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this Story begins with a trip to the big city I'm running a little low on cash and I've heard you can make wads of it salvaging and I don't have a salvage ship so I figured it was time for me to buy myself a brand new vulture and if you're new to the game or you haven't played it before and you're wondering if you can get out on those skyscrapers and walk around you can indeed if you want to there's not much to do up there but there's not really much to do on top of skyscrapers in real life either this ship looks a little familiar to you veterans out there I'm sure but it's brand new to me and we're going to tour the entire thing later on in the video so after finally purchasing my ship I headed out of lville in the dark enjoying the sites along the way to go find a ship to salvage I accepted my first Salvage claim and ended up in deep space in an asteroid [Music] field after looking up multiple YouTube videos on how to actually use this ship for what it's meant for I finally got it dialed in and started getting the hang of it and was able to scrape the entire ship down to the bare frame for all the materials to then process and sell later eventually I ended up just juggling the ship around like a professional at the end of my tractor beam and then uh figured out you can actually detach the guns from it and it was very satisfying actually loading those things into my ship dropping them into the cargo bay and then it was time to actually disintegrate the rest of the ship take a listen to these whatever they are they sound insane listen to this menacing so then after that I went inside my ship and you actually process the material you harvested from those ships and it pops out in these little loot boxy looking crates storage crates too heavy to move or carry by hand so you have to use the tractor beam and youd stack them up and I got myself a little collection of loot to go make some money [Music] with what's up guys welcome back to another video we are in Star Citizen and you're looking at the Drake vulture and I've seen this ship around it's one of uh a couple Salvage ships you can get in Star Citizen and I wasn't really a fan I kind of thought it looked a little boring you know it's not a fighter it's not a fighter uh ship doesn't have big guns and all that and I was like well I got to get it cuz I have to make some money so uh I did get it and I'm actually liking it more and more and more the more I fly it it's kind of cozy it's kind of cozy on the inside too uh it's definitely modeled after like a bulldozzer or something you know it's got the ladders on the outside of it and the the pipes on the outside really an industrial looking ship you got your uh your salvaging equipment on the front here and even the cab look at that that it looks like a it looks like a bulldozer or something up there and even the even the lights I just saw the lights definitely heavy equipment inspired for sure I like the ship I like it a lot and uh we got a full load back here you guys already saw that I did pick up a cargo container to add to the collection here but uh yeah you got the inside here cargo uh cargo area the cargo grid your uh your boxes snap to it I think I just figured that out the other day and your crafting area you can craft parts for your tractor beam or your multi-tool and then also spit out your refined stuff a little cramped right here little cramped got a ladder goes up into the second level a pretty basic ship but you know the Drake the Drake has a really unique look to it during that free week I think it was the Drake Co hair that was a pretty sick ship but they took it away from me after the free we could flying that and you got your little bed here check this out you got a little Storage storage container right here you can put stuff in and then your bed which uh I figured out how to bed log finally which is quite nice and then you got the cab the cabin the cockpit right up here but uh yeah I dig the ship can I get out right here oh I can nice nice nice nice and then the little guns the little guns here just in case you getting a tight a tight squeeze I forgot the name of the Moon that we're on but uh got a little mountain in the back there nice nice little uh spot to check the ship out they they threw some vacuum hoses on here but yeah overall I like the ship let's get a little shot of the rear end here I never liked the way it looked but then once you buy it and it's yours and you're and you're using it you start to starts to grow on you a little bit I always thought it was the really boring basic ship but once you're in it and you're running around it uh get it's it's sick it's sick I like it it sounds good too lots of the Rockets sound good the uh the equipment the uh the the tools on the front the salvaging tools those'll sound good but yeah yeah it's basically a space bulldozer so yeah I want to go uh sell the the cargo I have in the back the Drake vulture is not the only thing that I purchased when I was at lville either there I snagged a little something else a little surprise we're going to have to pick it up with the Carrick and uh hopefully the Carrick is big enough to put that thing in the cargo bay and let's just say we're going to go to a bunker and uh cause a little bit of Havoc I hope unless I have to buy ammo for it so let's go try to sell this load of cargo see if they take it and then we're going to go pick up a new toy [Music] [Music] okay guys we're at Brio's breaking yard I stopped at a few other outposts to try to sell this uh cargo and it wouldn't let me sell it so I asked Global chat if you can sell it here and they said you can and uh so we're going to try that let's jump out of our ship this is basically the wild west of an outpost cuz it's not monitored like you can basically we can get shot by other players and you're not going to get a crime stat on it cuz up in the right hand corner it doesn't have the little satellite radar and guns are not uh limited here so we're going to have guns out we could get shot at we could shoot other players if we find one but uh I'm going to try to sneak in here and uh there was a few other ships parked on the other side there could be somebody in here I don't know they could uh the global chat knows I'm going here so they could try to intercept me uh while I'm trying to sell my cargo so let's see what happens I got the uh the Gallant rifle here with the two-time magnification uh Red Dot on here I do not want to get lit up and die that would be bad okay here's a commodity shop let me just check my rear here make sure nobody sneaks up on me this is kind of sketchy okay let's see so we go to the Drake vulture please work please work oh wait wait wait sell in demand I can sell that okay good good good good good recycled material composite 10K decent decent amount I guess not a whole lot constructed materials oh it's not letting me sell the guns in the back of the ship okay let's sell that for 10 G's I'll try putting them into the storage crate and maybe that'll work actually you know what I don't know how I would even put those big guns in the storage crate cuz I don't even know if they show if they'll show up on my inventory properly uh we're going to see though I highly doubt that will work let's see if the crates of recycled material are gone at least wait there's still one left what the heck so I sold one of them interesting so we got some we got the gun still here and then like half a box of recycled materials I don't know that's strange I kind of want to go back inside The Outpost and see if we can uh maybe give it one more shot at trying to sell that stuff but at least we made 10K I guess and I also want to see if I can find another player and shoot them I'm going to go to The Far Side of The Outpost and see if I can see uh any other player ships all right I think that's another player ship right there okay this looks like an abandoned ship for sure it looks half destroyed so I'm not going to bother going over there I don't think okay guys so it's not letting me sell the rest of my salvaged material I don't know why but uh I'm going to see if I can move this thing o i can it says it's just waste though well we sold half the cargo load most of it I guess anyway uh besides the guns and one other crate but I mean if you guys know where to set or like what the deal is or what I'm doing wrong let me know down in the comments uh but I guess uh we're going to call it good right there for the for the cargo running I think it's time to go grab the Carrick and uh go load up my new toy all right guys so I'm cruising into dayar and look what I stumbled upon I'm heading to the garden and this showed up on my way look at this it looks like some type of old ruins or something I bet you that it's like a racetrack or something I think there's a racetrack on dayar I'm not sure though but at the very least we're going to do a flyby over it and give this a look this looks crazy look at that out in the distance we're going to have to explore this in a later video I think for sure set the cruise control Zoom back just a tad that looks pretty cool look at that Tower damn nice you never never know what you'll find in Star Citizen I guess these these planets are these moons and planets are pretty desolate for the most part but sometimes you stumble across something kind of cool okay guys that's the garden right there it says I'm trespassing on private property so we're not going to be able to grab the new vehicle right here apparently uh so we're going to move on to the next spot oh gosh there he goes he's shooting at me we're out of here all right guys there is the new toy I couldn't help myself in lville look at this thing I got the Nova tank and we're going to load it up into the Carrick the cannon on that Beast I don't know if you can I don't know if you have to buy ammo for it or if it's like a ship and you just refuel it or something we we're going to find out let's take a peek at this thing it's a little dark out but I got the I got the flood light shining on the situation right now that is one mean looking piece of equipment right there oh all right let's jump in I've seen this thing sitting around but I'm not able to get in the damn thing it's time to hop in my brand new tank I want to go take out like a bunker with this thing take out the guns that always shoot your ship down you know going in hell yes I wonder if this thing will fit in the car or not we're going to find out little computer board here what is this oh this must be a this is the Gunner seat oh man do I need a multi crew to run this thing this isn't good oh boy okay how do I Power this thing on engage systems power on engine on let's just engage systems here we go this thing cost me like 500,000 I think that's why I'm a little low on money now and I I need to do some salvaging all right let's drive this thing whoa this thing's got like a turbo or something this thing's fast holy moly it's a race tank oh look at this Beast hell yeah can we turn the Throttle Down jeez this thing is either wide open or nothing at all okay let's see if it'll fit in this does not look promising oh no I bought too big of a tank this thing's way too big how am I going to fit it in there I can't do it oh no damn I can't fit it in here wait maybe maybe no that's way too big oh man son of a gun I need a better freaking I need a train transport hauler all right I guess I guess we're going to haul it like this right on the ramp we'll see how that works um oh no well that's a bummer now I got to find a now I got to buy a ship that can haul a tank around all right we're hauling it on the ramp I don't care okay we're going to do liftoff here see what happens oh no this is not good this is not good oh boy easy easy easy oh no oh no oh no all right that did not work too well it does not want to stay on the ramp okay so we're going to just do a little test fire on this thing because it won't fit in my ship I'm going to have to get another ship to haul the damn thing so we can actually go do a little bit of com combat with it which I don't know how feasible that will be if I have to change into the Gunner seat but we're going to find out right now how this thing shoots whoa handles like doesn't handle too well it's fast [Music] though all right guys it's time to test out this gun look at this freaking tank the graphics are so sick in this game all right let's do this let's do it here we go there's no machine guns on this thing whoa damn it's got a little Fireball on it let's see what it does to this uh this mountain side I want to take out a turret at a at an outpost that's for dang sure oh damn let's see an outside view of this thing that's pretty badass all right let's try this let's annihilate that rock I need to drop this thing off and Ambush some players like it uh forgot the name of that one place sick all right we got a we got a barrel view we're jeez what was that noise we're aiming right where the uh the shots going to land check this out oh yeah oh what the heck I can run the gun while driving is that normal now there's a now I can aim it I wonder what changed who knows now look I can shoot yeah oh I just figured out how to change weapons check this out there's the Slayer and ignite let's see what ignite does oh it does have rockets look at that where the hell is it going oh what is that thing let's blow that freaking truck up where'd that come from oh we knocked the wheels off of it it looks like it stuff's floating away in Low Gravity what the heck let's shoot this ship over here see what happens it's going to get a friendly fire warning but who cares watch oh wait whoops that's my missiles oh we got the wait actually I don't think we're going to get in trouble because we don't have the little radar thing in the top corner of the screen so this is like a lawless area let's blow up the ship I think I just locked on Target Oh cannot cannot lock Target in arm assist Zone oh he's leaving he's going to blow me up he's going to blow me up no no no no no oh he's pissed he's pissed he's a hunter he's coming after me I'm out of here oh no he's blowing me up he's trying to blow me up he's shooting at me oh no there's a rock oh no I pissed him off I didn't know anybody was in the damn thing I think he left we basically just stung we're like a mosquito stinging a grizzly bear all right guys this is where I say goodbye to the Nova battle ble tank I'm leaving it here on the planet we'll spawn it in uh at a later time but for now let me know down in the comments which is the best ship for transporting heavy Vehicles because the Carrick is not the one okay guys I'm not going to give up that easy we're going to get this tank onto the Carrick um I'm back the next day I slept on it and I woke up and thought you know what we got low gravity this tank is fast F and we're going to jump the tank onto the Carrick and I think we're at a new location and now it's daylight thank goodness so we're going to use these Cliffs lower the Carrick into position and try to jump the tank onto the ship um if we blow up oh well but I think we're going to be successful let's give this a shot okay there's my ship my thought is position it underneath a cliff and then open or closed I don't know open the top hatch and at least try to launch the tank onto the top of the ship okay so crazy story guys earlier I didn't get it recorded but uh in the chat somebody said his name was fierce Leaf Fierce Leaf said if somebody can come up with a better variation of my name I'll give them $10 million or 10 million units and so I went to my my AI on Snapchat chat and I said Give Me A variation of fierce leaf and it came up with uh it came up with what did it come up with uh Fearless foliage was one of them and I literally got 10 million units from that guy he's like winner winner is flying handle and so now I'm 10 million richer I kind of cheated with the AI but you know what you got to do what you got to do to get those resources okay so I think maybe I don't know how I'm going to get back in my ship if I do this maybe I can jump to my ship I don't know let's position it right here you know what actually maybe we just nose the front of it in and just drive the tank right onto it we might not even have to jump it we just nose the front end up to the cliff side wait how the hell am I going to get off though how am I going to get back in my ship though uh well I could run off the top if I can run off the top I can drive a tank on this could be very good or very bad I don't know if we got you know if we got the ship down in the mine hole I think we can do this all right I think this looks kind of doable that looks like we could drive the tank on into position and also possibly you know get back on my ship by foot I think this could possibly work all right let's hold position right here and uh see what happens this is sketchy I am determined to get this tank on board let's try this okay we're now up on the cartography deck on the top of the ship I'm going to walk my way off of it onto the cliff side then I have to walk all the way back and grab the tank and drive it up here this is sketchy I need to trans Port this uh okay can I I need to transport the tank can I get off of here oh guys I think it's going to work oh wait maybe maybe hopefully I can get back on okay I can get back on the ship I don't know if the Tank's going to make it or not we might have to get a little run at it okay let's fly run all the way back across the canyon and grab the tank it's way over there 480 M away good grief this is going to be a long run okay here's a a steep a steep Cliff hopefully the tank can get up here I think it can uhoh I'm falling oh no oh boy we should be able to get up there I hope oh man this is an extremely long run so I did figure out which ships do carry the tank it's the Hercules but I cannot afford the Hercules right now with 13 million which is what I currently have but you know maybe one day I think they're wiping they're wiping only the money in the 3.23 update so I will still have my ships just no money all right we're in the middle of the canyon oh gosh how am I going to get back up there oh wait no I can't drive the buggies damn it okay I'm going to have to go all the way way around okay the tank is up there next to a little Speeder bike that's like glitching out freaking out right there um I'm going to have to go all the way up and around to there this is insane all right we made it around to the other side of the canyon my ship is still over there floating there's the tank we are going to do this [Music] [Music] [Music] oh my gosh we made it we made it to the top I don't know how that thing crawled up there holy macaroni damn okay okay we're close to the ship we're close to the ship I can't believe I made it up that this is going to be crazy if this actually works there's my ship okay guys the moment of truth what the heck let's do it it would be very risky to try to jump this thing we're not going to jump though we're just going to ease our way onto the top of the ship let's get nice and lined up here this is going to be a tight squeeze I really hope this works okay we're lined up kind of my heart's actually kind of racing right now this was a lot of work to get this thing up here oh boy let's get a better view on it this is not good oh that's pretty narrow let's do it okay easy does it oh okay okay nice and straight nice and straight oh the ship's moving I'm going to gun it I'm gning it we're on the ship we're on the ship we're on the ship we're on the ship oh no we're losing traction we're on we're on we're on we're on go go go go go go go go go we're on the ship okay can I get over this little vent oh this is sketchy oh no oh yes oh yeah this is badass all right right right onto the platform here I can't believe this worked oh No Easy Does It Easy Does It oh the ship is tilting the weight of the ship oh my gosh it's opening for me we're in we're in we're in we're in we're in we're in oh my gosh okay okay guys we are we've exited the driver's seat we're inside the ship right now check this out oh my gosh the ship was literally tilting with the weight of the tank that's insane saying uh-oh am I trapped I'm going to have to straighten this thing out nose it up as far as we can okay I think I have room to get out of here there we go there we go we have officially put the tank inside the Carrick who says you can't haul a tank with the Carrick now that is what I'm talking about right there I'm pretty I don't know if the doors will close or not I should probably just leave them open yeah I'm going to I'm going to leave the doors open just in case then we can take a peek at it while we're flying too all right guys we did it there is the Carrick with the tank the Nova tank inside it's officially been done you've seen it here first there it is the carrot can officially haul the tank let's see how she flies with it in there oh yeah flawless flawless now the question is if I was to land and bed log out would the tank still be there and how the heck do I get it out once once I get it to where I'm transporting it to that is the question probably have to turn it upside down and dump it out I'm not sure but I don't know if you can I don't know if you can flip tanks once they're upside down I highly doubt it all right Mission successful we are hauling the tank that was that was adrenaline pumping I must say okay I'm going to try to bring this tank out into space and see what happens because I kind of need to go I kind of need to go to outer space to then go to a security Outpost to possibly use the tank so let's get into outer space and see how she handles I should probably close the roof but I'm pretty sure it's going to hit the hit the ceiling the tank will hit the ceiling and then start freaking out that would be bad so we're just going to leave it open I'm pretty sure the Tank's going to float away once we get into outer space which is unfortunate what if it falls to the ground but if it floats out of the ship we should be in zero gravity so I don't think it'll fall okay so far so good I'm I don't want to go into hyperdrive so I'm going to manually fly to an outpost and then somehow try to unload this thing I'm not sure how I might just dump it dump it over like a dump truck right out of the top of this thing okay the tank is doing good back there we're TR we're traveling to tpf which I'm pretty sure is a hostile Outpost and we're going to put this tank to use which was the original plan to begin with okay there's The Outpost it is hostile it says we're trespassing on private property we're going in seems like a good spot to dump it right here flip it right on upside down see what happens okay I'm going to go ahead and tilt it upside down see what happens this is ridiculous okay now we got to get a little closer to the ground come on is the tank stuck in there guys I think the tank is stuck in my ship okay we're officially upside down the tank is staying inside my ship there must be some type of gravity in my ship holding the tank in so now I have a tank permanently stuck in my ship yeah it's not coming out we're completely rotated upside down maybe if I go get into my ship or my tank it'll fall out let's try it we're fully upside down we're going to go walk we're going to go walk back there this is absurd let's look out the window that's kind of trippy whoa okay now I have to make sure that I don't fall out of the tank when I oh my God I don't know uh I could possibly fall out since we're upside down and it's low gravity I don't know if I I don't know if this will work I don't know if it's going to work oh boy oh boy oh boy I could fall to my death guys this might be this could possibly be the end of the video I'm going to try it anyway here we go okay okay we're good we're good if the Tank's sticking I'm sticking I guess I don't think we're going to be able to get out okay well I think my tank is officially stuck in my ship it's not coming [Music] out I'm trying to drive it out right now it's not [Music] going okay here's the plan so I'm going to get out of the trespassing zone so we don't get in trouble and then I'm going to bed log out and then basically uh I think next video we'll log back in if the tank is still in my ship oh no I'm getting shot at if the tank is still in my ship we're going to go to a place that has uh regular gravity and I guess see if it falls out but other than that I don't really know how to get it out of my ship but we did get it in there though that was a feat in itself oh God I I got to clear this mountain man d AR looks so good all right we're going to land her right here all right guys I'm heading to my bedroom I'm going to lay down and uh bedlock out of this okay I think I'm going to call it right there a mildly successful Journey we got uh some salvaging done we got a new vehicle the tank we tested it out a little bit got shot at and we actually hauled it in a ship that actually says it's impossible to haul a tank in the problem is you just can't get the dang thing out of it which we will uh if it's still there when I bed log out of here we'll try to get it out another day but for now that's it for me like And subscribe and I will see you guys in the next video
Channel: Digital Sandbox
Views: 13,173
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: star citizen, 3.23, space, open world, gaming, pc gaming
Id: Nf4L5mxtJto
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 30sec (2130 seconds)
Published: Sun May 05 2024
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