Foundry VTT Module Tutorial: Token Attacher 4.0

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[Music] hey guys this video has been a long time coming this is a walk through of the new token attacher 4.0 you're looking at a marketplace built with a bunch of prefabs that were done using token attacher and this one is with 4.0 because now you can connect prefabs and you can do other things that you couldn't do before and so this is a walkthrough of token attacher as a module i'm going to go through what's possible what has been possible and what's now possible going forward you're looking at that same marketplace dragged out instantly from an actor tab with all of the other pre-prefabs connected and then i'm disconnecting them and i'm moving them around and rearranging them this just i've i've said this before i think token attacher is probably one of the most important modules in foundry today because it completely liberates your content and creates things that dms can use over and over again you're looking at naval battles in vehicles it works well with other modules like the vehicles modules so you can actually move these vehicles around and new to this version you can resize things you're seeing that whole keep just turned into half the size um you can do things like you know laying damage tiles down instantly um here we're using some of my maps to basically create damage instantly um you know with very very little effort and this is really fun i'll show you how to do this in this video but you can now attach tokens to other tokens so now we're deploying whole phalanxes of soldiers instantly into a battlefield and you can rearrange them move them around there's a bunch of optimizations that have happened with this version there's a bunch of new quality of life tools that are that klg has deployed and he's really the developer behind this he's just done an amazing job of making this super useful so here i just broke out a bunch of these and now you can also deploy things like traps and spell effects and portals so i'm going to give you examples of all of these and all of these examples are inside of my i publish a couple of premium packs specifically for foundry and all of these things are deployable assets in those packs so if you want to try these out um you can come find me on my my patreon i've got a free version as well but this is a lot of fun this changes the game for what you can do with your your players and your game so with without further ado let's jump into the tutorial okay so first things first let's start with the basics um the things that token attacher has been able to do for those of you who have not used it yet it's always been able to attach anything to a token walls drawings images tiles sounds even journal notes can all be attached to a token and that lets you not only group things together in your maps for convenience but also lets you make prefabs of of all of those things where you can deploy them out of your actor's compendium anytime you want i'm going to show you some examples of that once they're all connected you can move rotate even copy and delete everything together as a single unit so you can imagine what sorts of things that can do for you and again i'm going to show you some examples of how to use it and you can always save those tokens and their attachments like i said as prefabs in your actor library and that's where we get into the power of token attacher for the gm to make things that are instantly deployable and can even be very very complex things or have very complex things like macros and other things associated with them that maybe you don't even have to build you can just get them from other folks like me and others and just drag them in and start using them so what's new with token attacher 4.0 so the the big thing is now you can attach tokens to a token which means you can also nest tokens together um you can nest prefabs you can make complex things you can you know there's a whole lot of power that that unlocks and we'll talk about at least some of my ideas around it what i've deployed um you can also scale up or down all of your attachments so you know if you have a tent or a house and you want that to be twice the size you can now do that just as as easily as um as you would scale your torque your token normally which i'll show you how that works um there's some new quality of life tools specifically this new tool here and i'm going to walk through the ui for token attacher but this new tool is called quick edit mode and there's even a macro that does the same thing they're both extremely helpful i find myself using these all the time but also i i do a lot of work with this but i think you're going to use these a lot as well to make fine adjustments um and then there's some macros also that klg has included with the token attacher which do some cool stuff like being able to carry pick up and carry torches or follow other um players around or mount a uh you know a mount or a vehicle or something like that um some things that you should know too a token attacher now will drop if i drop a prefab onto a map it will still respect all of the the you know z leveling but it will take all of the ima within the prefab but it'll take all those images and put them on top of any other images so you won't have the problem of dropping a prefab and having the images show up underneath another tile which is just really nice um just in terms of predictability for you as the gm and it'll also automatically resize an asset to accommodate the scenes with different grids so if you have an asset that works well on a 100 dpi grid and all of a sudden you're on a map that uses 200 token attacher is now smart enough to know to resize that appropriately and the asset will render the right way even if it's not a it's not the same grid that it was made on and um it now works by temporarily editing attachments and then saving and locking them so this is important because this will you know break things if you don't respect it but you know when you make a prefab and you on a scene and you and you're done with it um when you close the ui for it or you close the quick edit mode it will save that prefab in its configured state and it'll lock those items from being moved around so that's going to be a change in how maybe how you do your workflows but it's important to make sure that everything stays the way that you plan on it staying or when you created it so some things to remember before we get started if you already use token attacher you will need to migrate any existing scenes and actors that you've created as well as any compendiums that you've created unless you're using my compendiums then when you update um with my stuff you'll automatically get the refreshed compendiums that are 4.0 supporting but if you have compendiums that you've made yourself you're going to want to update those and there's some really convenient tools that the developers built into the module to be able to do that but again the old any any assets you built in another scene that were token attached um he's got a script that will turn those into the new 4.0 supported attachments be careful when you're using this quick edit mode it essentially unlocks everything for you and lets you make changes but if you if you don't re-lock it afterwards you can find out that things will be um you'll get some surprises later and also if you are using uh modules like vehicles that can move tokens you can create problems for yourself if you have um you know if you've got quick edit mode opened up in your moving tokens around so just be wary of things like that and you still cannot move or delete multiple tokens at once as much as you might want to drag you know 50 tokens control tokens you know two squares over um you don't want to do that there's some easy ways to do that using another token but you don't want to just grab and mass delete things because you'll find out you'll have artifacts the next time that you open your map up so let's go over now the token attacher ui and the options that are now available through uh with the 4.0 so let's uh let's make a prehab let's grab one over here let's grab something simple like a torch this is a torch by the way if you hold down alt it will automatically make that control token hidden these control tokens just to give you an idea of how i use them i have two tokens that i use and i include them in my my compendiums one is a building token that's larger and then one is a smaller dot token that's a little bit smaller profile i use those i drag them out here to create prefabs in this case i've already got one called torch so if i select that little dot token which is sitting right there but semi-transparent invisible to users and i go over here notice i'm in my actors tools and this little chain link here is the token attacher ui and you get a few options available to you some of them you're familiar with and this one's new let's say that i'm building this from scratch so i'm going to delete all the attachments and all i did was just i separated all of these elements from the control token itself so there's my control token here's my tile which is just a picture of a torch and then i also have a light so this light works like any other light i'm going to make it so that it shines even in daylight and that's essentially the components of this particular prefab so let's go ahead and make it so i'm going to start by putting my control token where i want by the way if i have multi-level token regions in here you're probably going to want you put your token outside of those or any vehicle regions or any special drawings that do stuff i generally will put my tokens outside of it so i don't create any conflicts but for this one this is nice and simple i'm going to go up here and there's a few ways that i can build this prefab i can select the tile and i can simply attach it or i can you know i can do the same thing with the light and i can touch that um i don't really know that you use lock or unlock anymore um since it automatically includes that function but you can also copy all of these elements so now that i've got everything attached i can copy them and i can literally paste them onto another one so let's copy this and let's drag out a new token and let's paste it so i'm going to open up the config now once this config is open it's only open for the token you've got selected you can do other things but as long as config is open it's just affecting this one and let's go ahead and paste the elements there and now i've just duplicated my token the other way you can do that is you can once you have your prefab made which i'll show you in a second you can duplicate them from the actors tab so now i've got my second token and i'm going to show you this now so instead of selecting each individual piece you now have this select all tool and this is super convenient so if i click that tool and i've got my selection cursor over here now i can select and lasso everything it says selected objects attached to the token close my ui now they're all attached you can see the light is moving and the image is moving you can rotate these things um but that select all tool is super helpful if you just want to lasso everything together it'll bring in all of the elements within the lasso and it'll attach them to your token in one fell swoop so that's the connect everything the um attach selected elements and then detach notice that if this ui is closed and i go to for example my tile tool i can click it and i can get into the metadata but i can't delete it i can't move it i can't do anything with it that's because this tile is now locked it's locked to this token in order for me to unlock it i have two options i can either go back to my token ui select it open up the uh token attacher thing here and now you'll notice i can move it around but let's say you didn't want to go through all that steps well kel g has introduced this item which is the quick edit mode and if you click that you'll notice it gives you a little display that it's on and then you can move anything around you can move the control token in case you want to put it in a different spot you can move any of the individual elements around and then when you're done you just go back here and you toggle it off now you know that you're done and now it saves all of these tokens at their in their current state but let's say you didn't even want to do that let's say you wanted to make it even simpler well he included a macro so if you go to your macros compendiums and you go to uh token attacher he's got all these cool macros in here and i recommend you try all these he named them tas you can find them easily in your macro file once you import them but this toggle quick edit mode is super helpful it means as long as it's in your toolbar here you can toggle it on make changes and toggle it off anytime you want so it's two ways to do the same thing just for ease of use i do recommend also that when you are looking at his macros that you just right click and you say import all content and that'll import all of his macros into your macro folder i have put those macros here in my hotbar so i can show you how a couple of them work okay before i move on this is a new addition to token attacher that was actually created since i made this video but i think it's important to uh to put in this tutorial um it's basically a check that happens so in in complex scenes or with complex prefabs if you drag them onto the scene it's possible that they can be corrupted because there's some calculations that have to happen before they get saved and committed to the so klg's actually included a um just a a a couple extra tools to help make sure that you can avoid that if it should happen so you know if we just um you know pick up something simple like these bushes and we drag them out you can see that it says please wait to finish processing and it says now it's finished you can proceed if i drag it out too quickly and i try to move it too quickly that one's probably too small to to demonstrate let me do something bigger here let's drag out the whole marketplace you see i tried to move that too fast and it said it it broke it there's missing links now meaning if i try to manipulate this i i did things too fast to do it and there may be some things that are broken so what you do to fix that is klg's actually included a in his uh macros this thing called delete missing link so if you ever find you have yourself with orphaned images because of moving too fast or this seems super complex you didn't get enough time you can just click this delete images button and it will fix any broken images that might be there let's just go into the settings modular settings and if we go to token attacher you now have this token attacher gm menu and if we open it up there's some options here inside one is to force a restart automatic migration so um if you need to re-migrate any scenes or maps you can do those by seeing or for everything that you've got um some things that you need to keep be aware of when you're doing migration is you want to open up a scene that is the same dpi per square as the assets that you're working with so for example all of my assets are generally on 100 dpi sort of standard foundry square and so you'll actually open that scene up and then execute this this script and it'll use that scene to basically just reconfigure all of your your actors assets that are already it'll look for anything that's a token attacher asset that's already been created as a prefab and it'll um it'll reformat that for the 4.0 so that's super important the other thing is if you're using this to migrate all your actor compendiums you can do the same thing again you don't need to use it for my compendiums because mine are already reformatted but if you've made your own what you need to do is you need to unlock your compendium so if you have toggle edit lock on it won't work you need to turn that edit lock off and now it will go into that compendium and reformat everything for you and i still recommend you do that with the scene opened up that has the 100 dpi square it can just be an empty scene if you want to um and it'll take a few uh it really took me a few seconds and i've got a lot to run through everything these things you don't need to worry about unless you publish you probably don't need to worry about them unless you publish a module like i do but these are some things that are helpful for me as i publish through my compendium or through my through my baileywiki modules so let's look at now how a couple of these macros work these are just simple macros that you may or may not find used for but they may you know maybe replace a couple of other modules that you're using but let's say my player comes up here to a torch and wants to carry it if i target that torch and then i select pick up whoops let me make sure i select my guy there there i pick up this torch is the statement that he makes and now he can walk around with that and move around and he's got torch so you can even make prefab items that they can walk around with maybe there's a spell attached to this uh some kind of spell effect or other things so this is how you can use that module or that macro and then of course you can drop everything and now i'm free of that torch now let's say that torch was a horse or some other vehicle i can also mount that that vehicle um and then you know how you actually move around you have to select everything so that you get the vehicle underneath it and then you can ride around here i'm riding around on my torch horse but these are just things you can play around with and see if uh if these are helpful to you in your game as you're playing it okay so now let's look at the types of things that you can make and i'm hoping to blow some of your some of your minds here but there's so much that you can do first of all you can make um you can make buildings um so let's look up a cartography cartographer's guild this is a guild that i created for my modular town pack that is essentially powered by token attacher but you can see i've got a ready-made building here some of the elements involved are i've got a roofs the roofs module associated with this roof tile so that when you hover over it or when your players go inside the roof automatically goes away um i could have drawing draw special drawings in here that can teleport my players or do other things i have a very complex wall setup in order to make this thing render but once i set it up once and i put it into a prefab i never have to set it up again so you can see these walls are all set up and everything's ready to go and it just drags right out of the compendium or out of your tab you can put lights in here as well they can be activated by you know day or night just working like any other lights normally would you can even have special lighting let's say you use like community lighting by blitz what's great about token attacher is it'll respect all of the metadata that's included in all of these elements so if you have other modules like vehicles or multi-level token it will maintain all of the the um special metadata metadata those things need to work and so when you drag them out they'll still work you know for me i've got i've got a lot of buildings i mean here's here's just my you know middle class buildings and i've got a whole like lower class set of buildings so there's a lot that you can build into that of course you can build vehicles as well you can build simple vehicles like this cart that you guys have seen me uh do in other things but it's got sounds and lights built into it and you can make really complex vehicles like uh like this frigate here and this is very complex so you have tiles going on here let me open up the ui for it so you can see you've got tiles uh mainly this this this main frigate tile here you've got drawings there's multi-level token hotspots here so that players can automatically um teleport in you've got all of the walls set up you've got the lights set up you've got sounds that you heard that ambient sort of sailing sound and of course you've got all of the journal notes to activate uh these different teleporters for example so very very complex stuff there's also a special tile on here that is a vehicle's tile that will automatically pick up any tokens that you put on it and it'll carry them along why that's important is because you can wage whole naval battles with these things and you can move them through your map and your and the tokens will move with them so really really large scale type things what else can you build all right so you can build trees obstacles um let me show you the tree here's a simple tree what you missed because we're in gm view is there's a whole canopy that disappears when you walk underneath it and you can just spam trees all day long and this is how you make forests and other things and other scenes that you want to just automatically use that you didn't notice there but these trees have you know walls built into them so they obscure line of sight it's all that dynamic stuff that you're normally trying to do as a as a gm but now you can prefab it and have it done forever uh you can build magic doors like this mansion door let's say your players have the morton kind of mansion spell you can drop a door in that's got all the prefab elements of a teleporter that takes you to your mansion it's got the tile itself which you've seen here it's got a magic light your players can you can give them access to this you can give them permission give all players ownership permission and now this player can drop that mansion door on any map that's that he or she wants you can build teleporters here's a teleporter that also has sound and lights so as you get close to it your players can essentially teleport where they want to go you can control this as a gm or you can build a prefab like i can make a copy of this and i'll just duplicate it and then i'll make this copy able to be interacted with by the players and now the players can cast their teleport spell and you can code this teleporter to go to a specific destination and they can have in their library all sorts of pre-coded teleporters with destinations they want to go to we can also do pre-made traps so i have a bunch of traps with you know a grass outline just square trap and here's one with you know stone outline that has spikes under it you see they're very faint it's because the trap comes out already hidden from the players if i have a player that i have walk into it it triggers a sound effect the tile becomes visible to the player and you'll see that there's also a one-way wall so the player cannot get out of it unless they you know roll to get out of it so how did i make this trap let's look at the config for it and i had some help from path who's in my patreon community with this uh this macro but this is a lot of fun so if i go into the config what's happening here is there's a multi-level token drawing right in the middle and it doesn't do anything it doesn't teleport although i do have a trap that will drop players into another map so it works as a teleport this one just triggers on entry and it fires a macro the macro is called trap collapse impact that's the sound the type of trap that that it is and then it um it was looking for that png called trap stone spikes to make it visible and so within my macros compendium is a macro that does that so these little macros here you can import them you import them into your world you have to actually do anything with them but once they're in your world it'll look for these macros and it'll fire them whenever your player falls into there so you know you can just deploy traps now all of a sudden that are already made and you know this one will teleport them to another place here's one in case you're in a grassy area it's got grass to surround it so stuff that you couldn't do before that you can now do with token toucher um you can also do summoned effects this sounds probably ridiculous but what if i wanted what if i had a player that had the spell to create a ghostly camp well that's what this is i've got i've got an instant camp that my players can go and you know cast anywhere and they can camp in it or maybe they stumble into a room that has this camp already set up they fight the ghost and you know the camp effectively just disappears so you know these types of things become possible now that we've got uh 4.0 the foundry scenes scenes that are totally drag and drop i'm going to show you the marketplace here in a second and how that works um but now with 4.0 those vehicles i just showed you you can pre-populate them with crews um you can put npcs into the buildings that you that you make or you know enemies into the buildings that you make you can nest things which is what i'll show you here in the marketplace and then i'll show you here in a second how you build a phalanx of soldiers that you can deploy anywhere at any time and all of a sudden build really epic battles that your players weren't expecting um and then you can also obviously use this functionality to just save copy and paste complex scenes into new scenes you can just use it to kind of move scenes around and recreate things um as you need so with that let's jump into a couple of these specific demos with 4.0 okay so this is the marketplace that you guys saw earlier with a bunch of different elements there's lots of walls there's there's locked doors there's uh you know there's roofs that automatically disappear when when your player tokens go underneath them there's a lot of sounds and a lot of lights so we're gonna i'm gonna show you how to kind of nest all of these together and we're just gonna build up towards that okay so looking at this um this vendor here i've got some pieces that i'm gonna put together i've got the tile obviously i've got actually two lights so i'm going to put those lights right over the fire i've got some walls and then i've got the sound of a crackling fire that gets louder as you get closer so i'm going to put all that together now i'm going to drag a token out so i'm going to use my dot token you can use any token for this i'll hold down alt to make it disappear although you can always change that afterwards and maybe i'll give it a name i'll call it food vendor you don't have to give it a name but it'll help you differentiate it and by the way i have my token set up to where just the gm can hover over it and see what it is no one else can do that and then what i'll do is open up with the token selected i'll open up my ui for token attacher and let's try to use the lasso tool so i'm going to lasso everything here i get a confirmation that i added something so let's move things around and see if it works so i can see my lights are moving let's see if my walls yet my walls are in place my sound is where it's supposed to be so this looks pretty good we just made a token attached set now let's make a prefab out of it so what you can do is you can take any of these and you can just any actor and duplicate it and i'm going to call this food vendor 1 and i'm going to open up its prototype token i'm going to have this selected and i'm going to say assign token now what i've done is if i look for food vendor 1 this is the one that i just created and if i drag this out there you go i've got my vendor i can rotate him around i can put him in any configuration i can tuck him into the corner of the street he's basically mine to put anywhere i want and so what i'm going to do is i'm going to tuck my vendor over here where i planned for him to go this looks like a good spot and i'll get to him a little bit later okay so let's do the same thing with this um fortune teller tent uh first thing i'm gonna do is i'm i'm using the roofs module so i'm gonna right click and make this a roof that will make it automatically disappear when my players go underneath it um i've got some special walls built in here so that i can see the the top of the tent but my players can't see out i've got two lights really centered around that um orb there and i think that's all i've got in here so let's drag another control token out and use my dot again hold down alt call this fortune and then i'm going to put all my pieces together i think it's all in the right spot you see if i yeah i did set it up where the door when it opens up that light pours out which i really like that effect so let's put everything together and go back to our control token turn on our token attacher ui select everything tool and we'll lasso it all together by the way all of those walls i set at eight feet i'm using the wall height module you don't have to use that but it's just to illustrate an example of how other modules metadata can be wrapped up into it it does open up the config for the walls though after you do that the first time you won't show it again so now let's see if i correctly attached everything my walls moved i think i saw my light move there and of course my tiles move so this looks pretty good for a pre-bath so let's duplicate another actor any actor will do we'll call this fortune teller open up a prototype token select it and then say assign token and we're set now we've got a fortune teller that we can drop into any map that we feel like so i've already let's see it let's put let's grab her and pull her up turn down the invent sound a little bit and this looks like a pretty good spot for her now what we want to do is we want to put all of these together so if we drag out another control token this time i'll pull out um a larger token just so it's got a bigger area there okay now we'll see if we drag this over and you can see everything dragged with it now these are a lot of moving pieces in a lot of parts so it's going to have a lot of calculations to do with something of this complex that's essentially how you make a really complex prefab that then you can break up into its pieces again so if i open up and delete everything from that then i should be able to just grab one of these things like this wagon and move it out and there's my scrolls here's my herbalist and i can rearrange things as i want to i can even delete whole elements like maybe i don't want a cobble uh floor and i don't want these little kind of bridges for all the mud that people are walking over i can delete all of these things rearrange them and build it how i like okay so now let's look at how to build a you know deploy a bunch of soldiers like you saw earlier on so this is one of my just these are a bunch of prefab elements this is you know like a tower and you know these are these are guard uh you know this is the basically the the gates for the fort um but i've set it up to where there's a battle that's going to take place here so let's find some soldiers uh let's actually find yeah let's take these guards out so maybe we have a captain that's going to be our control token and we'll set them up here and then let's get some spearmint out and we'll have them kind of spammed all over the place and like any good phalanx you've probably got some shield bearers at the front all right so you know and if i had pre-set these up with you know actual stat blocks then you know even better so now i've got my essential unit here so we'll make him our control unit so we'll select him open up our ui and then we'll do the select everything tool and we'll connect all of these gentlemen to him close that and then let's move him around and see if we've made it okay great so now we can rotate this unit around we can break the unit up so if i wanted to do that i would just open up my ui and i would hit my garbage can and it would detach all these pieces so that they can go fight individually but that gives me my unit here and what i can do is i'll just copy one of these guys say duplicate and we'll call this um balance and let's find that one again [Music] here's the one that we just built go to our prototype token make sure that we've got our token selected neutral hostile friendly we'll say these are the bad guys actually it'll it'll assign it to what this guy is all right so now we've created our phalanx and we can deploy it as many times as we want in whatever configuration we want okay so the last thing i'll show you is how to resize things so let's take let's take a tree and if we right click it or double right click it we can get into the fig the config of it and let's say we want this tree to be three times larger so i'll use this here this scale ratio thing doesn't work for this type of effort and we'll scale it up and all of a sudden we have a tree that's three times as big so let's save this let's call this large tree and we'll select its prototype token assign it and now let's go into this 200 dpi that was a 100 dpi square map let's go into 200 dpi square map and let's let's look up large tree drag it out and you can see the tree takes up the same number of squares that it did in the 100 dpi map that's because token attacher with this new release will automatically scale the tree to the appropriate size for the map that it's sitting on so that's really good stuff and hopefully you guys really enjoyed this i hope it gave you some ideas on what you can build with token attacher and what more you can do with it um this is just a game changer i think for what's available in terms of content and ready-made content for for gms for foundry and really for vtts in general so i hope you guys uh get it pick it up use it there's going to be some bugs it's a 4.0 um and there's it was a major change in code so if you find bugs klg is really accessible and really responsive to you know get stuff fixed but uh but yeah that's it um i hope you guys enjoyed this if you have any questions about anything i did specifically that you want me to go into further detail just let me know in the comments and otherwise you know have fun making your maps
Channel: Baileywiki
Views: 43,870
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: foundryvtt, roll20, dungeondraft, dnd, vtt, virtual tabletop
Id: 2i0TX0BS8Vg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 55sec (2395 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 05 2021
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