First day of planting 2020

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well would you look at what we have here do you think we have enough peanuts that we're planting this year that's a lot of bags peanuts oh that's gonna be exciting so exciting to start planting [Music] loading up the seat tender with bag number four plan is to hopefully start planting tomorrow but I gotta finish at the last hundred twenty acres with the disc here so I'm gonna do that I said last 120 acres but I would be just for today we may or may not do another 240 acres tomorrow but we'll see what it looks like tomorrow yep that just happened I almost lost the tired show you supposed to go on to this piece right here I guess it decided to go out right on the last 60 acres in this field I'll just unload this tire here at the end of the field and I'll pick it up later well as long as it still works may only have one tire but I'm gonna quickly finish this I have to go hook on a planter with this tractor next I want to try to finish this field as soon as possible to where I can go hook on that planter and just finishing up here on the outside of the field right there where there's only the one tire the only problem I've been having is that because in the center of the disc er and now done a little bit deeper because that second tire is not there to hold it at the same height that it should be so every now and then it will quagga right there behind the tent behind the tire and I just have to back up and keep going but it's the last field and I'm not going talking down I thought was a bow down then it just started clogging up again so what I do now is I just back up a little bit I leave it down when I decide to go off either one and I just keep going again and then it works I was literally two feet away from the end right here can't forget the tire that I left here I'm actually not going to fold it up or else it'd be too much strain on that one tire so I'll just try like this back to the shop I'm gonna Park it right here man this is and would you look at that that is not right looks like that tire or that bearing is also out and I didn't tell him it the other day we actually had to put a new bearing and everything on this tire so that's the third tire now that the bearing has gone bad so a good thing that we are done with this disc or for this year so some random day in the summer we're gonna have to fix that tire and that one yet and check all the other ones to make sure they're so okay but and I also got to take this GPS which this one I believe this unhooks like that yeah there it is and I can do this one-handed see ya son like that guy right there and they gotta swap it with the flower right there this screen does not have a section control we need for planting so I need to swap it with this one this one has the section control circle tracks we check all the good stuff that we need so this one right here is what I need and I believe I can leave that while you're in there can take this one with these beautiful little connectors here you just gotta put them on like this they slide like that and you just push down on them and then they're curb and then you got it got a new one you got it swapped out then I also got to take all these weights off we're gonna put a tank in the front here so these weights don't need to be on here oh now it looks naked I don't like it [Music] and there's the other planter he's pulling up some hydrogen for the rear boxes I almost got this thing completely setup I already got my section control right here the GPS does do it automatically but I can do it manually I can turn the center a rose or the left and right for Rose I can turn them off manually if I want this switch right here is going to be my liquid for the front the inoculant it's supposed to we're gonna put putting stuff in there to help the peanuts for where insects don't get towards them and I just gotta connect that hose right there to the front tank lead it through connect it to the back here and then I believe everything should be ready all right I think I've figured it out my god I think I got it right I need a few wire nuts though we don't have anything at this little shop right here so I'm gonna have to go to a different shop the way I'm going to be planting tomorrow I believe log over there and finish selling everything I think I got everything else so now with the tank looks better than with no weights I'm filling up now just 200 gallons of the pre fertilizer just so that we can get this tank empty he's almost done planting here on this field so I'm going to take 200 gallons with me that way this tank is empty and then we don't have to move anything later well I got the planter all hooked up the pump for this run tank it works who did electricity to it I was gonna put some duels on the front a little bit more weight to the front to where the back end doesn't want to or the bait doesn't want to make the front end lift up but my cousin called let's go plant some peanuts we already filled up all the inoculant in the front tank I just need about 25 gallons more fertilizer we actually have some peanut inoculant that's supposed to help get more peanuts and also some emma2 culprit there's a box right there that's supposed to help with the bugs so I'm putting in my front tank and it's time to go plant we didn't actually have time today morning or yesterday evening to put the duals on this tractor but it'll be fine if we end up having time another day we'll do it another day but for now I just got to go around this field right here what you're doing there are these this is for fuels right here and we're doing the back to we're doing 240 acres not to 240 acres it's less it's what is it I donated because what we're doing around here we're doing rocks I don't know I think it might be too circles but it's only going to be 120 acres for today to the pivots are not quite around yet they're still pretty watering the fields so today it'll probably just be 120 acres of planting and then we'll be done for today turn unfolded and when it's unfolded then right there where it pulls apart I need to put a pin through there just that way each side doesn't want to come up that way it stays level the entire time and then I also got to put on my tanks change corner of the planter to the front of the tractor and that also helps for stability to where it keeps the planter straight and we have nice straight rows that overall just does a whole lot better of a job this is the fuel that we're going to be planting today we've got our 32 reel planter just kidding we just got to 16 mill planters and we're going to be planting some peanuts and we're gonna test-fire it a little bit I'm gonna make sure all my units are working right all the liquid is coming out by every single one of them give it a little bit to pressure up now I'm good down being a little funny there it is sounds good that was its kind of spring off to the side I'll have to fix that one that one's good good good funny but good think this tip I feel a little close I'll have to open that one and the rest look good [Music] ready to go all right we're planting got my uncle back through he's checking the seed of the depths and everything you're a plaintiff peanut dump my vacuums 2:15 I guess it's not 60 now but 15 looks like we're doing a good job overall going about five miles an hour the liquids working so far everything checks out fine it's crazy how many peanuts you can burn that are barely dead almost almost one round I'm already almost halfway empty it's crazy well that only took us a little bit over an hour and we got this half of the field done such the acres we're gonna make forgot one round left right there he's planting the last two rows over there and then we'll move on to the next field all loaded up and move into the next field now that's what I call planting I love it 32 rows at a time look again oh really come on the pivot has to be in my path Oh got around it just fine the only thing that takes a little bit longer is when you have these listed beds where we have nice rows and they kind of just rocks back and forth I guess there's a little bit of other girl I guess a little bumpy right now but when you have listed beds like that when sixteen rows kind of rocked back and forth when you're going across the rows over it but a little bit slower and it works just fine well I couldn't even fill out my planter there was only a little bit when like a handful left in the sea tender I dumped add it to my planter and then all I just have to leave plant but until I run out of sea almost got one passed on I ran out of seed I'm gonna go back there and I may even out all the boxes probably keep on going maybe just a little longer alright feels way too loud out there but pretty much what I did is I just took C dowels in those two boxes step that I got out of the seat tender a little bit and I messed with the boxes and then I can go another couple feet I just go to I gotta turn off sexy section control and I'm just using the itec Jenny planting turn on my liquid and that's as far as I could get just tell right there right now to see it again I'm not gonna bother putting the steep one box to another again because it's not gonna do anything like I think got it pretty even as far as I got I guess I'm done with family because we were we actually had a seed so we can't get any more seed until we have to go back into town and get more seed so for now this is all I can do there's another one right there they're looking good and since we're done planning for today I think I'm gonna go ahead and put on these dolls since you know we have to all the extra time now change of plans I'm not actually gonna put on the duals I actually grabbed this seat tender I'm gonna go back into town to fill it up before seat that's a big warehouse full of peanuts just left a yard I was able to fit seven big bags into the seat tender that's about 14,000 pounds I'd do a little bit of moving the seat around and in return the seat gave me pink pants yay well I'm here I just got the feedback over here this is our peanut inoculant this is what we're using to put in our on the front if I can find an open box anyways very weird stuff you have like a funny-looking bag like that and then a bottle and you just got to pour that bottle in the bag give it a good shake and then you can use it it's very weird it's not like the traditional just like the bottle but whatever this is what we're using thanks for watching guys
Channel: Conley Banman
Views: 30,290
Rating: 4.8717203 out of 5
Id: j3q5KeDckCY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 1sec (1261 seconds)
Published: Mon May 04 2020
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