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what is up everyone i saw a lot of requests for me to actually put my tier list into one video so this is all it is it is the full tier list of the one that i just uploaded all the different parts of so if you want to put this on the background just listen to it feel free as always don't forget to hit the subscribe button and also click the notification bell so you can get notified every time i upload a brand new video again this is not a new tier listed literally i made the videos and they came out like last week so that's just a warning but anyway enjoy the video to me the worst character in the game hasn't changed it's still ganon ganon still sucks he has one of the worst neutrals in the game he needs fancy tech to deal with basic situations he's the most edge guardable character in the game the most edge guardable including little mac including dr mario he doesn't have enough combos he like you just have to get greedy and like gannons have to hard read you to win if you have to get hard reads on your opponent you just can't have a game plan then like you lose he's so bad he needs better throw combos he needs a kill throw he needs the ability to live or die like kill his opponent first with his side be something he needs something to get better this character is ass the steer list is going to be relatively ordered um maybe like one or two placements are gonna be like not exact but i tried my best to order it the second worst character is gonna be doc uh sorry mabel this character's still bad again if you commit to just zoning this character out and throwing out hitboxes and retreating this character can't do much and the problem is he doesn't have good aerial mobility uh to like catch people to jump above him because like a lot of times if you're in the corner like let's say what i said in the steve video uh like when i was reacting to the izod video it's like oh you have to then get above steve but he's really good at landing trapping you but doc is literally too slow to landing trap any character in the game except incineroar this character's so slow and does he have some cool stuff does he have great out of shield options yes does he have kill potential yes so it doesn't matter if you can't hit your opponent and you're not gonna be able to hit your opponent for the most part like i know i'd love to be a believer in this character but i'm just not also you can address him fairly easily so third worst in the game is going to be little mac i think i had him a little higher in my last tier list but again just inconsistency is going to be so bad like if you can't be a consistent character that's going to be a huge problem for you because consistency is one of the most important things in this game like 100 but like he's still faster like he still has neutral sure can you jump on platforms and time him out yeah does he have to ban kalos yeah but he has more stages where he's kind of okay on and plus he can like always scare people by like oh smashing on platforms wave landing on platforms and doing some moves like little mac has a little bit more than those characters but not by a lot like i understand if people put him as the worst character i understand if people put you know him as the second worst character and i slightly disagree just because i think his he has he has better more usable kill concerns he has a two framing down tilt into a kill confirmed like 75 on most characters but like his tilts are good his smash tags are good they're not great to be honest because most of them aren't safe on shield unfortunately they're just safe on shield grab for the most part but he's okay he's okay and honestly for me that is the end of the unviable tier i used to have a couple more characters in it but a couple characters got buffs oh yeah also another note just for chat is like this is like top play type thing like i'm not doing this for people that are barely in elite smash even not getting into least match this is like top level you are trying to win a tournament like win a major type thing and speaking of that it's going to be lucario i might be wrong on this i literally have not seen lucario since the patch where he got better but i don't know exactly what got better except his aura is better but again he's just very inconsistent he barely has good combos he doesn't have really good 50 50s like he used to it's just i feel like really it's just gimmicks and given the fact that so many characters can kill early because you have pikachu with edge guarding you have joker with arson you have loft you have boost kick in there flip jump you have palu edge guards you have peach just destroying people even random characters like snake and kroy and you know even dk and diddy kong and all these characters just have kill confirms so lucario's not going to get the aura that he would in other games like he's just not so i really think that lucario's aura while it's good isn't good enough to make him a good character uh you know you can just play the correct game and you're probably going to be fine the next worst character is going to be as kokiri calls it the in cinnamon bun in center or uh this character obviously get buffed and i think a lot of people are going to be mad at me but like this character is just really hard to win with he's so slow he gets camped out by every character if you couldn't grab him out of his revenge buff then sure but you can and then you can edge guard him and then you can juggle him and then you can just bait side bean like yeah dude does he have good normals oh my god it's amazing if incineroar had speed he would be high tier like if he was even an average speed if he was like even banjo's run speed he'd be high tier literally but he doesn't he's so slow his recovery's so bad it's tragic but it is what it is like this character when he touches you yeah it's crazy but at the same time like he still can kill you really early he still has a bunch of good stuff he has two framing down tilt into four tilt which is something that i said is really good about little mac he has juggles he has again great aerials great ground moves but he doesn't he's not fast enough he's not and if side b was maybe faster sure if it was like actually unreactable or harder to react to then sure but he's not and he doesn't so like what are you gonna do like literally what can you do the next worst character is going to be the belmonts inconsistency is a and having a bad recovery makes you inconsistent the only literally the only character so far that i've mentioned that has a good recovery is lucario but he's inconsistent for other reasons because the belmonts are so inconsistent because they have a terrible recovery and a lot of their moves are actually fairly high committal that can get punished if you're wrong if you're wrong on an upbeat you can get punished hit off stage and die if you get ledge trapped like i don't know how they're supposed to get off ledge realistically um they have setups that are gimmicky in terms of holy water at ledge when you can just drop off the ledge and then recover like to a platform or something even if you get hit that's fine but like they really struggle to do so much and yeah do they have a good matchup against maybe a couple of viable character like better viable characters yeah i think they have a good matchup versus luigi i think they have a decent matchup versus pichu maybe although i might be wrong about that i'm pretty sure they have a couple other ones but he just they just don't do enough right like i think they can be cool but the thing is you can be playing a really solid game a really good game a really solid game oh i got hit off stage at 10 and i died like that sucks and it happens frequently it's not like that's a rare occurrence a random occurrence like it just happens next up isabel i still think this character's pretty bad they're literally budget villager again they 100 are they have some good stuff again they have setups they have decent camping uh they have kill confirms with jab although it's really hard to hit that jab in general they have okay ledge trapping they have decent edge guarding i think this character has a decent amount of stuff but it's one of those things that like compared to the rest of the cast they don't uh it does like they can still hold their own which is why they're not an unviable tier but they like can't like they're just not better like the thing about ultimate is that there are so many characters that are good if you put isabelle in like smash 4 they'd be like a actual solid mid-tier character if you put so many of the worst characters in these games in a different smash game uh like they'd be fine but there are so many good characters in this game like the average character in this game is so high that isabelle even though she has a lot of tools she has again zoning kill confirms decent kill potential decent out of shield options a good recovery for distance like she's still bad relative to everyone else which is insane next up is personally one of my favorite smash characters ever and that's gonna be ice climbers i obviously had that video recently of me learning combos with them i think they're so sick but i feel like any single sick thing they do i feel like ice climbers no matter what they do even their best stuff right where they have desyncs they have zero deaths they have all this crazy stuff but almost any single thing they do in neutral is scary because they either have to landing aerial which is bad because they're floaty so like short hop landing aerial takes a while and you can get ant aired by most characters you can get hit for that if you desync and you can hit someone like hit the back of someone's shield you're going to punish whichever ice climber like literally when i play against ice climbers and they side b i know they're going to go for the like the desync and then i just jump over them and hit nana for free and do it with a safe move so that people can't punish me with upsmash and then i hit nana for free maybe can kill her like that happens very frequently that happens very often they're so cool but they're neutral is too weak they are too slow they don't have good enough projectiles so like they're literally just banking on the one hit or people just playing incorrectly you can still edge guard them with their uppy even though their upbeat is better their buffs really i mean they matter of course but they really don't matter that much like they still get stuck on some platform so it makes stages like town and kalos like not great for them people just don't understand how to play against this character so i feel like a lot of really good like people just don't understand this match because there's one top two top ice climbers granted big d's pgr so again ice climbers currently on my tier list is the eighth worst character in the game and has a top 50 representative welcome to smash ultimate that's kind of just the way it works like i don't think ice climbers are great they maybe are a little better than this but they're not great and yet they still can have a high caliber top caliber player which is insane next up is going to be yet another strong brawl character and that's going to be king day-to-day dddd day-to-day ddd day to day day to day it's day to day i don't care i'm saying day to day chat chat i'm saying day to day it's day to day it's day to day so with day to day again he's slow if he had higher mobility his character be great but i do think this character with all the mobility still sometimes struggles to edgeguard all the fourier buff whenever that happened does definitely help i know that there has been a couple of better online um results for data i know atomisk has been doing fairly well but at the same time i feel like day to day is a lot better on wi-fi specifically like i think day-to-day is like a high-tier wi-fi character day-to-day is just he just gets so easily parried there's so much easy counterplay of this character where it's just kind of gordos are bad you can hit them back and then it's like it's also one of the worst particles in the game like he has good edge trapping and you know his advantage is okay but again his ground speed and his airspeed are so slow that he can't really catch people that have escape options or that even like he has to commit he has to guess in one area and then that's it like literally the only good move in my opinion that he has is back air back here is incredible that move is so good and like yeah this character might randomly kill you at 40 or 50. but at the same time that's not consistent and although he's heavy so he's gonna get rage a decent amount he i don't know he struggles to get off the ledge if you just respect the up air like if you just kind of stand half a step back from the ledge and like let him let's jump sure like what's he going to do like early in there in which case you punish it like it's a 50 50 with that and that's that's like literally it like he doesn't have good out of shield options he doesn't have great combos he barely has combos at all but like he's still heavy and can get those random rogue hits and you know dash tag two frames and stuff like that and his f trapping is good enough that i think he's up here because it's not like icelanders where you need two of them or something like that next up fellow mid-tier i know people kind of don't agree with me with this but i think me swordsman is by far the worst me i think that all again a lot of what he wants to do is gimmicks i don't think that he actually has like good combos other than again tornado into uppy or tornado into whatever like tornado upbeat tornado into up air he just gets camped a lot so like if you just walk forward and shield his character struggles because outside of very low percent he doesn't have throw combos his edge guarding and edge trapping to me is very fake it's just like be patient watch what they do and i really just don't think that me swordsman has a lot granted he still has a sword so he can still wall some characters out he still has a decent back air because his backers what shield it's like pretty safe yeah like his backers minus four this character has fairly safe moves on shield but the thing is it doesn't really matter because like they're not coalescing into like actually doing something like he can spam safe moves which again will be good for some matchups like it's probably good against the dock match up and stuff like that but like i don't know i feel like just getting hit by side bees and neutral bees isn't really good enough for the character like especially because you're not really going to get hit by neutral b if you know what to do if you know how it moves and stuff like that because a lot of people just get hit because it's like oh well it gets slowed down and it was weird it lingered lasted longer i don't know where the hitbox is which like top players do so i don't think you're gonna get hit by that often like it's just it's just it's just stop like stop getting it by stuff let's go to wi-fi but offline now and the last character in low mid tier is going to be meta knight uh i think mennonite's actually pretty good like he has some good stuff but the problem is it works for like four percent the windows for what meta knight's good stuff has is so ridiculously small it's so small you have to hit weak dash tags which means you don't really have a burst option which means that you have to commit earlier which means if people dash backwards then you have to hard guess that or you're gonna miss your dash grab and it's just hard like he can camp and he can edge guard but it's just he's okay he's very okay like i don't think this character is great at all tornadoes bad in this game except specifically the two frame characters like he doesn't really have a sword his forward smash is great but it just he's so inconsistent because again if you have to neutral your entire stock because you didn't get that dash attack because people are playing around that dash tag and people are understanding how to punish your full hop downer stuff and double jump banners and stuff and punishing your landings it's hard like does he have a decent matchup versus game and watch in peach which are two top tier characters yeah 100 but so like he's a great counterpick character because the characters that the latter works on for longer times he does really well against like literally just that's it's that simple but if you're going to need one thing to make your character good and then it doesn't work you don't have you have a bad character you know so starting off mid-tier i'm gonna put a character that i feel like a lot of people wouldn't expect to be down here because people love watching again people's like opinions are so jaded because of wi-fi which is crazy but i think villager kind of sucks i think better version of isabelle sure but i just feel like villager just the more i think about this character the more i'm just like huh people just really let villager get away with just pulling lloyd rock in front of them and not hitting him for it all the time like all the time villager does have a couple good things he has decent out of shield options as i mentioned villager has decent zoning you have tree which makes you respect stuff and you get acts as a kill move you have tree as a kill move you have up smash of up tilt this character does have like some good things but he just gets out classed he gets edge guarded the problem is he doesn't really have a way to protect himself off stage because yeah you have volt you have void rocket and you have like fair and stuff but you can just wait like the majority of the time as someone edge guarding villager you can just wait and then hit him and like just over and over again you just literally keep doing that and like it's so it's so crazy because you think like oh this character might have decent matchups with like peach i think does fairly well versus a couple other like decent characters like i don't think does terrible versus snake i think does like okay versus maybe fox um and you've had kept do great i think he did pretty good in the offline japanese uh invitational thing that happened kind of recently i might be completely wrong about that but i'm pretty sure he made it to the final bracket at the very least it's just that's just the way ultimate is some some characters have decent top tier matchups and they're still bad like that's just what happens and it's crazy yeah villager's just like i don't know he's underwhelming which is annoying because like he can i feel like he has good stuff but i feel like it's just underwhelming compared to the rest of the cast because he's not fast enough he doesn't have good enough juggling he has good air mobility or a decent air mobility at the very least but like i don't know i feel like you have to hard commit to get a lot of your stuff as villager you have to like hard time stuff and if people are good and kind of you know mix up your timings and stuff like that it's gonna be way harder too so next up is going to be pranaplant because piranha plant while profound plant is good like has amazing edge trapping just again as i mentioned in a couple times he just doesn't really have a coalescent kit he doesn't have like like his patui is amazing his side bee is great um he like his his edge trapping is fantastic his el smash out of shield is pretty good but i don't know if something's missing with this character because basically every single thing is just like i don't know it's off something about it's off like things send slightly not correctly he has slightly not good enough combos like granted if he had combos he'd be a crazy character but again that's why he's down here is because he doesn't right he has very much so one hit neutral two hit neutral edge trap but again people are getting better at getting around his edge trapping so if your best thing isn't happening as much anymore like like it's hard also yeah this character's hitboxes just like aren't great i mean you have things like nare be okay um up air is kind of bad for it air is okay at best like he doesn't really have ground moves i think his jab is pretty decent but like his down tilt is meh he's four till does meh his up tilt is a great ant here but that's about it so like he's just he's missing something like he needs something and i don't know what it is next up is donkey kong listen donkey kong has the sauce but while you have the sauce you still need a substantial meal to go with it otherwise the sauce is useless and this character does not have any substance he has good throw combos sure he has okay edge guarding he has decent aerials he has you know he's fast he has a good dash attack but at the same time you hit him and he dies because he has one of the worst disadvantage dates in the entire game he has one of the worst recoveries in the entire game the easiest probably to spike recovery in the entire game like yeah does he have a better like theory distance sure than like a lot of the characters i put below this sure but he gets spiked by like every character in the cast like every character in the cast can just be like and that's it like i have been losing to donkey kong players playing whoever and then i hit them above me and i go early aerial landing ariel because you air dodge oh you're not going to air dodge here hit them early oh you're going to air dodge here wait grab up throw and you can just keep dk above you or if you have a good spike you just throw them off stage and guess right and also the problem is dk can't get off ledge either so if you're wrong in where you're going to get a spike if you can get back on stage first because typically you're gonna do the early spikes try to hit him and then if he recovers later you still get back on stage before him then he can't get off stage like he can't get on stage he can't get down he is the worst heavy at getting down in my opinion of all the heavies in the game like yeah sure he has aerial downbeat which is like pretty good it's like a good move but it's also slow and if you're doing it hot if you're doing it low enough where you're going to get the second hit at whatever its safety is i think it's like minus seven minus six or something like that then like you had plenty of time to get hit for pit before that because you do short hop oh you didn't do an instant back here cool aerial and you're gonna hit the downbeat like it's not it's not good it's not good enough so it's hard like he struggles a lot i think he struggles to land more than like any character in the game even like little mac i really don't understand why every single tier list i make i do this and i put mark down here and then people get mad at me for it even though other pros think marth is bad as i mentioned earlier he is one of the or it might be the first time this video he's one of the least consistent characters in the entire game because while he does have the amazing things that if you land a forward smash at 40 they die he has shield breaker he has all these tipper aerials then he doesn't hit them and you're living until his up throw percent which is 170. and in this game where advantage states are so strong kill potentials are so strong kill confirms are everywhere you're not going to get like you're going to die like you're going to miss your kill and die and then be a disadvantage try to fish for your kill and then not get it and die like yes is the spacing amazing so he has decent matchups against people he needs to wall out like again as i mentioned uh with day-to-day and like stuff like dr mario sure but marth can't kill consistently his tipper is too small he doesn't have enough setups into his tipper he has really obscure setups into his tippers yeah when if you get hit by landing downer you're going to get forward smash sure but he's he just is he's not there he's just not consistent enough he's not which sucks because i think martha's a cooler character than lucina i love rewarding people for spacing in a particular way but the problem is in a game where everyone is fast and people love doing run-up shield like you can't you can't get tippers consistently and he doesn't have good enough grab combos like i thought maybe this character was going to be good when he got buffed and then leo played him for a while and was like marth sucks like leo said marth is worse than violet and violet isn't a fantastic is not a fantastic character so that means marth sucks next up is going to be king k rool listen i know his back throw buff was actually kind of insane that back throw sends crazy angle but um he's just underwhelming he doesn't have enough combos he is very nickel and dimey he's very much so i hope you run into this projectile he's very much like he can educate a couple characters with his uh run off and air because it has armor and he's better at landing because he has that armor compared to some of the other heavies at the very least he's he's missing a combo literally he's missing like an actual neutral tool it isn't a mediocre projectile that does nothing like people that are good don't get hit by blunderbuss they don't get hit by crown they just don't and like yeah there's the armor annoying now but yes but he throws crown and you shield it and then you drop shield dash grab wait okay the crown's coming back do a throw and you're invincible like that's it you're done like that's the entire game plan so now you don't have access to crown you shouldn't be using blunderbuss so he has to play neutral with his mediocre dash and weird moves in neutral and like yeah it does he have armor and that's annoying sure but a lot of times it's just not going to make a difference and like can he cheese people with down smash sure but also one of the biggest problems with k-roll is he is incredibly edge-guardable by the majority of the characters in this cast because he you just you literally as basically any likes mid to small character you just grab like if he's recovering farther out you grab ledge drop down double jump back air grab ledge drop down double jump back air grab ledge drop down double jump like consistently and if he's going to recover close then you hit him with a weak move that's below that and then try to get under him and fish for like an upper of course you can also just hit him out of his upbeat if you realize where he's going to be angling his upbeat like the the propeller but like he gets edge guarded he doesn't really have kill confirms or sorry he doesn't really have combos he has some kill confirms and of course you have like a down throw at high percent you have two kill throws in terms of back there and up throw like a skill potential is good but like how are you hitting it he takes 90 from columbus because he's huge and doesn't have a fast option and that has armor even something like his nair and then he takes 90 from going off stage like it's so hard next up is going to be a recently buffed character but a character i still feel like is just missing a little bit too much and that's bowser jr i do think the kill throw helps a lot i think the kill throw helps ton because a lot of times if you were getting scared at bybows junior at the ledge you would just shield and you'd be fine and that'd be like that's great but now he has a kill throw so you can't just yield a ledge so it makes his leg pressure way scarier this character still has combos and damage output and two frames and juggling and his uppy being faster means that it's easier to connect side b up b into swing which is great you have the ability to grab the ledge faster so he's harder to edge guard still edge guardable but harder to edge guard which means he's going to be slightly more consistent and again his kill confirms being more consistent is going to be great like you can even educate with the upbeat a little easier which is awesome um i do think cannonball is better than people give it credit for i think michael cooper kind of sucks his downbeat kind of sucks um but like i think like the thing is i look at bows junior and i go damn that character has like a decent amount of stuff he's pretty good and then i think of every other character above him and i go oh yeah they have slightly more like bowser jr is one of those characters that is literally just like he's worse than other characters but he's pretty good like i think bowser jr is the cut off for like oh this character like has stuff like you know realistically i maybe could have put all these characters like k-roll and below and low mid tier which like maybe but i think bowser jr is kind of like a cut off of like he has a lot of stuff and it's not just match-up and experience and it's not just people not knowing how to deal with cart oh they gotta remember he gets his car back if he doesn't jump out of his cart so just be careful um but like he's just he gets outclassed is the thing like he just is worse which is crazy so yeah next up is going to be the character that chad has been talking about a lot and that's kirby i think kirby is better than people think that kirby is kirby's crouch and downtolt and four tilt are really good i think the buffs for this character are incredible i think kirby's figuring out dare ride wonderful i think i mean again it's wi-fi but jj j jaw or whatever his name is the kirby player is killing it he's doing so well kirby has good landing aerials with nair and back air of course he has rock as a shield break potential you have amazing kill potential in back air and dash attack and all of his smash attacks he has kill confirms with forward air down smash and of course dare ride so you can get like the the down air without the final hit in two down smash which is crazy the reason that kirby's not better is because you can run away from him as a lot of the cast but the thing is if kirby hits you which is possible because he still has decent ground speed it's going to be a struggle and if kirby gets the lead he can play passive very well i think he has a barely losing matchup against pikachu i think he does fairly well versus zero suit and palu like probably not winning but like annoying at the very least he has great combos he has good damage output he has new combos um on like the plot like he has landing up air combos on platforms and he can just control the game a lot of the times and you know of course if he gets copy abilities in certain matchups that's going to turn it on its head if kirby gets i mean again i'm speaking in terms of pikachu right but if kirby gets the pikachu you know if he gets t-jolt suddenly the match-ups even it's hard to approach him kirby snake is really good kirby shulk is amazing you know there's a lot of good new jobs in this game and suddenly kirby gets access to them that's crazy of course he has really good edge guarding he has just solid options all around the only problem with kirby is that he's kind of slow and that's it but like kirby otherwise is pretty damn good next up is going to be one of wi-fi plagues and that is going to be zelda this is zelda she's mid-tier i think that again she got better in the buff but then people kind of still figured out how to play against her and again is she an annoying zoner yeah is she sometimes cheese out kills yeah but at the same time you know she's gonna neutral be i don't know how she gets off the ledge i don't know how she lands i don't know how she deals with pressure except hoping that they run into nehru's love and that's it like she has a very obvious game plan a very very obvious game plan and if you don't know how to deal with it oh you're gonna get destroyed you're gonna get body i mean again i lost to ven the only time i played him in uh prime saga 3-1 but i'm also way better at this zelda matchup now and this character just struggles to get anything started if you know what you're doing if you know how to avoid phantom if you know how to just jump around stuff and like that's it like she has to space for her kicks so they're not good out of shield options she doesn't have great out of shield options in general if you can space around uppy or just died at the beginning i'm really sad that this character is down here not samus you're all crazy it's ridley i think really sick i think ridley's so cool but again similar to what i've said about a couple characters already he just doesn't have a kit it doesn't coalesce his moves don't make sense with each other he has forward air which is good and there which is good and down told which is good and his upbeat can be hard to edge guard he has a command grab and he has fireballs and the ability to frame with ford smash but like none of it makes sense like none of it coalesces into a kit again he's going to be playing random neutral and advantage state now while he's fast he's a huge character that isn't super heavy so he takes a ton of damage and get ledge trapped i think ledge trapping really is very good if you just again back up and give him space for up air and um side b and i think he can't really land so if he ledge jumps which is the option that you do in those situations he has to now land which you then just cover his landings and hit him again and rinse and repeat again are his two frame options ridiculous without with four tilt and forward smash yeah they're crazy does he have down b which can maybe get some like a cheesy stock because like downbeat into down smash yeah but like his down air is one of the worst in the game if not the worst in the game he has kill potential and out of shield options with nair up smash he has platform pressure with up tilt he has kill confirms but like none of it just makes like his his game plans are too segmented and none of them flow into each other so it's so awkward to play as this character and then of course sometimes he just gets edge guarded because like you have a counter or just haha you were an awkward angle so you had to go up and then fall towards the ledge and then you just get hit so next up is going to be the second me where are they me gunner i think me gunner is pretty degenerate and has some good stuff but i feel like again it's very much so there it's two one trick they have a great up smash out of shield they have decent down smash but i feel like if you get around the projectiles or can deal with the projectiles you win like you literally 100 win all the time and that's annoying when like like playing one trick characters just isn't super fun they just need like a better out of shield option basically i think that would be great i mean again up smash is pretty good but it's frame like eight or nine and starts in front so like if you're behind the character they have no added shield option are they sans undertale yes but sans undertale is unfortunately not enough they just don't do enough which is sad because i think megan are sick but like if their downbeat was their grenade down b was better that'd be great if they i don't know like had a rising arrow they could use like sure but like you have to basically rely on people running into uh the smoke neutral b like the smoke bomb which is really good but that's it that's literally it next up is bayonetta so listen i might be wrong about this bail might be higher and i 100 admit that to be true but from what i can see currently bale still struggles to kill which is one of her biggest problems she has to land at which time she has to get an edge guarder um like i think bail is pretty good and i think i maybe don't know the combos i might not know the routes i don't know how you cover sdi up i don't know how you cover everything because obviously the counter play against bao isn't um what you might call it super fleshed out because baos combos aren't very fledged out like i think bao obviously does a ton of damage great advantage state pretty good edge guarding decently hard to edge guard and ledge trap because you have to respect um let's jump abk which is difficult but i do think that this character is just missing a little bit of something if they had a better kill confirm if down told was just if down told backer was a kill confirm bam like instantly the characters hide here maybe if ford throw killed earlier downthrow killed earlier but again there are still a lot of times when you're playing against bail and you're going to live until 170 and like that happens and yeah does she hit you from zero to 70 the first hit she gets for the most part yeah but that's it sure absolute backers are going to confirm but up till you have to be way closer and it's not safe which is a problem so like you really need to either get the very specific kill percents for things like upper backyard like something into upper back here to be a killer firm you need a witch time or you need to hit back ears like that and for the most part you're just not going to as bao and if it's you're playing against the matchup that you can't edge guard super easily then suddenly the characters are going to live forever and that's again as i mentioned a couple times earlier a problem when you have so many characters with great kill potential great kill confirms next up is mewtwo i still don't understand the point of the buffs don't understand why this character is so good because again of all characters mewtwo is one of the characters that doesn't have a coal lesson like his kit does not coalesce he has an almost useless up tilt unless you're getting specifically the weak up tilt after a hit of nair into up smash he has moves that are good but they don't they just don't make sense his back is really good off stage his up air is really good shadow ball is really good he has kill throws out the ass side b has kill confirms and stuff but like how do you play the game besides just i'm gonna charge neutral b and hope people run into it or just run behind it and stuff like that and the problem is that's not good enough in this game because you have characters that have actual tools to keep people back that also have the charge nutribee like samus you have characters that are much better at camping than mewtwo like game watch and snake and even rob and pac-man that have options to shield you while camping but mewtwo is just kind of just like run which like isn't great enough unfortunately like i think mewtwo could be really cool and then of course like he's just inconsistent because lol tale hitbox and again doesn't happen super often no it really doesn't but the times that like you have to be scared of it there are a lot of situations that you have to be scared of getting hit in these random scenarios that no other character has to care about given the skinniness and general size of your character and that sucks like i've hidden you two in weirdest situations because lol tail and there's no way around it besides hope that the tail doesn't decide to extend randomly in like a random animation next up is going to be a character that i wish was better and it's a character that i generally have overrated in my opinion in the past and that is banjo and kazooie again i think that banjo has a lot of good stuff don't get me wrong the camping's really good he has weird ass confirms with the uh neutral b into things like side b and forward air and back air he has the best the best two framing in the entire game yes better than palus the best two framing in the entire game consistently but he doesn't do enough damage his grab doesn't do enough damage he doesn't have long enough combos um everything i feel like that he does is for like 20 when characters in this game even bad characters are dishing out 30 to 50 to 60. um he's fast sure but i feel like just again if his up air was better that'd be great if he um better than wolf yeah i mean wolf has to time a really difficult thing whereas banjo has a lingering down tilt that sends you at like angle and then he has uh side b and then he has forward smash and then he has down smash um like banjo does have pretty decent matchups and again if you're not patient against this character you don't know how to catch items very well um grenade will be very difficult for you to deal with um of course if you run out like if you're a character that can send banjo off stage and can threaten edge guards he has to burn his wonder wings very early or keep them from recovery which means you're not going to be as scared of them for offense and wondering is what makes this character pretty good and if you don't have access to it suddenly the character is mediocre at best so and we're apparently on the dlc train right now because the next up is going to be biolith violet is better than i thought they were i'm like originally i'm going to be honest but again violet is just one of those characters that just gets outclassed they're a little too slow they have like three unusable moves basically because i think that neutral b is awful i think sorry just just neutral b and down b those moves are bad like if you're getting hit by those moves like you're bad like they're so easy to just you can either air dodge it or avoid arrow and like oh it's for mix-ups you can just not shoot arrow and just move um their kill potential is crazy they break shields oh my god like no like no one's business they're great in doubles and they can kill you dummy early with down smash forward smash back air uh down air consistently like very consistently um but they're a little too slow and their neutral isn't quite good enough granted if people start doing those idj combos where i think it's like down told into idj and air i degenera and you get like 60 off of it then sure maybe people will get better but i haven't really seen that happen yet and again having two unusable moves in a kit sucks like not even like niche moves but just like zombie is literally unusable unless you get a shield break which you don't really need because forward smash is strong enough anyway and arrow's bad like arrow is one of the worst projectiles in the entire game if not the worst projectile in the entire game and i hit it all the time when i play bioluff and i just get confused um like i think that shorthopnir is great i think dashtag is a great move um if they would like had slightly better frame data they'd be amazing like if their backyard was a little faster if their near was slightly better of an out of shield option like little tiny things can make this character significantly better because this character still right now crumbles under common shield pressure moves that are minus four minus six minus seven like you can't punish which sucks so yeah but like they're scary for sure like again this is the top of mid-tier this is the last character in mid-tier sorry in this category of major so i think they're very good but they again they just get outclassed by other characters they're good but they're not great leo playing the characters a work of art though love watching him we're done with mid-tier what do y'all think right now the first character i want to talk about in high mid tier is a character that i have religiously underrated and that is going to be luigi while this character is inconsistent the luigis are getting better at comboing random things random things into death or really good positions the edge guarding is getting better the offense is getting so much better and the people's like the neutral of luigi players is getting a lot better they're getting way harder to hit so while luigi does lose to most zoners in this game like even bads owners like the belmonts and even me swordfighter and isabelle like maybe loses to those characters luigi the threat of this character the mental damage this character does when you pick him on the character select screen it's insurmountable it's it's almost one of these it's one of the hardest characters to play calm versus because you know at any moment you could lose and while that is true for the opposite side because luigi's recovery kind of sucks although people are including myself aren't great at edge guarding him he still is edge guardable um i'm not even talking about elegant i'm talking about people like kyriash i've seen a lot of wi-fi luigi's get good at hitting random confirms that i feel like are very hard to react to and people don't care his recovery at least at the current moment isn't being exploited as hard as it should be so he's this online he's this on stage threat that has crazy damage and even if you sdi combos you still take 60. so like i think luigi's actually pretty good plus again he has kill confirms out the app actual ass because you have things like landing there into upper back air you have narrow to downbeat of grab into everything do i think this character can still struggle with anyone that has a projectile yeah 100 like can people just run away from the whole set yeah but it's really hard to do that for a whole set consistently especially given the fact that he is one of the only characters in fact one of the two sorry one of the three characters that has a frame one escape option being banded with bats within snake with grenade and luigi's downbeat and that's it his down tilt is incredible he has a lot of good options but he still just loses to projectiles and so that's going to be his flaw obviously like people really need to just keep him in disadvantage and just keep him above view and that's it and it's hard to do so i know she double jump i forgot and pt i forgot so there's five my bad is duck on camera one whoops six and focus seven next up are going to be the pits i'm not gonna separate them for this video because they're but they're good in different matchups pit has good neutral kill confirms pit has edge guarding pit has a lot that are pretty good like pretty good things but again as is the case with pitt and has been the case with pitt he doesn't have anything incredible he doesn't have something that pushes him over the edge uh because his only really really good combo is like frame perfect and very difficult and probably sdi-able in terms of the up tilt in their loops he i feel like has to outplay someone in a situation where they are better than him in for most matchups in the game if you have really solid fundamentals of course you can do really well with this character because if you have like i feel like pit doesn't have a matchup worse than four six right but at the same time he doesn't have a match up probably better than six four like if his airspeed was a little better would be incredible i love what arrows can do i love the arrows of dark pit as well for getting better combos like but there's just something there's something missing with this character that just feels it's not incomplete but it's just again you have to like there are so many characters that have incredible things about them or like win conditions for i'm gonna use that term because i don't like the term cheese but they have wing conditions right like you have sonic time people out you have buffs with hero you have we for trainers damage and ledge camping you have steve doing steve things you have the top tiers of course everyone knows the top tiers have um really good win conditions and pit doesn't pit's win condition is play better than your opponent and that can be difficult when you get to top level because you have to be out playing people that are on the pgr people that are borderline pg are regional threats hidden bosses and that's really really difficult to do any type of consistently although he's a consistent character the burst craziness of so many other characters makes him less consistent or less swingy in a good way which means he's gonna be down here anyway next up puff i think puff is good in this game and i don't care what people say about that puff is a good character puff has one of the best edge guards in the entire game one of actually surprisingly the hardest characters to edge guard in the entire game has crazy combos with things like forward air nair of course he has broken dare loops which confirm into a bunch of stuff like down air into down air into down air into instant double jump down air landing up air rest he like instant double jump idjs for puff make this character so much better because i was literally when i was making this tearless gonna put this character around where i put mewtwo or bao or maybe like me gunner or something like that and then i was like you know i do idj is really stupid with this character because you can't sdi these combos or you you can try but the puff can follow it just puff has a lot of good tools in this game and of course has great if not the best jab block kill confirm in the game in terms of jab sing rests or jab scene up air rest you have great to framing with pound which is something that i feel like a lot of puffs just don't do and if it's a lingering pound you can combo it off stage into a weak forward air into a fastball weak forward or into a double jump in there because a horde makes page is starting to do things that put like weak foreigners which don't put you into tumble which can combo you off the stage and kill you like pikachu can which is cool because pikachu's busted which means puff is busted but not as busted because this character still does get welled out by a lot of characters if you are a character that has spammable moves like a sword this character's going to struggle if you have really good projectiles this character might struggle but when puff gets the hit this character goes off like absolutely off and that's crazy forward throw sends you at such a good angle down smash send you with such like it's so strong forward smash is so strong there's so there's so much good about this character and it does make up for the fact that jigs gets walled out granted they're not a high tier character and i don't even think they're in the upper half of the cast because there's just a lot of good characters in this game but puff is a threat puff is a threat if i had to kill her she'd be broken if puff had killed her she'd be absolutely broken she would easily be like borderline top tier in my opinion like that that quick next up is going to be the first of the trio of zelda you have toon link that i used to think was a lot better like a lot better um but for the links his game plan just doesn't make sense is he consistent yes because he has you know bomb into fair boomerang into fair he has great normals with f tilt and upbeat and back air and up air and forward air and i think his narrow's pretty good he has really great specials his arrows are kind of mediocre he has okay edge guarding he has pretty good ledge trapping um he has he's very flow charty right and he's good at shield options because of upbeat which can kill by the way and of course he has a z-drop bomb out of shield which is again a frame four option like all the characters that have z-drop aerial or z-drop items do right he doesn't have good enough combos he has like rinse and repeat like this is your game plan this is your setup of bomb fair boomerang fair play neutral again but the thing is his neutral isn't good enough compared to a lot of top tiers and even high tiers that this is a viable strategy because he will lose neutral more often than not and they probably have a better punish game than him this character was much better in smash 4 because rage was such a big deal in that game but in this game i think he's just lacking unfortunately plus he's floaty which makes him really easy to juggle like i think this is actually the easiest link to juggle because the other characters have fast fall air dodge like young lincoln big link have fastball air dodge and tune link doesn't have that option because he's a slow faller like he's a floaty so next up is going to be probably one that people will be surprised about because people for some reason think this character is like pretty good cloud i think cloud is okay he uh doesn't have combos like he has like very low percent combos he plays neutral and plays neutral and plays neutral and then maybe gets limit and then shoots blade beam because no one else uses any other limit move he has up he had a shield which is pretty good that you can sdi out of the final hit everything he does except for like his arrow like side b is incredibly punishable on shield both normal and limit he just he has to guess right so many times in neutral to win a stock and a lot of times characters don't need to guess that many times because his edge guarding is or his his off stage is terrible he's one of the characters that gets edge guarded the hardest he's probably top 10 easiest to edge guard characters um i used to think this character was better i mean of course he has great kill potential with things like up smash and back air so he can cover things like fast fall air dodge really well if you just kind of stay outside a cloud zone what does he do like he can't just he's not gonna be able to charge limit super easily because then people like if he dashes back and charges limit people can aggress on to him guess right once with either a grab or an aerial and then hit him off stage and potentially kill him just is one of those inconsistent characters which sucks right but he has a good enough projectile limit blademan's really good but like normal blade beam's not great the fact that you can camp out limit sucks for him i mean good because limit was one of the most broken things in smash 4. um but i think this character is just slightly just not there but if cloud just had like honestly better juggling which is weird to say because up here's still really good but like better juggling better rising aerials he'd be great um but i think i think cloud is just overall overrated and um like not bad again cloud's good like i think like i look at the characters that i have in this tier and i think they are very good characters i think luigi i mean luigi's top four majors top six majors top eight majors right um pit i think is very strong i think puff i you know my opinion of puff is really high um i think all these characters are good and have had good representation so like these are very good characters they're just not as good and as consistent as the rest of the characters or don't have enough you know for lack of a better term and i want to make a quick note while i'm here because this is probably people being like oh my god he's high tier my tears are smaller in this game or in this uh tier list because a lot of people continue to get mad at me being like your top tier is 21 characters your high tier is 25 characters so my tears are smaller so characters that a lot of people or even in my previous tier lists would be the very top of mid tier high tier are now going to be in this tier and my high tier is smaller and my top tier is generally smaller as well oh my god i forgot robin i literally forgot robin i think robin's like pretty decent i think that people are getting better with this character at like longer combos again obviously it's wi-fi but you see angel do really well and you know have good combos i think the neutral of this character maybe i underrated slightly before he still is exploitable don't get me wrong i think this character like probably actually going to be more so like here so like low mid tier or high mid tier actually not in the high mid tier whatever um but i think uh robin just has some good stuff again great kill confirms pretty good edge trapping because arc fire down smash is broken um of course you have 11 aerials you have strong neutral because you have to like but if like strong neutral against most characters because they can't crouch under it but i think robin loses a lot of matchups because edge guarding and just being patient you know that if they want to shoot ark fire you can jump over it and punish you know that if they thunder and you're a short character you can crouch under and then dash and hit them or at least create pressure um i think this character actually does struggle to get off the ledge which i know is crazy because people are like oh my god but what about uh ledge hop forwarder but i don't think a good rising arrow off of ledge means that you're good at getting off a ledge because shield still beats like every option so you can just kind of react to that and then punish it and then if they let's jump so what it's robin in the air how are they gonna land robin landing sucks like robin can't really land unless you're gonna be reverse and be fancy but if you're gonna beer verse and be fancy then you have to use your double jump which means now you don't have a double jump in there which means you are going to beer verse again and then what like directional not in the opposite direction hope to land on the ps2 platform like what like i think robin's cool but i think uh robin is definitely just like slightly so yeah forgot about robin thanks for that chat um next up is going to be as i mentioned lucas now listen this is going to be like why i kind of mentioned like hey my tier lists are like my tier positions are different because lucas is to me a very very very borderline high tier last tier list and now he's here because i do think that lucas i mean he's probably down a couple spots maybe but um i think lucas is an incredible character i think he has really really good um what you're going to call it at a shield like not out of shell options he has great shield pressure he has some of the safest arrows in the entire game he has double jumps air combos he has just crazy two framing he has edge guarding he has probably the best f tilt in the entire game he has just crazy stuff but the problem is if you can juggle this character suddenly it's a lot harder for him to play the game you know lucas is one of those characters that even though he has a good hair dodge right like you just kind of hit him above you like the game plan isn't to hit him off stage or it doesn't just do your optimal combo it's to do whatever you can do and then hit up hit lucas up because lucas struggles to land because if you're below lucas they have to either nair or downer to hit you and those aren't really good options for landing and then you can punish him hit him up do it again do it again and while it is hard to get that first hit on him because lucas's neutral is pretty strong he has great air mobility again great aerials for landing pk fires there things like that double jumps there um like i think he's great i think he's a really really good character like i think lucas is definitely crazy like lucas is one of those characters to me that i'm just like damn this character is wild and then like i just look at the characters above them and i'm like oh yeah true next up is going to be falco i think falco has a lot of good stuff i don't think it's high tier which a lot of people do but i think falco is a good character again these are characters that are good characters i think cloud even is a good character tune link puff pit luigi i think these are good characters don't get me wrong but i do think that falco is again a little bit too linear does he have more combo options now because he has the fair drag down stuff yeah does he have downtiles as a kill option yeah does upper back are crazy yeah so you have all the things like down airing to downer and top yeah um but i do think for some reason this character can still struggle to kill if you are completely just committed to not getting hit at 85 percent by a downer or an up air or an uptick rather you can just avoid those moves and then suddenly he's going to have to be killing you with random foreign airs and nares and hope that he gets a short hop forward air in neutral type of thing um to like get his kill confirms because like otherwise he's going to be fishing for things like side b and stuff like that and his kill throws don't work if they literally fixed his throws so that you could not die before the laser suddenly literally falco is a top 25 character literally in my opinion that's simple because you would have a kill throw at 130 at the ledge and a universal up throw kill throw at like pikachu's up there percents maybe slightly later than that i think that would be really really good but right now i do think that he's just something's missing because what he has is amazing his combos his advantage state all that type of stuff is absolutely incredible but he doesn't have a great disadvantage he has an exploitable recovery what do you do like what i don't know i don't know how you play this character in neutral besides just like hoping the charac hoping your opponent runs into you because like falco is a character that really struggles with like dash backwards and that's hard for him to deal with because like what are you gonna do shoot a laser oh it's three percent it doesn't matter all right like those things don't matter um so then like he has to play this constant weird back and forth of trying to take space but also not being too over committal because if he runs up and up tilts and he whips then you get punished and then you get put in dismantling hard next up is going to be duck hunt i think duck hunt's pressure is amazing you have obviously one of the best players in the world in raito playing this character and it's a pleasure to watch i love watching raito i love playing against duck on players i think duncan players are overall very clever a lot of good frame traps a lot of good setups um i think this character is just honestly missing a good out of shield option and that's literally it because i think that while duck hunt like there are so many characters in this game that are like i'm a zoner but i have good boxing boxing options and um duck hunt goes i'm a good zoner like he doesn't have great out of shield options he has arguably better zoning than even some of the best zoners in this game uh but like i think that comes a good character this is like good right um i think you can cover your recovery sometimes with can i think side b is incredible i think dude his side be so good um he's often down often times down to trade but the thing is if you don't get those early kill confirms like at like 80 percent where you're gonna get like sybee into back air suddenly now again this character doesn't have a kill throw doesn't have great kill options so he's going to be hoping that you missed the iacan at 140 and dying uh i think it's so hard for this character to kill and again in a game with characters that kill like joker and zera suit and wario and roy and rob and pac-man and you get the point it's really hard to just be like no it's okay i'll get the kill later when you're a character that doesn't have the tools like the other top tiers do to make sure you will actually get that kill safely like he doesn't like i think duncan's crazy but again with good pressure and then baiting potentially can that's gonna come out like you just wait and then now it's behind you because you're going to hit them away from the can like they struggle now so i don't know like again good character these are very good characters to me like i think you know the upper two-thirds of the cast are very good characters next up is going to be rosalina and luma i know if this was the buzz he'd put olimar here but i think rosalina's down here um losing luma sucks and there are a lot of characters that are really good at killing luma do the shield buffs help in terms of making sure luma is safer more often yes but i do think that rosalina just is missing a little bit she has this thing that is really good for her that she loses and now she's a floaty character with a bad disadvantage that has to land like people really just aren't good enough at juggling this character nor are they good enough at edge guarding this character because this character is very exploitable both in the air and off stage what are you gonna do an early air dodge is a really floaty character which means you're gonna get punished literally right afterwards she doesn't have access to past fall air dodge which is really important at top level has to even with luma i don't think she has a good landing option like i think rosalina just struggles a lot and there are certain matchups where luma just dies all the time like sonic do you know that if you short hop forward air into rosalina even i'm pretty sure when they're shielding you will hit luma land behind them safely and then continue to be able to kill luma that sucks like i think not having a hitbox on her recovery hurts a lot like a lot a lot a lot yeah i think her disadvantage and her uh edge guarding or like her offstage are like too exploitable otherwise she's a fantastic character she has great neutral she's strong she has good kill confirms she has a stuff that's annoying to deal with but also again people don't really know this matchup yet because people went oh this character doesn't matter because they're not smash four and now they're a pretty decent character um again maybe are they slightly better than this are they the bottom of high tier sure fine but i don't think they're good enough to get over that really next up is going to be another character people think are really good and i disagree and that is going to be sonic this is probably my isim opinionist esam opinion i think sonic's okay i think literally sonic is super overrated and people don't understand how to play against this character i think that if you are a slow character you get body by this character 100 but basically every high tier character has a way to deal with spin dash and spin charge and every single character in this game can punish homing attack out of shield you just have to know that the way sonic is spinning when he's doing homing attack determines how you punish it whether he's going to go in front of you or behind you if you learn what you do what moves you have that can beat spin dash or even just pivot grab it because every character can pivot grab it um you can honestly just play against this character very well if he gets the lead is he super obnoxious to deal with yes but i think people let this character get the lead too easily sdi down and away so he can't do spin charge into foreigner so he's not gonna get those early kills his two framing with forward smash is incredible and he got it he got it right um i think sonic has decent matchups with some of the top tiers but also atrocious matchups with some of the other ones i think sonic overall is just a very overrated character that people fall into the hype and the hate of this character which allows him to get better because you know that any single time a good player gets hit by sonic and is down 40 they go okay i'm now trying to chase a sonic let's figure this out but i do think sonic is overall overrated again online busted maybe the best character in the game but this is not for online this is offline like i think his advantage is overrated because like sure he has dash attack and stuff like that and up air and his opponent did get better he got buffed but i mean i don't think the buffs really mattered that much i haven't really seen suddenly up smash is killing really early because it's still gonna whiff a lot of the times like it's still not useful to use it's not like a good move to use in a lot of situations but i think that like sonic his matchups are overrated like you can out camp sonic just as hard as sonic out camps you um and that's a lot of um what his flaw is is sonic may be really good with a lead but sonic trying to catch up to people with a lead is equally as difficult maybe not equally as difficult but very difficult it's really hard for sonic to aggress onto someone because he has to be with punishing people and he can't whiff punish you if you're not throwing out moves like that's a big deal is if you have a lead versus sonic you're chilling like he can't suddenly have all these crazy neutral options because his best neutral option is cybee and his spins right but like you just shield those so he has to run up to you and try to grab you but then you're not like you can just kind of throw out a move like right there and if he goes run up to you then side b and he somehow catches your rising aerial then like he got it you know like i feel like people really like sonic players are just so much better than other people at camping like so much better that they get away with it next up is going to be hero again i think heroes really good i think hero is one of the best anti zoners in the game that's also his owner i think hiro does a lot that's really good of course he has crits and he has great spells he has buffs he has a good recovery stuff like that his fireball is great his sidebead's great um i wish i mean probably the biggest flaw of this character is he doesn't have great out of shield options because really the only added shield option you're going to have is like at a shield uppy which doesn't really confirm in anything it does like six percent so it doesn't really matter um i do think heroes over oh overall underrated i think people just don't want to play this character and of course he is slightly inconsistent because if you don't get zooms when you need them if you don't get buffs when you need them then it's going to be hard but also he's still a pretty decent sword character with an invincible um forward air or is not foreign sorry an invincible forward tilt and you can't really camp against him because then he can farm spell so you have to aggress on to him even more so than you do against sonic because like sonic doesn't have projectiles right like you don't want hiro to be able to just farm his spell so you have to approach him kind of like what i talk about with steve and then he with punishes you or he gets around you or he uses a spell because he's catching your dash with kaboom and stuff like that and that happens a lot like it happens a lot um does this bear is his bear too slow yeah does he not have really a good up air sure but at the same time sometimes he's the best character in the game right when he gets like all his buffs and he like oops psych up he's gonna break your shield like he just breaks your shield consistently and then he gets crit because of course he's gonna get grit there but i feel like it's just really difficult to really deal with hero because that's constantly changing and again he is more likely to get good spells than miss his spell and next up is going to be again a character i think is very good this is very ominous music for a very kind of funny character we fit trainer i think wifi trainer is pretty good again i have nothing bad to say about this character besides sometimes they can't deal with short and their hitboxes are way too specific but after the buffs this character dumps out damage dumps out kills can edgeguard can do basically everything again we if it's also one of those characters i mean even all these characters basically they have their strengths they have their crazy strengths you have literally better limit with wii fit trainer right like deep breathing is literally just better than limit 100 um she has crazy back air she has just kill moves so like her kilometers are crazy crazy at a shield back here if you're like a mid height character you die like 75 at the ledge it's crazy of course she heals you know maybe the the only big flaw of this character is their throw combos are kind of fake outside of like zero percent like if they had a better throw like i think wifi is super underrated granted i'm putting them lower than my last tier list probably i don't remember the numbers because my tier list is getting stratified differently but i think um we fit's a crazy good character and i'm really excited for varun to like do better but like i wish that like i mean i don't really want a better kill throw or throw combo option because then like down throw back your lull something like that will happen and i don't want that but i think it's really really good like i think i mean if you put we fit five seven characters higher than this i won't disagree you know like i think it's an incredible character uh it's just again slightly worse and slightly less consistent for me than a lot of other characters also because we fit trainers maybe it's just the people but they do like really bad side he's off stage and people just let them get away with it and like get hit by them so i think that like just if you know how to deal with the ledge planking suddenly that's way weaker and that's one of the things that people dislike about this character the most so yeah and then the last character in this tier is going to be diddy kong did he got higher on this tier list and i'm gonna be honest i did not realize how important the buffs were for diddy when they came out in 8.0 7.0 whenever did he got buffed i think 8.0 i think i underrated diddy and i apologize again is he as good as people say he is probably like they're like he's borderline top tier i'm like no he's not um because people are still basing this off of wi-fi and diddy kong is in my opinion better on wi-fi than offline because his wife punishes and his combos are easier um because they're like really long range but i think diddy kong has a lot of good stuff i mean i watched poppet's video on him analyzing tweak i think this character does have actually better combos than people get or i gave him credit for uh his three frame attitude banana is really good because you can get that into forward smash in terms of z drop of course if they're farther away from you it's like a frame eight item throw or something like that frame seven which is really good in my opinion i think that diddy just does well in a like because he has such a strong neutral option in terms of i have banana like suddenly he's rivaling top tiers with his neutral he has pretty decent matchups with the top tier because he does pretty well versus i think peach and zero suit and paulo at the very least but yeah i think diddy kong i mean he's still kind of exploitable offstage i think that is definitely a thing right like i think that definitely he could have a better or like he people can edge guard him better people can kind of deal with banana a little bit better but at the same time this character just initiates on to you with a very safe item and then if you're wrong you can get killed um you know i don't really know if people are really doing the most they can against things like down tilt with sdi and stuff like that so you get you don't get downhill upsmashed or downloaded i'm not sure i don't 100 know because i'm not someone that has lapped it yet because i'm not going to say other on wifi anyway um but i think diddy is pretty strong i think diddy's pretty good and i did not realize how much his buffs helped him like again diddy is the highest high mid tier so if you want to put him in high tier i get that but this is actually going to be the end of my hype mid tier the lowest character in high tier the first character i'm going over today is going to be sheep i think sheik is sick i think sheik is absolutely one of the sickest characters in this game she has crazy damage she has crazy combos she has great kill combos which is something that people forget that she has because she has needles into up smash needles into forward smash you have raindrop you have uh just generally like four tilt into oh up air below the platform and up smash you have so much this character's flaw literally is if you play a character that can trade with her you will trade with her and you will win because i don't think that oh my god she has to do 12 moves to get 40 on a combo it's like who cares it's a guaranteed string it doesn't matter how long the combo is just do it you know what i'm saying like that's fine like sheik is a great character has a great projectile pretty good edge guards the like another flaw of she cause she doesn't have a spammable kill move right like she doesn't just have like haha back here like a lot of characters do like her back hair is hard to kill with because you have to sweet spot it and a bunch of different stuff but at the same time she literally kills people for she nears you on the ground at 65 and puts you in a tech chase and then she reads your tech in and does needles footstool down air up smash and you die like she is so good at finding random kills she's so good at making your opponent uncomfortable and again is she light so sometimes when you not getting those kills are you going to get raged on yeah that happens sometimes but sheik's kill options otherwise are consistent enough to me that it's not like oh my god she's inconsistent because she's either pretty good has great neutral um like she has great neutral like maybe not top tier neutral but high tier neutral considering she's high tier she's good neutral she's really fast she's hard to deal with and sure if you are an absolute top tier character like yeah you can probably deal with her does she do well versus joker or pikachu not well in my opinion um so she can struggle with those but at the same time she's so mobile and so crafty that she can kind of just come back from any deficit any percent whatever it doesn't matter and there are plenty of chic representatives like i just think she's slightly worse than let's say the chic means give her credit for uh but also like maybe when offline comes back and they're gonna hit all this stuff consistently then like it's gonna be good so who knows like i'm down to put she kind of she's sick she's super sick in this game next up is going to be steve wherever he is i have to find him my tools are getting bigger so like i have to like scroll down to like stuff so listen i know in my la in my steve video that i said steve was in the middle of high tier but again this is considering the fact that i have different tiers and different placements like in my opinion i would put high tier at least like in my last tier list probably where diddy kong is something like that so steve would be the middle of high tier but i think steve is good i think steve's a good character i think sure is he slow yeah but he forces people to approach by mining i think steve is good i think steve has good out of shield options i think steve has incredible combos great damage output good edge guarding pretty good disadvantage because you have the ability to block and stuff like that i think minecart is the best sidebeam in the game creeper aw man slowly back in the mine diamond pickaxe swinging from side to side side side to side but i think like i think steve is good i think he has great anti-airs i think he has pretty good juggling if i'm being honest like sure he maybe can't deal with people that have like escape options but at the same time he's able to kind of deal with a lot of projectiles because of block he's able to mine his stuff he able to get an amazing downer for edge guarding just two frames out the ass with down smash and down told of course if you read like a fastball air dodge to get through up smash you get forward smash and stuff like that and it's a big deal it is a very big deal for this character to just be able to read your options and hit you for it and that happens like a lot but i think yeah i just think steve is good he has good kill potential and he has win conditions of just get diamond which is a big deal so in my opinion that's just that's just great like i think he's super underrated for well by some people obviously i have a video about that you should check it out you can hear my explanations more in depth next up is going to be corn i know some people think horns like busted busted and i don't quite think that i think horn's a very good character pretty strong neutral of course sword is amazing one of the best uppers in the game because it's a crazy kill move this character has kill confirms out the ass because you have narrow up air you have narrow back air you have four air into dragon fang shot forward airing to pin if they die down and away uh this character skill potential is really good however this character is a bit slow so if you are a character that is good with punishing you can whiff punish this character unless they're going to just spam back of the whole game which most people don't want to do like i think horn's an incredible character i mean uh i think that when offline comes back if cosmos actually wants to continue to play corn i think that'll be very well very good for him but i really do think that corn is a strong character um i do again parrying is going to be a lot better offline so their neutrals going to be slightly there is minus seven on shield four is minus four backers minus eight or minus nine but it auto spaces up air is minus five and down is minus twenty one so if you are landing basically any of these aerials except for down air you're literally fine corn is slow which is the reason that corn is not a high height here slash borderline top tier in my opinion because i know cosmos baby thinks this character's top 15 but i don't think so because speed is very important and corn doesn't really have anything to make up for speed especially because pin isn't as good as it was in smash 4 right like you can punish it as most characters in this game so you just got to be careful with the pin jump because that got buffed but i do think horn's good like at walling people out at playing defensive stuff like that but the aggressive side of corn isn't really there which means that characters with really get out of shield options slash better offense or even very good defense can deal with korin fairly consistently also you can edge guard the character if you just have a hitbox out when they start their upbeat that lingers and they get hit when it becomes uh vulnerable and they die so yeah brb next up is the crazy character that's sweeping the nation and that is me brawler listen i know a long time ago i had me brawler fairly low and then i slowly started putting them higher and then i learned the power of thropper thropper is od thropper's so good i didn't realize downthrough was actually a kill confirm unless you're on platforms but it is this character has frame data this character has combos this character has recovery this character has a bad version of flip jump this character has so many great options of course you can customize your character so depending on the stage you can use helicopter kick or the um the two part upbeat which is still very good depending on the match up but his nare is so good his down told or just this character is incredible they have throw combos for a very long time with all their upbeats because at the very least you get like down throw into up air until like 75 or something like that again can this character struggle to kill depending on the set you use yes but you can also just use a set that doesn't struggle to kill i love uh their bullet pump like they're their flash mock punch thing whatever including the fortnite flash which is a tech uh with that move which is pretty just it's just cool uh of course you have you have so many options to kill of course landing up air is a kill confirm into either backyard hypersense up air if you're using throb or sorry upbeat if you're using thrupper um neutral be if you're using the really fast punch and the craziest one forward smash you can do landing up air into forward smash it's really specific really particular presence you have to be near the ledge but that's crazy up air forward smash that's wild and like this character's recovery is good because you have flip jump and you can use the fireside b if you don't want to use the fire side but you have a command grab that does 20 something percent he has great out of shield options because you can have thropper which is frame three out of shield three and it kills at like 150 with no rage from the ground like that's crazy you can get sour spider to force matches characterize kill confirms and again even if you don't have crazy like first off this character's kill confirms can be crazy because you get like down tilt into like short hop upper fastball full hop up air on a platform up tilt jump up b or something like that like it's crazy like it's wild what this character can do like actually insane um even if they're too specific then you can just start doing backers and stuff like that if you have shot put you can use shot put uh edge trapping on this character is really good because you have fox esquener so you can just spam there for edge trapping and if you hit a weakener you can do near flip kick which crazy or narrow back air if you're close enough with a in like it's actually insane like this character is wild are they top tier no i don't think they're neutral's quite strong enough for them to be topped here uh i don't think they're quite versatile enough like i know you can use all the moves but like i don't think they're they're neutral is versatile enough because again a lot of the times you are going to be just like running up kind of mixing people within there but he's not fast enough like let's say foxes to really create pressure in his dashtag isn't good enough to also create pressure like that like i have a lot of faith in this character i just don't think he's stopped here next up is going to be the big boy bowser i'm big boss bowser bowser's crazy he has one of the single best out of shield options in the entire game he has flame breath he has damage he has kills he has armor you can't rapid jab this character this character is fire yes that's a pun deal with it but i think like he has a commander out of shield which is framed nine which kills his kill potential is arguably the most consistent and the best in the game because he always has it it's just good he's just good he does have mediocre disadvantage and an edge guarding him can be a thing right but the thing is if you mess up he's gonna down air you if you mess up he's gonna downbeat you and break your shield edge guarding him can be easy with some characters but for the most part it honestly isn't although getting off the ledges can be somewhat difficult which is why he's not borderline top tier he still has a couple of somewhat major flaws but his strengths like his neutral is so good his advantage state is incredible he's fast he kills you earlier than most characters in this game do rage or no rage like rager not rage that is the question because you're still gonna die at 90 against bowser that was a uh to be or not to be reference but i don't i didn't know how to do that yeah i think that's super strong but again his discipline like if you play his disadvantage correctly sometimes this character gets hit once takes 60 of the combo and then you don't land you don't get to play the game but also sometimes bowser doesn't get you bowser doesn't let you play the game either next up is going to be the first fighting game character of them all and that is going to be ken because yes i think ken is the best fighting or sorry the worst fighting game character and i've thought that for a while now i think ken is really good he's fast he can aggress onto people down tilt's crazy he has kill options because you have things like downtilt and destroy you up tilt and destroy you down tilt into uh roundhouse kick whatever it's called he has good combos because you do down tilt down tilt into the 632 thing and or sorry like jab jab 632 into short hop up air full hop up around to the battlefield platform up here upbeat this character has stuff but i do think that this character is too offensive to be better than the other two fighting game characters because he doesn't really have defense he's fast church so he can kind of like back dash and stuff but his like hadouken kind of sucks hodogan sorry so like he he kind of has to run at people but he doesn't have the option to make people run into him which i think is very important i think running into like i think ryu is really good because he can force people to approach him sometimes because his projectiles are better right and like that's true but still very good obviously great kill potential great damage output just good as hell super good i don't know if this is the case for all characters but i feel like sometimes you can sdi better out of ken's kill confirms even including down told downtolt into um this the roundhouse kick better than reuse because ryu has tatsu and tatsu is dummy strong and kills vertically which means that's going to be very consistent on all stages whereas for ken you kind of want people to be at the edge of the stage and if not you just sdi away from him so that you don't get hit by sure you and then he has to do the roundhouse kick and it doesn't kill a cross stage until like 150 160. where is ryu's still going to talk to you at 120 and you're gonna die with no rage by the way next up is going to be maybe a slight underrating of this character if i'm being honest but link again link in theory for me like top 10 top 12 because he infinites you with either the bomb drop infinite or z drop into fares you drop into fair and stuff like that this character can just go off this character goes off but again the biggest problem with this character is he has two ways to play right he's either near normal boomerang type of link or he's bomb link right and the biggest problem is if you try to play bomb link and then you get hit off stage you're going to die because you can't recover which is good i mean which is like fair right but if you don't use those but if you don't use bomb very frequently then he's more underwhelming granted still good because nair is one of the best narrators in the game he has great out of shield options he's still strong he can't whip punish people he has out of shield options with terms of b and of course you have z drawn bomb in general but you kind of need to pick one like both versions of him are good but again you want the bomb to unlock the full potential which is what makes him potentially like top 15 or something like that but if you use bomb too much and you get caught in a bad spot suddenly you're gonna die and though that inconsistency cause this recovery is really bad without bomb like really bad without bomb i think it's just not good enough also he's not really fast so if a character um like characters can kind of whiff punish link a little bit because like if you're just ready to you know dash attack or dash grab the bomb pole uh that's fine and then link has to kind of find his way in with maybe boomerangs and stuff like that which is still like pretty good don't get me wrong but you can kind of make link play an awkward game especially if you start pairing his nair right whereas uh like you you need the bomb to make things more fluid and more trap heavy but again if you do that then now he doesn't have a recovery next up is terry terry is a very very good character where is he scary terry i think this character is really good i think a lot of what he has is silly but the reason i put him in high tier and not potentially borderline top tier not just higher than this in general um is the fact that one of the best things about ken and ryu is the fact that you can't add a shield option then because they can spam their normals whereas terry even though of course his downhill's minus six and i think it's i think it's minus six and he can't um you know can't he can't special cancel quite as well he can but not quite the same thing and he doesn't have a frame on an invincible or super armor option like focus so terry's pressure is a lot more normal which makes him a lot for me easier to play uh but i do think people just have to understand um sdi and stuff like that because obviously at lower sense you can sdi up and get out of jab jab power dunk and then punish him for it with a landing aerial into whatever his edge guarding he is in my opinion actually the most susceptible fighting game character to edge guards because the other ones have like a better upbeat in my opinion like you can you can punish terry b and power dunk pretty easily if you just jump off stage and mess with him um but i think that just like ven or i've read chat uh terry is overall like he's very strong don't get me wrong he has great combos but he plays neutral more than the other shadows or then i guess these shadows because they just run up and hit them like they're like run up down told or in reuse case he sometimes camps with that but like terry kind of has to play a normal neutral and his disadvantage kind of sucks because he doesn't have things like focus so he really has to make sure people mess up versus him granted very good of course because like terry has go he has great two framing he has great edge trapping he has crazy confirms but again for the most part you can sdi out of things like jab jab um what you call it buster wolf if you're a not i think if you're like a medium father you can just sdi out so like you just have to be really understanding of terry's range in order to beat him because if you're trying to play in like just close up fight up like it's not gonna work unless you have broken attitude options like let's say game and watch or something like i think character's sick but yeah next up is the small little rat pichu pichu is pretty damn good in this game he has some of the most explosive combos in the entire game he has great edge guarding he has great kill moves but this character gets out camped by a lot of characters and he is the lightest character by a significant amount so he dies really early and he has really susceptible two frames and no hitbox on his recovery so that's a problem because even though pichu can hit you and deal you 50 or 70 or whatever he could is going to do because peach is crazy he also dies at 70. he gets hit twice in neutral and dies but the strength of this character are incredible i mean he's still hard to hit he's really mobile he has the best roll cancel grab in the game which means his dash grab as a teleport grab he's just he's still very very good and of course if you do things like perry and you have good approach options and sometimes you're just committed to sometimes just having t-jolt as your approach option it can be really scary but again i think the explosiveness of the character is what keeps him into high tier because overall you are going to be losing neutral and you are going to be losing to a lot of zoning characters and the problem is top tier and borderline top tier have several zoning characters and characters that can just wall peach you out or at the very least kill him really early with random kill moves but i still i think this character is underrated i think peach is still very very good so yeah next up is the last fighting game character in my opinion that where is he ryu i think we busted i think this character actually can camp which is really really good camping of course like the ability to play multiple types of play styles is really good because of course you can as ryu run up and down tilt and then you get down till down told strong down tilt into tatsu or into red fireball he has great kill potential with of course his shoryu and tatsu and back air and stuff like that this character is his he's so strong i think he is the best fighting game character because he has everything you really want he has the ability to camp he has great aggression he has pretty strong combos he kills you dummy early and he has a move that gets through projectiles in tatsu that's a kill move unlike ken's which is a combo move he's just so good i think ryu is so good i don't understand like i understand that people want speed but why why have speed when you have a better fireball like slow fireball slow red fireball is so good it's so good like i think i think ryu's really really good and no i thought this before vendetta beat my ass okay but yes vendetta beats my ass online for sure ryu's good ryu's good y'all i swear i don't know why people think he's not he's he's crazy he's so good he's just solid he's so solid next up is going to be my namesake and that is going to be samus samus and dark samus are in the same spot they're basically the same samus is wild this character is godlike samus is so strong she has some of the best zoning in the game she has like if she hits you with a mid charge shot at zero you take 50 because you get down you get charge shot which does like 28 into down throw forward air which does so much damage her camping is so good her edge trapping is arguably the best edge trapping maybe the best edge trapping in the entire game because bomb forces you to do an option and kills you and it doesn't run out like arc fire which i probably might be the second best at trapping in the game the ability to have bomb a disadvantage can be really good you have great damage off of down throw at zero you have down throw back air at higher percents of course idj kind of helps this character a little bit this character is just good like samus has everything you want except for me a fun playstyle because i don't really like spamming bombs and just camping like that uh even though i play min min don't ask but like samus is just really really good the best samus has ever been in a smash game in terms of relative to um a tier list like sandwich is good samus is strong has great kill moves because you have nair and uptilt and stuff like that the only problem with samus is that sometimes if you get rushed down on and like juggled really like characters that can juggle and rush down on you and avoid your projectiles a little bit like zero suit like fox like even palu i think does fairly well in the match up like there's a couple other ones that just do really well against samus and make her struggle so in my opinion that's literally the only reason she's not like borderline top tier that's it next up i feel like this character just slowly goes down and down on my tier list even though he's kind of broken and that's greninja literally there is one singular flaw with this character or maybe two two flaws with this character the main one being that greninja does not have out of shield options if you hit greninja shield with a move that is minus 12 or more you're good or minus 12 or safer and you're you're good and every character has multiple moves that are minus 12 are safer but that and the fact that greninja can kind of be exploited offstage literally the only bad things about this character because you know while upbeat does have water and you can move things and stuff like that um like move opponents like every single time if a greninja ever does side b and like tries to be cheeky and hit you on stage most characters can run off and do down air and actually spike greninja out of it or at least continue to edge guard because they're now they're below the stage and they have to recover i think greninja is very strong other than that has some of the best with punishing in the game has some of the best combos in the game has a ton of kill potential a ton of kill confirms he's insane he's so hard to deal with if you can't get your offense started which is really difficult to do because greninja you know the main defense of greninja is dash backwards which granted that's the case for several characters and you know probably worse than a character like wario's dashback right but greninja's damn good greninja is crazy good and i'm not saying that i'm sleeping on this character i just think that greninja is like the attitude options are so important in this game in my opinion like so important and you know i feel like even greninja is like auto kind of like dash tech and downtown are both punishable on shield so he's going to have to be doing like jump nair to have like safer options or jump fair and stuff like that and it's just not as good as other characters jump near jump fare stuff like that like again high tier these characters are all busted like these characters all have really good stuff just some of them have more flaws than the top tiers next up is going to be my favorite little psychic demon ness i don't think that's borderline talked to i think that's a still high tier i think he does lose a couple too many matchups to be borderline top tier but good of this character is insane he does whatever he wants all the time his air mobility is crazy his air dodge is amazing his combos are great his kill potential is arguably consistently the best in the game between his smash attacks and back air and up air and back throw it's wild this character kills so well has amazing combos and for an exploitable recovery has a pretty damn good recovery it's actually not that exploitable but i think this character is very strong i think this character is very very strong i mean you all know i hate this i hate this character so much like magnet is obnoxious um peaky fire's obnoxious his attitude options are so good so good it's crazy but yeah i mean again like everyone everyone at this point is just a really good character that's just slightly worse than the characters above them and that's literally it and the last character in high tier before i get to borderline top tier is gonna be yoshi i think yoshi's incredible yoshi's defense is so good yoshi's air mobility is incredible frame one of course double jump with armor it's really really good the biggest problem with yoshi in my opinion is that if a person plays defensive against yoshi and has a lead it's kind of difficult to for yoshi to really get in um i think yoshi is just really like struggles to be aggressive like with punishing and out of shield options to start offense yeah but yoshi doesn't really have those buttons to be like i'm being aggressive now because most of his stuff is punishable on shield um granted of course he can kind of drift away and stuff like that which is still good but i think yoshi's really strong i think if yoshi has the lead it's really hard to approach his character i think platform camping with this character is amazing you have kill potential in upsmash and back air and forward smash and up air and egg which can lead into up air and forward air and it's just a lot like nary even can kill like if she had a kill throw done this character's done easy i think yoshi is um actually crazy good an incredible character just not as incredible as other characters and also sorry i forgot one character in high tier that's my bad that wasn't the last character the last character is ike ike is in height here not top not borderline top here but he's borderline borderline top tier um i just think the buffs really matter for ike you know i used to say he's narrowed the character but now he's not now he's near and down tult and four tilt the character like he has dash attack his kill potential is so good obviously you have you still have narrow up air nair upbeat is crazy you have platforms which help you have four tilt you have downtilt into back air which is actually insane he of course has eruption stuff like that literally the only flaw of um ike is if you can somehow mess with ike's high side v recovery it makes it a lot harder for him to recover because his low recovery is actually pretty bad um it's very exploitable but there's like five characters that can do that which is like min-min sometimes pikachu sometimes snake and then like mega man's upper and i'm looking at the other characters i don't know who else can mess with them high it's so hard to mess with this character high because side b is so good side b is so good yeah i guess in my opinion very good obviously like just perry his nair is true when ner was all he had but i think he's a much more varied character now because of his buffs his upbeat shield was better of course he solved burst options with side b and dash attack which are absolutely insane but this character is good i think this character you know like the more i think about it obviously i'm playing ike now and again it's wi-fi hike so it's a little different but i'm seeing a little bit more of where i underrated the character before and where i just think they're good like i just think they're good also they'd be gaming watch um and yeah that's going to be the end of high tier into borderline top tier the first borderline top tier is going to be a character that has a lot of representation especially in japan that is going to be mega man mega man is crazy this character is insane has great out of shield options in terms of up smash jump pellet z drop metal blade he has kill confirms out the ass with z draw metal blade into literally everything because he has infinites with it he has all this crazy stuff with metal blade and at the same time then he pellets you and annoys you to death there are so many characters that struggle to get in on mega man and when they finally do they get snatched out of shield or they get swatted back out and then you have to do it again mega man zoning is one of the most obnoxious to deal with in the entire game thank god i play pikachu and that matchup sucks because i would hate to not play one of the best matchups against this character because he's so obnoxious he might be higher than this honestly like dead ass he might be like the top of borderline top tier i'm not 100 sure mega man's always drifted between top 10 and top 20 for me and because i think this is around top 20 because that's it's like 25 so like this character is good like mega man is very good like actually incredible his because he has he has strong kill moves in terms of back air and forward air he has great edge guarding because of those moves as well as down air he has leaf shield which is one of the best moves in the entire game he has up air which is really good for juggling although not as good as gaming watches up there like it's just crazy it's super crazy it's wild his character's insane he's just not as insane as the rest of the characters because sometimes he has a mediocre disadvantage and also his recovery is a little exploitable because you know they're going to do that weird early upbeat and then to double jump and then drift back to the left and then air dodge to the ledge because every single every single mega man does the exact same recovery even the good ones but i think like his character is crazy he doesn't really get juggled super hard he gets hit off stage more than he gets jungle but he gets edge guard more than he gets juggled because his juggle he has landing leaf shield and down air downer's dummy safe probably the biggest rise in smash ultimate for me i think captain falcon is borderline top tier listen instant double jump done that's my explanation i think falcon with instant double jump is literally insane is it hard yeah is it technical yes but seeing what this character can do on fd and platforms and different platforms and all these different scenarios at all these different percents he kills people at 0 or 5 or 12 or 17 or 32 like this character is insane with instant double jump it is crazy perfect falcon i mean not even perfect falcon because i watch fatality get it somewhat consistently in training mode and that's what the first month or two of the tech being discovered you have raptor boost which is unshield grabbable which is crazy you have crazy kill potential just in general because you have things like jab and back air and falcon kick and then of course up smash which is crazy i don't know why that move got buffed the way it did and then a second time to make be more consistent but this character hits you at almost any percent with grabs or raptor boosts or back airs or landing gnars he has so many moves that open you up and kill you and yeah does he have a bad back dash sure who cares it doesn't matter just it literally doesn't matter just you hit people and you kill them and it's crazy it's so crazy this character is literally so good now does he still lose a couple matchups to top tiers like game watch and pikachu and probably pokemon trainer and maybe wario yeah but like if you can hit them at 10 and kill them is it really that bad of a match up if you get it he's crazy he's so good he's so good now he maybe is top tier he might literally be like top 15 top 20. i'm not gonna put that for now but like he definitely could and it's insane it's so like uh he's crazy he's so good next up is young link young looks really good the young link's super strong like he's really fast has crazy combos good projectiles safe moves on shield with down tilt and things like back air nair like this character's wild um again he would literally be in top tier if i had my old size of top tier because he was literally the worst character in top tier and i don't think he moved in position at all it's just my top tier slightly smaller now young length is incredible young link is so good like literally the only negative of this character is sometimes he gets edge guarded and that's it like that's that's his only negative he has good disadvantage because he has a good fast fall he can pluck bomb and throw it down and then drift behind it he can just landing there on you he can landing down here um he's just good he has a lot of options in neutral and everything he just is slightly worse than the top tiers and that's literally it like that's his only flaw is he's not as good as the top tiers and that's it that's literally it why is jab two minus seven that doesn't make sense it's like downtown's like minus six as well or eight or something it's crazy um of course you have kill confirms with zera up smash uppy up air zero up air up tilt up there sometimes like this character can kill so well since the 7.0 patch question mark whichever one was before frostbite that power got nerfed and young got better so good so good so incredible next up is going to be captain olimar anyone that says olimar isn't a broken ass character is lying this character is absurd he he has some of the most ridiculous momentum understanding in the game he has some of the most ridiculous momentum canceling in the entire environmental cancelling i mean that yeah i'm going to do well i'm playing this omar i'm being really aggressive then you hit by a single side b and you try to hit it off of you and your movements and then you try to hit it off of you with another move and then it misses and then you get upsmashed because you whiffed two moves halfway across the stage against olimar and then he ran up enough smashed you dummy good damage good out of shield options great zoning kill moves like forward smash um purple's incredible which you're going to get multiple stock because he just you can cycle them very quickly because you have to kill the pikmin in order to not have them be latched onto you and take free damage and have more hits lag and have more hits done and all that type of stuff so then you hit him off of him and then you get white and then purple so you're gonna you're gonna get purple you're gonna get at least two to three purples every single stock unless the old market's absolutely obliterated olimar not being top basically top tier or borderline top tier is propaganda anyone that says it is incorrect i promise you he's so good he has a frame two super armor move he has one of the most difficult to edge guard non-hitbox recoveries especially because he can throw a purple pigment at you which is good he has great killing great edge trapping great juggling he upsmashes you at zero and you take 55 or 70 depending on the pikmin lineup he has kill throws he has more range on yellow for some reason he can kill you like he's so good he's so good i don't know why people think this character is bad does he lose a couple matchups yeah for sure he loses a shulk probably lose the power loses the wolf maybe pokemon trainer definitely mario it's like okay slight all those are slight except for probably shulk shul destroys olimar that kind of sucks um so shoot on money with japan the buzz is top like seven in the world and it's not even like oh well like results aren't everything because i'm someone that definitely believes that results aren't like everything in terms of a tier list otherwise it's joker's number one and then whoever tweet plays is number two and like you know goes that way which isn't this fun if the players are consistently doing really well and winning their bad matchups especially shooton because he's more he plays more olmar than the buzz does like shuton literally beat shulk in grand finals shulk is the hardest matchup the best show in the world and said nope so the match must not be that bad or olimar is still just explosive enough that he can overcome his bad matchups which is true next up your boy chrom chrome might be higher than this i'm gonna be honest i don't actually i haven't seen a lot of croms lab uh idj stuff so i don't know how super frequent those are obviously there were the combos in the idj video that's nothing put out um but krom is saucy he has things like jab short hop delayed nair jab into back air stuff like that you have of course chair you have crazy kill potential really good enough trapping with this character but the reason again i put him slightly lower than some other people do is because again he is exploitable while he has great air speed um if you hit him offstage you might die the character this high with the most exploitable recovery because he has nowhere to cover himself unlike min min who we'll get to at some point um but like he has no way to cover himself so he just kind of has to hope that people mess up or like run into really early fair for some reason um but yeah i think krom i think i'm super good like i think rom is a really really really strong character he's really hard to deal with this speed is super difficult to deal with and of course like downtilt tech chases and stuff like that just you die like people just die like actually but crumb slander this isn't slander he's like top 22 or something yeah he's literally top 20. but again literally just my top tier is a couple places smaller than the last time i did this and that's literally why he's not top tier next up is going to be the fall from grace inkling remember when people thought inkling was the best character wasn't me i never thought that i thought they were top ten top seven something like that but in a game where basically every character in this tier and above has random ass kill moves and super great comeback factors inkling has upper upper and hope that people die poorly on a backyard 50 and then tech chase with roller but like every good thing inkling has other than of course just they're neutral which is why they're still up here is counter playable all their best things or like their their cheese quote unquote is counter playable but back air is incredible one of the best moves neutral in the entire game inc as a whole is amazing upthrow combos the neutral it's character the air mobility the edge guarding the recovery the this character has has literally it all except for random spammable kill moves that is quite literally it their dash is cheating they have the best dash in the entire game by a lot but if you avoid a throw up air and avoid their grab they can't kill you unless they're gonna like also like they can potentially edge guard you but it's hard to like they have one shot at edge guards their edge trapping is much better than their edge garden but it's still like good right but like england's neutral is od it's just a lot of characters in top tier and even borderline top tier have better combos better killing and better advantage states whereas inkling has a pretty good advantage state but it's just their neutral and their um kind of like jab that's gonna carry them up here you know and the last character in borderline top tier this is gonna probably piss people off lucina i think lucina is slightly overrated compared to most like for most people um i think you really can with punish this character and you can deal with her somewhat consistently she's incredible she's so good don't get me wrong overrated does not mean bad again borderline top tier top tier top ten they're all great like these are all great characters like frosted flakes level great right she doesn't have great combos she's very much so neutral right like neutral the character um and she doesn't have a crazy punished game she has good edge guarding she's very solid she has good out of shield options in terms of puppy she has all that type of stuff but she has a mediocre disadvantage because she doesn't have great landing aerials she can't really get off the ledge very well and she doesn't combo you she goes down throw up air play advantage of course like you play advantage duh but it's as good of an advantage as other characters here that also have better things like it's nothing bad about lucina there's nothing bad about the cena it's just other characters are a little crazier and uh that is it for borderline top tier let us get into top tier obviously you know which characters are in top tier at this point but how am i gonna order them first off is gonna be pac-man i think i'm maybe underrating pac-man a little bit i think he dropped like one or two spots for my last tier list uh but pac-man is obviously insane has grab combos has camping has crazy damage output has some of the most consistent and best like probably the most consistent kill setup in the game in terms of just belt like throwball which is really good but i do think that a couple people have a good point whereas people aren't exploiting the disadvantage state of this character enough they're not baiting his nair they're not baiting his hydrant and stuff like that quite enough for him to like be punished as much as he should obviously this character does also struggle in several matchups in my opinion he struggles versus mario versus snake versus zero suit versus palu uh maybe versus shulk maybe versus wolf like there's a decent amount of characters that can have a pretty good time versus character also versus destroys this character in my opinion um like t is obviously incredible his results are wild pac-man is insane but i feel like people don't exploit pac-man quite as much as he could be getting exploited still top tier still busted but just not like top 15 like i potentially thought he was before next up we're gonna have rob rob is a very interesting case very interesting case because rob is a character that if you talk to any rob main and you even talk to mains of the people like playing against rob there are so many characters that beat rob right like i looked at ava man's matchup chart and there were like 20 something losing matchups like it made a samsura matchup chart look like a top five character that's how bad it was and a lot of robs a lot of robs say relatively the same thing like maybe not quite as bad but rob does lose a lot of matchups because rob has a mediocre disadvantage state relatively he can't really get off the ledge he's potentially exploitable off stage blah blah blah all the bad things then he hits you at zero and kills you or he catches your gyro that you threw at him with a dash attack and then throws it at you and sidebeasts you rob is the swingiest character in the entire sorry the second swingiest character in the entire game it doesn't matter how bad your matchup is because there is a potential for you to just lose and die in every matchup because you have up air being unreactable to di so if you get down throw into up tilt upper you can potentially die you of course have side b he has incredible edge trapping like yes you can parry his nail on landing which i think is one of the reasons why he's lower top tier and not like where japan thinks he is like top five top seven like i still think he's an incredible character he does lose several matchups but i think this character just has it all he has the best ground option in the entire game in terms of down tilt he has great out of shield options in terms of up smash and attitude gyro drop he he has he has so much he has it all he's just a big bulky character that sometimes gets hit by more just gimmicks like like win condition random things that than other top tiers and that's it that's literally his negative and like sometimes there is bad huh that's it like that's it that's literally it and then he can steal stocks at zero and 20 and 40 and 60 and 80. like like i think rob is insane next up is going to be my official secondary and wifi main min min i don't understand why people don't think this character is broken i am in the japan camp japan thinks this character is busted as far as i'm aware this character is insane they have the best neutral in the entire game they have an insane punish game they have some of the best two framing in the game in terms of down angle ram ram down angle dragon and down told they have crazy combos like you can do landing um megawatt and air into megawatt tilt into a dragon forward smash you have crazy zero to death with this character depending on the matchup and your rage and stuff like that and you have just options to cover everything your ledge trapping is incredible the only negative of this character is the fact that they are gimpable if they don't have a double jump they are edgeguardable but it doesn't matter because half the time people can't edgeguard you anyway because they have to worry about your giant forward smash with laser that is coming out to protect you also people say they are bad at getting off the ledge but i 100 disagree because you can for the most part like i remember mentioning like oh just having a good ledge hop ariel isn't super good for getting off the ledge but min mins is because you do ledge hop into um megawatt tilt and then you land and you're able to jump which means that that megawatt land is plus three so i'm granted she can only uh do a different arm attack but you have to guess whether she's going to stay on the ground or jump which is really hard to do and if you're wrong suddenly now she's back into neutral good luck like my arms are ramen noodles i now control neutral like it's crazy it's so good and then she can kill really well she has great auto shield options in terms of upsmash she of course parry down smash is really good and then she just is so hard to hit she's so hard to hit i don't even think she struggles that much with rushdown characters because most of the rush down characters that are really good in this game struggle to recover versus her like she does struggle versus pikachu in my opinion also potentially struggles with shulk but i don't think she does particularly poorly versus mega man or not mega man yeah mega man or zero suit which some people have said or even like i think she does well like even or beats game and watch um i think she just does really well on a lot of matchups especially once people are starting to learn to play comfortably with all three arms for a lot of the time and then again sure people haven't seen this character offline because the quarantine but once you can actually time ramram angle down it's done like it's crazy she's so good she's so so good the only reason she's not top 10 is because she's exploitable a little bit off stage and that's it but like she's insane she's so good you can't deal with people jumping up against me with her don't throw your move out and then anti-air them like her up smash is one of the best anti-airs in the game it's crazy she's so good next up is gonna be roy this character's wild yes i do think roy is several spots better than krom and here's why somehow because of krom's bad recovery roy is more consistent than crom and crom is supposed to be the consistent character roy has crazy kill potential with jyb which is jab side b jer you have of course his sweet spot for its match which is stronger than crumbs he has just back air for their uppers in general which are really good for killing he has in my opinion an equally as good out of shield as chrom because it has armor on frame four so it can actually beat a lot of multi-hits that are hitting his shield which is really really good and then of course it's safer to land like if you're wrong um i think roy is incredible i think roy's incredible you can complete his sour spots like i've definitely like down throw into sour spot up air sweet spot up there and i've died like this is crazy roy is so good the only problem with roy is he's fairly um combo heavy like he's combo a bull because he's a fast faller that isn't that heavy so he takes a lot of damage from combos and doesn't necessarily live a long time to kind of compensate for that like the other like heavy characters and fastballer characters so that's literally it otherwise he's very fast difficult to deal with safe moves he's insane he's so good like he's actually wild he has a good recovery too because a lot of the angles that he's gonna put himself out one it's really hard to deal with his upbeat and two like unless you're pikachu which like i'm taking my bias out of it right like i don't see a lot of people edge guard roy except for me um and maybe like a lot his natural angle that he wants to uppy at is also an unto frameable angle because he grabs the lead from above uh but i think his characters of recovery is really good hard to mess with um and like his representation is really good he's just strong plus he has good matchups with the top tiers in my opinion i think he does pretty well versus peach pretty well versus palu and zero suit i don't think does well versus pika unfortunately that's definitely a rough matchup and has a couple other bad matches but overall does very well against the top tiers like no bad matchups except for again pikachu which i'm the only one currently that is super good so it doesn't really matter like it's a bad esam matchup more than a pikachu matchup you know and now we are going to go to the other redman mario mario's wild one of the best out of shield options in terms of uppy because it's frame 3 some of the best combos in the game some of the best kill confirms in the game great on platforms great neutral because of back air and neutral air and forward tilt and stuff like that fireball is amazing cape makes it so that projectiles aren't super great versus him flood gives him stage control or also makes it difficult to edge guard he has dash attack as one of the best two frames in the game because it's consistent it lingers and it hits people out it's so good mario is an insane character the only flaw of mario is sometimes he gets kept out but if he doesn't and you're wrong and you try to do a landing ariel on him and he parries it then he goes dash grabbing to dash up air up air forward air you're dead or sorry down throw into up air near dash up air up air forward there you're dead also it's he's good on platforms now with idj combos too which crazy like this character's wild has really solid matchups i don't think has maybe he has one 60 40 out of his favor which is shulk other than that he can beat any character again he has very explosive combos like i mentioned with rob it's like oh it doesn't really matter if you lose a match up barely if you can just kill people at 10. like does really well versus the top tiers maybe slight loses against a couple of them and that's it and like is a really hard check to a lot of characters and hasn't even matched up with pikachu which is good because a lot of characters don't yeah bar is busted mario's super good you know who else is busted and really good and people underrate for some reason fox people say fox sucks i don't get it this character has everything you need he is one of the fastest characters in the game has one of the most ambiguous neutrals because of his fastfall has a mediocre grab he doesn't get combos off of it thank god but then he puts you in a bad position and traps you with an error for 17 seconds and then reads your role in with a dash attack and then upper uppers you this character does damage he has kill confirms he has really long range kill confirms in terms of side b because you have side b into up air which is actually very good for a tech chase as well um literally the only negative of this character is his recovery is exploitable but people pretend that his recovery is exploitable means that if he goes off stage at 10 percent he's going to die which literally isn't true if not not even a little bit you have to have a disjointed lingering spike to really edge guard fox the way fox means pretend to get edge guarded because he doesn't like i as pikachu often times if they're not at ten percent because happenstance pikachu is better at edge guarding fox at low percent than hyperscent like it's really hard to educate this character from the majority of the cast oh a couple characters that guard you really well oh pikachu oh um shulk because forward air like that's it he's really good at recovering against most characters especially if you have walls especially if you get hit any type of high because then you side behind then you have to somehow landing trap this character that has shine to stall his momentum and also of course fast fall in there fast fall down air fastball air dodge things like that it's scary it's crazy this character is really really good super strong in my opinion great damage up with some of the best combos it's just he's insane he's so good one of the best perry punishes because up till hits on both sides it's just good this is really good and the last character to just be outside of top 10 is going to be snack i think snake is very good however the reason snake is top tier but not top 10 is because snake has a ton of even matchups most of the top tiers kind of maybe beat go even and lose to each other but the problem is snake has a lot of even matchups with random ass characters that are below him like really random like i think the falco matchup's kind of even i think the bileth matchup might be slightly even maybe slightly snake favor i think snake loses about seven to eight matchups because i think he loses to joker and zero suit and palu and game and watch and fox and maybe minmin actually definitely lucina no sorry not lucina sorry definitely mega man definitely inkling maybe samus well like either way has a lot of even matchups and the fact that this character is so mentally taxing and difficult to play at a top level means that if you're not playing super on point you're definitely going to lose those type of matchups and it's hard to stay that consistent at tournaments all the time forever all the all the time it's hard it's really really difficult for snake to do what he needs consistently of course he's incredible frame one out of shield frame one grenade so frame one combo break which hits both people he has amazing two frames with down smash and forward smash he has um of course up tilt which is incredible down throw up tilt down through tech chases in general he has good aerials um but also his arrows are overall overrated in my opinion uh because i don't think downer's super great i think back air is pretty good but like that's not great so snake often times relies on people getting flustered and hitting grenades when they're not supposed to and then getting grenade upper to grenade backard which honestly at really people that are really good versus snake very rarely do that because we understand when to hit snake when to not hit snake when to let him camp when to try to camp you when to approach safely and things like that like there are some just really really good players versus snake that are really hard road blocks for basically every snake player and it's rough it's rough to overcome those because sometimes yeah you get hit at 10 and then you try to fall with a grenade or b reverse and then you get grabbed and thrown off up or off stage and then you upbeat and then you do it again but there are so many players that are good at covering against like good at covering snakes recovery which is super difficult so and that is going to be it for top tier that's not top 10 which is basically top tier i just wanted to break it off into see top 10. and the lowest character in top 10 is going to be game watch yes i put gamewatch at 10 instead of 11 this time deal with it yeah game of watch is just he's insane he's so good he has the best out of shield option in the game arguably the best move in the game like it's a top two or three move in the game between like rob down tult and zero suit down b like those are the three best moves in the game in my opinion his crazy combos crazy juggling some of the best kill potential in the entire game because you either get really early kills with things like down tilt in sorry down smash forward smash or you get edge guards or you get down airs or at higher percents oh you're just gonna throw them off stage because they're shielding because shielding is good versus game watch and then your ledge jump gets meted by four tilt which kills you at 110. so yeah oh yeah monada is also up there sorry but game of watch is insane he's so good he has a rising aerial that is minus five like that becomes minus five which is crazy because the only other character that has a safe rising aerial is pikachu with minus six in his foreign gamewatch has ambiguous animation so it becomes really hard to let's trap him really hard to deal with things like air dodge if you wanna especially if people use um you know gray game and watch so you can't really see his invincibility on things like neutral get up and stuff like that which is really really difficult to deal with he's just so good he is so good and yeah does he lose a couple matchups sure but his advantage state and his leg trapping and his leg pressure are so good that it doesn't matter because like chef sometimes just wins matchups or wins games because it's like oh i hit them off stage at 30 and i shepped them and then they went to 60 and then i backed them because i combed it off of chef and then i can do it again like chef isn't saying up air is insane down smash up smash um back air up air nair like everything is really really good with this character except for like up till like that's it like it's that's it that's like his only bad move everything else is so good of course bucket so he invalidates every single projectile character in the game he's wild he's so good next up is going to be pokemon trainer pokemon trainer might be slightly worse than game watch i'm not sure but um pokemon trainer overall is just really really good strong options squirrel is good ivysaur can get some cheese kills or like really early kills with downpour upbeat of course opera is incredible up there offers a kill confirm uh really good edge guarding because of nair and down air charizard is really heavy and difficult to deal with and he's fast and he has like five different neutral neutral moves that are kilos in terms of four tilt and back air and those are mostly it but like also like forward air and downhill sometimes and yellow flare blitz but good recovery overall this character of course you have the frame one swap so true combos aren't necessarily true which can be difficult um i personally think charizard's the best pokemon but also that's a weird hill to die on so i'm down to say a squirrel too all i know is is the worst of the three but i've still very good like um i think technically if you were going to separate all three pokemon squirtle is maybe the worst of them because he dies super early because he's incredibly light but you never have to deal with that you never have to deal with any of these characters individual flaws because you can just switch to another pokemon which is insane because one of the pokemon will be good in every single matchup this character is just so versatile has you know weird wind confirms or like wind conditions like black throw back arrows charizard or you know edge guarding with squirtle or just getting really good combos and mobility with squirtle or camping with ivy sword the kiss some characters can't cannot deal with back here and stuff like that like it's really really good um so yeah this character is definitely top ten just not you know still maybe loses to some camping for certain characters and that's literally like the negative next up number eight is going to be wolf o'donnell walt's insane he has an amazing neutral crazy good advantage date great combos his knockdowns are some of the scariest in the game because of fair back air and fair at lower percents fair weak bear into side b literally the only negative of this character is sometimes you can edge guard him but again it's fairly difficult actually to edge guard his side b and uh if you commit early to a side b then they don't do it and they uppy it's pretty good he has great parry footstool upbeat options which can kill ridiculously early i've seen charlie do that a lot um he has great air mobility a good projectile solid combos like there's nothing wrong with him everything about him is good and if you mess up sometimes edge guarding him he kills her side we can send down which is really really good it's really really scary but yeah like this character is wild super super good great throw confirms the reason i think wolf is better than fox at this point is because wolfe just has throw confirms fox doesn't so things like down throw dash attack upper forward air back throw being a kill throw like a really really important there's nothing really wrong with this character you have to outpace this character which is really difficult to do a lot of times literally another potential small negative which is really only going to be relevant against characters that have really good out of shield options is i don't think his moves are necessarily safe on shield i'm pretty sure nair is like -8 or something like that if you're doing like a landing like a falling in air not like land right when you do it but like his backyard is one of the strongest yolo kilometers in the game which also auto cancels and stuff like that uh he's insane wolf is so good next up is going to be a slight demotion from where i had him in my last tier list and that is going to be shulk shulk is broken and as you saw i talked about this in my shulk is a top tier video that i put out recently kind of talking about a video that was saying shulk's not top tier this character is wild the reason i'm putting him slightly outside of top five because he's seventh right now is honestly this character can sometimes randomly struggle with landing and also projectiles which i didn't realize before i started playing him and then really like thinking more and more about it right um shulk obviously his strengths are incredible he does so much damage he can kill you he can edge guard you he has a decent shield option in terms of upbeat although if you have moves that are safer than upbeat that's not great um he's great at dealing with um people trying to aggress on him super hard because you have both shield art and of course it's like jump back fair right um it's super strong but i think shulk is really really good again lower than what i put him before just because i'm starting to like view other characters differently basically and like valuing their strengths over shell because my opinion of shulk really hasn't changed shulk is incredible also they did nerf shield art a little bit although i don't really know the specifics but i'm sure that hurts a little bit she looks so crazy he's so good he's so strong he's insane he's just really difficult he's really really difficult like he cheats because you can switch to shield art he invalidates multi hits he has really good matchups um i think he maybe has a couple more even matchups that people don't give credit for but also even matchups aren't the worst thing in the world so like again if you put him in four three five whatever like i'm fine with that like he's just a really good character that's number six just outside of top five is gonna be miss palutena i think the palu has slightly more flaws than people like to believe especially after the nerf uh because down through back here isn't a kill thing anymore isn't a kill confirm for the most part i think pal is incredible though she's so good she has one of the best neutrals in the game she has really good two framing she has multiple invincible moves her neutral is like her fare is minus two minus three minus four something like that back air is so good like she's incredible i do think people slightly overrate her because palutena does struggle to kill she struggles to kill she is of the top of literally every character in top tier probably she struggles the most with killing of all of them maybe her and peach but peach can do a lot of stuff if you're just going to spam back here to try to get kills you're going to get parried if you're going to fish for back throws people can just take the stage against you and then like retreating ariel and stuff like that paulo struggles to kill she really does she really really does and people don't value that enough like people don't realize that because they're like oh but like near it's like okay but just learn how to die down di out on down tilt at the ledge and you're fine you're not going to die to down to down tilt backer because it's not real and like palutena's matchups are just i feel like overall getting worse and worse and no this isn't related to the thing but like i just think that overall people are trying to like understanding palutena better getting better at parrying getting better with punishing her and understanding her di flow charts and where to die and where to sdi removes and stuff like that so i think palu is very good don't get me wrong sixth best in a game like this incredible but not top five at fifth best in the game is also a slight demotion from where i had them last time and that's going to be peach peach is insane her damage output's incredible her out of shield options turnip her edge guarding everything about this character is so good the only negative of this character is on big stage versus owners that's it big stages versus owners if it's on a small stage versus owner she doesn't care that's literally it she hits you at zero and deals you 60. she just hits you at zero and potentially kills you her edge guarding is incredible she has a great counter for edge guarding she has float which is the best mechanic in the game she's insane y'all have heard me talk about peach so much this character is absolutely broken i think the match-up charts for peach players are laughable because the explosiveness of the the consistent explosiveness of this character makes up for a lot because like oh how do i hit this player it's like i don't know corner them and then hit a landing backer like peach can struggle sometimes as owners don't get me wrong like she struggles in my opinion like it's an even match up with villager maybe slight loss to samus uh you know it struggles with some other characters as well but i think peach is really really strong i think she does fine versus sorties all of them because they all have mediocre advantage dates and peach's advantage state is one of the best in the game because float up air is broken float up air is broken broken broke it's so good like float up air is so good her advantage date is incredible then people just don't talk about it like yeah her combos are really good but also her advantage date is incredible next up is going to be my teammates main zero i don't understand why people think this character is bad i don't think i don't understand why people think this character has bad matchups like a lot of bad matchups she's so fast she's the hardest character to hit in the game consistently she's a good recovery she has one of the best out of shield options in the game the best out of shield kill option in the game in terms of upbeat which is ring four she has really great shield pressure she has incredible advantage state she has everything you would want she has nair flip kick she has nair fair flip kick she has nair into back air she has zero into flip or sorry zarin to boost kick she has ladders if you do them correctly on things like battlefield and small battlefield and stadium and like it's really really good especially with idj idj makes this character's combos like her ladder combos real again which is crazy it's so good so so good and her grab while it's not great still sets up and detect chases or forces people to jump immediately which is hard to deal with her mix up is crazy and she's so fast and fluid that you have to be dealing with things in such an immediate way all the time like does she lose a couple match ups does she lose to pikachu and joker yeah does she lose to wolf and shulk yeah sure but also then she still stalks the 30 and it doesn't matter i've won like six games versus mars in tournament out of like the five sets we've played so his character is good this character is very very good and flip jump is arguably the best move in the game uh it's great for getting off of ledge it's great for killing it's great for recovering it's great for getting at a disadvantage it's so hard for the majority of the cast to deal with it like oh my god but what about if you read it it's like if you read a bad option if you read an option and you hit them for it that is on the player there are a lot of times when you just don't have to flip jump at zero suit a lot like a lot and xeroxes just do all the time so now like she's broken shut up mars next up and third best in the game is going to be wario he got a little bit of a bump up from my last video wario is wild the more i think about this character the more i'm just like huh he really kills you at 20 from an air at least once a game with also having arguably the best neutral in the game some of the best camping in the game because you get waft he's consistent he has great anti-airs good combos good damage kill confirms that are not off because he has things like weakness to back air down tilt into dash attack he's insane he's so good he is so good and again he's one of the characters that's like oh in theory he loses matchups right like rob and stuff like that and then it doesn't matter because the matchup that you're thinking of is zero loft wario what about one waft wario what about two waft wario if the juarez are really committed to camping for a minute and then fighting getting your first stock having waft for a second stock and then camping or like even camping for a minute and a half playing first stock playing second stock normal have third stock waft like you play at the minimum a two stock game versus character consistently and it's crazy glue toes combos are really optimal with like double narrows and stuff he's great without platforms he's great with platforms he is just so good and does he get walled out sometimes yeah but if he gets walled out that's like cool i'm just gonna dash backwards and wait because i'm wario and i can and it's so good it's so good it's in sane and he has some of the highest representation of any character in the game because japan loves this character you have tweak you have pluto characters wild weak dat weak fair to dash attack down attack everything into waft you have up throw into full waft up like on a platform i saw bluetooth get that recently and i hated it like not the the fart part but like the boosting up and that's just dumb um wario's insane i honestly can think water is the best character in the game it's totally possible i think at the very least the top four characters could be the best character in the game for various reasons second best character you know i actually really thought on this i thought a lot but i am gonna put joker still at number two i'm gonna put joker number two for sure well not for sure he could be number one i would totally be valid him being the best character in the game it's totally but joker's insane he's one of the hardest characters to hit in the game he has crazy combos arsons exists he has tetracarn he has a frame three counter he has really good combos he just is everything you want in a character literally the only negative of this character is sometimes he gets edge guarded sometimes and yes i said sometimes twice and that's the point because even like it's so hard to educate this character because you have to deal with his side b you have to deal with early upbeat you have to deal with late upbeam oh god you're edge guarding him then suddenly he gets arson haha now you can't educate him he's invincible on his recovery when he has arson you can hold down on his invincibility to then get an invincible two frame he's so good he has kill confirms out the ass like he's so strong he is so strong literally the only reason i put him at number two and not number one is because i think he loses more matchups than pikachu that's it that's literally it that's the only reason that is the number one reason and that's it like joker is insane like you cannot hit this character it's so hard to hit him his camping is amazing his aggression is amazing he has safe aerials of course he has the mental factor of arson he has great edge guarding just everything about this character like what does he not have and he has a lot of representation it's not even just leia although leo obviously is the best player in the world and the best character in the game is pikachu busted pikachu busted pikachu busted super versatile pikachu loses in my opinion two matchups which if you want to see a matchup chart everyone let me know down in the comments below i will do that he's so good i think that he has some of the best combos in the game i was maybe literally the only the thing that put him on number one for me over joker is upper bridges because i think upper bridges break a couple of matchups i think upper bridges are so dumb with landing their own platform into upper bridges you just get down through upper bridges up tilt this character's insane the best edge guarding in the game the probably best disadvantage in the entire game can camp really well with t-jolt can have great aggression with t-jolt and back air and forward air actually has some of the best ledge trapping in the game as well literally the main negative of pikachu is the fact that it doesn't have just like dumb kill moves like let's say boost kick or let like arson back here and stuff like that but still there down smash is going to kill at 100 you consistently get edge guard kills at 40 and 50 and 60 like you are never safe at any percent against pikachu unless you are a very small amount of characters to his edge guarding or to his early kills um t-jolt is such a good option back here's such a good option he has pancaking he has quick attack which is one of the best disadvantage tools in the entire game he has great platform combos he can pressure platform he has disc joints with forward smash and up air and up tilt and he can anti-air people and he can just air he can whiff punish people with quick attack like he has the best with punishing in the game because of quick attack uh which can lead into combos which is crazy like this character has literally anything you can want and more except for a winning matchup on game and watching nest and that's it like that's literally it i can understand if you think he's like third best because like he gets walled out but that's just me being impatient a lot of the times he's so good he's so good he choose insane like you could have missed number two it's fine i don't care that's fine but like especially after the buffed ferris making bridges better literally better it's fine like pikachu is light sure but you can just like zert like i think pikachu's the third hardest character in the game under zero suit and joker so you can oftentimes cover yourself with thunder jolts or quick attacks or just kind of put yourself in situations where you'll only get hit by non-kill moves and still be fine and live and like that is a real thing i think when offline comes back and i'm able to react to down throw and bridge people it's over it's i'm literally gonna beat everyone because like some of my player demons like mars and leo's joker specifically they get bridged he bridges like the majority of the cast unfortunately not against ness and game watch but you know we take those uh it's crazy and yeah that is the full tier list i hope you all enjoyed yes i still think captain falcon's that good and yes i'm fairly confident in all of the placements that i had for these characters as always social media panda and partner stuff is down below [Music]
Channel: ESAM
Views: 349,720
Rating: 4.70363 out of 5
Keywords: ESAM, Pikachu, Smash Bros., Super Smash Bros., Gaming, Super Smash Brothers, Bros, smash bros ultimate, smash ultimate, ultimate, ssbu, super smash bros ultimate
Id: bZTF_Jhwt1c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 132min 41sec (7961 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 14 2020
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