NEW DEFECT HIGH SCORE?! 3700+! | Ascension 20 Defect Run | Slay the Spire

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so okay this gives me energy at the start but it makes act 1 sort of awkward so you can't dual cast a lightning orb all lightning floor one is an awesome start so is [Music] warped tongs let's go this way i'm lucky take our rip and there for the elite fight remove pain without even looking at the store there was a frozen that means no frozen eye of this rum you're welcome i can take an auto shields here i think i could also just like take a firepot also reasonable fusion battery is excellent it works it makes a lot more energy than most energy relics do recursions on here [Music] i don't have anything to dump energy into though take one recursion it's always grandma knob thinking about if i ever save the fire pot i mean one 1815 yeah this saves a fire pot enough to be worth trying i think damn let me go for it if we can get through this act it's a lot better than any other act that's on offer for us interesting not the one i would have picked [Music] time come on call this please mall bank hey can we not do this maybe meat on the bone echo form one of the things that you can use this for is putting expensive things into play early in the fight like this one might go for it there really isn't an upgrade here maybe rip and tear with pendub about to go [Music] stack doesn't have its boot sequence yet sure [Music] i will take a capacitor no like a villain why do warp tongues have a per turn stop well sometimes they wouldn't upgrade a card i guess 18 27 33 39 ew capacitor and echo form [Music] is one thing i don't hate equilibrium here don't hate scam either [Music] how could skin be bad it's a great question i can die here sometimes right it's too bad [Music] so [Music] wait [Music] okay about the best we could hope for from this act it is not bad i think it's all right number [Music] meteor strike meteor strike meteor strike meteor strength meteor strike pyramid huh okay i'm a fan so we just looked at this at the start of the stream we're like three to four times as likely to find focus in a store as we are in a hallway fight let's go through two stores maybe and then question marks are very bad at finding focus i need to keep equilibrium here actually just take four i think i do so foreign okay it should be a shame if i died next turn where is meteor strike [Music] [Music] i have five attacks or i attacked her so much oops didn't quite get meat on the bone value here so overall slightly subpar fight [Music] glacier we like uh-huh so so unfortunately i want to put pen i'm on a better numbers so i don't really get to play meteor strike there what is the best number hmm i think it is fine charge battery plus it seems very useful b fragment i've got a ring boots in this act they're not that great okay i guess i have preserved insect the meat on the bone one two three this is a six elite act there goes nothing defragment the fragment over sunder sunder's the other big one here i think i like sunder more [Music] under seems very very good here sunder is an ac dc song i didn't know that reinforced body plus insanely strong card here tempest now i i just wanted to say the word out loud and see if it spoke to me didn't didn't speak to me sorry tempos thanks for trying though [Music] dmga congrats i wanna probably head down toward meat on the bone here or not [Music] oh [ __ ] i had to my poor brain all right well now i have to work out how to take three how do i block for 32 17. 27 block for 33 easily oh this plus this is 32. could have been better bottle and echo form is it over is that over [Music] outrageousness to two months maybe i should also upgrade the echo form i'm bottling would help for turns like this let's use this shed oh i need to take three somewhere and turn takes three genius wait i'm doing the math wrong i need to take five [ __ ] [Music] all right together we will work out how to take three this turn five right that's what i said uh [Laughter] five threesaw [Laughter] okay uh i want to let this hit me and play this three times can i sink five energy somehow i can't get rid of that much energy i have a strap did that work hold on did that work didn't it's weird compile driver plus seems good oh these ones are spooky okay successfully took four um slightly more than four oh yeah but i needed to take five god i'm so good oh my god i'm so good okay i'm gonna take hologram i think shuriken's okay aw inspiring who's excited for octogenarian jorbs plays slay this fire you know i'm never finding a better game than this hope for the eyes ain't so bad here [Music] [Music] like that one this turn i guess i'm playing with your strike anymore oops whoops oh that doesn't actually full block oh it does fall block good grief i may need to sleep better tonight than i have been i didn't die why wouldn't you die force field horsefield probably gets down to zero not that long it's not currently zero though i think my block cards are set just setting up panda oh yeah obviously i'm just pretending to make the wrong play over and over again you think that's an echo form or a bdr strike or a defragment i don't think it's a defragment this point skim starts looking pretty damn good i don't think i've ever had a six elite active before this gopher ice hits for 22 on turn one okay awesome [Music] [Music] uh i won't depend about a good number because i might be about to fight super early slavers [Music] maybe i shouldn't fight the super l8 it could be super elite slavers hmm it's a thought okay this is my third book of stabbing this act just try to take three damage here to end the fight did my deck get stronger by killing six elites yes okay cool cool question answered thanks thanks for uh clearing that up for me awesome rap uh stack plus is really [ __ ] good here [Music] hook me up with that capacitor no jokes on you i didn't even really want it i'm just pretending to want it to trick you this reminds me of that watcher duck that never drew a card and it's draw stuff except it's not quite as good yet i'll take two of these [Music] [Music] and we're rolling [Music] i would upgrade them i have no idea i don't know which echo form i would upgrade if i had to upgrade one i don't think they are the right upgrade in any way so let's just not upgrade them and that way i don't have to think about it [Music] is the stack good so i win multicast black stars a little bit late i'm just gonna take pandora's box i like another glacier recycle recycle is powerful here oh recycle's insane here actually lots of blocking a recycle pretty much streamline is sort of a card look streamline costs two for a cycle a great card actually insane thought i hadn't full blocked then i realized that i wasn't counting the 36 block from frost orbs got there somehow oh no i don't have any energy anymore [Music] [Music] so maybe one turbo seems like i have a little bit of issues with energy i've got recycle charge battery dual cast recursion i just need a little bit of help to get started sometimes i think hmm so i want to buy the genetic algorithm the amount that that is unnecessary seems very high very high oh sorry what excuse [Music] okay so made it very hard to play meteor strike in this fight zooming it's being gone all right it's been going okay [Music] you don't see how califor's is good here wait i don't know if you're joking calibre seems pretty good here seems possible pick 36 for meat on the bone you have to tell me that earlier because i'd already stopped thinking about the fight if you told me that earlier i would have been able to do that before you [Music] [Music] it's gonna assume that this works fine we'll say that's fine is there ever a defector on the calipers wouldn't be good there are act ones of defect runs or calipers isn't good it's hard to get that much further than that before calipers gets good [Music] sweeping beams not even that bad here but i think i take the recycle yeah and then speed potion is pretty good i almost feel like the other potions are better though have i used any potions this run i've discarded some i have definitely discarded some [Music] is this modded or seated yeah both both i sit down after streaming every night and just look for the seeds that i'll use the next day [Music] now i i began this run by clicking play with defect boop nope should take a barrage so i can just kill stuff it takes a long time to kill stuff barrage with shuriken and nine orb slots sort of makes that comical 1.7 one in seven trillion luck yep or what the seventh round in a row looking pretty fishy there jorbs the crazy thing about that the the meme there is it's referencing a minecraft speedrunner who has been statistically proven to have modded his game to change rng for minecraft speedruns the crazy thing to me about reading that is that people have posted threads like saying the same thing about me um just not being right like no 11-page mathematical papers now but i've definitely had people be like hey has anybody else noticed that jorbs wins more often than he should or something like that is he thinks the prime so when i first heard that that was a thing i thought oh well like probably idiots are saying idiotic things and then i actually read the like numbers and i was like oh no he's cheating okay well that clears it up um [Music] i thought that meteor strike was in my discard pile to be honest uh this should also work somehow pictures of jorb runs with a bunch of red circles in them indicating the missing frames they're closing in zephyr zephyr they're on to me won't be getting any cat treats once i'm in uh spire cheating jail or wherever i'm going is that where i'm going i don't know [Music] do you think that would be good or bad for my viewership sorry i should probably have started the other way around do you think that would be bad for my viewership or do you think it would actually be good somebody makes a video all about my channel it gets like one or two million views if i actually cheated and got caught yeah no such thing as a bad hostess city can i stream from jail wow asking the real questions i wish i had a dark orb this multicast is sort of not doing that much good for number bad for quality people-wise yeah i think you're right you tend to aim for the other way around so that would not really be my thing god i was reading about formal last night this is a bit of a tangent wait oh brains are so weird um anyway i was reading about formal last night and i was reading about his method of finding um basically finding the local maxima of a curve by creating a line and then moving the line upward until it only intersected with the curve once or intersected twice in the same place i guess and he was so [ __ ] close to working out derivatives like i i was getting all into it i was like actually upset that he didn't like work out um differential calculus because he was [ __ ] there yeah from infinite powers which is the book i'm reading right now i'm still sort of upset about it archimedes basically had integrals archimedes is another of the heroes of the book that i'm reading but the amount that he was close to calculus is i think significantly lower than the amount that for mile was close to calculus what is fermat's christmas theorem oh two uh this one knows all i asked somebody in chat a question but i don't remember who i asked and there are too many people talking in chat actually if you're not the person i asked the question could you please not type a message in chat right now it would be possible for you to not type anything god twitch chat is so predictable i'm playing you like clowns look at my chat engagement the sponsors will love it zephyr we'll finally be able to afford our rocket and go to the moon you make sure to upgrade hologram maybe that's the one i should upgrade hey i found the one multicast is like a tempest hey [Music] am i taking this no cam month to grow up my hair i haven't had a haircut in like a long time so yes maybe [Music] so so i'm really just collecting cards at this point the winning runs today have just been card clicking have any of the runs that one being like runs that involved thought at any point [Music] fire breathing iron clad ridiculous powers defect watcher i mean i don't even remember what the watcher deck was but it was a watcher duck darkness i don't even need a draws4 with compile driver it draws four with compile driver that's sort of cool isn't this run five yeah there was a silent run that lost in between but you know it's okay we can lose sometimes it's allowed [Music] and now i pass turn and let bronze scales defeat the enemy [Music] this is correct you may not like it but this is the way to play slave the spire [Music] how do i draw more cards oh this is awful i just want my capacitor time heater please echo form snow only play them once i have turbo in my hand i do oh i did have to use a little bit of brain there not a lot of brain but a tiny bit you want this on probably four did i just exactly full block i did it well played all right in this fight it doesn't really matter i just want to add the uh block for a potential early awakened one multi-attack although with this hand i would have been fine anyway [Music] hey honk feels like the decks a lot better after it draws capacitor maybe it's not even better maybe it's just like more convenient to play yeah that's probably more accurate [Music] fortunately i retained my hand next turn with equilibrium so this should be fine oh that's why my deck feels like it sucks high glaciers god wait [Music] okay i want a thingamajig on the other thing this thing magic on four that's what i want [Music] god probably one pen if i'm not zero but i'm over it [Music] so i was thinking oh yeah hologram that makes the deck a lot better actually because i can echo form a hologram over and over again every turn i can start by playing hologram twice symbiotic virus is good symbiotic virus seems really good just sort of solves the act 4 elite fight should have already been pretty solved but now it's extra solved i don't really want any of these i'm just not going to buy them i want this one i don't want the other ones i am intangible next turn [Music] hold on do i have a kill let's wait let's wait and turn so i don't have to think oh also this is on the wrong number [Music] anyway let's just kill this one [Music] and i can wait on this until incense burner is on four okay these are gonna drop calipers [Music] unlucky i think don't take cards that aren't capacitor this drawing capacitor is such a big deal interesting first time in the run that this has happened unfortunately i get to play both of them anyway i think i will just duplication pot the second one but i still get three echo forms total no card draw at the moment i don't really want to do this because it kills my thing just unturn i think triple echo form at first turn is ridiculous is it wait until you see the other things uh two of these were these these okay not a lot of blocking my orbs right now i have zero focus in fact [Music] [Music] seems a bit better so so oh god i have [ __ ] intangible this turn [Music] whatever so good how many hours per day am i streaming i think so far it's been like usually between eight and ten with some slight outliers remember to get medium value you have to tell me earlier you have to tell me earlier i don't have time to adjust my play oh all right slightly under seven hours stream just ticked over right as i got the kill running our goal is 11 months to youtube oh [ __ ] that's a nuts score that might be my new defect higher high score i bet i could have gotten that higher too wouldn't i have just needed to pen the barrage one time to get overkill what hello hello okay that means i'm at 37 plus on every character now that's actually my defect high score although clearly these numbers are wrong right oh yeah this is totally wrong no these numbers aren't correct i don't actually know what's going on well chat you can remember that this happened
Channel: Jorbs
Views: 41,985
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: slay the spire, jorbs, slay the spire jorbs, slay the spire run, slay the spire ascension 20, ascension 20, slay the spire act 4, act 4 ascension 20, slay the spire win, slay the spire ascension 20 win, slay the spire act 4 win, slay the spire heart, slay the spire heart win, slay the spire heart ascension 20, slay the spire defect defect, slay the spire defect run, defect ascension 20, slay the spire defect win
Id: muewMnk8o5U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 21sec (4701 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 14 2021
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