New Module for Creating Vehicles and Mounting Tokens! #FoundryVTT

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foreign [Music] hey guys we're looking at our little acolytes here sitting in a robot clearly they got themselves into trouble so we have a try ream that comes along and they decide to come on board and you're gonna love what I'm going to show you today they are now mounting the try ring as you can see and here they're on this prefab boat they're moving around on it they're even navigating to like the lower decks so the whole prefab works but essentially they are attached to it and this is not using the old Vehicles it's not using Mount up it's actually a new module that I'm going to show you guys today called writable you can see it's pretty good our actual lights are staying pretty well stuck to that to that tile essentially of the boat so now they want to upgrade again in the frigate pulls up to them and we're gonna we're gonna change the the RAM on the front of this trirem and our acolytes are now going to ram this frigate and they're going to board that so this tutorial today is going to be about writable the different things that you can do with it I'll show you the main things here where unmounting from the trireme and we're mounting to the frigate itself I'll explain the hotkeys and the options that are available to you and we're going to talk about also like how to how to mount other tokens and things like that um and then I'll give you a couple other things maybe that will give you some inspiration but here we are navigating inside of the frigates so it's really nice this is probably the best implementation of a vehicle type module that I've seen and here we've got the Airship now these guys have really upgraded at this point they've unattached from the frigate they're now attaching to the Airship and if you guys haven't seen this before um this is a macro for Mass edit that all of a sudden our Airship is now Airborne we can get get rid of our other vehicles and look how responsive it is I mean this is great you can really have great battles it's very performant and I'm just excited to finally have a vehicle type module that is easy to use so with that let's jump into the tutorial so first of all you have settings for this module so if you go into your settings and you go into writable you can see what we have here and I actually had to click a lot of these on so uh you can have things be writable by default tiles can be mounted you have to be on v11 for tiles to work and I'm on a v11 world here allow mounting on enter I had to check on if you use tagger I won't show that in this tutorial but it does have taggers4 you can turn that on writing height it has to be evidently over zero but you can override a lot of these when you actually build the tiles or whatever is going to be mounted um so I recommend you come in here you can also have things have to be within a certain distance in order to be mounted so in this case the default dating is 15. I had to keep this checked on for tiles to work the border to border distance uh number of riders you can keep it negative one again you can override that we're going to want to link rotation we're going to probably want allow familiars to to ride and then I had to set some of these as well you can allow grappling and um to prevent enemies from writing a particular amount you can adjust the writer size you can make the writer smaller for example and then I adjusted these again these I think you can adjust on a on a vehicle by vehicle basis but then the client settings especially with the message pop-ups I found those to be really important those are off by default I turned them on they'll give you feedback as to whether you have successfully mounted um and I think if there's so I think there's some error handling in there as well so anyway feel free to replicate what I've got here let me know in the comments if you have any questions further myself or the developer and we'll see if we can answer them okay so let's jump into an actual tile in this case I'm looking at this new writable tab that's opened up in this tile I want this tile to be open to being writable I give it the title Airship that's going to be important with some of the scrolling text and I don't want it to mount on enter reality is the reason I turn this off is because these prefabs have control tokens and those control tokens Can accidentally Mount their own um tile but I believe by the time you see this the developers already created an option to account for control tokens so by the time you're watching this you might be able to make it mount on enter which is super easy uh it's already pretty easy um and notice I set the the custom writing height to zero because I don't want to change the height of the tokens when they get on the on board with this um this thing and I do want the writers to be able to move freely once they are attached I want them to be able to run around the deck of the ship in this case I'm not going to be grappling the ship so I'm gonna go ahead and leave that off spawning Riders is something I haven't played around with but I'll let you guys ask questions or talk about it notice that there is a macro compendium that comes with this there's these four macros to mount and unmount to Grapple than to do familiar writing feel free to drag these into your macro bar it's one way to engage the system I'm just going to use the hotkeys in this case um but just realize that there is a set of macros that come with this that are optional to use let's grab our acolytes we'll bring them onto the deck of the ship and then all I need to do is hover over the deck and I'll press M to mount or n to Dismount so they're right next to each other on the keyboard and it makes it really easy you just again hold down press M to mount and to unmount this will be even more important when you're writing things like tokens and stuff like that but again you probably could get by with just having them Mount upon entrance to to the tile so you can see as we're moving it around they're following they're rotating I mean this is probably as good in in performance as I've ever seen Vehicles work so pretty happy with it look as I drag it around they snap instantly to the new position that was always a problem with other vehicle Solutions is you had to wait for the tokens to kind of catch up this feels pretty real time so really good job for the developer uh which I'll link to in the video description okay we're looking at a new scene this is a scene in an upcoming release coming up here in a couple weeks and I dropped in a horse token I believe this is a forgotten Adventures token and I can make this horse writable right so make writable I'm going to do mount on enter in this case and I just want to limit it to one writer um we'll leave it at just a regular height that set the settings and yeah let's see what happens now so we'll drag our guy onto our horse and he automatically mounts it notice that I am using um auto rotation I think it's called I'll link to it in the description it's a module that automatically rotates look at this this is great I'm writing this horse around in my writer and my horse are both rotating around again it's another module to do that now I am pressing n to Dismount I'm automatically mounting the horse because I have it set to automatically do that the other way you do is you can Target the token that you want to mount and then just press the m key and that will Mount that token assuming you're within the acceptable distance so again you can Target you can just enter it if you have it set that way notice it did set my token to 10 feet so if I want to correct that I'll press end on Mount go over here to writeable Tab and I'll set my custom token height to 5 feet instead so now my tokens are going to sit five feet above the horse and there you go that's how you do it so that is the basics of this tutorial this is a relatively fast one just reminding you what you can do with these things somebody will be smart enough to Now link this Mass edit um control to the direction of the control token and so you know here we're flying over these towns at night and and these are all great this is all part of my uh my patreon everything you saw in this video you can get on my patreon but uh we'll be able to quickly I think I'm sure Zephyr will figure this out how to make the the the vehicles actually turn and have the background turn with it which will be super exciting so if you guys like this let me know in the comments if you want to see more of this or you have questions for developer remember these are not static this will change over time so if your settings are different um just check out the comments otherwise in the meantime I hope you guys have fun making your vehicles
Channel: Baileywiki
Views: 6,142
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Keywords: dnd, dnd5e, fonderie vtt, foundry dnd 5e, foundry modules, foundry tutorial, foundry vtt, foundry vtt dnd 5e, foundry vtt modules, foundryvtt, foundryvtt best modules, foundryvtt combat, foundryvtt tutorial, fundição vtt, fundición vtt, gießerei vtt, gießereivtt, rpg tools, vtt foundry, vtt, foundry vtt tutorial, foundry, foundry vtt review, d&d, foundry vtt 2021, foundry vtt features, foundry vtt modules d&d
Id: tzM8pdGqYVg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 44sec (584 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 18 2023
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