Foundry VTT Module Tutorial - Automated Animations

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foreign [Music] this is Zephyr and welcome to the baileywiki channel where we teach everyday DMS how to create truly amazing experiences for their players by combining art and Technology if you're a DM who likes to wow your players and you're using platforms like dungeon draft and Foundry virtual tabletop then you're in the right place today we're going through one of my favorite modules for adding a lot of style to your combat encounters without a lot of investment and that is automated animations by odegon automated animations requires sequencer by wasp jv2a's module either the free or the patreon version and socket lib in order to function automated animations makes using sequencer powered effects quick and easy for those of us who coalesce macro inclined to see how automated animations Works let's first go into the module settings if you're going to configure settings for automated animations there is a launch menu icon and that'll bring up this whole system here that has a bunch of Auto recognition so as you can see up at the top this is our automatic recognition menu these are all of the global pre-recognition pieces these are all completely configured right out of the box right now I'm using the 5e system however there are several systems supported so check out the foundryvtt page for automated animations Linked In the description to check the full list of supported systems these come in a variety of Auto recognition pieces that make it really easy to add a lot of style and Flair to your game without having to do any additional setup if you are looking to change things or add additional effects this is where you go you can see we're divided into several different categories melee is for well melee attacks such as daggers or Flurry of Blows Etc range covers not only ranged weapons such as bows and crossbows but also spells such as disintegrate and Eldritch blast on token R4 on token effects such as cure wounds Etc so these are effects are going to be centered on a token rather than being a projectile templates like it says on the tin are for abilities that use templates for spells call lightning and fog Cloud are pre-configured cone of cold is one that we added later on and I'll walk you through that process here as well auras are things that will persist and Float around the character note that for these you'll have to use the sequencer menu in order to remove them once you fire them or add some other form of automation presets are slightly more complex features the two pre-configured examples in 5e are Missy step which has a special teleportation behavior and Fireball which has a projectile to a template rather than just spawning the template or just shooting the projectile and finally active effects are things that are signed based upon conditions for example there is the frightened condition so whenever someone is under the frightened condition they'll have an additional automated animation applied to them now that we've gone through these major templates let's take a look at what makes all of these tick first you'll notice that all of these are named for different pieces and how automated animations applies its special effects is this basically searching for the names listed here and cross-referencing them with the features or abilities that you are using in your game so this dagger will apply to everything that has dagger in the name so if you have a dagger plus one it's still going to use these same animations you'll notice though that we have both sword and Greatsword this is smart enough to use the most precise name possible so even though an item that is a great sword would recognize both sword and Greatsword because Greatsword is more specific it takes preference if you want to add any kind of special exceptions you can use the advanced menu by clicking these triple dots you can have things such as forcing exact matches excluding specific search words or excluding different properties this is a little bit more advanced but just so that you know it is there for you if you want to do any special customization under global settings now as to what makes an animation we can see there's a whole lot of different fields here the first option is going to be incredibly helpful to you and it is the preview option and this is going to show you all the different animations notice that we have primary here and if you look this is the primary animation box we have ticks for adding Source animations secondary animations and Target animations so all those will appear in the preview for example if we just turn on a source animation we can see that the source is shown here as well so it's a really easy way to check out your effects without having to actually fire the ability the 3D canvas tab toggles into the 3D mode and these are pre-configured for use with 3D canvas if you are using that module from Ripper you can also make additional customizations if you so desire sound only turns off all of the other visual elements of the animations and allows you to have it just play a sound and finally the add macro allows you to add a macro whenever you are using this animation you can select it to be concurrent with the animation have the animations apply after the macro only ring the macro or waiting for the animation to finish before firing the macro and that's just a simple toggle when it comes to all of the animation settings we first have the type so here we have a weapon type you can also make it generic or creature attack and then we go through and select the different animations I'm using jb2a's premium module so I have a few more options than you might see on the free version but rest assured that all of these original settings have options for you additionally variants and colors that you can select and if you want to use a custom animation you simply click that radio button and you can either point to a direct file or you can use this icon to go through the sequencer database previewer this is particularly great if you have other sequencer enabled modules that have extra animations that you can use and you can simply untick that to close it then we have all sorts of options available for our individual animations elevation is not elevation in the sense of levels or Wall height or a token's height on the map but rather a visual representation of the elevation an elevation of zero is going to put the animation below the token whereas a thousand is going to put it over it you can also click the absolute so that it will be in that position regardless of where the token is as opposed to being relative to the token repeat as they might imply is how many times this animation is going to repeat delay is how long to wait in between you have the effect opacity that you can scale from zero to one one being fully opaque Z index is how the animation Stacks up in relation to other animations for example you probably want to have your explode your projectile going above your Source animation if you have some kind of summoning Circle below the casting character scale is in Grid units how large this particular animation is going to be and it has a default of one but you can increase that and Playback rate you can also think of it as the speed a higher playback rate is going to make the animation play more quickly and a slower one is going to have it move more slowly note that if you're using lower values here it may make the animation look a little choppy or framing then we have the delay or weight and this is a toggle between the two delay basically means from the time you finish the roll how long is it going to wait to actually play the animation weight is forcing things to wait until previous animations are done so for example if we wait on the primary animation it's going to make sure that everything else has finished firing before this one also fires so it's a way that you can set things up so that the source animation plays and then the primary animation or you can have things happen sequentially rather than delaying them individually if you ever are confused about any of the options we're going through there is this handy quick reference guide it's going to give you some general information on all of these and it's basically recapping what we're talking about here and you can toggle through all of the different pieces here next up we've got a color tint and this is exactly what it says on the tin you can adjust the contrast and saturation and pick whatever color you would like note that this is going to apply over the entire animation so it works best on animations that are a white color or are neutral and is particularly helpful for things that don't have multiple tones to it that's when it tends to look the best sound allows you to add a sound to the particular animation that you're playing so this is helpful if you want to add some extra pizzazz range switch is a particularly interesting option here and basically what's the what this is doing is if something matches this dagger tag it's going to go ahead and check are you in melee range if so play the melee animation and if you are at range play the ranged animation and these can be customized or they can be automatic the dagger is kind of baked in and so it's a slightly different one and to demonstrate that we can go back to our assassin here and we'd see that if the Assassin comes up to Eustis the undyne and uses his standard dagger attack we have this thrust animation but if he steps back and is further away and throws his dagger it is going to be this throwing animation and that is handled automatically with automated animations and for each of these you can add additional secondary and Target animations Source animations are going to apply to the originator of the effect so whatever your selected token is secondary animations are going to be similar to those projectiles but you can specify anything that you want and then finally Target animations are going to be applied to your target specifically there we can see there's a lot of different options here and if we go through range there are several as well so that is the basic anatomy of creating anything with automated animations now when it comes to actually applying this you can create your own effect by hitting the plus button and you can also if you have multiple of these open you can close things and you can choose how you want to sort and if you want to delete everything there's the metadata option if you want to get some more information for referencing with macros Etc that's a little bit beyond the scope of this video you can also duplicate these if you want to make similar effects and the menu manager lets you import export and merge different pieces if for some reason you have deleted all of these effects or you've made a lot of changes and you no longer like them you can restore the default menu and you can also export your menus to a Json file or overwrite them by importing a new menu as a Json file in addition to This Global customization which is already very powerful we can make individual customizations for example this Lich has a Firebolt and this Mage also has a Firebolt you'll notice that this Mage has a sound effect and a different color than the Lich so for you or your players to customize a individual instance of a automated animation you simply open up the feature and click on this AAA tag up at the top and we can see up here there is the global match found and that is saying that there is a global match defined in our settings which we can also open right here and we can see there's the Firebolt and so that is what has been found and it's already configuring all of this we can turn off this customized item and then we're going to default to the Global setting here so I have to submit first but now when we fire it's back to that original version of the fireball and if we customize the item even though we closed it it's still got all the information stored on it foreign Ty independent now if you want to customize a individual animation there's a couple ways you can do that so I'll do that on the Lich here to create a similar effect with the Firebolt opening up the automated animations menu once again we've got our Global match found you'll notice that if we select customize item this is defaulted to a melee and so we could build this with the stock settings and go in and individually change this to range and make it a spell and then select Firebolt Etc additionally we can use this copy from auto wreck and that's going to copy what the global match setting is so it's going to ask us to confirm and we'll see this switch over to Firebolt and the color orange and so that's copied everything so if you already have a global recommendation that you like but you want to make some slight tweaks to it this is the best way to go about it so for here maybe we want the Lich to have some kind of oh eruption below him we can preview that um I'm not completely sure I like that as much so I'm also going to look at a few different options here so we can make that red and I want this to appear below the token so I'm changing the elevation to zero and we'll notice that with the this magic sign type which is being played on the Lich token itself that we now have the scale and radius version scale is based off of the size of the token so a scale of one is going to make this effect equal to the token radius is the radius of the fact in Grid units and we can also add the token width which applies mostly with someone like Eustis here you can also anchor and the 0.5 kind of makes it centered otherwise you can make it appear up towards the top left or the bottom right fade in and Fade Out are when it's going to come in and out we can also determine whether we are making it persistent weight means that the subsequent effects are going to wait until this Source animation is done before playing so we switch that to a delay then they're going to play concurrently and that's all looking pretty good so if I submit this and we fire the Firebolt we should see an animation around the Lich as he fires the Firebolt we can make additional tweaks if we so choose like we might want to increase the playback rate or tweak some of these fade in and fade outs but that's the gist of how you can customize for an individual person's spells or attacks I find this particularly cool if you have multiple warlocks or if your party has a warlock while you come against other enemy warlocks then you can flavor Eldritch blast or something similar with a unique color or additional effects to indicate the source of the Caster's magic maybe representative of their Patron or if we're talking another spell then maybe it's more how they manifest their magic we also don't have to all use the exact same animation we could use something similar to a guiding bolt rather than a fire bolt here and that's going to give us another feel to these spells so it's a really powerful way to not only add these really flashy bits that just add General punch but also add a lot of customization and personalization to your characters for the Mage I'm going to demonstrate the cone of coal that we already showed off earlier and this is playing an effect and also erasing the template and that's something that you can do easily with automated animations so let's walk through a slightly more advanced version here so we've opened up our cone of cold if we open up automate animations I've cleared out the global wreck that I created earlier and now we're able to customize this item if we customize it we have a lot of different options I'm going to go with templates an honorable mention here is using the preset where we can have a projectile to the template but I don't find that as fitting for a cone of cold since it's supposed to originate from the Caster as opposed to being in an area detached from the caster so we're going to go to templates and we can select a lot of different options here we want to set the type here to match the template of the particular spell so cone of cold is a cone and there's a few different options here for example there is the breath weapon which I think does look very cool having that inhale exhale and that's a great thing to keep in mind but obviously there are several options and cone of cold being a very iconic spell there's a lot of pieces already pre-defined here so we've got a great cone of cold already ready to go if I submit and then I can test that let's see that plays really nicely but it's kind of coming underneath this template and I don't necessarily like having this template here because with cone of cold in particular you don't really need to know where that template was after the fact because the targeting will be done immediately well at least in my case because I'm using midiqol so I'm just going to clear that out so then there are some additional options we've got here for example we have this remove template option and that allows us to basically delete the measured template as soon as the animation plays masking is going to affect how the animation is played in relation to the template so if you have a template that is smaller than the animation the animation will not actually extend beyond that template which is nice if you're trying to use an animation for what might not be its original intention and then we can take a look at all of our other settings there is the above templates setting that I found with whatever for whatever reason my combination of modules it doesn't want to pop over the top of templates all the time or these animations are transparent enough they they still don't look quite as clean being above a template that is that purple color but that is completely your personal preference and depending upon the animation you might find that it still looks really good and again we can take a look at all of the different settings we want I'm pretty happy with this um just to make it a little bit more interesting we'll go ahead and add something like go ahead and add a few other little options okay all right now let's test our new cone of cold okay so a couple tweaks we want to make and we can just keep experimenting with this until we find an effect that we like excellent once you're happy with everything then it's really easy to create this Global match so that once I've been experimenting with this and I found a cone of coal that I'm really happy with I can go ahead and copy this to the auto recommendation and it's going to have a label and you could even change this to be just cone if you so desired and it would still apply for a cone of cold but also if there's another spell you've added to your campaign that has cone in the title it will match there so let me go ahead and hit submit and you'll notice that it does not say Global match found just yet we can open up the global recognition menu from right there and check it and if we close this and reopen we'll see that now there is that Global recognition and we can even turn off customize and make sure we submit and we have all of our great effects already in place that's going to conclude our first part of the automated animations tutorial if you want to see all the things that automated animations can do in 3D in Foundry stay tuned for part two in the comments let me know what you're going to be automating with beautiful animations using this module and let me know what you'd like to see next once again this has been Zephyr with the baileywiki channel thank you so much for watching and if you enjoyed this content subscribe to keep up with all of our latest videos and consider supporting us on patreon not only do you support the channel we also gain access to all the modular systems and scenes that we've ever made including this Dwarven battle map right here once again this has been Zephyr thanks so much for watching happy gaming and have a good one
Channel: Baileywiki
Views: 22,531
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Keywords: dnd, dnd5e, fonderie vtt, foundry dnd 5e, foundry modules, foundry tutorial, foundry vtt, foundry vtt dnd 5e, foundry vtt modules, foundryvtt, foundryvtt best modules, foundryvtt combat, foundryvtt tutorial, fundição vtt, fundición vtt, gießerei vtt, gießereivtt, rpg tools, vtt foundry, vtt, foundry vtt tutorial, foundry, foundry vtt review, d&d, foundry vtt 2021, foundry vtt features, foundry vtt modules d&d
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 49sec (1489 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 17 2023
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