The Upper Room Apostolic Cathedral 30 Day Prayer Revival! Day 5!

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to declare your name mighty strong and wonderful for you are the true and living god and for that god we give you praise god as we pray together o god we act o god that you manifest your glory in this house oh god we ask that you rain down your power today oh god we thank you oh god that you've allowed this house to be a house of prayer oh god for god that when we enter into these gates oh god we know that we are standing on holy ground god we thank you for making this place an app give with this place an atmosphere that's conducive to your glory and your word so we come here today god to worship you we come here today god to honor you we come here today god to lift your name on high oh god for god if it had not been for you on our side god we don't know where we would be oh god so god we thank you for walking with us oh god god we thank you for talking with us oh god god we thank you for imparting your spirit inside of us oh god so that we can regurgitate everything that you've given to us so god god we ask you today o god that you flow in this house oh god road to row person to person heart to heart oh god you know what everyone stands in the need of today oh god so we act oh god that you honor those requests god spoken and unspoken oh god for you know what the heart stands in need of oh god so we thank you oh god for being the mender of broken hearts oh god god we ask you today to join the pieces together oh god that no one leaves broken in the name of jesus oh god god we want to serve you holy wholeheartedly oh god we want our lifestyles oh god to be holy o god so we ask you to mend us oh god so that we can wholly worship you o god without a spot or a wrinkle o god god we ask you to continue to forgive us for our sins oh god god we ask you today to break our hearts for the things that break yours oh god god give us a spirit that makes sinning uncomfortable in the name of jesus oh god god we thank you for your conviction god we thank you for your conviction oh god that when we want to go left o god we go right when you say go o god god we thank you for the spirit of obedience oh god that rest in this house oh god god we thank you for the visionary and the apostle of this household god god we thank you for the 5 a.m prayer that has been going on oh god we thank you for the testimonies that have been coming through in the name of jesus oh god god we thank you for being the same god of yesterday today and forevermore god we thank you for doing miracle signs and wonders spirit of the living god we ask you today to fall afresh on us god if we need something new from you if we need a new touch from you today oh god god we ask you to allow us to experience you in a new way god we won't approach worship the same way oh god we won't be hasty oh god but we'll give your name praise and glory and honor for you deserve our best oh god you deserve our all o god so forgive us oh god if we haven't given you the best so god lord we want to be the best for you we want to be what you have created us to be oh god god let our minds reflect you o god for in your word oh god you say let this mind be in you that is also in christ jesus oh god so we thank you for giving us a new mind a rejuvenated mind clean hands and a pure heart oh god god we thank you for what you're gonna do in this place oh god we ask you to touch our pastor as he delivers the word in the name of jesus oh god god we ask you to send an anointing that makes preaching easy oh god satan you will be horrified today because we will give god the glory we will give our god the honor we've come to serve you notice that god will get all the praise that is due to him in the name of jesus so we charge this atmosphere today with worship we charge this atmosphere today with praise rain down fire rain down power rain down healing rain down anointing rain down your glory in this place oh god jesus we love you jesus we give you honor and glory and praise and it is so in jesus name we pray amen [Music] come on let us lift our voices unto god and give him praise for he is worthy this is the day that the lord has made we will rejoice and be glad in it let us lift up our voices unto god and thank him for all that he has done for bringing us to this day bringing us through this week he has kept you he has renewed you he has strengthened you let us live praises unto our god for lord you are worthy of all honor of all glory and all praise this is the urac upper room apostolic church where we believe in the oneness of god father creation son of redemption and holy ghost to the church we believe that salvation is a requirement to eternal life by way of baptism in water fully submerged in the name of the lord jesus christ and the infilling of the holy ghost with the evidence of speaking in tongues as the spirit of god gives the utterance and a lifestyle of holiness and that which is pleasing unto god first thessalonians 5 21 says prove all things and hold fast to that which is good there's a lot going on in this world but i'm gonna hold fast to that which was given me by god i'm gonna hold fast to the righteousness of god i'm gonna hold fast to the truth of god i'm gonna hold fast to the doctrine of god why because there's too much on the line for me to give up now i cannot give up i cannot give in i cannot own this house because god is too great because god has been do good to me god has set me god has given me life and for that i will worship i will pray and i will hold fast to that which is good come on let's celebrate jesus everybody hallelujah we're asking everyone to remain standing for the duration of our praise and worship tonight we want to take you back to some old school testimonial service is that all right hallelujah we're going to take you back down memory lane so i need you to put your hands together everybody let me hear those tambourines let me hear those hands clapping come on let's give them praise down at the cross you when my shaver died down with replanting from sin i cried there to my heart was the blood of life glory to his name wishing [Music] precious [Music] you know my soul cries out hallelujah thank god for saving me well i thank god for saving me i thank god for saving me if it had nothing for jesus where would i be i thank god for saving me then the thinker will say this one jesus i'll never forget what you've done for me jesus i'll never forget how you how i'm oh [Applause] somebody came to have church tonight somebody came to give god glory tonight somebody came and give him honor come on give him praise everybody [Music] listen let me see if you know this one jesus hallelujah hallelujah by the way by the way how how oh oh oh thank you he made oh yeah the promises of god is up is come on did day so one two three two is two two three two three two [Music] tonight [Music] thank you jesus everyone remain standing lift your hands all over the sanctuary come on lit your hands all the way up come on lift them up lift them up come on we call him holy we call him righteous we call him faithful he's everything that we need him to be come on zion with your hands lifted open your mouth and give him glory and worship [Music] [Music] i called [Music] come on let's worship him tonight is is and his righteousness [Music] is you don't have a weapon yo [Music] at this time we exit you across the aisle lock arms with your brothers and your sisters in christ as we go into our statement of faith and our unity prayer at this time please repeat after me we believe in the oneness of god father creation son of redemption and the holy ghost to the church our belief is that salvation is a requirement to eternal life by way of baptism and water fully submerged in the name of the lord jesus christ and the infilling of the holy ghost with the evidence of speaking in tongues and a lifestyle of holiness and that which is pleasing unto god let us pray father in the name of jesus we come tonight once again to say thank you father we thank you o lord for another opportunity oh god to come into the sanctuary to lift our hands and tell you thank you father we thank you for your grace we thank you for your mercy god we thank you o god for the love that we fill in the building on tonight father we thank you o god for the power of god that's in this building on tonight for you said in your word after that the holy ghost have come upon us we shall receive power father we thank you o lord for that power o god father we thank you o god for the power that shall operate through us on tonight god father somebody came tonight looking for a hill and looking for deliverance somebody came tonight seeking you o god now father in the name of jesus we pray o lord that that power o god would overtake them o god in the mighty name of jesus father we pray on tonight that your blood will prevail oh god father we pray o lord that you keep us covered oh god under your blood father in the name of jesus as we're locked arms on tonight we pray o lord for a spirit of unity o god we pray o lord for a spirit of strength o god father we pray o lord for a spirit of peace o god in the mighty name of jesus father we pray o lord that you would encourage somebody o god that has a bow down head oh god in the mighty name of jesus father we pray o lord for your ministering strength oh god minister oh god to us oh god oh tonight anoint our apostle o god in the mighty name of jesus as he brings forth the word o god father we pray o lord that signs and wonders will take place o god in the mighty name of jesus for your word oh god declare that signs and wonders shall follow them that believe father in the name of jesus let your power fall on tonight god and we say thank you we clap our hands we lift our voice and we say thank you unto you in jesus name amen [Music] come on let's continue to worship god i call you painful say i call you faith is your name is campaigns [Music] [Music] come on one more time [Music] yes is is [Music] is oh [Music] nobody like the lord [Music] oh nobody allah [Music] lift your hands and worship him i said lift your hands and worship him lift your hands and worship him hallelujah you may be seated in the presence of the lord there's nobody like our god look at your neighbor say there's nobody like our god hallelujah clap your hands all over the sanctuary one more time to give god glory amen put your hands together again all over this building [Music] everybody put your hands together all over this building amen praise the lord everybody my name is associate pastor pendleton and i'm here tonight to greet you in the precious name of the lord jesus christ we give honor to him our soon and coming king come on the savior the comforter the one that you can go to and can tell things that you can't tell nobody else come on we deserve to be on our feet tonight because he gets all of our praise amen he deserves all of your praise even when you don't feel like it command your soul to bless the king of kings and the lord of lords amen and while you're resting on your feet tonight we give honor to the shepherd of this house our pastor pastor darren farmer senior his lovely wife lady elect michelle and also to little darren jr come on can you clap your hands and little lizzy amen go ahead and take your seats we also give all of our honor to our associate pastors and their right and to our ministerial staff on tonight amen amen and amen we want to greet all of our first-time visitors that are viewing us online we thank you so much for being a part of the upper room uh virtually all of our live platforms thank you so much for tuning in and all of those faithful listeners that come on each and every sunday looking online come on and welcome some of our members that are streaming as well amen amen we've got some visitors in the house amen amen amen we would like to recognize tonight naomi ash yolanda freeman and looks like charon from south carolina no it's from south carolina come on y'all they drove all the way from south carolina amen also to siobhan carter antoine brandon aiden carter they're the carter family from baltimore could you give them a hand tonight amen there he is all right amen god bless you also to gary pendleton eric looks like arsenal to george washington andrea washington all the way from chicago illinois [Applause] yeah eric is also from houston texas amen and we also give honor to looks like mitchell wave your hand last name mitchell [Music] [Laughter] come on and put your hands together all over this building amen upper room these people have traveled from far and near come on let's give them an upper room welcome on tonight we're glad that they're here amen and amen and amen anyone celebrating a birthday this coming week please raise your hand lady e10 y'all make some noise for our lady eating on tonight amen you're looking beautiful amen anyone celebrating it you too all right come on y'all let's celebrate him amen happy birthday to you as well amen anyone celebrating an anniversary [Music] all right all right amen sup i am going to move on and take my seat but before i do i would like to say during our preached word of god on tonight hallelujah we don't want you to be doing any walking because we want the distractions to be held to a minimum so we're asking that if you must walk after i sit down please refresh yourselves in the facilities and make it back here because we don't want to miss a word pastor may sing one of my songs so you definitely don't want to miss that amen so when you're done please come back so that we can be um in our seats when the word comes to return to your neighbor for me i know you got your master into him and say i'm so glad and pastor talked about this and no more girl more saying i'm so glad to see you because if you hadn't been cut off the way we cut you off you wouldn't be here tonight but i'm so glad that even in my mess-ups even when i slipped up come on say it even when i slipped up god didn't cut me off and because of that i love you just like he loves you amen come on put your hands together i love you all god bless you be good [Applause] i want you to listen to this right here this is what he said to me he said this problems here problems over there problems everywhere wonder does god care this is what he said yes sir he's my health he is my fortress very present hell the source of my strength [Music] me [Music] here [Music] [Music] he is my foreign [Music] [Music] is he would one more time do it again [Music] [Applause] i [Music] with me [Music] oh [Music] right [Music] is [Music] with me [Music] [Music] let's clap our hands if we can as loud as we can for the spirit of the lord come on we can do a little better than that let's put our hands together for the spirit of the lord [Music] we say grateful to be in the house of the lord just one more time and we're grateful about what the lord is doing in this house we want to welcome all our visitors again we say welcome to you and to those that are streaming we say welcome to those that are in the house those that are on the stream if you could please take out your phone and share this stream service with someone on your timeline someone who's in need of a move of god and we want you to do that because you never know what someone is going through someone may be going through someone we need to see this service and to receive their deliverance their healing and to be set free and so we thank the lord also for what the lord is doing in this house one of the visitors i spoke to and um he was here for no more girl more and i tried to speak to all the visitors but one i got to personally speak to and his name was brother eric arsenal all the way from texas i want to say praise the lord to him all the way from texas and we're so grateful about that and then um we've had i missed it i didn't announce this on last week but i was still very proud and very elated that our very own daughter and the son of this house they got married on la two weeks ago and that's minister unique and brother bradley brother bradley's not here he's at work but he's streaming and there's a unique please stand she got married they got married and we are so glad the lord is connecting people connecting the doctor in the upper room it's just the place where you want to be you never know when you're going to receive um what god has for you now what i want you to do is if you have not done this it's important that you do this a lot of our saints have been doing this they've been on top of this and they have already text urac m to the number one eight three three five two eight zero two zero three and i'm asking that um you all will do the same um that those of you that haven't those of our saints that haven't that you would text in all caps urac m to one eight three three five two eight zero two zero three um to stay updated with all of our church activities and information and what we have going on now no more grow more we have kicked off our series on relationships and i'm telling you it has been absolutely informational it has been absolutely uh great to fellowship with the saints and it's been something that has been helping us all even with this first session and we are grateful about what the lord is doing through that endeavor our sunday school for our children it's growing and amen and we thank the lord for that it's growing and we're excited about it team talk is also growing and we are excited about that amen and we're excited about that what the lord is doing i'm just running through these announcements and then we have prayer and evangelism every wednesday from 6 p.m to 8 p.m um right here held at the cathedral right on the grounds we go out to the community to be a blessing to those who are in need and to those who want to touch from god and today is our holy communion service and amen and we're doing uh engaging in foot washing or we are already engaged in foot washing and it was such a moment of humility for the men a moment of humility for the women and an exercising of our outward showing of servanthood and we are thankful um about that now on this coming saturday we have the women's walk-in talk that's going to be taking place at the lake montebello and we do this religiously every saturday before the women's sunday before second sunday and um we're excited about that then we have the holy convocation that's going to be happening the ordination and consecration service is going to be on thursday september 30th 2021 and then going after the glory gathering is going to be friday october 1st 2021 the hotel information is the revival baltimore and again we've had so many pastors that have already reached out if you are a pastor a bishop an apostle um someone of clergy we want you um to at least email us let us know that you're coming because we want to have proper seating for those who are going to be coming and certainly we want to um this for this service to be a collaboration of pastors and uh clergymen and the like from all over the world we'll be coming together for this one night we reduced it because of the pandemic and so we're expecting god to do something mighty we're expecting souls to be baptized for souls to be filled with the holy ghost and then last sunday um trusty ron he headed this and he headed our back to school supplies and gave out book bags and and all these things for free and i want us if we can can we give god a praise for him just iran and they were free of cost and we're grateful about what the lord is doing and then lastly we're dealing with our uh 30-day prayer revival which has been every day we're on day five and so we've been here even this morning for day five and we're doing a proverb a day we're going to double up on the 30th day and read the 30th and the 31st and chapters of proverbs and this began on wednesday september 1st 2021 it's going to go to thursday september 30th 2021 prayer meetings held daily 5 a.m to 6 a.m here in the cathedral we open up the doors at um we open up the doors on on at each morning at 4 30 and i've been here every day since the prayer revival started and i'm not saying that for you to give me a hand clap i'm saying that to say some of my words may be stumbling um but don't judge me amen and so it's been such a sweet spirit in this house and i'm grateful about that i have these new member certificates that we're going to present and then once we present these new member certificates we are going to go into the word or our giving rather and then we're going to go in to the word um we're going to call up sister shamika eaglin sister shamika eaglin can we give god praise for her brother tyrek russell can we give god praise for him [Applause] bro amen brother tyrek russell come come come thank you and to brother laurie powell or sister laurie powell can we give god praise for her lori powell okay this is all going to brother tyreek brother naaman smith naaman smith [Applause] sister amanda quickly sister amanda quickly [Applause] seven web seven web seven web [Applause] amen sister janelle johnson [Applause] sister sierra english [Music] [Applause] brother elijah fergus he's in the house okay sister asia purges come accept this for your brother please amen brother brian delgado brother brian delgado brother jeremiah english england okay and we had i don't know how we missed these names but we had um three new members that joined on last sunday and two of them were baptized last week and so we want to call them forward uh my three lovely new members come come come come i want to receive them and we're going to get there we're going to get their certificates um on next week but we at least we want you to come and we want us to stay and if we can let's stand and let's celebrate with the upper room celebration coming we can do better than that let's celebrate them and we're going to hug them first lady and i'm going to hug you and say welcome welcome welcome welcome welcome welcome welcome welcome somebody just put that out in the atmosphere say welcome to the upper room where god reveals and we receive the manifestation of his glory asia welcome on behalf of you on behalf of your brother welcome welcome welcome welcome come on let's give god one more handcuff of praise you may be seated you may be seated make sure you all save those certificates because on family and friends day we're going to be doing a new member certificate sunday we're going to want everybody who has joined the church to bring their certificate and we're going to have a celebration amen but what the lord is doing in this house some people have lost their certificates uh some have framed their certificates and that's a great thing and then uh on last sunday and we're going to move swiftly to our offering on last sunday we did or last friday rather we had our baptism service and the lord instructed us to keep the baptism pulled up and we baptized on sunday and then the lord just spoke to me and said leave it up and so we are we've been doing um we keep the water cleaned and all those types of things for those who want to get baptized and so baptism is available at every service amen so the lord has been speaking to you about going down in jesus name or you've already been down in the water but the lord is speaking to you about recommitment the pool is here it's ready the waters of trouble now don't y'all judge us because i know people like to make jokes and laugh it is a blow-up pool but it is no indication of um our church our church is very blessed however this used to be a methodist church and there is absolutely they believed in sprinkling and so we still have the marble pool but we believe in fully submerging and so this was the most convenient way for us to do it and so but tell your neighbors say the power's not in the pool the power is in the water thank you jesus thank you lord i do you tell your neighbors i've been in the water i've been in the water thank you jesus hallelujah now the pool that i got in it wasn't it it wasn't that great in condition but my lord the water was cold chill my body [Music] not my soul i've been down in jesus name i dare you one time to shout his name in the room say jesus jesus hallelujah if you shouted his name before we go to the word before we do our offering if you shouted his name and you said it but you just you know you just kind of casually said it or there's some people in your section are still kind of looking i want you to shout it until they get uncomfortable because they might be a demon on your road tonight shout his name in the room gene [Music] i'll never forget what he's done for me for the praise in the room for the praise in the room for the praise whew now i i i was trying to be good trying to be good and and praise him i don't mean no harm but but but but something wasn't right up here something wasn't right but i feel the holy ghost right right now i feel i'm moving in my spirit right now because where the spirit of the lord is [Music] open up your mouth and shift the atmosphere walk in your mouth open your mouth or pop your hands on these people and shout out oh grab somebody by the hand and say he brought me to september i got to give him praise he brought me to september i got to give him a prayer yes [Music] whoa [Music] thought i was going to give up in january thought i was going to give up in february thought i was going to give up in april but i made it to see september gonna be a september to remember it's gonna be [Music] get to our offerings tonight [Applause] [Music] we want to get to the word tell your neighbor say it's going to be a september to remember tell somebody else say it's going to be a september to remember [Music] you ain't prophesying i said prophesy to somebody and say it's going to be a september to remember ways out of no way guards out of no doors yes [Music] oh [Music] hallelujah let's get ready let's get ready tonight to receive our offering [Applause] we receive our offering tonight [Music] i don't know what you're waiting for but when you really got hold to a word you don't need the music to praise you can do it all by yourself i dare you tell your neighbor say neighbor scream at him say neighbor happy birthday tell him say you just went to another level you just went to another dimension you just got elevated happy birthday [Music] happy birthday lady happy birthday congratulations you just went to whatever hey [Music] and if you've got faith for it i tell you to hit the floor right now hit the floor hit the floor right now get the floor right now we're gonna get ready to give i'm telling you i just want you to praise him just for 10 seconds that he let you make it this far in the year you're not in a casket the dad can't praise and praise him right now right oh yeah yeah yeah yeah oh yeah yeah oh yes [Music] he brought you this one he brought you this car he brought you this car he brought you this box he brought you this box he brought your desktop [Music] wow get prepared tonight to receive our giving [Music] be prepared tonight to receive our giving god tell your neighbor say neighbor [Music] scream it to somebody that's going to talk to you say neighbor god said get ready for the impossible to happen tell somebody else say neighbor get ready for the impossible to happen with man some things are possible but with god all things are possible [Music] all things are possible all things all things all things all things all of this all things all things all things the power's coming all things are possible yeah yeah impossible is about that the impossible is about to happen the impossible is about the impossible i have nothing ears have not heard [Music] neither have an empty [Music] nothing yet you ain't saying nothing yet shout yes in this house glory glory glory glory hallelujah [Music] lift your hands as high as you possibly can and i want you while those hands are lift i want you to put that gift in your hand tonight [Music] and i want you to raise it up as high as you can god bless these your people these seeds these offerings if you're giving tonight give by way of cash app using the dollar sign the urac paypal and make all checks payable to the upper room apostolic church you can mail them to 1500 gorsuch avenue baltimore maryland 212 18. thank you to those who give thank you to those who give to this ministry we thank god for you let's raise those offerings up high high high lord bless these your people these seas social pastor kelly mr jc bless these seas that i'm holding bless these our first fruits oh god bless us tonight we've made it this far by faith [Music] leaning on your everlasting arm we give out of the abundance of our heart this sacrifice blessed o god we shall be blessed in the name of jesus it is so amen amen this is the time we worship together so we ask that everybody would walk even if you don't have any money to give let's worship let's walk [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] thank you so much for your liberal giving tonight let's put our hands together one more time thank you let's go to psalm 38 138 verse number two i'm gonna give this quick word and we'll engage in communion tonight psalm 138 verse number two let's stand [Music] psalm 138 verse 2. [Music] forever he is glorified forever he is for it for he has risen he is alive he is alive put that in the atmosphere one time singing foreign [Music] he is alive [Music] he is alive sing it loud one time sing it forever [Music] forever he is lifted high forever [Music] [Music] lift your foreign and sing it forever here's glory forever [Music] is [Music] he is alive he is alive sing it again forever loud sing for it glorified is glorified forever it's lifted high is lit forever for it it's risen he is [Music] is alive singing he is alive he is alive he is alive he is alive [Music] now listen you danced and that was really really good the lord came through right in that moment but i want you to really worship the lord in this moment with your hands lifted [Music] with your hands lifted hands lifted all over the house and just worship the lord worship the lord say something to the lord say something to the lord say something to the lord [Music] say something to the lord say something to the lord [Music] death could not hold you down you are the real sun king seed in the majesty seated [Music] you are the risen king you are the king one time no music james hands are lifted we're almost there [Music] [Music] you have won it all [Music] [Applause] you are the risen king you are the seated in majesty seated in man you are the risen king you are [Music] now this is elementary this is elementary this is going to be the vehicle that gets us to the word everyone should know this this is a corporate moment of worship with your hands lifted we're moving hands lifted it's a posture of surrenderance everyone should know this every child should know this [Music] right before we go into the word say it i love you i love you i love you today because [Music] that's why i pray [Music] that's why now lay your hand on your heart and say oh my heart my mind my soul belongs to you you pay the price for me do your hand like this on calvary that's why i praise you [Applause] [Music] [Music] that's why my heart is filled [Music] with praise [Music] that's why is one last time that's why that's why [Music] thank you psalm 138. [Applause] verse number two says i will worship toward thy holy temple and praise thy name for thy loving kindness and for thy truth for thou hast magnify the word or thy word above all thy name i want to just pull from that for thou has magnified thy word above all thy name i want to speak tonight for the moments that we have together to encourage your spirit with this particular topic that the lord has given me and that topic is i am a word i am a word look at three people down the road wait do you see that and tell them say i am a word you may be seated thank you i am a worm i am a worm i am a word i am a word last sunday we dealt with something very heavy and we dealt with deliverance and what it means to be delivered and we called out some things that opened the door for certain demonic activity to take place and by the end of that sermon we were rejoicing about the fact that those things were broken that we no longer were dealing with those things it did not negate application of the word and or the process of deliverance that takes place when church is done but it was a declaration it was a proclamation of what it is that we felt the lord was speaking to us and certainly calling us to do um and the lord brought me back to this great book of psalms and brought me to the 138th chapter now the divisions of psalms only five divisions and division 1 is from psalms 1 through 41 which is a mirror of the first five books of scripture so psalms 1 through 41 mirrors genesis 2nd division psalms 42 through 72 mears exodus the third division psalm 73 through psalm 89 mirrors leviticus and the fourth division psalm 90 through psalm 106 mirrors numbers and the fifth division is psalm 107 through 150 which mirrors deuteronomy what's interesting is that these poetic books these writings mirrored god's holy law his holy ordinances mirrored in some cases the mosaic law in his word in his law there are nuances there are certain interpretations there are certain perspectives but most importantly i think we all would agree that his law his word that which comes out of his mouth is not to be tampered with it's not to be touched it's not to be mishandled and these particular passages of scriptures i found quite interesting which were scriptures that were pulled or poured were pulled from the canon of scriptures that went into the king james version of the bible that were pulled out of these specific bibles and one of them is the niv version the new international version has pulled out matthew chapter 17 verse number 21 matthew chapter 18 verse number 11. matthew 23 verse number 14 mark 7 verse number 16. mark 9 verse number 44 mark 9 verse number 48 first john chapter 5 verse number 7. it's pulled out of the niv and plethora of scriptures that are pulled out of the esv the interpreter of the niv is also the writer one of the writers who attribute to the satanic bible and is very heavily engrossed in the ways of homosexuality one of the scriptures he takes out is first john chapter five verse number seven you can look this up you can pull out your phone and go to the niv bible and you'll see that these verses will be skipped and not even alluded to and it says for there are three that bear record in heaven the father the word and the spirit and these three bear record of one it's eliminated out of the bible those three things are the things that bring us clarity to salvation now i don't want to get into any terms of soteriology or heavy magnitude of that but i bring that to you to [Music] show you and to tell you that all of us to some degree need a hard copy bible so this way nothing can be wiped clean out of it nothing can be taken out of it we need all the scripture that we can get now five of prayer has been absolutely phenomenal and there is a sweetness that is made is to be maintained in this atmosphere the word of god is to be taking seriously reverently we are to honor the word of god those scriptures that were taken out are nothing compared to the scriptures that have been put in certain interpretations but absolutely used in the wrong context his word is not to be tampered with plate with changed his word is not to be tweaked his word is not to be subjective or opinionated his word is his word i'm gonna i'm gonna put this out there i'm gonna say it at the end of the message i'm gonna say it now so that way every time i say it it makes sense so if his word can't be tampered with his word can't be messed with his word can't be shifted tweaked and i am a word that means that what god has said about me can't be tempered can't be tweaked can't be adjusted can't be fiddled with for what god said about me is forever settled because david declares that god magnifies his word above his name i want you to just do this i want you to tell look at somebody right in the eyes and tell them say what god said about you cannot be undone but you you said it you said it you said it you you did you said it but perhaps you may have said it to someone who really is not really feeling this prophetic word i want you to find somebody who's really going to put a praise in the atmosphere with you and tell them say what god said about you it can't be changed they can't thank you jesus [Applause] so then so then so then so then god jesus is is is the son of god god manifested in flesh but beyond jesus there is god the father who has no origin has no ending has no beginning has no no no no trace he's a spirit he's he's everywhere at the same time he understands understanding he's omniscient he's omnipresent he's omnipotent but he is he in the respect that god is jesus manifested in the flesh of jesus god manifested in the flesh he is limited hear this by what he can do through humanity because he is a spirit so then god can do everything but fail but in the same token he must use the elements of the world or he uses the elements of the world such as humanity such as animals such as plants to bring across his agenda his point his motive and that his glory would be made known in the earth realm so then if he is limited by what he can create what he can do because he doesn't have hands he doesn't have feet in a natural human sense that means that if we trace him all the way back to the book of genesis and we ask how did he create the heavens and the earth then we'd have to ask the question where the hammers involved where was his hands there to mold what was it were his fingers his thumbs there to to create things and to put things into place no the scripture says in the beginning god created the heaven and the earth the earth was without form and void although he created it so then if he creates that means that it's on his mind it's a thought pattern it's a part of his agenda to do it's not until god speaks where the manifestation of creation happens so then he puts humans in the earth and humans are made through sexual intercourse which is what we call reproduction and then the sperm and the egg and it creates another human and that human arrives uh through a nine-month period but the truth of the matter is your parents didn't create you god created you so then that means that if god can only create by his word that means that you are not merely just sperm and egg or you are not merely just the cells that come together when sexual intercourse happens but you are a word now the question is why are we safe why do we come to church every sunday why do we live for god why do we live for christ why do we come out from among them why do we come away from our wicked ways why do we come into this thing called the body is because we are after or we are in a pursuit after the word being manifested in us not just the scriptures but the personal word that god has created us to he says jeremiah he says before you were formed in your mother's belly i knew you i called you i ordained you right i sanctified you which means that there is a part of you that is created by god's word what is god's word for your life has he called you to be a warrior has he called you to be someone who will stand up against all odds has he called you to be that which is separated from the normalcy or the normality has he called you to stand up in the evil day in the last day is the word that's over your life now the only only word we really really really like is is is we believe god has called us to be a prophet he's called us to be a preacher he's called us to be a teacher he's called us to be behind the pulpit he's called us to run revivals but the truth of the matter is that's not even the beginning of the manifested word that god has called you to be when he's called you to be a word that means the very essence of your being must form into the word that god has spoken over your life when he called the trees into existence the trees must do what god has intended for it to do that's the only way that god will get the glory out of the tree when the trees blow god gets glory not by what they're saying but because they are doing what god has created them to do we think that giving god glory is this we think giving god glory is dancing and shouting but the origin of giving god glory has all to do with are you doing what god has intended for you to do he says let there be light then he saw light then he said it was good you are not good unless you are what he says you are and what he says you are is reciprocating back to him what he intended for a different ship again here it is i know this may be deep for you tonight but jesus was not created by sexual intercourse when was he conceived he was conceived when the word came out of gabriel's mouth that's what impregnated mary was the word the worm was correlated with what we call the seed and it's the seed that if the seed remains in you you cannot sin if the if the seed is in you if the word is in you not a memorization of the scriptures not a memorization of genesis through revelation because you can memorize genesis through revelation and never be a manifested word [Applause] i want you to just encourage somebody beside you and say i've got to be a manifested word this year this year this year this year whatever god has called me to do and to be i will be all that god has called me to be somebody just anybody put a hallelujah in the atmosphere one time do it again put a hallelujah in the atmosphere so then jesus was the word in the beginning was the word of the word was with god the word was with god and that word became flesh that word becoming flesh is not just dealing with jesus becoming flesh that work becoming flesh is dealing with humanity becoming or the word that humanity houses becoming flesh so then or becoming manifested so that men may see so that men can see the good works of the father so that men may see that you are more than just human so that your neighbors will see the word that god has created you with and the devil is not after your house your car your money your job he's after you being ignorant about the word that you are if he can keep you ignorant about the word that you are he can trick you into pleasuring you with houses and cars and mansions and monies and you can have all of it and still not know the essence of who you are i'm trying to see is there anybody in the house that have decided this year i want to know who i am more than just a car more than just a house i want to know who i am because if i can find out who i am i can worship from a pure place i can praise from a pure place i won't have the praise to get a house nor a cow i'll praise him because i understand that i am his intent being made known in the earth hallelujah somebody lift your hands and shout glory in here tonight he says he says my word is above my name how in the world could his world word be above his name when his word is that which he had to follow by jesus had to come in to the earth he had to submit to creation the creator had to submit to creation had to submit to the law had hallelujah to submit to the soldiers but he was in the process of the word being manifested in his life the word being manifested in his life did not just happen when mary pushed him out but the word being manifested in his life happened on the cross and when he came up out of the tomb what i'm trying to tell you tonight is that the word being manifested in your life has nothing to do with the ups and the mountains and the high tops and the money and the cars and the houses but if you suffer with him you will reign with him for i reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy somebody clap your hands in here like you're sanctified like the devil is in between them and shout glory to my savior got to be more be seated in the presence i'm almost done we've got to get to communion i i just want to encourage you that the word that you are the devil will try to blindside you with ignorance the devil will try to blindside you with ignorance but the reality of the matter is we do not read the scripture to be theologians we do not read the scripture hallelujah to to exercise and or to showcase what we know you know when i was coming up sometime we would we would get the quote in scriptures and we would do the golden verse so that we could prove to the saints how much scripture we knew but the reality of the matter is that you do not read the word for boasting pleasure but you read the word to activate the word that's on the inside of you this is why they came to jesus and say has moses law been done away with no because the word that i am can only be activated by usage of the word tell your neighbor say the word the word the word the word the word the word say it again the word the word the word the word the word i am tell your neighbor i am i am i am i am a word we are worried about what we are doing to complete the word we are worried about what we are saying to complete the word but if we go back to the beginning where john says in the beginning was the word we would have to go back to genesis where the word says in the beginning god created the heavenly earth and he said let there be and then there was so the whole manifestation of the word has nothing to do with what you say it has all to do with what you be and that's why we've got a lot of people in the church today they know what to say they know how to say it they know how to shout they know how to dance they know how to speak in time but they don't know how to be and you don't hallelujah how dare you lift your hands and tell three people down your row say it's my season to be it's my season no no no no no you got to find somebody that would get happy in the sanctuary and say hey neighbor it's my season to be whatever god spoke on the inside of me it's my season to be that tell your neighbor neighbor what word are you tell them say neighbor i'm a word that says no weapon formed against me shall be y'all ain't talking to nobody shall be able to prosper tell them say neighbor what word are you tell them say i'm the word that says by his strength i am here tell your neighbor neighbor what word are you tell them say neighbor i'm the word that says many are the afflictions [Music] of the righteous but the lord shall deliver us out of them all have somebody else behind you say neighbor what word are you tell them say i'm the type of word that would come for god to place what he said about me against his own identity for when he had nobody else to swear by he swore by his own self and i'm telling you tonight that you're such a word that the devil wants to keep you close and bound and binded by what your enemies and your haters are saying but you would have no clue about the naysayers if you learn how to be a word tell your neighbors i'm learning how to be a word i'm learning i'm learning i'm learning how to be a word the first thing you must understand about how to be a word is that the word must always be in the pastor of worship the word cannot be received it cannot go forth where there is no posture of humility the word cannot go forth where there is no posture of surrenderance could i tell you tonight that the reason why you cannot be it's not because of the lies that they tell on you it's not because of how they scandalize your name but it's because you have not gotten down packed on how to keep the spirit of humility at the forefront of who you are tell your neighbor humble yourself under the mighty hand of god and he will examine you in due time tell your neighbor tell them say neighbor when you're humble it doesn't mean not to defend yourself when you're humble it doesn't mean not to have feelings or emotion but when you humble yourself you're able to say the battle is not mine but the battle is the lord i dare you to open your mouth and shout god you got this when you got this one you now tell somebody in your section say it's out of my hand just tell them say the god that i sure he's got this battle he's got now find somebody else and shake them by the hand and tell them neighbor god's got this battle yeah tell them say the only thing you're required to do is stay in a humble player and say i will bless the lord at all times and his praises shall continually be in my i want to see is there anybody who's got worship down on the inside that can say my worship is for real i've got a word to be i've gotta worship when i don't understand i gotta worship when i'm lost i gotta worship how do i maneuver through the season of i don't know i worship my way through i praise my waiter i shout my way there for the joy of the lord is my shirt oh come your hands all ye people and shout out under god i set up your hands like your sanctifier and shout hallelujah tell your neighbor say i am a word i'm almost done tell somebody else say i am a word tell them say i'm bold enough to acknowledge it i am a word when they lie on me i've got to assure myself that i am a word that's why i cannot respond to every naysayer and enemy and hater because i'm busy being a word tell your neighbor i am a word and if god puts his word above his name that means that god puts me up of his own name he said what a man that thou art mindful of him we a little lower than the aim tell your neighbor say i'm on the mind of god that's why i got to praise him like i knew because i understand that my praise keeps me on his mind tell your neighbor your hallelujah keeps the lord keeps yourself on the lord's mind tell them yo thank you jesus y'all ain't talking to nobody i said talk to your neighbor and say hey there neighbor say every time you praise him in the midst of adversity you stay on the mind of god tell him say the more noise you make is the more he cannot avoid you make a joyful noise unto the lord tell your neighbor you too quiet you're too quiet tell them say you're too cute you too care tell them say i got to be a word so that my children will be saying i got to be a word so that my husband will be saying i got to be a work [Applause] i got to be i got to be a word tell somebody else behind you say it's time for you to be a word you got to be a word you got to be a word you no you got to preach it to him and say it's time for you to be a word ask them neighbor how in the world can i be a word i shouldn't even say how can i be a word tell them say the way that you can be a word is when you understand that god is after your praise and i'm not talking about your dance or your sound but i'm talking about after the sacrifice of your fleshly desire tell your neighbor hey neighbor he's after your praise i want to know is there anybody in the house that could pause for 10 seconds and say this is a different praise right here this phrase is not for a miracle but this phrase right here is to get the attention of my god this pray your choir in the house right now i said get his attention get it get his attention get it get his attention scream yell shout jump open your mouth and say lord it's me o lord it's me standing in the need of prayer hallelujah i feel the holy ghost in here if you're sitting beside somebody who ain't made a sound get up and move your seat right now but if you're sitting beside somebody that's got to praise i dare you to look at him and say hey neighbor the reason why i've got an unconditional prayer it's because i am an unconditional word [Music] grab somebody by the hand and encourage them in the lord and say neighbor tell them say i am an unconditional word you talking to the wrong person switch your neighbor and talk to somebody else and say hey neighbor the circumstances in my life are not always favorable but tell them say hey neighbor tell them say i have an unconditional word and when i keep my mind on jesus he'll keep me in perfect peace i dare you to clap your hands open your mouth and sound glory to god i said clap your hand and open your mouth and sound glory to god i said clap your hand and open your mouth and sound glory to god i said clap your hand like you're sanctified and sound glory i got to be i got to be the word that i am i've got the desire to go after god like never before tell the neighbor say neighbor i'm learning how to seek the lord while he may be found say neighbor i'm learning how to seek his face and not seek his hand this word is not for the immature but it's fallen those of us who are not satisfied with riches and fame but it's for those of us who are satisfied with seeking the face of the father i dare you to lift your hand and say lord i'm available to you you say my will i give to you i'll do what you want me to do say use me lord to show someone show them the way and it'll enable [Applause] me to say my story time is empty and i am available the word that's in me it leads the presence the word that i am it needs the glory the word that i am it needs content [Music] you alone are my desire and i long to worship there you alone are my strength and my shield you alone that's my spirit spirit here you alone fought my heart desire and i [Music] [Music] now what's up him now yeah yeah yeah yeah worship him now y'all ain't doing this lift your hand come out of your flesh [Music] and through [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] get out of your seat open your mouth lift your hands the glory is in the room you can't sit there you can't be poor his presence is in the room his clothing is in the room his word is in the room [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] mayweather the grass mayweather the power [Applause] [Music] the word of the lord [Music] [Applause] [Music] but my word yourself and look at your neighbor and say his word is in me grab somebody find the hand and shake him awhile i said grab them by the hand and shake them around and say neighbor his word that's why i'm still alive his word suicide didn't work his word is my depression didn't work his word his word his word what over me his word what in me it was [Music] grab somebody else and say neighbor do you understand the power of the word do you understand the power of the word i dare you to quote one scripture that's in the word tell your neighbor neighbor you got to talk to him say hey neighbor i'm not responsible for what happens after this but tell them the word says he was wounded [Music] for my iniquity the taste time of my pizza was upon him and [Music] we are here i know what the work says the work said trust in the lord i will bless the lord [Music] upon him for he cares for you so it's him i was young but now [Music] [Music] i'm a word [Music] i'm a word [Music] [Music] get out of your seat find somebody and say neighbor i am a word i am healing i am deliberate i am a miracle i am look at me look at me i'm a miracle look at me i'm a miracle look at your neighbor and say neighbor look at me i'm a miracle should have been dead sleeping in my grave what i'm a miracle should have lost my mind but i'm a miracle i'm a miracle [Music] whoa whoa [Music] the product wants to put you back together again cause you are his word you are his word [Music] i'm done [Music] i am a word i'm not the word i am a word and if i am a word i am his word and david said he puts his word above his name here it is at the name of jesus every niche about every tongue shall confess and if he puts us above his name if he puts his word above his name if demons have to bow and confess to the name and he puts the word above his name what you stunting demons for all you got to do is say i'm a word and every demon in hell will back up that's all you got to say and i'm away i don't want to anybody but i dare i don't want to i don't want to pump anybody we may get this word months from now and here it is his word can't die so if you are a word listen to this and this is just for 10 people you think that healing is him killing your body [Music] but he healed us when he died on the cross he healed us we were a sin sick world the reason why you didn't die is not because god healed your body but the reason why you didn't die is because it wasn't just a human land on the hospital table it was a word [Music] i said it was a word [Music] it was a word that's why you didn't die it wasn't what [Music] we've got to get to communion tonight [Music] i'm there somebody to just get in the aisle and start walking around and say the word is moving now the word is moving now the word can't be stopped now the word is moving i'm on my next level now i'm on another dimension now the word can be silent the word can't stop moving the what [Music] praise them praise them crazy [Music] we take communion much different [Music] it's the time to take it the blood of jesus was a word when you came in tonight through the llama you should have received your communion cup we want you to do that grab that communion cup why do we take communion it's much more than just eating a piece of bread or taking a sip of wine or juice it is to remember christ our savior dying on the cross for the sin of humankind to proclaim his death to give thanks to examine our hearts to commune with god and fellow believers to acknowledge our covenant with him and to anticipate his return when should we take communion jesus commands that we partake in communion but he doesn't specify how often this is in keeping with the new covenant when we have faith in jesus we receive the holy spirit the holy spirit will prompt us and teach us no need to wait for a special holiday you may choose to do this special observance as often as you choose who should take communion communion with god through jesus christ should only be observed by believers if you are not in a covenant with jesus or in covenant with jesus do not send or go through the actions falsely instead decide to put your faith in jesus he longs for you to come none of us deserve a place at the table but thanks to jesus we are forgiven when we confess to god hallelujah that's why we should approach the elements after self-examination repentance and gratitude we should not partake if we are divisive irreverent unrepentant or partaking from hunger paul gives us this message in first corinthians chapter 11 verse number 27 and finally it's a blessing to partake in the lord's supper together as a church body we are communing with god and we are communing with our brothers and sisters in christ first corinthians chapter 10 verse number 17 he says for we being many are one bread and one body for we are all partakers of that one bread what does the bread represent in communion by taking the bread we are acknowledging that we need substance physically but more importantly we need substance spiritually what does the wine represent the wine in communion represents the blood jesus shed on the cross to atone for our sins while this might seem strange at first glance it is packed and full of meaning meaning the blood represents life somebody tell your neighbor the blood represents life by partaking in communion we are symbolically intermingling his blood with ours to represent into communion and pledge of oneness we are entering a covenant together we're going to read these scriptures and then we're going to eat together first corinthians chapter 11 verse number 23 through 29 and verse number 33 through verse number 34 for i have received of the lord that which also i delivered unto you that the lord jesus the same night in which he was betrayed took bread and when he had given thanks he break it and said take eat this is my body which is broken for you this dude in remembrance of me i'll read these scriptures first and then we'll partake together after the same manner he also took the cup when he had sup saying this cup is the new testament in my blood this do ye as often as you drink it in remembrance of me for as often as ye eat this bread and drink this cup you do show the lord's death till he come wherefore whosoever shall eat this bread and drink this cup of the lord unworthily shall be guilty of the body and blood of the lord but let a man examine himself first and so let him eat of that bread and drink of that cup for he that eateth and drinketh unworthily eateth and drinketh damnation to himself not discerning the lord's body verse number 33 wherefore my brethren when ye come together to eat tarry one for another and if any man hunger let him eat at home that you come not together unto condemnation and the rest i will set an order when i come i want us to do this again we do communion very differently but very corporately and so i want you to rip the packaging off of the top of your communion rapper tonight communion rapper tonight i want you to hold the blood in your hand [Music] you need to hold the blood in one hand the bread and the other blood [Music] oh [Music] sing it again so the blood on the blood [Music] sing it like you mean it say all the blood all the blood over [Music] now what we're going to do is we're going to open up the office some people like to take communion kneeling at the altar we're going to open that up some people like to take it kneeling in their seats kneeling in the aisles i'm going to open that up if you'd like to shift in that way i want you to come now [Music] thank you [Music] jesus hallelujah our social passage of kneeling hallelujah [Music] like you mean it ah [Music] [Music] you may now eat of the body of our lord and savior jesus christ [Music] [Music] every time [Music] jesus christ you may take back the packaging for the blood [Music] it's the intermingling of your blood and his blood when you drink of the blood you ought to feel a warmness in your spirit in the name of jesus you may drink of the blood of our lord and savior jesus christ [Music] it's [Music] to the [Music] oh [Music] from and said one more time [Music] [Music] to the law [Music] it will never [Music] it's my what one more time put your hands together and say it like you mean it oh it reached [Music] oh yes it does and it goes well glory to god to the lord oh yes [Music] from [Applause] sing it though i'm singing though [Music] what's up oh i will sing it [Music] his wonderful name oh there it was oh [Music] [Music] [Music] singing singing oh his wonderful name oh [Music] yes [Music] is [Music] say uh what's up foreign [Music] moving through his foreign with me praise the lord we've got one soul that wants to go down in jesus name now listen what key is this [Music] be flat i want you to say this i want to see how many people really before you baptize them how many people really got it in the church that could say i've been down in jesus name i just wanted to make sure you had that in your spirit then peter said unto them whoa glory to god then peter said unto them repent and be baptized you we baptize you in the name of jesus christ for the remission of your sin i don't care what the world says about i've been i've been down [Music] glory to god let my tambourine with my tambourine [Music] [Music] [Music] is you want you want the gift of the holy ghost all the workers are ready prepared to work with you you want to be restored they're ready willing to work with you you want to join this ministry we're ready we're willing to work with you we're ready to receive you you want to go down in jesus name the pool is ready the water's in trouble y'all and i'm not ashamed [Music] [Music] partaking in communion we preach the word but i want you to do this i want you to tell your neighbor say neighbor whatever you've been standing in the need of tell them say god two words say answered prayers answer prayers answer prayers take that answer prayer [Music] coming to be restored we've got one coming to be restored we've got one coming to be restored we've got one coming story we've got one coming to be restored pop your hand [Music] damn tip the hole he goes [Music] i want to just say this we've been praying you can stop the track we've been praying every day 5 00 a.m to 6 a.m and that was the word that we've gotten off these first five days i want you i don't want you to say it casually i want you to say it because we're about to get out of this place i want you to say it tell your neighbor say neighbor this is the season of answered prayer this is the season of answer prayers bob said all you got to do is act all you got to do is ash all you got to do is ask all you got to do is [Music] ass and you shall receive it and the door shall be open seek and you tell by answer prayer answered prayer even in a pandemic answered [Music] cause if i keep going somebody's going to take off running this answered prayer is not this answered prayer it's not for those of us who've been relaxed days ago it's for those of us who've been praying past and seeking praying faster she can fan fast and seek and pray fastest the wait is over the weight is over the weight whoa wait screaming say neighbor why are you standing there you're looking you look nice you look nice [Music] but why are you just standing there [Music] i'm talking to people that have been waiting for god to do something don't just stand there praise him for the answer christ open your mouth yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah and supreme answer prayer answer prayer you better run medicine mcmanus you better run answer prayers answer prayers answer prayers this week as a prayer today [Music] [Music] oh god i feel the anointing on me right now i feel the anointing on me right now you better dance and you better dance you better dance you better answer the prayers answered i feel the anointing on me i feel the anointing on me i feel the anointing i feel the anointing on me hey hey hey let her run let her run let the holy ghost run that the holy ghost let the holy ghost run let her run let her run let her run let her run [Music] oh yeah [Music] why you dancing can i fight for this why are you dancing i accounted i prayed for this yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah breakout up 30 days of prayer revival on the first day sister renee that was running in the holy ghost she said my my my cousin has a court date today and he's facing a sermonable amount of charges she's weeping in the holy ghost and she testified and said he beat all of the charges wait wait wait was she she messed up he didn't beat the charges it was the fact that the prayers of the righteous [Music] a balance match all you got to do is write it oh you got to do it speaking tonight we do this every sunday we saw our sacrifice to those of you who sow your first fruits we want you to do that with us online in the house our first prince of a hundred dollars now listen i just hear the holy ghost spoke to me don't sow this casually show this seed meaningfully i say tell your name would say sow it meaningfully when you come down here and place this in the basket i want to touch and agree with you answer prayers at an accelerated pace tell your neighbor say god is going to speed my stuff up he's going to speak now when you listen while you get your offering prepared when you when you buy something online you have to pay for expedited shipping overnight is more money a day is more money now when there's something you really want you'll pay the the overnight airplane fee which is like 50 bucks [Music] well when it comes down to the things of the spirit whatever you want to accelerate you don't have to pay for it you got to praise for it [Music] don't if i want it in a day then i just if i want overnight if i want healing in my family healing my body healed in my mind and i went overnight i'd give him a praise [Music] all right this is what we're going to do we're going to show that 100 first aid and i saw a thousand that's our commitment every first sunday the congregation shows 100 every first sunday leaders are giving 100 every first sunday let's come let's come let's come praise like you want expedited shipping come come come come let's go even if you don't have nothing to give come come come yeah yeah wow wow listen oh the trauma he just whispered something in my ear he said pastor you trying to get him out he said but it's a holiday weekend [Music] it's a holiday weekend it's a holiday weekend it's a holiday weekend so i can give us just 30 more seconds but for these 30 seconds don't you sit beside nobody that's going look i want your feet to move on accelerated face of a blessing go for it don't vote in the name of jesus in the name of jesus [Music] i just need everybody that's in the room extend your hand this way [Music] you're about to be relieved of it right now [Music] you're about to be relieved of it of demonic oppression right now you're about to be relieved of it it's about to come lift your hands lift your hands call on the name of jesus call on the name of jesus come in the name of jesus christ open your mouth open your mouth jesus jesus open your mouth open your mouth open your mouth open you're about to feel the fire of god you're about to feel the pie of god in the name of jesus in the name is the name and the name is the name is the name in the name is the name i know what his name can do i know what his name can do i know what his name can do i know what his name can do i know what his name can do i know what his name can do i know what his name can do i know what his name can do on my way out of the door i know what his name can do i know what his name can do [Music] we're in the last and evil days they're going to be those that come into this house those that come into the church who need to be relieved of oppression in the name of jesus and we're on our way out in the door but i want you to just extend your hand her way and say with everything in you should we bind the hand of the enemy right now say it again say we bind the hand of the enemy right now [Applause] we find the hand of the enemy right now we find the hand of the enemy right now we find the hand of the enemy right now we find the hand of the enemy we find the hand of the enemy oh in the name of jesus in the name of jesus we find it we find it yeah yeah yeah we find it we find it come on there it is move your hand brother move your hand move your hand there it is come on come on the blood of jesus is against every demon the blood of jesus the blood of jesus whoa whoa whoa we'll pray y'all pray pray open your mouth pray pray pray we release you right now we please the blood please the blood please the blood please the blood [Music] my release set up the atmosphere say release release get paper towels get paper towels get paper towels let it come up let it come up let it come up let it come up let it come up let it come up give me the oil i'm about to lay hands on your mouth right now what time about last night say i surrender say i surrender say i surrender say i surrender say i surrender say i surrender say i surrender [Music] this is what i need for everybody in the room to do right now that's what i need you to do i need you to go into warfare if you got the holy ghost speaking in your heavenly language this daughter is up here trying to get a breakthrough this ain't games this ain't funny i need you to let the word speak to you right now if you got power open up your mouth [Music] [Music] become an e-member of the upper room today as we spread the gospel of jesus christ please be sure to like comment and share this stream to be a blessing in the life of another follow the up room avostala cathedral on our social media platforms help us change the world one so at a time be sure to stay updated with sermons preached and lessons taught by apostle darren farmer senior you can mail your letters and testimonies both digitally at www [Music] or you can call 410-914-8437 the upper room where god reveals and we receive the manifestation of his glory
Channel: The Upper Room Apostolic Church
Views: 4,370
Rating: 4.9587631 out of 5
Id: g5qdyYfU3ak
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 175min 44sec (10544 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 05 2021
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