NEW Google Gemini Is Here! Is It Better Than ChatGPT?

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all right so Google's Gemini Ultra also referred to as Gemini Advanced before that referred to as Bart just dropped it's the newest and best model Google has released and it is the first legit competitor to gp4 I know the term GPT 4 killer gets thrown around a lot especially on Twitter but legitimately this is the first model that performs as well or According to some benchmarks even slightly better than GPT 4 now this leaves a lot of questions open is it actually better in practice than gp4 how much does it cost where is it available and are there use cases that this is better for we're going to be looking at all that and more I spent a few hours experimenting with this and my entire team has been scouring the internet for all the info we could find so this is all things Gemini Advanced let's dive right into it so first things first let's talk about the naming cuz it can be a little bit confusing I think there's no debating that so what previously used to be Google's B is now Gemini Advanced now this is powered by the Gemini Ultra 1.0 model which is the first version of the big model they promised back at the end of 2023 right apparently it's multimodel from the ground up but this version that we got today is not everything that we were promised this is kind of a strip down version to get things going but it's still very good so yeah no more BS this is called Gemini Advanced powered by Gemini Ultra now you get access to this by subscribing to the AI Premium plan by Google this is what open AI calls cat GPT plus that's the plan that you need to pay for what does it cost $20 a month in the us22 a month in Europe there's a list of 150 countries that this is Ava available in so it's not available absolutely everywhere I'll leave all these links in the description below but most of the western world can get access to this now some team members reported that they have a hard time actually getting in because so many people are signing up and there's sort of a bottleneck today so just have a little patience it did work for me one caveat though is when I try to sign up with my work account which is linked to my Google workspace and all the AI Advantage related emails it didn't let me so I needed to use my private account it apparently doesn't work with work accounts so just be aware of that another very important fact is that they're actually giving people two months for free so this is something gbd4 never did and yeah it's their competitive Advantage right now I suppose you can just sign up get two months for free and then cancel to get 440 of value and a gbd4 like model today so that is pretty amazing so yeah signing app is pretty straightforward just go to and then you sign in with your Google account subscribe to the AI Premium plan get your two fre months and that's basically it after a few disclaimers you arrive here which is Gemini Advanced very similar to gb4 so now let's talk about how this Compares so as you might know on all the benchmarks this is very comparable to gbd4 matter of fact in some of them it's slightly better but at the end of the day the benchmarks don't really matter what really matters is how this actually performs on the use cases we love okay so I have a few prompts that I love to test every time one of them is just write an essay about penguins another one is generating a few images and I just use these prompts in all large language models so I can get a subjective feeling for this okay this is not any advanced research this is my personal feeling as a power user of this and and what I can tell you so far is it's very comparable to GPT 4 but different and more user friendly it feels more like a bike with training wheels rather than GPT 4 that feels more like you need some experience to really get the most out of it this is more user friendly there's no doubt about it but it lacks certain features that I really love and use all the time okay so let's talk about these things one by one so first things first if I just run this basic prompt R essay about penguins so what you'll see is that in real time the speed of this is actually super quick look it's riding way faster than gp4 does it's almost writing at the speed of 3.5 which is impressive that's a good thing now what about the flavor of this text okay the writing style is a little different okay so at this point I developed a spidey sense for what GPT written text is I've just seen so much of it works so much with it that I just can't tell when I see it right this is a little different now I don't know I feel like my personal spidey sense for GPT 4 text wouldn't pick up on this right away but it does feel a little AI written right but here's the first example of what I said before is that feels a bit like a bike with training wheels a very capable bikee but it does have the training wheels which I guess for most users is a good thing because look it doesn't just hop into the essay it says here's an essay about penguins that you can use as inspiration or a starting point right it points out what is implicit in gp4 what I communicated so many times that hey this is not the final result you just want to use this as a starting point here it helps you out by telling you in advance and this is the case amongst all prompts okay there's always this preface of like hey you need to know this before I give you the answer it's very helpful and this gets me into Ethan mik article here if you want to learn more about the emergent behaviors of this model across various tests and examples then he wrote a fantastic article because he had access for over a month now and this is his finding and he points this out too it's just more helpful it says things like this does that make sense so far is the concept becoming a bit clearer it's like a helpful tutor which makes this way better for learning purposes because gb4 is a little more like an assistance that just gives you the result and assumes you're the executive in charge and what I conclude from this and my short experience with it is is that this is set up to be helpful for all of Google's users which is everybody okay so this is a fantastic article it talks about kind of the Sparks of AGI that were talked about when gp4 also came out and how Gemini Advanced has this tool like this sort of emergent property of sometimes answers coming out that are just a bit too human or I feel like Echoes of something unspoken in there I don't know it's really hard to wor but he makes a great Point here and yeah I remember having that feeling to when playing with gbd4 deeply and really pushing it to limit sometimes and you just never got that with models like gbt 3.5 but this topic is a bit esoteric so let's get back to the Practical Parts if you want more on that his article is amazing and he's one of the best follows in the AI space would strongly recommend so what else is new here well another thing that is new is that it actually double checks the answer and it uses Google for that okay so you now have this button at the bottom you can just press G and it's searching on Google and it's going to look at this entire essay and see what of this info aligns with what it finds on Google okay so as you can see it finds different articles that confirm what is said in here now this is a fantastic feature Fe right like if you're using this for research double cheing everything you find is kind of a must even if you prompt super well you usually looking at somewhere from 80 to 90% probability of all the facts actually being right there's just always a chance of hallucination If you eliminate all hallucination it won't be creative anymore it's just the inherent property of these language models but here it uses Google search to double check this now how good is this I don't know because we have a similar thing with Bing you can kind of do this using internet browsing that doesn't work really well I think only time will show how good this double checking is but I really like this concept now you can rate it and say if this was helpful or not I guess it's a good feature to have and talking about features that are in here this interface is way richer too okay so one point of view saying that's worse because you have more clutter but other point of view is well it's more user friendly it just shows the options right so these are all things that I would manually prompt all the time right change the style more casual more professional make it simpler longer shorter this is all things we talked about on this channel a year ago like varying the Styles is literally one of the First videos I did in 2022 so now you just have this little drop down where you don't need to be aware of the fact that you can do that with prompts you can just say make it shorter okay so while that is basic there's some functionality here which I really enjoy so I've been using the chat GPT app regularly for the voice input and output it's actually really nice to kind of have that assistant in a voice interface you can have conversations way more naturally and fluently like that this has a build in okay so I could just press this absolutely here's a shorter version of the penguin essay and I could use voice to input right make it more concise nice to have I reckon that open ey is going to add this shortly as they kind of have to now and this is the thing that I'm excited about here a lot of these things will prompt open a high to take steps further ahead so as we wrap up this video I'll talk about the direction this product will probably be taking in the direction that open ey will be taking from here on out because hey we have competition now but before we do that let's talk about the final differences here what else should you know well okay so let's talk about the things that it doesn't have because there's actually quite a few one of them would be code interpreter I used that that all the time this just doesn't exist now around the release they did mention that this will be coming later on but as of today it's just not available and another thing is that the image model is very different here okay so this is not D free as with open Ai and look it just refuses initially then I simplified and remov the text and here we have a image of a cat with a hats now I dare to say that D free is actually Superior in this but I guess a lot of that is subjective also it's not the most important criteria right okay so another thing that is obviously missing here is gpts I really learned to enjoy the fact that I can set up these head Bots with preset instructions knowledge bases and actions in some cases that just do a specific thing for me this is not a feature in here yet now will this come over time maybe probably let's see but as of right now it's just not and another point would be context length what is the context length of this I actually went ahead and tested it myself okay so the way I did it is very simple I first had a conversation around the token limits and it just doesn't inform me it told me it doesn't know it can't reveal it I didn't find any exact information on the internet so I just went ahead and ran a little experiment myself so I started by saying my name is name is eigor now write an essay about penguins okay so I did that then multiple times I said another one another one another one and then sometimes I edited the prompt and said what is my name and it always got it right until I got to a point where it just forgot my name so as you can see right here at the bottom of the conversation I say what is my name unfortunately I can't determine your real name although I told it in the beginning so obviously here it forgot it right so then I take the entire conversation went over to the open AI tokenizer paste it in here and turns out 4,100 tokens this is pretty much the same as gp4 so it's me is about the same length now you know too okay so another thing that I tested is a more complex prompt so this is our prompt generator if you ever wondered what can I do with these large language models well as most of you know I put together a template with 10 different jobs and prompt generators for those jobs okay you can get that for free if you sign up to our Weekly Newsletter and basically what the prompt generator does in this case it creates 20 use cases for a growth hacker 20 prompt presets okay so you could customize the growth hacker to anything else and there's a bunch of other presets we also sell the business blueprint where we have over a, different assistants and gpts and prompt generators for them right so this is a very complex prompt that doesn't just use fusure prompting but also a lot of intricate prompt engineering and what it does is it creates 20 prompt templates now I compared these because I did this a lot and I got to say they're equally as good so with a complex prompt like this it works very well better than any other weeker model that I've seen so far even models like llama 70b didn't get this right gp4 was the only one where this worked really well now Gemini Advance is another one so yeah from my point of view I would confirm this is a gp4 competitor it lacks a few features here it has some minor advantages there but overall it's really good and you can get it for free for two months so this is not a bad deal no matter how you look at it now there's one more thing which we should point out and that is the perks that Bart already had over GPT 4 right beforehand the model was not as good but it did have these extensions and I'm not talking chat GPT plugins which were like Community developed and they usually did one thing and let's just be real most people didn't even use them but here it integrates into Google flights it integrates into Google and integrates into Google Maps and YouTube workspaces hotels now these are some of the best apps on the internet right YouTube goes without saying maps and flights I use for travel planning all the time so things like pulling YouTube transcripts or data from YouTube is going to be way simpler and way more fluid it has been with B it's just the base model was not good enough to be used all the time well that model doesn't exist anymore because now we have Gemini Ultra powering this Gemini Advanced AI all right so that leaves one question open and that is where's open AI heading and what is it going to do to the entire space well this is my take yes my turn so open eye has clearly been going in the direction of autonomous agents okay if you're familiar with projects like Auto gpts and baby agis I've been talking about this since six months how this is the clear direction that they've set with the release of gpts and the GPT store although they are in their infancy it clearly sets the direction of hey we want to build autonomous agents that are going to do stuff okay they're going to be going around clicking buttons doing things and Gemini Advance is taking a bit of a different direction here it's trying to be your helper not just your assistant but really your tutor this is going to be there to plan your trips to help you learn things and as they roll out more of the multimodal functionalities which I'm very excited about more and more use cases will be unlocked especially as it integrates into their native ecosystem of just incredible apps that already exist right it's all going to work together it's going to be double- checked with Google search this is a powerful competitor for gp4 and finally they're out and hey I'm down for some competition because that's going to drive open AI to release more cool stuff sooner as we finally have a second player that can match up to gbd4 so if you want to follow all this but you have a busy life well that's why we have our Weekly Newsletter once a week I send out an email that summarizes all the new happenings And subscribe to the YouTube channel for updates like this which go a little more into dep and at the end of the day I'll just be spending all my time exploring these and sharing what I find so you don't have to all right and if you want to learn more about this action oriented direction that open AI is taking check out this video because here I teach you how to build your own agents and literally one prompt that I created it's pretty cool see you there
Channel: The AI Advantage
Views: 54,656
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: theaiadvantage, aiadvantage, chatgpt, ai, chatbot, advantage, artificial intelligence, gpt-4, openai, ai advantage, igor
Id: l3ArneTKv_0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 3sec (783 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 08 2024
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