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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] for me in my house we shall serve the lord welcome to christ's missionary baptist church our church where everybody stopped by and i'm pastor gina m steward and i agree with ryan and lauren come on let's worship the lord as we give god hallelujah [Music] [Music] your greatness [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] is is power in the name of jesus [Music] there's so much power [Music] change something happens every time [Music] [Music] every time hallelujah [Music] when i call [Music] jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] there's no better [Music] [Applause] [Music] he's done so much [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] the holy is [Applause] thank you [Music] [Music] can you just create a altar right where you are and just begin to worship the name you are [Music] the strength of [Music] [Music] in total to you to you [Music] come on help me [Music] is [Music] come on can we say it again [Music] i lift my [Music] yes you are come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] to you to you everybody [Music] [Music] you're the source of my strength [Music] the strength of my life [Music] [Music] [Music] yes [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] i can't do nothing without you jesus i live [Music] [Music] come worship [Music] good morning christ missionary it is now time for our call to worship but i by your great love can come into your house in reverence i bow down towards your holy temple you are my strength i sing praise to you you god are my fortress my god on whom i can rely for the lord is good and his love endures forever his faithfulness continues through all generations amen hey man good morning cmbc we come now to uh centering moment a time where we gather together although we're not gathered together in the same geographical location but spiritually are bound as the people of god and so we prepare to go before god on this morning lifting up prayer on this morning for bereaved we want to continue to lift up alicia e jones aina jones willie jones jr crystal stewart monroe christy foster gloria and andre watson leticia parker trinell moore trenia moore and laurenette williams in the hospital we have mother lois gene streeter and jewel robertson for upcoming surgery we have reverend angela lupton and recently released from the hospital it's jordan lee deacon freddie payton velma williams and please continue to pray for pat broadnax and all others whose names may not be called that we are aware of we want to continue to lift them up before the lord in prayer let us pray as the deer pants after the water books so i sold pets for thee oh god father god we come before you on the day god for you are our god and we are your people we come on this morning god thanking you god for who you are in our lives god we thank you for how you continue to be a keeper and sustainer of our lives we thank you lord god for being jehovah jairo the lord god i provide a god you continue to grant us with all that we stand in need of god and for that we give your name praise we thank you god that it is by your mercies lord god that we are not consumed we thank you lord god for the faith that we possess that you have instilled in us and sealed in us by the power of your holy spirit father we could go on all morning god thanking you for who you are and for all that you have done god because you've been mighty good to us god we don't we'd be remiss lord god to take time to just thank you god for all that you've done for us lord god that in the midst of all of the chaos of this world lord god of the gun violence lord god of the floods that have taken over in cities lord god for the hurricanes lord god for the outbreak of covet 19 lord god amidst all that is going on god we can stand and profess without the fear of contradiction god that you're still good lord god you're still merciful god you're still holy god and for that god we give you praise we lift up those god the names that you've heard lifted up on the prayer list on this morning god we continue to lift your people up to you god we pray god that you me continue to meet them at the point of their need lord god we lift up our pastor to you this morning lord god for the calling on her life god we pray god that you continue to grant others strength to carry out your calling on her life lord god continue to hear your ian lord god with offensive protection all about her god as she travels up to and fro lord god being a light unto the world continue to bless her and her family continue to bless this church family of christ missionary baptist church lord god you know everyone god by name we pray god that you continue to bless your people as only you can do and we lift up this worship service to you and pray god that your people will be edified and that you lord god will be glorified through everything that is said and done in this moment of worship spirit of the living god fall fresh on us and we'll be ever so careful and ever so mindful to give your name all the praise all the glory and all of the honor for it's in the mighty and matchless name of jesus we offer up this prayer and give thanks we love you god in jesus name amen [Music] god bless you our congregational hymn for the wonderful month of september is him number 248 in the new national baptist emblem home to god's unchanging hand we will sing it in its entirety is [Music] trust in him who will not leave you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh oh oh [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] me bless his name hallelujah oh to god's unchanging hand hallelujah god's unchanging [Music] god's unchanged [Music] can we sing that verse that says when your journey is completed when your journey is [Music] help us sing that put your hands together is [Music] well you ought to put your hands together and bless the lord in this place and give god praise god is worthy to be praised from the rising of the sun to the going down of the same the lord's name is worthy to be praised good morning cnbc and to all of you who have gathered in virtual space for this service of word and worship do me a favor if you haven't already done so take a moment now and like and share this service on facebook uh like and share and subscribe to our youtube channel share this service with a friend a colleague a family member someone who may need a word of encouragement who may need to be inspired in these days in which we find ourselves living these days where we're dealing with violence and virus we're dealing with challenge and trial and tribulation triumphs and victories share this service with someone that may need a word of encouragement on today we're grateful to those of you who may be visiting with us uh virtually perhaps you've never visited with us before but if you have if you are a first-time visitor we invite you to complete the digital connect card in the comment box and uh let us know who you are and where you are from we're always delighted and encouraged and excited when others join us and we also want to know if you have any prayer requests if you have prayer requests whether you're a visitor or a member please take a moment and type that in the chat now we have intercessors in the sanctuary who are watching the feed and we want to know how we can pray for you we know that prayer changes things we know that prayer works as a matter of fact we prayed for my friend and colleague and clergy sister dr carolyn knight all over this country we were praying for dr carolyn knight and the report is this morning that she is alive and recovering and so today we celebrate the fact that god spared her and let her live to be to see the goodness of the lord in the land of the living we continue to ask for your prayers for dr knight she is recovering in the hospital but i talked to her this morning and i am grateful to report that she is off of the vent she is breathing she is doing well and that she is on the road to recovery we ask that you continue to pray for her we know that the prayers of the righteous make tremendous power available i can't wait until she's well enough to come and preach and share her testimony because god shown up worked a miracle in her life and because we've seen god do it so many times before we invite you to share your prayer requests with us this morning that we might petition god in your behalf help me take a moment now as we wish happy birthday wishes or extend happy birthday wishes to our senior jewels mother pearl terry mother mabel ashley and mother charlie mckenzie come on let's give god praise for these divas amen these senior divas looking good and then we want to wish happy anniversary to ac and minister shirley bailey they've been married 53 years rodney and lawana gibson have been married 28 years deacon anthony and antoinette johnson have been married 28 years and deshaun and dr nakia grayson have been married 19 years come on let's celebrate their partnership in life and in ministry and we give god praise that god has blessed them to celebrate another year of marriage i want to take an opportunity now to invite you to join us for our views for the views from the frontline webinar with the sub theme of where do we go from here we will have an information informative discussion with our front line medical professionals a continuing discussion about the covet 19 vaccine the virus the variants the myths the mutations the misinformation tune in this thursday night at 7 pm central daylight time you do need to register for this webinar but it is free and we invite you to uh take advantage of this webinar and join us these are professionals all of them with the exception of one and the one that's not a member i call her an adjunct member are members of our church so we're blessed to have these medical professionals to share with us to share important information with us some of you may remember that we had a views from the front line webinar last year and it was very informative and helpful i felt that given the environment and the climate that we're in it's time for another discussion so thursday night september 9th at 7 pm central daylight time join us for views from the front line where do we go from here and with that being said some of you know that we had planned to uh try to begin coming back re-entering our sanctuary that was before the delta variant would come we had no idea that the delta variant would impact our city in the way that it has and because of the way that the delta variant is impacting our city because of the way that the covet cases are rising in consultation with our medical professionals and in consultation with those who work in this area we are going to delay coming into the sanctuary we're going to do a pilot uh the third sunday in september which was back to church sunday but we're going to delay it and we will host back to church sunday virtually so even though we won't be in the building you can still invite someone to join you for worship virtually we're going to delay coming in person because we always want to err on the side of safety and on the side of caution and we want to err on the side of life with that being said i want to encourage you to mask up memphis covet is still on the rise this is not the time to relax or let our guards down especially if we are vaccine hesitant we do have a solution for this variant and this virus is called vaccination but if you have not yet become comfortable enough with the idea of taking the vaccine we encourage you to mask up make sure that your nose is covered let's look out for the welfare of others as well as the welfare of ourselves and then finally let me thank you for your support of this ministry because of your support we continue to be a blessing to this community to be a blessing to the world to be a blessing to people who are in need our building may be closed but our church is still open for business in fact we have been working harder in this pandemic i would say than we were when we were actually open and receiving people in person because the needs do not stop the challenges do not stop the crisis do not stop the evictions do not stop the like ass the cut off no cut off notices do not stop but thanks be to god that because you invest in this ministry christ missionary has been able to be or been enabled i should say to be a blessing and to give support not only to our church but to people in this community you know if you only help the people that are on the inside you're a club but we're not a club we're christ missionary baptist church and i'm grateful to report that because of your generosity we are able to be a blessing to this community and to the world not only this community but also to haiti and to louisiana and to new new orleans and new jersey and philadelphia because every week there seems to be a new crisis but because of your investment we're always ready and able to respond the media ministry has placed the giving options on the screen and i'm inviting you to join us in investing in this ministry i'm inviting you as you are able to invest in this ministry so that we can continue to extend the witness of jesus christ to the ends of the earth for every gift that you give we give thanks to god and we also offer thanks to god for you in fact would you join me now for a word of prayer as we offer thanks to god for these gifts for every good and perfect gift that comes from you oh god we give you thanks you are the father of light you are the giver of light and life and in you there is no variableness or shadow of turning as we prepare to bring these gifts to you or make these gifts or give these gifts to you some out of abundance some out of lack we pray that these gifts will be acceptable in your sight that they will be more than enough to transform your world to touch lives with transforming love let no one suffer lack let no household suffer lack let no individual suffer lack but return these gifts back to the giver 30 60 and 100 fold so that your kingdom may come on earth even as it is in heaven we give you praise because we know that all things come from you oh god and of thine own we give back to you in the name of the one who bled so that we might be blessed who died so that we might be that we might live and who gave first his name is jesus we call it done and we give you thanks in jesus name amen receive the music ministry now as they come in their own way [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] is [Music] is [Applause] oh is is [Music] oh [Music] [Music] uh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] wow [Music] is [Music] you woke me [Music] [Applause] this morning hello [Music] for the rest of my life for the rest of my [Music] my life oh is is [Music] oh oh bless his name hallelujah come on put those hands together and give god praise are you glad that the love of god never changes and wonderful is your name let's pray god thank you for another day thank you for another opportunity to declare your word we are reminded afresh that you have a love for us that never changes we say thank you for your unchanging and your unfailing love it is this core theological affirmation that sometimes su sustains us when everything else around us suggests otherwise i pray now in the name of jesus that if there's anyone watching anyone worshiping who may be somewhat unsure or unconvinced or somewhat skeptical or suspicious or who has even become cynical about life that in this moment now you'll restore their joy restore their hope restore their faith take a cold from the altar anoint my lips of clay that the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart might be acceptable in your sight i've done my study send your spirit i've prepared as best i can now send your power spirit of the living god fall fresh in this place and let the words that i speak cause them to be spirit and life save a soul salvage a life and cause this word to have free course let it do what you sent it to accomplish and not return void but let it be eternally relevant and significant for the living of these days we give you praise in advance for what you're about to say and we declare this place to be free now for your ministry in jesus name and the people of god said together amen if you will turn to the gospel of mark the third chapter in the first verse mark chapter 3 beginning with verse 1 through 6 and i'll be reading from the new international version of scripture mark chapter 3 verse 1. we want to thank god for the music ministry for their faithfulness over the year amen you can clap your hands in virtual space and you can clap your hands in the house amen we thank god for their commitment and for their dedication for their resilience we thank god for how god has preserved all of us in this season of covet 19 and we are believing god still for a season of relief 2021 ain't over yet and i'm believing that god is going to see us through another time jesus went into the synagogue and a man with a shriveled hand was there somebody say a shriveled hand some of them somebody shout some of them always somebody with looking for reason to accuse jesus so they watched him closely to see if he would heal them on the heal him on the sabbath jesus said to the man with the shriveled hands stand up in front of everyone and then jesus asks them which is lawful on the sabbath to do good or to do evil to save life or to kill but they remain silent he looked around at them in anger and deeply distressed somebody said deeply distressed at their stubborn hearts said to the man stretch out your hand he stretched it out and his hand was completely restored then somebody shout then the pharisees went out and began to plot with the herodians how they might kill jesus this is the word of the lord the grass withers the flower fades but the word of our god shall stand forever i'm going to use today as a subject one word undaunted undaunted today's text is the concluding passage in a series of five stories that depict jesus conflict with the pharisees the pharisees were an influential religious set s-e-c-t or party within judaism who were thought to be experts in the law they were known for their emphasis on personal piety purity tithing and legal interpretation but then jesus came crashing on the scene jesus came crashing into the first century palestinian world upsetting the status quo challenging the prevailing social order and patterns in ancient society jesus comes on the scene winning the favor of the people the bible says that the common people come on i know some bible readers in here heard him gladly healing the sick giving sight to the blind enabling those with paralysis to walk again unstopping deaf ears advocating for justice for the voiceless advocating for the marginal lies extending care to widows and lepers touching the untouchable befriending prostitutes and blind beggars affirming women and affirming children forgiving sin and sinners welcoming publicans and tax collectors to table feast rather than fast and he has no reservations about violating sabbath jesus is so committed to his mission of mercy that he has no problem risking the hostility of his opponents has attractional value the common people are drawn to him like a magnet they follow him everywhere he goes in fact in one place in the scripture we're told that when the word got out that jesus was in the city the whole city met him at the door this is the kind of mission and ministry that jesus had he was committed to bringing life to those who were on the margins as he declared in his inaugural sermon in luke 4 and 18 the spirit of the lord is upon me for he has anointed me to preach good news to the captives the recovering of sight to the blind to sit at liberty those that are bruised and to proclaim the year of the lord's favor jesus had no problem breaking the rules he didn't mind risking the hostility of his opponents and so it was on this unspecified day in today's text that jesus shows up again in the synagogue to teach and it just so happens that on this particular day in the synagogue there is a man with a shriveled some translation say a withered right hand and as expected because he has earned a reputation for stepping outside of his place stepping outside of the prescribed parameters that the religious establishment had established for him jesus was always getting in good trouble and so on this particular day as his opponents are watching and as they are expecting they're looking for jesus to make the wrong move because they're always looking for some way to bring a charge against him and in this particular instance this day that he was in the senate synagogue was no exception they are watching him not to see if he's going to heal the man they're watching him not so they can shout after the healing takes place but they are watching him strictly for the purpose of bringing a charge against him because by now jesus has earned a reputation for causing good trouble wherever he goes he's a disruption wherever he goes he disrupts the status quo wherever he goes he upsets the equilibrium and in and there are no constraints on his kingdom work even if it is the sabbath and this day in the synagogue was no exception for in jesus mind and according to his ministry it was in alignment with his mission and his ministry to restore life wherever jesus showed up death could not remain in his presence and live and so it does not surprise me that when he comes in the synagogue and he encounters this man with a withered hand that jesus does as is his custom he upsets the equilibrium because the restoring of life to a dead withered hand points to his message of restoration for all things and all people he says the thief comes but but to kill to steal and to destroy but i've come that you might have life and that you might have it more abundantly to the full and to overflowing the restoration of life to a dead withered hand points to jesus mission of neutralizing the power of sin the restoration of this withered hand is a reminder of the brokenness of this world thus the healing of the man with the shriveled or the withered hand is in effect removing the brokenness or the effects of the brokenness of this world which is central to jesus mission in other words jesus had missional fidelity jesus mission he understood and was clear about his mission and so this man's withered hand this shriveled hand was central to the mission of jesus and so even though all of the eyes are on him in the synagogue even though they're all watching waiting on him to do something so that they can accuse him he tells the man in spite of their fixation with his actions he tells the man to stand up in the middle of the synagogue puts the ball in his adversary's court and he tells the man to rise up in the middle of the synagogue and then he asks the onlookers a critical question he says is it legally permitted on the sabbath to do good or evil can i give you a clue here and notice that jesus doesn't ask them is it permissible to heal on the sabbath because he understands their interpretation of the law which suggests that only emergency cases could be dealt with on days like this and so jesus puts the ball in their court he uses semantics and raises the question and says is it permissible is it right is it permitted on the sabbath not to heal but to do good or to do evil to save life or to kill jesus takes the initiative in this controversy as though deliberately trying to force the issue and bring to light the attitudes of the hearts of the adversaries but you know most people that are ex that are opposed to the mission of jesus christ don't want to be exposed can i come back and say that again i said most people are opposed to the mission of jesus christ never want to be exposed my grandmother used to throw rocks and hide their hands they want to disrupt they want to wreak havoc they want to disrupt divine progress but they want to remain anonymous and so when jesus poses the question to them of whether it is legally permitted to do good or evil on the sabbath or to save life or kill you can just about guess what they did they did not say a mumbling word even though the man's illness was like not life-threatening jesus does it does not prevent jesus from it does not even though his illness was not life-threatening it still prevented him from entering the temple and engaging in worship and so jesus is posing an awkward question to the people at worship about one of their fellow villagers this your church member do you is it right to save life or to kill on the sabbath they had an occasion to do the right thing but their adversaries his adversaries refused to respond jesus knows that their silence does not imply their consent to what he does the text says he's angered by the hardness of their hearts and he's grieved at their hard-heartedness but thanks be to god that jesus doesn't allow their hard-heartedness to withhold his compassion jesus takes the initiative toward the man anyway i wonder can we stop and give god in any way praise that even when others didn't want us to be blessed when even when others didn't want us to be delivered when others didn't think we deserve to be saved jesus took the initiative toward us and did it anyway can you give him in any way praise so jesus takes the initiative toward the man and with his opponents watching jesus does what he has done on previous occasions in the synagogue not only does he challenge their interpretation of what's acceptable on the sabbath but he takes the initiative here it is and performs a great miracle the text says that the man's hand was completely restored now i can't say what they did the text doesn't tell us what they did when they were in the synagogue but i know what probably would have happened if that had happened one day at cnbc a billy would have queued up the music flag would have grabbed the mike and pam would have started directing and the saints would be shouting and giving god glory because we'd seen a miracle in our midst in fact that's what you ought to do when you come in contact with the grace of god when you see a miracle when you witness a miracle when you hear a rumor of a miracle something ought to make you clap your hands open your black mouth and give god some praise even if the miracle wasn't for you but it was for somebody else as a matter of fact can we take 30 seconds and give god some praise for the miracles that we heard about through the grapevine for the doors that god has opened for the ways that god has made for the opportunities that god has given for the accident that didn't kill us for the bullet that didn't get us can you clap your hands and give god praise because you or somebody you know has come in contact with grace there's a way you ought to act i feel my help when you come in contact with grace the text says that the man's hands flag were completely restored that they weren't shivering up anymore that they were no longer withered that they weren't drawn up anymore he could probably use his hands like he was supposed to use it it should have been a day of rejoicing you know i've read this passage many times and always focus on the healing of the withered hand for whenever a miracle takes place wherever we witness the grace of god it is always appropriate to celebrate the goodness of god but i have to admit that this time when i read the passage i couldn't help phyllis but notice the opposition of the opponents it's in the text pharisees the name went out and began to plot with the herodians how they might kill jesus now here's a miracle right before the eyes jesus in the flesh god in the flesh is in the synagogue heals a man and the pharisees waste no time in forming a plan and a plot to oppose jesus they left church after witnessing a miracle with a mission they were determined to do everything they could to prevent jesus ministry from expanding the pharisees immediately took counsel with the herodians even though watch this they were frenemies and not friends i said the pharisees and the herodians took counsel with each other to figure out how they could stop jesus even though they really didn't like each other so strange thing about the indication of their hypocrisy is an indicator of how they were they were regarded as those who knew the law the pharisees were and knew the word of god and lived in an effort to please god the herodians were not a spiritual group they were political they were loyal to king herod and sympathetic to the romans the pharisees were detested by the herodians and the officers of herod and some of the herodians were also sadducees which meant that they did not believe in the resurrection but the pharisees did believe in the resurrection so they were if you would say doctrinally and fundamentally dipoles in diametric opposition to one another but there's nothing like a common enemy to bring enemies together there's nothing like common hatred towards somebody else to bring even folk that don't like each other there's nothing like trying to stop barack obama that can keep people from conspiring together to ensure that the agenda does not advance there's nothing like a common hatred that will cause people to conspire together to stop their enemies even though they had fundamental doctrinal differences their indignation at the inroads of jesus and his growing popular popularity and his influence on the population of galilee was sufficient to bring these two possible enemies together to conspire against jesus they didn't necessarily like each other come on here but they they dislike jesus enough to get together they didn't particularly care for one another but their animosity toward jesus was enough to bring them together in an attempt to hinder the church silence the promotion of the gospel and to destroy jesus because nothing can unite people even enemies like a common vision or a common enemy you don't think it's so oh my god just find out just find somebody that doesn't like somebody let them hook up with somebody that doesn't like something and all of a sudden they best friends and you looking at them from the outside and you said i thought they didn't even like each other they really don't like each other but it's their dislike for the commonality of the enemy that brings them together they were fundamentally diametrically opposed to one another but they're disliked their distaste their efforts to hinder the church and silence and the promotion of the gospel and to destroy jesus brought them together under a common mission and a common vision when i read that verse kind of stood out for the rest of the text because to me it would seem that the next verse after jesus heals the man adrian and his hand is fully restored the next verse if i were the editor or the redactor would be and the people went up with a great shout if i were the one writing the gospel i would have been expecting to hear something like and all the people gave thanks to god for what jesus was doing in the synagogue uh if it had been me writing the text y'all they say nothing i would have expected something different other than the pharisees went out to plot how they would take his life and when i read that verse i thought to myself what in the world jesus called hell for healing he called hell for doing good he got hell come on here for restoring life we see this in the gospel that creating a more caring and just world and a just environment creating a shalom existence for all people will invite opposition perhaps that's why folk are fighting now in government trying to write laws that will suppress us perhaps that's why we see people sending uh laws and briefs to the supreme court in an effort to suppress and oppress and marginalize and take our voices and our votes there's probably nothing more demotivating or de-incentivizing than opposition but the truth is and we see it in real time our desire to do good despite our lofty and holy ambitions to advance the cause of good in this world hit me with your goodyear will invite opposition come on you got to see this opposition somebody say opposition the forces of malevolent malicious hostile and harmful and vengeful and vindictive and deliberate injurious evil forces that are antagonistic toward god god's people and god's work opposition somebody shout opposition uh it is inevitable and it's unavoidable if you're gonna do the will of god get ready to experience opposition there's gonna always be somebody that don't like you somebody that's always gonna try to fight you and it's not always somebody sometimes it's a system or even a structure that will be against you because it is interwoven into the fabric of life god promises us that we will face opposition this is a part of our human fabric of life ephesians 6 reminds us that our struggle is not against flesh and blood but against powers and principalities against the rulers of the darkness of this world against spiritual wickedness in high places jesus even says to the disciples in this life you will have trials and tribulations but be of good cheer for i am have overcome the world you're going to be in distress you're going to have the rest whenever you try to do something for god's glory and for the good of other people there's going to be opposition but that doesn't make it any easier somebody knows opposition can destroy one's resolve it will break your will it will it's a killer of dreams it's what causes so many people to quit it's what causes pastors to give up and leave the ministry and go sell insurance it's what discourages people from working in ministry and makes them go home and sit on a pew and never come back it robs public servants of their optimism and their idealism and what i would also say that while i don't believe that any of us who have been christians for any length of time are necessarily surprised by the presence of opposition we are often perplexed by the intensity of it we're often perplexed by the lips that folk will go to to take us out we're often perplexed can i preach it like a feeling by the lips that our enemies and our opponents will go to to discourage us to defeat us to derail us and ultimately get us to give up we see it in examples every day in politics we see it in government we see it in business we see it on our jobs i know i'm talking to somebody because i'm on your road you see it on your job there are people that work with you and eat lunch with you that will go to extraordinary length to see you fail to see you fall to see you to ensure that you don't succeed we see it in the church we see the powerful using their power their power to bully and intimidate don't suggest that every instance of opposition is demonically inspired hear me with your good ear i'm not suggesting that every instance of opposition is demonically inspired however there are times when opposition can be a form of spiritual conflict the cosmic conflict the warfare the conflict believers often find we often find ourselves engaged in it's an unseen battle the songwriter says a war that your eyes can't see it's a supernatural dimension where the powers of darkness and demonic energy and evil are in revolt against the kingdom of god and any christian that tries to do the will of god that tries to get in good trouble will sooner or later discover that the enemy strategies affect us every day and a lot is at stake i would even argue that lives are at stake that lives are at stake that welfare and well-being are at stake because shalom is god's intention for our lives and so today's text is a reminder to us of an inconvenient truth somebody shout is an inconvenient truth and inconvenient truth and the inconvenient truth is that all of us no matter how nice we try to be no matter how much we try to do good to all people especially those who are of the household of faith you know paul says as much as lies with you within you do good to all people especially to those who are of that household it does not matter how much you try to do good to all people especially to those who are of the household of faith all of us have situations that come up against us in fact second timothy 3 and 12 says in fact everyone who wants to live a godly life in christ jesus will be persecuted i stopped by to tell you life ain't always fair people don't always do right our best intentions will often be viewed with suspension there will always be some enemy to fight some challenge to undergo some some plot that we have to some plot to foil some plan against us not everybody like jesus as good as jesus was he went about the bible says doing good you would imagine that somebody that went about doing good wouldn't have enemies but not everybody like jesus you don't get crucified you don't go through a public lynching and public execution for being a nice guy jesus faced opposition because he spoke to powers he spoke truth to power he challenged the status quo he faced opposition while ministering on earth and he was a highly controversial figure some claimed that he was the messiah while others claimed that he was demon possessed some said he taught the truth while others said that he was a blasphemer and a son of bells above there was always somebody trying to conspire against him even his family sometimes thought he was out of his mind he was constantly misunderstood but i stopped by to tell you that jesus was undaunted he didn't allow any of it to deter him from his mission he never allowed it to derail him from doing the will of god and we ought to shout today because we have salvation because jesus never quit jesus never gave up he fixed his face like flint and went to the cross and died in our place so that we might have life and heaven more abundantly and he lived a life where he spoke truth the power put the devil to an open shame he remained undaunted in the face of opposition and because he did we ought to clap our hands and give god a great big praise therein lies deacon anthony a valuable lesson and the lesson is this here it is because when i looked at the text i said well i know jesus didn't know what they were plotting well he possibly could have known because he was all-knowing you know he was god in the flesh and he was omniscient but the text doesn't tell us that jesus responded in any way to the plot that was taking place and the text doesn't tell us that that the the that the scribe that jesus found out about the plots against him between the pharisees and the herodians but we've if we've read the gospels we've seen enough evidence throughout the gospels to see that there were times that jesus knew when people were plotting against him they were setting trouts for him when they were conspiring against him but here's the lesson that i learned as i thought about that particular verse at the end of an event that should have incited a response of praise rather than a conspiracy and the lesson is that some battles we win with the help of god because we defeat the opposition here it is but then there are other battles we win because we outlast y'all don't know when to shout the opposition i wish i had a few people in here that could just begin to give god praise for all the opposition that you outlasted you see there are some things that you defeat with the help of god and then there are some things that you outlast with the help of god i stopped by this morning to tell you that that's my prayer for some of you today that god will give you the power to outlast your opposition who am i talking to in here this morning i don't know what you're going through i don't know what you've been through i don't know what you're facing i don't know if the enemy is coming in like a flood but i stopped by to tell you that i'm praying that god will give you stay in power that you can be undaunted that you can be unfazed that you can be unmoved because you are sustained by the unmoon mover can i tell you that some enemies are stubborn you ought to just point to yourself and say some of my enemies are stubborn i wish i had a few people that could just agree with me that you've been fighting some enemies for a long time and some of them are like babes kids they don't die they multiply but i stopped by to tell somebody today that i'm praying that god will give you stay in power stay in power to outlast the trouble at work stay in power to outlast the difficulty in your relationship stay in power to outlast a slow season in your finances stay in power to outlast the disappointment stay in power to outlast the opposition because some battles you will win by defeating the opposition but there will be other battles you will win because you outlasted it oh i wonder if i had a few people that could just get your preaching voice and said this shout is not because i won every battle but this shout is cause i outlasted my opposition do i have anybody that can say i've been through many tears of sorrow i've had hopes for tomorrow there have been many times that i didn't know right from wrong but in every situation god gave me consolation jesus let me know that the trials came to make me strong so i thank god for my mountain i thank god for my valleys i thank god for what he's brought me through cause if i never had a problem do i have any company i wouldn't know that god could solve it i would know what faith in his word could do get your good preaching voice and shout through it all through it all i've learned to trust in jesus i've learned to trust in god do i have anybody that could just preach to yourself and pat yourself on the back and say i should have been dead it should have taken me out but thanks me to god that god gave me grace to outlast my opposition imma give you 30 seconds to give god some praise give him glory for every trial give him glory forever closed door give him glory for every trap give him glory for every obstacle some things you'll defeat other stuff you allow less you want to clap your hands and give god glory shout to god with the voice of triumph there's no temptation that taketh you but such is common to human beings but god i said god he is faithful he will not let you be tempted above that which you are able but will with the temptation somebody shout with the temptation somebody shout with the temptation he'll give me strength to handle the pressure yes [Music] somebody open your mouth and give god praise tap yourself and say i made it through her trials i made it through tribulation i made it through many tears i made it through hardship i made it thanks be to god he kept me cause something some battles somebody sell some battles you may not defeat but god will give you the power to outlast it lift your hands in the sanctuary somebody shall give me the power outlasted jesus was undaunted perhaps that's why he didn't respond to every critic perhaps that's why he didn't get on facebook trying to address every issue perhaps that's why he didn't spend a lot of time trying to explain himself because he already knew how the story was going to end and he knew that he would emerge victorious because he served a god who gave him staying power somebody shall stay in power stay in power stay in power stay in power sometimes we feel like god has forgotten us sometimes we feel that the enemy is winning sometimes we feel that it's not our winning season but what jesus teaches us not just necessarily in this text but in his life is that in the face of opposition to have an indie fatigable commitment to outlast the opposition i don't know who i'm talking to today but i stopped by to tell you that some things ain't going nowhere some enemies ain't going nowhere y'all won't talk to me so my position is not going anywhere some of it is a part of the fabric of human life oh but when you got a made a man i said when you got a made-up man when you got a made-up man that's how geraldine could stand 15 years after katrina and and still stand after hurricane ida because sometimes you got to outlast the storm it will shine sometimes you got to outlast the disappointment sometimes you have to outlast the heartbreak sometimes you have to outlast the injustice the trouble on your job the enemies that come against you like a flood i'm standing here today to tell you i didn't win every battle but god gave me strength to outlast the opposition ah when i look back over my life and i think about all the times that the enemy came against me and i thought every time adrian it was going to take me out but god didn't kill me and it was god let me outlast my opposition god didn't listen god ain't got to kill your enemies for you to have a victory god will prepare a table iba shokobo shay in the presence of your enemies and freddie haynes my friend freddy hey say and you can't sit down and eat until your enemies are svp it's not about to tell you we could take a page from jesus book because opposition is a part of the fabric of life it is a part of what it means to be committed to the mission of advancing the kingdom of god is what happens when you get in good trouble the devil's not going to throw a party and put some balloons up because you decided to follow jesus and every enemy every every opposition will not result in deliverance there are some battles that god's going to help us win by giving us stay in power [Music] i dare you to just lift your hands and say i need some staying power i need stay in power not only do i need stay in power but i need sustain and faith because it's that sustained faith that gives me the sustaining power to go to work when i want to stay at home y'all ain't saying that it's the sustaining power that helps me to work with people that i know trying to take me out i know they're setting traps for me it's it's what helps me to love folk that don't deserve to be love is is what helps me to smile when i want to frown it's what helps me to turn the other cheek when i want to get my switchblade i wish i had somebody that could just tell god thank you for helping you to outlast you ought to just take a minute and think about every opposer every system every structure every individual that oppose you but you still here today you ought to open your mouth and give him praise you ought to open your mouth and tell him tata you ought to open your mouth and tell god thank you that god gave you the commitment to stay in the race for the long haul to outlast the opposition to outlast the injustice to our last the sickness to our last the difficult season we need sustaining faith come on lift those hands up and say god give me sustaining faith give me sustaining faith so i can have stay in power give me sustaining faith so that i can be undaunted so that i don't lose my mind so i don't jump off a bridge so i don't give up so i don't quit so i don't throw in the tile so that i don't prematurely conclude that you've forgotten about me so that i don't assume that you're not concerned about the details of my life give me strength to outlast the opposition that's what jesus did that's why that's probably why he didn't even say anything that's probably why the writer didn't even mention how jesus responded they were doing it by stealth but there were a number of instances in jesus life when jesus knew [Music] that the odds were against him but he kept his face like flint the bible said he endured the cross he had despised the shame now he is seated at the right hand of god make an intercession for us because he was undaunted he did not allow the opposition to distract to discourage or to derail him giants do die [Music] but when they don't i don't hear nobody saying nothing somebody shot but when they don't [Music] ask god to give you grace to outlast the opposition hands lifted eyes are closed god thank you for your word thank you for reminding us today that opposition is a is interwoven into the fabric of life help us so that we won't interpret every challenge every battle as a defeat remind us that some battles we win with the help of god and then there are others some battles we defeat we win by defeating with the help of god but then there are others that we win because you give us the grace to outlast the opposition help us to remain undaunted in the face of whatever opposition or wherever we may find ourselves this day give strength to our hands encourage our hearts and remind us that you did not bring us this far to leave us to embarrass us nor to surprise us but that you'll be with us always even to the ends of the age we give offer this prayer with praise and with thanksgiving and all those that agree with it said together amen we put our hands together and we give you praise [Music] say that i don't feel no waste time look at here nobody told me yes sir [Music] wherever you are just lift that hand and sing that with us i don't feel no waste time nobody told me can we say it one more time come on give god a wave offering and declare that i don't feel no ways tired danger scene and unseen hardship trials and tribulations but nobody told me [Music] [Music] listen as the music ministry continues to sing that you need a god on your side but not only do you need a god on your side to give you a sustaining indefatigable commitment to hold on and hold out and outlast your opponents you need a church home a pastor that will pray for you a community that will embrace you a people who will pray for you the truth is you have a whole lot of options but in this climate i wouldn't try to live my life without jesus jesus was connected to god and it was because of that connection that jesus was able to live undaunted unfazed unmoved because he was connected to the unmoved he was connected to the god of the universe he knew his life was anchored to a sacred narrative that was moving toward hope and a future so if you don't have a church home you don't have a pastor i'd love to be your pastor we'd love to be your church the information is on the screen don't let this moment pass you by god the father says come the son says come the holy spirit says come i don't believe [Music] [Music] i don't him you thank you jesus now unto him who is able to keep you from stumbling and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding great joy to that god who will give you strength to outlast the opposition and to present your faultless before his presence with exceeding great joy to that god be glory majesty dominion and power both now henceforth and forevermore meet us next sunday 11 o'clock oh you
Channel: Christ Missionary Baptist Church
Views: 514
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: M1Asu7JYick
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 8sec (5408 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 05 2021
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