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if you don't sleep you're actually gonna get attacked by your nightmare this is a little bit different than breathing cows and chickens I feel like I'm learning so much about Minecraft right now may our pickles ladies and gentlemen and they give off light why is 113 the coolest Minecraft Update effort ladies and gentlemen and welcome back to a brand new video today where we are gonna be diving into some of the new features that are coming out in this version of Minecraft did you like the diving pun no okay I thought it was a little cheesy too in today's video we're gonna be looking at Minecraft 1.13 this is going to be the new aquatic update which is coming to Minecraft Java edition later this month it's gonna be in full release for now we're playing a snapshot map so you can see the upcoming features and updates and what its gonna look like and of course this update is called the aquatic update so you can imagine there's a lot of new features that are coming to the water and the sea of Minecraft including just a few of these guys which is actually really really cool probably one of my favorite edition so far is the sea turtle and guys there was a dolphin I promise and wait wait is that is that him hold on olan is that the dolphin because there was a dolphin and I just I'm hoping that we didn't lose our dolphin somehow is that him I need guys I need to verify this is that our dolphin is that I think okay I think this is our dolphin right here I'm not trying to punch him I'm just trying to look can you move okay there we go huh goodness gracious I thought I lost our dolphin no our dolphin he's safe and sound he's okay it was just kind of taking a nap and chilling back there so I've actually never done a video like this before but I really want to get into different types of Minecraft videos including updates and other kinds of content so if you guys like to see more of this you already know what to do make sure you guys hit that like button down below and comment down below as well which secrets are you are most excited for in the new version of Minecraft which is gonna be dropping later this month me personally I got say it's the sea turtle I mean the dolphin is cool but just look at the sea turtle this guy is awesome so why don't we start off with the coolest thing first let's go into mobs and see exactly what we're gonna be getting with this new update ladies and gentlemen so we're gonna start from right to left the first thing is gonna be dolphins passive they're a passive creature feed with Cod which is a new fish that is gonna be coming in the update and they'll lead you to treasure plays with items jumps out of the water grants dolphins grace that must be some kind of new like thing going on but I'm not sure about yet okay and if we go over here skeleton horses can now be rowed underwater what you can ride skip horses get a new model as well they are going all-in in this update and then if you go over here there's the drown the drowned are actually drowned zombies and sometimes spawn with a trident or a nautilus shell in their hands I'm assuming that if you killed them you can either tried it or they're not a list shell and then going over here we have the cod fish but you're gonna be feeding your dolphins with and they spawn in cold normal and lukewarm oceans and they swim in groups of up to nine so you can be finding up to nine of these guys swimming together at is that late at one time which is super cool and it looks like there's a bucket of cod which oh if you put it on the ground which I probably shouldn't have done right there you just put down a water bucket and the cod fish is in there that is crazy like okay if you think about this this oh no it's out of water no my poor cod fish buddy I'm so sorry I'm really sorry to do this to you but I need to get the cod fish for the video I actually really like how the cod fish model looks alright moving on now we have salmon one of my personal favorite fishes to eat in actual real life which they you know they've got have been in Minecraft for a while now but they have never looked like this look at these salmon they look like legit salmon and you can put them in a bucket as well they spawn in frozen and cold oceans and rivers in the groups of up to six and then if we go to the left over here we have tropical fish which spot in lukewarm and warm ocean biomes they come in different colors in different shapes we've got puffer fish which spawned lukewarm and warm oceans and they will inflate itself when a player's clothes and a boys and other players so they're kind of naughty naughty fishing going down the line we have the Phantom mob B which spawns in the end and overworld it attacks players that haven't slept this is crazy look at this guy so basically if you don't sleep you're actually gonna get attacked by your nightmare he kind of looks like something that would be in my nightmare that's terrifying absolutely terrifying and then last but not least one of my personal favorites the turtle a tough mob can be bred with a seagrass so we can actually breed Turtles with seagrass and literally have you can breed chickens with seeds which is super super cool and then whoa do they lay eggs when bred turtles lay eggs that will hatch after a few days it will only hatch at night when hatching scoots will be dropped undead mobs will try to crush the turtle eggs by jumping on them that is not very nice so I'm assuming that if I walk over them it crushes them as well okay maybe oh oh no I jumped on them and I think it might have crushed it guys Oh oh my gosh it literally gets rid of it each time you jump on them I feel like a terrible human being guys there's only one egg left I'm sorry sea turtles no honestly I kind of want to try it out so I'm gonna get some sea grass right here see if I can breed these two guys together oh look at it and boom and then the female goes up here oh that is so cool oh my gosh it's like digging in the sand to lay its eggs this is awesome you can't even see the sea turtle yet Wow she she kind of goes for a while before she lays her eggs this is a little bit different than breeding cows and chickens which is like pretty much instantaneous how long does it take for the sea turtles the later eggs I've literally been sitting here for like two minutes now and nothing has happened so now we know if you ever want to breed your sea turtles you have to not only defend the eggs but you have to wait pretty much 2,000 years for them to lay there flipping eggs oh and I didn't even see this undead mobs now sink in water instead of float and then baby zombies now burned in daylight thank God that was way too much of a problem and if we go back here this turtle still has not laid her eggs she is still sitting up here how long does it take for you to lay your eggs woman like it's been it's been far too long now we've got to move on with the rest of the video I'm sorry I'm sorry I what's next guys you know I think probably one of the other biggest things about 113 other than the different changes to the mobs and the new mobs that are coming out is gonna be the oceans whoa this is going to be intense guys so now we have sea grass and it can be created using bone meal under water whoa oh my gosh guys it like moves up this is way too cool and then we've got kelp over here so this is sea grass right here looks kind of just like I love the animations like the animations look so good and then we've got kelp this is awesome we've been honestly needing stuff like this in Minecraft for far too long let's be honest dried kelp block can be used as fuel in furnaces and the dried kelp can also be eaten although I gotta say it does not look tasty to me kind of looks like a really dried out steak and let's be honest dried steak yeah see pickles there are sea pickles and they generate in warm oceans when they are in water they emit light depending on the amount up to four sea pickles can be placed in a block oh my gosh it's like little candles no light light level light level nine light level six and light level three oh my what they give off lights their pickles they are pickles ladies and gentlemen and they give off light I don't even know what to say to that that that's sizzle arias we've got underwater ruins oh oh okay we could just go right into underwater ruins oh my gosh this is gonna be so much fun to explore so we're gonna go over to the first one ruins come in many different shapes and sizes they generate with chests that contain a treasure map wait oh I didn't find one in here dadgum and I'm really disappointed now so if you find by the way one of these guys don't forget that if you end up feeding the dolphin Cod they will lead you to the treasure chests that are underwater or I guess you can use the treasure map to find the treasure on the biome they are made from a different material that is so cool sometimes they are lonely huts sometimes there is a whole village guys whenever this comes out I feel like I might have to do some survival minecraft which I have not done in years and years if that's something you guys would like to see on the channel hit that like button down below because that would be actually really really fun I feel like that'd be really fun to do with somebody like Rob or I don't know somebody from the pack who would just love to do like an OG Survival Series again and then we've got korells and they come in five different colors tube brain that's an interesting name bubble fire and horn there are corals coral blocks and coral fans of each color when they are not next to water corals will die so you got to make sure you feed your coral plants they generate naturally in coral reefs in warm ocean look oceans is pretty much like one of the coolest baits coming to Minecraft I watched is when it came like years ago shipwrecks can now be found in oceans and on beaches they contend they contain one two three chests of loot with different kinds of loot they can generate upright sideways or upside down Oh guys this is way too cool way imagine just like walking up to a random beach in your new world and then just seeing this massive shipwreck I wouldn't know what to do with myself buried treasure can be found on shores close to the water what's your I wonder if the Dolphins can sniff this out - that would be awesome and then over here we've got the gun wait wait wait wait hold on a lon okay so we just did all this we're gonna we're gonna start from the beginning now blue ice generates in icebergs it's more slippery than normalised it can also be crafted using nine packed ice oh no guys the reason I'm saying oh no is because I can already imagine all the new types of parkour that's gonna be made with this new iceberg ice it's gonna be bad we've got magma blocks that create sucking columns that can destroy boats what this is so cool and then bubble columns push entities up and down look at this it's literally getting thrown up and then getting sucked back down soeul staying now creates pushing columns back and throw entities in the air so if you soul sanic and push up and use magma blocks again suck down so it totally gives a new use to these two blocks which they did not have before what is this oh it's the nautilus shell this is what we were talking about earlier that the zombies sometimes have the drown is what they're called the conduit emits the status effect conduit power the conduit is powered by a Prisma range structured if fully powered it will attack mobs that are close by what this thing is going to attack mobs that are nearby what is that whoa guys I am a little freaked out right now that thing it's got like a heartbeat can I put a mob in there hold on I need to get like a zombie spawn egg this is way too cool get it go and do it get it whoa look at it guys okay look it's oh you can see the particle effects of the conduit on the guardian you see this little like black and blue bubbles it's attacking the guardian and it's got like a heartbeat it's kind of creeping me out and it just killed the guardian you can see it right here in the top right hand corner it says conduit power which I'm wondering if this wall I think this might end up damaging me what happens if I going to game mode survival am I gonna regret this okay good so it's on our side that's good to know it only will attack mobs will not attack us thank God ladies and gentlemen I come to interrupt your viewing experience because there is a fourth of July sale and it's fire fire fire fire July afford back-to-school sale now I know what you're thinking pressing I don't want to think about school it's July 4th and I understand that but you can prepare for school by getting your merch just early ok just like my mom taught me to do this video so just bear with me guys we are releasing it three separate packages we've got the three-ring binder this is a three three-ring bye we wings that's more than two oh by the way this is the light package we got a ruler we got a preston fire notebook well it's also the fire pencil bag one of my personal favorites use it all the time not for pencils but other things we even got a fire lanyard clearly we've gone too far not to mention pens and pencils this bag contains the entire life bundle which you guys just witnessed now we're gonna move on to the basic bundle if you want the basic bundle you can choose either a backpack or a duffel bag it's gigantic you'd store a lot of candy in here okay last but not least we have the fire package and know this isn't all you get you get to choose the duffel bag or backpack with all the three-ring binder cool stuff I've shown you but you get a lunch box lunch boxes can we put my cheese in there it's great I think I think that's everything have I okay let's just cut the video I've done enough selling out for today good job guys and this right here this is the heart of the sea so you have to combine this with all of the Nautilus shells and then you have to power it as well don't forget of course with your prisoner in blocks and to find this very very rare item harder to see you have to find it by searching through buried chests now I'm pretty sure that means you have to find it on the beach I think you might be able to find it in treasure chests in ruins and oceans and on shipwrecks but I'm 100% sure you can find it if you do search the beaches so you better get your shovels ready and start digging because you're gonna want to find this item alright so we only have a few other things that are left and let's be honest they're not as interesting as the first two so we've got world generation which I figure it'll be kind of cool for us to check out and see the differences the buffet world type allows you to generate single biome worlds with any generation of your choosing that is awesome so we could choose to have a world made of sand a world made of grass just any kind of world we want and then we've got different types of ocean biomes which we were talking about earlier we've got like the warm ocean we've got lukewarm ocean we've got cold ocean and then the frozen oceans and there's more info on what's inside the oceans in the ocean section which we just went over for you guys and then there's underwater caves and then the nether now has ravines so before we didn't have ravines like this now we've got ravines that are like you know actually inside of oceans and nether ravines that is going to be way too cool and also scary at the same time now we are in mechanics and gameplay because I figured this would be kind of cool to check out because look at this item frames can now be both on the floor and ceiling yes I just said that backwards that is okay but I figure that's kind of like a really cool thing to show off like check it out we can output these in like this and oh I don't know you could do that I just covered that up it's like oh my gosh I don't know if that's a glitch but that could be used in a map to hide stuff way too well which is kind of scary big spruce trees will turn adjacent grass into podzol when growing that's so cool which means instead of this being like you know a regular grass block it will turn it into pods 'el which you can obviously use if you wanted it's a nice way to get it water in different biomes has a different tint look down whoa do you guys see that oh my gosh why is 113 the coolest minecraft update effort what is this we've got a turtle shell helmets what we've got potion of the turtle master potion of slow falling and a phantom membrane obviously we get the phantom membrane by killing the phantom I don't want to kill a turtle though to get the turtle shell that just feels wrong so if you guys haven't seen what the slow falling potion does basically if you drink it and then you start falling you kind of gracefully glide down instead of just falling down super super like you know like harshly and then Oh potion of the turtle master will give you resistance 3 but slowness what Sloan is for so basically you're trading out being fast for being like literally a turtle like you're a tank you're gonna be able to soak up so much damage but you're not gonna be able to move very far what is this this is the Trident channels channeling summons lightning bolt on impact impaling deals extra damage to sea creatures loyalty makes trident return wind throne Riptide launches player in water or rain this one has a pretty dope animation okay I feel like we might need to try some of these things out guys I'm just gonna be honest with you these sound wave way way too cool for us to pass up alright let's let's start with the first one okay this is so cool it also has 9 attack damage which is kind of ridiculous if you think about it so I'm gonna apply all these different enchants so I tried it unless you can only do one at a time maybe the Trident can't have more than one enchant or maybe that's just because we're on a snapshot but this one hi-yah Oh through it guys I don't know how to do channeling oh it summons a lightning bolt on impact so if we spawn ourself in oh guys we have to spawn into cow cow I'm so sorry for this look I didn't mean it wait I need it to spawn lightning cow no it's not spotting lightning dad Govan like cows I need you guys just to stand still okay why is my lightning not spawning come on yeah I feel like I'm literally sticking Forks inside of cows this feels wrong this does not feel good well I'm kind of sad that our channeling affected not worked so we're gonna move on to the next end chant I'm probably doing something wrong here to be honest with you guys I feel like I probably am so we've got loyalty right now so if you throw it it should come back [Music] that is like the coolest thing ever I think why channeling isn't working is because of maybe the biome we're in basically what's supposed to happen is that when you hit a creature it's supposed to set it you know obviously hit it with a lightning bolt which means we can finally make super charged creepers but for some reason it's not working but if it did work we could not only not kill the creeper but we can make it super charged and then we could cage it up and use it for whatever we wanted which is awesome so the last one I want to test out guys is Riptide because apparently this one has a pretty dope animation and it launches the player while in water or rain so I feel like we might need to go into one of these bad boys down here oh I don't know how to use this guys look at that it's like we're swimming get oh my god guys I'm not doing this in game mode that I mean like that was not me flying in game mode that was me using the trident oh my gosh that is literally the coolest thing I've ever seen in Minecraft this is gonna be used in some way for parkour one way or another somebody is gonna make a way for this abused in parkour that was amazing so I wanted to go into the miscellaneous category just so that way we can make sure we you cover everything we possibly can but right here turtle shells can't be worn and grant water breathing seep something I didn't know which is really really cool phantom membrane is used to repair a light rut makes a lot of sense to get a card pumpkin you need to shear a normal pumpkin that's really cool three new death messages hover over for more info was killed by a digital game design didn't want to live in the same world as him was impaled by Sam when somebody is killed with a trident when a mob or player pushes someone into the void or someone uses slash kill after being attacked by a mob or player I actually really like that one there's also four new advancements she business which is catch a fish tactical fishing catch a fish without a fishing rod a throwaway troch throw a trident at something note throwing away your only weapon is not a good idea and then we've got very frightening strike a villager with lightning which is obviously if you have channeling on your Trident oh by the way try sprinting underwater things that thanks to the new water mechanics can now be underwater Oh guys look at this we're actually swimming it's a legit swimming it like animation and there's all kinds of things in the water like there's glass panes there's chess there's there's Oaks like everything is now covered in water what about that what that's so cool so now you can place it here and it doesn't make like an air bubble or anything like that it's just an item underwater I feel like I'm learning so much about Minecraft right now we've got new prisoner een stairs and slabs oh this looks dank and then if we go over to here we have striped logs and bark blocks whoa these look so good I really like these I feel like this is gonna add a whole lot to home decor man alright so last but not least there's some technical stuff which we may not be interested in to be honest with you guys but we will see but there's custom crafting and furnace recipes which is I'm assuming this stuff over here guys let's be honest I'm a big noob when it comes to survival I'm trying my best here blocks now have IDs that can be used in recipes and other things it can be seen now on the right side of the screen oh I like that that's really helpful internal changes to get rid of the numerical block IDs allowing for technically unlimited amount of new blocks for future updates I like that almost all command syntax has been changed a few examples execute give okay guys let's be honest I don't understand these we've got local coordinates we've got new file structure and data packs we've got commands UI which I actually found to be really helpful so now if you type in game mode you can't type in game mode one you have to go in to do game mode and then you press tab and it auto fills for you and you to do like a a and then tab and then it sets you in a game-mode adventure alright ladies and gentlemen this was my first minecraft update showcase video ever I hope you guys enjoyed it was a lot of fun to do big shout-out to the map traders who made this possible literally they did an amazing job it was so well done if you guys want to see more Minecraft Update videos like this in the future you already know what to do but hit that like button down below and subscribe have a wonderful fun safe day guys thank you so much for watching my videos take care and I'll see you guys tomorrow [Music]
Channel: Preston
Views: 1,482,532
Rating: 4.9204378 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraf, mine craft, minecraft video, minecraft youtuber, noswearing, preston, preston custom minecraft, preston minecraft, preston minecraft mod, child friendly, preston mod, kid friendly, kid appropriate, minecraft 1.13, minecraft update, new minecraft update, tbnr, tbnrfrags, prestonplayz, prestonplayz minecraft, minecraft aquatic update, minecraft 1.13 update, 1.13, no swearing, family friendly gaming, playz, no cursing, family friendly, lets play, modded minecraft
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 17sec (1397 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 05 2018
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