Foundry VTT: How To Make Sequencer Macros

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foreign [Music] effects for your games well let me tell you about a sequencer [Music] okay okay so what the heck is sequencing well sequencer is a module for Foundry vtt that's going to allow you to create script macros to produce effects animations and sound all without an extensive knowledge for coding so instead of some giga brain block of code you're gonna simply assemble a string of sections made out of methods to create effects oh but Eskimo isn't this still a complex task oh yeah kind of so to help you start out I'm gonna guide you through making three basic sequencer macros so put your big kid pants on because we're about to pump [Music] so we're gonna need to install a few modules before we can get truly started here firstly we're going to need to install sequencer duh then you're gonna need some sort of visual effects to add to your game so it could be either images or video files you have it could be links to images on the web or it could be the jb2a module hmm I would say it's the shiny gold standard for visual effects and Foundry the free version can be found in the module library but I'll provide a link down below to their patreon so you can get your hands on that sexy complete edition which is going to have much more visual effects options for you to choose from and last we're going to install the warp gate module it does a lot of things but we're concerned with its ability to create a Crosshair which is going to let us create ground targeted effects okay it's macro time first drag a token onto the can on second click an empty spot on the Hotbar to create a new macro make sure the type is set to grip now let's type out our sequence so get ready to pause and follow along with me we're going to begin by typing new sequence to begin the sequence and now we're going to do our effects sections with DOT effect and Dot file pull out the file path of the effect you want to use or if you're using jb2a go to the show sequencer database button click that and search for the effect you want this will do click copy and paste it in now we're going to Define where we want the effects to play so we're going to use at location and we want the effect to be on top of the token so we'll put token next we're going to define the size of the effect with DOT scale and then we're going to set the duration of the effect so dot duration and type out how many milliseconds you wanted to play for or if you want the effect to persist until you delete it you're going to type dot persist and now finish off with DOT play make sure your token is selected and execute wow you did it [Applause] of course we can do much more to this effect we can make it fade in we can make it scaling we can make it move side to side and we accomplish all of that by adding more methods to the section I'll provide the link to the sequencer website so you can find a full list of the methods available to manipulate the effect want more effects to play then simply add more effects sections to the sequence all with different file paths great now we're really cooking and if you want to delete any of those persisting effects over to the sequencer effect viewer and then simply X out any effect that you want or end all effects [Music] so what about the projectile effect where the effect originates from your token and shoots out to another token so let's bring out another token to act as our guinea pig let's open up a new macro make sure to set the script and before we type out our sequence let's define our Target so let Target equal array from game users Target bracket zero bracket now our Target's defined as whatever the first thing that you have targeted so let's start our sequence add an effect section grab a file put at location to be the token this is where it's going to originate from and then dot stretch to our initial dot play Target the other token make sure your token is selected and execute now we're blasting but what if we had multiple targets well simply change Target to targets erase this bracket zero bracket and now put this little number before the sequence and then after the sequence finish it with a curly bracket and a parentheses and now the sequence is going to repeat for every Target [Music] so what about a ground targeted effect like a fireball well for that we're gonna need to use the warp gate module so let's open up another new macro and before we do anything we're going to define the config for the Crosshair so type this out it's a long one so pause but basically most of the stuff is cosmetic what's truly important is going to be the interval so the interval is going to Define how your Crosshair snaps to the grid so if set to negative one it'll snap to the center of every Square set to zero it won't snap at all if set to one it'll snap at every grid intersection and if set the two it'll snap to every Center every Edge and every grid intersection now that we have the config done let's define the position as let position equal a weight config and now we can start our sequence so a for the effects section we're gonna go dot effect hold the file of the fireball beam at location token Scratch 2 position another effect section we're gonna grab the fireball explosion animation and we're gonna set that location to be at the position and then we're gonna delay that for two thousand and one hundred milliseconds now end the sequence with DOT play select your token execute we're gonna get this sick Crosshair and click you've done it you have made an effect you have made three effects and you're gonna make many more in the future this is only the beginning of your journey so have fun with it and if you want to see other people's macros you can head over to the jb2a Discord server which in my Discord server and there are places where people have shared their macros and you can take them and learn from them and see what cool things they have done I share all my macros on Discord and it's the best place for you to come in and ask me questions or even leave me suggestions for future videos because I plan on making much more of these so until next time
Channel: EskieMoh
Views: 13,755
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: foundry vtt, foundryvtt macros, foundryvtt macro tutorial, sequencer foundry vtt, foundry vtt tutorial, foundry vtt modules, foundryvtt dnd 5e, foundry modules, foundry visual effects, foundry vtt tutorial dm, foundry vtt tutorial 2023, foundryvtt visual effects, foundryvtt sequencer, foundryvtt visual effects tutorial, foundry sequencer macros, sequencer macros, jb2a foundry vtt, warp gate foundryvtt, jb2a sequencer macros, how to make foundry vtt macros, EskieMoh Macros
Id: h3umIhFW1HA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 42sec (522 seconds)
Published: Sun May 28 2023
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