COMPLETE Guide to Terminid SLAYING. Strategy and Weaknesses of All Terminids in Helldivers 2

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I'm going to give you a complete guide on how to deal with every termined this will include weak points what weapons are effective how different types of weapons affect different areas on certain enemies and strategies that will help you easily kill every terminate I'll start out with chargers since they seem to give a lot of people problems the easiest and fastest way to deal with a charger is to use the rail gun and shoot one of its limbs twice this takes the armor off at which point you can just shoot it with a shotgun or machine gun and really quickly take down I like to use the breaker shotgun personally if you don't have the rail gun yet then you can use something like the auto Cannon and when they charge past you you can dodge and then shoot him in the abdomen you'll see green goo come out if you shoot it in the right spot if you shoot too high then it will get deflected and this is usually going to take three to four shots after which point it's going to bleed out and it will still chase you for a bit then just drop dead there's also another much more difficult method that you you can do where you shoot them in a specific spot in the back of the knee this can be done with the auto Cannon or expendable anti-tank and it can be done on any of the four limbs on top of being precise though you have to hit the shot at almost a perfect perpendicular angle for it to actually explode instead of deflecting and if you hit the shot right then you'll see green goo come out just as if you hit the abdomen correctly after the first shot if you manage to get another shot very close to the first one with a perpendicular hit then it will take off the leg and instantly kill the charger a shot with the spear will also start the bleed up process on a charger instantly this means that's it's effectively a one shot but the charger will have a lot of Health left after one spear shot so you can shoot it to speed up the process regardless the charger will bleed out eventually something to note is that the spear will only consistently hit a charger if you're kind of far away from it otherwise it goes right over the Charger's head as a last resort you can always just shoot the Charger's abdomen with small guns fire after sufficient damage it will explode the abdomen and start the bleed up process but normal gunfire has a much lower damage multiplier to the abdomen than explosives do so it takes a lot more base damage to blow up the abdomen moving on to the biot Titan they also have an abdomen that's weak against explosives this means you can explode the abdomen in two to three shots with an autoc Cannon or one to two shots with an Expendable anti-tank this is a quick way to make them a lot less threatening since once their abdomen exploded they won't be able to use their bios spew attack if you do this they are still going to have a lot of Health left though so you'll have to finish them off with a rail Cannon strike or rocket pods or a 500 kg bomb Spears will also work I've seen a lot of Reddit posts and comments of people claiming that they can one or two shot the bile Titans by shooting them in various spots in the head while the rail gun is on unsafe mode I've seen people saying that the lower jaw the side of the head and the neck area as well as shooting while the biot Titan is actually spewing in the mouth are the ways to get this to work I spent an exhausting amount of time testing all of these different spots and methods as well as getting bile Titan stuck and rewatching through my videos to make sure I saw exactly where I was hitting the bile Titans some people claim that either you can't be the host of the game or you have to be playing on console for the rail gun to actually kill a bile Titan in a few shots this could be the case and it's also possible that people are unaware of exactly how much damage other enemies are doing to the biot Titan as well as the biot Titan actually hurting Itself by spewing on itself Chargers and acid spewing enemies in particular can add up a lot of damage on bile Titans even if you aren't hitting them so these damage sources being unaccounted for could be potentially where some of the clams of two to three shotting bi Titans with the rail gun are coming from I also tested using the rail gun to blow the back armor off of Bot Titans and even after shooting it in roughly the same spot for the entirety of its Health its back armor never came off from the rail gun if something does blow the back armor off a bile Titan then that's a very weak spot but the rail gun won't do it if you really want a weapon that's going to quickly and consistently kill bot Titans then use the spear the spear will be able to consistently twoot a biot Titan if you hit it in the back and consistently kill a bile Titan in three shots if you hit it anywhere the auto Cannon Sentry will also make really quick work of a bile Titan as long as you've cleared out the small enemies or have them far enough away from the autoc Canon Sentry use your autoc Cannon Sentry before the bile Titan notices you and or you give the autoc cannon Sentry plenty of time to set up and take Aim then it can easily take out a bile Titan using these options or the rail Cannon 500 kg bomb and Rocket pod strikes will make biot Titans pretty easy to deal with stalkers are another tough enemy that like to sneak up on you especially when your back's turned and they'll come up invisible like this dealing with stalkers before they get in Striking range is the best way to handle them I would say shotguns or the rail gun are the best options for this it is possible to shoot off their wings and reduce their Mobility but I would honestly just go for the head as they're extremely weak to head shots hitting their head while they're moving a strafing is easier said than done though if a stalker gets in Striking Distance they'll often use a tongue attack that knocks you down and ragd Dolls you if this happens or they latch on to you if you shoot them enough they have a damage threshold where they will jump back after getting shot and then they'll run away like this invisible from this point they'll go back into stalking mode while circling around rocks and other objects waiting for a chance to strike if you have the freedom to do so I would recommend chasing them down and killing them before they get another chance to strike and make sure to take out their nest nearby so that they can't keep spawning The Nest can be destroyed by an explosion and looks like a huge bug breach the stalkers will come out infinitely until the nest is destroyed charger behemoths are essentially the same enemy as the charger the only real difference is that they look different charger Behemoth spawn on kill charger missions and they can still be easily killed by using any of the methods I showed for killing a normal charger bile spewers can shoot mortars over a large area and can also do a bile spit attack that will really quickly kill you this can be dodged by diving to the side their head is their weak point but unless you have a weapon that pierces Med armor you won't be able to shoot them in the head missions with a lot of bile Speers are some of the only missions where the Liberator penetrator is actually going to be useful just because it has medium armor penetration even though it doesn't have very much base DPS this can be purchased with medals on page six bile spearers are also really weak to explosive damage and a g16 impact grenade will one-hot them bile spearers will also die in Two Shots from the rail gun to the body and one shot in in the head from the rail gun making the rail gun probably the best weapon that you can have for the bile Speers using explosive support weapons like the auto cannon on their body can kill them very quickly as well maps that have the bile spewers will also have two other unique enemies with them one of them is the spitter which is essentially just a scavenger that can spit acid and also does AOE acid damage when it shoots at you most weapons will kill a spitter in one shot to the abdomen the other unique enemy is a biowarrior these have a glowing green abdomen and if you shoot the abdomen it will explode and do acid damage to you this acid explosion is more dangerous than it is with the spitters because they try to get close to you their head comes off with relatively little damage at which point they bleed out quickly but they can still chase you in attack for a couple of seconds a Nur spewer is a yellow immature bile spewer and they do the same acid attack without the mortar attack these ones don't have armor on their head so they can very easily get killed by head shot with any weapon but but they're also susceptible to explosions a hunter is basically an underdeveloped miniature version of a stalker if you shoot the Wings off of them they'll have decreased Mobility but they're pretty weak and I would recommend to just go for a head shot as it kills them basically instantly Hunters are fast and can latch onto you and they can also do an acid attack with their tongue that slows you down and does damage over time so prioritizing killing Hunters first is often the best course of action pouncers are even less threatening versions of hunters that will occasionally hop at you they generally die on a single Bullet to the wings or the head and overall they aren't very threatening enemies sometimes their jumping attack can catch you by surprise though and seemingly messes up where they just aim in a random spot and if they do decide to jump in a random spot it can be kind of hard to predict where they're going to land brud mothers are an enemy that has a kind of high HP pool they'll also occasionally summon three Warriors they can do this without even summoning a bug breach the fastest way to kill them is to pop off their head which can be done in one shot with a rail gun or most explosive support weapons after they lose their head they'll still chase after you and do a few attacks before dying you can prevent this by doing enough damage to them before they get a chance to attack though Sentinel guards are small enemies that have medium armor on the front these aren't very fast but they can do very heavy damage if they do catch up to you the medium armor on their legs and head will bounce away a small gunfire and shooting them can make them Hunker which will reduce the amount of gaps in their armor even if they do Hunker you can still shoot under their face plate to get pretty decent damage they can also be one-shotted even in the face plate with a rail gun alternatively you can run around them and shoot at the gaps in their leg armor and at their abdomen until they die the warrior is probably the most common enemy and Hell divers shooting their head off will make them bleed out really quickly they can still attack in the time frame right after their head shot off but their head will explode in very little damage just like with a brood mother you can prevent the dead attacks by doing slightly more damage after they get their head blown off and finally we have the scavenger so make sure not to take their damage too lightly aside from that these guys can be one-shotted in the head by even the weakest of guns I wouldn't bother aiming for the head though because they basically die instantly no matter where you shoot them and that covers all the terminats and Hell divers too make sure to subscribe if you want more of this type of video and comment any tactics you know of and you think would benefit others to know as well
Channel: Ape Knight Gaming
Views: 226,922
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bestiary guide, full enemy guide, complete terminid guide, all terminids guide
Id: mAyp5-ll4aE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 37sec (637 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 03 2024
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