19 Updates Minecraft NEEDS in Version 1.15!

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welcome everybody to 19 things I think minecraft should basically add into the game tomorrow now don't worry you guys do not have to agree with everything I'm saying in this video but if you do agree smash that like button down below and subscribe to the channel do not forget because if you don't subscribe I will have to eat Diglett live on camera I'm just kidding I've never heard a good I love them too much look it up he's so cute the very first thing that I really think minecraft needs to add tomorrow is the ender pearl rider what this does is it allows you to ride on the inter pearl until your final destination and you can't tell me that this isn't amazing if this was in Minecraft I would feel a lot more satisfied about exactly knowing where I was going and you can even oh I just glitched inside a house but if minecraft had this I would feel way more safe about throwing my ender pearls plus if you were to write this into combat to fight somebody else it would pretty much be the coolest thing ever would you I mean do guys agree if you agree swish the like button like I just mentioned England I think we can all agree that minecraft really could use a jetpack by now I know it sounds silly I mean why would minecraft need a jetpack don't argue with it jetpacks are just amazing okay they even have them in fortnight well they had been there vaulted now currently I'm sitting at 98.6% fuel all you have to do is sprint and essentially look in the direction you want to go and you will have a full-fledged jetpack in Minecraft it's pretty amazing if you think about it I just really want a jetpack in Minecraft maybe this is a silly thing that minecraft doesn't really need in its next update but something like this would be amazing can we just get like a grapple hook I mean I know we have ender pearls but killing in Ehrman takes a long time okay I would something else I can get around with this one is called better drops and the reason I like this is because have you ever just been playing Minecraft and then been like man I wish like the item I picked up was more satisfying or maybe there was a giant pile of items in you no idea what they were with this if you drop it it sticks to the ground and tells you with a name I directly above it what it is so I can throw all of these items onto the ground and I can tell exactly what they are and that you can fall into the ground perfectly I mean look at the iron chestplate you just walk over it and you absorb it you absorb it immediately I mean look at the diamond oh this is really really cool plus if there was different types of enchants on the gear that it would tell you the different types of enchants below the diamond Hill before you pick it up I personally think that this would be extremely useful to have in Minecraft but maybe that's just me because I'm a crazy dreamer the fourth thing I would really like them to add to the next update is what you are about to see right now I just have to go find it I wanted to make sure that I was adding the final touches to my house over here everything so far looks amazing but we're looking for the bedroom currently and this isn't the bedroom guys oh my goodness gracious there we go ladies and gentlemen I have found the bet don't ask me how I can find the own my own bedroom to my own house okay that bed that I don't question it this is an alarm clock and yes it's actually an alarm clock okay don't freak out guys I'm gonna place it right here above my plant but you can actually adjust this to the exact needs you have in Minecraft you might be wondering Preston why would I want an alarm clock in Minecraft well maybe you want to remember exactly when to feed your sheep so that way you can grow more or maybe you just want to have a timer in Minecraft instead of using your phone always as a timer this is actually incredibly useful okay so don't judge me you can adjust the different ticks on the clock the pitch as well as these sounds so check this out we're gonna go in bed and then you have to either enable or disable the alarm clock and obviously we would like the alarm clock to be enabled so let's just go ahead and get some Z's and there it is do you guys hear it you can't tell me if you didn't hear that in minecraft you wouldn't want to get up immediately or get on to the next task that you wanted to finish so maybe you didn't think that was a very necessary update I still think it'd be really cool but this next one for sure is going to get your attention this is the silk touch for spawners as you guys know silk touch currently does not work on spawners right but if we had this enchant instead of just breaking the spawner like this which would lead to nothing but really tears plus it's kind of annoying if you find a spawner you have to either build your base around it or you're going to have to build a large system to get you to that spawner right it's no fun if we had this bad boy we can simply minor spawners up go straight to our inventory and then we could place them on top of each other imagine having 10 - skeleton spawners where you could continue to grind them over and over again you don't even have a need to make arrows the same goes for Turtles for dolphins and the list pretty much goes on this is an update I really think minecraft should add soon this next one is one of my personal favorites as you guys know I love to parkour a Minecraft and parkour has kind of swept the nation and even blood into fortnight creative content where people are making parkour maps and deaths run maps because it's really fun but what if minecraft had a double jump I know kind of crazy right but if it did you could do stuff like that which would be awesome now I'm not saying that minecraft has to include this by itself but imagine if you could just drink a double jump potion or something along those lines where you get another space bar I think that would be amazing plus you could even use it in other situations where maybe you could only use it in the nether or maybe you could only use it in the end I mean the list goes on and on I personally just think it would be super cool to have the ability to double jump and of course my prize at the end is a splash uncraft with blindness hunger and weakness I think I will skip that for now but what's that one thing in minecraft we have been begging for it for what feels like ages this one I think is gonna hit home with everybody watching right now seats it's the one thing in Minecraft we've been asking for it's so nice to be able to right-click something sit down and actually be at that table most of the time you just build the stair and then you just kind of sit on it awkwardly like this and that nobody likes that okay it's way better when you get to actually right-click it and sit down if I made a delicious meal for my wife in Minecraft I would want her to sit down at the table and enjoy her meal not staying on top of the stairs does that make sense sealed okay good I'm glad we're on the same page another really useful thing in Minecraft that we've been wanting for forever is for bookshelves to actually hold books I mean come on it's a bookshelf why does the bookshelf not hold books can anybody explain that to me but instead you put it near a enchanting table and then it allows your end chance to be more powerful but like look at this I can't put anything in the bookshelf except for books and for me I feel like that makes total sense then I want to have to make a chest for books I could just put them in my bookshelves because that's what makes sense you know what else makes sense buying presents tiles merchandise for us it sounds calm it's a no brainer guys I mean come on look even Diglett is wearing a Preston Stiles hat another very useful household thing would be the magnetic chess as you guys could see this chess will not pick something up if I throw it down next to it and that's kind of useless to be honest with you it just holds items which I mean I guess is okay but imagine if minecraft added the magnetic chest you could place it down throw items and it would automatically go into that chest that would be amazing plus you could even set items you want the chest to magnetically pick up maybe you only wanted to pick up tools made of diamond maybe you only want it to pick up books and enchanting books or maybe you just wanted to pick up only mob drops you could set the magnetic chest to pick up whatever your heart desires and then you won't have to spend all that time right-clicking the chest and putting items inside of it it would be extremely useful okay so this next one is kind of dangerous but I have to go you're in order to show this one off what if they had health points above mob so when you damage them you actually knew how close you were to killing that mob I think this would be incredibly useful in vanilla minecraft and just in minecraft in general please don't kill me skeleton if you kill me I will be so embarrassed in front of my viewers but check this out this is so nice I know exactly how low these zombies are and I can use that to my advantage because right now when I'm playing Minecraft I just have to guess I'm just like well maybe he's gonna take 17,000 more hits to kill the inner dragon or maybe it'll just take a few more I'm just saying it would be very very useful especially for mobs that have armor on like this chainmail zombie who's very very rude by the way and he didn't even drop his chainmail how rude is that alright so this next one I don't recommend at home ladies and gentlemen but this is the dead bud I know it sounds very sad but just do me a favor and don't think about it in that way okay so we're gonna jump off over here because we want to take fall damage and we want to die this is something that hypixel has added on their minecraft server at least when you're playing murder mystery if you guys play murder mystery leave a like on this video I love murder mystery it's so much fun but it even includes the name tag above it with the item so I could right-click on my dead body and then loot my items instead of them all dropping on the ground you know it's just not as cool I think it'd be way better if there was an actual body on the ground and then you could loot the items off the body and then when you finish looting all the items from the body then the body disappears imagine how useful that would be when you're playing Minecraft with your friends it would be amazing this next one you guys better agree with me on because I am not even going to talk anymore about this one but this is falling leaves alright sometimes whenever I'm playing Minecraft it drives me a little bit nutty spaghetti not to see leaves falling off of a tree because it happens in real life and it's such a cool physic I've got a couple of glitched ones over here but we're not gonna talk about that okay the other ones that are actually working look so cool I mean most of the time I will break down a tree and then the leaves just start disappearing in front of my face they should drop like a snowflake in the middle of winter or something like that just how you see this tree it's like shedding leaves and if you guys notice sometimes they drop faster or sometimes they drop slower which makes it look even better look at this it's so realistic I love it so the next thing that would be dope in Minecraft would be an obsidian sword I love obsidian alright I don't know what it is about obsidian that I love so much but I just love it it's it's just so cool okay so what we're gonna do here is we're gonna actually break this because we're uni actually we can put this down here and there we go just what we needed now unfortunately were gonna need another one of these so we've got one obsidian but it takes two obsidian to make this sword the crafting recipe is very simple - obsidian and one stick just like that ladies and gentlemen we have the obsidian sword but in order to get the rest of the gear that we need we have to find hostile mobs to kill them oh and I think I see some outside mobs over here baby alright come on let me get oh my gosh they even have obsidian armor that is not every night well they are they're not dying huh I guess this is the power of obsidian armor was added into Minecraft it's just so overpowered that even if the zombies have it you can't kill them oh oh hold on hold on I got some pieces all right let's put the chest blade on let's get rid of all this old gear we're not gonna need that anymore we got the chest plate we got the legs now we just need the boots and the helmet oh but zombie hit me with her sword and I took a lot of damage and just like that ladies and gentlemen we have two obsidian swords so we're dual wielding and we have the boots as well as the helmet let's see how much damage we take from the zombie okay apparently the obsidian axe is just amazing or something like that let's move on to the next thing minecraft needs now Diglett may have given me the idea for this one but who here loves Pokemon I mean look there's a beautiful majestic white steed in front of me but I want to capture him so we're gonna throw this egg at him and we are going to capture the horse which we can do with any animal we see fit we just captured a pig we're gonna capture this one we're gonna capture this one literally we're capturing as many animals as we can right now and then we can respawn them later on how cool is that look I'm just a big fan of Pokemon okay don't judge me it's just amazing because if we could have something like this in vanilla minecraft maybe it doesn't have to be an egg that captures animals and turns them into Pokemon but if we could have like a cage or maybe even like a trap something like that where we could potentially catch animals would be so useful because for example I want to take this Ocelot back to my home well I just want to put him in a pokeball but thankfully I've already got him in a bogey ball so yeah take that Ocelot I'm taking your brother home and I'll put him in my house what is minecraft decided to finally add ice cream this is an update that we've all been waiting for and I've got every single flavor of ice cream strawberry chocolate and that's it I lied I only have two flavors of ice cream I know I'm a bad ice cream man but would this ice cream you can eat it and then you have just the code and then you can eat the ice cream cone on top of that but that's not really the update I've wanted to show you guys this is the real part of the update so you guys might have seen this earlier this is my little shower slash bath area but it is a magical bath I'm gonna do effect give LSD at TV it lets do TV in our frags and let's give myself blindness for example okay let's give myself blindness for 60 seconds and - as you guys can tell it's no fun to play a Minecraft with blindness - for 60 seconds but if you just take a dip in my magical bath it will cleanse you it is a bath full of holy water and I love it so much but the weird thing is for some reason I'm still pink I I thought it would fix me being pink and bring you back to my normal minecraft skin but it for some reason hasn't worked yet so I gotta keep tweaking it let's just leave the suburbs for a little bit we've been there for a little bit too long this next thing is something minecraft needs to add and I spoke about it earlier but this is the grapple hook and the reason why we need a grapple hook there is no reason they're amazing I mean why would you not want a grapple hook check this out I mean you just have to throw it you're basically like spider-man and minecraft for this bad boy right you just throw it down and then you right-click again and you grapple to whatever you want this would virtually eliminate the need for into pearls but also not at the same time because the grappler can act a little bit weird but basically you get to become a real-life spider-man with his grapple hook and all you need is a three iron ingots and a fishing rod I mean just look how useful this thing is you can actually just throw it on the ground and grap a look and you can get around town so much faster I mean look at this imagine using this - like The Hunger Games there's something this would be so much fun now y'all might think this is a regular axe but this is no ordinary axe regular axes will just do this alright they just break one part of the tree at a time and to be honest it's really lame and I do not like it so that is why we have created the timber axe where the timber axe all you have to do is mine one the tree and Kazaam it breaks all of the trees nearby it even gives you sticks so you don't have to make them it's pretty much minecraft most useful axe you could literally go through an entire forest biome that's like jungle based and if you just mind the stem of the tree you get to mind the entire tree but if you mind in the middle of the tree it breaks trees nearby you cannot tell me this would not be insanely useful if it was added to Minecraft okay so maybe you're not convinced with the temper axe you will be convinced after seeing this minecraft added rainbow sheep but why did they not add Disko sheep I know I thought the same question but if you just smack a sheep up it then does the disco and what you can do is you can actually do this what do you spawn ten sheep and you smack all them at once and just look at it they become disco sheep although this was not supposed to happen why is this sheep on fire I mean they're spinning but they're also on fire and they don't stop spinning ladies and gentlemen they continue to spend forever so if you have a favorite sheep in Minecraft don't make them do the disco because once they start the disco they can't stop it's the infinite disco okay now I feel kind of bad for these guys I'm sorry sheep but I didn't know this was gonna happen the last thing I have to show you guys on my list is throw a both TNT and it's exactly as it sounds all you have to do when you have the TNT created is left click to lob it up in the sky this is something I personally have been wanting in Minecraft for so long imagine just getting the lob TNT at your best friend or maybe your enemies in Minecraft or even throwing it at moms yes TNT is very useful for excavating areas like so but how much more useful would it be if you could just throw the TNT pre ignited and make chaos happen right it would be amazing so dadgum helpful however this is the sad bonus video where we have to end things if you think one of these things would be useful in Minecraft go ahead and smash that like button down below hope you guys enjoyed our list of 19 things that we believe minecraft should have added to Minecraft by now but if they haven't added it yet I'm sure they will add it soon plus you can always get most of this from a mod pack but it would be cool to have in vanilla minecraft thank you for watching everybody have a great day take care and I'll see you guys and gals next [Music]
Channel: PrestonPlayz
Views: 2,437,672
Rating: 4.9371719 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mcpe, kids, kid, kid friendly, family, family friendly, update, 1.14, 1.15
Id: Z0tTtfIACpc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 41sec (1121 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 06 2019
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