REDEMPTIVE BIRTH STORY 🕊️ | my quick & positive birth & meet our baby!

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[Music] we are pregnant with our little baby and she is a girl so huge announcement definitely starting to show so we're so excited and so thankful before we go I wanted to show you guys my belly it's definitely growing [Music] Bill's very surreal knowing that she'll be here I feel like we've been preparing obviously for months and having a loss last year and trying to get pregnant for years and years and years and then getting pregnant a few months after that loss it just seems surreal so [Music] well hello friends it's been a little bit since I've last picked up my camera and I'm so excited to share Little Miss Bray Kay's birth story I am a little bit nasly right now just from allergy so if I sound a little different that's why but I'm so excited she is almost 2 weeks old which is crazy um tomorrow she'll be two two weeks so I figured I would go ahead and sit down and film her birth story while it's all fresh in my mind so if you guys are new to my channel I have a 7-year-old little boy and an 18-month-old little girl and then we just added our newest edition so with Brooks's birth it was very long definitely more it was not ideal it was just not the birth that I was anticipating I didn't really know what to think with my first one we had adopted Brean are 18-month-old brayy I didn't really know what to expect but let me tell you it was the most Redemptive birth experience that I could have asked for it was so good so I'm excited to share a positive birth story with you guys I did film a little bit of Clips while we were there and I filmed the whole birth but obviously I'm not going to be sharing that all on YouTube I'll be talking you guys through it so if you don't want to hear about all the things that go ahead and shut this video off but if you do um or you're pregnant right now I know so many of you guys are especially over on Instagram I've had tons of messages so many of you are having babies this summer so I'm just excited to chat about how it went for us and just how the Lord worked through it all at my 36th week appointment I went in and they said I was already 2 cm dilated and 50% of face and I was already starting to have like some cramping some back pain but my body also did that last time with Brooks it dilated really early and then I didn't have him until I was 39 weeks with Brooks I went into labor on my own though I didn't have to have po to in or get induced or anything um it was just a very long long labor and so this time I was kind of expecting it to be long again so I didn't think much of dilating that soon for my 36th week appointment I went back and I was still at a two she said two three about the same I was still 50% of face so I really hadn't progressed any but I was definitely feeling it more I was honestly feeling so much pressure just from her like down below that I thought I don't know how she's going to be in here much longer and it was getting really hard to sleep a lot of pain in like the top of my stomach it felt like everything was just stretching in so much which now I think it may be like my muscle separating a little bit um I don't know for sure but it's still sore even now but I was just feeling it I was feeling like she was close even though she was early so that whole next week I vlogged I wanted to like have memories of what we were doing as a family throughout that week and just as being at home and stuff Brooks was still in school he didn't get out until May 22nd he's in first grade he got out the 22nd and at my 36 we appointment they asked if I wanted to go ahead and schedule an induction and I've never had an induction before but I was open to it just because I felt like she was already so low right there I thought if I did get induced I feel like it would go pretty smoothly obviously you never know but I went ahead and set that up with the hospital so we were planning on going in on the 23rd and so we had that plan but in the back of my mind I thought I'll be surprised if we make it that long but I was excited to just have that kind of date in the back of my mind and like I said Brooks got out of school on the 22nd then the next day I would go in for the induction so it really worked out good especially with having two other kids um I would be able to like get them set up over at my parents and stuff and get them all comfortable before we had to take off for the hospital I vlogged that whole week because I knew like I only had a couple weeks left so at the end of my 36 week Vlog on the last day I was filming in my bedroom and saying like I just feel like she is so close and she's so low but I was like but you just never know I don't know we'll see I have a feeling it'll be soon but it may not be but if not we are almost one week away from my induction date so I'm excited about that well I feel like I did know because the next morning is when it all started I woke up at 2: a.m. and I started having contractions and they were mild and I was able to kind of sleep through them I would fall asleep and then I would wake up and just feel so uncomfortable so at about 5:45 a.m. I finally got up and I knew Brooks had school he would be getting up soon uh Brean wakes up pretty early too and so I went to the living room and started just like sitting on my birthing ball CU that was the only seat that was even halfway comfortable I was sitting on there and I was just looking at my phone and Brean woke up and this was about 61 15ish at this point so I stood up to go get her out of her crib and my water broke and it was definitely like a huge gush I just like stood there didn't really know what to do and I like hurried up and got on our hardwood more came and I was like okay this is definitely my water so Taylor was asle sleep here in the bedroom Brean was up ready to get out and so I didn't want to like yell to Taylor across the house because I didn't know if he would for sure even hear me and then I didn't want to wake Brooks up cuz it wasn't time for him to get up for school yet I could tell he was like why is she calling me and um I was like hey come in the living room my water just broke broke so he like hurries in I am just like so excited that my water broke on its own it didn't break with Brooks last time they had to break my water when I was like 9 cm and it was just the coolest experience I was so thankful I've been praying like Lord please break my water I would just love to have that I know it's like a silly ask but I just really really wanted that and with how low she was I just thought I don't know how it couldn't it was an answered prayer and it was so special and sweet in the weirdest way I know it sounds so gross and it is I'm glad it didn't happen in bed but it was just so neat and I knew for sure like she's coming soon I was just so excited so Taylor got breeling up I we got it all cleaned up and I actually went back and took a shower and got ready real quick called my mom and she was over in like 15 minutes was like ready to watch the kids that was our plan was whenever I did either get induced or went into labor the kids would go over to my parents and stay with them overnight while we were at the hospital she got here and it was probably about about like an hour after my water broke Taylor needed to put the car seat base in because we hadn't done that yet I just got my car detailed and we had been meaning to do it and just hadn't so he went outside after she got here and at this point we had to get Brooks ready for school so I was able to like make his lunch and I just put like a big pad in and it was fine but more kept like coming didn't have all the time in the world but I wasn't like dying or anything by the time we left it was about an hour and a half after my water broke and I started having contractions and they definitely were consistent and they started out really mild honestly they weren't super painful at all but I could tell like okay these are going to do something I think too just being like so excited and relaxed like it just went so smooth Brooks woke up and I was able to tell him like my water broke we're going to have your sister today like you're going to get to meet her and he was so excited so I was so thankful that happened before school but not like too early or in the night got the car seat Basin got the suitcase loaded up I already had that packed and um we took off I did place a Starbucks pickup order on the way because it literally we passed Starbucks as we were on our way to the hospital and I knew it could be a while before I was able to eat again so I grabbed some egg bites and and a brown sugar shaking espresso and I'm so glad I did because I was definitely hungry by the time it was all said and done at 6:15 we left for the hospital 7:30 stopped at Starbucks good morning guys my water officially broke about an hour ago and we are headed to the hospital but first Starbucks because it is 7:30 in the morning and I haven't ate since last night so is grabbing us coffee and breakfast all right we're headed in hopefully it goes smooth it's 810 is when we got to the hospital so we're a good ways away from our Hospital probably 45 to 50 minutes I hadn't registered at the hospital or anything so we went to the emergency room told them my water broke I went right upstairs and got into triage and they checked to make sure my water had broke and they first did like this little strip test and it came back negative and they could obviously see it and stuff so they were like we're going to do one more test this one's more accurate they did that and it indeed was positive and the rest of it broke right there and I was also dilated to a four at this point and 75% e face and I was a -2 position they went ahead and admitted me and at 9:00 a.m. I got into our room the contractions were definitely picking up then um once we got into the room I went ahead and put my own gown on we got our worship music on and it was just tailoring me and my nurse was coming in and out and it was just so nice the doctor that I got was one of the three that I was really hoping for at my doctor's office there were five doctors and you didn't know which one you would end up with it just was whoever was on call and so I was so happy with the doctor that we got our nurse was was wonderful she was so sweet it was truly like the best case scenario so once contraction started picking up quite a bit I think I was at a six yeah I was dilated to a 6 at this point and at 10:45 I did ask for the epidural I knew I wanted that going into this birth and so they called for the anesthesiologist and he was able to get in super quick and he was wonderful too the guy was just so calm he was so quick and really walk me through it and at this point I was having really intense contractions they were definitely painful and had to breathe through them and so he worked with me I was able to get get it whenever I wasn't having a contraction which was so helpful and nice at 11:30 I was 7 cm so they went ahead and brought in that peanut ball which is like amazing and they had me turn from side to side I did notice that my leg leg were feeling very heavy I was not able to move them myself at all and with Brooks my epidural was so strong that my legs were truly like falling off the bed and I knew I didn't want to be that numb because I wanted to be able to push still I did ask if he could turn it down and so he came in right away and was like I'm going to turn it down over halfway if you need um any more you can press this button but if not you don't have to do anything and so I was so glad I did that that he went ahead and turned it it was at a level 20 he turned it all the way down to an eight and I feel like that was the best decision that was starting to come down like pretty quickly I think it was at like a 12 and at 12:50 was dilated to 9 cm and they were like you got just a little bit more to go so we're going to flip you on your peanut ball and at this point I was more able to move my legs it was all happening so fast I mean we had just gotten in that room at 9:00 they were like if you start to feel any pressure let us know okay my memory card just filled up so I had to delete some clips and we're back um but anyways they came back in and I was at a 10 but they said that I had like just a little bit left to go on one side before I would like start to feel anything they switched my position again one more time and they said if you feel any more pressure um let us know and so they went out of the room and I kid you not 5 minutes later I told Taylor I was like I am feeling like a lot of pressure like I feel like she's right there and um but it didn't hurt by any means I was still like definitely numb but could feel it which I was happy about so I had them come back in and when they looked there was her head they were like okay we got to go they all moved so fast the baby nurses were in they were wonderful one of the nurses was actually a nurse that we had with Freeland so that was so special get to be in this position and have her again with Bray I was able to start pushing she was just coming no matter what and I pushed three times and she was here just couldn't even believe that she was here so fast and so quick with Brooks I pushed for almost 3 hours and so this time three pushes felt like nothing they had to kind of like Pat her on the back quite a bit to get her to really cry she wasn't crying as much as they wanted to she finally did and they laid her on my chest and it was truly the best feeling ever we just got to have the sweetest moment just Taylor and I looking at her and we just couldn't believe that she was here and it was just so special and so sweet and so smooth there was no hiccup there was no any delays my body like just kicked in to labor on its own I didn't have to have pcin or anything and it was overall just such a good experience after that we were in there for maybe like an hour and a half or so and my epidural wore off super quick I was able to stand up on my own she was able to nurse right away really good and it just felt so peaceful and calm just truly so wonderful and Redemptive if you haven't followed Along on our story after we adopted breelan a few months later we did get pregnant and it ended in a miscarriage a few months later and so going back to the hospital that I had previously been I delivered Brooks there I had to have a DNC there um last year and then getting to have brilley there this year it was just truly such a Redemptive story I'm just so thankful I just feel so much peace and I can look back on this birth experience and it was not traumatic it was just so peaceful and smooth and I'm just so thankful she's now almost 2 weeks old and she has fit right into our family and I've been sharing over on Instagram a little behind the scenes um so if you aren't following me over there I'm posting more like daily stuff a little bit it's just been so sweet to look back and remember this special time with her but she's doing great I I'm doing great I'm feeling really really good I have pre-filmed some videos that are going to be coming up soon and then I have a few more planned I have a few brand deals that I'm excited to film and get back into so we're going to go very slowly with it I'm just so thankful and excited and I just feel so content so thank you all so much for your prayers truly I'm so thankful for you guys and for all of your love and support and I'm just so happy she she's here she came right at 2 weeks early my advice if you are expecting is to just be open at the end you can get SE in your head thinking like every little thing will result in labor and sometimes it does and sometimes it doesn't so I tried to keep in my head like it's going to be at least 39 weeks and even the induction may not even work so it's all in the Lord's hands all in his timing and it'll be perfect when it happens and it TR really was she just wanted to come a little early and she was perfectly healthy she was 6 lb 13 Oz 19 and 3/4 in long we are smitten with her the kids absolutely love her Brean has taking a little bit of Waring up um but she's doing really good now she's always saying baby baby so we're now a family of five and it feels so good we did take pictures at the hospital it was like a fresh 48 session and I love doing that there's really like nothing else you can do in the hospital while you're sitting there and so and I felt really good afterwards like I was able to move around um we had like our parents visit and our siblings and felt so good I was able to walk around everything felt good down there other than the worst part I would say are the contractions afterwards when she would nurse oh my goodness it felt like my insides were just like tightening up so much and I did take a supplement um that helped a ton it was called a after or something like that I'll link it down below I know it's in my pregnancy page on my Amazon storefront but we were able to leave 24 hours after I had her so she was born at 1:57 and we were able to leave around 2:30 3:00 the next day came home the kids got to come home so they were only at my parents for one night which was again an answered prayer I really just wanted to get in and get out as as I felt good and she was good and we were so it felt so good to get back home that is the birth story of Little Miss brayy K cash and we love her so much thank you guys for being here and I will see you all soon in my next one bye friends [Music] oh
Channel: Kailyn Cash
Views: 20,624
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: my birth story, redemptive birth story, positive birth story, birth story, birth story 2024, my birth story 2024, kailyn cash, kailyn cash pregnancy, pregnancy journey, my labor and delivery, birth vlog, birth vlog 2024
Id: IxFUehtW6Pg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 32sec (1232 seconds)
Published: Fri May 31 2024
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