Bedroom refresh | making glassy potatoes

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okay so it's going to fit right between this sh or not oh my God and I didn't even know that so that's been going on for a [Music] while should should I clean is it heavy oh it's heavy oh my God it's heavy this is heavy that's SHP okay so it's going to fit right between this trap or not F so heav yeah I mean it's going to be hard to pull the shades down so I are you going to take up this part this one ooh oh my God the dirt on you please don't come this is only do this is not dirt that that's that's wood there's nothing wrong with that that's that's dirt and on the pants too so don't come close to that let's sck it oh [Music] J made this bed when the boys were little and we made this mistake we cut the headboard too short and we are going to fix that because one J likes his pillow very flat like a pancake and it escapes every night through the slips at the head headboard and then I want to read in the bed but there's nothing that would hold my back because there's the window so there's no flat surface and this headboard will fix that problem la [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] a quiet but busy morning in the kitchen quiet because I can't talk I have a sore throw and a horsey voice so J is going to make some Swedish [Music] pancake the boys at home from the school for a couple of days so we're going to have a relaxed day a very chill day but we still have some things on our list that needs to get done but it's going to have an easy laidback flow to it a little better at the time not a lot because you you going end up [Music] withot I love laidback mornings like that and of course our life got more busy with the boys and they do a lot of sports but once in a while here and there and on the weekends it's really nice treat to have a breakfast where we can eat a little bed later we can make it [Music] together okay guys a funny side note so J spilled the coffee the other day and he was like oh I cleaned it up very nicely and um I went to the Sha where I keep this thing if you remember if you saw that in the video I use this for my counter top and that's how I collect the all the crumbs so what joah did he used this one to collect everything from the floor and I didn't even know that so that's been going on for a while so now that we find it out we both laugh man my voice is not well I think slightly better than yesterday but otherwise than that I feeling good I'm a little bit tired so I went to bed yesterday M maybe 8:00 other than that everything is good one of my friend gave me an amazing amazing book and this recipe is from there and it's making glassy potatoes with some herb and so first I'm just going to slice it very thin squeeze out all the juice from the potato that's um probably about 5 minutes I let it sit with the towel and I'm going to collect some herbs and while I do that the intense work outside is happening with j and the boys and as you can see the garden is getting more green and getting more flowers everybody is busy and doing something so I am going to put one layer done with the potatoes and then put some herbs on it and then put the second layer on and I'm going to put some weight on the top to make it flat so it it doesn't curl up as I'm baking [Music] it actually never mind I have a better idea to even out the weight I'm just going to put another sheet and then the weight on it and I did this on the low temperature 320° and yeah I forgot the the oil olive oil so I had to take it out again I bake it for about 30 minutes or so just check it when it's getting Brown then you are ready and meanwhile I am going to make some spaghetti no not spaghetti lasagna and the half of the meat went into the refrigerator for a different recipe and but this one is going to be a lasagna and this is the potato when it's done well I over baked a little bit that's supposed to be more a little bit more seethrough like in the middle those are the perfect ones and the brown ones are a little bit over baked but those were more crunchy crunchy so I prefer that one [Music] actually this is one of my favorite glutenfree Brands and you don't have to cook the lasagna noodles in there you can just put it in there and the size is perfect as well for cheese this is my favorite for lasagna because it's a ricotta cheese and this is dairy free [Music] it turned out so pretty I really love how it looks and I'm sure I will make more in the future let's taste it [Music] M it's like chips it is like a [Music] chips lost again going back around dreaming of a time when I get things right lost in the shadows of a million [Music] stars shouldn't they in line of my near and far Pi the flower one I was thinking this is a butterfly hopefully not a not just a regular [Music] fly I would be waiting for you if you had to leave how would waive time you were at just a little taste how the summer is going to feel like because we have a hot weather today so it's very encouraging to work more on the garden J and the boys are doing the fence around the garden and the studio and I am fixing some of the things on the deck I had to put it some [Music] plants day you're making me better cuz I'm love like this is rare and I want to take you there I also had this window box on my list I can say on my procrastinating list to plant other plants in there every morning when I open the shades in the bedroom this is what welcomes me what's in the window so I really enjoy the flowers and this little Greenery in there it's a staple at this point it's just makes the mornings more happy I just want to love you till the day you [Music] die I just want to love you [Music] third outfit of the day well I it's a warm day so I get sweaty and uh dirty as I was working on the deck and in the garden and as I sat done to do some painting I realized my water is dirty so I had to replace that and that's when I realized actually I'm very hungry because I had a late breakfast and then I didn't eat as much for lunch and now I'm hungry so I'm catching up with the color is before I paint [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] this is one of the print that I'm making for the fall collection and it's already filled with warmed and then orange colors I'm I'm really enjoying what we have right now the spring weather I'm looking forward to the summer but because I have to work ahead I somehow I have to put my mood into the next season and I'm so excited to decorate this place by the Fall time and I also have some sewing projects so basically I'm just going back and forth as the paint dries I'm going to sew and then once it's dry I'm going back to paint more so this is what I love about this studio I don't have to clean up everything right away it has stay so it's more efficient to do the packaging and then the [Music] creating I've got some questions about what I like to use for painting so I will leave everything done Below in the description box and as I'm designing these pictures I always imagine like how I feel or how I want to feel what is this cozy feeling that would put me into a place where it's perfectly peaceful and basically it's just my own little world where I can be just e at ease and there's no stress nothing there it's just so I don't know it's like a [Music] therapy I have to head up to the house because my card on the camera got full meanwhile J is working on to produce all the wood that we were going to need for the fence [Music] I bet J is getting hungry so I'm going to put together a little bite for [Music] him a quick battery change [Music] yeah slightly dirty [Music] having the garden next to the studio will be so convenient also it's very close to the deck so once I harvest everything from the garden it will be easy to clean and bring into the kitchen so it's definitely a better layout and this fence will protect the vegetables from hopefully from the deers and whatever other creatures might want to think and on my garden and I have a little bit of a time after dinner just to paint a little [Music] bit while I'm tinkering in my studio the boys are creating some music my older son he likes to play on the guitar and then my younger son likes to create music in a software and then J was working on the computer and I'm just just enjoying this quiet time in the studio I still have to organize and rearrange some things but I just really enjoy dive into the painting as well so that can wait a little bit [Music] hello guys so today it's wenesday and we had to run to the store very quickly just to grab a few essential for the week usually we do like once a month or every second month uh a bigger shopping at Costco yeah sometimes we can go over two months um so we do a big shopping at Costco and then I have specific things to buy from the grocery outlet oh no not to the groceries I always mix that too natural groceries they have the tomato sauce I prefer um it's organic and there's not nothing else in there just tomato sauce no other stuff and it's organic now um if you need to do anything in between I like to go to the grocery Outlets they have good prices and we have another grocery store in the town um and then we just run there but it's very limited it's not as many things in there like broccoli if I go on the afternoon for sure they don't have it sometimes they out of the potato so it's very very limited so I like to stick up my pantry a little bit more in between the shopping and then especially if it's something glutenfree I have to suck up on those and then once the garden start to starts to produce Tomatoes it will be another vegetable I can use and cucumbers that I don't have to buy here where's that cucumber I bought oh oh there Another Bad Thing J likes to drink milk once in a while in the morning uh with his breakfast thing so we had a coupon for that we used that one and then there's a tea that he likes to drink this is really lovely uh it's a hibiscus mango tea and then we bought this out of um necessary because we were out of the tea that he liked and then it was just really just a far drive to get what he likes so we tried this one so since then he switched because he likes this one better and price wise I think it's better because it contains more tea uh the berries were on sale like I never seen before this was I think $4.99 let me check nul okay so I remembered that it seemed we cheaper than usually because usually they are $8 $9 and it was $4.99 this big package so I got a few and then the strawberry was $3.99 which is really a good deal I got some reddish lemon and then I got some cilantro which is not typically something I would buy but I'm craving some good salsa so I have some o tomatoes that kind of wrinkle and I'm going to use up that with with that and then the rest maybe I'm going to freeze them because I don't use them too often we got some organic oranges it's it's um we get what we get in this store so anyway this was on sale it was $11.99 so that which makes less than a dollar uh per piece and this Laura bar and then also we had coupon so the way I like to shop is to have um a coupon for something and then plus if it's on sale then if you combine that you get a better deal and on top of that if you buy something at the store as a book I'm not talking about this because this was given but like yogurt or something you trying to buy like I used to buy the I think it's called the brown cow's yogurt because um that time that was J's favorite and I got a whole unopened uh case then I think it's an extra 10% at the cashier so if you and then we had the coupon and then also you can sign up on the website to receive extra coupons so the store bu coupon the the store coupon plus it's on sale buy it in the case and then it's an incredible deal that way and I used to buy Keir that way for and then it was like $7 and I ended up with 49 cents if I combine all the sales and everything but I don't buy those anymore I used to make keur but um uh yeah I haven't made it for a while portabello mushroom that's something I recently I started to eat more and I like other mushroom especially the shitaki shitaki is a base in the refrigerator I really love this for Soups or rice or such because the flavor but the Portell is so meaty and and then just has a unique I trying to describe the flavor but not as chewy than the rest of the mushrooms it's more falling apart in the mouth I would say so if you don't like the air lob texture maybe that's the way to go with that and then I got one glutenfree um hot dog and this is kind of like a brand that is a decent ingredients it's not the most horrifying one but it's definitely not the most clean one either but it's it's it's it's duab I think it's Ed so I'm going to make um I I had my friends over if you guys um watched my Q&A that's when I was waiting for my friends to do the mood board and that's when she I think she bought the same I don't know but she created that sandwich I really liked it reminded me of the Subway sandwich so I want to recreate that that's why I bought this one and this one is free we picked this this morning we went for a walk with J before even the kids wear up and I just picked this up on the side of the road so in the shopping H this is free what else um so we went to the store in the early morning so that means we were able to buy more than um we usually can on the afternoon because they are out of the stuff and I got some organic kiwis which I'm going to ripen on our fruit shelves and then I got some Tangerine organic Tangerine little Peppers this is a St too I like to use them because it's a great color in the food so it's an addition to the palette but also so it it comes in different colors but also I love these to put them into the meat so I grind them up and I have them in the meat um the ground meat and the Cucumber that I was looking for and then cabbage also it's a staple if we have nothing in the refrigerator but I grabbed some eggs from the girls and we have the cabbage is it a cabbage that's actually the iceberg lettuce but this is a staple too so here's the Cabbage so if we have cabbage I can just shred them at some eggs and we have breakfast so it's nice for Soups as well so it's a staple we grabbed one milk for J for the breakfast I like to put them out into little jars and then just portion it out and he can just grab one in the morning and chicken breast that was on sale and again I had had some coupon for this and I can create a whole entire lunch with some leftover maybe if I'm I'm using the recipe where I'm adding a lot more vegetables potatoes and rice Jo just reminded me of that manufacturers don't allow you to stack coupons anymore that's what you said yeah yeah so we haven't been using that much of a coupon because we don't buy in the stores where you get the coupon we buy at cost or natural grocer so they already have a very good price but like the local store when we have to grab something we occasionally get some coupons so maybe that's why out of the loop what's happening with the coupons so you cannot buy all the the store sale and the the store the manufacturer one yeah sometimes they letting you most of the times they don't oh okay so sometimes they are still letting you but not always so watch out for that as you can hear my my voice is not really top not yet but um I'm getting there I'm getting there so that's why I'm taking it easy with this Vlog and the the life so now I'm going to clean out the refrigerator and probably I'm going to maybe I'm going to do it today I'm going to clean them wash them put them into my zing containers because that way they will stay stay fresh longer so I want to preserve that as much as possible but I always go shopping with that and I don't care about the looks I love this I don't have to grab anything else and I can just put the stuff in there and let the cashier just unload and then load it back I have an additional bag but for the local shopping I'm okay with the this too that will do it but before I start to clean up the refrigerator I just want to stop for a second to say a huge thank you for this beautiful handmade poach it's got this little thing in there on there that was handmade and I just so so so appreciate this incredible work I mean look at the inside the love that went in there it's incredible thank you so much from the bottom of my heart and thank you so much for these These are handmade as well and I think it was meant to be to wash with that that's what she wrote in the letter but I cannot use that for cleaning this is just too much work in there it's just too beautiful so I think I'm just going to use it under my plates when I'm mixing something because this is just too beautiful to use it for cleaning so thank you so much for these handmade beautiful gifts [Music] so I have these two long narrow organizers I like to keep the eggs in there for the meats I have this portion I always pull out meat from the freezer and I put it is my head in there I always put it into that uh container [Music] and thank you guys so much for watching I appreciate you for being here and I will see you soon in the next next video bye
Channel: Scandish Home
Views: 34,578
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: day in the life, scandish home, glutenfree cooking
Id: RYdxcykuUac
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 0sec (1800 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 01 2024
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