Everything Wrong With New Holland C232 Skid Steer

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okay so I'm bring I'm really bringing it down around here qual quality is taking a beating but Ingenuity is picking way up the last thing I said before the camera went on was like we could just get a paper clip so that we could just use that as a connector for light switch but so in this episode we're fixing everything that's wrong with our c232 and there's there there's a growing list so um but that's what you get when you buy something that you don't even know runs so here we go [Music] all right so first things first we're going to bring it inside and service it because uh in servicing it we might be able to find some other things but air filter oil filter hydraulic filter um that filter which is about to rest through um and grease it and a few other things so um it'll be a full video on kind of going over everything there is to go over because Andy needs it like really bad now so and it's like obviously you bought a toy you want to use it so well yeah but uh I just took a look and I have to have a lot of uh grass in the yard leveled out so drive over it with a bulldozer bul is either that or tank but you're working on the tank I think this thing's running almost so we'll just do a service on this instead of the tank sounds [Music] good all right see if we can love this [Music] thing here hold hold on hold on Andy let me get my chain first just in [Music] case [Music] we got her there you go it you almost got it you got it now it back you got [Applause] her I I about uh 10 minutes on this machine you don't trust me [Music] yet so that's the Lim mod the heat's not up no well that's odd yeah so so see that like as soon as you put the Hydraulics off it revs up let me try this try it now no alarm what's that what's that now I got a uh you have hydraulics or no yeah okay BR it in say parking brakes on what's that says parking brakes on uh keep going it might it might stop you that's good all the way up okay so we grabbed one block there from across the road that I need for the uh um low boy and ran into a couple ises one it's not revving up very fast so I think that is on the pump and there's a set screw on the throttle and you can see it's turned in all the way so this little knob right here is pushing up against this plate so when you're pulling on the spring you're not get in full travel so we'll back that off we'll give her a little bit extra RPM because even in high speed it travels pretty slow now it's also um it's got a it's got a weird issue where um when the Hydraulics are on uh when you hit this the temperature will shoot up and then it'll go into a limp mode it'll start cutting back and then if you push it so the Hydraulics are off temperature will go right back to where it's supposed to be and um it won't go into limp mode and the voltage reads like 4 volts and I know it's not 4 volts cuz it wouldn't run off that so we're going to check our uh voltmeter just to make sure maybe there's a bad ground on just this system right here um and the fuel gauge isn't working either so no fuel gauge temperature gauge is off and the voltage is off too so the fact that everything's kind of in here makes me think that there's an issue here but we'll still um do everything carry on with the service and everything that first so there we go okay Andy's done the air filter and it was wrecked full of mud so he's thinking that the thing was completely buried at some point um I'm doing the final drive so you want this level um you got your drain plug and your fill plug so it actually smells pretty good we'll change it anyway but basically drain it at the bottom um crack your top one and then uh this is like the worst smelling stuff that you can imagine when it's actually worn um and then fill the 8090 just so it comes out here don't overfill it um everybody wants to put that extra little bit in there but this does not take much oil and doesn't need much oil but if you overfill it you'll push it out the seal um plain and simple it needs to expand in here and contract again and when there's no air to do that with um it will just push it out the seal and then you're thinking you got to seal when all you did was add too much oil so level to the bottom of the plug got the hydraulic filter yeah good this is your fuel filter the fuel it's here somewhere but we need that small one for here but um for it overheating um and you notice that this is kinked and it's kinked down there and this hose supposed to be on that side so that is a problem that looks like it bur that's drawing all right so sometimes a lot of oil comes out when you spin that out if you crack it that's really handy so like the engineers that work that design this thing man yeah thank you I don't do we get that super tight in there put it in the mud so it rots away yeah and people don't even know it's there I think I can get it this way okay smash your fingers oh yeah it'll be a slow move no all right let me see even like that your wrench hits the wow that is just dumb it's still all dirt behind there too oh man like a lot of dirt yeah that's piled up behind that filter change the filter and just squeeze some dirt in there oh yeah oh it's just the engine oil I think that's just engine oil so yeah good that your engine I hope that's not your hydraulic oil you're trouble man did you drain the engine oil yet no no the your engine oil won't go through your oil filter housing not unless it's under pressure oh got so we're okay with this we're okay I going I'm going to try and clean [Music] that [Music] it built its own seal yeah I don't know this is never ever leak from there not one drop ever hit the ground just built a solid mud foil seal yeah like you can see how much has rotted away from this housing like this is all it's supposed to be nice straight edge and then it just like it just gets eaten away from being in the mud like where the oil filter where the rubber sits up against is still okay but man oh man engine oil filter check [Music] y [Music] a [Music] okay oil change um hydraulic oil filter change we've got fuel filter changed we got to do the other two yet we got to tip the cab up but I want to see if this hose being kinked fix the uh overheating warning um and I'm throwing it into the LMP mode check the AA level after we fire it [Music] up no leaks see what it's like revving it up that sounds better I turned it out about two turns that sounds uh much better in the RPM range it's probably 1,800 compared to the 1500 before check the oil adjust as necessary the r but yeah and then we'll go uh before it gets dark I'll grab a couple more stones and see if that does it um we'll go back we'll grease it and go from [Music] there gu I was able to grab two stones and it was still doing it so I unplugged the temperature sensor but it was still doing it so I still got a reading so maybe it's this one so I'm going to unhook this wire as well that could be there a glow plug is that my glow plug uh no I don't think so I'm going to unplug that and see if that changes my temperature give me it a Lim mold okay so now sitting in the seat all of them are zero so let's turn it [Music] on oh turn my key on so now it's not reading why is it counting down okay so my bolts are still all over the place now it's counting down we'll give that a go see if that changes anything see if I go to a lift mode Andy really just wants to use it I know there's a problem but I got to look into that a little bit more black ho [Music] [Music] all right so Andy's got the covers back on the sides uh these clips are all different we got a couple bolts in there um those threads are stripped in the side plate but Andy's going to take care of that I tied up everything on the uh engine side there and then finally bolted these down uh these screws are all broken so just self tapped them here and then put the screws in the backside there so they shouldn't go anywhere um there's still lots that I need to do to this thing but I need to also find the time to do it so the meantime Andy's going to take it and then I'm going to take it back in the fall and do some landscaping around my place and then you write a list in the meantime of everything that works and doesn't work and what the quirks are on how to uh get this thing back up to fire again like a report like a report yeah I can report back to you all right in the meantime don't break anything else yeah if you guys know what's going on with the voltmeter and the uh fuel gauge and the thing cutting out for now it seems to be working if you once it starts cutting out you just turn the Hydraulics off but the Hydraulics still work and then it idles fine and revs up fine so it's a troubl machine but it's still an awesome machine at the same time so there we go I got uh some Pine logs that I cut down uh last fall uh so I just got Pine here right now that's going to be going in and uh Rich has some white oak um so I'm going to bring that all in at once hopefully next week or two we got uh some mil Lumber and uh Rich can get the the drop deck uh put back together and put a little bit in the back to 55 all right here we go not even struggling for all you New Holland heads I need you to chime in here help me out the New Holland heads hollanders the New hollanders Holland heads whatever you guys are called um need you to help me out when I started up I get a little bit of arrogance from this computer board it might just be the uh all the electronics in there but when I started up it's got a whole bunch of uh things that it's mad at me about the there's a couple errors that stay on there for a while and then I have to hit this button in the bottom corner to give me all my Hydraulics but once driving around for maybe minute 2 minutes with it it locks right up and I if I hit the parking brake parking brake says it's on but it's not really on but that settles everything down allows me to uh use all the Hydraulics again so that one's a weird one the other fun one that I found with it as I'm going along once I put it into rabbit mode second gear bombing along I'm going to go to a pile to move something around all of a sudden it just goes boom stop sign everything lights up seat belt kicks in I lock up try to keep myself inside the cab then I get back I got to restart it so I don't know if I'm bouncing and something's making contact short note rich and I were talking about it that could be uh something that's going on so if anyone's had that issue with these new Hollands let me know or those cases that are similar to it so with most machine fuel filters they're easy to find and a buddy even though I did it with Rich and I remembered that it was a that couldn't find it I should have went back to the video I didn't looked around so take a look anyone can anyone tell me where the fuel filter is it's here it's hanging out so there's the inline fuel filter over there so we had switched that out already so I'm look for the fuel lines fuel lines it said Rich do you remember where it was he said it was in a real silly spot right over there right over there it's in the door so as you're looking over here trying to find it swearing and all ticked off because you can't find this Twist on fuel filter lo and behold right over here so I think I ran our low the other day might have got a little bit of moisture in her a little bit of dirt gave her a little little drain out the bottom I don't think anyone ever really does that but get some of the stuff out of the bottom um other than that pretty solid machine it lifts a ton of weight I filled a scrap bin with it um lifts a full car maybe 3500 4,000 lb right up in the air no problem fill it with anything you want and it'll pick it up uh so I think it needs probably a bigger bucket got to get some forks for it uh but yeah pretty versatile pretty fun so far yeah I think she's a keeper all right guys you what Rich says if you're not filthy you're not rich and I'm not rich I'm Andy so and I'm not filthy so I'm Andy so if you're not filthy you're Andy there we [Music] go come here come here a
Channel: DGHD
Views: 72,920
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: deboss garage, new holland skid steer, new holland c232, c232 skid steer, skid steer fix, skid steer electrical fix, skid steer wriing, new holland wiring, new holland wiring fix, c232 wiring
Id: 340jc5_AZok
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 59sec (1259 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 09 2023
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