn't that safe on shield it's safe on shield but a lot of the ways the wolves do their aerials actually aren't that safe on shield minus four minus five they never do latent so that's never gonna happen minus six is good but that's gonna be out of shielded by a lot of relevant characters backers like minus four if you do it correctly and up is minus five so you know it's not like you're having minus two minus threes where it's just like hard guess it's just like oh if you periwife ariel you're actually just gonna hit him for free like every single time he has a good empty jump so you're not always gonna parry him like cindy jump's actually incredible probably the best thing about him he's not as broken as everyone thinks he is for a long time i was like wolf isn't that good and i was like you know maybe everyone's right wolf is like fourth and i was like actually that i know more about this game than ever fun and every other guy damn person in the world which is why you're watching my video eleven versus five doesn't really matter they're basically the same character it's like top three the rest of top tier wolf outside of top ten this is the tier list so far and we are going into top ten at number ten starting off straight there we got steve steve was always the character to me i'm like yeah this character's gonna be top 10 this character's gonna be top five just not there yet if you want a video on alcohol and just me talking and gushing about how good this player is i will do so because he is incredible he's so good the amount of setups that he has the amount of tech that he uses and he still doesn't even use all the steve tech akula is literally not doing in my opinion the most important tech which is no impact land like no impact land ladders he's not doing those yet steve is the most creative mode character in the game he has ridiculous combos ridiculous neutral ridiculous camping diamond sort of ridiculous comeback factor ridiculous edge guarding ridiculous struggles nothing about this character is bad except for the fact that certain matchups are a little hard certain matchups are a little hard he's like rob and like wario where it doesn't matter how bad of a matchup you have if you get diamond and then just get down throw fair jab f-smash edge guarded edge trapped he has some of the best edge trapping in the game you can't juggle him successfully because you have to be you have to respect anvil you can't advantage him correctly because you have to respect mine card and sometimes you can just play safer he has planking steve is like low-key the best character in the game just not there yet i was like he's top 10 but not there yet and now we're seeing steve's do better jake has had runs yanny has had runs akola is winning majors there is a steve winning majors like alert alert alert steve is getting results it's terrifying number nine we have this broken ass this broken ass character fox i don't know why everyone including myself for a little bit were pretending that fox was bad this character is applicably the most mobile character in the game yes our characters faster than him like pyromidra and sonic yeah but they're doing things very obviously they're doing like rising errors as mithra character does so much damage he's good on every stage platforms are amazing for him walls are amazing for him edge trap some of the best in the game he can kill easily enough considering how much damage he does back here is one of the best moves in the game it's such a stupid back air you can't react to his to his short hop fast fall unless you're god but if you're reacting to that you're just guessing that he's not gonna narrow because there's no way to react to both it's literally impossible so he just forces you in a bunch of unreactable mix-ups and then if he's right you take 70 or you take 12 and then get put off stage because he grabbed you and then now you're off stage versus fox and he's just going to narrow you and backer you for 20 billion and then the fox man will complain that their character doesn't kill at 140 when they've been trapping you with a move that they're trying to kill you with for 30 seconds fox is broken where's me brawler don't worry about it a slight demotion palu palo's really good she's super solid she's clearly top 10 she has back air and dash attack and down tilt and check has been doing really well and jigaimo is still doing really well i don't know if there are any palos in europe that are doing well but powell is a very prevalent character that's just very very strong in general up air is amazing back here like she has some of the best aerials in the game she just doesn't have super good ground game which is unfortunate but the palus are starting to use jab i think it's bad you know she doesn't have a ground game she's the opposite of little mac which is proof that air games are much more important than ground games um yeah pal is insane she's so good she just has a couple of bad matchups to keep her at a top five and i think that palu is not just she's not quite there she's not quite explosive enough she's very like you know what she wants to do you can de-guy away from her down tilt if she's two framing you so she doesn't get back air but like she's super solid you have to have a very solid anti-palo gaming plan if you want to beat her but it's really hard to do so but she does lose to like diddy kong and pika and aegis probably and steve and maybe some others maybe like zero suits still i don't know maybe chic good character really good character number seven my boy brawler me brawler's broken y'all it's fine don't believe me it's fine it's fine i might not win combo breaker with just me brawler it's fine it's totally cool i don't care this character has everything you need and not only is it everything you need but it's also a lot of this character is one of the stupidest characters in the entire game every character doesn't have a frame one escape option he has consistent zero to 80s or death depending on platforms and positioning he has some of the best edge trapping in the game because he just narrows over and over again he has a good recovery if you run my set he can have a command grab that does 22. he has down throwthrupper he has thropper thropper in general is so stupid downthrow thropper working on the majority of the cast at egregious percents is not okay especially when you have rage you have landing up air which comes into the throat you have lined up which crumbles into everything you have nair into force match this character can kill so easily all the time if you run through upper i think if you're not running thropper you're throwing because all you have to do is ban town and kalos and you're fine good on fd good on smashville great on small battlefield and ps2 good on smashville i think even good on battlefield just it probably is more match-up dependent this character is ridiculous he's one of the best characters on platforms he has he's one of the best combo games in the entire game literally it's like me brawler's under like pika and steve and like peach when it comes to combos and like that's it that's literally it some of the safest pressure in the game he like fox has an amazing empty jump he doesn't have the speed of fox doesn't have the dash attack of fox for like those blatant like ground mix-ups but like his his grab game is incredible because you get down throw back hairs you get down throw up air thropper you get down throw a thropper you get down throw a fair thrower at zero you get so much damage so his grabs are really scary his aerials are really scary so you have to just run away from him but if you if he catches you running away he's just gonna hit you but closer to the state to closer to the ledge which is still terrifying or like oh you ran away under a platform so then you got an air up tilt up air up tilt upper throttle and die at 35. i'm so biased no the thing is i used to hate this character i used to think this character was like bottom 15. and then the brawlers were like hey play him and i was like okay i'll play him and i'll show that he's bad and then i played him and i was like oh he's really good i kept playing him for fun and i was like wow scares kind of stuff and then more tech got discovered and i was like wow this character's kind of up and i was like maybe i should play him a little more seriously and then i'm playing them more seriously and i'm like wow he's kind of up at genesis i literally would be playing money matches with people and i would be winning but struggling as pika like there was this really player that i played against and i was like winning the games but it was like last hit or i was losing some games and then i went brawler and would three stalk them this character just blows you the up all the time on so many stages is ridiculously good and listen if you don't believe me that's fine let me know down in the comments how stupid i am while you're down there subscribe but this character is insane you know who's also insane this character pac-man character's broken some of the best camping in the game some of the best buttons in the game some of the best killing in the game very set up based high drink is obnoxious to deal with and if you can't deal with it you automatically lose the matchup he has great out of shield options with naren upbe he has great edge guarding with just his normals and he's super floaty he has the second best recovery in the game applicably he loses certain matchups pretty bad like cloud cloud's bad i think uh steve also beats steve also wins there's a couple of other matchups like paulo i think also wins but they're all minus ones and they're all like oh but i did i get the combo did i get the good thing did i get the galaga hit it's like diddy but scarier because diddy has banana in hand but pac-man has bell in hand belle's much scarier than banana so top five we're starting with peach listen her neutral is hard this character's so hard this character is broken one of the hardest matchups i feel like for peach is cloud because cloud out neutral sir has air superiority has everything that you need to beat peach and then mutase beat spargo and not with like crazy combos not with like super jank just with so incredibly solid neutral she has some of the best edge trapping in the game she has unreactable mix-ups slingshot with this character i was gonna put her like eight or nine and then i remembered slingshot allows her to do if you don't have really good out of shield options back here on shield slingshot float z drop turn up guaranteed grab guaranteed pressure and if you get hit you just get hit and die she has some of the best combos in the game with the lic stuff she has ridiculous combos she has really strong matchups across the board and again she's one of those characters like steve like wario like uh mario like rob that are like oh well like she struggles in neutral she can have these losing machos and then you hit them once and deal them 80. so it doesn't matter because you deal them 80 they get them off stage and then you're less trapping them it doesn't matter how good of a matchup you have versus peach you will get hit because again you know who is another band matcher for peaches steve mewdes beats yoni consistently and again that's one player doing well right like obviously like it's not just results right but this character has the tools to beat any character in the game any character this character can beat any character and they're explosive the way they are so yes they're top five you know who's also top five probably the second most common character at top level at this point other than rob and that is roy i was not a roy believer for so long i was like yo man where is like 15 more is like 12 or it was like 11 roy's like 10 boys like eight roy's like five seven this character's broken this character has no flaw except loses to pika and maybe joker who else does roy lose to this character is inconsistent not inconsistent to who how where just because the players are sd'ing randomly doesn't mean the character's inconsistent he has crazy combos he deals zero to 50 with completely safe arrows he has the most safety in the entire game overall not based on frame data because he's a sword it doesn't matter that you have to be kind of close to them because it's big enough to the point where all the super fast out of shield options aren't hitting you you have jab backer you have downstairs and granted i agree that a lot of people aren't respecting and like de-yiying roy's stuff correctly because they're not dying don't tilt up they're not doing a lot of things but this character beats a lot of relevant characters is super fast so he's hard to hit he blows you up when he hits you there's like no flaw with this character his recovery is actually really good too like yeah certain characters can mess with it but it's really hard to mess with his recovery overall i as a pika player i'm saying it's hard to edge guard this character what does he do just because cola said this character's not good doesn't mean he's not good cola literally when cola was doing the best he had ever done when he like won ceo he was like yeah man this character's not top 15. and again results don't necessarily mean anything but like what does he not have he has ridiculous because he has jab forwards man she has jab side b he's probably the best juggling in the game probably second by struggling actually behind aegis he has good leg trapping he has incredibly rewarding reads he has incredibly rewarding neutral his disadvantage isn't even that bad only certain characters can really combo him or super hard and one of them happens to be pika like what's what's the negative you know is also very fast pyromithra well mithra i think they're number three just because leo and spargo don't play the characters much anymore doesn't mean the character's not broken is the character punishing yeah if you get hit as pyromitha there are so many times where you're just dead or you're just gonna 50 50 to death this character's still broken mithra just blatantly overwhelms people and wins matchups for free and then good sword ganon in pyra you have swapping which is invincible mithra does like 50 on hits for no reason because of back airbag or upbeat the problem is for a character this fast their neutral kind of sucks like it doesn't actually suck but relative it kind of sucks you know what she has she has dash up for a tilt and dash up nair that's all she's gonna do in neutral or just like this the whole time and just just camp you're committing to these aerials that are really good don't get me wrong she has to like just commit to grabs and commit to nares and a lot of characters if they guess right can kill her or deal her a bunch of damage put her in disadvantage her neutral is so linear it's really difficult to play as pyremithra honestly like at top level it's just hard it's just hard to play this character for different reasons like every like every character is hard to play like not no single character is easy right especially at top level but yeah leon was beating spargo pyrometry then he switched to cloud like this character is hard to play character has a decent has like some losing matchups of course then like it doesn't matter sometimes because you're gonna get down down your up smash and she has the best juggling in the game character's insane but not as easy as people thought i've always thought that and yeah she's just she's just good number two you know who's number one you know what i think why are you here so number two is joker loki for a little bit i had joker at uh number one for a little bit because of the footstool gun stuff started being optimized and they started knowing how to miss aerials and stuff like or missed shots and stuff like that the scared is insane because of footstooling you have to space on him and because you have to space on him it allows him to whiff punish more and with punishing is so good it is so so broken to just whiff punish with this character it is absurd he is the best whip punisher in the game maybe second to sonic but overall his web punishing is insane he has arsene he has edge guarding he has neutral he has disadvantage because he has rebels guard he has the best counter in the game his neutrals up just because leo doesn't play the character anymore and zachary stop playing doesn't mean the character's not good gun is one of the most absurd moves in the game side b's is still really good forward air down air gun nare down tilt forward tilt he's like so hard to play like you constantly have to be out playing your joke your joker's opponent in neutral to beat him if you're not outplaying him in neutral you're not winning you have to be reading his back dashes you have to be reading his jumps you have to be reading all those type of things and if you're not joker will run all over you there's no other way to be joker than to be like you're going to move this way hit you and that's all you can do because he's safe enough to the point where you can't really punish him and he has combos and damage to the point where you can't just not you know slowly chip him with damage and projectiles and also he has a counter so you can't just spam projectiles in him anyway because he gets arsenal and then he gets arsene and he kills you there's no specific game plan to beat joker besides be better that's all you can do against joker and or hope they're bad speaking of hoping they're bad best character in the game pika we all suck and it is disappointing how bad we are because this character is broken he has literally everything you need he loses three to four matchups at most and they're all minus ones they're all very doable he has some of the most absurd not really sdi-able combos in the game he has narrow loops and upper bridges he has upper bridges and now with the invention of short hop up air bridges that's what honestly put pika back at number one over joker is the short hop bridges short hop bridges are broken slingshot is really good for pika it makes his t-jolts way easier there's a lot of stuff that makes this character absolutely amazing he has the best recovery in the game he has the best edge guarding in the game he has some of the best combos in the game he has one of the best neutrals in the game not necessarily because all of his moves are incredibly safe he doesn't have like these minus twos and minus threes that he can just throw out but his tijol he just has t joel there are like four characters that are like i don't care about dijon down till it's minus four he has an incredible neutral four there is minus five fourth air combos into the world back air is the second best out of shield option in the game because it can lead to kills he has some of the best ledge trapping in the game because of thunder jolt he has some of the best edge guard well he has the best edge guarding in the game because of back air and thunder and t-jolt and he has the eye conditioning that's ridiculous he can hit like every single di with different stuff for no reason he has kill confirms he has a kill throw he has dash attack which is the best hashtag in the game pikachu literally has everything you need he's just so hard he is so hard because if you aren't getting those super big punishees he's not that good of a character his neutrals really good but the reason i think i'm better than shiny mark is because i capitalize on how blatantly broken pika is and he's like i'm gonna play neutral and then loses to people that are playing neutral better than him when i'm like dude just back here he's like no but i can be careful and i'm like why just back here pikachu has the best low profiling and pancaking in the game ridiculous out of shield game he has ridiculous juggling he has ridiculous camping he has the best with punishing tool in the entire game which is quick attack there's the option select stuff there's not two frameable angles to make it so that you can't even do frame pika's recovery this character has no flaws except for the fact that he's hard and while i did say that other characters aren't that good because they're hard like snake peak is a different type of heart because like we do most of it sometimes we just get all played by players or we're not in it at the moment stamina is hard but you i'm biased because pikachu's broken i play that pikachu's broken pika busted etc etc what do you think of the tier list this one was a lot of fun it has been a long time this is very very different than my last heroes like this is this is sorry this is drastically different than my last year except for like the top tier is kind of similar but like this is very very different than my last tier list if you have comments let me know in the comments below i'd appreciate it and water down don't forget to subscribe i can make single videos on characters if you want more fleshed out explanations i have more pika videos coming up i have my brawler video coming up about how we can combo like every character to death most most of them i hope you all enjoyed the tier list it'll be like six months to my next one maybe you know after the summer of smash so we'll see you then and i'll see you all next time peace [Music] pikachu busted [Music] you
Channel: ESAM
Views: 301,922
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ESAM, Pikachu, Smash Bros., Super Smash Bros., Gaming, Super Smash Brothers, Bros, smash bros ultimate, smash ultimate, ultimate, ssbu, super smash bros ultimate, Tier, List, Best in the game, MKLeo, Spargo, Light, Maister, Riddles, Tea, Acola
Id: b0BgdQpKdg0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 125min 10sec (7510 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 13 2022
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