I Canceled ChatGPT Subscription for This

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[Music] today is the day you will be canceling your Chad GPT subscription because Google Gemini Advanced is now available in all Google workspaces for those who don't know Google Gemini is Google's version of chbt basically previously it was called Bard they recently went through a branding and it's currently called Gemini the same day it came out I signed up for Gemini Advance because I was really excited about the integration with slides docks sheets drive so in this video I'm going to show you some of the integration and how streamless it has made my life when it comes to doing any work in the Google workspace Gemini is powerful and can do many tasks such as understanding text understanding images generating creative content such as like pictures in Google Slides brainstorming ideas writing reports analyzing data and providing insights boosting productivity even coding and much more this is the only video you need to watch to get a Lowdown of how Google Gemini Advance Works inside Google Drive Google sheet Google Slides Google Docs Google Gmail so let's get right into it of all the Integrations I have to say that Google Drive integration is my favorite because I have gazillions of file and at least 2 terabytes of data in there I can use all the help when looking for different files and here is an amazing use case that I actually ended up trying all right let's go to Gemini Advanced and start a new chat it currently has access to my drive so let's say I need to reach out to a recruiter and I need to give them a summary a tldr of my resume the coolest thing I can do here I can just write Gemini to write a summary for me and it's going to go look for my resume in drive and give me a summary let me show you this is the resume I actually used to apply to Google and got me in so I'm really excited to see what this is going to do so now it's currently looking for my resume in the drive and it's going to write a really nice summary for me amazing it found my resume and it is able to generate a really nice summary for so this is pretty good but one thing I realized that it is missing is numbers I love showing my impact my work through numbers so I'm going to ask it okay so now it's getting back to work and helping me find numbers let's see what it does well it is obviously more than 200 words can you make it less than 100 words let's see what it does okay I like this way more it's basically giving a high level summary that data scientists with 10 years of experience at Amazon I've worked on experimentation resulting in Revenue generating over $4 billion USD opportunity portfolio amazing this was actually my pro bono internship that I did when I was struggling to land interviews or find a job amazing so I can technically take this summary I can put it on my LinkedIn intro I can uh put it in a upcoming talk that I'm giving and put it as my bio I can also copy paste this maybe make it a little bit different and send an email to recruiter I can do so much with it and honestly like I love this integration it also was able to find the file that it use and I can actually click on it and it will take me to that file hands down my favorite integration is Google Drive because as I said my Google Drive is a mess the next thing we're going to try is try it in Gmail so I recently gave a talk at univiversity of Washington where we talked about data science interview prep and some best practices some dos and don'ts so I have a very long email thread with the person who helped me organize so I just finished the talk two days ago so I'm going to write a follow-up response to her and I'm going to use Gemini in Google Gmail to help me do that so let's do it so this is the email thread now I'm going to write a response what I need from her is the content was recorded my talk was recorded so I would like to thank her for inviting me and how much I appre appreci it talking to the students and I'm going to ask her to send me the recordings so I can like watch it and share it on social if I want to and let me know if you want the recording because I am still debating if I want to do it or not if you are having a trouble finding where the Gemini lives it's actually this thing here so if you have Google Gemini Advance you will see this here and here I'm going to say help me write a response and basically what I need to say is that respond to Lindsay thanking her for inviting me to speak how much I enjoyed talking to students and next steps is to get the recording of my talk so this is all I'm going to give and I'm going to say create a response so it basically helped me create a response it says hi Lindsay thank you for the opportunity to speak at the event I really enjoyed talking to the students and sharing my experience with them I was particularly impressed by their thoughtful questions and their enthusiasm for learning I love it this is great this is exactly what I would write I would love to get copy of recording of my talk please let me know when it's available TX again for everything okay honestly I love it I can literally accept this or I can actually ask it to refine it further I can change the tone with Chad Bey I don't get that option with Gemini I do get the option to change my tone to more formal or more casual so now it's using more of a formal tone and let's say if I want to shorten it a little bit further I can ask it to shorten it now it's even shorter I can also ask it to go back to the original elaborate a little bit make it longer and let's say I want to insert it and Tada now I can just hint send do you see like how amazing and cool it is I'm still trying to figure out a way if it can read the entire thread and like help me create responses even faster I haven't played around with it yet but if you have let me know in comments what are the tricks to have it read the entire thread because this thread is literally like two gazillion emails like 21 back and forth emails that I have with Lindsay okay now let's go to Google Slides Google Slides is an amazing integration the reason I love it is because when I'm creating slides whether that is for a work presentation or whether that is for a presentation outside sometimes I struggle to like figure out what are the background images I can write docs for hours presentation is not a skill set that I would like to develop but you need to have good presentation skills so I'm personally really excited about the Gemini integration in uh in in Google Slides so here the way you access it is for example let's say right now this is the interview prep presentation deck that I created so it looks a little boring so let's see if I want to spice it up I can actually ask Google Gemini which is right here to generate an image for me so what I'm going to do is and then I get to pick style what kind of style I want do I want it to be art do I want to be like real photography or you want it to give it something that it can figure out on its own so for now I'm not going to define a style I'm just going to say create okay while I'm recording this I realized that this feature has actually taken away as you might have seen in the news that Google Gemini to woke so Google took away the image generation but I have used this feature when it was available in the slides and it was amazing because it was able to generate some of the images for me another presentation that I'm giving next week at my workplace in front of 500 people has at least two slides that are generated with Google Gemini image creation I can show you some pictures here of how the image creation process works but it's just really amazing on the topic of generative AI I wanted to share this free ebook that has over 100 prompts on how to use Chad GPT gemini or any of the other generative AI tools at work the ebook is is created by HubSpot who is also sponsoring this portion of the video the guide walks you through specific use cases and exact prompts that you can copy and paste into chbt gemini or any of the other gender AI tools and get smart answers for example as a data analyst let's say you were assigned a project to improve customer detention you can copy paste this exact prompt into chpt and Gemini and get answers these prompts are simple yet effective and turns you into a Chad GPT General AI power user and 10 times smarter you can download the ebook for free by clicking the link in the description below now back to the video the next integration I want to talk about is Google meets so here we're going to create a new meeting and we're going to see how we can use Google Gemini so let's say I'm currently in a meeting and I want to have my background as my living room not my living room somebody else's living room but it's generated by Google Gemini okay let's see it created a bunch of options for me let's see which one I want to use I think I kind of like this yellow couch so I'm going to insert it and wo now I'm inside somebody else's living room created by Google Gemini really cool there's also a feature to take live meeting notes for and then for it to send it to you which I don't have access yet but hopefully I'll have access to it soon I'm sure there are several other use cases that I'm currently are not able to think but I would love to know your thoughts what are some use cases that you can use Google Gemini Advanced for making your life easier whether it comes to to doing your day-to-day work or doing your personal work another feature that I'm really excited about and I want to talk about it is Google Docs last week I was writing my script for an upcoming talk that I'm going to be giving in front of 500 people oh my God I'm so nervous but I was writing my script because I Was preparing for that talk I want it to be really good and preparing really helps me get my nerves out so I was writing my script and there was one sentence that I was really really stuck at and that's when I decided to use Gemini inside Google dogs to help me rewrite it and I didn't exactly copy what it wrote but honestly reading how somebody else would write it gave me different perspective and different ideas and I was able to like polish it even further even though I did not end up using it so for example the intro that you listen to on this video we're going to actually regenerate it and ask Gemini to do it so when you go to docs if you have Gemini access it will show you something like this so here I can paste this intro and now I'm going to say can you help me rewrite this so now let's say it's basically giving me additional ideas of how I can see it the first line is the same but the later points that I mentioned Gemini is a powerful tool for various tasks such as understanding text images more it has basically created a more bullet point list for me which is another way to write it I can ask it to change tone let's say if I want to make it more casual so it doesn't sound too formal for you all I can ask it to do that of course I won't use AI generated scripts for this video because then anybody can get up and say it the reason you watch it because you want to get hear about my perspective my experience my POV so obviously like staying authentic while using these tools is very very important whether it comes to me creating content for you or you doing your day-to-day work at your day job or outside and using these AI tools to write anything I've used it also for my daughter's college essays she's currently through the college application process and there oh my God there's so many essay that she had to write and there were points when we were stuck and there was one time I use Chad GPT to rewrite her old essay and we were having a hard time figuring out a structure and honestly like the structure that it gave us even though we didn't end up using the exact script that it wrote the structure we did end up using and it turned out amazing there are some other features that I haven't mentioned in this video for example the fine flight feature so let's say I'm traveling this coming week to Bay area so I want to figure out my packing list so here what I can do is I can go to extensions and I can say pack accordingly and then I can change it to San Jose or work trip and it's basically able to find all the flights for me that are traveling going from Seattle to San Jose which is super amazing because now I don't have to go to Google Flights I can actually customize my search and find it in Google Gemini so while editing the video I realized that I just got access to Google Gemini in Google Sheets and I needed to show it to you because that's one of my favorite Integrations after Google Drive so let me show you so once you go inside Google Sheets you will have a very difficult time finding where that feature exist where Google Gemini exists it took me a minute to figure that out so what you do is go to insert and here you see something called Help Me organize so once you click help me organize that window will pop up so now what I'm going to do is I'm going to ask it to generate some Revenue data for me so I can use it to play around with visualization and so on I'm going to say all right so now I'm going to hit create and it is going to generate some data set for me awesome so it basically created data set for me what I wanted to do is I wanted to get say give me 100 rows let's see if it is able to give me 100 rows amazing now it has given this data for me one more thing I wanted to try is that it can give me templates so what I'm going to say is let's see what it's able to come up with awesome so I think generating data set is a great use case what I really really like is that it is able to like create new templates for me so here I basically just created a template of what are the things that I need to do to plan an event honestly this looks pretty pretty neat so far I'm able to generate new data set from it and I'm also able to generate new templates one of the templates that we generated as part of this video is data science Meetup in the bay areia and I'm sure there's like a lot more things that I can do with it I would love to know your thoughts in comment what are your thoughts on Gemini integration in Google Sheets what are some other use cases that we can try with Gemini integration and Google Sheets obviously it's not perfect it does sometimes tend to hallucinate it has also given me wrong answers or it just stops doing what it I ask it to do sometimes it just throws it hands and it's like I'm not going to do anything I did run into some issues when I was trying to play around with it with in uh slides and Google Docs and in the app itself so it's not native to a specific app but it's more General issue with Gemini of course you have heard about the hallucination and the recent news about images being generated from Gemini they tend to be of a specific race or specific gender so there is definitely room for improvement is not perfect but I think Google is on the right track with this launch especially with the integration in the workspace because as somebody who works a lot is going to take full advantage of Google Gemini in the workspace and I'm fully integrated in the Google workspace it might not work for you if you use other platforms such as Microsoft but like if you use a competitor tool it might not be that valuable for you but let me know in comments your thought what are your thoughts on Google Gemini have you tried it have you considered canceling your Chad subscription if you have one would you consider signing up for Gemini Advance again this video is not sponsored and it's my honest opinion and I am truly excited about Gemini Advance because this is something that I have started using at work and outside work so it's becoming more and more part of my daily life it is obviously a very powerful tool make sure when you're using any of these tools you're using it responsibly and if you are interested in how to use gender tools for coding you can watch this video next and with that thank you so much for watching I will see you in the next video bye
Channel: Sundas Khalid
Views: 10,167
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: data science, data scientist, self-taugh data scientist, tech jobs, big tech, Machine Learning, Python, data science projects, data science tutorials, data science jobs, AI, big data, data analyst, data analytics, business analyst, sundas khalid, women of color in tech, data science at google, data scientist roadmap 2024, data analyst roadmap 2024
Id: 0ASZbUviEdU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 8sec (908 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 20 2024
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