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I love minecraft it makes so much sense I mean everything is square you just gotta place blocks down you can jump on them there's gravity you know water flows lava flows it's just a really easy game to play for everybody except for the illogical Minecraft series forget everything you know about Minecraft you know what scrap that forget everything you know about video games these maps completely change how you think not just in Minecraft but in general ladies and gentlemen hold on to your seats this is illogical minecraft the movie ladies and gentlemen welcome to illogical minecraft this map in Minecraft defies all laws within minecraft essentially we have to break every rule in Minecraft to complete this map with that being said guys this is a logical Minecraft it's gonna be interesting I don't know if we're gonna be able to complete it I know I will be able to I don't know if Sam will be I'm sorry Sam how to play odd oh the same so this is a die see that's how you play the map oh well that's how I thought we played in that we click the right button we know we click the right button oh yeah you got a mean game mode to my guy huh ok we caught it well you know what I got it we're fine we're fine I just sprinted ahead and adjust mm-hmm so if everything here is illogical I'm assuming this will kill me yep all right I knew that I need to kill you too ok I'll kill you again so I so Sam here's what we gotta do you got a shift on the edges yes see if I am NOT played ok well that's still difficult to do if I not played a million Minecraft bar this is like one of the go to parkour tricks you just gotta always be on the edge Sam yeah always be on the edge always I'm on the edge I'll wait for you are you on my edge I'm waiting I'm waiting I'm waiting to wait and wait come on almost there almost there we go sorry ladies and gentlemen you gotta get the hottest merch in this scene right now we are pressing styles merch we've launched so many new items colors of hoodies all kinds of crazy stuff at the webstore press and sales calm you can check out the card up above here somewhere or down below in the description just Preston Styles calm look at this it's new go check it out down below in the description all kinds of sales happen during the summer I gotta go take care of this just go check you need a peptic I know I know lol you thought it was this easy this is not what we need I thought this is what we needed but it's a good stick to beat you with sorry to say I'm like good ok Sam did you see the chest blows did you see the chest sorry I was smacking you up a little bit Oh Oh Sam yeah there's there is a chest below us but we need a button yeah but there's this chest and I've got the button Sam what if we don't need a button no but no we need the button Sam okay we need the button now what happens if I put on the Sam click the button I put it on the diving block but it oh no what if I was not supposed to place the button on that specific spot not even not even yeah it was that it was that I just placed in the wrong spot in the ball game Oh what was okay that I did not yeah I'll let you go and try that one maybe one of these blocks No okay both all the blocks what about can any of these Oh Sam what if wouldn't ha ha that's what we're supposed to do you're not supposed to jump on them oh dang it I got all the way to the end can you oh can you walk the whole way oh okay almost almost the whole way don't go too far Sam you just walk look oh okay okay what thing walk the entirety there but I had it at it like you're fine you does Lily just jump yeah there you go yet oh yeah look at see I got you I got you purple dimension see things you didn't saw before you were supposed to use this this is the purple dimension all I knew it I knew it I knew it you have to so what you have to do is you put it in your other hand slot I had a feeling I had a feeling here's Sam I'll use it and then I will give it to you how about that guy oh you can see everything now except how do we get oh oh I see and we have to oh this is so cool okay Sam you gotta get over here I can't I can't take off the dimension until you get over here alright I had to come over here I just kept standing ready crouch alright now we're gonna go on this side I think right here in the middle block middle block this can be kinda hard but can we can do this both of us okay and it's on yes ha oh this is cool this is like stranger things or something oh my god alright yeah you have a limited amount of time you know what we we did though we did what we needed to do there we got there dude we're actually good we're beating this map and record time over here ladies and gentlemen I like this map yeah that was really cool okay I found I got a button Sam there might be something else though down here I mean is this all we needed you need a button right here I have a button oh it's just this try and see what it does okay so I can't place this button down we have to keep inventory on so think about it well I found the chest let me go see okay so this is where I found the chest what if there's more to the chest make sure we check you got a check to check everything yeah I mean leave nothing nothing no stone left unturned okay in this area of the map maybe there's a different button that's what I thought too Sam everybody view put your offhand slot you can't place it down wait okay wait Sam I'm in chemo to RNA yeah wait hold on I might adjust it wait oh you can break this oh oh you could break the wall oh no now it's all I'm gonna get harder it's only gonna get harder from here on out oh we have to find the path okay find the path okay so it's it's middle right middle rights middle right middle middle rights and middle from little bit right no middle right it's just gotta be middle middle right left I think it'll ride suck left maybe middle no okay I think it's middle right left or middle rights middle left oh that's hard you gotta jump around the block yeah yeah now you gotta go to the far left block it's kind of a hard parkour jump actually yeah cuz you can't yeah yeah they're kind of always there all right maybe it's middle oh yeah no what the heck no day there's a bigger block there hundred percent door where everybody's s that yeah maybe you just go straight to this one oh it is oh now I see okay so brought let's see which one you're at okay I know which one you're right now now you gotta go it's kind of hard oh gosh I gotta get there first oh that's right cuz you can jump in between okay so you go to this one Sam oh I think ah watch what we're okay oh no nothing but anger nothing but anger right now unadulterated anger okay so we've made it to this one maybe this one's on the backside oh it is oh okay alright and this one carefully okay taking notes here I'm trying to decide do I can I jump for this one okay you can what are these wait are these new but these always here these ladders I did not okay now I think we're good and look up and yes okay Sam come on give me one last shot this is you got this it's really here I could even guide you down there I have a feeling it this is gonna kill me yeah I knew it did that kill you too yeah I apologize well now I've got a radio okay so I will try to be your your guide here in the night Sam so boom boom boom once you make it here we can proceed with the next step okay next step is going this way and then you got to jump to this ladder hey it's okay you're kidding honestly all you have to do is get to that part Sam and it gets really easy okay like after that it's very basic parkour jumps ladder parkour though I know I know it's not your forte it's it's not it's okay this is the checkpoint then yeah I knew they'd kill yourself button B the checkpoint I believe I believe I'm the one needs to believe here not you so far so normal I think you missed something maybe a button no Sam just come over here come over here Sam just come on the ice blocks I already knew I knew it was gonna happen eventually in this map come on you got this I'll borrow more come on look at my head it was on my head my name is Jim okay now we've got a bow and an arrow guess I'll take this for now okay is there anything on this platform oh there's a lot of different pose Wow but wait remember illogical illogical Sam it seems like we should shoot that I see command blocks below us there's how do we know which one to shoot I guess I'll shoot all of them is it a daylight sensor or something ready just do it really fast oh they're all lit they're all wet everything yeah everything is lit look look at them throw lit okay check your head you check your head yeah wait wait maybe did did that bring you the next level kill me dang it I was I thought maybe if I killed you bring you the next level preston violence is not the answer yep sometimes it is sometimes it is I mean really we can't do wait now where's that particles am I going crazy yes it's illogical man oh oh you throw out the bow and arrow on the ground that's how you complete that stage you know I feel bad for Sam but he really never stood a chance seems never really been the greatest at minecraft in the first place I'll cut him some slack cuz illogical minecraft is pretty dadgum hard so I'm sorry Sam but you're cut from the team I gotta continue the second illogical minecraft map by myself whoa rengar created a sequel to a logical minecraft illogical minecraft - very important if you are the type of person which can destroy his PC because of Rage just don't play this map oh I've got a really good temperament now I would never do that ever it looks like your avatar no but does that like stinkier that's your logo it's fired Kenny it's a campfire and your logo look at it it's a giant campfire can it's your logo I'm just I'm a little more shut the up it's your loss know what I noticed yeah very hostile person no I'm not shut up [Music] know what is going on guys my name is Preston and welcome back to a brand new minecraft video today we are playing a larger gold minecraft - now if you didn't see me play the first one this will be linked down below in the description I played it with my buddy Sam and it was fun I always loved these types of Minecraft maps I really feel like they never get all it's a big shout-out to my boys wranger for making this map so I'm hoping that he's just being a little bit over exaggerative and the maps actually a lot easier than these states let's just go ahead and go with that and check this out he actually put my head in the Minecraft map because I played his first one I got to say it again thank you guys so much for being amazing and so patient and loving with me while I was recovering but thank you guys so much you guys are amazing if you're excited for more videos with a hashtag healthy Preston for once I've been sick for like six months straight and it feels good to not be sick finally hit that like button down below and subscribe then without further ado let's get into a logical minecraft to which I don't know which button to press cuz there's four different buttons and it's it's illogical is it this one okay come on what about this no seriously okay we're just gonna try button then well by laws of nature it has to be this button and it's not that button either it's nots gonna be none of these buttons it's gonna be none of these and remember this is illogical minecraft you probably have to jump off the edge you can't jump off the edge okay you son of a gun okay it was very intense music oh jump in one of these well this minecraft map is illogical so I'm gonna jump off the edge of the map okay fine we go in the lava we go in the lava okay yes that was it that was it wait what is this hey why does it say lol what does that mean I don't know if I like that hey I see that button I see them oh I saw that button I saw that button map crater you think you're sneaky you think you're sneaky this one isn't even sneaky this one's just hard it's just it's very difficult that the button while you're falling down oh I didn't die that's that's lag that's laughs haha take that map crater there is nothing that is the biggest live ever heard of my entire life hmm what what if you look at it is that what turns it on and off or is it looking down I don't know but I got this look at this oh yeah oh shoot how do I press the button dadgummit okay we're gonna figure out to do this right so go back step back step back alright we're near the button get it come on how am I missing this button this is so easy okay just press press the button alright I good we're in a good spot I press the button there we go it should not have been that difficult oh oh there's a button oh there's floating buttons what Nantucket Island is this hmm maybe use the magma to boost this up here watch this hi-yah hi-yah I think this works I've seen this in a movie once but Bruce Lee come on give me that give me the juice juice me I've been juiced okay so now that we're up here I think I dadgummit stiffy juice big in juice me no okay and juice me juice juice thank you I've been juiced I also have not parkour in a very long time ladies and gentleman sir please don't make fun of my skills right now what in Sam Houston is this how am I supposed to get what am I supposed to do here this is me I thought we were supposed to parkour on top of the poles oh no what does that say down there wait wait what is this what is this oh now I'm luring the sides of the soul sand and so far oh wait it's soul sand looks like a different color Oh what in tarnation is that the soul sand is sieve through a walkthrough okay so we have a diamond block so we're is there a button somewhere in our inventory I admit I or there's some kind of secret maybe there's something underneath I see the diamond block now oh I saw some water okay what about let's just go with swimming home the lava is water are you serious this makes no sense lava is water okay that is now the most illogical thing I've ever seen in Minecraft I've seen some illogical things with my days but never have I seen water or lava turned into water that is dadgum illogical right so now we are on some sponges some sponges oh okay is that maybe is that the button that we're supposed to press what does it say down here hey hay is for horses I'm not a horse I refuse to be treated like a horse I don't know if we're supposed to press this button or not I mean it's there so why we just go and try it chug go gosh dang it's gonna be just like that last level hey button boys hi guys so this just happened while I was mid filming of this video currently as you can see I'm outline this is the illogical Minecraft map and yeah this is on my roof right now that's water this is the office see that like gray spot that's a lot of water it's dripping and I heard a sound it was literally dripping directly onto this electrical socket look at the water there's still water on my wires down here with my computer ISM and I have my pressing Stiles towel sopping up the water so it's not too loud in the microphone because with the water we're just hitting the box it was so loud anyways just life of a youtuber you know ah check out my merch rest of South icon who you know if it was only just as easy as it is in Minecraft I could just type in slash toggle downfall and the rain would go away but I just turned it on though I need to take it off don't go away rain go away it's still leaking I'm looking up and I'm seeing it lake if only I could also use these sponges why is it so ironic that there's a sponge in the same level at the same time when my roof starts leaking I don't even know if this button is gonna do what we think it needs to be done to do things but I need to press this button all right this is it this is it oh no wait wait okay I did a good thing Oh Soaker but wait wait okay there's a trick guys with soaker boxes if you do this yeah hey now you may ask brush now they do you know that well I played this Minecraft map with Rob once and that happened oh I remember specifically yeah I remember this I do remember this he the map crater is a bit of a troll when it comes to blocks like it like what is this like what is that button can we even press that button I don't even know if we could press that button so we've got a crafting bench here alright so let's just let's start let's start first of all let's do we start with my regular wood planks left is good and then middle okay we got light gray wool oh man what about this way oh we can't even go that way okay what about this one no that's that's I should have known should have known better of course it's gonna be more than meets the eyes at least we have keep inventory on okay what about right in the middle okay okay okay so it's this way and then it's this way at another light gray wool what the heck am I gonna do with these light gray wolves oh okay my map greater wise this map is a troll it's not even a logical it's just a troll and look even the right hand side is not even legit so watch it's gonna be the middle oh half the level is just making your brain do things you don't want it to do why why is there no barrier I feel like that would be a great place to put a barrier block what about just in front in front thank you oh no you can't open this one can you yo you can't you can't like what would you oh what the heck you didn't work the first time I swear now all sudden you can jump to this garbage absolute garbage okay I'm also check it I'm checking anything and everything I can guys I'm pretty I'm pretty paranoid I'm paranoid right now I'm in a bed can we put you on bedrock hey alright what about right here alright check ladies and gentlemen Preston knows how to craft Oh that I respect that I write that that was a sick level - patrolling on getting to the chest that was that was that was cool because I am a giant noob and I haven't recorded Minecraft videos in quite some time I might have messed up the face game for this portion of the video don't worry it's only for a few minutes but I pulled the hard drive out of my face cam recording device before I press stop recording so it corrupted I apologize I am a big noob pig in the background stop taunting me and look again so this is a logical minecraft guys now if we were logical we would probably push that sand to that pressure plate right the hut to be don't duh hey you know I'm kind of confused I think there's barrier blocks over here so I don't even know if we could fall through here I had about this let's search the perimeter is there an invisible barrier block that we can jump on - no there's not let's search the other perimeter all right I'm just gonna kill myself maybe that'll work no it didn't work okay well we're not definitely supposed to be able son-of-a-gun why did they do this is such a common thing for map readers to do and it gets me almost every single freaking dumb can break air Oh what can be placed on barrier ah okay I am confused well can we break this oh we get a new one so we just is that I I don't know if that's how we're supposed to do it but I think it might be so we're just gonna go ahead and roll with that uh you know this is totally how we're supposed to do it okay this one this one this one does you want this guy to go out oh wait no this oh hell okay hold on hey yeah what if you do this this now come back is that a sticky piston oh no I think we got a okay I'll shoot what if I broke the game just now 2000 years later Wow would you look at that the piston is back how did that happen the world they never know totally didn't do anything to do that anyways okay so we're just gonna go in pretend like nothing happened see that's what I was supposed to do oh no wait yes bring it back yes yes okay come on take it drop the sand and that's what we were supposed to do so just know if you're playing this right now you can totally mess up big time and kind of break the map so don't yeah it's bad very pretty place right now what what is conspiring within this pretty place ladies and gentlemen now right where you add this in this chest you have four elements when you hold one of them all the blocks of that type will appear when you change to another element you will hear three sounds after this the previous blocks will disappear but the new ones will appear so you need to have a good timing here before you start remember the way you think you will go you need to find a mystic key is this the mystic key because I just found a key this is very confusing I don't know if I want to know about this I can't even open this stupid thing wait do I have to find the mystic key now is that now or is that later I don't know it I don't know if that meant now but ok I found the mystic key that was pretty easy all right come on open up chest house leave log cloud oh man ok I need the house back I think I really confused as to what's going on guys okay so the house is back oh but it removed the other elements now I see what it is doing is there a way for me to get up on to the chest is gone okay what about clouds I think we need the clouds blocks right can't we borrow on them all right what about without log we haven't the law yet I think use log and then you do cloud afterwards so yeah look at that so we're good with log let me go cloud oh shoot I didn't remember where they go uh Oh dadgummit okay so we go we go just diagonally okay now I'm starting I'm starting to get this starting to get this Freston ain't done three come on yes oh no I forgot so remember where the other blocks were dadgummit okay three jump hey we made it oh no we might have made it but now I forgot where the clouds are ah this is this is probably not even correct maybe it's behind us ah what what I don't even know if we can make this okay I should really just not be applied here and actually study what's going down six and a half hours later I finally cracked the code I'm not even kidding you guys I'm the biggest nerd I wrote down the sequence of what we have to do in order to get to the top to place down the button it's goes log leaves clouds logs leaves house clouds let's do this and hopefully I don't forget that I've got a road I haven't literally written down on a sticky note okay I'm intense about my minecraft I don't play around three hop no yes okay okay okay and then Glaus three don't mess up yes that was so close okay think it was right here okay one two three yes okay leaves three jump okay now it's house one two three okay okay okay we only have one more combination it's now on to the clouds three pop Scots yes oh my gosh that should not have been that huh actually you know what that does gonna makes it like it was hard but it was well worth it okay what in God's green earth is this I am going to parkour on top of you when you're going to like it logical things are supposed to happen right now sage I just run into a barrier blocker and I just and my bad if I'm by a bad a parkour sorry alright I don't see a thing is there a wait wait wait whoa whoa whoa whoa aha sneaky by Turner wrong one what do you mean there's multiples there's more than one button what oh I see it it's on this one you sneaky guys yes okay I really don't understand for the last level that was just an interesting last level I really started to think that the map crater rengar was my friend now I'm not so sure about that ladies and gentlemen are you ready for a map that is full of surprises tricks and illogical nonsense well this is the video for you this is a logical minecraft the three in this map you are sure to see me Rach freak out make very interesting faces and ponder life as we know it now this is kind of crazy because I don't know if you saw but a few days ago on my channel I uploaded illogical minecraft number to this map series well this is the third map in the series they've been so much fun to make sure you guys go check out the first and second one I also specifically asked the map freighter to make an illogical minecraft number three I'm going to comment to the doors by leaving a like down below on this video you must make an illogical minecraft number three Andy did merely three days from the time I posted that video that is some fast map grace turn mr. Ranger another quick thing I don't know if you guys saw this but I now have the Twitter handle at resting which means now and footer you literally can just type in slash Preston and I pop-up yes don't worry I still have the TV in our frags Twitter account I have 63 followers on here don't follow the TV and are Frank's order account okay go follow the Preston Twitter account alright I tweet all the time to reply to you guys what's that you don't believe that I reply to you guys all the time well check this out look at that reply 47 minutes ago 55 minutes got one out one out one out yeah look at all these replies anyways last time we went to try to start this map I clicked this button and it didn't start the map for me I knew it I knew it I knew it lol I got you again with this okay mr. Ragnar mr. Matt Prater where's the button where's where did you put the button I'm gonna find it I'm gonna find it I know it's here somewhere you got to be kidding me right now we're not even we're in the lobby guys I need you to do me solid please channel your energy by hitting the like button and the subscribe button below otherwise I will not be able to complete this map clearly I lack brain cells and the only way to obtain more brain cells obviously is by leaving a like and subscribing okay look I'm gonna put this down I'm gonna get I'm gonna get rid of it wait I knew it gasps - you're dope hey hey rancor I hate you but I love you at the same time all right I've played this map before guys so we have some invisible blocks I'm checking my inventory because you never know when this map creators gonna do something very sneaky and cheeky like okay wait yes wait no I don't what what what just happened I swear that's not supposed to happen no I'm still a level one I think I glitch the map I can't get rid of the map I'll be right back we're back with a fresh map I've reloaded hopefully this time things work was I facing south I don't think I was facing south aha is there a button I can't see so you did this again I don't think this is supposed to happen what this is attempt number three of illogical minecraft we are struggling I think we were heading towards the south right Sal no no east west there's West okay so we died right what I'm on level two I am so confused right now a few moments later ranga ranga rank Here I am bragging about your minecraft maps and your series and you doodle bang me and the first day not even the first stage ok the tutorial so I I reached out to Sam you guys know Sam it's me Sam he helps with a lot of minecraft maps and also make some custom minecraft maps for me and he's my boy whenever I'm struggling with something he comes to the rescue he has found the spot to TPN so we need to actually get that gold block but the TP spot and we're supposed to go so I gotta find where's West West is right here so we're gonna go this way I'm just trying not to glitch out the map so that's supposed to happen supposed to die we're just not supposed to respond here so what we're supposed to do instead is we're supposed to actually keep e here ok there we go and then okay but the dirt block isn't supposed to be there why is this happening it's supposed to be like this and then we grab the dirt block and then replace it right there and then this happens get ok yes I think we're fine now a little bit of trouble you know what I mean but it's ok rengar is Romanian he's also a young yo he's younger you let me let little things slip I mean hey come on I'm uh I'm almost 24 and I still that stuff like that slip through okay so remember guys this is illogical minecraft we have a button up here can we reach I think we're about to Mir now can reach it the carpet is it gonna the carpet is not enough boost Oh aha I see so we kind of did something like this in his illogical minecraft numbered come on cute there we go and voila give me that bud alright now we are level three so yeah things are flowing much much better okay all right so we got this beautiful looking ass right now obviously made by an absolute wizard of an architect and we got some like a little bit of pock Oh what the heck oh we have jump boost infinite a K I can't press my spacebar wait what the heck it's like sometimes I could press my spacebar sometimes I cannot what what what what is happening right now my minecraft wait you just sprint I feel you to sprint okay that's a bad that was a dumb decision okay so we can't can we drop or you what this makes no sense boy guys I hear that at least BAM my spacebar butts of what alright whatever no no complaining guys wait can you jump up on this no we can't wait tangible I need wait hold the phone ladies and gentlemen down here up you old this is so cool wait huh we're out of the bath is there a button somewhere wait we might actually just have to kill ourselves I'm diving in a nun wait hold it I don't trust you yet okay I don't see anything else wait guys okay that was really stupid i thought maybe there'd be like you know a barrier block or something and i would fall on it and it would be great wait what is that but this also could at the same time not even be what i'm supposed to do could be something completely different you never know when it comes to logical minecraft okay things are just weird alright there we go kim and can i that's right yeah all right come on ma maybe you go right here I mean I could probably drop down here oh you press why didn't I try that the first time dead gov it alright get out of your button I know that's not gonna be the wolf okay there's a lot of trap doors above us what about the snow lots of times map craters love to head fit okay we're gonna lock chest I repeat we have a locked chest can only sleep at night we have redstone what's on the left side oh we got an ocelot hello Oh flower sceptic flowers Oh chests hidden copy that can break carpet I didn't see any carpet but I'm sure it was someone - what are these buttons do you can't just like map your you just can't put buttons okay cuz if you put buttons like this I just want to click all of them okay where was the carpet is there a piece of white carpet makes you in the snow is there carpet looks just like snow I don't think so oh okay I'm so dumb right right right don't we forgot about that not sure how that happened alright so we've got the secret tunnel leading downstairs the God knows where I'd report Oh what well you know what it's fine fine cuz we needed this to get the chest I think inside of here I don't know there's anything else in there okay so we got fish wait I have a feeling there's still something else down there we haven't had to use a hit yet I don't plan on it something here killed me was it that I think it was that stupid pressure plate dadgummit okay it Stephanie the pressure plate that killed me I didn't even see that you could probably jump over that I just don't know 400 hold on hold on oh um this may be possible I got this wait this might also not be possible yes yes okay now we're talking I'm just gonna looking for like some kind of sneaky button oh wait maybe oh my gosh there's literally like attempt this is it possible there's like a million trapdoors everywhere Wow wait I'm so dumb feed the Ocelot come here yes no no way gave them all my fish ocelot you need to old baby I fed you all my fish oh no oh no what if I have to restart the entire map Oh into the next level kind of an humanities that smarter it's murder murder whoa Harris what have you done my ear is ridiculous guys can we just have a moment for TV in our hair can you just calm down relax Oh much better back to the matter of hand we got bigger fish to fry here ladies and gentlemen much bigger fridge I can't believe you had to kill the Ocelot I had a feeling that maybe it was kill the Ocelot but I didn't want to do it man he's cute it was a very cute Ocelot he did not deserve that kind of punishment Oh hold on we got a sign on the back of this why don't I feel like the second I touched that water guys I'm gonna die and there's no vine so we can't actually grab on to it there's something sneaky here all right we're just gonna go for it we're going for it oh it didn't kill us try to die okay I think that's pretty easy to do I'm glow bright it's just totally easy right yeah yeah we got this we got this look we're just gonna climb up here come on I'm gonna go up here a little bit more is there like a specific area rice to try to die I don't even know what about this okay I'll be really doing this are we really doing this this is just this is just barbaric I bet you there's something hit it Wrangler is a crafty 13 year old from Romania feel like this is not notice well Wrangler I gave you a lot of credit here what the heck Wrangler what about this we have some Vata oh you need two sticks right here they got drop define zoom so now we got to find out of get through this maybe there is a minecart I've seen a lot of signs some redstone torches there very well could be a minecart though right here what's this do Oh inner pearl all right how about this I'm gonna grab a few of these I'm not grabbing just one guest I'm loading up all right we're in you need two sticks right here okay I don't think that we can break these these are unbreakable wait what is this Easter Egg I want to see the Easter egg okay can't oh I don't know because right well oh we're good we're good okay please well what's the what in tarnation was that is there okay I don't want to die please a very good question on how to get to the east area at 800 a good shot of the map is this the Easter Egg is that it is it me just let you kiss me just let you have the map nice right that's not an Easter Egg Gregor good to have the bad bazan supposed to be an easter egg way other oh there's barrier blocks here oh crap wait what if I'm stuck I need to get back in guys wait no I don't what is that okay so I think we just have to go through the lava so what if I feel like it's the highest level of the lava - I just I got that feeling so let's just aim for the higher level like right here okay we have the Amy's we gotta tilt these kind of downward does it boys big place and what stupid variable I think I'm finding a bit okay let's just go right in what if we're just being stupid I have Thor's for being stupid wait that's only one stick guys this is a logical minecraft don't you forget this is not it there's something else there's something else I know what you know what I know it look wranger I played too many of your Maps I think that this is the end Oh God Oh okay okay well that was definitely my that was the end for me right there all right just just beat things up let's do give @b Parinda pearl ender and dirt ah gracias okay there we go I don't want to keep pressing this button it's taking too long now that I've got these here's your on thing and gentlemen ladies here's what we're gonna do is we're gonna do so we need two sticks or is he fibbin so it looks like we do actually need the sticks okay what about this so we were gonna glitch out of the map and try to see if there was something over here that was hidden dadgummit come on of noggin please no I did not like this not like this okay all right there we go so we're out of the map the signs don't give us anything even if we click on the signs this is a logical Minecraft but if I combined under pearls hey doesn't work so the only other idea guys I kind of had was what if we enter proton and a platform is that possible I mean it's the only thing and Vega I can only think about interpolant down here cuz you won't take any damage from the Interpol well you'll take Interpol damage but I want to take fall damage all but there's no buttons underneath here are you kidding me all right that's it I'm bowing down I'm taking a hint you don't really yeah I knew it I knew you didn't need two sticks why did I think that like I was baking myself Preston you probably don't need two sticks uh-huh what do you want for me take the sticks bro guys I know dude he's not taking my sticks why won't you take the sticks okay why something's got to happen here so angry I'm drinking my chick Floyd sweet tea which is a sponsored video I really do I really I really do okay another interpret lit by another end of pearl level this time glitch okay that should be pretty easy I'm great at glitches actually not really but I will try to be so oh this is cool this is kind of like the glitcher map series I know glass usually is kind of glitchy usually oh yes okay I had no idea that's how that worked I have more under pearls oh okay goodness gracious okay this one should be really easy to glitch through we got through one layer Oh oh my gosh I was just killed myself please no this level is not bugged why am I having difficulties believing you mr. Wang er yes I am taking the belongings of the zombie they now belong to me what is this okay what er okay okay fishing rod some sticks furnace a dead bush alright so so far some pretty good pretty good what is the skyblock survival why is there a ladder over here so we have some slime blocks beneath us oh wait wait I don't trust your button Oh is that always there but can break missing No missingno on G organism agnus um I was trying to read it backwards I thought maybe it was backwards or something it's not oh wait wait what that was a hole in one I don't know if I did anything right what is a missing no wait there's two buttons hold on I didn't know there was two buttons okay bye here guys this is it this is it No maybe I'm just supposed to spam this button in a random spot until it just like blazes day out I don't know wait I swear there's more buttons than there was before these buttons definitely did not exist we just have buttons all over the place now they're kind of in ridiculous spots why is there a ladder here is this meant to confuse me I think so yeah you think so okay I'm just beyond confused what is the missing no what does it do guys what does it do I I'm given I'm giving up I'm giving up and going with a hint I knew you will need that hint knew it slash game-mode one are you that's so stupid take my ranch Wrangler take it take my ranch I got a lot of ranch cups you know well how was I supposed to know when to go into game mode one like that not a part of any map ever I'm astonished I'm absolutely astonished this is it I actually had to go take a break I took a 30-minute break since I finished level eight because I had to cool down I didn't even understand exactly what just happened to me Wrangler you are a magician you throw my mind that was the last thing in the world I would have ever expected to do game mode one you never crossed my head you know maybe if I was more of a cheater and minecraft maps' top shotgun concept a shot maybe I would have beaten the eighth level oh but poor Ocelot Wrangler how could you do that to such an innocent creature in the game hopefully the next map will be more vegan friendly cuz that was not vegan friendly wasn't anything friendly it was terrible no no no no no again would be illogical minecraft series this is illogical minecraft number four Miko the pro has helped making this map creator of the unfair minecraft series what's worse than the unfair map crater collaborating with the illogical minecraft map crater nothing it's like a nuclear explosion nobody wants it to happen but it has and by the way I know how to start the map I see that don't you think I don't see that that's what I'm talk about oh this is the tutorial I don't believe this is the tutorial I don't I I do I don't believe it I I don't know I'm having a ok this is not possible I've already started I've sort of the map like two seconds ago and I've already upset if you're upset for me as well don't forget to leave a like down below every time you've done in an illogical Minecraft map we've gotten at least 1 million likes in the video so obviously we have to continue with the trend oh this is irritating wait who what the command failed the run is it what I'm a level of negative 9090 4324 pressing buttons is wrong most cases yeah you know I already I can't figure that one out Wrangler ok but I was hoping I was hoping I was I was why is it this is confusing me maybe the first level is negative 90 4324 i mean it's in the book yes yes I love it oh where do we actually make it I think I think we actually made it to the next level ladies and gentlemen we are now on level 2 ah ah we have done this before this has happened to people so many times they're like how do I get over the snow how do I get over the snow you have to shift over it is the shift I forgot what minecraft map I learned this in but it's oh why do i oh oh I like this ok oh ok uh oh come on are you serious yes haha guys this is getting I'm getting I'm getting anxious oh please tell me this is the next level wait I think our buttons on the other side of the map it is if you were to jump for it you would have died dadgum you mr. anger can break nether brick I don't know if I want to break any nether brick right now do i all right so far this this stage doesn't seem too illogical to me there's a diamond walk down there I take back what I said about this map not being illogical how are you supposed to do this jump is it just whenever I get close to it yeah okay okay I think that's impossible so I can break nether brick with this guy so I'm just gonna break this because there's a logical yep welcome to Minecraft guys it's illogical welcome to play welcome to be illogical minecraft series guys it's just illogical nothing makes sense and I mean really you didn't even need that anyways okay so now we can break glowstone with this so there's probably a chest behind this come into your beautiful chests soul sand come on I break the soul sand and what is behind this huge head what each behind rumors - so send another pickaxe we can now break diamond blocks yeah give me inside that room captain I knew it I knew it I had a feeling I was like no way is it gonna be this easy huh wait is that a button what yeah I think I just saw a button I did I did that's all ok ok ok we can do this with you this can't click it through the block no I can't I oh I thought I heard a clicking sound I did it didn't do anything it's a troll it's a trap the whole thing zatar can I jump over this how many how many blocks are there is the two blocks we're just ignoring this we're ignoring that pretend maybe maybe now this is unlocked up here maybe this isn't nope I have tried almost everything when it comes to making this jump but the one thing I haven't is trying to do it backwards I knew it I knew it ringer had this in his other minecraft maps' how was I supposed to remember that I don't know you tell me you tell me okay so we got magma blocks which I think you ticket me me yeah there we go there we go okay but anyways wranger how in the tarnation's was i supposed to memorize that I beat up please tell me is there a wall here there's a tortilla whatever dude I don't what oh I just felt an invisible wall okay okay uh can you jump up here no you're blocked okay that's good that's great this is great this is what I wanted I want mushrooms mushrooms look I love mushrooms as much as the next guy ringer but where the flip are your mushrooms so in the hid book we were checking out it says after the disappearing magma is and fake wall so apparently fake wall fake wall with the mushroom give me that mushroom yes oh that's how we got up here wait now how do we get up here oh I really don't know if this is gonna work whoa okay I am so lost how do I get up here game oh that's how you get up there take your stupid mushroom regert where Oh Minh didn't know we're running from lava I didn't know this was a lava run whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa ringer Reger Reagan what are you doing raiga stop stop why have you done this to me ringer I don't want to be a part of this okay all right fine I'll die to the lava I hope you're happy wranger I hope you are happy oh shoot it restarts all over again okay we can do this we do this up up down oh no no no no no no there's barrier blocks okay okay there are barrier blocks why are there barrier blocks I lava it's time to meet your maker you're not gonna win this one you're not I'll I have a bad feeling about this all of this just gives me a very bad what is this what do I just jump through it oh no all lava please lava please Baba we can talk about this I this one I'm just got the run through all right you can get through it pretty fast I give me out of here get me out of here if the lava is coming and it ain't getting any ain't getting me further away yes wait haha not this time reset what do you mean not this time what do you what do you mean is it is there a button did I miss something did I miss something did I miss something what are you freaking kidding me I don't believe this I believe I'm checking the head book don't pass the first obstacle so there was a oh is this what we're supposed to be doing I'm confused I guess we sit here do we wait for the lava to clear whoa whoa whoa oh my I'm so angry no no no breaker breaker not an infinite no dadgum and there's gonna be something in here hidden not on my head oh how did I get that to get there how did that wait that chest was there and then it was gone I went up here there was there was a chest it was right here you have to look at the ceiling come here stooop Jess chest this is this is irritating guys this is very irritating the chest is there give me the chest it was it was there give me the tape give me the map give it to me when you look up something happens down can't get it click here one blocks cloned it's it works for the gold color named pea okay so South whoa now we got to go north oh oh we go north one more time no that's bad that's bad okay so we go south what I got a negative again no we gotta go south okay maybe we're on the north one okay north as a north again themself no okay it's north now and then South and then and I think now we go south again no North again okay we're going north north and then South and the north and then south south one more time and North yes we made it level six so there are barrier blocks everywhere here there's a button of the undying on my head now it is off my head do I want that on my head well I took it off my head it's too late now all right come on you little cactus come on let's do it to it buddy so far so good guys so okay to mine okay yes yes ow I got an build wait tried to die again lol do you really think it was this easy yes I did wranger well maybe I didn't but I hoped it was okay Oh kill me come on rancor let me die dude Ranga right Oh Ranga I need to die braggart please guys Ranga is not letting me die and I'm very upset jump lol oh why can't we die we need to die yes dangerous anvils and they don't do heat damage to me what the fudge okay I took the button of the undying off what is the tip what's the tip what's the tip check your inventory oh do I'm gonna throw it out oh you just throw it out okay I knew it was the button but I didn't know your to throw it out I feel like I technically should have completed that level I don't think the hit counted there whoa okay what is this we got a furnace I can I please get off of being on fire thank you okay alright Ranger I see how it is I see how it is I see says the blind man oh right Ranger come here nuggets aha I'm smarter than you map who's a button here oh I don't know if that does alright so we have these two nuggets let's go this way oh I should have known I would have lost the nuggets why why am I in a cage I am so lost is theirs oh oh Oh hold on Jeff I got a I gotta go back here and get you your nugs my guy alright Jeff just stage sit sit tight Jeff I got I got your nodes boy here's your nugs what are you to give me so if I give you this you give me a Cole if I give you this you give me a cactus Jones he knows the meme ringer you are too kind to me good sir okay we now have this let's put this in here hopefully there's no trickery to this so we need to put this in here and then with this I think we get three nuggets back so we're getting a pretty good return on our investment so I'm gonna grab this cactus diet now I'm gonna bring it back to Jeff and hopefully not die in the park or all right thank you Jeff now Jeff is going to give us three in return so now I've got three but now I need a piece of redstone and a nugget to get a button oh but you need a piece of coal into cactus oh okay oh that's easy Oh Jeff you shouldn't have I Jeff Jeff you're a great man give me that and then yes boom sauce and then we get the button now I got to be careful because I could die really easily technically and I don't want to do that because that that was that was a troll ah scary and I'm dead haha I still don't trust this block but what choice do we have ladies and gentlemen yes no it was on the back of the furnace oh my gosh the last level it was on the back of the furnace okay this levels not bugged apparently that's good - it's good - no that's a reset button I'm really not liking what I'm seeing so far it looks like it's gonna be hard oh [Music] no oh dear Lord why why has this happen to me why have a wat who puts what have I been chosen to do this I think I already just messed up I might have just messed up yeah I did no I didn't okay good good good good alright oh man this is bad this is bad this is why guys I'm like the most unintel what the hey can break diamond block okay well I guess if we need to break a diamond block we gotta we gotta stick to break it hey can i oh you can't okay you can't do it that you're with your hand out is that a sticky piston please tell me it is okay where's this one dude it sucks it up and this pushes it suck push push hi ah that is going what does this one do okay does that what does this one do about that one so guys we have oh wait wait I think I know what to do I think this one gets pushed out and then boom boom boom I boom yes yes boom boom ah hey I don't I don't know what that just did guys I really don't all right let's just try to parkour a little bit about that how about some of dem apples you know this is probably not gonna work because this is probably what the map creator wants us to do I can't even begin to explain or fathom what we're doing right now maybe these are actually pressure plates maybe they're just gonna kill us after we step on all them the world may never know okay hey are we gonna pull this guy oh we got another fishing rod Hey all right no I need to hook you hi yeah I'm mister man come here come here [Music] hey okay he's hooked one thing I'm worried about is um getting to that pressure plate we just do this is it done oh was it just just quit give up you can't pass this level you are not illogical better quit disconnect your kneubuhl bats this levels stuck here forever so apparently there is something illogical here I still have the stick which can break a block of diamond maybe I need to kill myself maybe we just crack open a hint you know let's do what the signs say I was thinking that if you actually disconnected win the game I'm gonna be so mad because I was going to do that I'm so bad I was thinking about that I was like what if we disconnect and it gives us the wind I was like minecraft maps can do that they don't have that technology and sure enough they do huge shout-out to Niko the pro of course for helping ranker make this map and wranger for being an awesome minecraft map create or even put my head over here so guys there you have it the illogical minecraft movie if you guys want to see more movies yes the more videos like this let me know down below in the comments and by leaving like as well if you're new to the channel consider subscribing you don't have to but it would be very much appreciated if you did and I think I am never ever ever ever geeky ever going to play another illogical Minecraft map for the rest of my life until illogical minecraft 5 comes out and then you'll see it on the channel but that's it no more after that one [Music]
Channel: Preston
Views: 5,726,803
Rating: 4.8973298 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraf, mine craft, minecraft video, minecraft youtuber, noswearing, preston, preston custom minecraft, preston minecraft, preston minecraft mod, child friendly, preston mod, kid friendly, kid appropriate, prestonplayz, modded minecraft, custom minecraft map, minecraft mod, tbnr, lets play, minecraft mods, custom, no swearing, playz, moments, tbnrfrags, preston roblox, no cursing, compilation, minecraft compilation, mod pack, funny, games, gameplay, family friendly
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 35sec (3515 seconds)
Published: Thu May 17 2018
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