Gemini Advanced is Here! Hands-on with Gemini Advanced Features

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Gemini advanced is here and image  generation is just one thing it can do. <branded logo intro> Hey friends! I’m Tasia Custode and today we’re  hands-on with Gemini Advanced features. So,   what’s new in Gemini? Well, for starters,  the name. We’ve officially said goodbye   to Bard. It’s been nice knowing ya. Bard  is officially Gemini, and for this video,   we’re focusing specifically on  Gemini Advanced features. Let’s go! So first things first, since Bard is no longer,  you’ll access Gemini and Gemini Advanced from And yes, all your previous  Bard chats will be copied over for you in this   re-branding. Gemini Advanced is powered by  Gemini Ultra 1.0, or what Google says is   their largest and most capable state-of-the-art  AI model. With the Ultra 1.0 model, they say that   Gemini Advanced is far more capable of highly  complex tasks like coding, logical reasoning,   following nuanced instructions, and  collaborating on creative projects. In a nutshell, Google is saying Gemini Advanced,   powered by Ultra 1.0 is more powerful than  ChatGPT’s GPT4 model. Both of which are   paid subscription-based models.  So let’s get into that pricing. If you want to upgrade to Gemini Advanced,  you’ll need to purchase a new Google One   AI Premium Plan for $20USD per month.  But, you get a free two-month trial.   What’s nice about this Premium plan is  that you’re not paying just for Gemini   Advanced, but you’re also getting 2TB of  Google Drive storage and with the plan,   you’ll soon be able to use Gemini in  Gmail, Docs, Slides, Sheets and more. Remember Duet AI? If not, you can get a  refresher by watching that video here or   via the links in the description below.  But, Duet AI was where we saw all the   Google Workspace AI features like help me  write, help me visualize, and so on. So,   Duet AI is also being rebranded and will  be known as Gemini for Workspace - and   that’s what will also be included in the $  20-a-month plan. Are ya following along? Good. OK now for the new features of Gemini  Advanced. The first thing I noticed   was the speed. It’s noticeably faster on  every query. I’ve timed it for ya to give   you an estimate of how long a query takes, but  it’s generally about 3-5 seconds for me on an   inquiry. It takes the longest when it comes  to image generation, which we’ll talk about   in a minute - but it creates multiple  images for me in about 10-14 seconds. So let’s talk a little bit about how Gemini  Advanced structures responses. Because, this,   I love. So I’m going to show you a little  comparison here for how this can look. Here, I’ve toggled regular ol Gemini on, which  is powered by Gemini Pro by the way. You can   see here that I’ve asked it to create a facebook  post promoting my latest youtube video. I told   it vaguely what the video is about and this  is what Gemini produced. It’s one rather long   facebook post. But check out what happens when  I ask Gemini Advanced the exact same thing. So   I’m going to toggle Advanced on. And now I’ll  ask it the same thing. Check this out - Gemini   Advanced gives options and tips. Typically,  I’ve been given 3 options every time. So,   this way I can choose which option I  like the best and I can keep in mind   the extra tips this Advanced query has given  me like using certain hashtags, adding images,   adding a CTA. But the thing I love about this  structure and the different tone options is that   now you can just tell it what option you like and  you can have it generate anything else you need in   the same tone as that option. Here’s what I mean.  I’m going to tell it I like option 3 the best,   using that same tone, create a tweet promoting  that video. And here we go in under 4 seconds,   I’ve once again been given 3 options, but this  time they are all in that humorous tone I like   and it’s understood the context  of what I needed. Love this. These options won’t be the case every time  you prompt, but it’s worked really well for   me when I’m doing a social push or when  I need to craft emails and the like. This   structure with the options allows for a more  creative collaboration experience with Gemini   Advanced. So I really encourage you to test  Gemini Advanced when it comes to collaborating   on creative work with you, test it out for  complex tasks like coding, logical reasoning,   and the like. And if you’ve  used Gemini Advanced already,   I’m curious to know your thoughts when it  comes to these things, so comment below. But now for a giant, huge, feature  - image creation - which by the way,   at least as of right now, works with both  the free Gemini version and Gemini Advanced. All you have to do is ask Gemini to create an  image for you in any style you like. So think,   futuristic, comic book style, oil painting,  photograph, and so on. In a matter of seconds,   a few different images are created for you.  And there are a lot of things we can do once   we have images generated in Gemini. First, you  can hover over an image to download an image   in full size. This takes just a few seconds,  typically. You can ask it to generate more   images by clicking on ‘generate more’. This  will not get rid of the first set of images,   but create more for you to choose from.  You can download all the images in one go   by clicking the share icon under the images  and selecting ‘download all images’. If you   want to edit your images, you can simply  prompt Gemini with what you’d like edited.   So you could say something like “I like the  fourth image you generated but add whatever   it is you like or takeaway something. You could  also ask it to change the color scheme as well,   so maybe I’ll ask for this in black and  white. You get the idea here. So the images   aren’t going to be the exact same every time  and because this is more creative, sometimes   it’ll give you the version it thinks is best,  but it’ll be really true to what you’re asking. So keep in mind, you don’t have to  create images on their own. You can   ask Gemini to also include an image  with whatever else you’re asking. So I could say, write a short story about  a pop star touring the world and breaking   records. Include an image of her in concert.  And you can see here in a matter of seconds,   with very little detail, it’s generated a  story with the image I’ve asked for. This   could be really useful if you’re stuck on  an image for a blog post - just have Gemini   help. When you generate an image alongside  content, you can hover over that image to   not only download it, but to change it. So,  if you don’t like the image it gives you,   click on ‘change image’ and here you’ll  see a few more options to choose from. Another exciting feature is that along  with this Gemini Advanced launch,   Google has rolled out a mobile experience with a  new app on Android and in the Google App on iOS. So on Android, you’ll download the Google  Gemini app - it is a standalone app. If you   download the Gemini app or opt-in through  Google Assistant, you'll be able to access   it from the app or anywhere else you normally  activate Google Assistant — hitting the power   button or corner swiping on select phones, or  saying the wake word which is 'hey' and then you know what it is. I don't want to say it to wake your devices. This will enable a new   overlay experience that offers access to Gemini  as well as contextual help right on your screen. So Google hasn’t fully replaced  Google Assistant with Gemini yet,   but you can see where we’re going here. On iOS, Gemini and Gemini Advanced are baked  into your Google app. So if you don’t have   the Google app, you’ll download that on  iOS, where Gemini lives as a toggle at the   top of the app. So with a tap, you toggle  between Google search and Gemini. And yes,   all your chats are saved across platforms from  web to Android to iOS. With Gemini on your device,   you can type, talk, or add an  image while you’re on the go. And now for the availability. For now, Gemini Advanced is available  in over 150 countries in English only,   but it can respond to queries in other languages  in countries where Gemini is available. It’ll be   available in more languages and places soon.  It’s also not available yet to users under 18. So now I need to hear from you. What do you  think of Gemini Advanced? Let everyone know   in the comments below. As always, thank you  so much for watching. If you liked this video,   then I want to know! Give it a like, a share,   or leave that comment below. You can click right  about here to subscribe to my Channel and here   and here for even more Google AI content.  Thanks for watching, see ya next time.
Channel: Tasia Custode
Views: 24,130
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Keywords: Hands on with gemini advanced features, the best gemini advanced features, what can gemini advanced do, gemini advanced is here, whats new in google gemini, how to access google gemini, where is google gemini available, google gemini, gemini advanced, google ai, gemini ai, tasia custode, gemini google, gemini ultra, google gemini app, google gemini review, google gemini ultra, gemini google how to use
Id: o1-_se_8uOc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 56sec (596 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 15 2024
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