New Holland C232 Electrical Nightmare... Can I Fix It?

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[Music] all right it's over with Andy who just bought this skitsu and it doesn't work because mice chew through the wires and then somebody decided to start with the wiring job and then they couldn't get it going and they just left it perfect job for us here we go [Music] I'll give you one of your Heinekens all right you owe me a uh half Sprout sounds good all right yeah I got it it's not pulling yeah let's put the deck underneath the way I think I went you know you just winch it on I don't have to work together running so we're both winning really if you think about it really I think uh yeah we need to off the side of the deck like right right here I think okay the points like pivot Points kind of in the middle so the side of the deck like right here all right we got books tell us how to disconnect the tracks here there's a lot of reading a lot a lot of a lot of papers [Music] perfect the guys measured that I I measured how big is that Gap yeah I thought you said hypotenuse at one point can you uh drop the jacket off you got it okay watch your face good is that what this winches were rated for yeah yeah hopefully it's got like a 100 failure capacity or whatever I can't believe it's full the witch is like oh yeah yeah that's it I think let's jump on the deck and try to slide the deck underneath rather than trying to winch that on I don't know instead I'm gonna try to lift it up try to slide the deck underneath thanks genius so now you got to get the the track more underneath [Applause] there's Texas going in here I think that'll help I think if he's got a jack that will roll on the trailer and you take some of the weight off the front and you keep pulling the truck underneath I think that will work we've got some siding underneath it you're three quarters on on this side yeah okay seriously if I sit in the cab it was probably foreign [Music] if it was a little bit bigger it hits here impossible since the fuel tank was full yet oh yeah [Applause] what was that and it slid on the rail okay I said vote that's all you got there you go you got her oh yeah let's drop her down put the cow back down what's the legal limit right thirteen five wow we're at 13-4 I can tell just by looking 13. it identifies as 13. okay she's on there like you don't have to worry about it just legal height uh you throw some jeans on it and uh let's take her home see if we can fire it up okay so we're home it's not unloaded yet kind of want to hear it run it's just a mechanical pump we'll just bypass it and see if it moves but uh it is it is laid on a weekend I'm supposed to go home he's supposed to have dinner oh I need a star if you've got a torque set then I can get it ready not the biggest one but not the smallest one because all I'm doing is taking this shut off solenoid off and just bump the starter and I I thought it would have went so any bypasses will be bypassed now yeah like so seat bypass and yeah everything yeah everything that would shut it off yeah but that that uh on uh there might be uh there's another wire down here so I'm wondering if that shuts off fuel because this doesn't feel like it's moving let's bridge that across it's either going to go or it's going to cost an extra two thousand dollars to get fixed yeah no that should have went unless it's out of fuel half the crack injector line to see if we're getting fuel um but from here it's tools at my house okay it's turning over yeah starter's not screwed no so yeah glass is half full oil level's where it's supposed to be so that's good nice it's not seized so I might also need uh electronic pump to turn on so yeah there's a couple things that have to happen all right okay okay we got the tow truck back next day it's raining all day the forklift tied to a tree we're going to tie that to the forklift and then we're gonna unload it [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] at this point Andy will tighten it up and just drive away nice and slow yeah try to get the deck out from underneath yet not going the right way what's God is this is in its natural habitat stirring at the back of a truck looks to be rusty oh it came about me no all right oh yeah [Applause] all right [Applause] try the tractor foreign nice yeah [Music] okay sunshine again now um I can't Hotwire this thing to get it going and I I'm positive I can get it going there's a filter here there's the pump give that positive negative that'll Pump Fuel through here to the injection pump that's your throttle and underneath that what I took apart is the shut off but um it doesn't feel like this on the injection pump it doesn't feel like that lever is doing anything that was just to see if we could get it running quickly on the float the issue is that somebody's been in here doing all sorts of neat stuff everything's been tore apart and the issue is that everything that's got fresh black tape on it has been touched by somebody who did something we've got wires here that are chewed and just Twisted together um that don't do anything plugs that don't go anywhere and looking at the manual this was for the key switch to me that looks like it would go here and there's a hole there so is the key switch missing this is all original obviously but from what I was told the mice chewing was from down there it Powers up the the key switch comes on the fuel was empty so that's something and then it's got start here so we don't have a key switch but I find that odd that there's no key code or anything to uh prevent anybody from stealing this that is just the radio so that's not the key code so I think even though I do want to hear it run I do think that that is kind of a waste of time because um there's just too many other things going on with this thing that I think will pull the cab up and pull this Loom off and then see what's actually going on here trying to connect wires that are the same color to the places that they're supposed to go so like this one why is there two wires here that are there's a black and a yellow and those don't go anywhere oh yeah yeah what a mess but I'm up for a challenge and this will be interesting for you guys who know these machines who will be going watching me the entire going time going don't do that you idiot but that's okay because why is the headliner down why why am I swearing in the headliner there's nothing there treat me anyway here we go okay so I don't know I started pulling the harness out and if you can see those terrible lighting but um there is a red wire there see that red wire that wire is connected to a solenoid and that solenoid is connected to that positive battery terminal solenoid the wire from this terminal to the other side of that solenoid is completely rotten off so that's all nice toast and so is the wire going to it which could be the root of all of our problems because that comes directly from the battery and goes to the starter and then from the starter it goes right to that solenoid so yay I don't know if it's even solid could just be an amp or like a like a fuse so um we'll look at the wiring schematic and go from there but that's a major problem I'm sure it has something to do with this and the cat is disappointed we didn't buy a caterpillar hmm yeah yeah hey Kitty this is the main wiring highness that I think is the problem there's a couple green connections there a couple wires poking out of the fuse box that uh I think he attempted the hot wire whoever he was I've got it all completely disconnected except for one wire one main run that goes underneath the engine and that's gross because there's no pans on the bottom of this thing there's no bolt holes to cover up the pans either what's going on is how's your driving I don't know if you can see the ground through there crap comes up but it never has a chance to really disappear just sits here and underneath the engine same thing and when that happens they've got stupid things like a connection for the positive down in that mud which rots away and even things like this filter who I think people don't have long forgotten about this filter and probably don't even know that it's there because it's caked in so much mud so we're gonna give this thing a good clean see if I can get the harness out I can fix I don't think the issue is the harness that goes underneath the engine but I'd like to take it out and put on the bench cleaned it up start over and we've been having non-stop rain here um which makes it really annoying because I can't really put this thing inside but I'd like to be able to put on the bench and test each wire rather than doing it on the side here so um I got my wife's gardening Spade we're going to scoop up some of this crap blow it out pressure wash it out and kind of start over I might as well do a service on it because I don't think that was on the top of the priority list wash off some of this grease most of it is just dirt and clay and whatever else but I'll do this and then have a good shower after because this is a disgusting job so here we go Okay so we've got the harness here and uh I've spent a good couple hours cleaning and vacuuming and and uh getting rid of all the crap at the bottom here but this harness still goes underneath the engine doesn't go to that computer it disappears off into the side there and it is still buried in a pile of dirt I can't really get at it so they must lay the harness in the in the machine first and then they plunk the engine and go as it goes down the assembly line not really thinking that you're ever going to pull this harness out so I'm gonna strip it as best as I can here and clean this up here because I know I I think what happened was the mice chewed it they pulled on this harness here and uh disrupted this fuse this was down by the battery down there it's a 60 amp fuse and that feeds an entire fuse box so you can see how corroded and dirty and crappy this thing is so we'll clean that up the one I broke the one terminal off this one but the other one that's the reason why it won't run I'm 90 sure so I'm gonna clean this up I'm gonna replace this fuse I've got a 60 amp fuse left over for one of the painless kits so we're going to throw that in and uh I'm just going to take all this Loom off that was Disturbed and make sure that the wiring is clean I ordered from Amazon just a bunch of these Spade connectors so we can replace the corroded ones and uh get rid of this wiring luckily he left me enough wire that this is where the black wire went this is where the black wire went this is where the orange wire went to there and then he was poking around and a bunch of wires here so this one I gotta clean that up but anyway I'll clean all these up get rid of the ones that are all corroded and uh we'll be laughing either from Insanity or laughing because we're going to be doing wheelies in this nice track machine so here we go okay so this must be where the the mice chewed through there's a whole bunch of spade or butt connectors there I just don't understand what the thinking was here because we've got red wire not heat shrinked all the way into a white wire to back to the red but the red is actually long enough to touch so they've made extra connections there for no reason we got Orange going to red and then back to Orange again and we've got little white wire in between the red wires um and this doesn't need to be in here and then not all of them are heat shrunk uh they're closed but like this is where the moisture gets in and then rots it away found a couple more connections down here with bare wires there on my thumb there so I'm going to replace that and I it's pretty straightforward on the fuse box of course I got the wrong ones they don't fit you know but on the fuse box all he did was put this to another um relay somewhere so we got the wire coming from the fuse going to the relay and then this goes to the red wire that's the relay and the ground and then the trigger so I might just put a relay on it just like he did just to make sure it's working and try to order the Spade terminals again instead of using these two I can move the relay over I don't even have to pull those Spade terminals out and I can use these two in this too and um just plug those off and then move my relay over one speed and then I just have to plug them into the back of the thing and try to keep it nice and neat so we'll clean all that up with some proper uh crimpers and proper butt connectors and heat shrink and we'll tidy that up I don't think it's past saving I just gotta make sure that the numbers match on the wires from one end to the next and that it's going where it's supposed to go on okay so I cut all this stuff out and then some I threw it around um stuff like this is terrible it wasn't even covered up just twist it together and that was underneath the tape and then a whole bunch of like these ones that's why we're changing colors and have three connectors there's actually another one right about here I don't know what happened there it looks much neater now we've got everything kind of tied away into one thing to fixed all the wiring issues down below here we'll tie this up and then we're going to loom it because if there is a problem I'm buying a new harness um that was a probably the better part of a day to fix all this with the relay and that so um I'm not gonna chase my tail anymore every time we do one of these connections it leaves room for moisture to get and cause problems later no they use these heat shrink terminals which I do like I've used them but this is not the right machine for that because when you crimp them you do crimp them with these guys these guys do a good job and it does crimp it nicely in in that little Hollow but occasionally you do poke a hole in the sheathing um and that leaves room for moisture to getting again so I do prefer these guys um steel or aluminum as long as they are a solid one piece they come in a lot different sizes so you can go to the different gauges and stack wires if you have to because in the in the factory harness they've got lots of Stack wires lots of Reds feed the same thing and lots of of oranges feed the same thing like this that's a factory one so with that you can do a really nice crimp on these ones uh using these pliers um they do like a four-sided crimp uh looks like when you jam it in there nice and tight I don't know if it's even supposed to be like that but um not sure where I got these from kool-aids but um then you put your shrink wrap over top um we got a whole container full then there's no chance of wrecking the sheathing so I thought good luck with that again this machine is in water mud and dirt all the time so you want to do a good job take your time and grab the other harness put everything back the way it was plug everything back in again and then um we'll see if it fires up here we go so the harness down here it's pretty well tied tied up and cleaned up I found two bad rotten connections on two main terminals including this massive fuse on one of them so place the ends on them clean them up nice that was this main relay as a massive relay so that was broken the main battery cable for this harness was broken so I replaced then a nice new heat shrunk end on that those were still attached but just barely and then this was the main cable that was rotten this one feeds that same fuse so for that um bigger terminal so that's the two two gauge slide that on and then crimp it I do like this kit this was off Amazon just hydraulic pump with different dies on it different sizes that would just squeeze that fitting um it's a six-sided crimp on it and that and some more shrink tube and positive colors and that's all cleaned up I'm going to go over this harness coming up the front um there's a couple wires that went underneath um this thing I don't want to pull all that apart I can work on it fine out here it's a beautiful day and a couple things I noticed already this red terminal here if you can see that doesn't actually make it all the way to the end um that's all rotten so I'll pull that out clean those up basically just pull the tape off and make sure that this is the factory tape which is probably fine there's nothing going on underneath there that from here over has been touched so just peel that off and take a look at what's going on underneath blow all these nice and clean put a little bit of electric grease on there and then plug everything back in again that's the best we can do and hopefully that fixes it so things like this are like the most impossible thing to diagnose because that would not hold a spade at all but would sometimes work and then sometimes it won't work depending on the way it's leaning or how much moisture is in the air or whatever so now we'll replace all those with the new holder as a special holder that you slide this out and that's what pulls the spade out but I'll just put the pop-in connections on and there was no relay in here but I'll put one in because I'm sure it does something and it's probably meant to turn something on there we go I have everything plugged back again again kind of roughly laying there neatly but I did not get my Lumen time so I didn't Loom it um it doesn't take that long now that I know where everything's kind of rooted everything's still labeled I can uh just grab it again and Tuck that away and Loom this up nicely nice and neat but I want to tip the cab back and see if it actually does anything so this is the exciting part of the job because right now I've done everything perfect everything I feel confident about everything I'm happy and I haven't I'm not upset that it's not even cranking over um we'll see if it fires up I think I found a couple problems that would stop I think found about four problems that would keep this thing from starting I think I got them I wouldn't have been able to find those without pulling the harness completely apart and out of the machine so I'm glad I don't regret anything as of yet it's good let's see see how I feel in about 20 minutes here we go [Music] everyone nice well at least it's turning over now another safety thanks smoking battery's dead all right we got we got ignition for something's cranking battery's pretty low we'll try again no smoke [Music] [Music] okay so we have a cranking turning over um but only some of these fuses are active are live so what I did was um even though it doesn't have a key switch there's a plug for a key so if I if I jump from here to the center one it cranks over turns over so that does the same thing as when I hit the start button here but if I if I jump it from there to what I think is the ignition the rest of these relays come live and the fuse is a lot more fuses turned on so what I need to do is hear the fuel pump kick on it's just a little primer pump and then I know that um it's live now there's a big relay here at the back that one that I fixed all the plugs on but um it uh I don't know if it's turning on or not and it's hard to check because you got to sit in the seat and do a bunch of stuff so I also hot wired this one so I just took the the terminal see that little wire there I don't know if you can see it I just jumped it I tried to start it and same thing and looking the only relay that didn't turn on was this one so these three relays are all live and I think this one is your main ignition so I'm going to jump this one I figured out which one was the ground which was the one in the corner here I'm gonna jump it across and see if it turns on and then see if I've got power so there we go it should sit in the seat and it should beep okay that's good now my seatbelt light is flashing so to make sure that the seat belt is working basically just plug it in yeah there we go okay so the seat light belt went off but I need to see the glow plug light come on and probably some other stuff so if I do back into ignition here okay I can hear these relays turning on so that's like putting your key on but I still don't have the glow plug so I got my wire oh I hear the injection I hear that fuel pump I see my glow plug light is on that's good sounds beeping I don't know [Music] nice parking brake switch does that work it's alive parking brake is still on turn off parking brake I hit the operate button so I guess we got to work against dude nice woohoo oh now you know what this means is that Andy helped us fix the 95 and the 55 so the deal is uh he can grab that whatever he wants go on a date with his wife in the 55 or use the 95 for driving around but that also means that now that I fix this I don't have to bill him for this I got free rental on a skid steer whenever I need it oh that is exciting nice now I just gotta figure out what's doing what so if I don't do this one everything's dead I wonder if I get up okay so that lights that up again parking's on if I jump it again okay so a seat belt so even I don't hear the the pump running the only way to shut it off is with that so let's go back and plug that relay back in again and see if that's it maybe I don't know it just Funk it really in still does nothing so that really has nothing but wondering if I want to turn this over because when I do that I I think I heard the relay in the back turn on yeah glow plug light is on so right now I can't turn it off that sucks so there is still an issue and this one is irrelevant well I can make it relevant by getting the key switch for this putting it in that hole and just running a wire from there to this fuse box to turn that relay on it's kind of cheating but it will work all right so here's the game plan I'm going to pull it into the shot where it's out of the rain and out of the sun pull my harness again trace the wire from that relay that's supposed to turn that relay on and see where that wire goes then I'm going to loom everything because I think my wiring harness is good enough maybe we'll get the lights make sure the lights are working the fans working tidy everything back up again and start moving some dirt here we go nice we got a fan oh sweetness [Music] [Applause] [Music] I don't know if you can really see all the crap that came out this was a nice driveway at some point and just the amount of dirt that came out of the bottom of that is stupid design terrible oh that's cleanup okay I got my loom so we're ready to tidy this up um but I'm gonna cheat so that relay for the main ignition is not coming on I don't know why but um there's one thing I do know is that this wiring is absolutely terrible not that mice have chewed on it and somebody's hacked it from Factory this wiring is a disaster now there's lots of videos on YouTube about um the atrocities that the New Holland engineer designed this thing for because we've got a mechanical engine with mechanical injection mechanical controls and we have 50 miles of wiring in the sink completely unnecessary completely completely a disaster if I was in that uh meeting with the engineers that designed the wiring so feelings would be hurt because there would be some yelling there's no reason to have this many wires running that simple of controls we've got we've got two fuse boxes and horrible locations we've got a main circuit breaker buried in the mud this whoever designed this needs a kick in the head and it will only make them smarter what I'm gonna do is I while I already install the key switch here so that key I'm going to run a single wire to that relay I'm going to jump it at the bottom of the relay and turn that relay on with my key power this will turn the turn the ignition on and off um so that allows you to actually start it from here too if you want or you can use these controls and understand why it didn't have a key to begin with some of these have codes that you can put in you gotta hold like six different buttons and and trying to explain that to somebody who just wants to get in and give you a hand for a Saturday on how to start this thing with a code and whatnot there's a key turn the key on start it and when you're done with it you just turn it off so we're going to run that nice and neatly down into the loom we're going to cover that so if anybody opens this up they'll be like okay well that's what happened we'll button everything back up again put all the screws back in it again I already put this back in again found a couple screws kicking around thanks to the neighbor for dropping off the Box because these were odd threads but I got them so it saves me a trip into town and uh make this nice and neat and we'll fire this thing up in the afternoon and do some work with it see what else is running [Music] oh this is the handle that releases the safety and she sees solid but it is just the roll pins that hold this on so we'll knock that out clean that up never sees it put that back on because this goes the wiring kind of goes through here I kind of want to do this before the wiring gets in the way so um yeah another stupid idea why would you have a collar that long that's obviously going to seize [Music] it's a good time I actually brought the 55 and uh I haven't actually tried it yet I don't know if I fixed the relay issue but hop in there and see if it makes a noise fired up I got the safety figured out I'll close the hats at the back okay so turn the key on there so you gotta put your seatbelt on you can flip it behind you like on that button there you mean yeah [Music] yeah you got Hydraulics working yep so now you can lift up on your arms and then pull on this handle back here that should retract your pins when you drop your bucket down that's the first time the bucket will be down and I don't know a year right right the Hydraulics like sag right yeah so now you can pull your PIN hold on I've been a while uh like you are using your main muscles hers like a kitten eh like it sounds good yeah I'm gonna put on like a thousand hours in the next like [Music] do that [Music] no I got you all right the rest of me [Music] he's just nervous because he's on camera [Music] not meant to be meant to be oh man this is exciting that was great timing is your heart pounding no I'm really excited to sweat too much back up straight back Ride Along give her some throttle no no you're foreign we got her going it's not on fire yet so that's good um but uh we got to go over the entire thing yet figure out what works and what doesn't so I gotta hook up that relay to get it to work off the key and that shouldn't be a big deal I must have just hit the wrong prong um we'll get that figured out but full service make sure that the high and the low speed works and everything else but I think Andy's I think Andy's happy so um wiring I don't know what to say hopefully you guys learned something off of this hopefully some of you guys can get something out of this video but uh I think Andy's uh I think Andy's happy I gotta get going on the tank the guys from the museum are coming to look at the sherminator go over that with us so so um lots of good stuff coming up that was a fun project it took about a week but uh yeah I'm happy and I think Andy's happened so remember if you're not filthy you're not rich get out there and work on it here we go
Channel: DGHD
Views: 117,024
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: deboss garage, new holland skid steer, new holland c232, c232 skid steer, skid steer fix, skid steer electrical fix, skid steer wriing, new holland wiring, new holland wiring fix, c232 wiring
Id: YwufYu6p5FM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 52sec (2452 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 06 2023
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