*NEW* Hidden File & OS settings for higher FPS and better Audio in Warzone 3

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okay there were quite a few people asking in the comments on my YouTube videos and even more people asking on my twitch chat about what settings I'm running so here's a full video on all my settings and also what I've done in my windows and game files to tune the game to run as well as it does on a 2-year-old rig and I will also include the audio I've seen a lot of questions about that too but let's start with the most important thing of all in my opinion the game files and how to alter them to locate the file that we're going to change these settings in you're going to go to your PC go into documents click the Call of Duty folder go in on players and locate options for COD 23 click that by the way if this isn't already a notepad file for you you simply just choose to open with notepad and then it should look like this here's the first one that always gave us a nice boost in fps in the previous titles and it's the thread count for handling the job queue if you don't know what CPU you have that is easy to find out go to task manager go to Performance name of your CPU is right here even the amount of course so my CPU has 16 but it is an Intel processor and half of the course are e so I used to run this at eight however now I find that 15 is okay and I've been running it at that besides these two settings there are actually quite a few more to alter now to gain a significant boost on your frame rate the first one we're going to alter is AI corpses to find this you simply search for it by pressing crlf type in AI Corp sess and go ahead and set this down to zero next option is right underneath show blood put it to false put the blood limit to true then the next setting is one limit in blood effects number Mill between effects blood limit interval put it down to one after that we're going to search corpse again and it's going to show us the corps is calling threshold can move that all the way down to 0.5 it's actually better to just copy what you see here if it's there to make sure you have the right amount of zeros and so on by the way the search function in here can be a bit of a pain it doesn't work the same as on Google Chrome or whatever so click up here before you do the next search we're going to search for texture and we're going to locate the texture filtering quality level right here this doesn't really really improve much if you're on a high-end rig but I still want to keep mine to linear this is not something you can change in the game we're going to go back up before we search for the next and we're going to put in cat mul cat mull Clark subdivision level put that to zero that's that next is sun shadow most of the stuff is pretty straightforward you want to put everything to as low as as possible I still advise you to actually just copy paste from the Alternatives here to make sure that something isn't misspelled moving on to reflect reflection reflection probe lightning update stages is set to four we're going to put that all the way down to one next we put in static static sun shadow clip map resolution take that completely out at zero then put in Virtual search now change that from small or whatever default your setting might be on put in extra small then type in GPU upload heaps to true this is on True by default but make sure it is and this is interesting because this has to do with resizable bar which is something you change in BIOS a lot of people have been saying that you need to turn this off for War Zone 3 but if you make sure that this is on true and you have resizable bar enabled you should be good the final piece is right underneath here I do not know why it why it says fer but you want to put this to false nobody likes motion blur especially when Landing in and moving so now exit it hit save and what I like to do even though you don't have to do it anymore is go into properties and put it to read only last time I made a video like this I saw a lot of comments of people who were nervous or paranoid that they could get banned for changing these settings do not worry you are only changing game settings you're fine also if something would happen that you don't like you can just delete the file and Call of Duty will restore the original so go nuts try everything try some other things I'm open to tips Tell Me Something in the comments that I missed once we're done with that part we can move on to the Windows settings go to the Windows button type in graphics click on Graphics settings there's a lot of debate about the hardware accelerated GPU scheduling whether it should be on or off I've always kept mine on but some people argued that your game ran better with it off I think this differs from rig to rig however in Earth extent it seems to benefit everyone to run it on but go ahead and try which works best for you you can also go in here and put in a graphic performance preference on your game by doing that you just browse wherever you installed Call of Duty put it in here put on options choose high performance hit save go into game mode make sure that that's on Game Bar hit game bar settings make sure that that is off also go and hit power go into power and sleep settings additional power settings run it on high performance balanced is also fine you're probably wondering what bits and highest performances it's basically the same as high performance with a few little tweaks the reason I use it like this is because I use an app called process lasso which I use to set up different apps games and so on to have different Power plans so when I'm closing everything down like OBS it'll automatically put on power saver next up is the Nvidia set settings and I'm only going to cover the Nvidia settings because I haven't had an AMD card in over a decade in here you go into manage 3D settings there's only really one setting you want to change here and it's the Shader cach a size you also want to make sure that you have 100 GB available on that drive for the game you have installed the reason you got to do this in global settings is because there is no options for it in the game settings while in the game I don't know what I don't know why7 Legends of fear I've never played that game in my life but for some reason it was there go and find Modern Warfare 3 there is a ton of them here apparently locate the Modern Warfare 3 2023 cod. XE file I used to tweak a lot more things here but you can just look at these settings uh power management mode maximum performance could probably help but what's the most important here is to put low latency mode on Ultra here if you are running low latency mode plus boost in game the reason for that is because the global setting here is actually set to off these the settings I've actually changed here are wants to the settings here why is it on James Bond bro cod. XE uh okay uh well you know what I don't know why it says this and why it won't move from it but let's pretend that it says cod. XE and you don't have the same issue as me because I know that I set changed these settings these settings inside the program settings are mainly just to override the global settings as you can see here some of these global settings are actually set to power manage mode is normal for an example so the most important setting here as I said low latency mode is actually set to off here in the global settings so you don't want to use the global settings for your game here put it to ultra for War Zone on for multiplayer make sure you have the same settings in game not sure if it matters though cuz this setting I'm pretty sure will override whatever you set the game to power manage mode to maximum performance maximum performance on texture filter cing high performance triling optimization on threaded optimization on and we're done here I have some input on a little side note if you're streaming from the same PC or using any other app like Discord that has the Hardware acceleration alternative if you're playing a battle royale like war zone you want to have this on there's so many guides telling you to turn this off but what Hardware acceleration means is that you're using your GPU if you're not using it it's going to use your CPU and you should know by now that war zone is CPU bound and not GPU bound so make sure to actually use Hardware acceleration on any app that you are running on the side of your game always unless you're playing multiplayer on high settings make sure to leave this on we have some more performance tws to do but let's dive into the audio first when it comes to audio most of you should probably by now have heard about something called loudness Equalization to change this on Windows 10 which I'm on choose whatever device you're using your game for go into enhancements click on loudness Equalization you can also change different levels I like to keep mine here but each of his own and it might differ from rig to rig headset to headset and so on we might as well start with the least important setting when it comes to audio that everybody's talking about but it's kind of pointless because what this is actually is is just equalizer settings I use home theater and this is not what people say is the best even though I don't think it matters PC speaker is allegedly the best I prefer home theater I started using this all the way back in verdansk a lot of you wanted my audio settings so that's what I use what actually does matter the most is not a setting it is a perk hopefully have heard about this by now I didn't even know I was running this perk I heard about it and I didn't care cuz my audio was fine but turns out that the flex perk is the most prominent part here that gives me that audio that makes people accuse me of wall hacking in my videos I don't know exactly what it does but I I guess it reduces combat nose and with loudness Equalization maybe it enhances footsteps while reducing combat noise the reason I started using this is because my play style is very aggressive in solos and as you know there are a lot of rats and solos placing out Claymores and mines and stuff and with this perk you hear a beep and they do not explode right away and that's the only reason I actually started using it so I might have unintentionally lied to some people asking me while I was live streaming that I was not using the perk but it turns out I was I just didn't know it was this perk we might as well go through our graphic settings while in here and we're not going to be too slow what you're going to do is you're just going to put on minimum here then there are a few things you want to change but we're not going to go through that and drag out time I'm gonna just slowly scroll through here and you can just pause the video every now and then and just copy these settings right off if that's what you want some audio expert once told me that it's better to keep it not at 100% so I keep mine at 99 dialogue at 50 cuz that guy's southern accent is kind of annoying voice chat at 40 because this game is full of degenerates who don't know how to turn their mic off or even know that it's on and that's that I'm not going to bore you too much with it I'm just going to scroll through it and you can pause and copy whatever you like yes I do run Legacy instead of relative I've made a couple of videos on why this is useful back in war zone 2 or in almaza you want to check those videos out there's a playlist for them in my channel so have fun enjoy that here are my keybinds yeah I just use an extra prone keybind here because I find it easier sometimes to dive while running off a ledge while sprinting and so on we're just going to scroll through it real fast for those who wanted to know this game play there you go there I hope that clear some things out for some of you and if you're new in here I generally upload gameplay daily on YouTube right now so if you like that kind of stuff it's mostly solos in arstan feel free to drop a sub of course drop by on Twitch I'll leave a link in the description below for that as well I'm live weekdays and before you go please leave a like on the video to help the channel out have a great rest of your day
Channel: attursson
Views: 30,300
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: frames, performance, max, boost, framerate, Warzone 3, Urzikstan, stability, Increase
Id: Xi4wgqqGvYY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 51sec (651 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 08 2024
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