He Started It... He Will Finish It | Dutch Sheets

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i shared this on a post recently but the lord just won't let me get away from this revelation he just keeps speaking to me about it and i've had two or three confirmations in the service today that this is right it's what he wants me to mention so and even terry when he read the uh the tribute to these guys quoted from read from exodus 14. and that's where i'm going so i tell you the lord's about to he's about to do some stuff he's doing stuff but he's going to do some more stuff so i'm going to read a good bit of this chapter maybe the whole thing those of you that have your bibles open them if you have your phone turn it i don't think that's very spiritual approach to just bring your phone your bible on your phone but if that's as high as you've risen in your walk that you just then turn in your phone you got your bible today greg or you just say just your phone this makes me want to weep so exodus 14 verse 1 the lord spoke to moses saying tell the sons of israel to turn back he's throwing a curve to them see i want you to backtrack and camp before eroth something like that and mgdoll between mcdonald the sea you'll camp in front of baal zephon opposited by the sea he told him specifically this is where i want you to go for pharaoh will say of the sons of israel they're wandering aimlessly in the land because when he did this when the lord did this it just looked like these guys are wandering around aimlessly lost they don't know where to go they don't know what to do so pharaoh he said it's going to see this and say they're wandering in the land wilderness has shut them in because this location that god told them to go to naturally speaking trapped them there's a mountain behind them there's a sea in front of them there's no place to go the only way out was filled with the army of egypt pharaoh and his soldiers so god led them into a trap sometimes when it looks like you're being trapped he's really trapping the enemy i will harden pharaoh's heart and he will chase after them and i will be honored through pharaoh and his army and the egyptians will know that i'm the lord and they did so they went back to this place when the king of egypt was told that the people had fled pharaoh and his servants had a change of heart toward the people and said what what is this we've done that we have let israel go from serving us so he made his chariot ready and took his people with him and he took 600 select chariots and all the other chariots of egypt with officers over all of them and the lord hardened the heart of pharaoh king of egypt and he chased after the sons of israel as the sons of israel were going out boldly then the egyptians chased after them with all the horses and chariots of pharaoh his horsemen his army and they overtook them they caught up with israel by the sea beside paharoth in front of baal zephan and as pharaoh during the sons of israel looked and behold the egyptians were marching after them and they became very frightened so the sons of israel cried out to the lord and they said to moses is it because there were no graves in egypt that you've taken us away to die in the wilderness why have you dealt with us this way bringing us out of egypt is this not the word that we spoke to you in egypt saying leave us alone that we may serve the egyptians can you believe this it sounds like half the church today you know just put up with all the stuff you know it would have been better for us to serve the egyptians than die in this wilderness moses said to the people don't fear stand by and see the salvation of the lord which he will accomplish for you today for the egyptians whom you have seen today you will never see him again forever the lord will fight for you while you keep silent now it seems like probably moses said this to the people and then sort of snuck off by himself and said help because the next verse the lord said to moses why are you crying out to me tell the sons of israel to go forward a good word isn't it go forward if you don't if you're a leader and you don't know what to tell the church right now i can tell you what to tell the church go forward and it's for you moses lift up your staff stretch out your hand over the sea and divide it and the sons of israel go through in the through the midst of the sea on dry land and as for me behold i will harden the hearts of the egyptians so that they will go in after them i'll be honored through pharaoh and his army through his chariots and his horsemen and the angel of god who had been going before the camp of israel moved and went behind them and the pillar of cloud moved from before them and stood behind them so it came between the camp of egypt and the camp of israel and there was the cloud along with the darkness yet it gave light at night thus the one did not come near the other all night then moses stretched out his hand over the sea and the lord swept the sea back by a strong east wind all night and turned the sea into dry land so the waters were divided and the sons of israel went through the midst of the sea on the dry land and the waters were like a wall to them on their right hand and on their left then the egyptians took up the pursuit and all pharaoh's horses these chariots horsemen went in after them into the midst of the sea and it came about at the morning watch that the lord looked down on the army of the egyptians through the pillar of fire and cloud and brought the army of the egyptians into confusion and he caused their chariot wheels to swerve and he made him drive with difficulty so the egyptians said let's get out of here for the lord is fighting for them the lord said to moses stretch out your hand over the sea so that the waters may come back over the egyptians their chariots and horsemen so moses stretched out his hand over the sea and the sea returned to its normal state at daybreak while the egyptians were fleeing right into it then the lord overthrew the egyptians in the midst of the sea and the waters returned and covered the chariots and horsemen even pharaoh's entire army that had gone into the sea after them not even one of them remained but the sons of israel walked on dry land through the midst of the sea and the waters were like a wall to them on their right hand and on their left thus the lord saved israel that day from the hand of the egyptians and israel saw the egyptians dead on the seashore when israel saw the great power which the lord had used against the egyptians the people feared the lord and believed in the lord and in his servant moses what good story the most of you i'm sure know that the exodus the deliverance of israel from egypt the fulfilling of the promise to abraham that when the time is right and the iniquity the cup of iniquity of the amorites has been complete i'm going to give you this land let me just back up and make sure you understand that when god promised this land to abraham in his justice he would not give it yet he said to abraham i'm going to do this but the cup of iniquity is not yet full among the amorites so i'm going to wait until it is and then give it to you now that was 400 years later so even though god knew they would come to a state of such evil and wickedness that he could justly take it from them and give it to abraham he still wouldn't do it until it really happened in his justice but now that has taken place and he can fulfill the promise and so when he's doing this to deliver them from egypt all of these ten plagues that he brings represent one of the gods of egypt so in his you know dealing with the water and it becomes blood and the cattle and the flies all these things pictured or represented one of the gods of egypt so god is not only delivering israel he's judging the idols the idolatry he's demonstrating to these people in both israel as well as egypt he's demonstrating to them that these idols are not really god i am so he's making a statement he's not just making a statement because he wants to show off this is not god just saying i'll show him who's to god it's he makes one statement here and i'm going to get to this again in a minute but he says that the not just that israel what i'm about to do is not just so that israel will know i'm god and that i'll be honored but egypt he wants once it once we he deals with the with the wicked leadership he wants the people of egypt to know these gods of baal can't help you i'm god when you study this passage the theologians and the writers and and hebrew scholars say this this was an act of grace this judging of these gods was an act of grace toward egypt and showed god's heart that while he was judging this wick this wicked ruler and this army he wanted to reveal who he was to the people of egypt i was never taught that in sunday school i just thought he hated the egyptians everything god does even when he's judging he you never he never abandons his redemptive heart i mean when he's days away from destroying nineveh wicked wicked wicked city when repentance comes well of course i'd much rather give you revival than judgment it's the heart of god so he's he's judging these and and revealing to to israel and to egypt that these gods are not gods and of course they leave egypt take the spoils but god's not finished he takes them on a certain route and pharaoh evidently has scouts or some some some way of knowing what they're doing and he says turn around go back to here and he takes him to a place was it where as i said earlier they're trapped they set up camp there when the armies of egypt came this way there's no way out now it's over it's humanly impossible now if something in the way of a tremendous miracle doesn't take place it's over and they knew it the place he took them was facing a hill with a monument there and this place was called bail zephon the lord of the north baal had several different descriptive names he called it you know and so uh me the some of the names referred to fertility so bales they worship we worship this this this part of god it's like we call him our god provider our savior our redeemer our banner our victory well they had they did this for baal see the devil's always you know he wants to he wants what belongs to god so baal means lord or master so he he through these people these regions gave himself all these names he's the he's the god of fertility he's the one that helps us reproduce he's the god of the harvest bao he's the lord of the harvest not him but baal and so all of these terms he's the lord our provider one of the terms was money he's the lord of our money and this this one was he's the lord of you could translate it winter or north it's a hebrew term and because of the location far to the north the hebrew being a picture language it became a term associated with winter wind cold winds [Music] the sea so this is this was a very to the egyptians a very powerful god ba'al zephone the lord of the of the seas and the north wind and this strong [Music] mighty god this baal and in hebrew scholars writers in their writings they actually they actually quote what they believe that's been passed down to them that pharaoh actually said that he actually said and they put it in quotes god has our god has trapped them and their god could deal with all these other gods of egypt but he he can't he can't deal with bales of baal zephan has trapped him and his people because this god that we have is stronger than there finally one of our gods is stronger and the lord brought him back there because no one knew it but him and what he was saying was i've left one so i can finish the job and when i judge that one i want it to be right in front of the monument they built to him and the one they call the lord of the sea i'm going to kill their army through the sea i'm going to make their god bow down before me i don't have to lead them where i want them to go by rolling back the water or using the wind but i'm going to use the wind and the water because i'm gonna judge baal about 14 15 years ago i went into a season where the spiritual warfare against me was very intense more so than i had ever experienced when you do what we do you experience that you you just you just liv you just learn to just push through the stuff you wear your armor and use your weapons and do what you need to do this was different and there was it was it was it was almost like i stepped into a cocoon of of evil and it was like sometimes i described it like like i was in a swarm of bees but it just felt like demons flying around all just you resist them and you get a little relief and here they come again and the the barrage of words comments statements thoughts that he's like i should be able to stop this is it sometimes i would go to my basement we're in colorado time to go to the downstairs family room two three in the morning just build a fire and sit there and put worship on and just pray in tongues and finally i said i called chuck i call dutch pierce or chuck whatever his name is chuck sheets i called chuck sheets those of you that weren't here friday night then that won't mean anything to you i said man i tell him what i was going through and i said i don't understand what's happening do you have any insight for me picking up anything is it chuck's a prophet i said do you what is this he said it's baal i said baal i mean baal was way back then think about you know obviously demons don't then die yeah he said it's spirit of baal it's the ruling spirit over america and in your role in this nation god is allowing this confrontation because he wants you to study and learn about this so you can teach the rest of us about it i'm thinking thanks a lot this is your word to me he said talk to you later hangs up the phone so i i i did just that studied this studied baal taught on it this is this became the message of the call on 777 in nashville july 707 was we are divorcing baal because any time you a lot of times when god was dealing with baal or with israel who had turned to bail worship when he was breaking that off of them you would find the number seven repeated in many different ways because seven was a number of covenant and marriage and so baal was considered the god they were married to and in covenant with and so god would do symbolic things to show you are breaking i want to break your marriage and your covenant with baal and move you back into covenant with me and so that became when lou engel was told to do the call in 777 he said i don't know why but i know we're supposed to do it on 777. then this message came and his teaching about baal and he understood then that's what this is all about we're going to repent for our idolatry and the for allowing baal the human sacrifices all that stuff the abortion that's all caused by the spirit of baal even jezebel is a spirit that operates under baal so he said we're gonna that's what this is all about so then assignments begin to come to the body of christ and entire prayer movements for months knew that they were they were to do prayer journeys go to places repent on behalf of the nation for the things we had done to to come into alignment with this spirit and and then do prophetic acts and prayers to to decree that america is moving back into covenant or sevening herself back to the lord and that's been going on now off and on since then i find it interesting that when i was back in nashville at kent christmas's gathering on july 4th in my hotel room saying lord i wasn't even on the schedule we just decided last minute we just want to go and support what they're doing there and and hear what some of the prophets are saying and when he found out that i was going to be there he asked me to be on one of the panels and do if you saw what i did but i said lord you know when i'm on that panel is there anything you want to say or you want me to talk about that you want to tell me now the evening before and he led me to this passage and i found myself thinking it's like full circle what i'm back in nashville and you when i ask you what you want to talk about and you bring me back to this baal thing what's that all about and i'll tell you what it's all about god's fixing to finish the job just like he did with egypt just like he did with these bales back then and the gods he had already judged he said i saved one because i need to i need to make a statement i need to let everybody know that i'm the lord baal means lord that i'm the lord of everything that's why you got stuck on that phrase today he says that i've already demonstrated my power over him here but now i'm going to finish it and right in front right in front of his idol right in front of that hill you camp right there because that's where i'm going to stretch out my rod of authority and show the whole nation and the nations that there is not one aspect of baal that is really that is really true he's not the master of anything i am and i'll tell you what the lord's saying to us right now do not think that the god who started this process of turning this nation back to him of bringing this great outpouring which is going to deliver a nation bring revival and help us restore and reform and finish the destiny that he's given this land to be his trumpet of the gospel of the kingdom to the ends of the earth do not think that the god who started this cannot finish it do not think that just because it looks like the enemy one and that we're backed up against the sea with no way out now do not think that god was in any way confused overruled overtaken by this foul spirit of baal do not think he's ever been outsmarted outmaneuvered or out thought and i'll say this to you right now in this nation he has the devil right where he wants him front and center and he is going to expose the evil doers and he is going to bring the revival that he has promised and it's going to change not just hearts souls for eternity's sake it's going to change the mentality of a nation twice in this chapter he says i'm going to be honored through this not just by israel he said i'm going to be honored by egypt what would you would you would you what would you think would you believe me if i told you that the word honor there is the word glory kabat i'm not only going to be glorified by my people i'm going to be glorified by my enemy [Applause] i'm gonna make them give me glory and if you don't think that the whole that entire part of the world understood this war of the gods this is this is the very reason that you see phrases in the old testament like the god of israel because all these other gods existed and it was this whose god is the strongest thing the whole region heard the story their god his name's yahweh he's the baddest of all the gods what did rahab say 45 years later when the spies went in to check out the land and she remember and she hid the spies and said and they said because you've you're doing this you won't be destroyed with the rest of this city tie the scarlet cord in your window so we know what your place is and make sure all your relatives get in here because everybody else is going to die and what did she say when they came we've heard the story of how your god dried up the red sea let me paraphrase that we heard the story about how your god yahweh kicked our god bales zephon's butt i cleaned that up for most for some of you out there some of you probably wouldn't have cared but i cleaned it up this was big news god was not just delivering israel he was making a statement to those nations trying to reveal himself to them to break the stronghold of baal off of them and i tell you when god brings his full deliverance and turn to this to this nation and this revival comes it's not just for you and i suffer the church he's going to show himself to those that don't know him he's going to do things in a way that when the breakthroughs start happening and the signs and wonders and the revival and the turning of education and all these things people are going to say this is god i this is god i guess you know one of the things i really want you to know is that i feel like we we we must consciously think about the fact that the timing of this you know what what's being said now by the prophetic voices the intercessors the apostolic leaders about this revival this breakthrough that's coming you know for god to take take me for me to decide with my schedule three days ahead of time i'm going to a conference somewhere when i'm not a speaker it's a break for me to sit at home especially on a holiday and cece feels the same way i mean for her to say maybe we're supposed to go to that meeting in nashville i mean i was thinking of something i wasn't going to say it i thought she afraid she'd throw something to me at me what do you mean we're supposed to go i mean we get some days off she says i saw this ad again this uh the the announcement again i think maybe we're supposed to go to that then i talked to to kent everything about coming you can get us a couple seats and are you kidding me i'll get you some i'm telling you why the lord did this he's going to take me back to nashville 777. and talk to me about baal again he's about to deal another blow to that spirit over this nation [Applause] i'm going to pray into this i want to know first to say either one of you want to add anything or jump in or prophesy or whatever before i pray okay you know maybe you won't come up here in case you want to jump in and pray let me let me give you permission to do whatever you want to do something here today if you would rachel maybe maybe you could come up and i just i just feel like the lord's he just he wants us to know i'm going to glorify myself i'm going to i will be honored in this land again i'm going to bring glory to my name and i'm going to bring deliverance by i'm going to bring judgment to i'm going to judge my enemies he's going to love all the people he can love and take care of him but he but those that stand in his way he's going to he's going to have to deal harshly with some of them and you just got to let him do what he needs to do i mean he's going to i won't you stand up and let's pray into this for a minute lord you are even even once called yourself use the name baal to reference yourself because it means lord and master and you said i'm bail perishing i'm the lord god breakthrough not this piece of wood or rock over here it's me and i'm the god of the wind and i'm the god of winter summer spring and fall and i'm the god of the seas and the oceans i'm the master and lord of everything and lord you're you're the master and lord of america and we sang it earlier you're lord of everything and we have no king but jesus we will serve no other gods and that tear the the land that we have given away you are helping us reclaim for you that we can become the light you need this nation to be in this hour we're going to see that happen lord you're going to finish this mission of delivering us from this spirit of baal you're going to break that stronghold you're going to show yourself strong in the midst of doing that you're going to demonstrate to this nation that you are god some of them won't like it but they're all going to know it that jesus is lord and yahweh is god and that he's not afraid to deal with that spirit and he's not afraid to march his people right in front of it and do it he's not afraid to let it look like they're in control again is coming [Music] checkmate is coming revival is coming awakening is coming turn around is coming so lord we prophesy into this again today and we say you are lord and master there is no other god but you this nation will be truly recovering seven to you [Music] this presence movement that's coming we'll all be all about honoring you in this glorious marriage jesus and his bride and miracle will picture this again this movement [Music] will focus around worship it's that welsh thing again they called the welsh revival the singing revival it's the worst lord we're coming back to that so we seven ourselves to you now here it's a prophetic picture and statement and we say we are yours we are betrothed to you we are married to you we're in love with you we're crazy about you [Music] we will serve no other gods father in chapter 7 of exodus you stretched forth your hand and you brought israel into that place of covenant and you set to freeing them lord in chapter 12 you told moses to stretch forth his hand the partnership had begun and father i thank you today that you are bringing your ecclesia into a place that we're not afraid to stand in the in the face of adversity whether it's egypt coming after us lord or whether it's those among our ranks afraid or bad-mouthing or criticizing what you're doing your remnant will stand and father you brought us into this place of standing after doing all to stand you've given us ground and father we decree today we'll not let it go we'll not give it back we'll not surrender it to the enemy and we that surrender spirit is broken off of the church in jesus name and father will not be like egypt dear god unlike israel was in egypt thinking it's better there god where we've been is not better than where you're taking us and father we thank you today god that on the other side of this sea that we're backed up against today in the nation of america there is a promised land there is a land that you promised us to be there's a prophetic declaration getting ready to be manifested over america there are promises god that are coming true when we get on the other side of this sea so father we say today bring on egypt bring on the pharaohs and back us up against whatever you need to back us up against so we can get on with what you have declared over us as a nation and father we thank you today we are not afraid we do not carry the spirit of fear but we stand today in that power and that love and that sound sober thinking mind that you've given us as your ecclesia father i thank you this weekend has shifted your church this weekend has brought us as an ecclesia into a place that we've never been before you've backed us up against the sea and you're getting ready to make a mulchery out of the enemy that he has never expected so father throw your final blow over the enemies of america cast down these false gods that have built their thrones up above your throne push us back against the water for we know that's where your wind is that's where the miracles are taking place today and father as you begin to do this there is a countless score of those that you have called by your name getting ready to walk across from egypt into a place of us seeing the miracles fulfilled that you said america would do so father we make a declaration today over this nation that has been made many many many times america shall be saved four months ago such confidence began to fill my entire being that god was moving everything on the chessboard of this world and i asked holy spirit something and in light of what dutch just shared i said holy spirit give me sum this up in a phrase because i wanted a phrase you know it's like catchy and here's what he said hell doesn't have a chance not in light of our god i'm telling you god has this and hell doesn't have a chance we're taking this we're taking this nation back and hell doesn't have a chance [Music] we're taking our families back we're taking the prodigals back hell doesn't have a chance our god is moving our god is moving hallelujah checkmate man checkmate you can almost preach it every week checkmate if you think god is not smarter than our adversaries i mean how could you even go there i mean as i put out come on man you think our god's not more powerful come on man [Music] while duchess is preaching towards the end of his preaching the lord gave me a vision i feel i need to share with you today to pray into or however you feel what you want to handle it but i saw in this vision the founding fathers standing over in this area and as dutch began to preach i saw that they were taking off their coats and they were coming and laying them on the altar one by one as dutch would make a point over america concerning these false gods and then as dutch began to wrap it up george washington was the last one that i saw come and he laid a coat on the altar and as dutch wrapped up his message today benjamin franklin began to take some type of instrument and he began to strike the liberty bell and so i just feel like the lord is saying today that what we are seeing here is dealing with the foundation of our nation and that when we get these things deal with there's going to be a ring from the bell of liberty over this nation like we've never ever heard before god's gonna ring the bell he's gonna ring the devil's bell too that bell ring such a prophetic flow what was it i don't know when it was yesterday no doubt it don't you doubt this don't you doubt this [Music] don't doubt it god's up to something hallelujah
Channel: Oasis Church
Views: 67,008
Rating: 4.9337792 out of 5
Keywords: the oasis church, tim sheets, dr. tim sheets, oasiswired, oasis church, middletown ohio, oasis middletown, tim sheets middletown, heaven made real, angel armies, planting the heavens, the new era of glory, new era, no more delay, dutch sheets, prophetic summit, angels and decrees, prophetic word, pray for america, the hub, oc, oasis, apostle tim sheets
Id: --RWFbAHNhg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 51sec (2931 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 18 2021
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