BEST Warzone MW3 MWZ PC Graphics Settings Guide! (Optimize MAX FPS and Visibility)

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War Zone 3 just launched and with that comes another settings and optimization guide I'm going to show you how I gained over 100 FPS from this to this with just some simple tweaks in the in-game settings config file settings Windows settings and Nvidia control panel settings if this video helps you out smash that like button and let me know down in the comments below also less than 3% of you guys that actually watch my videos are actually subscribed to the channel so please consider subscribing so you don't miss out on any of my future videos with all that out of the way let's get right into it first thing we're going to take a look at is making sure you have your FPS T counter your GPU time and your CPU time enabled that way you can actually tell what these changes are doing and how it's improving and telling between uh if you're GPU limited or if you're CPU limited or bottleneck so the way to do that is to click on the settings Cog wheel up here you're going to go ahead and click on interface once you're at the interface tab you're going to go ahead and scroll down until you see Telemetry in here you're going to open up this show more option from here you're going to want to make sure FPS is checked on graphics card time is checked on and processor time is checked on I usually recommend actually having all of these on except you know whatever ones you don't necessarily want but they give a lot of good information to make sure your system's running properly but by the bare minimum I'd highly recommend having the FPS the GPU time and the CPU time set and the way to tell if you're limited is if your GPU time is greater than your CPU time so for example if my GPU time was 10 milliseconds and my CPU time was 5 milliseconds I would be GP limited by two times 2x vice versa like in this situation when I'm in the main menu which this obviously is not a good example of in-game performance but in-game if my CPU time was six five or six like it is here my GPU time was three then I'd be CPU limited so that just gives you information on what you need to to optimize what you need to fix what you need to adjust and what you might need to uh actually replace in your system if you want to replace and upgrade your Hardware so just some things to keep in mind there what we're going to go ahead and do is click on these settings a cog wheel up here scroll down to the graphics settings and from here we're going to see the display tab going to be the first one we're going to look at for display mode I personally run full screen borderless because I stream on Twitch and I'm tabbing out of my game all the time this helps it to make sure that you don't have any issues when it comes to uh stutters or the game crashing or anything like that uh but if you don't tab out or anything like that for the best FPS and the best input latency you're going to want to have this on full screen exclusive but for now I'm going to leave this on full screen borderless display monitor should just be a regular gaming monitor I game on my Dell so I'm going to go ahead and click on that for displayed adapter this should it be your dedicated graphics card so if you have integrated Graphics from your CPU you definitely want to make sure it's set to your graphics card uh for refresh rate and display resolution these are going to be locked if you're on full screen border list so if they're locked for you you can go to full screen exclusive set this to the highest options that you have uh minus 1440p as well as 165 htz but if you're on full screen exclusive you can set that that way full screen it should automatically set it for aspect ratio this should be set to automatic for most people unless you're on a widescreen display like you can see here but again if you're on a wide screen display it should automatically set that for you when it's set to automatic but if not if you want to do it manually you can set this yourself this is a super super important setting the restart shaders pre-loading and going to go ahead and click on this and delete the Shader cache and restart pre-loading so anytime you do any major settings resets or changes or anything like that you always want to restart your shaders so go ahead and click yes for the restart there display gamma should be set to 2.2 if you're on a monitor 2.4 I believe is for TVs so pretty much everybody on PC should be set to 2.2 but consoles should be a little different for that scrolling down in brightness this is going to be personal preference I personally uh run mine on 5 but again this is going to be based off your own monitor your monitor settings all that kind of stuff going down further constrain Mouse to game window this should be turned off uh if you have multiple screens and stuff like that Nvidia reflex low latency this one's really going to depend on your own personal setup I usually always recommend on and booster for most people because it's going to do exactly what on does but it's going to keep your GPU frequencies high in case you do hit those CPU bottlenecks which most people tend to do uh the way you can tell that is by the GPU time and CPU time when you're actually in a game not in the menu but when you're in game if your GPU time is consistently higher than your CPU time then you can probably leave this on if your CPU time is consistently higher than your GPU time and you want to put this to on and boosted for eco mode preset I generally run this on low consumption it doesn't do anything other than what's in the menu uh so me personally I like to run this on low consumption for vsync you want to make sure this is turned off frame rate I personally like to run it on custom but you can run it on liit unlimited if you want to I just don't like to run unlimited all the time because when you're in menus your GPU is just running rampant so what I'll usually do is hit custom go down change this to 300 I'll change this e Either Leave it to 60 or I change it to 50 to even get lower temperatures and less power consumption this way I personally run myself for Focus mode you definitely want to make sure this is turned off to make sure cuz you actually lose quite a bit of FPS with Focus mode on so's go ahead and set all of that once it's all set you'll see this little bottom button here that says apply go ahead and click apply and then we'll go and move on to the Quality tab from the quality tab uh my my default sets to extreme so we're going to want to change this for sure so hit that drop down and change it to minimum is going to be the easiest way to make sure most of the settings are already preset for you when you do that your render resolution may change you want to make sure this is set to 100 if for whatever reason this is locked more than likely it's because you have an upscale or sharpening enabled that isn't Fidelity FX C so what you're going to want to go ahead and do is scroll down this little menu here and either choose off or Fidelity FX Cass I highly highly recommend Fidelity FX Cass if you have enough fps to spare because it makes the game look incredibly sharp and just makes overall visibility way way better so yeah I'd recommend Fidel FX C for most people if you really struggling to FPS and your GPU time when you're in game is really really high I'm saying like double or triple whatever your CPU time is then you may want to consider if you have a Nvidia GPU card consider dlss uh or Nvidia image scaling if you have an AMD card am AMD FSR 1.0 or 2.0 works well Intel xes you can give those all a try uh but again for the most Clarity and sharpness i' highly recommend running Fidelity FX Cass that should unlock this for you so just make sure that's set to 100 for the the upscale sharpening I make sure this is at set to 100 this is personal preference but I prefer my game to be nice and sharp so I set that to 100 uh Dynamic resolution should be set off this is only for people that are really really struggling to get FPS and again I'd probably recommend running dlss um or any of the other upscaling options over Dynamic resolution because it's going to make your game look pretty bad with Dynamic resolution for path tracing and array reconstruction I highly recommend turning this off if you're looking for performance if we were talking the campaign or anything like that then I would probably maybe look into this uh but even then it is such a performance penalty that unless you have like a 4090 it's not really worth it uh so just make sure these are all set to uh to set to off there vram scale uh by default mine was set to 90 for whatever reason with these settings that I'm going to have because I have 12 gigs of vram um I could probably get away with running probably 60 or 70 I've been running 80 on mine and a bunch of other people's builds and that seems to work for the most part but if you are seeming to struggle with your vrm allocation you can raise this up a little bit but I'd recommend 80 for most people variable rate shading I'm going to recommend turning this on um now what this does essentially is it lowers the quality of textures on the outside of your screen uh a little bit so that when you're running and you're looking down the center of your screen like most people do uh you're not really focusing on the edge of your the Ed very very edge of your monitor so it changes the the shaders and stuff that are on the edge there um and it's very very minor and not really noticeable as far as visual quality but when it comes to FPS this is a huge huge bump so I highly recommend running variable rate shading scrolling down from there texture resolution uh this is going to be it's not really an FPS hog unless you run out of vrm so you can see how much it jumps up every single time I move to another option uh these are going to really limit you if you have uh not a lot of vram here so for very low I'd recommend this for graphics cards that have less either 6 GB or less uh low I'd recommend for cards that have 8 GB or less normal I'd say for 12 GB or less and high unless you have uh something like 16 to 24 GB um again the difference between very low and high if you have enough vram is only about 5 FPS but if you don't have enough vram and you run normal or high you're going to significantly cut your FPS so just again very low low normal and high just depending on what your vram allocation is uh texture filter an esotropic this is actually going to change in the config file but so just leave this on low depth of field should definitely be off detail quality level should be set to low particle resolution should be set to very low bullet impact should be turned off persistent effects should be turned off scrolling down Shader quality should be set to low onand texture streaming should definitely be turned off local texture streaming quality should be set to low scrolling down Shadow quality should be set to very low screen space Shadow should be set to off ambient inclusion to off screen space Reflections off Static reflection quality should be set to low tessellation should be set to off volumetric quality should be set to low deferred physics quality should be off weather good volumes change this to off and water quality we're going to turn that off and go ahead and hit that apply settings button uh and confirm from there we're going to go to the view tab field of view a lot of this is just personal preference I because I'm on a 1440p monitor and a 27 in monitor like to run 120 fov uh but most people run this between 95 to about 110 depending on uh your screen size your resolution all that kind of stuff you do up your field of view which I highly recommend you're going to want to change your ads uh field of view to affected weapon field of view and vehicle field of view should both be set to wide third person field of view I recommend setting this to 70 when you're playing war zone that way when you're gliding in the air uh on your parachute you can actually use a third person view and uh see down to the ground and see where enemies are a lot easier than if this was higher up so I'd recommend that at 70 uh World motion blur should definitely be turned off same with weapon motion blur should be off film grain should be maxed out to zero uh first person camera movement and third person camera movement these are huge to lower the screen shake so make sure these are set to at least 50% uh third person ads transition really either one you want uh spectator game camera should be game perspective and inverted flashbang this is personal preference I'd rather not be blinded so I have my inverted set to on uh that will be everything for the in-game graphic settings we'll go ahead and move on to the config file all we'll go ahead and make some changes to the config file now before we do that you're going to want to make sure your Call of Duty game is completely closed because if it's still running in the background it will not the config file changes which just won't won't take so make sure your game is closed and then from there once you're at the desktop menu go to your taskbar down here and click on the file explorer from here go on the left hand side and click this PC click documents you'll see a bunch here we're looking for Call of Duty so double click Call of Duty double click players and then the file we're looking for is the options. for.cod 23 so make sure this is the exact file uh that you click on um the other way to find this is actually in your search bar down here you can actually type in options uh if I can spell properly options. for.cod 23 and it actually should pull up for you here uh for whatever reason you can't find it in your file folder but I recommend going this route that way you can actually make a copy of it before you uh make any changes so we're going to go ahead and copy that file go back to your documents and paste it in here that way you have if you make a typo settings just don't work or you know you have some weird issues or anything like that and you just want to go back to your original settings uh you have a copy of it here so we'll go back into Call of Duty back into players and then we're going to right click on on this file uh and click open with and then go ahead and hit more apps if you need to but we're looking for notepad and hit always use this app to open up CST files and click okay from here we're going to have the config file open and ready to change so we'll go ahead and start making those changes the first setting that we're actually going to skip over for now is the render a work account we'll talk about this at the uh end of this portion we're just going to go ahead and go to the straightforward settings that way it goes by quicker if people don't want to deal with the render worker account uh so the first set we're going to look for is the corpse limit we're going to change this as the first setting so go ahead and hit crlf on your keyboard and then you can type in exactly here corpse limit and hit find next that will actually drag you down uh to what we're looking for here which is the corpse limit we're going to change that to zero so go ahead and in here type that at zero inside of the quotation marks there it's just the lowest option that we have and the next few of these settings are directly one after another uh so the next one we're looking for is show blood we're going to change this from true inside here we're going to type out false make sure it's all lowercase and make sure it's spelled correctly you can double check make sure it's spelled correctly from underneath the next one is the blood limit we're changing this from false to true then the blood limit interval we're actually going to change to 2,000 go ahead and change it from 330 up to 2,000 and underneath that we're going to change the show brass option we're going to change this to false and that will be everything for this first section here uh we'll go ahead and look at the next one is going to be the texture filter fil so we'll go ahead and type texture filter and hit enter that will bring us down to the next option here defaults to the anistropic 2x we're actually going to want to change this to linear so go ahead and copy highlight and copy the linear option and again inside the quotation marks we're going to go ahead and replace that with the linear option uh scroll down until we find the corpses calling threshold because it's only a couple right here we're going to change this from 0 85 to the 0.5 option so copy and paste that in there to match uh the next one underneath that again is the subdivision level right underneath that is going to change from three to zero so once that's changed we're going to go ahead and look for the next one which is the sun shadow Cascade hit enter that should bring us right down there uh this one we're going to go ahead and copy the lowest option so inside of this bracket and inside of this comma we're going to highlight contrl C to copy it and inside of these quotation marks again we're going to go ahead and control V to paste it uh the next option is going to be the reflection probe relighting and search for that it's just a couple down here go ahead and change this from four down to one um and then the next one we're going to search for is towards the bottom GPU upload heaps hit enter that should bring us down towards the bottom of the config file here uh this one you probably want to try it for yourself 99% of the systems I've tested and tried we want to change this to false uh this will lower slightly lower your GPU performance but it's going to drastically improve your CPU performance so if your CPU limited which is most people on war zone uh you definitely want to change this to false if you are extremely GPU limited you might want to leave this on true if you have resizable bar enabled um I would try it either way but again for 99% of people false is going to be the option here and then the last setting we're going to see at the bottom here is the enable velocity based blur we're going to change this from True down to false we go ahead and close out of this and then scroll back up to the very top so that's all of the straightforward settings uh the last thing we're going to talk about is the renderer worker count this is for CPU performance and just how your CPU handles uh loading and and running the game it's it's kind of convoluted it's not as straightforward as a lot of people make it out to be so I'm going to I'm going to try my best to explain it pretty quickly but if you have an older Intel CPU so this is older Intel CPU without ecores so if you just have performance cores and no efficiency cores it's fairly straightforward um these are the values I've tested and tried and these work the best so if you have an older Intel CPU 11th gen 10th gen whatnot this is the values you're want to to to input there um based off your core count and your thread count the way to check that is to go down to your task bar and open up task manager so right click and open up task manager uh you might have to hit more details to open this all the way up and click on performance and then click on CPU from here you'll see exactly what CPU you have um if you have like I said if you have an older one where it starts with 11 10 9 eight whatever the case is uh you can go base solely off of what cores and processors you see down here this is going to be your cores and your threads and you can just based off of what you have here just match it up to these values here if you have a newer 12th gen 13th gen 14th gen Intel you're going to want to Google exactly what in uh what CPU that is and how many performance course it has so a lot of the newer Intel CPUs have efficiency cores which skews how many cores this shows down here so this could show that you have 20 cores but you really only have eight performance cores so you just want to Google whatever that is and match however many performance cores you have with that value similar thing with AMD these don't have to worry about uh ecores but AMD seems to be a little bit finicky on this setting it's not a straightforward it's just like all amds should do this exactly but from what I've my limited testing with AMD CU I just got an AMD CPU and I've tested one of my buddies 5600x um it seems to either be matching your number of cores or matching your number of cores plus one uh so for me because I have an eight core 16 thread I'm going to leave Mine at Nine because I tested that as the best value I've tried eight it's practically the same as nine there's not much difference but your 1% lows are slightly better for me with nine uh but if you have an AMD system I'd either match your number of cores or match your number of cores plus one so just give that a shot see if it works again just write down or remember whatever your default setting is if these uh render work accounts don't work you can just come back in here and change that file uh or change that number and it should work out for you um so that should be everything for the config file you just want to make sure you save it before you close out of it so you'll see this little asterisk at the top here you're going to go ahead and hit file and then hit save and you'll see the asterisk goes away that's how you know the file actually saved and you can continue on the optimization next thing we're going to take a look at is Windows settings to help optimize your game performance most of these settings that we're going to be talking about you can do from all the standard Windows settings in Windows 10 and windows 11 uh but I'm going to show you puts it all in one place it makes it super simple and easy so we're going to go ahead and do is in the search bar here type in Microsoft store and open the Microsoft store up once the Microsoft store is open we're going to go ahead and search up here for wind toys and you're going to see the icon up here with the uh green blue and orange go ahead and click on that app and we're going to go ahead and hit download you'll see a little download thing here I already have it downloaded so it's open for me but go ahead and hit download you'll follow the prompts and just install it onto your system you're greeted at the main menu here in the home section this is really nice cuz you're able to take look at a bunch of different system information so like if you don't know what Ram you have a lot of the time when you hover over it you'll see part number for the ram that you have uh same thing with the motherboard you'll be able to see exactly what motherboard you have what BIOS version you're on processor all the information about your processor all that kind of stuff your graphics card so there's a lot of cool information on the home screen uh but to get into optimization we're going to go ahead and click on apps I'm not going to really tell you exactly what apps to un install or unstall in this section mainly because every system is going to have all kinds of different apps on there as a general rule rule of thumb if you don't know what it is don't delete it you can Google it first and see if it's something that's worth deleting but generally speaking the things are if you like hover over you'll see the orange items are windows 32 programs and the blue items are Windows store programs the Windows store programs you can easily download from the Windows store or the Microsoft store the other ones you have to actually go to their different websites and download those and whatnot but you just go through here if you see things that you know you don't need anymore this is how to properly uninstall them like one thing is like Microsoft One drive that's a really really common thing to try and uninstall but like constantly reinstalls itself this is how you properly uninstall it you would go if this was one drive for instance You' go click on here and then click uninstall and it would completely uninstall it and prevent it from reinstalling so this is how you properly uninstall programs that are and apps that are on your device from here we're going to skip over Services that's more advanced so you don't really want to mess with if you don't know what you're doing for performance uh this is where all the performance-based items are pretty much held for ultimate performance plan I personally in my system I have this turned off so if you hover over these little things they'll tell you um exactly what they are what they do and what the recommended setting is uh but I'll kind of walk through it at least in my experience so for ultimate performance plan there's several PCS I've worked with that have actually gained performance from using this it's usually if you have an a proper cooling so as long as you have a a cooler that cools your CPU well enough running this on will work fine for me personally on my AMD system that I just built I actually don't see a performance increase with this and it utilizes more power so for me personally I'm going to leave it off cuz I don't see a no increase in that uh but again something you just have to test with your own system hard Hardware accelerated GPU scheduling this one is going to be different depending on your system again as you can read it usually has a higher impact for people that are really really CPU limited so if you're extremely CPU limited or like myself because I stream on Twitch you want to make sure it allocates proper resources so if you're CPU limited or if you're streaming or anything like that or have programs running the background that you need uh having this on is what you're going to want if you aren't streaming and you have plenty of CPU overhead you can turn this off you'll see a little bit of boost in performance from that virtualization based security this is a huge performance hog most of the people on Windows 10 this is going to be turned off by default some people on Windows 11 this will be turned on by default I don't personally run it I've never ran it I know there's some people that run it because it reduces malware reports I don't really click on anything weird or any links or anything like that so I always have this turned off but if you want to increase your performance while you're gaming just while you're gaming you come in here and turn this off and then when you're done gaming you can turn it back on but as far as performance having it off is the best for performance the next one's going to be startup apps you'll hit this little drop- down menu here and you'll see all kinds of different apps that you have uh that start up when the actual system starts running so apps are automatically running when the system starts this doesn't matter if you click on them or not these are just going to start automatically the moment the system is powered on um and you can see for me I actually don't have that many I've seen literally couple dozens of apps that people have and they're all checked on so that they all just run the moment the PCS get started so just go through here anything you don't need like Discord yes I run this all the time uh but I don't want it running when I first open my PC so I have that turned off Spotify music again I use this pretty much all the time but I have it turned off so I only have things on that I know I want the moment my PC turns on anything else you can go ahead and turn it off that way you just manually have to turn it on when you turn your PC on that way there's no random uh apps running that you don't need hogging up resources when you're gaming uh next one is relaunch apps I have this turned off background apps I also have this turned off you definitely want to make sure that there's nothing uh you know updating or running the background to make sure that's turned off activity history I have that turned off as well uh this is kind of personal preference though if you use your Dev like your computer on multiple devices and stuff like that your account um you might want to leave this on but me personally have this turned off visual settings I'm going to tell most people to leave this unless you're on like a laptop or a really low-end budget machine um you can turn this on to get better performance but it it's going to make your windows look really really bad so I'd recommend leaving this turned off for both of those uh game settings we're going to look at game mode this actually is recommended to turn off but in my experience when I'm streaming specifically having this on helps my stream stay stable and then everything just seems to work better with game mode turned on but if you don't stream or or you know you just want to run war zone turning this off I didn't see a performance increase or decrease but some people have issues with frame drops and whatnot so that's going to be really up to you background recording I have this turned off just because I don't I don't use the recording feature that is with game bar so I have this turned off and then SuperFetch this can actually improve some people's performance if you're on a lowr run machine but it makes using your system kind of a pain in the butt so uh me personally I have this turned on because I I don't need that extra performance but if you don't search for your files frequently and whatnot uh then you can turn this off and gain a little bit of performance there next we're going to look at search indexing that's similar to the SuperFetch where having it turned off will increase performance but it's going to ruin the usability of your PC when it comes to if you search for file search for photo photos videos um anything that has to do with searching for things on your computer uh this is going to make things a lot slower so me personally I'm always going to have this turned on but again if you need the every last bit of performance turning this off will help as well uh delivery optimization have that turned off and the network adapter onboard processor make sure that's turned on and that's going to be everything in the performance section next is going to be Health this another really really big section fast startup you want to make sure this is turned off yes it's going to increase how long it takes from when your system is completely shut off when it turns back on going to increase it a little bit but it's huge when it comes to making sure it's a fresh start of your system every single time instead of having uh files hibernate inside the RAM and just cause issues and stuff like that it's a fresh clean restart every single time uh hibernation same thing make sure that's turned off Drive optimization this is going to be based off of each individual PC if you only have hard drives you're going to want to turn this on if you only have ssds you're want to have this turned off and then if you have a mixture of hard drives and ssds you're going have to go into the settings and optimize each individual Drive um this does defragmentation on on drives which you don't want to do on ssds but on hard drives it it actually helps quite a bit so it's just going to be uh dependent on your particular system uh for storage sense I do have this on I'll open up my settings here to show you what I personally run I have it on I have it run every single day and it deletes temporary files that aren't being used I delete my recycle bin every 14 days downloads I I turn this to never because I don't want any of my downloads ever to be deleted that way I can come back to it if I need to for whatever reason and then you can delete previous versions of Windows if you like uh but it does it automatically for you after 10 days so that is my settings for storage sense next we have repair this is recommended for crashes freezes blue screens failed updates all that kind of stuff you have the dism the sfc and the dis check uh if you click on this little eye information icon over here it'll kind of explain exactly what it's for uh but these are really important if you have Windows crash on you blue screen anything like that or is consistently happening uh definitely important to run these uh what I would recommend is definitely doing the first two and hitting repair uh for the dis check this is also really important as well uh but it's just it can take a lot of time depending on how many hard drives you have how big they are that kind of stuff um so normally if like let's say you have a 4 terabyte drive and you're wanting to run this uh that can take several hours if you have a whole lot of files and it's filled up um so definitely worth running but make sure you have plenty of time to do it uh if you don't have that kind that kind of time just make sure you check these two go ahead and hit rep it's going to make sure it repairs uh your windows Imaging and all your system files and all that kind of stuff to make sure everything is where it needs to be so definitely recommend doing that uh to to help with crashes and freezes and whatnot uh for cleanup we'll go ahead and open this up uh I don't use much in here but the junk files you can go ahead and hit delete and you can choose which junk files you want to get rid of um and usually you can just click all and hit delete and it will delete all of them there I've already gone through so those are just recent ones that I have here um and then you can clean up your file explor and anything like that your DNS for your internet whatnot but mainly what I use in here is for the junk folders uh after the cleanup we're going to go ahead and look at updates you always want to make sure your windows is up to date so go ahead and just click on this and it'll take you to your update page and just make sure that you don't have any pending updates that you need to do so right now I actually have an update that that's going to be installing right now we'll go ahead and close that and yep we're all set there so just make sure you're completely up to date you have a little green check mark here and you are good to go uh for graphics drivers reset them uh this is really nice if you have weird freezing or flickering of your screen or anything like that just make sure any applications that uh you might have running you just close them out before you restart this because it will it will make your screen go black cause the applications to to get wonky and stuff so just make sure everything's closed out um except for wind toys and then go ahead and hit this restart to restart your graphics driver and that is everything in the health that we're going to talk about here for the tweaks it's all pretty much personal preference but some things that will help with gaming and whatnot is the Privacy we're going to go ahead and drop this down make sure everything in here is turned off for the most part I leave error reporting on and then camera on off indicator that way if you know my camera ever turns on when I'm not expecting it to it I can actually tell that so I just go ahead and personalize these here to make sure that uh you're not sending any of your personal information to Microsoft for no reason um and then aside from that we're going to go and look at the ads similar thing uh I would recommend turning all these off I just personally kind of like the fun facts that pop up here so I leave that in at the start of my window but aside from that I just have everything turned off again kind of personal preference stuff but it's just for your own privacy and that way you don't see ads and everything like that uh that's pretty much everything some of the change you're going to see you're going to have to reboot um so once you make all the changes in here that you need to do go ahead and click reboot you'll get a little prompt that pops up here I'll show you what that looks like if we turn this off you get this little reboot here go ahead and click reboot and you can either sign out which is a little bit faster or you can restart I highly recommend doing a restart that way all your settings start from scratch and they're all set to go um I'm not going to restart right now but that's what you would do and make sure everything is all set properly there uh and that's everything for all the window settings that you should that you should need to do Target marked request a
Channel: BrandonNINE
Views: 96,454
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warzone, WZ3, MW3, MWIII, Modern Warfare III, Modern Warfare 3, MWZ, Modern Warfare Zombies, best settings warzone, best settings mw3
Id: OL0NztIkIyA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 6sec (1806 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 07 2023
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