New Light Encounter Worship Service

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was the last time welcome to the vlog where you get plugged in at everything going on here at the lights light commerce credit union is hosting an investment and retirement planning virtual seminar just for you that's right you don't want to miss this time to plan for retirement so you can be well whole and wealthy be sure to register by texting lccu to 71441 well september is the month that we honor so many different topics but specifically we are celebrating and honoring september being suicide prevention month also sickle cell awareness month and prostate and ovarian cancer month be sure to educate yourself on these wonderful topics and celebrate the monthly well new life our senior pastor dr i has commissioned all of us to pray for the next 30 days in the month of september that's right we are praying for all generations so guess what we want you to join us on nlc's facebook page with our very awesome dr laura as she prays every morning at 7 00 a.m and be sure to go to slash prayer to submit your very own prayer requests for all generations come on let's pray guess what today is our church anniversary 37 years can you believe it god has been faithful to us and we're celebrating what god has done here at new life for 37 years well it's about that time it's time for revival revival night right here at new life church on wednesday september the 22nd at 7 pm with the one and only bits of william murphy the theme for revival is id reviving the identity of the body of christ you don't want to miss but right it's your week at a glance on monday maximize prayer moment with apostle at seven o'clock p.m then on tuesday relationship matters with pastor terry and tina egans on tuesday night then wednesday night is better south night at seven o'clock p.m absolutely so much going on here then on thursday we have our journey connect group at 7 pm also on thursday shiro's league with our awesome pastor dr i at 8 pm and then we have guess what give back weekend that's right we have our light cast food giveaway on friday september the 10th and the 17th and then we have minnie's pantry on saturday september the 11th and the 18 you don't want to miss it absolutely it's going to be at love city for many times yeah yeah thank you for tuning in to the plug you've been plugged in amen praise the lord everybody this is the day that the lord has made and we're rejoicing and exceedingly glad in it come on clap your hands for the plug that's our weekly announcement make sure you govern yourself accordingly man now while you're clapping come on clap your hands for jesus he is great he's awesome he's mighty he let us live to see today and for that we are so very grateful we give god glory on and praise let's look to the lord in prayer god we thank you we lift our hands today just to tell you how amazing you are thank you for being jehovah jireh god our provider thank you for being jehovah nichi our banner thank you for being jehovah rapha the god that heals thank you for being adonai for being elohim thank you for being the king of kings and the lord of lords thank you so much for being such an amazing god we bless your name today we honor your name today there's no other name like our god so god we bow down before you this morning this afternoon lord god we thank you so much for the angels and god you've made us just a little lower than the angels what is men that you are mindful of us god we thank you so much god today our prayers that we lay aside every week and every sin that so easily sends us in the name of jesus christ god that we lay aside every weight of the cares of this world and of our lives in the name of jesus christ but we cast our cares upon you father god for your yoke is easy and your birth is life so god as we bring our prayer request to the altar on today let us not take it back with us but let us leave it on the altar let us leave it at your feet in the name of jesus christ god knowing that you have heard our prayer just like daniel you heard him the first time that he prayed thank you [Music] in the name of jesus to christ in jesus name everybody say amen come on somebody say hallelujah come on come on and say praise the lord in the name of jesus remain standing as we go into our praise and our worship praise the lord everybody are you glad to be in the house of the lord one more time let me hear your shine glory to god happy anniversary new life aren't you glad the lord lost another year a little bit of this a little bit left can we do that okay let's hit it i got you hey [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] forever [Music] [Music] [Music] me [Music] hey everybody [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] everybody [Music] everybody oh [Music] and we [Music] me [Music] everybody [Music] uh [Music] [Music] [Music] then i found this scripture y'all let's let's put it up isaiah 41 13 it says for i the lord your god keep hold of your right hand i am the lord who says to you do not fear i will help you in the niv it says do not fear i will help you but in the new living translation it says do not be afraid i am here to help you we take a statement so far and we say help is on the way because we're always moving forward but what about help being here right now what do you do when help is here right now what do you say how do you pray how do you worship when help is here right now i haven't heard the message for today but i want us to take today and show god what it means when his help is here right now how much more does he get when it's here right now my slogan and my theme for today is not help is on the way but help is already here help is here help is here let's go come on if you're glad that help is here right now jesus [Music] [Music] know [Music] me [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah oh [Music] is [Music] that i'm a child [Music] there's no other name like yours i don't know about you but when i call on the name of jesus there's no way i can call them and something don't begin to stir up in my soul i remember i come from the old church so when it was time to be filled with the holy spirit and i understand this is not the only way but this is the way that they you know did they put us on the altar and they would say call jesus they didn't give us no other name maybe we could say thank you every now and then but they will bring us back to jesus because something happens when you start when you call them he will show up all over this room would you extend your hands to god oh and with all your heart all your soul and all your mind everybody just begin to call on the [Music] call on his name call on his name [Music] [Music] you restore [Music] is [Music] you're so brave [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] i [Music] oh [Music] one more time every morning [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh i think you can do better than that song says all the earth will shout your praise that great are you lord today we start our celebration of 37 years it's our 37th church anniversary and we have seen god do some amazing things so can you lift up a shout of praise for the goodness of our god that here we are 37 years later they said we would not make it past 30 days and we did they said we wouldn't make it past 60 days and we did then they said oh it won't last 90 days but it did and here we are 37 years later to god be the glory i just need somebody to shout about the greatness of our god i just need somebody to rejoice that our god is great and grateful to be brave i need somebody to lift up a shout that our apostle and pastor be would not waver but they trusted the word of the lord if your life has been impacted by this church you want to lift up a shout to our great god but he is worthy he's worthy to be friends and because you're standing here today because you have life in your body or you're watching online that deserves a shot of rage because you can be anywhere else but thank god that you're here today to testify of the goodness of the lord i know this is the encounter service and we like to you know it take y'all a minute and sometimes i don't like to go old school but i'm just looking for some people in this place this morning who are grateful for all that the lord has done who don't mind expressing their gratitude and saying thank you god for being faithful thank you god for your goodness thank you for your mercy thank you for your favor thank you for your kindness i just want to say thank you lord for all you've done for think i'm in the me church i think i'm amongst grateful people i think i got some grateful people in the house this morning if you're if you know god is a good god lift up a shout one more time [Music] impossible [Music] can we give the lord one more good shout of praise you may be seated in the presence of our god this is the day that the lord has made we will rejoice and be glad in it i know you thank god already and we're going to do it a couple times today but to still be standing here after 37 years of ministering without wavering impacting lives can we celebrate our apostle and pastor be for leading our church [Music] not wavering but trusting what god said [Music] so we are grateful for the 23 we're grateful for those who added to the journey now can you give yourselves a big hand clap for being a part of the church like no other 37 years later i am so excited about today because to be here kicking off really this sunday we start our kickoff of our celebration and we don't let people tell us how long we can celebrate we can celebrate however long we won't and so we're going to start our this starts our celebration that will last till uh november when we have our fall giving sunday and our fall time of sowing and and our over and above seed but we will carry this from now until the first sunday in november so we're going to be celebrating and they can't tell us how to celebrate but we're going to celebrate at 37 years when they said we would not make it and that we're here today it deserves every week of celebrating that we want to have amen and so i am grateful i am honored i'm excited because i know greater is ahead for our church this is your first time worshiping with us can you give us a wave we're excited that you're worshiping with us today if you're working with us for the first time i see your hands waving if you're working with us for the first time god bless you all you're gonna put a qr code on the screen and it allows you to connect with us beyond today we are a praying church we believe in the power of prayer and so it's more than just us getting your information but it gives us an opportunity to add our faith with yours for god to move supernaturally in your life and so let us come into agreement with you the bible says when two or three agree on touching anything it shall be done so we want to add our faith with yours so if you'll scan the qr code even those of you who are watching online and then those of you who are watching online i want you to share this so that you can get the word out and let your friends know today is a service that you definitely want to be a part of we've got an exciting week planned for you because new life is always bringing equality word ministry to take your life to the next level so on monday you know our apostle has his maximized prayer moment tuesday relationship matters wednesday it's a better self night thursday our journey connect groups and then thursday i'll be doing she-rose league as well friday and saturday uh we have times of giving it's our give back weekend light cares food giveaway as well as minnie's pantry is happening this weekend it normally would happen on the first weekend but because of the holidays we pushed it back and make sure that you get a picture of the week at a glance and look for the plug that comes out in the evenings i'm excited because our church is now in a season of prayer i've asked you all to join me in praying for uh the generations that are represented in our church we're in a season where you have about five to six generations all coming up together at one time and so the lord laid it on my heart to lead our church into a time of consecrated prayer for every generation for the rest of this month and so we're in our 30 days prayer for generations and i want you to make a commitment that you will pray for not just your generation but every generation the bible says in psalms 105 for the lord is good his mercy is everlasting and his truth endured to all generations and so we'll be posting the different uh groups that we'll be praying for each week and then dr laura will be praying every morning at 7 a.m on our new life church prayer page and want you to be a part of that amen september is exciting because we'll host our third revival night for this year and i'm excited about revival night for this month [Applause] um at the beginning of the year normally we would just do a revival at the beginning like a revival conference at the beginning of the year but the lord laid it on my heart to have various nights of revival throughout the year and not just one event at the beginning of the year and so this will be our third revival bishop mckissick kicked it off pastor ypj did was our guest in may and this september our guest for revival night will be none other than bishop william murphy and it's the id edition because as i was really praying about what i want to happen i believe that we're in a time where we have to revive our identity as the body of christ that we are not to be on the backside on the sidelines but we are to be an active duty winning souls being examples and so when you know who you are and whose you are your life goes to a whole nother level and so you may already say well pastor i've been saved a long time this is not for just you you know it's not just for people who need to be saved you need to revive what god instructed you to do for your life and revive the vision and dreams on the inside of you and so that's happening on september 22nd i want you to make a point to worship with us on that day you know we do hybrid so you can be there in person at the north or you can watch online and we'll have registration information for you uh probably by next sunday of how you can let us know which way you're going to be a part of it but i want you to be a part of revival night happening amen you know our prayers go to those who have been impacted and affected by hurricane ida and so we are praying church we believe in the power of prayer but i also want you to know that we are actively involved in helping others i talked to the executives and it's my desire we have several churches that we know in the louisiana area and then i know there were some people affected up north in like new jersey and so we've made contact with churches there and just like churches have partnered with us in times of recovering and that hurricane relief efforts we want to partner with other churches and so we did our first part of sending a donation to one of the churches that they believe is pastor moles i'm not sure the name of the church but we have you know a deaf harvest harvest church international we've made a donation to them we have a commitment to make another donation as they're there to help people recover our mayor is doing an initiative i believe this thursday and we're going to be partnering with our mayor to do some things to help people recover and so i want you to know your church is actively involved in helping the recovery efforts we're not sitting on the sidelines but we are doing our part and that's because we are a caring church we want to make sure that we're actively involved in touching the lives i know some of our members you've had to shelter your relatives in and if you had to shelter your relatives in or they're still with you from louisiana and those areas affected make sure you call membership services this week so that we can know and be abreast of it to see what we can do while you are being a blessing to others and so i want you to know that we're not just sitting back on the sidelines we're doing our part amen with that being said it's offering time in the house of the lord it is time to give our tithes offerings and gifts of love and i do not have the final total from august but i want to say thank you in advance for what you did to help us recover from the summer shortfall but remember that was a it's a two-part effort that we needed to do an extra 150 000 in the month of august and then there's another 150 000 that we need to do to make up the shortfall from june and july here in this month of september and so while you're sowing your regular ties and offerings and being faithful in that i want you to do your part to sow again to our summer recovery seed some of you may be able to do the thousand dollars again this month five hundred dollars uh 150 or the 52 dollars but i'm asking that you all do your part as we make up the summer shortfall i told the north location that i'm gonna do another thousand dollars because i understand that when i help the kingdom of god recover god will help me recover he makes a promise to do that and how many got some areas in your life that you need to recover how many got some areas where you need god's intervention in well as i sow and as you sow i'm i'm in agreement with you that as you sow towards our summer recovery seed that not only will you recover in some areas but you will increase in areas because what you make happen for the kingdom of god god makes happen for you and so let us remain faithful in our tithes and our offerings let us stay consistent in our giving because remember our summer recovery seat is over and above our regular tithes and offerings because i know we can finish this season strong as we go into the last four months of this we're now into the last four months of 2021 and you know my faith is on the line is that we finish this year better than how we finish 2020 but it's gonna take all of us working together amen you know one of the things that i am grateful for that we are standing on the shoulders of those who were committed to sowing their ties and offerings over the last 37 years of this ministry amen we are where we are today because people made an investment in the kingdom of god and in the vision of this house and with all that the lord has done through us it's because the faithful giving of our members to support the vision of this church and there's much more for us to do amen so now is not the time to scale back and just say look at what we've done now is a time to press forward even with a much more attitude because god has much more he wants to do in and through our lives and we can to do it together by faithfully supporting the vision here at the light amen and then of course our apostle and pastor be they are committed to new life great members of the light they're going to do another 5 000 towards our summer recovery seed for this month as well and so i want you to pray about doing your part as we finish this year strong they're going to put the ways to give on the screen and of course we remain faithful to our ties we remain faithful to founders compensation we remain faithful to our weekly debt freedom seed as well as our media ministry the ways to give on the screen it's give you can go online you can text new light to 71441 you can download the giblify app when you get inside of the app look for new light church 1535 greensmart drive you can also use cash app dollar sign new light church paypal at new light church you can also use zell give at you can mail it in or you can drop it by the office i'm going to pray and then after i pray those of you who are online you know how to do it put in the comments see it sown as you're sowing your seed and we'll make our faith confession together because we believe in confessing god's word over our seed so and so let's pray father we thank you right now for the opportunity to give to sow to invest into your kingdom and father you know our hearts you know we would give to you just because we love you but we see in your world where you have incorporated a financial plan to bless increase and prosper our lives and so father we're excited about this opportunity to give for every tithe that we thank you for the windows of heaven blessing doors of opportunity and father for every person that shows to be a part of our summer recovery father we declare that we exceed our goal now in jesus name father we thank you that not only will they as they help the church recover father i thank you that you're helping them recover in areas of their life and not only are they will they recover all but you are restoring things back into their life so father we declare increase abundance favor doors of opportunity are open to us father we declare more than enough for the kingdom of god more than enough for your people we call it done now in jesus name amen can you stand as we make our faith confession together we'll say it together on the count of three one two three we are new light a faith teaching church a favor filled church a praying church we are new light a family church a caring church a mission-minded church we are new light a giving church we give cheerfully to support our church's vision we give because god is the source and sustainer of our lives we give our debt free seed decreeing that relief that resourcefulness and debt reduction favor increase blessings and doors of opportunity are our covenant rights as givers this is our year of big manifestations as we step into our best life in jesus name amen can you wave your devices as you sown your seed in the air i like what i'm seeing if you received an offering envelope you're waving those as well hold on to your offering envelope and then as you exit you'll be able to place it in the offering boxes it is now time for us to worship god and prepare our hearts to hear a word from the lord how many need god to speak to you on today worship sets up and invites god into our situation our circumstance because as we worship him and declare him bigger then his angels begin to move he goes to work on our affairs and so for the next few moments i want us to really focus on worshiping god don't don't get distracted about what maybe happened yesterday or what happened this morning i want you to give all your attention to a god who's faithful god who's committed there's how many are believing for some big things i want you to worship the god who can do that and more that no matter how big it is he says he's got much more for you and so today for the next few moments as we prepare our hearts to hear word let's worship the god who does the impossible hope nothing is too hard for our god let's invite him into our situation our circumstance believing the report of the lord in every situation glory to god hallelujah can you just extend your hands in the presence of the lord and just use your voice and worship him the god who can do all things he can do anything but failed and we worship and adore him we bless your name father hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah [Music] they say this mountain can't be they say these chains [Music] but they don't know you like we do [Music] there is [Music] they haven't seen what you can do there is power in your name so much [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] can we [Music] is [Music] so much power [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music] true [Music] away [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] i believe you'll see it is no matter what's going on [Music] is [Music] [Music] how many are appreciative that when we say it [Music] and we believe it it's already done i'm so grateful that 37 years ago when our apostles stood up and said what we would be as a church and what god had told him that 23 believed that he went with the goers and here we are today and let that be an encouragement to you that when you say something and you put it out there and you believe the report of the lord no matter what let that encourage your faith that what you're believing for no matter how big it is he's able to do it and some more he's able to do that and more so can we just worship a god that when we say it and we lines up with his word that it manifests can we just thank god that he said his word says that he's a healer and healing is our covenant right his word says that he's our provider and when we need provisions provisions always show up his word says that he has blessings for us and he has already blessed us and i'm just looking for somebody this morning that can rejoice that when god says it it is so and so i want you to get that thing that you're believing for at the forefront of your mind is anybody believing for anything destroying it i need you to say it with bonus that because you said it you believe it's already done so can you lift up that song with another level of faith that what he said always [Music] us [Music] [Music] you said i believe you said [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] every day y'all sound good i felt your faith rising while you're standing let's pray father we thank you she promises a yes and amen said it you were able to perform it so father we believe the report of the lord and we gathered here today intentionally to hear a word from you so father speak to our hearts let our lives never ever be the same after hearing your word as your vessel as your mouthpiece i decrease so that you may increase holy spirit speak through my lips and think through my mind give me clear articulation of speech clarity of thought so that i may open my mouth boldly to make known your word holy spirit have your way in this place let your anointing flow freely so that we leave this place a different way than we've entered and as your word goes forth let us shift us to another place of expectation shift us to another place of believing but god most importantly let it shift us to another place where we will boldly act upon your word so god be glorified in and through our lives and father we thank you for the harvest of souls on today we declare that none of the harvest is lost and in advance we give you along the praise the glory the honor and the adoration for all that shall be accomplished and all that shall be revealed in jesus name amen can you lift up one more good shout of praise and before you take your seats i'ma do something a little different today i need you to shout out the title of my message today shout out i make the difference some of y'all must have watched the north but it's okay so we're gonna wait for the rest of us to come along shout out i make the difference that sounds good i need to hear that one more time shout out i make the difference and then because we are grateful for our apostle and pastor be making the difference can you give them a big hand clap give it to me one more time i make the difference and you may be seated i know you're saying pastor where are you going with that i make the difference i really want to hear y'all say it one more time say i make the difference and i know to some that sounds like a very arrogant statement and i know you used to hear me give you my foundational scripture and you're going to the scripture first but because i realized the magnitude of the title of this series i wanted you to hear yourself say it first not negating the god factor but the bible is filled with scriptures that reference our participation in impacting our world shout out i make the difference go over to ephesians chapter 2 because when we go through the bible and you look through the pages of the scripture you see all these references of your participation in what god wants to do in the earth the bible says in ephesians 2 10 in the amplified version and if you have not found it it should come on the screen it says for we are god's own handiwork his workmanship recreated in christ jesus born anew that we may do those good works that we may do those good works which god predestined planned beforehand for us taking past which he prepared ahead of time that we should walk in them living the good life which he pre-arranged and made ready for us to live now go over to matthew 5 16 because we say it all the time here at the light that we be the light but the bible lets us know that we're to let our light shine before men matthew 5 16 and the amplified version says let your light so shine before men that they may see your moral excellence and your praiseworthy noble and good deeds and recognize and honor and praise and glorify your father who is in heaven let your light so shine before men that lets me know i make the difference shout out i make the difference and you know i know this subject is kind of an in-your-face statement it's not meant to be arrogant but really it's a declaration of hope because the scripture teaches us that we are the catalyst for things happening in our lives you are the catalyst for things happening in your life just like a car needs a catalyst converter and a catalyst trigger something happening you are the catalyst for things happening in your life and so this whole lesson is designed to reveal to each of us that we have been set by god in a specific family in a specific generation in a specific church for his purpose and his glory now because it is our 37th church anniversary and i told you we're going to celebrate how we want to throughout my message i'm going to have moments where we look back on what the lord has done after 37 years of new life church and when you look back on it you have to say that it has been we have had incredible amazing accomplishments in our time led by our apostle and pastor b for like 33 years then the baton was passed but to god be the glory for all the things he has done for a moment if you allow me to be like apostle put the picture up put me put my picture see it was there at jensen road on jensen road that uh my parents apostle and pastor b my mother they they were there with the 23 and they had a attitude of i make the difference and because they had the i make the difference attitude our church was catapulted not just staying right there and being stuck on jensen road but they were catapulted to a whole nother dimension put the other picture up put the collage up look what the lord has done but you cannot go from jensen road to over almost close to a million square feet of building without having a kind of attitude that says i make the difference see it's a swag that you gotta have because i know that that same attitude i make the difference is necessary to make a model ministry for this generation in this season we applaud the success of uh apostle and pastor b but god has much more for us to accomplish and it's going to take all of us heaven i make the difference attitude shout out i make the difference and my assignment today is to allow the holy spirit to use me to help you cultivate this i make the difference mentality because yes church i know you probably trying to figure out where is pastor going this morning but you and i we make the difference and things are about to change for the glory of god because when you know you make the difference you're going to jumpstart some supernatural things happening in your life because you make the difference you understand that you set into motion positive change in your home positive change in your community positive change in your career positive change in your church i make the difference and what we're going to see today is that throughout the scripture we study we've got to get this god perspective because you are just you are important to the plan of god now the first thing we got to do is we got to establish the sovereign particip partnership perspective because there is a sovereign partnership perspective where you understand god's point of view but in order to understand god's point of view we have to correct some religious error that you picked up along the way the bible says that uh you jesus answered in matthew 22 29 said you do error not knowing description or the power of god and a lot of times we don't see our role as important because we picked up erroneous thinking along the way that has hindered us from walking out our full purpose and understanding that i make the difference one of the erroneous religious thinking that we have picked up is that god's will is automatic and it has to be clearly noted that most christians erroneously believe that the will of god will automatically come to pass because he's all powerful and he's all-knowing and though it sounds good it does not bear witness with scripture that it may sound good to say it but the scripture does not bear with that the scripture lets us know okay let's let me break it to you like this is it the will of god for all to be saved right it is god's will that all be saved and if the will of god was automatic then all will be saved but we know the truth that not all will be saved because they will not do what is required to receive the salvation that's freely given them because the promises of god are received by faith so for god to manifest the covenant promises he must partner with the believer who will invite his intervention because god's will is not automatic that's why the bible says in galatians 3 13 that we might receive the promise of the spirit through faith and even though it's addressing the promise of the spirit all the promises of god though revealed in the word of god are received by faith and without faith it is impossible to please god the next erroneous religions thinking that we have to uproot because in order for us to go to the next level we've got to uproot some things and then put in some things the second erroneous religious thinking is that god does whatever he wants to do and so you feel like you don't have a part to play because remember that's what they said is that god does whatever he wants to do and throughout the scripture we can see how god seems to wait to be invited into earth's affairs and the reason why he weighs is because god gave dominion of the earth to man adam lost his dominion rights when he sinned but jesus came back to restore the authority all the authority and dominion status back to the redeemed man and though god is all-powerful he doesn't he does need man's permission and participation to get involved in earth's affairs so hear me clearly god is all-powerful but he does need man's permission and participation to get involved in earth's affairs and when you look at ezekiel 22 30 go over there you can clearly see that god did not want to allow to follow through with the judgment that was due so god yes god was in need of human intercession to have a justifiable reason to waive the judgment and here we see it it says in verse 30 and i sought for a man among them that should make up the hedge and stand in the gap before me for the land that i should not destroy it but i found none god was in need of human intercession to have a justifiable reason to waive the judgment but since he could not find an intercessor he had to do something he expressly did not want to do and this is a revelation revolutionary truth that we have to understand that if god is just going to do whatever he wants to do why should we even pray since it really doesn't matter but he tells us clearly he's looking for somebody who will intercede on the behalf of others and that's why we can't take this 30 days of praying lightly because there's a generation that needs your prayers there's a generation that needs somebody to intercede for them because god cannot ju god will not do whatever he wants to do he's waiting on man's permission and participation to get involved in earth's affairs so if we uproot those erroneous religion thinking then we have to become established in the truth about god's intervention because the bible lets us know that god responds to man's invitation and unless it is a providential matter that god has established before time he waits to be invited into earth's affairs see the common denominator in the god intervention moments is man's invitation and often participation through various means so there are various ways that god intervenes in our situation and god intervenes in response to man's prayers that when you pray god responds and intervenes so we have to understand that god requests to be called upon and he makes a commitment to answer us when we call upon him that's why jeremiah 33 says verse 3 call unto me and i will answer thee and show thee great and mighty things which thou knowest not and so the common denominator that you see throughout the scripture is that when a person who makes a request to god that god intervenes so really in essence the catalyst is the prayer moment when a person chooses to make the difference by petitioning for divine assistance you can see you make the difference because when you pray god gets involved so god intervenes in response to man's prayers god intervenes in response to man's faith he intervenes in response to man's faith because we look throughout the scripture and we see that even the very teaching on faith reveals that god responds to the faith process of man you know mark 11 22 23 we quote it all the time and jesus answered and said unto him have faith in god for verily i say unto you that whosoever shall say unto this mountain be thou removed be thou cast into the sea and shall not doubt in his heart but shall believe that those things which he's saying shall come to pass he shall have whatsoever he's saying therefore i say unto you what things so ever ye desire when you pray believe that you receive them and ye shall have them the condition of our faith and he commends our results on our faith efforts so that lets me know that god intervenes in response to man's faith and you go throughout the bible and you see jesus commending many of them and really letting them know that the condition of their results and he commends them based on their for having results based on their faith he tells the man over in matthew 9 29 according to your faith be it unto you the woman with the issue of blood she she was the catalyst to her miracle because she she said if i could just touch the hem of his garment i'll be made whole she could have decided to live with the sickness and disease and stay in the house but she invited divine power into her situation with her touching his clothes and the bible says that jesus said to her thy faith had made thee whole you go over to the lepers the lepers faith was the catalyst for their breakthrough the bible says that jesus said to them arise go thy way thy faith had made thee whole i made the difference i make the difference i make the difference because god responds to our prayers god responds to our faith god intervenes in response to man's faithfulness see there's faith and then there's faithfulness that consistent obedience to the things of god and once again it will be what a person does that moves god to get involved in your situation and when we are faithful in serving when we are faithful in our giving god promises to respond go over to matthew chapter 25 actually go to go to uh ii corinthians 9 because i want you to see this but even in the story with the men and the talents that the master had given out talents but the one that did well by the talent that he gave him he said well done good and faithful servant he said thou has been faithful over a few things i will make the ruler over many things enter now into the joy of the lord so when it comes to us being faithful faithfulness is rewarded the bible talks about it over in our giving because it's clear that god will respond rewarding the faithfulness of giving see we we read second corinthians 9 and we just want to go to the grace part but the bible says every man verse 7 as as he purposes in his heart so let him give not gradually of necessity for god loveth a cheerful giver and god is able to make all grace abound toward you it's the consistent cheerful giver that god responds to and intervenes in man's situation therefore the catalyst again is what an individual chooses to do and so you can see that it is the order of god to respond to man's intentional moves of faith faithfulness and prayers it is our consistent obedience that defines our faithfulness that moves the hand of god don't you let anybody tell you that being faithful doesn't doesn't affect your walk with god no faithfulness makes the difference that means that the that man is a difference maker when he or she chooses to partner with god for kingdom success shout out i make the difference see you're declaring this by faith i want you to declare by faith that every time you say it today you understand i got a part to play in this i make the difference declare it one more time i make the difference because what i want you to see today is that you have this significance of personal participation see you can't put this off on somebody else god is looking for you to do your part and when you look at it you got to understand your importance and value in the kingdom of god see the reality of scripture reveals that you are the only one who will make your way prosperous and have good success i need you to go to joshua one y'all know that's one of apostles favorite scripture but that means that you have the potential to make the difference in the outcome of your situation so instead of you blaming this one and that one god is looking at you on what you will do to make your way prosperous and have good success joshua 1 7 only be thou strong and very courageous that thou mayest observe to do according to all the law which moses my servant commandeth thee turn not from it to the right hand or to the left that thou mayest prosper whether so ever thou goes this book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth but thou shalt meditate therein day and night that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous and then thou shalt have good success you are the one who will make your way prosperous and have good success and declare it by faith i make the difference but what happens is there's this subtle uh devastation of passive christianity and so the victim mentality is conditioned and it's so broad spread and most seem ready to blame others for their lack of personal progress and so instead of being a passionate christian on fire for god ready to do what god has called you to do there's this harsh reality when it comes to kingdom matters that many people think is somebody else's role and not theirs and you move from being a passionate christian to being a passive christian there's this passive christianity passive like passive thinking somebody else is going to do it passive christianity is about being saved by the grace of god love jesus but leave the work of the kingdom to somebody else you know you were saved by grace forgiven by his blood and all of that love jesus but you don't want to do nothing so instead of you being passionate because he saved you and because he delivered you and wiped the slate clean you want to roll your responsibility on somebody else and our ranks in the kingdom of god are depleted because passive christianity sees insignificance see believe it or not passive christians really don't believe that their part is significant so you buy into the myth that you don't have any value in the kingdom of god and when you're asked to participate and partner in the kingdom of god the first thing you want to point out is your deficits and insufficiencies and thus the ranks of the faithful are being depleted because of the need for others to step forward to take their rightful place because you're out of place because you're too busy being consumed with your deficits and insignificance and it is the order of god to partner with those who have the insignificant complex you look through the bible and you see all throughout the scripture people who had an insignificant complex yet god used them moses felt insignificant because of his stuttering in his past yet god used him abraham felt insignificant and yet god used him gideon felt insignificant and yet god used him elijah felt insignificant and yet god used him jeremiah felt insignificant and yet god used him esther felt insignificant and yet god used her mary felt insignificant and yet god used her you got to stop letting your insignificant and insecurities and insufficiency stop you from what god wants to do because the god that i serve and the god that we serve he lets us know he likes to take those things that others discount do something in their lives so he gets the glory go to first corinthians chapter 1 verse 27 because you got to see this this is one of my favorite passages in the bible because it looks like god selects the seemingly insignificant he selects the seemingly insignificant to partner with so that there will be this total dependence on him and then the results will be credited to god first corinthians 1 27 and amplified says know for god selected deliberately chose what in the world is foolish to put the wise to shame what the world calls weak to put the strong to shame and god also selected deliberately chose what in the world is lowborn and insignificant and branded and treated with condemned even the things that are nothing that he might depose and bring to nothing the things that are so no mortal man should have pretense for glory and boast in the presence of god you've been deliberately selected despite your insignificance and man is so significant to the plan of god that god always looks for those of integrity who will be sold out to him so that he can partner with them for kingdom success and reciprocal blessings and see we're always under attack with insignificant thoughts from the devil so we sabotage god's plan for our lives and others but if god could use a young man from the ghetto surely he can use you our ranks are diminished because of passive christianity makes excuses see it see our ranks in the kingdom get diminished because passive christianity makes excuses for why they can't do what god told them to do passive people are quick to fabricate excuses to avoid making a commitment to make the difference in kingdom endeavors and to make the difference whether in the kingdom of god or in life's situation you got to be willing to eliminate all excuses and remain for remaining in your present state you gotta get beyond your excuse because excuses are crutches for the uncommitted they're simply smoke screens of the deceived and jesus wants us to get beyond our excuses because you got to get beyond your excuse so you can pursue god's best for your life and just beyond your excuse is the move of god you need to accomplish your goals see you got to get beyond the excuse because on the other side of the excuse is the extraordinary things that god has for you beyond moses's excuse was the move of god for extraordinary things beyond gideon's excuse was the move of god for extraordinary things beyond abraham's excuse was the move of god for extraordinary things beyond the lame man's excuse was the move of god for extraordinary things beyond the disciples excuse was the move of god for extraordinary things and i don't know about you but i'm grateful that apostle didn't let the excuse of the other people that was supposed to take the step of faith keep him held back but he took the step of faith and he stepped into some extraordinary things passive christianity causes our ranks to be depleted because christian passive christianity sees insignificance diminish because passive christianity makes excuses our ranks are dwindling because passive christianity thinks exemption see the mighty ranks of the kingdom committed will dwindle if passive christianity keeps thinking that you are exempted from kingdom service though giving is a significant part of the covenant partnership with god our giving does not exempt us from being used by god to make a difference in some kingdom situation because in the kingdom of god there is no age exemption god will use the old and the young moses was 80 years old caleb was 84 years old jeremiah was 13 to 16 years old when our apostle got called to preach he was nine years old he preached his first sermon at 10. there is no age exemption thank god that not only is there no age exemption but there's no gender exemption because with god there's neither male nor female he will use a female he will use a male god will use male and females there's no gender exemption there's no age exemption there's no gender exemption there's no tithing exemption see some people think that their offerings give them a pass but your offerings are a part of it but he still calls us to serve so i'm going to tithe and serve in the kingdom of god i'm going to show up for sunday morning service even though i'm tithing and find a place to start because my tithing does not give me the pass to go to brunch on sunday i go to brunch after i go to church but my tithing is not an exemption from me serving in the kingdom of god but then we got to understand that this is a scriptural demand for particip participatory com commitment see you don't have to look far along in scripture before you run into this mandate that god is expecting you as an individual to get involved and make a commitment in the immediate plan of god see this participatory mandate is seen through the prophets over in the prophet jeremiah talks about it in jeremiah 7 23 it says but this thing commanded i them saying obey my voice and i will be your god and you shall be my people and walk ye in all the ways that i have commanded you that it may be well unto you but they hearkened not nor inclined their ear but walked in the councils and the imagination of their evil heart and went backward and not forward if you want to keep moving forward it's going to require you answering the call for this participatory mandate that's seen in the scripture god is expecting you to make the difference shout out i make the difference there was a participatory mandate through jesus christ there was this need for partnership that was seen through the messages of jesus and it is because it will be you and me that make the difference in times of ministry he cannot work without a vessel to work through that's why he says let your light shine before men and they may see your good works that's why john 15 says you have not chosen me but i have chosen you and ordained you that you should go and bring forth fruit and your fruit shall remain and so there's the mandate through the prophets there's the mandate through jesus but we also see this participatory mandate through the apostles the apostles echoed that the kingdom call is to all that they came in contact with paul writes to the church commending them to get involved in the work of god without fail that's why he says i beseech you therefore brethren by the mercies of god that you present your bodies a living sacrifice holy acceptable unto god which is your reasonable service which is your reasonable service and be not conformed to this world but be you transformed by the renewing of your mind that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of god much of the new testament writings are about us participating in the kingdom plan of god and when i go through the scripture i see it documented this partnership communication a consideration because if if i can find somebody in the bible doing it and if i can find somebody getting god involved and they get the results that what god does for others he's not a respecter of person he honors our faith he will do it for me so if i can find somebody that god worked with in partnership to do something significant in the earth that means he's expecting me to partner with him god works in partnership with moses the fugitive and we marvel what god was able to accomplish through moses in bringing deliverance to the people of god he goes and confronts pharaoh with the stuttering problem but he leads the two million israelites through the wilderness you can expect god to work through you in amazing ways i just need somebody to shout out i make the difference god works in partnership with deborah the female judge yep that's right when you look at the list of anointed judges of israel who led the nation there's a female listed amongst them and it proves that it has always been the plan of god to use females in leadership don't don't be surprised that apostle passed a baton to a female because it's always been the order of god to use females in leadership deborah was a judge in israel with amazing victories in battle comparable to gideon samson and others so please woman of god don't you discount yourself you are a partner with god who can produce amazing results i make the difference i just need to get a little swag about it like i make the difference because god works in partnership with david he was just a young teenager and we marveled how he was ready to do the wonderful works of god and how god used him he shows up on the battlefield y'all know he kills goliath and then he trains and leads armies to victory he reigns as a righteous king in israel it lets me know that you don't have to wait till you get older to partner with god but even for my young people in here god can partner with you at the age that you are right now and you can watch god working your life i make the difference i need somebody to shout out i make the difference i need my fame and dream kid students a shout out i make the difference come on now god works in partnership with mary she was just a virgin teen girl in bethlehem bethlehem and we marvel at how she was willing to partner uh with god and how god was willing to partner with her to give birth to the son of god she models for us how to give birth to a prophetic word because in essence she is in partnership with god to do something in the earth that he had spoken before she made the difference in a vital part of our salvation i need you to declare it by faith i make the difference wrapping this thing up because when you make a decision to partner with god and you know that you make the difference there's a supernatural potential of partnership see you got to understand incredible possibilities of our partnership with god happen when you step up because he will work through us to do great things i said it earlier and i think some of y'all miss it or maybe i just said it at the north but i'm believing god that this will be a supernatural september and supernatural is the intervention of god into earth's affairs that is not always spectacular but it is considered supernatural because its divine origin and when i make the difference god supernatural power goes to work because sovereign participation defines the kingdom supernatural possibilities amazing things occur when god gets involved and we can expect supernatural results from our partnership with god as we attack life issues we don't lay back and just say the devil gonna do what he want to do no i make the difference because when i step up and i make the difference and i pray and i'm faithful and i'm using my faith the supernatural possibilities are endless jesus is the same yesterday today and forever more and when you look at the words from the angel that he gave to virgin mary her partnership proposal went a little bit like this that the holy ghost shall come upon you and the power of the highest shall overshadow you he talked about her finding favor with god and then he closes it out and said for with god nothing shall be impossible i need you to look at luke 1 verse 37 in the amplified version because it says for with god nothing is ever impossible and no word from god shall be without power or impossible of fulfillment i need you to know that with god nothing is impossible and so jesus goes on to raise our expectation of the supernatural results through our partnership with god and so we have a right to dream big we have a right to believe big we have a right to think big we have a right to go for big and i'm just looking for somebody this morning who says i'm going for some big things because jesus beheld them and said unto them with men this is impossible but with god all things are possible that lets me know my partnership with god makes the difference i make the difference and you have to decide what kind of existence you want to have as a believer you can decide you just want to be an average christian or you can decide that you want to have an exceptional extraordinary experience with god i'm so glad that 37 years ago there was that few 23 that trusted the word of a young man and a young woman and they that was stretching them beyond what they could see but they believed and they decided to live an extraordinary life and i'm talking to some people this morning i believe who are done settling for average you've done average living before but you refuse to close out this year at an average state i'm going for the extraordinary i want to live an exceptional life because with god all things are possible you got to decide i want to see god do something supernatural in my life i've decided to live an exceptional life why because with god all things are possible red seas don't just part in two but supernaturally they can't you go ask moses he'll tell you i make the difference protection walls don't just fall flat but supernaturally they care if you ask joshua he tell you i make the difference 300 men don't just win against a hundred and thirty two thousand but supernaturally they can you ask gideon he'll say i make the difference teens don't kill giants with a stone but supernaturally they can you ask david he'll say i make the difference he doesn't just leave the fire but supernaturally it can ask the three hebrew boys they'll tell you i made the difference hungry lions don't lose their appetite but supernaturally they can ask daniel he'll tell you i made the difference fire doesn't just fall from heaven but supernaturally it can ask elijah he'll tell you i'll make the difference barrenness doesn't just get reversed but supernaturally it can you ask hannah she'll tell you her prayers made the difference poor people don't just become rich but supernaturally they can you ask jabez he'll say i told the lord bless me indeed blind eyes don't just pop open but supernaturally they can you ask bartimaeus he'll tell you i made the difference dead folks don't just get up from the grave but supernaturally they can you ask lazarus he'll tell you i made the difference 23 faithful don't just build a 28 000 member congregation but supernaturally they can you ask the possible pastor me they'll tell you i made the difference thousands of teenagers don't just come from across the country to sit in church but you asked dr ah then she'll tell you supernaturally they came to spiritual encounter cause i make the difference [Music] and i'm just wondering what are you believing god for this morning because supernaturally it can come to pass because i make the difference i need somebody with faith to shout out i make the difference sovereign partnership defines your kingdom supernatural possibilities but it also defines your kingdom's supernatural potential you gotta hope against hope because the god factor is involved i think about 37 years ago when apostle was young and stood up apostle realized that supernatural potential was available and it should inspire you to keep moving forward i don't care what it looks like i don't care who told you you weren't gonna make it your potential is not defined by your past many who god used in their generation they didn't have an attractive past but yet god was working through them and they made the difference when i go through the story book of the bible i find out that abraham was old but yet he made a difference jacob was insecure leo was unattractive joseph was abused moses stuttered gideon was poor simpson was codependent rahab was immoral david had an affair and all kind of family problems elijah was suicidal jeremiah was depressed jonah was reluctant naomi was a widow john the baptist was eccentric to say the least peter was impulsive and hot-headed martha worried a lot the samaritan woman had several failed marriages zacchaeus was unpopular thomas had doubt paul had poor health and timothy was timid what is your excuse your past does not define the supernatural power of god it is your potential that is only defined by your partnership and don't you discount yourself and what you're capable of making happen in this season and this is the part of the lesson that breathes new life in you i want you to go out here understanding that you don't have to wait on others to invoke change you can make the difference in your life shout out i make the difference see the manifestation of one's potential is determined by the willingness to attempt new things while maximizing present resources and this was illustrated by david he was willing to fight the giant that was a new thing after successfully defeating the lion and the bear you got to understand it's my partnership with god that makes the difference last one is your potential is demonstrated by your praise see when you realize that you are who you are and what is possible with god on your side you can't help but erupt in praise see when you know that the same god that took apostle from 23 to 28 000 you can't help but erupt and praise about what god's going to do in your life because there's a supernatural hope that is birthed when kingdom potential is realized and i understand why they praised god so much in that little jensen road that was where we saw the glory crowd that was where we saw healing manifest that's where we saw tumors and growth strength we've seen it over the course but it started at jensen road but they had a praise they would praise so much because the 23 realized their potential they knew things were about to change they knew that jensen road was not the end but god had much more in store for them and when you know where you're going you ought to erupt in praise a story is told if you'll give me a moment in our closing moments to tell you a story of a father who had planned to meet his family at the high school game for his son it was a football game and he had to work late told the family i'll meet you all there but i promise i'll be there before the game is over well during the game there was a malfunction of the scoreboard so there was no display of the score or statistics when the father arrived he said to the mother instantaneously how much are we behind she asked him how did he know the team was losing because there was no scoreboard there were no statistics and she saw him walk up to the parking lot knowing he had not spoken to anyone how did he know uh with such assurance that the team was losing she asked the question and the dad responded to the wife and said and to the mother and said it was easy to come to that conclusion all i had to do was look at the demeanor of the coaches i looked at the demeanor of the team and i looked at you all in the stands you all have the look of defeat on your faces and it gave away the state of the game but i looked across to the other side and on the other team i saw their jubilation i i saw their cheers and their expectation of victory and i knew right then who was winning when i heard that story i wondered what other people think when they come to the house of the lord when they look at the faces of the people who've gathered together in god's house do we look like we're more than conquerors do we look like the healed resistant sickness and disease do we look like the head and not the tail do we look like the blood blood washed child of god do we look like we are winners and not the victim do we look like we're more than conquerors and overcoming in every situation because what has to happen is that we have to have a blind bartimaeus moment the bible says that jesus called blind bartimaeus to him and he stated in the scripture that he was rejoicing before jesus even spoke a word of healing over his life he was rejoicing and taking off his baggage clothes because he knew what was possible when jesus finished with him and that's why the psalmist declared i will bless the lord at all times his praise shall continually be in my mouth because i know what's to come i gotta praise that i cannot keep out i'm gonna praise god because my demeanor is not about what's happening right now but my demeanors about what god promised he will do and he made a promise he will do exceeding abundantly before all i could ever ask a thing the psalmist said i will bless the lord at all times his praise shall continually be in my mouth my soul shall make her boast in the lord the almost shall hear their love and be glad i'm just waiting for who gonna join me this morning oh i got a few i'm waiting for some more who got an understanding i gotta have a righteous demeanor of expectation oh magnify the lord with me and let us exalt his name together because i know what's possible i know the potential of what god said people don't understand why i walk the way i walk people don't understand the swag that i have but i've got a vision that others have not seen when i walk into every sanctuary i see the building filled with people when i walk into the buildings that god has blessed me i see the potential of what god has done and so i will bless the lord [Music] at all times i'm just looking for some praises in the house who got a revelation of the potential and possibility that our god is great and with god on my side and with me partnering with god i make the difference in my family i make the difference in my church i make a difference in my home i make the difference in my children's life i make the difference you keep watching you keep looking god's got some things that start for us 37 years is great but it's just the beginning because there's more to come than my souls to be saved and if you will make the decision that you're gonna bless the lord at all times if you will make the decision and no matter what it looks like you'll keep praising you're gonna watch god work in your life do i have any praises in the house this morning [Music] i you're standing i want you to join me in prayer this morning because there are some that need to make the first decision of giving their life to the lord your whole countenance and your demeanor changes when you know that god is on your side so i'm asking this morning with everyone standing can we come in agreement for the decision to be made in the lives of others that somebody needs to make a decision that's going to put them on the right path so that they partner with god so their lives can go to the next level my prayer today is not for just those to be saved but you'll make the decision to do something in your life that makes the difference and everyone that you come in contact with can you bow your heads in prayer in this moment father we just thank you for who you are i thank you for those who are on the brink of that decision-making moment that they will not miss it but they will say yes to you on today so father we give you praise in advance for the harvest father let this word minister to us individually that we will move beyond every excuse we will move beyond our insufficiencies and trust that you have a great plan for our lives and our answer will be yes to you in every area of our lives so that we can watch you work supernaturally bringing every promise to pass in our lives so father let us be encouraged today that we are the difference makers in our families with the difference makers in our church we're the difference makers in our community you're waiting for our yes so that you can get involved and do supernatural things in and through our lives we call it the now in jesus name while every hit is bowed every eyes closed i would be remissed in my duties if i didn't give you an opportunity to make the life decision to give your life to the lord or to rededicate your life to the lord you may not understand why some of us were rejoicing or shouting the way we did but we understand what god has done in our lives all because we were willing to say yes and that decision to be saved and give your life to the lord so awesome because all he asks you to do is to believe in your heart and confess out of your mouth that he sent his only son jesus to die on the cross and he rose again just for you he doesn't ask you to clean yourself up he doesn't ask you to try to name every sin that you've ever committed because you don't even remember it he says come just as you are maybe you got off track and get straight away from the things of god i'm here to let you know that rededication doesn't put you at the back of the line but it puts you right right back in line and so what that's you here today and you're on in the sanctuary or in our virtual sanctuary and you don't know jesus as your personal lord and savior make the life decision today that starts that whole difference in your life he's waiting on you to acknowledge him as savior and lord to say god i make you lord of my life it gives you the assurance it doesn't mean that you won't go through problems but you have the assurance that he's that partner with you through every life situation so if that's you and you're here today you say pastor while every head is about every eyes closed pastor i need to make that life decision to give my life to the lord or to rededicate my life to the lord today can you just simply raise your hand wherever you are i want to pray for you maybe you're online and you're making that decision you can put your hands up in the comments because we've got members that are watching online that are encouraging and praying for you to not miss this moment the bible says that heaven rejoices when one comes into the things of god matter of fact we're all going to pray the prayer together but i want to know who's making this decision for the first time or who's saying yep i'm going to rededicate my life today because rededication doesn't put you at the back of the line but it puts you right back in line if that's you just simply raise your hand wherever you are i want to agree in prayer with you i want to lead you into a special prayer i see those of you i'm looking and and i'm looking for your hand don't you be shy understand that you can make the difference you can change the whole trajectory of your life with one yes to the lord that it puts you on a path where god begins to move in your life and in your situation or maybe you're hearing you say pastor i'm already saved but i need somebody to help me in this journey call life i need somebody that's gonna coach me that's gonna teach me how to apply the word of god to my life you're in the right place i'm the right pastor to help you in this life's journey so that we can win and you can watch god do something supernatural in your life so maybe that's you and you say pastor i need new light to be my church home i want to be a member of the light simply raise your hand wherever you are i want to pray for you as well so here's what we're going to do we're all going to say this prayer of salvation together and then i'm going to give you some instructions because one of our pastors are going to follow up with you in the next 24 to 48 hours because of the covid protocols that we have in place normally we would take you to the area but they're going to personally reach out to you but before you leave this moment you're gonna know you're part of the family of god and because we're excited about this decision we're going to join in in prayer with you that many of us have said this before we've said it a hundred times before but for you saying it today it's going to mean something special heaven watches over this moment where you make the first decision that you make the difference in your life in the life of others so everyone repeat this prayer with me say father i know without jesus i'm lost i believe your word that says you sent your only son jesus to die on the cross and he rose again just for me now father fill me with your spirit and your power so that i may live a life pleasing to you i thank you for saving me i thank you father that i'm a part of the family of god from this day forward in jesus name amen can we rejoice over the souls that have come into the kingdom of god they're going to put a qr code on the screen those of you who made that salvation prayer for the first time or maybe it was that prayer that you stated so that you could rededicate your life to the lord i need you to scan that qr code maybe you want to be you raise your hand from membership i need you to scan that qr code welcome to the new life family i promise you i've gotta i'm making a commitment to you to teach you the word of god so we can live this journey called life but win and operate in faith trusting that the promises of god will come to pass in every area of your life and so once you scan that qr code or go to nlc journey put your information i promise you one of our pastors will follow up with you because we're on this journey with you to secure your life in christ and receive all the promises of god through faith new life can we celebrate them one more time [Music] i trust y'all we're blessed by the word i want you to go out this week saying i make the difference i want you to take a look again at some things that you may have let slip and go back and say no i'm going to make the difference in that i'm going to make the difference in every area of my life minister melissa is going to lead us in worship as we close out the moors will come to give us our closing instruction make sure you stay locked in this gonna be a good series y'all shout out i'll make the [Music] we shall difference is [Music] [Applause] [Music] um [Music] me [Music] me [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] the devil is a liar would you look at somebody rocky and tell them you make the difference [Music] [Applause] hey man listen i want to challenge you this month make sure that you're here every sunday every sunday i want you to invite somebody with you i believe that this series is going to impact our lives amen you don't need to be selfish and just come by yourself but you need to bring somebody with you can we clap our hands for our senior pastor and can we celebrate 37 years come on i need you to make some noise [Music] [Music] [Music] our senior pastor who has poured into us on today and father god because she has poured into us we pray god that you'll pour back into her what she has given your people on today we thank you god for our founders on today we thank you god that they're here and then they're in good health god we thank you we don't take it for granted god but god we pray god that you'll continue to strengthen them in the name of jesus we thank you for the first family and we thank you for everybody that is here god as we get ready to go into this week we will declare god that we will make the difference in the name of jesus now god as we leave this place but never from your presence people first guide us direct us and we'll give your name the praise the glory and the honor somebody clap your hands for [Music] dr jesus for that awesome word we thank god for our founders and for 37 years amen well we're going to dismiss our roles at this time
Channel: New Light Church
Views: 660
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: 5TJ3gdD1h5Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 112min 54sec (6774 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 05 2021
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