9 Things you should ALWAYS Do in Minecraft!

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thanks to Fox next games for sponsoring a portion of this video so we all know the things you shouldn't do in Minecraft you know like I've now learned you shouldn't dig straight down in Minecraft although sometimes you do find pretty cool things down there wish you could find a gopher that would be really cool like some really cool animal down there however I'm getting distracted today we're going to talk about nine things you should always do in Minecraft so go ahead and leave this video a like because I think I'm gonna leave you with some pretty handy knowledge to get your mind crafting skills up to the next level rule number one always break diamond door with at least an iron pickaxe now sounds pretty self-explanatory when you just have a old wood pickaxe it does take you a while or if you kind of try to break it with your fist that would be kind of an oopsie I have tried to do that before but we won't talk about it story scape is totally free to download I love that you can create your own interactive narrative experience and it's constantly updating with new shows and episodes so it's always feeling like a new experience the choices that you make impact the outcome of your show so don't forget to choose wisely or I guess you can live on the edge store escape strives to bring real life experiences into the game therefore not every outcome will have a happily ever after we're in some kind of laboratory we didn't know existed yesterday hoping we don't go missing too I think I was wrong maybe it wasn't a shadow I saw lack of sleep getting to me something so I'm either supposed to say stay calm toughen up soldier or hang back I'll go look it's okay we'll take our time if need be but if you think you saw something we have to look into it okay we're gonna investigate remember when I told you to make good choices and when I told you to go download story scape now it's available on both Apple and Android and it's free to download what are you waiting for thank you to Fox neck story scape for sponsoring that portion of the video now we're gonna play Microsoft's Minecraft so today I have some ah hey see ya guys how do you pronounce that please put it down in the car I have okay see ya planks a diamond pickaxe a water bucket and some torches so I am ready to go on a journey luckily just in a mind because I don't really want to go anywhere else so I'm going to conveniently place some torches down so I do not die on my journey I do not want to get eaten while I'm just casually trying to mine diamonds zombies do not need to take diamonds for me okay Wow luck is on my side I just wanted to go on a little excursion to find some diamonds and literally the universe was like Bri we want you to find diamonds today too because here you are because sometimes you got a mine for a while out in the open like this before you can even find them but you know no they're just right here in a huge vein so we are going to mine these diamonds with a diamond pickaxe what is that okay I did it just as I told y'all you have to mine a diamond with at least an iron pickaxe we're on the same page right everybody but that is a glowing dirt block suspicious dirt hold on let's do another one [Music] I'm even wearing armor okay like I'm super prepared you know what no we're we're just gonna get all of this this has got to be a faulty vein so we'll just go over here to this other one nope nope all of it is funky how about we make a really quick crafting bench and we try to make something out of this suspicious dirt I do like the fact that it has some purple aura to it because purple is a nice color and it looks a little fancy how about we try to make a pickaxe with it you know maybe a dirt pickaxe would be cool let's get some sticks readily available to all of us so I can craft a suspicious dirt pickaxe that's gonna be quite interesting for all of us to witness maybe it's going to be the most amazing pickaxe we have ever seen yes that that's it it looks very gross dirt pickaxe it has one point to attack speed into attack damage so that's not that bad but literally this pickaxe is made out of dirt look at how it looks next to my diamond pickaxe it's disgusting let's see what I look like holding this not my best look how does this mine not too bad hey I caught on something dirt pickaxes they're pretty handy on to the next thing you should always do okay rule number two always bring food when you go mining so those of you who don't know me very well this is kind of lucky in this case because when I get hungry I get hangry so yes if I am going to go mining my supplies would definitely be food because nobody wants Bree to be hangry so I would take obviously a diamond pickaxe to begin to mine a torch so the zombies don't attack me and lots of food so chuckles not cook chicken not my chuckles and yeah okay we'll continue what the food I still think cooked rabbit looks awfully silly I guess I will take rotten flesh but I still don't really think that is the best food supply so my entire inventory is full of food I even have torches to protect me in a diamond pickaxe so we are going to begin our journey to the mine I am going to place some torches down so I don't die get to mining mining is a hard job all in a day's work you imagine if your actual job was working in a mine I have so much respect for them we need more torches Oh No if a zombie comes out I am not prepared this is the best cave I have ever found because there's just like veins of everything everywhere you know what I've mind enough to have my first snack I've gotten some stuff I'm gonna reward myself let's uh go with some steak one of my personal favorites did you all see that hello I just ate steak in like half of my health health hunger my health my weight down no my hunger health and hunger go hand in hand okay and weight down you know I'm just gonna mine a little bit longer and ignore the fact that I'm dying that's ridiculous does this you know what no it must have been the quality of that stink let me try to eat a cod no what about salmon see see that gave me some health back hunger I'm not saying that's right what about mutton see that that's helpful mine is great chicken Yahtzee I'm doing great now got tons of diamonds I'm very hungry oh okay that food that I just ate is definitely not good my entire health food thing is like green so great I think I now have food poisoning so let's try something else okay all I'm doing is definitely going down this entire time please oh my gosh you guys the more I eat the more I die well I guess the moral the story goes don't bring food when you go mining I'm gonna always bring food when I go mining I'm very confused I also don't know when I'm on I also don't know why I'm on fire I must have exceedingly bad heartburn that food must have been in that chest forever it was probably super expired you know what rule number three is for sure gonna work out I know what you're supposed to do in Minecraft I'm a professional rule number three don't make diamond hoes I don't fully understand this rule I've never fully understood it because I would think diamonds make the best stuff but you know it's a roll simple as you can see my farm it's a it's a little shabby don't look at it I'm embarrassed so we're going to make a new little tilling device so we're going to craft a little hoe are using the stuff we have here and it says regular iron hoe good job on not making a diamond hoe thank you I don't really feel like when I use a crafting table it typically compliments me but I do appreciate it it's also glowing that's typically good sign of Minecraft but I do remember that the dirt in our first rule was glowing and that kind of went a little haywire but let's let's go outside and the field till teal till the soil I don't know how to pronounce that word help me let's make this soil clean I [Music] don't want lava under my grass what's doing this I I don't understand literally I planted everything in my in my farm nothing had any of this what I'm confused oh no I was I was trying to save my tulips I just planted my tulips last week I was trying to save the seeds I didn't think there is lava under there what if a diamond pickaxe would be the one that would spawn a lava maybe rule number four will make me understand what's going on I am very confused because of my confusion please look under this video and if that subscription button is read please make it gray because rule number four I'm really hoping works out for me stressed rule number four always bring a bucket of water with you when mining to put out any fires obviously has occurred in the last scene I can often catch on fire if lava is near me which doesn't fully make sense because I'm Preston's wife and his character and minecraft is made out of lava and my little character is also like a lava little thingy majiggy thing oh I'm mining already but let's go mining I have a little regular iron hoe still because it refused to leave my inventory it loves me so much at the time in pickaxe water buckets torches to protect me in some cobble stone so let's get to mining and protecting myself with some torches I don't wanna die good diamonds yes please guys that's like the first thing I quell this isn't bad of course the diamonds are in the one hard place to get to but conveniently enough for me I can put some little Stoppers out ha ha see I have like stairs I'm gonna do like a little parkour e thingy jump jump I mean I'm really wanting these diamonds so if you could behave yourself please oh oh no okay water water please water water water water why is the water turning into lava guys this water is actually the water is lava look this water is turning into lava itself why would water betray me this way thank you it killed me it killed me how could water kill me I never knew if you gave yourself a water bucket that would also make you die like lava this has been a hard day rule number five only jump off high cliffs if there's water below of you if there's water below you safely land in that's true but I do feel like the whole time I have been playing Minecraft today I've been trolled and none of these roles are actually working for me they're working against me but it's true like if you're ever jumping from a high place you jump into water but the last time I used water was the last scene and water burned me like lava I don't know I just don't know well I'm done now with mining for the day I saw on my diamond pickaxe I have some diamonds 16 to be exact iron or gold ore and some emeralds because I'm fancy but there is a little problem we went to a different Haven sometimes and I actually can't find my house and I'm also very frightened of mushroom trees for some reason so I do get lost quite a bit I would like to hopefully find my house but I'm literally lost so send help I don't know where my mom is um okay so uh trying to find my house it is completely safe to jump in the water I do feel like somebody's watching me and trying to troll me while I've been playing today or they're trying to help me find my house that could be it cuz I do think that's my pink house down there here we go to my house I don't even know if I landed in the water or I finally ended in the dirt but whatever it was that sign did not lead me to victory you guys please comment in the comments that I need some huh from luck please send me some motivation I need some love right rule six never sleep in the nether like I told you I have tested this one in his foolproof you just go to bed I go to that all the time every day all the time I'm pretty good at it it is my hobby sleeping pretty good at it I'm also pretty good at wearing my new merch royal Abbi you should check it out on royally be calm it's really comfy you can even wear it to bed but you know if you go to bed not in the right place like the nether I've heard a lot of scary stories so I'm gonna go into my little bed that I couldn't even get into the little house because the little doors too small so no booty bin can come in we're gonna close the door so I'm gonna just go to sleep even though my red bed doesn't match my pink house take a little nap initiating sleep sink what's what that's I've never seen that before okay guys this has never happened seriously what's happening oh my gosh I have to run back to my bed somebody is for real trolling me I'm gonna get back stop I have practice sleeping my entire life I don't understand why I was teleported to the nether did I forget to set my alarm correctly rule number seven my diamonds that are above lava I don't want to be above lava cuz it hurts easy as that so we have my good old diamond pickaxe some water and torches which everything so far today has backfired so we're gonna hope that all of these do me justice I'm just gonna pour some good old water onto this lava to create some obsidian okay I did not mean to create a lava bucket but I just did please don't slow me into the lava and I'm just gonna take some diamonds wait what flames Oh what take some diamonds take some diamonds flames diamonds are you'll seeing what I'm seeing diamonds okay what diamonds blames their flaming diamonds wait those should be worth way more what wait they're all gone they were flaming diamonds they're all gone I didn't even get to keep any in my inventory I was cheated now I'm going to die I was cheated I'm going to die and I didn't even get any time it's rule number eight never fight creepers in close range or you will blow up I'm afraid of mobs no matter how big or how small I don't like blowing up I don't like being in close range to anything terrifying uranium so we have a bow and arrow I already see a creeper so we're gonna not and okay he probably heard me trying to poach them but we're gonna not be very close to him okay I'm getting increasingly closer to him we are going to try to stay very far away from closer stay far away from me sir and I'm going to try to hit you with an arrow but in the friendliest type of way see okay this is not easy I only okay get away wait what that's fun 20 more um okay please die oh no they're coming for me there's a bunch of these so I'm not the best when it comes to fighting mobs it looks like the entire map has exploded and it's not cuz of me it's cuz of the creepers but you know what that means we are at rule number nine it's the best of them all if it's the best of them all that means it's either going to work the best or it's going to be the worst of all of these let's get into it so the last role never make a gold sword they have low durability well monsters are approaching and I only have a stick into iron ingots I don't really like following anything that I'm hearing today I agree oh gosh so I am going to really really really really quickly create um an iron sword please don't kill me can they come in my house wait I didn't take the sword that didn't go as planned um okay iron sword it's gonna be great iron swords are way better than gold swords as I was saying I don't want to follow the rules that's actually falling world because the cold sports are bad everything is jumping in my mind I'm really nervous because I hear what's outside and so I'm rambling [Music] okay okay no oh my gosh my sword is already gone I prepared myself with an iron sword so it have more durability and either a mob took it or everything's been out for me today so it just poofed into thin air look at how many mobs there are I'm surprised they don't know how to open the door do I have any other materials in here conveniently I have some gold in my chest to make the worst sort thanks me I'm so glad I have the worst materials and mine crafts make a sword right now to kill the zombie apocalypse so let's go on and kill the zombie apocalypse really quick I'm gonna become a zombie Excalibur the holy sword Excalibur you know what this is teaching me sometimes it's good to break the rules ladies and gentlemen it was telling me gold swords are bad well I just made a gold sword and look what happened I am going to be able to defeat I am now amazing with two strikes on my sword and my mighty fist all the mobs are gone remember if you get my videos within the first 60 minutes of them being posted your comments will be featured down below and I'm gonna continue using the sword of ass caliber
Channel: BriannaPlayz
Views: 2,388,038
Rating: 4.8713689 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mcpe, family, family friendly, funny, comedy, preston, brianna, prestonplayz, briannaplayz, narrative game, story game, interactive game, storyscape app store, storyscape ios, storyscape titanic, storyscape x-files, storyscape google play
Id: KnydhlRjxts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 25sec (1225 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 02 2020
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