Gemini Advanced vs ChatGPT Plus Comparison

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so let's compare Gemini Advanced with chat BT plus the first category is going to be facts let me ask for the population of the five most populous countries and show it in a bar chart Gemini generator response in 9 seconds ctivity is still working on it and it took 23 seconds to generate the same bar chart except it's a different orientation show me the nutrition facts for one egg in a table so here we got a table with the different nutrients and that all looks correct I think and CHP generated a similar table let's now ask for something different who's the current president of France provide a source where I can verify your answer chpt gave me the homepage for the L Palace jimai gave me a direct link where I can go and verify who that is and some other links as well now summarize this Wikipedia entry it's a page about YouTube and they both gave me a decent summary of the contents of the week PDF page now let's ask how has bitcoin price evolved Year date show me a chart so there are some error here with chbt gemer some data which I don't know if it's correct but looking at the current bitcoin price it does look like this could be correct or close enough anyway let's try this again on chat TBT now he failed one more time and is trying again and now it worked but uh the data here looks quite different it does says that this is for demonstration purposes if we inspect how it was generated it was actually using a random number generator Gemini included some actual data here which again I'm not sure it's correct but it looks like it might be now let's try something new so let's ask which websites are selling a PS5 with delivery in the EU Gemini is giving me some options with images of retailers in the EU TBT is telling me to use Amazon's website in the different EU countries let's see how good the models are following instructions explain the concept of a neuron Network in one concise paragraph these both look good Geminis is a little bit shorter but I think these are pretty much equivalent gave me a five bullet list of things to see and do in New York did not include any Museum so Gemini gave me a list with images of things to see and do and no museums included chpt also gave me a similar list but in text now let's test the coding capabilities I have a problem here from lead code this is a hard programming problem I'm going to just paste in the instructions in Gemini and also chat TBT so G is already explaining here how to go about solving this problem and it's giving me the code that should solve this problem with this approach chpt didn't quite understand that I wanted to code here so let's ask again and now I generated the code let's now validate if they're correct I'll cop g i code and paste it in in lead code and I'll try to execute this to see if it passes the test cases so click on run and it was accepted with a run time of 61 milliseconds now I'm going to try chat tpt's code here I'll also base that in and I'll run it it was also accepted with a run time of 72 milliseconds which is very similar generate a python flask web app where users vote on whether they prefer cats or dogs I'm trying to create a web page here and Gemini is giving me a code using the flat framework and instructions on how to set it up and chpt also is giving me code plus some instructions let's copy these and see how they actually look so here we have the python code and the HTML file from Gemini and we have a simple web page and it looks like the voting buttom here works now let's see chat jpt is code and there's no HTML file because it's rendering the page and strings but it works as well now they both look kind of old so let's try to make it look more modern and now ask the same thing here so G I tell me to use bootstrap and include some CSS code here in my HTML file so I'll try that to see how it has improved and that looks a lot better and it's still working let's see chat TPT solution here seems to also be using bootstrap and that also looks better now they both allow me to vote more than once so let's see if we can modify the code so that users can only vote once and now I want to make sure users don't need to be authenticated so Gemini is giving me different options to go about doing this the first one here is using cookies I'll just work with that it's not giving me the full code now it's giving me what changes I need to make so I just copy that here and paste it looks like I I need to import a a new method that is being used here now let's see if it works so now inde I can only vote once let's see chat GPT solution which seems to also be based on cookies so I'm going to paste that in and rerun this and I cannot seem to be able to vote again which means it's also working let's try images in PDFs so first I'm uploading an image of an Ikea table and asking the dimensions so Jim and I already figured out that this is an Ikea table and it's giving me the dimensions right away here and we can verify that in the website now chat GPT doesn't know about this table but it's giving me some ranges and reference values and they all look reasonable so I'm uploading another image now of a random product from the internet and I'm asking where do I buy this now Jim I found the actual website where I can go and buy this and I can try and click on it and it takes me to the correct page indeed chat GPT is just telling me about where I can find these kind of tables now let's try to work with a PD PF and ask questions about it in chat tpg you can just upload it right here this is Google's quarterly report I want to ask how does Google make money and it's giving me a correct answer based on the contents of the PDF to work with PDF in Gemini I uploaded the same PDF to my Google Drive and then I'm going to ask about it now it's using a Google workspace extension and grabbing the contents of the file which is found here in my Google Drive now speaking of extensions let's talk about Integrations and other stuff so first of all in Gemini I can for example ask about emails in my Gmail so I received an email recently talking about openg GPT can you find it and summarize it for me the Google workspace extension found the email which was an email from linkchain with linkchain release notes and indeed in that email body there is Aion of open gpts we can also try Google flights and hotels extensions I'm going to ask to estimate a trip from stom to Tokyo with the specified dates here staying at a three star hotel and eating out every day so now it's looking for information and it's telling me right away that it doesn't always get right so I should verify it but then it's giving me a price for the cheapest flight I found some Alternatives Hotel options with links where I can go and click and verify that it's free star and with the price that was listed so this looks good now the meals here were estimated in US Dollars and when estimating the total for the trip it forgot to convert USD to Swedish Crowns which is my currency so let me try to ask it to recalculate after converting it from US dollars to my local currency and I correctly converted and gave me the correct total and by the way you can browse the search results directly here as well I'm going to ask for the main takeaways from this YouTube video which is from a Creator talking about Apple Vision Pro it hallucinated the price here but the other information is actually correct and it was a pretty long video so it's nice to be able to get these kind of summaries now that that's it for Google's extensions open has its own stuff going on here so for example in the chat GPT world we can work with custom gpts these are a bunch of gpts that are created by the community or open thei themselves we have for example Dolly here things around writing productivity research and Analysis and so on so for example we can grab this one here video GPT and it will walk walk us through creating a video here using this tool so definitely a strong developer Community here in openai but there are more things you can do at Gemini as well for example if I ask you to write a thank you note for a colleague who helped me with a project then it's giving me a couple of options here and what we can do is that we can click click down here in share and draft in Gmail and that will take us to Gmail where we'll have the content prepopulated here and we can use this to send a short and Suite thank you email to a colleague or for example we can ask for an nay on say the French Revolution and it's generating us some text here and we are able to customize the responses by clicking here and choosing to be shorter longer simpler more casual or more professional so for example if we go the simpler option we get a shorer ea with more simple language as well and then we can also click on share and Export it to docs and that will take us to Google Docs with the content in here as well so I can then use this as something to work on in terms of pricing both products cost about 20 bucks but Google gives also two terabytes of storage and some other premium benefits like enhanced editing features in Google photos managing the dark web for your name using the VPN from Google one and workspace premium features primarily for Google meeting calendar with appointment calendars professional booking page background wise cancellation and meet Etc and then both products have things we can look forward to for example gemin 1.5 Pro which has an 1 million context window and open I also recently announced a text to video model which is very impressive and may or may not be coming to chat TPT so which one is better it's really hard to say and it really comes down to your preferences and also which ecosystem you're invested in I think Jim and I gave a pretty satisfactory response here by telling us that it's not about to is better but there are strengths and weaknesses and both products continue to improve on an ongoing basis I hope this video helped in some way and thank you for watching
Channel: Victor Dantas
Views: 16,002
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: w-Zdvtp-CCg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 44sec (704 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 18 2024
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