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role-playing games are commonly known as RPG games have been a big part of the gaming industry for decades they are games in which players assume the roles of characters in a fictional setting and in today's video I will be attempting to make an RPG game with literally no experience and just so you know the game I'm going to be making is a top-down RPG like stardew Valley The Legend of Zelda or Pokemon once I created the project file I wanted to make the player which actually took me like 30 minutes because I just had no idea of how he would look like and after a bunch of trial and error I created this guy with a purple Hood white T-shirt blue pants and the most stylish and modern one million dollar Nike 14 pro Max or something I don't know of course I had to draw the players back inside and then give it a walking animation and when I was done I made the hitbox rectangle for every single frame of the animation yeah and boom we have our player but do you know what we have other than our player the void so I made the grass and filled the whole void with it but what if he doesn't want to touch the grass I made him a pathway after I got that out of the way we can start building a house I had to draw the house kind of visible from the top because it's a top-down RPG and it would make more sense then I made it so you can enter the house by making an entry point which is the shadow thingy and the inside of the house which is a whole nother layout and you get teleported to that layout if you are overlapping the entry point and to get outside the house I made an exit point which teleports you back to the first layout I thought that the world looked a bit empty so I made some trees but other than to the layer above so you can walk behind them also the pathway didn't really blend in with the wall so I made some grass that is covering up the sides of the pathway now we need the game to have some sort of objective so I decided that it would be a good idea to close most places up with some fences and make Gates that are going to open up once you complete a task or something wait the house is empty I made the texture for this old man and put him into the game what he does is wait for you in the house to tell you this super important message to open the gate you are a dolphin Vicky but where do I find the key I made the texture for the cave entrance and I think I did a pretty good job added another entry point and made a stone texture to make the inside of the cave I made a new layout applied the stone texture and started shaping the layout so it would look a lot more interesting of course I had to make the key itself and add other elements of the cave so it doesn't feel empty I made it so when you touch the key it disappears my plan was to make the gate also disappear on collision with the key but it didn't work probably because the gate wasn't in the same layout as me so what I had to do was copy the first layout and just delete the gate from it right now there was nothing past the gate so I made a new house texture by just making the first one bigger for the inside I just basically copied the first house but changed the man to have a green shirt and a mustache what he does is you know just just watched to open the gate you have it opened Vicky what I just did after that was done I continued the pathway so it leads to another gate then I just placed a lot of fences and trees all around the place [Music] hit the key that opens the gate and place the old man that will open the gate you have it opened Ricky okay so I think we need a little bit of Chaos so I made this old man spawn more old men that are going to chase you just so you know it didn't work the first time oh my God why is there a snake that is too fast okay now he's still too fast wait why can't I move when the speed was right I made them kill you by teleporting you and destroying the old man when they touch you wait but right now you have no way to fight back so I made the player be able to throw rocks by clicking the left click I made an arena at the gate and key and boom the game is finished so this is going to be the full gameplay of this RP wait I haven't named it oh well never mind um let's go to this house right here you can walk behind the trees so let's walk in this house it looks like we have to find a key it's probably in this cable Center the cave so there's some water and um a lot of walls and I see the key okay I just picked up the keys so now we can go to the exit point of the cave which is right here go go forward and as we see the gate is no longer here there is another house this one's with a garage so let's enter it and it's a guy in a green shirt to open the gate you have it opened Vicky what no I just did um yeah we have to find another key oh no there's the gate [Music] guys it was behind the tree it's the same guy again to open the gate you oh my God okay we we La we throw rocks with all the oh my God is epic technique um so yeah let's pick up the key and here you go you have found the key good job foreign
Channel: RetroSilver
Views: 30,234
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 13sec (373 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 02 2023
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