How to Make Working Locks and Keys: Module Tutorial for #FoundryVTT

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[Music] hey gang it's Bailey Wiki so watch this I approach this St locked let's pull out our lockpick kit and ah success okay we're trying to sneak into this tavern a room of this tavern we're going to have to get through a few locked doors to do it this is after hours so okay onto another door let's see okay I don't I can't actually pick this lock what's this ah skeleton key Skelly key all right so we'll take that just added this Skelly key to my inventory so let's try that door again aha the key worked so now we go in through this door and we're in this back room and I see a couple of chests here H some kind of magic chest it wants a password how about carlac ah success and the chest is open and we found some infernal iron excellent so what you just saw is some of the functionality of a new module called lock and key as it says on the tin it's got you covered for most lock and key functionality sure you can absolutely do this with Mon's active tiles and many of you have seen our tutorials on that but lock and key which comes from the developer cybot by the way is a great solution for this very common use case and as I have come to expect from this developer it's very thorough it's very simple and integrates well with other apps so that's the subject of the tutorial today let's jump in and see how I did this as usual all of the assets you see in this tutorial are available on my patreon this stuff comes from the most recent release for example if you want to support our Channel and uh or you're looking for tens of thousands of assets like maps and modular map sets and prefabs and tiles and sounds just uh you can subscribe for one month and get everything in the library okay so just before I start I realize that I've got lock in key installed and I also have uh item piles installed this is another uh module from another developer but lock and key integrates with item piles so a lot of the stuff that you just saw me do involving like chests and things like that does require item piles and you can see on the lockin key website um where the Integrations happen with that but I'll demonstrate that today so first we want to go into the module settings if we go into configure settings and we go down to lock and key let me walk you through some of these settings so using GM quick controls this is this allows the GM to use the special lock related controls listed at the bottom and that's what these are here and I highly recommend them it's using like shift rightclick alt right click that kind of thing to do as you're creating it's really kind of like architecting your your locks gives you some cool stuff to be able to do there uh then allow player locking so that allows players to lock or unlock objects or uh or doors you can also decide on a case-by Case basis so I leave this toggle on and then on Case by case basis might turn it off start as locked so newly registered locks starting as locked you might want to turn that on as well locking distance I have set to five this is the distance over which you know a lock can actually be used by players they have to close enough to manipulate the lock uh always open owned so players can always open owned tokens even if they are locked uh you'll see an example of that later but we can give permission to do a chest or something like that for a player to own in case you want to give them their own chest for example at their like headquarters um showing all lock interactions I leave this checked off although we can try to check it on and see what kind of mileage we get in our tutorial today but it does says always show all interaction options for locks for the evil GM menu so uh let's see what that looks like um uh prevent key use while paused uh that should speak for itself I leave that ticked on on uh type of key items so I want keys to be classified as tools you can see some of the help text here as well as as uh is usual with cybots modules they were actually written for Pathfinder 2E although as you'll see they work great with uh D and D5 and other systems um but just keep in mind that there might be a different kind of categorization uh that your your lock picks may follow um there is also the ability to open up a menu when you're creating a key uh to help you kind of navigate the parts of that um using a key name as an ID so if Keys should be considered as an if they if their name should be considered as additional ID for the purpose of opening locks I keep this on because I do want to be able to name my keys maybe something specific although you may also find that uh just using the key IDs will be a little bit more specific um and you you're you're probably going to want to use both the crit system systems for uh breaking things and stuff like that you can see here um for example this has got the pf2e crit system I've got it set to natat 20 lockpick items so names or compendium IDs which is recommended of a lockpicking item uh Dash if no item is necessary you separate them with a colon so this is where you can put the names of items in here I believe so you can put like uh Lockpick and uh maybe lock pick and things do seem to be case sensitive so you might want to you know change those up a little bit as well um uh mention lockpick items so if the Ed lockpick item should be mentioned in the chat that'll populate it over in the chat for you um removing the lockpick on a critical fail is really interesting right so you can lose a lockpick if you're playing balers Gate 3 and obviously this is I think this for mechanic of a d andd 5D you can click that on as well super awesome um you can jam the lock on a critical lockpick fail so you can use one or both of those I believe you can also pick on a case-by Case basis but we'll see um uh and then if it's been jammed then you can make it so that Keys can't be used on anymore so great if you want to add some repercussions if players make certain kinds of decisions right then you you have the ability to act add the lockpick formula and I think this is standard for the different systems you can find more help on the GitHub page but this just shows you like how it's calculating the lockpick formula and also how it calculates the break lock formula in this case it's using the actor strength mod so if your system doesn't use these particular flags and uh in you know value Fields then uh this gives you the ability to customize it for your system which is super thought full of cybot so making broke make broken locks unlockable another thing that you can decide globally and then multi suuccess during combat only so uh this lets you set it to where if you need multiple successes then you can do that only during a combat session out of combat it'll ignore the the multiple multiple successes in a row that you need to do uh here's a reminder of the GM controls it' be nice to have this pop up as a help maybe in other places I might make a request to see these controls also get added to some of the other dialogue screens but they're super helpful and it's mostly again just if you look at them just right click it's shift alt and control for the most part I recommend enabling the message popups if it's not enabled for you just helps your players and you know what's going on when you're interacting with these locks and uh playing the lock sounds and things like that you might also like to turn on as well and then you can see the player controls here very similar to the GM controls they're going to have to know to right click or you'll tell them to right click shift right click or alt right click depending on if they want to use a key to pick a lock or to break a lock if you're not familiar with item piles module have not done a tutorial on it yet it's a great module I think it's one of the most popular ones being able to drop Loot and on the on the canvas for your players to drop loot to trade with each other to create you know backpacks and chests and things where you can open them up so item piles is just a really really great module it's got a ton of settings as you can see so I'm not going to go through what you should do here I think I left everything default for this tutorial but just take a look at that and see if you want to learn about that module as well now just like cbot other modules lock and key does have its own macro compendia and you can see you've got macros for the GM and for the player so if you don't want your players to have to remember how to break a lock pick a lock or use a key they do have macros that can that can do that and then you got some macros that will replicate also for you the rightclick functionality in case you'd rather and prefer to use macros as a GM okay so let's look at how I built this first door right I'm going to go into my wall settings and click on my door I've got these different tabs open I'm going to go to lock and key tab now uh first of all I want this door to be lockable right so that way it can work with the system so you need to check that on ID key so the IDS which can lock or unlock this lock and you separate them with a colon notice there's no space or anything else you literally just separate them with a colon these are IDs of locks that I've created that will work with this door that's if I want to use these particular locks now we've talked about being able to use um keys that are other kinds of keys and I would ow and that would be like the names of the the actual keys that worked with this right so I can add that here I can add Skelly key for example and that's the key that I created earlier and that would make the Skelly key work with this lock notice um I have the spaces the capitalize it is capital sensitive so you do want to make sure that you do uh make that exactly the same name and the same words that the key has named passwords is where you can have a password open up the lock you saw me use that before when I use carlac you can put anything in here you can you can create multiple password passwords right this is the password an idiot would have on their luggage you watch Spaceballs but really great to be able to put passwords in or it can just be a code right if you want to change just a quick tip if you want to change some of the dialogues under passwords you go here to the custom popups so if the lock is locked you can uh give a a some kind of clue or something like that you can't pick you can say if you want to say something custom you can say that here and this is where the password dialogue prompt lets you uh you know give a hint to the password for example just to keep going here is where you can say the lock is jammed you can have this get set based on those global rules I showed you earlier so if they attempt to lock pick and they critically fail you can have it Jam the lock and they can't pick it anymore uh lock DC is where you can set your DC for I've got mine set to 10 notice if you set it to negative one you can't use a lock pick at all on that door if there is a special lockpick that you want to use you can use the ID or the name and you can again do multiple entries in this case I have lockpick you may if you have lots of lockpicks floating in your world you may play around with uh capitalization because I believe it is capital sensitive a lock break DC so if you want them to allow them to break the lock you can give it a DC or leave it at minus one so you can prevent that and required lock picking successes so maybe they have to do it a few times you can you know make it uh you know two out of three successes for example really really thoughtful stuff by cybot okay now let's look at how to create a chest for example I created an NPC called chest and then I went into the chest and I said configure pile right so let's create a new actor let's call it chest non-player character all right now because I use Tom caros I'm going to type in chest I'm going to use this great closed chest image from Tom caros and then I'm going to go in here and I'm going to configure this this is actually the item piles button and under main settings I'm going to go ahead and enable this interaction distance one unit and change its description override all sorts of things I'm going to call this a container and I'm going to say it's closed and it's locked and the image path that I'm going to use is that same one that I just used and it's open image path use that okay so for the locked for the closing sound path I'm going to use one of my sounds so in the Bailey Wiki modules and the towns module there uh I've got a bunch of different sounds I'm just going to use this little simple wood open sound and I'm going to use that same thing for the opening sound and the closing sound actually took this sound from boundaries uh core sound uh settings and that should be good for my chest and I can drag that and I'll just use this as a template of chest drag my chest out to the scene and you know what I want to add a little drop shadow to it make it look like the chest is standing up a little bit and you know I want to change this I don't want to ever have it display the chest and then while I have that selected I'm GNA select this chest go to its prototype token sign that token and let's see that should work now let's drag my chest back out perfect you know what I might even do this want to make a small chest right make that even smaller this is now a token realized so I'm just holding down shift and I'm putting exactly where I want it maybe the chest is just kind of back in the room like that and that's how you make your chests right and when I click on it I can see my item pile screen now I'm going to double rightclick it and that's going to get me the token configuration screen that's where I can again change the size if I'd like to um change anything about the chest but I'm going to come over here to lock in key and I'm going to say okay this is lockable I want it to start locked and uh I want it to only only work with the password carlac right um the lock DC I don't want any other way to open it besides that password my custom popup I'll give it some sort of hint go back into my config and my lock sound okay well I want to use a metal sound love it and uh if I want to do any special lockpick formulas or override formulas I can do that here and otherwise I will update my token now notice I have all lowercase carlac this time and of course I still need to add something to my item pile what I want to do is open this up and with that open drag my infernal item now I've got my items in my in my chest maybe I I want to add you know 150 gold as well perfect now I've got all my pieces in there that my players can come and loop if it if the lid is open you can close it here to put it in its close state it should be ready to go player and we'll attempt to open it now realize I'm in the GM view if I want to test it as a player I actually have to log in as a player the way you do that is you open up a separate session you find your invitation links you copy it you open up a browser window and you log in as a player so I'm going to open up a browser window in Brave now that I'm in here now I'm logged in as a player I'm going to try to interact with it I can't I get the locked sound so then I rightclick it and ask me for the password enter my password now it's unlocked now I can regular left click it it opens the chest shows me the open chest artwork and I can take everything that's inside of it or if this is my chest going forward I can leave it now notice I also there's other settings where you can U make the chest disappear like you saw before when it gets looted or you can have the chest remain there in place now the last thing I need to show you is how to actually make a key just as a cheat I'm going to leave our keys uh up here that we can press so shift right click to create a new key for the clocks uh for the for the lock so we'll shift rightclick remember I'm logged into GM it says what is the key name right so let's give it a name skeleton key and then the key Target folder that depends on what your folders are in your items tab so I've got a folder in my items tab uh called keys so I'm going to stick it in there now we've got a new key called Skeleton Key within my keys tab we have skeleton key and you notice I've already made a skeleton key now you can alt rightclick to toggle the token lock right so if we alt rightclick chess lock chess is now unlocked that just help you as the GM to toggle that really easily uh and then control rightclick to copy the keys lock let's open this up and just remind ourselves what the keys locks are well the keys were generated when I created that key and it used the key ID so if I open up these skeleton keys and I go to go to the lockin key tab which you notice you have a lockin key tab now on keys and on items it gives me the ID right here and you can actually change that ID on this this makes this ID very unique to this particular item you can do cool things like the removing the key once it's used uh just to help your players keep their their inv ventor is clean can have it override lockpick formulas give it it its own special kind of capabilities that kind of and again you can just add the name as well so if you want just to say um skeleton key anything with that name opens it this will work also now what I haven't tested is whether these IDs work from compendium so if you're saving keys to compendiums and then pulling them back out again I believe it changes the IDS so just be aware that that may change on you might have to stay with naming it I'll let the developer or others who know better tell us in the comments now I couldn't get these next two to work copying ID Keys it could be I just haven't tested in enough I found it just as easy if I needed to copy uh key IDs just to open them up from the keys or just to grab them from this field here so uh you guys can try it and tell me if you got this to work but I found I I did didn't really wholly need it to be able to create things but in this way so if we wanted to create a key now you can see we've already got it the one thing the one tip I'll give you so you know in our items we have this key thing wherever you put it in your keys I'm going to grab this Skelly key and I'm going to drop one on the screen and it's going to create a new pile right that just means it's an item that now players can interact with that item is treated like a like a token so I've got this key but I just want to change its artwork so I'm going to double right click it I'm going to go to its appearance I'm going to go into here and actually in my stuff in my in the Bailey Wiki modules um I've got some really cool keys so I'm going to search for key using dig down and pretty quickly I find these Keys you can see the artwork on the left there and I'm going to grab one that I think is cool so let's use this really old style key select that if we update it you can see we've got a key now that a little bit different artwork now I want to change this around a little bit one I don't want anything to uh appear as a popup so I'll say it's never displayed and from an appearance perspective change it to 0. five and then we'll drop its scale down beyond that even we'll update our token and you can see it creates this little tiny key that is at scale to our background there we can kind of move it around it looks very subtle right it just Blends right into the environment but that's what you want right so now if your players are looking around uh they can discover that there's a key there they can double click on it they can see that they can if a player was clicking on this they'd be able to take that key and put it into their inventory and then then that item pile would disappear and that player now owns that key so hopefully you guys enjoyed this tutorial let me know if you'd like to see more tutorials if you have uh let me know in the comments if there's specific modules that you're like man I really wish somebody would do a tutorial on this module uh we always like getting that kind of feedback and it's very uh possible and probable that we will do a tutorial if we get enough feedback that you want to see something in particular module uh in the meantime have fun with lock and key great job to cbot for another great module and I'm looking forward to seeing what you guys come up with in the meantime have fun everybody making your Maps
Channel: Baileywiki
Views: 6,500
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Keywords: dnd, dnd5e, fonderie vtt, foundry dnd 5e, foundry modules, foundry tutorial, foundry vtt, foundry vtt dnd 5e, foundry vtt modules, foundryvtt, foundryvtt best modules, foundryvtt combat, foundryvtt tutorial, fundição vtt, fundición vtt, gießerei vtt, gießereivtt, rpg tools, vtt foundry, vtt, foundry vtt tutorial, foundry, foundry vtt review, d&d, foundry vtt 2021, foundry vtt features, foundry vtt modules d&d
Id: HO_-sb4wSHQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 39sec (1419 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 14 2023
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