#92 キッチンが好きな主婦,和朝食から始まる平日,家事とお出かけ,晩ごはんが楽しみな夫,housewife's life

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I woke up early this morning too. good morning. I prepare breakfast before my husband wakes up. One Japanese-style dashi pack. Rehydrate the dried hijiki with water. 20g of seaweed. Today's miso soup is with enoki mushrooms. It's tofu and spinach. Add miso and it's done. Wash the eggplants and make slits. 600w 3 minutes. Grate the ginger. 1 tablespoon grated radish. 1 tablespoon mentsuyu (straight), 1/3 tablespoon sesame oil. 1 teaspoon ginger. The eggplant melts and is delicious. Sprinkle with bonito flakes for a refreshing ohitashi. Rehydrate the hijiki with water and stir-fry without using oil. 2 tablespoons sugar, 1 tablespoon mirin, 2 tablespoons sake. Finally, add 2 tablespoons of soy sauce. When the liquid gets low. Add 2 tablespoons of Jako and 2 tablespoons of sesame seeds. About 10 small plums. Finally, turn off the heat and add. Cut the carrots as small as possible. 2 eggs. Also add boiled green peas. 1 tablespoon mayonnaise, 1 tablespoon sugar, a pinch of salt, 1/2 teaspoon potato starch, 1 tablespoon water. Hario is working hard today as well. The rice was steamed for 15 minutes. I like onigiri made with freshly cooked rice. Lightly pickled cucumbers and carrots. My husband woke up at his usual time. Mi-chan also woke up. Does Mi-chan still want to sleep? I still want to sleep. Mi-chan doesn't react to the word "snack" at all. Where is here? something like that. Mi-chan, it's sunny today. Today's salad is made with homemade carrot dressing. It's rooibos tea. Looks delicious. thank you. It smells nice. I'll enjoy having this. looks delicious. delicious. Is it spinach miso soup? that's right. Good, delicious. It's time to relax in the morning. This is my favorite onigiri. It has a definite taste. Haha. This might be my favorite among the rice balls. If you look closely, you can see that the carrots are finely chopped. Beautiful, right. Ah, it's delicious. I'll eat more rice balls. There's more. The stock of rice balls has been confirmed. The dressing looks like sea urchin and tastes like carrots. Try eating it thinking it's sea urchin. A delicious carrot dressing. Please give me two for now. I need to eat well in the morning. was delicious. It's time for my husband to go to work. Mi-chan, let's go. I'm going. Thank you thank you. Let's go then. Have fun today too. thank you. Have fun too, Mi-chan. My husband went to work today as well. I felt relieved after sending my husband away. Is it because the temperature has risen? Most of the storm glass crystals have disappeared. Mi-chan's meal today. Chicken fillet, carrots, potatoes, and green peas. It is soft and boiled. eat? here you are. Mi-chan sometimes has no appetite in the morning. The carnations lasted a very long time. Mi-chan ate half of it. Mi-chan ate all the green peas. I have something to look forward to today. It's the day I promised to have lunch with my best friend. Thankfully we have been friends for over 20 years. Chocolate, coffee, YouTube and Mi-chan. I'm meeting my friend at 11 o'clock. I'll prepare and go. Sometimes when I put on a lot of makeup, I look like a different person, so it's really fun. Mi-chan, let's go. I'll be back soon. It was a hot day so I ordered lemon squash and my friend ordered beer. Today's topic is health. Time to relax as usual. I'm home! A gift for my husband. I stopped at a supermarket on the way home. you are always waiting for me Go for an evening walk. I like this time. The wind feels good. What is that on your nose? The hydrangeas are beautiful, Mi-chan. I'll prepare dinner. Remove the sinew from the chicken breasts. Grate the onion and add. Mix well and leave for a while. 3 bell peppers, 1/2 paprika, 1/4 onion. later. Director. A side dish made with well-washed broccoli. 600w2 minutes. 1/4 piece drained tofu. 1 tablespoon of ground sesame seeds, 1/2 tablespoon of sesame oil, a pinch of salt, and two pinches of Japanese-style dashi stock. Add broccoli and salad beans. Completion of broccoli and beans with white dressing. Tomato side dish. 1 tablespoon olive oil, 1/2 tablespoon lemon juice, 1 teaspoon honey, and a pinch of salt and pepper. Cream cheese. Completion of tomato and cream cheese marinade. Mi-chan is curious about the entrance. Mi-chan seems to know when her husband will come home. Gently wipe off the moisture from the chicken breast marinated in onions. Sprinkle with a little salt and potato starch. My husband is back. Hey, Bunbummaru. Mi-chan's happy time. Hey, can I change my clothes? My husband came home safely. 2 tablespoons olive oil. Season the chicken breasts lightly with salt and sprinkle with potato starch before grilling. 3 tablespoons of balsamic vinegar, 1 tablespoon of water, 1 tablespoon of honey, 1 teaspoon of potato starch, 2 teaspoons of soy sauce. The secret ingredient is 2 teaspoons of marmalade jam. The chicken fillet marinated in onions is fluffy and tender. Marmalade flavored with balsamic sauce. Wow, thank you. which is good? The more the better. That's a stupid question. sorry. looks delicious! thank you. Today it's Chinese egg and spinach soup. It's a good sound. thank you for your hard work. thank you. I am tired today. I was busy today? a little bit. thank you. cheers. Beer is the best at the end of the day. I'll enjoy having this. It looks delicious. This is a menu that goes well with rice. How about that? It's very delicious. Now, let's have this. Is this sweet and sour pork? delicious! The best! Does it taste good? Yeah. The chicken breast meat is so soft. So yummy. Irresistibly delicious. . Do you know what the secret ingredient of this dish is? Secret ingredient? ? vinegar? ? It's strange that the secret ingredient is vinegar even though it's sweet and sour pork. soy sauce? ? The secret ingredient in this dish is marmalade. Is it marmalade from marmalade jam? it is delicious. I don't notice it at all unless you tell me. There are various ideas every time. I see. I see, but that doesn't mean I'm the one making it. My favorite broccoli. Oh, it's delicious. This is tofu, right? This is really delicious. The taste is delicious though. People seem to find food delicious when it contains nutrients that the body lacks . It also contains beans. delicious. It was hot today, so my body was craving vinegar. That's what it is. I agree. Even on tired days, I want vinegar. thank you. Not because of that, but it's delicious. This is vinegar chicken, right? I said sweet and sour pork. Healthy. Healthy? delicious? delicious. Watch team Mi-chan. I look forward to going home and having dinner every day, right? You can see this room when you arrive at the station, right? Yeah. At that time, I imagine the menu for today's dinner. I checked from the station that the lights in my room were still on today. I return home knowing that my family is waiting for me in my room. I'm always at home every day. Tomatoes are delicious. Mi-chan looks like a small shark. Sometimes she doesn't even look at me when I call her Mi-chan. Mi-chan sometimes ignores me when I call her name. Does Mi-chan understand that her name is Mi-chan? perhaps. Knowing that and ignoring it. I think I'm calling Mi-chan's name too much. Maybe Mi-chan got too used to it? However, there are times when I turn around when I call her Mi-chan. Snack time. When Mi-chan found out she could get a snack. When I call her Mi-chan, she looks at me. Mi-chan has a very easy-to-understand personality. But I like that about Mi-chan. I know that, but sometimes I just don't feel like it. Thank you for the meal. thank you. I'm going to come home hungry, right? Then you will realize how grateful you are. Tea time after dinner. Steam shop's baked donuts are delicious. I was troubled. I haven't heard that they have donuts. I ate more than I should have. more than necessary. Hahaha. This donut is especially delicious. The moisture in your mouth will be taken away. I need coffee or Japanese tea. These donuts are light because they are not fried. I sometimes want to eat this. That's my influence. That's right? Answering "yes" feels like admitting defeat. Thank you for going out of your way to buy it. Which one? Which one? game. Even I understand this. Mi-chan, you're smart. Mi-chan. why? ? Hey, Mi-chan. Anyone can understand it now. Mi-chan never forgets her sense of humor. Thank you for watching until the end.
Channel: mitsuba vlog夫婦と犬の暮らし
Views: 240,343
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 32min 43sec (1963 seconds)
Published: Wed May 29 2024
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