Warzone 3 2024 Ultimate EQ Video - GAME CHANGING EQ and Audio Tool for footsteps and more!!

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hey everybody it's Joe from Gad stre Tech and the video that I a lot of people have been asking me for is finally here this is a culmination of months of work a lot of stuff going behind the scenes and what I think is going to completely change how we EQ headsets IMS and headphones going forward in the context of gaming because as you will learn later in this video uh I'm doing something very different now this tool is completely free I didn't want to gatekeep anything I want I had the option to kind of like pay all the access to it but I think that's best for the community so everything is free now I will have links in the description below for um patreon you know PayPal and you can use YouTube super chat but don't feel obligated in any way I don't do this specifically to make money um but that was the path I wanted to take I will have links in the description below for that stuff but I will also serve as an update area as well because as this video grows and develops and people watch and provide feedback I will likely up uh update the description later and also pin a comment to help kind of keep everyone on track or address burning questions now I have chapters provided to make it easier to find what you're looking for but if this is your first time watching this then I suggest trying to watch as much as you can from start to finish maybe skip the ending if you don't need to know about how to set up software for EQ but if you know a friend content creator streamer whatever it may be that could benefit from this I only ask that you share it with them because I really think this is going to help a lot of people I can't tell you how many months and hours I've used testing this to confirm all of this work even though I've spent a lot of time I know nothing can ever be perfect so in the description I actually have a Google form to help I guess understand where you're coming from you know was your headset missing are you missing an IM or headphone you know what can we do different with the tune to further improve it so look out in the description for that if you could be so kind as to provide your feedback because I do care about what you all think now the video this video also includes stuff for console players in addition to PC this isn't like only if you're a PC player you can benefit from it and I will give you some tips along the way so all platforms can get a better experience so with that being said let's start with the game settings themselves all right so I want to talk about the game audio but I do want to address two very important things one is we can't EQ or adjust the sounds that aren't there and at the current state there is a massive issue with war zone in terms of prioritizing audio objects which means sometimes you just flat out don't hear anything you can climb a ladder sometimes and not make a sound or at least even if you're making a sound the enemy may not hear you which obviously works the other way and why we often get killed from behind sometimes parachute noises don't work so this all has to do with something called object prioritization or audio objects when you're in a game you have an object for wind you have an object for the ladder vehicles in the distance an explosion Birds building Creeks all of this stuff is an object in game in addition to yours your teammates and enemy footsteps and sometimes thanks to the large mix of all of these objects coming and going some of them get forgotten behind and unfortunately a lot of the critical ones are the ones that are getting fallen behind the other big issue with the game right now is something called ambient occlusion because it's extremely inconsistent and what that means is there's an object in between you and the audio cue let's say a person is running outside but you have a pain of glass well how much audio should that pain of glass reduce the sound to where you can't hear the footsteps some buildings are completely uh SE through in terms of audio and others are an iron Fortress and you can't hear anything just on the opposite side of a wall they're fixing a lot of that and a lot of times when you see the new game notes they're talking about ambient occlusion so just to give you an example I'm still talking here here is an object it's a paint of glass ambient occlusion now there's something interacting with it that affects how the game engine works as well and that's one of the things that they're constantly tweaking let's get into the game audio settings itself for audio mix I pick headphones on both console and PC some people use the PC speaker one right here which has a crazy tight dynamic range my issue with that is it makes things like air strikes really loud as well it compresses it so almost everything is the same volume which could help with footsteps if you're in a very quiet moment if you will where there's not a lot going on you're trying to hear a footstep as soon as possible there's a slight Edge to PC speaker but as the scene gets more chaotic and builds up it's just too much for me so I stick with headphones you can always do base boost if you want more Bas but we can do that with EQ later so uh and on the console side you have the option for like TVs uh TV speaker that's a similar thing to the PC speaker side on here however it actually reduces uh subbase as well so you lose some low frequencies you can always mess with it but again I think headphones is the way to go far as your output settings I pretty much always leave it as stereo I don't touch that and if you expand the volume the important thing here is you can leave the game volume at 100% that's your master volume basically and the the effects are all of the game audio basically you know all your footsteps stuff breaking air strikes everything comes through there game play music volume I don't want to hear anything competing with the stuff I care about so I set it to zero dialogue volume I set to 20 you know when you have a vocal queue in the game telling you the gas is coming or whatever it is I don't want that overpowering what I'm actually trying to hear I reduce it down to 20 the Cinematic volume is pretty self-explanatory I'm I don't really care either way you this won't affect gameplay but I just set it to zero and then warart TRS is um hearing your music play in the vehicle as you drive which can also include your teammates if you're riding with them another thing that's important to address is how loud your friends are now you can do that with game to chat mix or you know depending on what your audio equipment is you can adjust it here my friends are pretty loud so I reduce the volume quite a bit because I don't want to hear them over certain cues if I'm you know prioritizing goog for example and if we scroll down I also want to show you a few other settings at the bottom leave mono audio off because you actually want to hear your left and right channels reduce tonight's sound is on because that Dills the effect of flashing concussion grenades W tracks is a passenger personal preference Juggernaut music is very loud when it plays but usually you don't hear it of course so I leave that off anyway hit marker sound effects is the only other wild card here because I when I'm shooting someone I don't need to hear the ticking sound when I'm shooting them I know if I'm shooting them and I'd rather hear more audio cues that I actually care about so the less stuff I'm competing with the better now perhaps the most important thing you can do for game audio in war zone in addition to those other settings is enabling the flex perk in Slot 4 so if I go to edit this class and I look at my available options there's a lot of good important perks in the fourth slot now a couple of these you can get from ground loot you know they have ghost which if you have the stealth vest or the com vest for Bird's eyes so you can get an extra perk later but there's no vest in game that's going to give you the flex perk so I recommend doing it if you read it it says delay triggered explosives when you're sprinting warns of nearby equipment so if you ever pick up the legionaire uh ground loot as far as like a perk package go and you start hearing beeping that's because you're near an enemy Claymore or radar or something like that that is from the flex perk it also reduces combat noise which is pretty dramatic take a listen to this and how it affects the game audio pretty crazy right now what's even crazier is there is a hidden perk or ability from the flex perk that allows you to hear footsteps even further away I mentioned the whole ambient occlusion thing before and there are times where someone could be like 50 to 75 M out and I can hear them clear as day so loud that I think they're right next to me so the flex is kind of a a weird perk that you're not always going to get consistent results on however it does more consistently than not allow you to hear footsteps farther away and because this is a Perkin game that means all platforms can benefit from this all right so now that we've covered the game settings let's talk about EQ and in order to apply any EQ you either need software on your computer the DB Atmos app on Xbox or some type of headset or deck that has the ability to adjust sound profiles Now Products like the creative G6 or the quid X 5K both work on PlayStation 5 with mic support meaning you can do custom eqs on Playstation as well these first examples I'm about to show you are EQ profiles that work with anything in general it's a much simpler approach however it's not the game-changing EQ that I was talking about earlier if your product's not listed or you just want to start with something very simple and easy to use these next few pictures are going to show you various examples of what you'd want to enter in depending on you know if you're using Sonar the Dolby Atmos app a 10 band EQ like on something like the creative G6 whatever it may may be so with that being said here are those presets [Music] now [Music] [Music] all right now now it's time to talk about Advanced EQ and where I think all of this work is going to pay off and at least I hope because I really want it to help a lot of people this is a totally revolutionary way to tune headsets IMS and headphones specific to games and the reason why is if you use a generic EQ preset shared by a Community member or a sonar for example that's applying the same EQ to every single headset regardless of what it sounded like in the first place so you have if you have something very basey like the hs50 5 wireless core look how much base that headset has and even if you go to the Corsair hs80 also from Corsair totally different sound profile and because of this one generic EQ is not going to give you the same exact result and it may sound better or worse depending on what you own this is what I'm trying to change because I want to basically fix or make what you own as good as possible so I want to give you another example that's important to consider too I'm going to scroll down let's say I have the steel series Nova Pro Wireless great wireless headset it's loaded with features and you also can swap pads one of the popular things people did with the Nova Pro is they changed to a wicked cushion freeze pad so what I did was I measured it to let's change the color here to show you the difference in sound quality when you do a pad swap some of these are more dramatic than this I know the Astro a5x for example is a huge change in quality so if I click that and you look at the wicked cushion freeze pad right here at that sound profile difference so you wouldn't want to use the same EQ even if you don't understand what all of these measurements mean it's important to see that visually they look different now the left side if you play around with the site I will have a link in the description below it gives you some information as far as what the frequencies are you can see subbase and there's a right up here presence region mid-range vocals all of these affect the way Games music and movies sound to your ear so let's say I have the still series Nova 7 you can see the way the sound profile is it's actually not a bad sound profile a little bright up here but what you can do if you see where it says gaming targets right here this dotted line is what I think is an ideal sound profile for an onar headset or headphone and if you look at it compared to the way the steel series Nova 7 measures they don't quite line up the same thing happens when you look at a rockat symax air again totally different sag signature Corsair or Sennheiser HD 560s all of these are different compared to that line so this is the advanced part now if you click on equalizer up here once you've selected your headset and enabled this target click equalizer and on the left hand side you have all of these bars this is how we can adjust the sound profile so I'm going to click Auto EQ and watch this that was in real time I'm going to click this circle down here at the bottom to change the color but through the use of Auto EQ it just generated a custom EQ profile specific to the Nova 7 for war zone so and then again if you had a different headset with a different pad you're going to get completely different EQ settings on the left but the end result is you bring your headset or headphone or IM in line with the Target by the way just so I don't forget if you see IM IMS here at the top and you click on it I have a bunch of inar monitors as well if you want to look for an inar monitor that doesn't happen to be listed here I'm going to show you something real quick as well if you go to uh super riew he's a good buddy of mine he measured tons and tons let's go to dark mode of IMS he has a great YouTube channel for IM IMS and some other audio products I'll have a link in the description below but if you if he has the IM that's not on my measurement site you can click on it let's say it's the KZ ASX and down here at the bottom you can click this little download link that will export the file once you've downloaded that file to your computer you can actually go over here and it says upload FR if you click that that and upload that file you just saved you can bring that into this tool to calibrate it to fit your particular product um as far as I know I'm the only one that has a database full of uh gaming headsets but I just wanted to mention that in case so now that you've received this Auto EQ and we can bring your Nova 7 to sound amazing in war zone it's time to implement it so you have two major options on the PC side one is sonar and you can see even the mes imperion 2 a $3,000 headphone has a very different sound signat signature than something like the Corsair HS Pro surround or the Basin Mt Pro IMS all of these are different to clone what you see I'm just going to move this over to make it simple you can see these numbers here by enable let's create new and we're going to call this Nova 7 war zone we're going to compress and not do all of this but all I have to do you see where it says 26 Herz I'm going to click click the first dot let's type 26 then it says a gain of minus 11.9 DB so I'm going to do minus 11.9 you can obviously round to 12 here but let's type that in and it has a q of 6 so we're going to do a Q of6 then it says 56 Herz we're going to do a gain of 1.8 so what I'm typ or 1.8 DB so I'm going to type 56 and click enter then I'm going to click on gain and hit 1.8 DB with a que of 4.2 now I'm building the sound profile I like specific to Call of Duty and I'm not going to do every single one here in the interest of time but as you iterate through all of this and type them in it's slowly going to come to form and you're going to have the ideal sound profile for your headset I even skipped one minus 4 uh five and that one has a q of 1.9 which is adjusting how wide or narrow I'm making my adjustment and you see how it's starting to shape I'm going to boost I think we have 79 is the only one that's missing right now so let's do let's just do the base one to show you something cool so I'm going to type 79 Herz and we're going to do minus 6.8 with a Q of 2.9 so I have my sound signature or my EQ in the base region that's going to fix the Nova 7 sound profile to have super clean base so it stands out and I don't have all the rumbling effects competing with it if you find that this is too much base or not enough base for your particular headset the reason why I like sonar is I can drag this up or down slightly so it's pretty awesome that we can do it now you can share this let's say you made the Nova 7 EQ again to support the community if you made one that is a copy of this you can always type that in the comments below click share and generate a title for it and post that link in comments and then people can click it and it'll import automatically to save time I'm going to eventually do my own database to make this easier but it's very timec consuming as you can tell so this is the manual way to do it and that's to use sonar and again the same thing happens where you can boost or reduce treble but what we're doing is basically building a Target curve through EQ so you can see how powerful this is now the other way to do EQ if you want it to be fully automatic on Windows is if you have equalizer APO installed and you're using the pie add-on which I'll have links for that software it looks like this once you're all set up and running I can actually click the export button down here at the bottom left let's save that to my desktop here and we're going to call it steel series Nova 7 war zone actually I say wz3 I don't even know what the new war zone is now but I'm going to hit save then we're going to go to piece and I'm going to hit uh import which is just it's a weird interface but if you see the little import button where my mouse is moving I'll click that and there it is still series Nova 7 War Zone 3 hit open do I want to replace the current Equalization yes and as long as it's saved you didn't lose it all of my EQ settings from the website are already done I'm completely ready to go and play the game you will notice a slight reduction in volume because you can see pre- amplifying up here is now minus 8 DB that's because it's doing its best to make sure you don't have any Distortion when you see the plus 8.3 over here you usually want your preamp to compensate for that so you're not boosting certain levels above a maximum threshold if it's too quiet you can always slowly increase this and it'll still work and most people won't hear the Distortion but I just want to explain why in case you notice a volume change now you can do this with tons of IM IMS and headphones and headsets and save it so I'm going to click the save button on the bottom left here and there it is Nova 7 wz3 I'm going to make that one purple and hit save and now now I have my list right here so as I build things and mess around with different settings I can choose whichever product I'm using that night and my presets already done and ready to go now it's really cool is if you bought the qux 5K this supports parametric EQ up to 20 bands and it does work on Playstation there are some crazy settings you can make and adjust to this where even a gaming headset has microphone pass through it's a USB Dack with a little volume rocker on it and you can do all these custom eqs for PS5 so if you're worried about doing EQ and you don't have uh any gear to do so this is only about 120 bucks and it's definitely worth it I think it's like 110 right now and I'll have a link in Amazon for that so what if we run into a situation where you're doing custom EQ but you don't have the ability to do full parametric EQ that's typically what happens if you have something like a Nova 7 for Xbox and you don't have access to sonar or if you have the wonderful creative G6 game deck or a gc7 and you just want to use the built-in 10 band and EQ well this is again where I think this is going to be a game changer now this work is a little bit more manual but you still can get closer to a desired result so we're going to clear out this EQ we're back to the headset right here and I want to reset this so I go back to EQ now all of my values are zero so the tedious part here but this is really important to understand is you want to clone whatever equalizer adjustments you have so if you have Dolby Atmos for example exle you see how it says 32 64 125 Etc I type those in here so let's just do 32 and again I'm going to do this kind of quick but it'll make sense here in a moment 125 250 and we'll go to 500 you you go all the way up obviously you're supposed to but in the interest of time we're only going to focus on a few so then you want to type Q of 1.41 which gets kind of nerdy and sciency but 1.41 basically represents a mathematical increase in octaves so 1,000 htz to 2,000 htz is a q of 1.41 as far as how you want the bands to interact with it so I just hit control A and C and all that and I'm going to just paste this in everywhere so I'm building by doing this I'm building the same 10 band equalizer that you have an Atmos or still Series game deck or maybe using Corsair IQ or hyperx or razor synops all of that uses the same type of band and if you see something different just type that in if you only have a five band type in your five bands and instead of a q of 1.41 type 707 so we basically just built the entire Atmos equivalent here right so in order to hit this curve all I have to do is start typing in numbers like I'm doing minus 4 that's still not enough so I'm going to just go straight to minus 10 and you see how it got closer now ifus 10 is the most you can go that's the most you can go 64 Hertz we can reduce that a little bit so let's type minus three and look how close I'm starting to get to the curb 125 Hertz is a nice bump to have now that is already pretty much on the money so this is the difference with parametric EQ whereas before I was able to add an 80 HZ filter and reduce this a little bit with a graphic equalizer which is basically a 10 band like this you can't necessarily do that but this is still a big Improvement because now all this extra deep base that's making the headset sound a little bit muddy or hard to hear footsteps we're fixing that the 250 HZ is up here and we can reduce that slightly to get rid of some of the boxiness I don't want to cause the mids to dip too much but by doing let's say minus let's just go straight to minus two now we're building a custom curve that gets closer to the Target we're going to do let's go to plus one in the mid-range and again this green line let's just switch to I guess the green was a good color we'll go to Pink cuz I think it'll contrast more and then 1K that's pretty much on the money 2K is on the money so this is close you're talking a fraction of a decibel but I do notice there's a gap here in the 3,000 htz area and four so what I'm going to do is add 5 DB to four now this makes the 8 khz too high so I'm going to go to 8 khz and do minus 6 so this is where you start playing with it but look at the result of what we're getting here you're now able as an Xbox player to build and visualize what the byproduct is of your EQ for any game Target curve that is released on my site now I'm going to be doing Apex and valerant and fortnite uh eventually and then whatever others come in but you can already see visually there is a difference in sound here and that's going to help close the gap of what people with Advanced EQ get so you can have a good experience too so let's say you've typed in all those numbers and you're happy with the Curve all you have to do is look at the gains here see it says minus 10 so I would go into Dolby Atmos and I'm going to pull this down to let's say minus 10 I guess I could have gone to minus1 12 with Dolby which is great I know the creative products go to minus 10 so I was just adhering to that then we have 64 Herz is minus 3 and this is a six here so I know I want to go right in the middle of that 125 I barely have lifted but you can kind of boost it more if you think the base is lacking 250 HZ minus 2db so I'm pulling it down approximately 2db this is the unfortunate part of Dolby Atmos but other programs give you actual numbers 4,000 Hertz we lifted 6 DB so we're going to go straight to that six you can see it's kind of lined up here and then 8 khz we did minus 6 now I just built and I even listed 500 by decimal yeah so we just built on Atmos a custom EQ that works on Xbox and PC without using any other software and then you can enable a volume leveler which is like loudness Equalization but for Xbox so PC players you're not the only ones with the advantage this does help soften things like a strikes to make it easier to hear without blowing your eard drums out you can turn that on and off but I do not recommend sound virtualizer the reverbs are a little extreme but now we just built our own custom EQ so we're going to quickly talk about EQ software setup this is only if you don't know how to use this software otherwise just skip to the end here again I have chapters below so let's say you've installed sonar and you need to make sure your audio works well when you click on Sonar and mixer this is where you choose your game devices that sonar is sending audio to so let's say in this particular case I have the Astro a5x I would just click on the Astro 50x here my chat mix I would do uh a 50x voice and then my microphone I would do the a5x mic out now this is where I can choose where audio gets routed this is really helpful for streaming as well but I don't want to make a whole tutorial on Sonar one nice thing is once you have audio going to these devices it enables chat mix so even if your headset is a let's say you have a head you know expensive headphone that doesn't have game to chat mix you now gave yourself game to chat mix with this software you have to select this correctly because it's the only way all of these custom equalizer settings are going to work because it's only changing the EQ for that one device signed in sonar in Windows you have to make sure that your audio output is set to sonar gaming and then everything works from there now sonar is a great program as you saw there's a ton of potential with it but if you don't want to deal with all of that extra software that you may not use equalizer APO is of course a nice option now when you first install equalizer APO you then want to install piece and again I'll have both links in the description below but if you click settings here the reason why I like steel series sonar is because it always hooks into your Windows audio every now and then a Windows update happens that breaks the integration of equalizer APO and the way I can tell is if you lower this all the way and you can still hear things just the same volume your audio is not configured correctly so what you have to do is click on settings here it's going to open a new prompt here in a moment and then if you go to the tab debugging and testing you're going to see equalizer apos configurator you need to make sure let's bring this over here that your audio device that you're trying to manipulate is enabled here so again if you have the Astro A50 X you want to click that or um in this case I'm using what I usually use is my uh Universal deck from audio I have the niche pus Maximus for my gaming headphones so that is enabled and it says equalizer APO is already installed if you enable new things and click save it's going to tell you that you have to reboot or you have to troubleshoot to basically um rehook or connect to the device if it's not working this is the area where you fix it but when you first install and run everything it's going to prompt you to choose which devices you want so make sure your headset's plugged in when you install equalizer APO that way you can select it all right so that wraps up this monstrosity of a video I did things very differently this time and I hope that you all found it helpful or it gave you something different that you hadn't been using before so uh don't forget I do have that Google form for feedback because this is the start of something great in my opinion share this out don't forget to like And subscribe I'd love to see at the next videos cuz uh I'm going to be doing a lot in this space so thank you all much for the support and I'll see you next time [Music] [Music] bye
Channel: GadgetryTech
Views: 186,901
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: best eq for warzone 3, warzone 3 footsteps eq, best audio settings mw3, best audio settings warzone, best audio settings warzone 3, warzone 3 audio settings ps5, warzone 3 audio settings pc, warzone 3 dolby atmos, warzone 3 footsteps, warzone 3 footsteps audio, warzone audio guide, warzone 3 audio settings, warzone audio settings, warzone footsteps, footstep audio warzone 3, footstep audio warzone, warzone 3 best audio settings, warzone best audio settings
Id: ELfwLq8ZW54
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 46sec (1726 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 04 2024
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