Boy vs Girl $1,000,000 OP Minecraft Trident Challenge!

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boy girl all right yeah you've seen me make million-dollar swords shovels even pickaxes in Minecraft but you have never seen me make a million dollar tried it let's go try dancer from the ocean I love something that helps right my wife Breanna has no idea what she's gotten herself into it's a boy versus girl battle so I just walked into a rabbit foot and now all of a sudden I'm doing parkour what the heck is going on speaking of what the heck is going on we have an American tie-dye fire t-shirt yeah that's the fire logo in the middle it's it's the Sikh inspires forever I think I've literally wore this shirt probably every day for the last month oh yeah maybe two months but anybody that's not the point it's a really cool shirt okay Oh what is this a head header block you think it's gonna stop us oh it a little bit of Neil jump at that now now we're too fast we do furious oh this rock might be a little bit difficult to make though oh but we're gonna do it with finesse actually I should probably go back so we can momentum these so let's not mess up nuts now what the heck is this more park away like look at this oh now he's got a two-block neo jump this man's is trying to keep me but you can't hang with me okay I thought it was gonna be a triple neo jump and I was about to say if it's a triple in the O jump I'm not doing it oh yeah busie I love this megaphone all right here we go and footnotes let's go give me that rabbit's foot easy-peasy am i right I what's this next one that looks like some light blue dye let's go ladies and gentlemen Oh what is this piston parkour you think that's gonna stop me bro I'm a monster hey yeah hey yeah oh yeah yeah oh sure one of those say ladies and gentlemen Oh what the heck is this um um uh what did it work no it did not work wait it didn't work wait what okay this one this one and then this one open the door open the door open wait it's opening no I said opening that one I don't want it to open that one okay maybe it's some kind of witch crap what if oh okay I accidentally did it let's go I I'm not even gonna complain we did it that's all that matters now what does this do what the heck does that do like what the heck is this wait wait wait wait what wait Oh Oh Preston you are such a clever devil oh my goodness gracious all right guys can we please get a like for that that is some next-level strategies so I just gotta make this jump they didn't okay alright alright give me that light blue dye I am a beast we've got the rabbit foot we got the light blue dye now let's go get ourselves an obsidian block ladies and gentlemen I'm gonna crack this Trident lickety-split it he put the heck is this why am i punch and blue wood it's called a boy log okay that's kind of weird why am i punching boy log and I make a boy crafting bench oh it's wait why is it not blue the boy crafting bench is not blue now I've got to confuse wait wait a second wait there's obsidian here no don't tell me don't you dare tell me right now that I have to make all the way up to a diamond pickaxe in order to get this dadgum obsidian is that what I'm being told right now wait wait wait what's underneath here don't tell me don't you dare tell me no no oh boy guys guys what happened oh I'm just gonna say this right now and the most Christian way possible but this map crater is a son of a gun oh I know what he expects us to do he expects us to grind all the wait wait - a diamond pickaxe by finding all the resources of course on this island which means I gotta make I gotta find diamonds I gotta get iron it's gonna be lengthly but thankfully we have the power of editing oh wow we already have an iron pickaxe and we found our third diamond the magic of editing let's try that again I was kind of fun would you look at that a diamond pickaxe or be grated that was pretty cool can we try it again with the subsidiaries new editing thing that I've got going on I think I gotta keep this video this big all right now we've got to do this was this some kind of note how much diamond does a diamond sword to do that's what easiest question of my life partner it does seven damage what year did Microsoft buy minecraft 2013 what it would do any boring well ok sorry I didn't know where 2014 I thought it was 2015 actually I kind of thought it was 2016 but that makes sense what happens when you name a rabbit toast it goes black I think it was black and white haha that was actually a guest but an educated guess the creator of this map is Swifter underscore one two three four let's go to number Beiste correct if you say Swifter one two three four I will never make another map book for you again okay so after please don't do that I love you if square root of what is value what Yeow oh no way correct I see you are very skilled in math and it wasn't a fluke at all I can't believe I managed to do that wait how do you get out of this control room stay here in Waits blank creative mode um wait yeah how do I get out of this room what the heck wait do I actually have to go in creative mode ok give @p instead of going into game mode we're just gonna give ourself uh give ourselves a stone stone but there we go perfect aha sneaky button see he knew we had to cheat you think you're very clever don't you why yes I do but why don't you try figuring out which of these commands will allow you to cheat the item in wait can I just do I'm so confused I'm pretty sure just give at feed torch incorrect wait what so that's not the command apparently what is torch torch one okay give that P torch this thing does this work no all the way back to the beginning it did so it's got to be this one then give that P torch recipe one this thingy there we go I can't believe I got every single one wrong and then it it took all my items away dadgum it and now last but not least the tried it ladies and gentlemen Woody's piece okay into the water maze oh no it's a water maze yep this this is this okay I'm gonna run out of breath here soon ah oh okay now you finally talk again all right sorry guys get all my breath okay let's go back in guys I'm actually holding my breath and this is kind of difficult okay okay guys I tried all my breath but it doesn't work okay my character has water breathing so I'm just gonna pretend like I have water breathing in real life because I almost just drowned please be around this corner yes wait is this it this is a troll just a prank wait I'm in water again oh there's two levels to the maze this is so silly you don't even want to know how long I've been in this mace but I see I see this name tag that name tag has got to lead to the Trident there it is there it is ladies and gentlemen turn the corner boy tried and short finally give me that thing oh yeah finally we can craft the ultimate million-dollar boy tried it so let's see I think it went this way this way paper rabbit foot Trident who the boys tried and dads but crafted ladies and gentlemen right-click for Thunder rod throwing your Trident at the ground Wilson need lightening trail back to you that's all okay that's pretty sick wait what is this after spout whoa wait a second let's try this out guys take this wait oh my god that's overpowered hold on I want to try the lightning one and takes this oh my gosh this is probably the best trident minecraft has ever seen ladies and gentlemen Aquaman ain't got nothing on this now let's see what you got Breanna we have it looks like five challenges and then I'll have my trade five challenges that's all it takes that's all it takes and then I have my Trident let's go let's go for the rabbits but first it looks like we have some parkour to start us off well good thing I have been practicing this is like the prettiest parkour I have ever seen oh I burned off a lot of calories doing that you guys but the rabbit's foot is so close to me oh I almost didn't make that one that was very tricky that was a big jump but cut the rabbit's foot almost 301 I don't know what's gonna happen oh that's so nice I didn't have to go all the way back look all these other doors are okay hey let's go to this one I honestly don't know what that one is don't judge me I don't know where I'm going oh I'm going underwater in a maze I sure hope I brought my scuba gear okay maybe my love of little mermaid is coming in handy oh there's a lot of twists and turns to your ladies and gentlemen everywhere I turn is wrong so I'm gonna sing you a song about my turning rock no [Music] I found the letter let's go maybe the Fisher here another man I have found my way through this maze to now go through another way I don't appreciate this this better be a really good prize at the end of this is girl trainin charred oh that's a trident shard that like half of a trident anyways I found it I'm jumping on it yay so I've done two out of five so this next thing is a big blob of a pink thing it looks like a big piece of bubblegum and I want to eat it now what oh I feel like this is a proper time to plug some pink fire merch buy some pink fire merch mine is in the fryer right now because I just wore it yesterday I built a life-size Barbie it's pretty awesome I had to wear a big fire marshmallow in tow it's dirty right now but you should buy some because it's super cool oh my goodness I feel like I just did something something is happening can I jump up here what's happening oh I lit up yay the first puzzle is done it was totally the merged plug it fueled my soul well I don't think I can jump up here just conveniently so I'll click this one three back down and then I can stand here let's go now that I'm up here have to make it here so I'm just slight parkour jump but oh another redstone puzzle though sure me that actually work I am actually really shocked I'm just gonna copy what I did again inner/outer that's a not beginners look I don't know girl power whatever you want to say but I don't know what just happened oh this sir went away you got to stand on this pressure plate fridge maybe if I flip the lever Wow puzzle hmm let's see on this pressure plate but how am I gonna get the other pressure plates activated I have two things in my inventory okay so let me row a rabbit's foot over here and a treinen chart over here and the door magically opens the girls team to the pink dye yay three out of five done so now what is next maybe the paper lose Oh trivia comin atcha how much obsidian is needed to make an enchantment - or correct obsidian is the main part of the recipe the largest distance a player without potions and jump is hmm let's try four hey correct five blocks is an impossible jump what update was the Guardian added 1.8 yes correct the Guardian was added as part of the bountiful update which item is not included in the recipe for a piston it's correct the recipe uses cobblestone as the base for the piste what is the most popular minecraft server hypixel hivemc or mine points I think it's - Bret hypixel has over 14 million players join the server Wow who is the best map maker ever there's too many to count they're all great we love max map creators or Swifter 12:43 so Swifter 1243 created this map and we are so thankful for him amazing job but every single map creator is amazing and we're super thankful for them what is Preston's real name I don't know Preston please Preston Blaine are spades and is Preston playing artist mint ladies and gentlemen not even close does my husband have a name that I'm not aware of I'm just to say I don't know then it says you don't even know your husband's a now Wow I don't know what's the correct answer let's go for eight question correct two of them were not questioned uh uh papers here oh my gosh you guys I have transported I have my final four I have my final challenge let's go it's too quiet let's get some trees let's get some trees it's purple guys why is the tree in my hand okay that was looking a little suspicious for what could I do I could make a crafting bench crafting table there we go okay so we have some planks let's get a stick okay got some sticks guys gotta make a pickaxe wooden pickaxe yay gotta start somewhere now don't you dig down to get the stone break the obsidian before Preston and obsidian impress and rhymes to me this is awesome it's time to craft how am I gonna make this we're gonna put the lock on top they're gonna put the treinen in the middle cause the heart is in the center and then you gotta put the pink on the bottom you have to have a solid foundation it's gonna put the paper on the left because I'm left-handed and I write things on paper with the left and the obsidians on the right cuz we think right and I don't know oh there it is girl Trident one point six attack speed and four attack let's go check it out you guys Wow well I move really whoa shift right click oh it for Kunz you oh I threw it no I'm gonna want that let's not let that go to somebody else although I shouldn't have pushed that button Oh No Oh No shift click shift click take that zombie people I got this fancy thing and now I'm having to use it oh one more no I won and I have the most fancy Trident ever beat that Preston [Music]
Channel: PrestonPlayz
Views: 2,327,961
Rating: 4.8050389 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mcpe, kids
Id: nYug3dZkrTg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 46sec (1006 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 20 2019
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