New Pond Build Cost 1 MILLION Dollars

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[Music] [Music] folks at home welcome back to the backyard pond home of all of our pet bass bluegills and crappie and i've got some good news we are ready to start building our new five-acre pond so just to give you guys a quick recap we caught these two pet bass about four to five years ago and we started them off in a 55-gallon tank and they quickly outgrew that so we bought them a 300 gallon tank they lived in there for about a year and they started pushing the limits on that so we had aquascape come in and build us a backyard pond and that most likely would have been their permanent home where they lived out the rest of their days if it weren't for another pet bass named moby so moby had the same situation where he started in the 55 gallon and he's currently in the 300 gallon aquarium ready to move to this backyard pond but we have one problem moby is so aggressive that you can't put him in there with other bass so about seven months ago we bought an 80 acre farm and our main goal was to build a new lake so that we could move some of these pets out of the pond into the new lake and that's going to be their final home so all the engineering on the pond was a lengthy process it took about six months we did watershed studies designed the dam layout did core drilling samples to see what type of materials we had down in the ground and we gathered all of that information and gave it to the contractor to get a price on building the pond so we finally got the quote back to build the pond and it is safe to say that that is not what we were expecting so i don't know about you guys but we don't have 892 thousand dollars laying around to build a pond for our pets so i have no idea how the price got so high this doesn't include fish stocking building boat ramps or piers or anything like that it's strictly just excavating the dirt out of the pond and bringing in clay to build the dam and line the pond so this seemed way too high so a lot of you guys have been asking me to collaborate with another youtuber called let's dig 18. so unfortunately he lives in north carolina and the logistics of just moving that much heavy machinery around and the time that it takes to build a pond it wasn't going to work out but i did reach out to him for some advice and he gave me a lot of good advice like the cost of excavation per cubic yard in his area he agreed that the price was way too high so now we're moving on to the next step i've got two other contractors coming in to give us quotes early this week and my hopes are that we'll get a much lower quote and we can start digging next week so let's talk really quick about how the pond build process works so as you can see all the rain water from up there on that hill and all the peanut farm area all of that watershed flows right down through here and you can see where all this erosion has occurred so in order to build a pond we're literally just going to build a dam up right down through there where you can see the pink flags and typically what you would do is you'd build a core trench right here and you'd build your dam up right here and as that water is flowing down it would hit a clay dam and it would backfill and that pooled up water would create your pond well the one issue that we have here is with all of our sandy soil the water once it backs up is just going to seep down through the ground level so once we build our dam up we're going to go in and put a clay liner down and that way when the water flows down it can't continue going that way and it can't sink down and the one thing you do to prevent the dam from overflowing so you don't want water coming up over the dam thing you do is install an overflow pipe right here so if the water level gets up high you don't want it going over the dam it will go through the pipe down through the bottom of the dam and out back down towards the creek and if you have an emergency situation like a hurricane and there's too much water that it can't all go down that pipe you cut out a little section of your dam called an emergency spillway that is lower than the top of your dam that way the water can go out of the emergency spillway and that folks is pond building 101. got this much farmland gotta have a tractor let's check it out so it's a 90 horsepower kubota came with front end loader and a bush hog let's check out the inside so to start off with my favorite part of the tractor got me a little buddy seat for my little buddy sarah or liz they can hop in here ride around with me i'm sure we're gonna be spending a lot of hours out here cutting grass farming different kind of stuff so let's hop in obviously since it has a cab it's got an ac unit definitely can't beat that in 100 degree days radio player i'm not going to bore you guys with all the tractor controls but we'll hit the highlights real quick came with the drone no i'm just kidding i've been out here flying the drone a little bit today but let's crank it up so front end loader up down can move dirt different things like that cut a lot of fields we're gonna have a lot of grass and different things to cut out here definitely gonna need that we may end up going with a wing cutter it's got a lot bigger wingspan won't take as many hours to cut a big field like this let's take it for a ride definitely going to be spending some hours in this thing so i bought it used has 380 hours on it perfect for what i need definitely going to get the job done got two little farmers out here probably want to go for a ride all right it's your very own seat got it all right you wanna go for a run so let's ride [Music] look at how tall that rye grass that we planted earlier this winter's gotten so liz is going to give us a tour of our garden tell us what you got planted here since we got a farm you got to have a garden some of it's not dripping so great because we've got a lot of cold weather but we have broccoli here looking good to me some lettuce more lettuce we have arugula and cilantro so all winter stuff huh yeah and then i had collards here but they didn't do very well spinach and then a celery here these are my collards here sarah's in a field of dreams over there you're far enough you want to eat it sarah fresh off the farm our first piece of produce i'm gonna make some salads oh look at that so now's the perfect time to check the game cam photos and see what kind of animals have been in liz's garden start off with a coyote never like to see that but it looks like he just passed right on through check it out it's a fox look how bushy that tail is looks like he's also just passing right through oh we got a buck i bet you he's gonna munch on some of the vegetables right now he's just eating the winter rye grass we put out he's not in the garden looks like liz got lucky just passed right by we got a group of thick does i can almost bet you they're gonna munch nope nobody's snacking on the vegetables that's very interesting to see the lettuce and broccoli and different things like that nobody's touched it yet got another one interested but nope just passed oh we got the raccoon in the bottom left hand of the screen coyote's back and it looks like a daytime photo of maybe a doe running through the field and another buck but i found that very interesting that none of the animals stopped and ate the garden so a lot of folks been asking about the turtles we haven't done an update on them in a while and check this out as i was filming this one i didn't even notice that there was a frog sitting right there on that moss in the waterfall that's pretty cool but three of the baby ninja turtles have made it over to the big pond and two of the original ninja turtles are still left in the turtle pond so i did a time lapse of them to see them coming out because once the water got cold they weren't very active at all they weren't eating much they were just kind of staying down on the bottom but you can see they'll come up and take a little bit of a nibble not nearly as active but i think with the spring weather they're going to start coming out and basking more and we got ranger coming out in the big pond and you can see one of the baby ninja turtles right behind him so i'll definitely try to keep including the turtles as they come out more and more this spring and this is our 300 gallon tank and there's mr moby and that's the other reason we're in a hurry to build that pond because moby is all by himself here in this big tank he's ready to either hit the backyard pond or the new farm pond but we can't film one of these videos without feeding moby he's definitely the most aggressive fish on the planet we're about to drop the minnows in now it's always a risk whenever you go oh i think it's going to happen don't do it movie he will eat your finger off barely got away with it that time all right we got him a net full of shiners he should be eating good tonight he had a mouth full of rocks there tried to spit those rocks out and actually spit one of those shiners out so the one really cool thing to watch is throughout the different seasons when the water temperature's cooler outside when we drop the shiners in they go straight to the bottom but in the summer as things heat up they'll stay right up there on the surface that's when you get to see those big blow ups like we might get to see right here he's thinking about it and moby's not quite as aggressive in the wintertime that one may talk him into it when the water's a little bit cooler their metabolism slows down so it doesn't require him to eat as much you can tell he's getting full he's not even giving it his best effort to chase him around you got that one though but as you can see not quite enough energy to go up there and blow them up on the surface we got one good blow up right when i dropped them in but it looks like today's your lucky day buddy so in our last video we had a lot of people ask about the dome camera that we mounted out of the farm so i'm gonna put a link down in the description below it really is a cool camera and the technology and that thing to be able to zoom all the way across a farm is crazy but it's definitely another tool that we're going to be using to capture this new pond build from start to finish so i know this new pond has been a long drawn out process so i appreciate you guys being patient with us and guys make sure you're subscribed because i really do think this is going to be one of the coolest projects we've ever done but i hope you all enjoyed this video and we will see you all next time but i can tell you people they were the devil's children
Channel: BamaBass
Views: 218,096
Rating: 4.9238844 out of 5
Id: _XQ9FChIkBo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 1sec (721 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 28 2021
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