NEW ENEMY Analysis And HOW TO BEST Kill Shriekers GUIDE | Helldivers 2 Tips And Tricks

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hey guys this Al beum back with another video and this time we're going to be discussing the shers and before I even think about asking you to click that like or subscribe button for me I just ask that you perhaps give me a chance to earn that from you and with that being said let's get in on this so the shriekers they Spawn from these trees that are awfully reminiscent of the sport trees they usually spawn with two or three trees in a little cluster now they have a lot more HP than your normal trees and well the shers are going to be Spa running out of them two or three at a time also now if you keep them unattended this is going to get out of control very very fast these guys are basically flying hunters and I know this is exactly what everyone just wanted to hear but at least you have an opportunity to keep their population under control before it really really gets out of hand considering the nature of these enemies I found the arc thrower to be absolutely useless it doesn't even reach them most of the times and if they get too close it's going to be too late now these are very light enemies they have no armor whatsoever so what is the best way to deal with them bring a rapid fire weapon and I honestly cannot think of a better one than the sickle because it just shreds through them it has a crazy high rate of fire and the damage is really really damn nice no recoil as well and uh it's going to be very easy to change the direction of your shots as their shers are changing their positioning as well well you could actually ignore or most of the times the sport trees the shrier trees should be your outmost priority because these guys are flying and this means that they can close into your position a lot quicker than any other enemy on foot this is basically even more dangerous than the stalkers who also have their layer so you should be going to the stalker trees to take care of them and just bring them down so this is going to be stopping them to spawn but the problem is you might actually have more than one spawning point on the entire map so they are going to be a nightmare for a lot and I do mean a lot of players now the shrier trees the first tree for me it took a lot more bullets a lot more damage to actually down while the second tree just went down very very easy but after I did that it was lights out for the shriekers not staying out in the open gives you the best fighting chance against these guys and it kind of gives you a foothold and they can just keep spawning at you relentlessly so keep to the Shadows keep to the rocks and it's going to be a little bit easier because I say again these guys are incredibly incredibly annoying and not all of them are going to be coming from the same direction there you have it guys the shers the new enemy how to deal with them well I hope this is going to be helping you once you do find them because the first time I fought these guys it was an absolute absolute nightmare guys this is alium I will see you in the next one bye-bye
Channel: Elbethium
Views: 26,902
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Helldivers 2, How to, Beat, Easy, Shriekers, Tips, Tricks, Tips and tricks
Id: wEicbPz41p0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 55sec (175 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 20 2024
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