The Delinquent's Backstory - Yandere Simulator

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my name is Geng kikuna hito and I am the guidance counselor at academi high starting today I will be attempting to rehabilitate a set of students who have began to exhibit severely antisocial behavior I will be documenting this process in the form of audio recordings if I succeed in my efforts then the information contained within these recordings may one day prove useful to others in my line of work who are faced with the challenge of reforming wayward students last year five students at this school were subjected to severe bullying at the time my policy was to require students to provide me with irrefutable evidence of wrongdoing before taking disciplinary measures toward anyone accused of misbehavior because no student was able to provide concrete proof that the bullying was taking place I refused to take action in accordance with my normal protocol to be frank there is no decision in my life that I regret more than this one a long period of sustained harassment and a lack of intervention from the school faculty had a strong negative impact on the victims from what I have been told they were considering a suicide pact at the time when the bullying was at its worst however a remarkable event occurred that pushed them in a drastically different direction the details of this event are vague and stories about this event are heavily embellished and sensationalized however this is what I know for certain a few weeks ago a group of students from another school gathered outside of the entrance to Academy High they were waiting for a certain student to arrive a young woman named osoto she de su o Soto had somehow offended them and they were planning to retaliate by beating her up in front of the school apparently they wanted to make it clear that they would not tolerate disrespect from anyone at academi high again the details are fuzzy but what really matters is what happened next o Soto single-handedly fought off the group of students that tried to assault her it's difficult to know how she accomplish this because every version of the story is different some reports state that she defeated ten students one at a time while other accounts claim that she fought off a hundred students simultaneously some say she took a weapon from one of the attackers and used it to defend herself against the rest while others say she was bare fisted the entire time all versions of the story end the same way with osoto standing at the school's entrance splattered with blood surrounded by the maned bodies of her enemies allegedly she took the coat from one of the students she had defeated and draped it around her shoulders as a trophy commemorating her victory to this day she attends school while wearing a tattered coat for most students that coat alone is enough evidence that this inconceivable event actually took place the five students who were being bullied were present when Oso dose triumph occurred they witnessed her achievement first hand instantly osoto became an icon to them a physical embodiment of the idea that a single person can stand against a group of tormentors and prevail from that day forward they idolized her worshiped her like a goddess they started following her around school at all hours like baby ducks following her mother and eventually they began to imitate her osoto had demonstrated that violence was a viable solution to their problems and that a fearsome reputation would keep their enemies away the five bullied students begin acting exactly like osoto ruff on friendly standoffish they dyed their hair blonde exactly like hers they styled their hair to give themselves the appearance of rebellious punks and began carrying long blunt objects at all times they began showing up late to class disrespecting faculty members and so forth they were originally targeted by bullies because they were the meekest students at school and now they had become the exact opposite needless to say the bullying stopped but at a cost the rest of the students at school began to fear them and avoid them referring to them as the delinquents perhaps this is exactly what they wanted perhaps they'd rather be feared and hated than bullied and victimized regardless the faculty and the headmaster began to view them as a growing problem the headmaster refused to accept the presence of delinquents at a prestigious school like Academy high in the most recent faculty meeting he announced that he was going to expel them all including osoto purely for being a negative influence however someone stopped him someone spoke up in the delinquents defense it took a lot of begging a lot of pleading a lot of bargaining but someone managed to stop the headmaster from expelling the delinquents that someone was me I feel responsible no I am responsible for what happened to those five students I should have stepped in when I heard the initial reports of bullying I should have put a stop to it when I had the chance if I'd taken action back then they never would have been driven to such desperate measures they never would have taken such an antisocial path and turned out the way they did Oh sorrow is not the problem here I am the problem I am the cause of all of this I am to blame I know who the delinquents really are deep down inside they are traumatized children who were hurt in terrible ways and are scared that it'll happen all over again that's why they act the way they do the way they talk what they've done to their hair the weapons they carry it's all because they want to project a fearsome appearance so that nobody will ever abuse them again if I can make them feel safe at this school maybe they'll drop the stupid facade and return to their true selves I eventually managed to convince the headmaster to give me ten weeks to rehabilitate the delinquents we have an agreement the headmaster the teachers and the student council will tolerate the delinquents behavior for a period of 10 weeks and give me a chance to reform them however this arrangement came at a cost if I'm unable to reform them within 10 weeks I will be dismissed from the school I don't mind I'm fine with those terms I'm staking my career on fixing the problems that I created it hurts me to say this but it may be impossible to reform the delinquents with osoto at school the next time she slips up violates any rule no matter how small she'll need to be suspended from school for the longest period possible this will provide me ample time to speak with the delinquents reason with them talk things through solve their problems and get them back to their old selves I just hope I'm up for it times like this I wish I was more like my mother this recording became much more personal than I intended I may need to toss this out and start over
Channel: ReubenThePig080
Views: 97,023
Rating: 4.9572635 out of 5
Keywords: Yandere Simulator, Genka Kunahito, Delinquents, Delinquent, Backstory
Id: xisw2rIXfaU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 58sec (478 seconds)
Published: Wed May 20 2020
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