New Delinquents in Yandere Simulator

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Love them. I even like the fact that they have voiced lines in their normal talks rather than just texted lines. But also...

I noticed that YandereDev might had forgot to put them negative reputation in their profiles.

👍︎︎ 19 👤︎︎ u/KuuderessioPlusvalin 📅︎︎ Apr 26 2018 🗫︎ replies

I love the update but I have only one question: When you loose the minigame, what is the problem with being injured? Does it lower your reputation if a student sees you? Does it prevent you from killing? The problem is that you can heal yourself and loose time and reputation but what if I just continue the day without healing?

👍︎︎ 14 👤︎︎ u/EVK613 📅︎︎ Apr 26 2018 🗫︎ replies

I do think the fighting mini game should be more dynamic than just button pressing. They do seem like the kind of people who would get in fights fairly often and they'd probably be stronger than Yan-Chan

Maybe if a delinquent witnesses you fighting another delinquent they will go over to you and watch. Then if you win the fight they will have learned some of your weaknesses and the mini game will be harder when you fight them.

As for the actual mini game, what if instead of pressing a button the delinquents would telegraph their attacks in slow motion and you'd have to dodge it by moving in a certain direction. Kind of like the mobile game Infinity Blade.

Also maybe if you join the martial arts club and train with them the game would become easier. Like you'd have more time to dodge their attacks or if you train with them enough it would simply display the button for you.

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/Prophet_of_Duality 📅︎︎ Apr 27 2018 🗫︎ replies

I really hope Dev used Jay’s idea for where to hide the next headmaster tape

👍︎︎ 16 👤︎︎ u/CaptainKid10328 📅︎︎ Apr 26 2018 🗫︎ replies

Just glad to know the black haired delinquents will be put to use at a later date.

The idea is great, their designs... are alright (I'm still sore), and the idea of weapon carrying is perfection.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/Bunai 📅︎︎ Apr 26 2018 🗫︎ replies

R.I.P. Female delinquents (until the 80s Mode)

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/HashidaSuzu 📅︎︎ Apr 27 2018 🗫︎ replies

This looks great. I always thought the Yakuza system could work for characters like this. But having it be a mini-game like this works for now. I'm hoping that something bigger will be added for fighting rivals like Osoro, Megami, or a possessed Oka. Can't wait to see what else is done with them.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/bennitori 📅︎︎ Apr 27 2018 🗫︎ replies

Another huge update down. Good work!

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Secret_Combo 📅︎︎ Apr 26 2018 🗫︎ replies

My hopes for the delinquents:

  1. Being seen while injured by them will cause a minor loss to reputation

  2. You can seduce them if your seduction is high enough or if you acquire a special item or perk (I can't imagine them turning down a girl cute and aggressive enough)

  3. A mod to turn them replace them with the Phantom Thieves

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/asuraicHermit 📅︎︎ Apr 26 2018 🗫︎ replies
I want to take a moment to quickly describe the biggest difference between Yandere Simulator and other stealth games. In Metal Gear Solid, it doesn't really matter what this guard thinks of the protagonist. His opinion is irrelevant. If the protagonist punches him in the face, he'll be angry. But his opinion has no effect on the rest of the game. As soon as the player moves on the next area, that guard no longer exists. He's completely removed from the game's memory, along with his opinion of the main character. If Agent 47 punches a man in Paris, it has no effect whatsoever on his next mission in Japan. That man no longer exists and neither does his opinion. This is where Yandere Simulator is different. The game is designed around the concept of a character who must continue returning to the same location every day. School. Where they will see the exact same people from yesterday. Their classmates. People remember what they saw you doing on previous days. If you make a habit of frightening the people around you or get caught doing bad things, you'll develop a bad reputation and get a game over. In Yandere Simulator the player is not given the option of attacking people non-lethally. If you were to attack someone without killing them and let them escape, they would just report you to the school's faculty and you would be expelled. There's no gameplay benefit to leaving someone injured or half-dead, so it's simply not an option in the game. Making the choice to attack someone in Yandere Simulator, means that you are making a commitment: you're committing to killing them and nothing less. This is the way that the game has always worked, until today. as of today, a new type of character has been added to the game. They are called "The Delinquents". They are no strangers to violence and they will not hesitate to use physical force to defend themselves if they feel threatened. But if you were to beat them up, they would respect you, rather than hate you. They don't respect the school's authority figures, so they would never report you for misbehavior. They don't care about school rules and they don't talk to anyone outside of their gang, so if they spot you doing something bad, your reputation would not be affected. These factors put them into a different category than every other student. They are the one type of character you can attack non-lethally, without worrying about them hating you or trying to get you expelled. There are also multiple reasons why it might benefit the player to attack the delinquents. Because all of these factors a combat minigame has been added to Yandere Simulator that allows the player to fight the delinquents. In June of 2016 I proposed the idea of a Yakuza Style beat-em-up combat system in Yandere Simulator. There were a lot of problems with this idea, so the concept was rejected. The combat system that I've added to the game today, does not resemble the beat-em-up combat in the Yakuza Games. What I've created is just a simple minigame. I'll explain how it works. To win the player has to press three buttons in a row. If you miss any of the buttons, the minigame resets. If you miss the first button, Yandere-Chan takes damage. If you take too much damage, you lose the minigame. The delinquents are not bloodthirsty barbarians. They will attack you in self-defense if they feel threatened. But if you see that you are too injured to continue fighting, they will back off. However if a delinquent watches you kill someone, he won't show any mercy and losing the minigame will result in Yandere-Chan being knocked unconscious. After that, the delinquent will call the police and you'll be arrested for the crime of murder. If you win the combat minigame, the delinquent will drop his weapon and instead of following his usual routine, he will go somewhere else to sulk about losing. But if a delinquent has seen you kill somebody, he won't drop his weapon when you defeat him and he will keep trying to attack you until you force him to stop by killing him. If a student sees you fighting a delinquent, you get a reputation penalty. If a teacher, Senpai or a student council member sees you fighting a delinquent, you'll get a game over. If you are injured during a fight with a delinquent, bruises and blood will appear on Yandere-Chan's face and her animations will change. To return her to normal, you can rest in the school's infirmary, but doing so will cause Yandere-Chan to miss class, which will lower her reputation Now that I've explained why the combat minigame exists and how it works, I'll tell you about a few other things that make the delinquents unique. First, the delinquents arrive at school later than any other group of students and they intentionally arrive at class a few minutes late, because they don't value their education as much as other students. They carry weapons and their fingerprints are on those weapons, so if you commit murder with a delinquent weapon without getting your own fingerprints on that weapon, you can frame a delinquent for murder. The delinquents have no desire to socialize with you, so if you try to apologize to them, compliment them or gossip with them, they will respond with rude dismissive remarks. They are also immune to seduction, so no matter how high your seduction stat is, they simply won't do favors for you. The delinquents will shove you if you get too close to them, just like the student council. If you bump into them too many times, they will assume that you're trying to pick a fight with them and the combat minigame will begin. If you take out a weapon near the delinquents, they will feel threatened and will prepare to fight you, if you don't do anything, they will taunt you. If you continue to do nothing, they'll insult you and continue on their way. If you get too close to them with a weapon drawn, the combat minigame will begin. If they see you commit murder or see you trying dispose of a corpse, they'll try to fight you. They spend most of their time near the school's incinerator which makes them an obstacle, if you're trying to dispose of a corpse by burning it. You'll have to beat them up to make them leave the area or find a creative way to sneak a corpse past them. There are a bunch of other minor differences beetween the delinquents and normal students. You can visit my development blog, if you want to read about everything else that makes the delinquents unique. You're probably wondering what happened to the original delinquents. After a lot of consideration, I decided that their designs simply aren't appropriate for a modern day setting. They look like they belong in the 80s, so I've decided to throw them to a time portal to 1989. Yandere-Chan will never meet them, but her mother encountered them when she was a teenage attending high school. Last year I described my idea for an alternate gameplay mode called 1980s mode. If I ever add that mode to the game, that's where you would find the original delinquents. You might also might be wondering: "If Akademi High is supposed to be a prestigious school, why would they tolerate the presence of delinquents?". I think it's important to answer this question. So, my next video will provide some backstory and explain the reason why the delinquents are tolerated at Akademi High. I think it's probably going to be ready in the near future. You maybe wondering if Yandere-Chan could ever join the delinquents. This is something that I eventually want to add to the game, but it's not a very high priority yet. I imagine that the delinquents wouldn't even talk to you unless you were using the tough persona and had a low reputation. Then you'd have to beat them all in a fight to make them respect you. At that point each of them would offer you a task. If you complete all five tasks, you would be allowed to join their gang. The downside of being a delinquent, is that you're reputation is permanently capped at a low number. The upside is that being a delinquent changes the favor menu option into an intimidate menu option. That allows you to force students to do favors for you without befriending them first. While I was working on the delinquents, I received the models and animations I need to implement other features that I've been waiting a very long time to add to the game. I'm very excited to work on these features. I might populate some of the empty clubs with new students or work on the mysterious obstacle. Or maybe I'll make progress on the guidance counselor. I'm not sure what I'll work on first, but either way, I'll continue going down the checklist of features that need to be in the game, in order to make it fun to eliminate Osana. Before I get back to work I wanted to say one last thing. Thank you for helping me reach 2.000.000 subscribers! I'm very happy that so many people enjoy watching this game take shape. As always, thank you for following the development of Yandere Simulator.
Channel: Yandere Dev
Views: 3,078,004
Rating: 4.9634647 out of 5
Keywords: yandere simulator, yandere sim, yandere, yanderedev, yandere-chan, delinquents
Id: R4beN6OWkog
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 25sec (685 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 26 2018
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