9 Reasons I Absolutely Love Living Alone!

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hi I'm Jen I've lived alone now for close to 35 years by choice not by necessity I not only love living alone but it's something quite close to self-preservation for me you see I'm an introvert and spending too much time with people even people I like or love is just overwhelming for me but social norms are now starting to ease around this whole woman living alone Dynamic and as more and more of us are starting to choose our own happiness our own care and starting to live alone we're kicking those outdated stereotypes right to the curb so I get asked a lot of the time if I'm not lonely uh why do I like living alone don't I want to have a partner don't I want to have somebody there don't I feel unsafe and the thing is no I love living alone I truly love living alone and so I thought i' put together a list this is not a complete list by any means and I'll ask you at the end of the video leave me a comment on what some of the reasons are that you love to live alone but my number one reason this is not in any kind of an order number one reason that I love living alone is that everything is in the place that I left it my car is parked in the driveway the way I like it my keys to the car are in their spot they are always in their spot the TV remote is in the place where the TV remote goes I have flashlights in every room in case of a power outage I know where all the flashlights are supposed to be and lo and behold they're always in the right spot safety-wise I also have fire extinguishers in specific places in my home and they are always in the same place so if there was ever a fire I would know exactly where my fire extinguisher was and or where the nearest one was and I could get to it quickly and easily and it would be there popcorn bowls are not the same as baking bowls baking equipment is in one cupboard and one drawer eating bowls are everywhere else kitchen scissors are in the kitchen craft scissors are in the craft box garden scissors are in the shed outside or in the garage now I don't sew but I do have friends who sew and do not get them started on Friends Partners family members who use their fabric shears for anything but fabric picky maybe set in my ways maybe but it brings me peace of mind to know that things are where I expect them to be when I need them number two everything in the fridge is mine it's everything that I like and nothing is empty and nothing is expired I just can't eat anything that's expired or even within a couple days of the best before date now I know that it's safe I just can't do it and I can't have it in my fridge opening my fridge and knowing that it's all for me and I know when I bought it is again just peace number three I can be unreservedly selfish about self-care now this is a big one when some people hear that I live alone and I'm indulging in some sort of self-care ritual that makes me happy and doesn't hurt anybody else and is none of their business they say that I'm selfish that I'm just living for myself that I'm spending time and money and energy just on myself not thinking of anyone else well why wouldn't I think about myself and only myself in a one person household of course I Am Number Four and anyone who owns a cat will agree with me on this the number four reason that I love living alone is that the cat can't pull a fast one on me and pretend that she hasn't been fed anyone living in a multi-person household will have run into this if they have a cat where the cat will be fed by one member of the household the first one who gets up and promptly as soon as the next person gets up complains that they haven't been fed yet acts like they haven't been fed there's a whole routine around it I've read stories on the internet of uh housemates or roommates who would four of them would all feed the cat all four of them because they got up at different times and the cat would act like it hadn't been fed yet my cat Quinn is out of luck she gets fed on a schedule and only on the schedule and I am the only one feeding her so all of The Shakespearean aunt ICS are lost on me number five I can take on a new task or try something new and I can take forever to complete it or to try it or I can just fail miserably at it and I don't have to explain myself or explain why to anyone it's just me I mean this YouTube channel is a is a great example of this some people from the comments I get on some of my videos especially the ones about monetization they seem to the comments make me feel like those people think that I just woke up one morning and decided hey I'm going to make a YouTube channel and then by noon there it was and I was uploading fairly decent looking videos and just you know on my way spoiler alert no that was not how it happened at all all of my very early videos suck they are my cruise videos they are still up on my channel and you are more than welcome to go and watch them I have no shame they were early videos but please be warned I told you I told you so they suck no it took it is taking a lot of trial and error a lot of time a lot of profane language to learn how to edit these videos and make them and create them and get them up on YouTube on a schedule it's there's a lot of work behind the scenes that I'm really appreciative that people think it's really easy for me but I I guarantee you that there's a lot more work that goes in behind the scenes than me just popping a video up every week it's the same with when I made a video about putting LED light strips up in my garage on the cups in my garage I'll put it up there but uh I'll leave a link to it also in the description if you want to watch it but those LED light strips the um video for it that I made for YouTube and I just tacked it onto the front of one of my Sunday Morning Walk videos it was about 2 minutes long the little clip that I posted but in reality I stopped and started that project so many times and just left it and then I would go back and then I stapled through the line and I had to stop and order a coupler and a repair kit on Amazon come wait for it to arrive and then fix it and then continue on the actual filming of the video of me putting up the light strip getting all the shots took me probably 4 hours and then you know I had to edit it and it came out to be 2 minutes you know and it looks very linear I'm proud of myself for that I'm getting better at editing but I mean from start to finish it probably took me two weeks but the point is I could leave it for two weeks with stuff all over in my garage just half finished sitting there in situ because it's just me living here I didn't have to to be courteous and clean up or do a rush job of it because someone else in my household may want to use the garage for something else and I love that the number six reason that I love living alone is that the only noise I have to listen to is noise I love now I love music and I love television but I don't like having noise playing in the background all day I have friends who cannot drive in a car without music on I I have different friends who cannot perform household tasks or chores without having music or television blaring in the background the whole time my own mother sleeps with a white noise machine making static noises all night that would drive me baddy I like to have a nice soft jazz playing in the background over dinner sure but for the majority of my existence I prefer to have silence or just the sounds of nature now luckily I live in a place where that's easy for me to get and I love that as an aside did you know that Miss A or her cousin Mr Google probably as well can play nature sounds if you don't live close enough to hear birds and nature where you are ask M just say miss a play nature sounds and she'll play ocean sounds as well miss a play ocean sounds play forest sounds I love them number seven I can leave dishes in the sink and I like that I love it actually when I was at University I had roommates and leaving dirty dishes in the sink was the hugest bone of contention this the source of roommate stress was usually dirty dishes in the sink now I never did I was very good but also when I lived at home with my parents my brother and I were responsible for loading the dishwasher and he and I would leave dishes until we heard my mother's car in the driveway and then we would scramble into that kitchen and load the dishwasher as quickly as we could I have a dishwasher now and I leave dishes in the sink sometimes for two or three days just because I can just because that's the way I like doing things and there's no one here to get put out by the site number eight reason that I love living alone is that I can have popcorn for dinner or steak or both it's up to me whatever I want my choice this is one of the greatest things about being an adult having my own money and living alone I can eat what I want when I want full stop and the number nine reason that I love living alone on this non on exhaustive list is that my dog loves me best I'm sure of [Music] it I know that there are many more reasons to love living alone and I would love to read your comments leave me one and if you enjoyed this video give me a thumbs up and subscribe to the channel
Channel: Silver and Solo
Views: 14,211
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: enjoy being alone, how to be alone, solitude
Id: rO8ikAYLGyA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 1sec (781 seconds)
Published: Wed May 29 2024
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