ASTRLABE! Why'd We Start With You?! | Ascension 20 Defect Run | Slay the Spire

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how many frags you can get was not just defragment loop capacitor both very good tricky act i think the right side just doesn't have enough campfires so maybe it just cannot be considered there's no connection here right so this entire half of the map doesn't talk to the rest of the map and there's only one campfire in it for presumably you would want three elite fights maybe if we like australic swapped and high rolled we could take the right side but for the most part it's not a not a likely way to go also i feel like boss relic swap on defect actually makes you worse that act one elite fights a huge amount of the time anyway if we're going this way though like this one is pretty tough too just an act with only hallway fights hard to get self-repair [Music] hmm where i suggest you start with xcom you should go to my nexus.gigi jorbs and then purchase it from there and then play it and i will get a con i don't know i thought enemy within did okay as a vanilla experience i think um x-com 2 and war of the chosen are both okay vanilla or the chosen's probably a bit better and then you probably want to get into long war after that that's generally the the end game for xcom players is trying to win a long war campaign there are other cool mods too so generally defect rare cards are not that good it's like electrodynamics or biased cog or a bunch of stuff that isn't that incredible right now [Music] they're okay they're better than commons but [Music] i'm looking at potions or boss relic swap let's do a boss relic swap okay i think astro is double strict defend that is that is fascinating okay well not entirely sure what i'm gonna do with that i guess i'm gonna like get a ball lightning and play it a lot of times i guess that's the hope i think i like the flexibility of this path i can get exactly the same path up to well this node ish but then i get a store as well store seems good just go infinite before the first elite sure [Music] so well i'm not infinite yet there's the bullying gotta take it over auto shields we need damage right i don't think that's a super interesting choice really so question mark before or after hallway fight who did i just fight jaw worm does anybody know [Music] the event's never a fight or a store or a chest right it's always just a regular event [Music] so there's this thing in slay the spire which is like fairly recently discovered so a lot of you probably wouldn't have heard about this but how slightly this fire works is it uses a seed right the seed for this is 1 x v 3 g and at the start of a run it has like monster rng is a new rng object based on the seed and then it has um event rng is a new rng object based on the seed and stuff like this it has a bunch of different rng things and the thing about that is that it lets you run the same seat as other people and have the same things happen and it isolates things so if you play a monster fight differently it won't change the event that happens later because you're not using up these rng seeds are sort of like you can just very simply imagine that this seeding in rng like this means it's going to give you like this sequence of random numbers or whatever so the point is if you only used one rng thing then if someone asked for more rng in a fight then when they got to the event it would be a different event because you'd be up to a different number in the rng scene but because they're separate that doesn't happen that way but the problem with how it's done is it's using the same seed for them so they're the same so because of this you can tell things like when you get your first hallway fight i'm pretty sure how it works is that a number below 0.25 equals call test and then the thing is at the first event uh a number below 0.15 is going to be all of your like stores and stuff that would be a store or a treasure or a hallway i think it's below maybe it's 0.18 or something actually so the problem is i'm pretty sure if you don't get a cultist you always get an event is basically what this means i didn't get a cultus in the first hallway fight which means that this question mark is going to be an event i think that's what i said i struggle here anyway it's pretty dumb there are a few other ways that the rng interacts that you can sort of track down and keep an eye on like um card rewards you can tell what the first chest is going to be based on card awards sometimes stuff like that so i don't i don't i mean that means that the event is definitely an event since i'm not going to an early store i'm not going to be taking a curse for gold at events so maybe i want the event first since it makes my deck stronger on average if i'm not taking curse for gold i guess i will take hp for gold my boss relic trade just cost me seven health yeah i don't know who found that first but i was talking with forgotten arbiter about it and he does a lot of stuff with like looking at the code for spire and working out what you can do with the seed and things notorious rg thanks for the four months i'm going to show you as well let's take a cool-headed with such a small deck where we are drawing cards over and over again very quickly just because that's how rng is structured doesn't mean it's busted it sort of does i don't i don't know that i agree with that i should not be able to tell what a question mark coming up is based on what's happened so far like that i just like doesn't seem right yeah casa plex you just like make a bunch of different rngs that don't give the same numbers it's not too hard you skim ball lightning [Music] wait this doesn't quite work i need a card that costs two again make a bunch of different seeds and it's no longer deterministic well you can just go like so [Music] rng one rng 2 rng 3. you can just go [Music] rng 0 is made by the seed and then rng 1 is made by rng zero first output and this is made by rng zero second output and now you don't have seeds that are i mean the seed still determines the run but the rngs don't all give you the same number that would be one like very simple way to do it go for the eyes seems great here but in the sweeping beam i play it like every turn or something first rng zero determines the numbers for the next three yes but the next three don't give the same numbers do you not understand what i'm saying right now rng 1 rng 2 and rng 3 all give the same sequence of numbers which means that the first call to rng 1 gives the same number as the first call to rng 3 which means you can tell what rng 3 will give you after you see the first call to rng-1 right but if you seed them if rng 0 is used to seed them now instead of being the same they're different so it works if i were to upgrade like a zap right now it feels like my deck would get a lot better upgraded cool-headed there's some pretty sweet upgrades to be sure there's also an elite fight i'm a little bit low on health i think we go this way i see to them like that would make them offset by one wait no i wouldn't space [Music] okay i could actually take streamline here we can recycle it we can also make it cost zero relatively quickly and fights where we want to play lots of times or i could take another cool headed like bizarro land the stuck right now i don't think it kills gremlin knob might need a streamline all right let's try out a streamline fully engaged in bizarro land behavior here rng zero would still allow you to figure out the next three you don't know what rng has on it you don't see what rng0 outputs the seed tells you yes obviously if you analyze the seed you can tell what happens in the game you can look at the source code and you can look at the seed and you can work out what happened in the game when players play runs i can't read one xv 3g f i e f i like literally can't even read the letters they're nonsense but also i can't tell what number that gives me but when i walk through this to this floor i can tell that that's going to be an event means we dig looks like dig is back on the menu boys do you think all orcs are boys [Music] so much damage claw claw we have streamline go for the eyes and claw oh my gosh how excited are you right now twitch chat i think we take it this is not really the elite fight that i wanted knob appears to be attacking me for 12. i think i do play scum which one deals more damage actually [Music] [Music] all right i managed not to die to grandma knob i got a tiny chest which i can choose to pick up if i would like i also got a self repair i think self-repair is important definitely don't have to pick up tiny just it takes away one of our question marks in act two the stack doesn't want bites doesn't care that much about upgrading strikes and defense either very much wants operations ornamental fan is a little bit more like all right let's look at this storm my general approach to defect is to purchase uh purchase defragment when it is offered so let's plan on purchasing that i have 210 gold i have nine health and i'm about to die right i have two hallway fights i think i'm going to have to purchase an essence of darkness so that's just like i would like to not die sort of thing so that takes me down to 98 gold left i could card remove i could sweeping beam i could core surge i don't think we're ever taking charge battery i don't think we're ever taking hologram holograms not that bad can't afford purity wow just purchasing panache straight up is a different way to play this not the way i'm going to play it though pretty sure i'd rather have a core surge than a sleeping beam but i think i would most of all like to remove a strike defend maybe remove a defend no strike the defend ornamental fan is a thing one two three four five six attacks dual cast zap i could try to survive with um an upgrade potion instead of an essence of darkness [Music] i might actually really want a sweeping beam the story's tough how you doing so hey gosh we're moving into fund right now is pretty it's pretty real um [Music] i'm gonna remove zap okay i'm removing zap over strike because i have an ornamental fan and nine health it seems like fun 10 plus 9 plus 5 24 plus 4 block and dies [Music] so this looks like our only line there gosh they're all just going to attack [Music] again okay we're alive we're alive genetic algorithm steam barrier and cool-headed [Music] cool hat it's a fairly powerful way to block if you're gonna play a deck that's revolving around drawing a lot of cards and dealing damage with like attacks because you don't need to deal damage with orbs all so much so if you just like draw cards with cool headed and add focus with defragment all of a sudden you're really good at blocking and you're actually helping your deck do the other stuff that it wants to do as well so i am a fan of cool headed here i think the genetic algorithm is more desirable if we can survive do we survive steam barrier is not that bad either [Music] hmm i don't know i think i'll take a cool-headed plus over genetic algorithm here but i think i'm gonna take genetic algorithm over an unupgraded one we're gonna just hope that we manage not to die again great work so far genetic algorithm this will always buff next turn i think that we play this though go for the eyes while we are vulnerable go for the eyes defend and then another yeah okay this is fine foreign [Music] so [ __ ] [Music] i play the wrong one i think i played the wrong one well that was pretty bad not sure that i need to talk about that decision very much okay i'd better rest yeah echo form definitely made better by self repair also genetic algorithm two cards that work very nicely with echo form probably the saluter gets away would be nice if it didn't attack me a gazillion times while it was leaving yeah everything about that turn was terrible i have to wrestle down the hall so foreign foreign this runs doing fine it's not like if we beat guardian okay so it's not great but it's not that bad it's overclock plus an internet [Music] it is right no i need two of them i'll have two of them [Music] so heatsinks is quite powerful even right now it's already pretty good with three powers four powers i should probably take sings overclock's not that bad while lightning is also yeah i'm gonna take heat sinks let's just try this i think i do have to rest against guardian with no potions and no prospects hey decent start a new fall [Music] hmm so [Music] i'm gonna get stuff set up properly before i care about that self-repair i think [Music] [Music] easy sam [Music] [Music] [Music] infinite with hang on my jig what's that called draw zero cost zero draw three the infinite there would be draw recycle burn and like go for the eyes and recycle the burn and play go for the eyes but you need to have two of them yeah i mean the infinite that i was saying i had doesn't work that's why i said oh no it isn't so if you're confused and kind of work out how it works it's probably because it doesn't [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] all for one [Music] all for one the last defect run i played [Music] i took an all for one and then my deck was [ __ ] and then i died very reminiscent of that right now i think so i have a capacitor plus in an echo form which means inserter is just not very impressive we're never really taking inserter here hylostone or nuclear battery [Music] i think i like the nuclear battery i tend to like nuclear battery a little bit more index with echo form because it gives you more energy on the early turns which is what you need to get echo form into play and then because you have an echo form you're not quite as in need of energy on the later turns i consider inserter more with consume probably not okay we have arrived in act two we don't have a ton of relics act 2 looks tough i like buying potions here and then i like trying to kill this elite resting kill this elite and then get out of the act this way if we can get to champ i think the deck already kills champ that is fine we just have to get to champ let us go this swim but this kills us this kills us too often i think i have self-repair and echo form it's very spooky gives us more question marks to look for operations so i think this path is higher risk higher reward this path is a little bit lower risk a little bit more reasonable to survive this path is another option okay maybe that's the one i'll trim echo form defend it's sort of okay getting the echo form gives us seven health later good old actor okay we're at 51 there's another claw how many claws do i want this deck probably wants somewhere between zero and three claws i'm gonna say the downside of claws it's harder to draw echo form and you know the cards that aren't claw the upside of claws that it scales damage pretty quickly [Music] i'll take one more echo form does seem to be better when it's bottled this side safe enough to wait on self-repair so i think you just get birds every time you're offered filos down whether you pick it or not probably that would be my best guess so [Music] so [Music] foreign oh okay that's all preparing turbo ball lightning charge battery i don't think these help me in any way i already have recycle for energy charge battery is not that bad with echo form but it's also not super good no potions yet glacier tends to be a pretty good i card how good skim is here i know there's also hard remove i could go card remove swift potion or something i only have the one cool headed though sort of desperately need a glacier so if i'm buying glacier i don't get to card remove and the store just becomes swift potion or not pretty much i think swift potion yes is the pretty obvious choice i will lose it for a relic it's worse than self-repair nine hmm [Music] no echo forum this time yeah i haven't played sulfur prairie yet actually it's good to play echo form here i can block for five or this basically blocks for seven this is the self-repair interaction also i didn't play genetic algorithm earlier so it's even giving me more genetic algorithm stacks seems good just gonna actually kill it gosh they hit like trucks loop rebound reinforced body i have what i believe is called an upgrade deficit right now um i mean that's one way to explain what i have i have a bunch of cards that need upgrades but no ability to upgrade them defragment heatsinks cool-headed repair would be a really nice upgrade and loops a card that is definitely significantly better when upgraded than not upgraded i think that taking a reinforced body here is fine contracts well with recycle and echo form so this is front loaded [Music] block recycle echo form brunei lots of reasons to like that card and this is like scaling but upgrade deficit i don't think we ever i don't think there are many things to recommend rebound need help picking out a male wedding band to where they're all uncomfortable i feel like some of that is just that after time you get used to wearing a ring with 45 health and an upgrade potion i could choose to upgrade defragment i'm about to go into two elite fights with no campfire i haven't been wearing my uh urarang lately because it's too hot though like my finger just wants to be free so certainly get that that's sort of sweet the defragment upgrades really good but the blessing of the forge already does that just take a rust [Music] i don't know about this i didn't realize i was married i'm not married ugh gosh this echo form this echo form caleb's talking me up caleb d mtg welcome in everybody having a spire evening just past midnight for me but we're uh moseying on through some interesting spy runs tonight if you have never seen caleb stream he's an awesome streamer i recommend checking it out he plays a lot of magic the gathering and is the world's best gauntie player no one in the world plays gonti better than caleb gaunty lord of i honestly don't know the rest of that card's name anyway caleb's awesome thanks so much for the host if you don't know me i'm jorbs we chill out and play a variety of mostly single-player strategy games on this channel it's like the spire has been a mainstay for the last like two and a half years try to run a chill community it's nice that um it's nice that games treat everybody the same so when i do something in a game the end result is the same as what it would be if you did the same thing in the game i think that's one of the coolest things about games i try to just um run a chill community here where we can try to come together over these weird things that we enjoy [Music] doing if you've never seen the slay the spire sort of imagine if a limited event for magic the gathering were a single player game and thousands of hours had gone into making it really complicated and engaging and you'll have some idea of what's going on all right let's draw some cards let's do this all for one stuff [Music] holy [ __ ] that's not a very not a very good hand next turn um [Music] i feel a concern i am in danger at least i get to double play streamline end up using upgrade potion on streamline next turn to get enough damage for lethal um yeah okay well feels like there was maybe a better way to use the upgrade potion if i was going to use it in the site but we have to use it now i think i could walk for 18 against 35 incoming damage not enough block this ends up being exactly lethal damage fortunately we've got a gremlin horn gremlin horn is great helps us stack out a lot we don't have a ton of like aoe damage so fights where there are lots of ads summoned are problematic for us and gremlin horn just makes them much much much better how's it going red green yeah if you're here from a caleb's community feel free to say hi you're welcome to ask questions about the game you have anything that looks interesting that you'd like me to explain in particular i also have like a bunch of videos someone might be able to like send you to a better explanation on youtube hey zuka man if you enjoy hanging out we have a discord where people hang out if you want to do that channel just passed 69 420 followers on twitch so i would actually prefer that you don't follow the channel so that we stay closer to that number um i'm gonna i think take a compile driver here because i start with a plasma orb i don't start with a lightning orb though sort of weird zip zooty bop thanks for the 17 months i'm going to show you as well compile driver and cool headed are certainly both cards i think they're both maybe better than skipping all right let's see if we can like so compile driver we got the ornamental fan which makes it better you don't have cracked core there's a huge problem with that um the fact that we have a recycle plus in the deck is nice oh it's also obviously it's nice with kunai worth mentioning maybe because of kunai we don't take the cool headed maybe we want our card draw to be attack based so that kunai procs and maybe we want our defense to be a little bit more slanted toward actual block cards which benefit from the dexterity this sort of makes sense to me unicorn prawn he punderlord he samuel lord magistrate hello compile driver seems interesting you have six minutes experience with the game yeah i mean you're correct there are four different types of orbs so if you get all four of them channeled you can have a draw four for one card which is very strong but it's not usual not usual to have all four of them channeled it's more usual to probably have like two oh i was gonna count how many attacks i actually had one two three four five six seven eight nine ten 10 and a 26 card deck i'd like kunai to proc every turn every time you play three attacks in a single turn we gain one dexterity and then we also gain four blocks so we want to play three attacks a turn as much as possible 12 cards match them to keep them do i want consume do i want creative ai i have a consume i don't think i want creative ai i think it's too slow i also think we already scale in every fight in the game enough to win all of those fights i don't want to zap don't want to regret all right anchor's great yeah anchor's very good here blocking on turn one is not something that we're good at so we just got quite a bit better at it lets me play echo form um slaver is definitely the worst of the elite fights that we could have gotten [Music] yeah i think there are four curses on that board well two of there are two pairs of curses on that board at high ascension we're at low ascension there are fewer there there's only one pair [Music] a little bit of a pickle um one of my options here so the first card i play is echo formed i can go genetic algorithm echo form is going to be [Music] 28 block wait what 23 plus 25 is 48 block is that full blocks this turn next turn i'm a weak and i'm still vulnerable i would probably grab an offer one after that all for one's gonna be dealing 15 not very much [Music] uh we're getting a bunch of wounds in our discard pile we need this fight to end pretty soon i think that playing to compile drivers is the best play here we draw four and the big hit is recycle which we had four out of 11 times if we hit recycle i think we win the fight this turn if we miss your cycle well we were probably dead on anyway yeah take a 4 out of 11. if you're gonna miss recycle this is a really good way to misrecycle we hit every other zero cost card and we can still play all for one so five plus nine kills that i think we go after the taskmaster next [Music] um strikes okay everything's sort of okay strike blocks for more than d fragment because it procs this stuff i could go genetic algorithm but it seems like it's a little bit slow if i strike i'm taking three maybe genetic algorithms fine i don't particularly want to take three remembering your relics is a very very tricky thing i would be suspicious of anybody who claimed that they always successfully remembered all of their relics so i guess one thing that consume can do is i can recycle it for two energy it's sort of nice don't turn on delayed end of turn you'll make mur you'll make your life so miserable don't do that to yourself it's a nice idea but the execution is lacking i don't know work that it's bad well it makes it so you have to like hold down and turn for half a second or something before it registers which is like not not fun um complete self-repair i'm fairly impressed with our duck didn't die tori is a strong relic oh it is plausible that electrodynamics is a bad card at the moment it's plausible that this is a skip is there a gold threshold or other heuristic when a red mask is worth taking [Music] um it's not that easy it gives you weak on turn one that has some value and your gold has some other value you have to try to work out what the two values are and which one's higher that was bugging me what does that mean to channel three plasma so as a defect defect is probably the most complicated slay the spire character out of the four official characters uh we have orb slots by default we have three and we can gain more or lose some as the fight goes on and so we can fill those with orbs which have a passive output every turn a plasma orb gives you one energy at the start of a return and they also have a special output when you evoke them which is there are a few ways to do that but the most common is to channel another orb when all of your slots are full when you do that the oldest orb will be evoked and uh yeah when plasma orbs are evoked they give you two energy so you can get one energy at the start of the turn and then evoke it and get two more ended up getting three energy and one turn from one of these they're pretty powerful but it's hard to play meteor strike it costs five i don't have that much energy every turn so the problem with electrodynamics is just that it isn't a card that makes any of the things we're doing work better it's a sore thumb and sometimes you'll add cards like that as sort of golden bullets for your deck like you don't have a good answer to a certain fight so you take a card that doesn't fit into your general strategy to answer that fight but electrodynamics is a card that helps a lot in fights where there are lots of enemies and we already have gremlin horn which already sort of does that and so if we added gremlin horn tar duck here it would largely just be making us worse at doing the stuff that we do or not that much benefit do you see things for the twitch prime my flaming idiot thanks for the twitch prime i appreciate both of you do we beat raptomancer we have like 20 turn 20 floors or so 15 floors we have a long time before we have to fight a reptimancer um the deck in its current state sometimes wins and sometimes doesn't i'm gonna skip okay we've got an extra store we could load up on potions but i think we're doing okay enough to card remove probably sort of like card removing dual cast here strikes proc kunai an ornamental fan and defends get good because of kunai isn't terrible it's upgraded panacea ever worth it um sure and like in particular if you had biased cognitions in a runic pyramid it would be a really solid one to have in a lot of decks and a lot of decks where those two conditions were already met there's usually a way to work out value for any card that exists in this game so the question is not if it's ever worth it it's one would it be worth it so that you can work out when the right time to use it is i don't know if this is just dumb i'm really leaning into the it's not generally like the strong thing the defect does though maybe i was meant to like buy a potion and then i could have upgraded at the campfire perhaps maybe that would have been better [Music] wow well none of these cards do very much and let's do this that i rested tori saves a lot of health if i just go for the eyes of self repair next turn but not much else it looks like i have self-repair this turn this was not the absolute worst possible fight ever but unfortunately that's the that's the most positive thing i can say about it probably a little bit late for a second genetic algorithm although i have an echo form it gets large enough by the end of the run if we make it to the end of the run it's just whether we die because we take it right now only have 27 health equilibrium's certainly an okay card equilibrium i think is the strongest of these cards right now and it works nicely with all for one it lets us uh try to play all four one on the turn where it's most valuable also works sort of nicely with echo form how often do i die taking genetic algorithm from one hallway fight i mean you're asking presumably about the times that i die when i wouldn't have died if i didn't take it right it's not a very large number two percent less than two percent i don't know it's not a very large number 27 health is fairly safe with what we're doing a more interesting question might be how often it makes it so i don't get to upgrade at the next campfire because if the hallway fight goes well i actually get to upgrade how many question marks am i going to next act don't know depends it feels like generally what we're doing takes a while to get off the ground we only have 71 max hp [Music] feels like it's generally okay to take another scaling card for late game so this is pretty bad children welcome back i'm glad you enjoyed it i could recycle a reinforced body if i wanted this is maybe the hardest possible fight for us so that's not great um recycling a reinforced body lets me go go for the eyes compile driver strike defend elf repair or something but it puts a bunch of dazes in the deck this is the problem lets me play echo form if i draw it off compile driver getting vulnerable is terrible terrible terrible on turn two as well pretty sure that's vulnerable not weak right anyway uh let's do this so defend only saves me one health i don't think i need to be playing that looks like no echo form this fight because i gotta use streamline here i didn't die i have to rest against champ did i die wait i think i didn't die this is 24 it's fully blocking thanks disciple okay hologram plus hologram plus seems really good garage is an okay card hologram plus seems really good there's so many good things this does it lets us get another block card back so it's sort of like a two cost block card that scales twice with dexterity that's really good let's just get all for one back that's insane um get back like go for the eyes we can get back powers that we fail to play the first time through our deck we can get back genetic algorithms if we don't have to play them when we draw them it's just they're just so good just so good do i have to rest oh my god do i have to rest i have uh anchor i have tori i don't think i have to rust let's finally get this defragment upgraded it's been a long time long time coming in this fight we're trying to get defenses up as quickly as possible that said that doesn't necessarily mean that i recycle an attack here because if i play the attacks i get a kunai prong i could recycle reinforced body and play every other card in my hand it blocks fully gives me a dexterity or i can play the attacks recycle defend and play defragment and i keep reinforced body i take one damage i feel like keeping reinforced body over defend is i'm actually sure that that's worth one [Music] damage hologram now [Music] [Music] i'm gonna try to double play this with echo form it levels up twice if we play it twice with echo form that's a plan for killing champ like claws and stuff it'll be easy once we get going [Music] our orbs are going to be blocking for 30 a turn and then we just like do anything basically oh we have recycle as well so we can get rid of the stuff that we don't care about in our deck [Music] so [Music] all right let's get rid of these orbs makes compile driver bad but now we're blocking much more effectively i want to play genetic algorithms with echo form i'm actually going to get rid of ball lightning i think [Music] because while lightning messes with my frost orbs and also deals a bit more damage than i really want we want to win this sort of slowly [Music] because every turn we get more dexterity and every turn we have a chance of drawing recycle and getting rid of one of the cards that we don't want in our deck [Music] so champ does scale up too [Music] do i ever need glacier again i don't think so don't think so does not affect frost orbs now mostly it just affects your cards like defend i'm just gonna chill for a bit try to recycle more of the bad cards um some people speedrun the game mark but for the most part it doesn't matter how quickly you play there's a very bizarre thing where there's one event in the game that would be incredibly valuable for speedrunning and it's in the latter part of the game and so that speed runners didn't have to like basically abandon every single run where they didn't get it [Music] the devs made it so it will only spawn if at least like 15 minutes or 20 minutes or something are gone in the run so it's basically impossible to get it while speed running um but it's a bad event for non-speed run runs like it's not something that you really want to get and so in theory maximum win rate play for this game would be to make all the right plays and get to the part of the run where that event happens in under 15 minutes like you'd win slightly more often because you'd get a better event on average on the floor but in practice like nobody does that it's unclear that it's even like really possible to play that fast if you're not speed running anyway [Music] i think you are probably now dead [Music] [Music] okay yeah that's how we beat the champ fish and echo form biased cog [Music] give me a sec i need to fill up my water my office is just super hot even now the window open and a fan going at one am just hot in this room uh i'll be right back you caitlyn and i agree that summer sucks we we are in agreement okay anyway we could go double echo form or we could take the biased cog to echo forms is probably better than one echo form i mean it's not even really probably i'm not sure that i channel enough orbs for fishing to be good it's a nice card for accelerating through the deck the first time through but i have a bunch of cards dedicated to things other than channeling orbs at the moment it's because i like built in all for one package into the stack and have claws and things so i think it's just echo form is pretty good but i would need to find a way to prevent the loss of focus for it to really be good i think yes we can recycle echo form for three energy it's good thinking [Music] so double the effectiveness of potions i do have an attack potion um coffee dripper energy but we can't rest anymore i think i've been resting at almost every rust site and slaver's collar gives us an extra energy against bosses and elites only but not for the hallway fights in act 3. i have to collect the super elite key in act 3 which means that my pathing isn't necessarily like really left up to me which means i might be taking a lot of hallway fights i don't really need more energy anyway not that much i think we can probably take slaver's caller over coffee dripping i wouldn't mind resting a few times um i'm going to stream when i can children lately the weather has been dictating when i stream so i don't get campfires this act i have to go this way this is pretty unlucky so yeah i guess coffee dripper wouldn't have had a downside in retrospect oh well i love it when they just like all prepare to kill you next turn we have a hologram so we can get this genetic algorithm back i guess if i hit echo form off this it would change my line and otherwise i'd just play glacier so i don't think playing glacier first makes sense because drawing two cards with only one energy left there's not very much i can do with that one energy anyway whereas if i draw one card now instead of drawing two cards after a glacier i can choose not to play glacier and play echo form instead which i think wouldn't be worth it and that happens one time in 12 so actually somewhat [Music] common and dead [Music] looks like i'm approximately just straight up dub i guess i have a self repair still [Music] [Music] would have been sick to draw go for the eyes at the end there sometimes lucky but also sometimes not lucky [Music] so fact three sums its regards [Music] i've been in like a sort of weird mood with tv shows last like few days i watched a highlights clip of oberon martel from game of thrones i think that was like a week ago or something but it was the first time i wanted to consume game of thrones content since about halfway through season 8 being released where like i watched the rest of the season but holy [ __ ] i did not enjoy it i want to double play genetic algorithm i don't really see why i can't seasons one through seven are still good it's hard to get bad halfway through season six but certainly [Music] the process accelerated in season eight i watch alt shift x a little bit not like every single one of them but um caitlyn really enjoyed those so i watched some of them because she was watching them basically i think alt shift x is now doing westworld summaries which i don't know i thought westworld was like done after season one and i started watching season two thinking like oh it's gonna be really interesting to see how they take the conclusion of season one and make an interesting show out of it for season two and then i watched like two episodes of season two and i was like oh they didn't [Music] what shouldn't they have like made sure they could before we made another season of it i don't know anyway season one of westworld is excellent very very good television recycle hologram the only card we can take here is hologram i think i don't think we can take an upgraded recycle our deck doesn't have enough cards that it wants to get rid of really it's not um aiming to go infinite it's not aiming to like get rid of all the three cards and then play them recursively he's just aiming to get really good value out of cool headed and claw and glacier and go for the eyes and all for one which means the only cards we really need to get rid of are like a couple of strikes and defends and statuses that get put in the deck we can use recycle to give us extra energy on turns or like we want to get echo form in plays so we recycle streamline sorts of things but we don't really want two of them sunder has almost nothing to recommend it really it's a good card against repton answer and then hologram is pretty good true detective also had a bad season two it's season two wasn't i don't know it wasn't that bad it's mostly just that like the season one was so incredible and then the season two was like a fairly normal-ish cops show sort of which like those can be fun to watch you know but really live up to expectations all tv is bad just watch jorbs if you want to take that approach i'm all right with that let's actually grab skim here [Music] i probably wanted to do that first [Music] oh decent also you have to say tv you have to like there's an appropriate emphasis jorbs on the tv [Music] actually got to play genetic algorithm twice okay that was not meant to be a difficult fight so good honest for winning it um hard to be that excited about it though upgrade all cards you can no longer heal nope let's just go ahead and take the rare relic against guardian i probably get to double play self-repair even so it's healing me for 14 as well this form under heel means you cannot heal anymore your current hp will never go up again it will only go down or stay the same oh i didn't apply weak because it's not attacking anymore oops this is a bit more like a defect deck maybe i should just get rid of the other [ __ ] like what's the point of having the claws in this deck right now i don't know so i guess they do this that's sort of cool [Music] captain's wheel so we already had an anchor to give us 10 block on turn one and now we're also getting 18 block on turn three it's a pretty nice pickup we got a speed potion for 5 dexterity for a turn i don't think any of these three cards is any good so i'm not gonna take those or bother talking about them very much they are unupgraded common cards and we are halfway through act three those are just not good at the moment so this is a fight where having electrodynamics in the deck might make me take the fight i can't take this fight though with the deck that i currently have because we will die also because we have no way to get our health back really other than the self repair which is not even really letting us break even on health i don't think in this act this is gonna deal us like 40 or something even if we win [Music] okay we got a raptomancer this is a raptomancer with extra hit points as [Music] well four plus 10 14. so first time a long time that you've seen us skip that fight yeah yeah this one's not going super well that would be why so this seems very problematic i'm being attacked for 68 and i have 52 health and cotillion [Music] that turns a little bit more like it so so [Music] did the dagger die after attacking they do a small attack and then a big attack which kills them just like their moves up wasn't anything that i did once we get going we're sort of going huh gotta get there [Music] that's a common problem for defect just um it's hard to set up to do this without taking a lot of damage [Music] static discharge or another cool headed [Music] i don't hate another cool headed especially now that we have one more energy and we've got the double echo form it's a good card to play two of even if it's unupgraded this genetic algorithm is up to 21 that's getting pretty good 47 is great i think like 70 is where you start to see significant fall off and value last time i was in this fight i took what 50 damage they're back [Laughter] at least next turn i have captains we all and a genetic algorithm apparently definitely want to play this self-repair twice [Music] [Music] not like this 31.37 and get to 28 block i think it's worth a gamble here it's a nice hit in fact i only took one damage [Music] [Music] okay so we want to sort of set up so that one of these is alive at a time and then control the fight enough that we can double play our self-repair you already forgot about gremlin horn again it's not like we have that many relics this round either there are not a ton of them to keep track of this time around it's pretty normal to have relics that go to like here or so but you have to actually be able to like take the events that give you relics and fight the elites and stuff and that is not something we've been able to do in this run [Music] foreign okay self-repair time [Music] 34 health no what a struggle gosh what a struggle i don't know yieldrum you'd have to go check out other people's channels you want to see what other people are doing intend not to focus on winrate in this channel because it is well one is not really something i care about but also this is like an untimed game and if you want to focus holy [ __ ] if you want to focus on win rate in a game which has no timer attached to your turns hey monkey boy [Music] okay but we won the fight we played some genetic algorithms we're at 41 health which is decent not bad any time spent below the time required to make the perfect play is incorrect sure arbius thank you very much for the rape welcome in rvs viewers just playing some slave aspire tonight welcome to join and hang out hope your stream was sweet marvius is an awesome strategy game streamer he's been playing a lot of civ 5 multiplayer and [Music] you playing battle brothers again he goes for like some five x-com battle brothers at least one other game that i'm forgetting right now for some reason oh they are billions yeah yeah rvs plays some really sweet there billions their billions is like a mix between an rts and a single player tower defense sort of it was like you have all of the tower defense ideas going on but also you have this like pretty complicated base and you're managing an economy and things like that that you'd be doing in a game like starcraft and darvius is very very good for that game [Music] is honor a strategy maybe are you saying that once if five is played by arvius it isn't a strategy game is that what you're trying to say [Music] i could take another capacitor i do already have one and it's an upgraded one and if i echo form it you can only get ten orb slots max and that gives me nine i do have a consume so let's me scale more off of that the concern is just like i die a bit before it all starts working i think i do take this extra lead both because the events are like the events are pretty good and these hallway fights are pretty bad i think and also because they have this store to heal me a little bit with mule ticket the capacitor is nice against giant hud and nemesis i think it's like sort of fine 31 card deck right now unclear how i will ever survive the act 4 elite fight other than by drawing genetic algorithm at the right time basically by chance um so maybe there's an argument for not adding cards that aren't genetic algorithm to the deck [Music] i could sort of buy that argument [Music] sheer luck and determination mostly just sheer luck turns out the question mark was a hallway fight what a surprise and it was a hallway fight where all the attack happens on turn two which is the only turn that my relics don't block for tremendous awesome great work good stuff all around [Music] never put a link to arvius's channel in the chat huh there you go do you recommend checking out arvius's compound [Music] [Music] that's all i need right yeah we never take damage again in this fight did we take any damage actually we just never take damage in this fight and i heal for 14. things are starting to look up what are you what are you talking about wait what is why is my why is my chat like this they say that a check reflects who you are as a streamer but i think they must be wrong there's no way that can be right electrodynamics is back still don't want that yeah i'm good feeling a bit better about this deck right now i'm just gonna play the self repair now leave the genetic algorithm in the discard pile so that i can grab it with a hologram if needed though echo forms a good one so [Music] so [Music] is this what i wanted because i made a bunch of decisions which led to this happening i hope it's what i wanted actually i can go recycle on streamline and then wall lightning and then echo form all right oh no no no i forgot heat sinks was in play oh it's getting late [Music] [Music] i'm almost at full health [Music] wow um force field plus is [Music] it's tricky it costs four on turn one but i do have one two three four five six seven powers so it costs zero pretty quickly blocking for 16 is significant it's a big number and i have ku9 i think i take it shoot no i don't even need to go to the store anymore i'm already at full health let's save my gold for next act i should be fine in the boss fights for this act as well it's going to be the act 4 elite fight is mainly the spooky thing i think i think i'll go to this hallway and go here why are these back again can you can you leave me alone oh my gosh hmm what are they saying about like being full health 36 49 incoming i have no block in my hand [Music] hey blur thanks so much for the host we're struggling at the moment this defector on has taken i think over a hundred damage to darklings in this act so far yeah i don't think that's an exaggeration i'm pretty sure we've taken over 100 damage to uh darklings in this act there's another slay the spire streamer if you're looking for someone else to watch play this game [Music] this has to be the most image i've ever taken from darklings because i not only got the fight three times but also my duck is absolutely incapable of not not taking a billion damage and apparently they're mad at me for not taking electrodynamics electrodynamics wouldn't have even helped by the time electrodynamics is in play i've been fine the problem has been the time before electrodynamics is in play that's been the issue [Music] i think darklings being scarier than nemesis is not particularly uncommon that's more about nemesis than it is about darklings though darklings being scarier than rap demand sir is a little bit weird i don't know what's up with that [Music] gambler's brew has a nice pickup i could take another go for the eyes i think with the weak potion that i have the value of a second go for the eyes goes way down and it probably wasn't better than skipping before i had the weak potion but when you consider the weak potion i think that's a no so i think all of these cards are pretty easy to rule out as you get later in the game i think card choices often become much much simpler just because it's more defined what your deck is missing and what your deck has plenty of i think with kunai an ornamental fan the sweeping beam is better than the defend believe sound and now we uh have 30 health less than i thought i was going to have against the wicked one cool it's a decent turn one though i think i do play heat sinks before echo form but there are definitely there's definitely echo form then heat sinks heat sinks then echo form or don't play heat sinks there and if somebody did a bunch of math and it turned out that the one i chose was wrong i wouldn't be that surprised let's draw some cards first [Music] recycle probably never need glacier in this fight from here so i could probably recycle glacier right now maybe i don't need that much energy maybe we can just recycle and defend there are two cards two cards coming back from all for one [Music] hey railrax how did i get that that was two cards oh because i i didn't see a recycle in the discard pile river right right right [Music] can i kill these sometimes in [Music] the fragments not that good here maybe compile driver is actually the best thing to play i want to hit hologram if i hit hologram everything gets really easy and compile driver draws the most cards sick [Music] [Music] so so [Music] whoa now what i do [Music] chill for a while looks like we win awakened one is a fight where we can get stronger if you play powers but otherwise doesn't get stronger so at this point in the fight unless we choose to make it like and one stronger by playing powers like that's just it we're done just have to be able to block 48 every now and then three third turn or so gain a million dexterity and only use it on holograms yeah we've got a force field we got some block cards we have a little bit of everything which makes the deck a bit like cluttered and confused but what are you gonna do [Music] do i realize i can get time bonus do i look like i care about my score [Music] to you i'll eat two raviolis each time i lift my fork um i think it depends on my hunger i'm very hungry i would all the cards are sort of fine none of them are particularly good they're all sort of fine i don't know is this a contact because i wanted to impress chad i think most things in my life are because i wanted to impress chad [Music] it's barely a claw deck there are two claws they do a little bit of damage for us they're fine i don't know [Music] let's go i should recycle one of them honestly possibly should recycle both it was defined by echo form and recycle more than anything could be onto something there [Music] i seem to have blocked for 20 with my hologram he's pretty neat [Music] time eater um as long as i win the fight it doesn't matter what my health is at i think i like playing consume no do this so i have a meal ticket so at the store next act i'll go to full [Music] health awkward if we draw like both echo forms off skim might actually be losable at that point let's do this get five cards this turn one two three [Music] four [Music] five i wanna play genetic algorithm twice so i'm not ready to play those yet time meter also has weird scaling time meter scales off of you playing cards every time this clock advances to 12 time meter gets plus two strength this is another situation where i'm now blocking for 30 passively [Music] and i don't really need to let time either get any more strength ever almost i decide that i'd like time eater too is my back so it shame anybody know any back specialists in chat tonight hey paul i'm currently streaming slay the spire um [Music] for an audience of people who are watching me so sometimes i explain what's going on for my next trick i will channel one lightning horn sort of have to channel two oh no it's okay it's okay i can channel two and then i can consume one of them and then i can press end to turn for a while let's play two of these i think it's the summer heat makes a lot of sense [Music] gosh summer's just the absolute worst isn't it 22 per turn is actually quite a lot this isn't even gonna take that long why are you watching me at 5am because you are a person who gets to make decisions about what they do in their life you chose this one winter is trash well get out get out right now [Music] every time jorbs ends turn take a shot i don't do that i'm a little bit concerned i could be like arrested for bed or something that was a joke i mean at least i wasn't walking around outside offbeat duder thanks for the year i'm going to show you as well there is a non-zero chance that i win this run it sort of comes down to drawing genetic algorithm at the right time am i having fun with this combat timer is not about having fun [Music] time meter is about winning [Music] [Music] yes finally i have successfully gotten rid of one of the lightning orbs that was bugging me seemed inefficient to have [Laughter] two i think it is not super unusual for runs to have this many relics but it's certainly i don't know it's unusual for them to have less than this and it wouldn't be abnormal for them to have like another 10. don't hate the player ate the game [Music] we definitely were only offered to relics in act one and we chose not to pick one of them up so that was sort of how our act one won pretty cool pretty pretty good stuff i could see self repair being the right upgrade here could also see consume i could see a reinforced body [Music] i could see heat sinks okay so yeah ah what i wanted that's not really readable if i write there either is it it's not where the dots should have been self repair is nice because more health first heart that's the nice thing about upgrading a self repair got reinforced reinforced is more block duh the nice thing about upgrading reinforced body sinks [Music] more draw the big thing that does is turn to makes it easier for us to hit genetic algorithm on turn two although we have to draw and play heatsinks by then which is only happening one time in four anyway oh and then like consume is the other one consume gives more focus does more scaling against the heart based on how the time eater fight went i think i might need that consume resting gives zero hp hey boys [Music] i like the consume upgrade here we're just gonna have to draw genetic algorithm on turn two the store is not very good okay so storms actually quite a lot of damage sort of like a bit of a question mark it's a lot of damage but i think we need frost orbs channeled we probably die if we try to deal damage that way against the heart and we like also get damage here maybe i could take apotheosis i could probably benefit from a card remove i could use smoke bomb to skip the heart fight baylor lord has a great clip if you drink smoke bomb as your orbs are killing the enemies and the fight ends before you run away you just skip the fight on the next floor which would be the heart and then i'd win how's it going crew suzuki and it does feel sort of plausible to uh to beat the yak 4 elites if i don't have to also beat the heart does that count i mean no i'm not gonna do that i think my potions are fine how good's apotheosis it's pretty good like the cool-headed upgrade get two of them might be a bit slow i do have tori i'm gonna go for an apotheosis and i'm gonna grab this hologram as well i have this gambler's brew which i think makes the hologram better because i can discard cards and then draw them with hologram later or something i don't know it made sense in my head foreign okay i'm not gonna recycle the force field right now this turns fine let's get horn cleat from fight to complete boat it's a good strategy i drew genetic algorithm on turn two what an op player [Music] how do i do it i actually want to turn away from this it's so crazy but i want to be facing this way for next turn wba jack thanks very much for the 36 months for the years of support you as well hope you're doing great 34 card deck 2 i mean i had the gamblers brew i could have looked at another five cards i just didn't need to because i was so good [Music] because i was so good um this would never attack me next turn right i still don't have echo form in play unfortunately i may need to gamblers for now because at some point we're just taking too long to set up now maybe this point i guess on the other hand if i can put together a really good all for one turn no it's not gonna like one shot anything [Music] i'm fine with playing this now oh my god i don't know [Music] i don't know those aren't really the cards that i wanted to all be at the bottom of the deck huh i think i like drawing four with gamblers broom hold on to one hologram though [Music] okay the idea was this is all good we like this the idea was do you want to play apotheosis [Music] i'm not drawing any cards am i [Music] i go form hologram recycle i wonder what echo form draws we need to draw streamline what did i just say okay it's a bit more reasonable now i got focused down unfortunately the double glacier looks to be pretty good [Music] um we'll take perfect block we'll take perfect block not gonna question that taking one this time though there is a recycle there and there's a reinforced body so double playing consume looks really cool and does a lot but this does so much more hit you [Music] you draw the last two oh i don't get to play all four one i guess i played consume instead whatever that's fine [Music] ew this is 40 block taking a lot of damage let's go hologram for skim so many good hits not sure we really got any of them i think i draw one more card this box for eight this blocks for 12. do the cards give me four health on average yeah like everything's good [Music] i could use weak potion here it's questionable we'll save 16 health [Music] i think it's gonna be better later yeah that turn really [ __ ] sucked down [Music] okay [Music] you stop killing me so 14 times 5 is more than 11 times 6 66 versus 70. [Music] and also when i evoke them they evoke for more [ __ ] finally oh my god [Music] we are on turn 12. okay can we do better than that against the heart maybe furix thanks very much for the three months promo show to youtube [Music] shouldn't be possible to do better than that against the heart like all the echo forms are at the bottom of the decorative also possible to do worse definitely possible to die if i bought the smoke bomb i would have won the run predict echo form turn one that sounds nice about all for one turn one so i think if i cool headed and like draw echo form it's sort of terrible for me [Music] i drew exactly genetic algorithm would be okay i think i'm meant to do this though [Music] god that's rough this has not been a good first three turns a lot of things have gone wrong so far sort of want to double play this but i don't think i get to and i drew defragment thanks okay we're through most of the bad stuff though i think another echo form what's that let me do there's no recycle here [Music] sort of have to draw good cards off heat sinks [Music] best i can do with double hologram right now [Music] is glacier hologram maybe and then i play glacier and then i play hologram and they play e fragma there's so much good stuff to draw there's both genetic algorithms force fields good recycles good skim redraws okay i have to double echo form void there no all the curses are done [Music] [Music] force field hologram force field certainly keeps me alive and go force field hologram hologram force field if i want [Music] to work out what other plays there are it would be nice to play apotheo sauce can i play apotheosis i'd go forcefield apotheosis 13-21 good play force field apotheosis i go to two right which is pretty awkward with no loop in your deck [Music] no i don't think that can be right unfortunately force field hologram force field goes to [Music] force field hologram hologram force field goes to 38 block 46 block we take four we got eight that gives us the ability to draw a bad hand once [Music] not a very bad hand but a slightly bad hand ones oh [ __ ] that played twice this is playing twice two then right all right cool i totally knew that [Music] [Music] 40 goes to 38 46 53 63 [Music] i'm not looking for you to suggest how to play the game played the game for like five thousand hours and i've been playing this game with my undivided attention for like several hours to get to here and now i'm going to play the heart fight try to keep the chat free for people to say hi and like ask me questions about stuff that's going on and not for you to recommend what you would do all right where was i [Music] trying to work out if i put defragment in play i want to play it twice [Music] [Music] decent turn wow this is just like pretty insane right now all right well there's a turn immediately where i needed the extra health can i keep genetic algorithm though [Music] right now i can go double hologram playing skim would have been so nice if it didn't reshuffle you can go double hologram grabbing all for one force field [Music] and hologram double hologram grabbing [Music] forcefield and hologram and then double force field again [Music] [Music] gotta speed this [ __ ] up double hologram double d fragment [Music] double sweeping beam and we claw and we claw it's gonna be time for this vulnerable potion soon and i think we recycle twice unless i want do i want a lightning arm shut i might actually want a lightning orb for compile driver it's also prox kunai again [Music] okay getting attacked for 90 this turn it's a bit more than before i can grab genetic algorithm if i want i'll start with double force field double cool headed though go from there so double reinforce body just blocks single reinforced body just blocks all for one gets a ton of stuff and then i can hologram it to play it again is this the turn for vulnerable pot i think it is so [Music] how valuable is that defend i'm on eight [Music] i can get rid of defend and slimed or i can get rid of only slimes or i can get rid of only wound maybe get rid of only wound [Music] well got a [ __ ] hand again i need to recycle the cards that don't block so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] would be cool to have loops right now this turns worthless maybe it wasn't entirely worthless that's pretty worthless okay unfortunately i get to start with two defends i played two compile drivers two cool headeds we got some stuff going on what stuff exactly though um recycling streamline seems like a super safe play hard to imagine that being wrong [Music] i played two defends to compile drivers two cool headeds so now i'm only playing cards once [Music] so we might die soon or the heart might die soon one of those two things is about to happen but it does look significantly more likely that it's the heart than that it's us [Music] [Music] [Music] everyone can assume no i don't think so 67 comes a block i think i don't want to play cool headed here because i want to draw a hologram next turn [Music] without reshuffling first okay the tricky thing now we have no problem dealing i assume 200 damage this turn but the tricky thing is leaving ourselves in a situation where it's as likely as possible that we win next turn or the turn after we only have to do like 73 damage it should be impossible not to um [Music] let's grab you maybe also grab you next card's getting played twice just play you twice i'm not gonna overthink it [Music] this is not the advertised 200 damage awkward i want these cards not to be in my next draw pile soon cool [Music] oh that run took three hours oh my god what a brutal run i didn't even play that run slowly really a little bit slowly but like every single fight took like eight turns of brain frying [ __ ] thanks someone for the sub hungbomoshodi six hundred and sixty-six score exactly terrible casseroling so nine months i'll go more to youtube
Channel: Jorbs
Views: 130,121
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: slay the spire, jorbs, slay the spire jorbs, slay the spire run, slay the spire ascension 20, ascension 20, slay the spire act 4, act 4 ascension 20, slay the spire win, slay the spire ascension 20 win, slay the spire act 4 win, slay the spire heart, slay the spire heart win, slay the spire heart ascension 20, slay the spire defect defect, slay the spire defect run, defect ascension 20, slay the spire defect win
Id: b64fww7pl5E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 195min 4sec (11704 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 10 2020
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