I Spent 10 Hours Playing Slay The Spire to Prove IT'S RIDICULOUS

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if you have not heard about slay the Spire I would be genuinely surprised slay the Spire is often regarded as the best card game Rog likee ever made the amount of people who swear by this game is absolutely astounding and this is not even including all the mods and community support this game has even through all of that I still really haven't given this game a fair chance I was too busy playing League of Legends because I hated myself so I'm going to play slay the Spire for 10 hours to see if it's as good as people say it is or prove it's rid ridiculous in case you have not played this game this is how you slay the Spire you pick a character that character has a base deck you pick a starting room and you continue down a path until you reach the final boss if you beat that boss you do the previous step two more times during your climb up the Spire you will get new cards items to make you stronger potions to use in battle Merchants to buy stuff from random events that are good or bad and this is barely scratching the surface of this game relics found that the Spire Grant unique bonuses and remain throughout your run and they give be be found by defeating powerful FS within chance all right what are we looking at I like okay three randoms in a row defeat enemies by playing cards from your hand cards require energy to play thank God there's a Mana system in this game at the start of your turn new cards are drawn and your energy is replenished play defensive cards to gain block when enemies are about to attack you block reduces incoming attack damage but wears off of the start of your next turn during your turn you can observe an enemy's intent if an enem is intent on attacking You' be sure to gain some block the first class you start off with is the Ironclad this is the warrior of play the Spire it's also very easy and it's the first class for a reason because they want you to get the hang of the game if you do manage to beat the Spire with the Ironclad you unlock the next class which we will see shortly holy [ __ ] Chad they put you in the game right deal a damage to All Enemies for one Mana that seems really good gain eight block and draw one card for one kind of a huge fan of cleave cleave is insane three faces materialized from the walls and speak forget what you know and I'll let you go I require change to see a new space if you want to pass me then you must grow holy [ __ ] I think your mom said that to me last night I'm not really sure what transform does so I'm going to go with the upgrade oh can we upgrade this What's the upgrade version 11 I'm in we're going to get a chest we get two Elites if we we can fight off the the fire I like this I like this let's go this way I stopped by a golden idol which looked very inconspicuous and of course I took it and triggered a trap trying to dodge the giant boulder that came I smashed it like a Chad but I took 21 damage in the process I cleaved whatever the hell these things are grabbed the Carnage card because 20 damage looked really good so I can fight this guy or I can go to the fireplace I could rest or I can Smith heal for 30% of your max HP I think we're good we're going to Smith what does this upgrade 20 all right I'm feeling like we can take out the elite yo it's so free oh my God game so hard he couldn't even handle it and every time you play three attacks and a single turn game for four block choose a card in your discard pile and return your hand and cost zero this turn that's pretty good rink and throw potions during combat potions stay between you between rooms okay thank you I took the uppercut card cuz I thought it looked pretty good killed some slimes then took the pumble card because I thought it looked even better do we want to fight the elite I kind of do right and he's probably a big [ __ ] anyways let's go right what the hell is this white be statue potions always appear in combat rewards okay so that means I got to be a little bit more uh dude I have this severe problem when it comes to video games I'm going to refer to it as um not using items because I feel like they're too valuable and I want to use them at the right moment but then I get to the end of the game and then I don't use them and then they're just stuck in my inventory use a card to go to your discard pile so if I play a card it goes into a discard pile right I could go Boop and then Boop and then Boop it and then I wouldn't take any damage I'm I'm I'm kind of for the boing let me drink it yes dude tell me that wasn't clean oh that's unfortunate oh God all right I'm going to cleave and maybe I just block so I only take the nine yeah I kind of like the double block take a quick little eight there are no cards to draw your disc carpal just shuffled into your I guess I'm going to hit this then because if we get one of the AOE cards we just kill this guy anyways I think that's fine he's going to de buff me though maybe I just kill it I guess it goes in my discard pile so maybe that's fine he's doing nine I don't really have an option here we need to get more energy for the uh the fan to do anything this kills me start each combat with one strength that seems very good this card applies power to when youed oh that's kind of nice whenever you gain block deal five damage not really an attack though right do I need to heal now healings for losers what is the upgrade of this five times that's one to deal 10 back to the role playing you walk into a room to find a large hole in the ground is your mom in the spider chat as you approach the whole an enormous serpent creature appears from within oh God how do I do this voice hello hello what have we got here hello Adventure I ask a simple question the most fulfilling of lives is that in which you can buy anything do you agree 175 gold Nah The Serpent stares at you with a look of extreme disappointment this piece of [ __ ] he's all about the greed you fall into a puddle it's made of slime goop frantically you call yourself out over several minutes as you feel the goop starting to burn you can feel the the goop in your ears goop in your nose goop everywhere looking back to the puddle you see you're missing coins combined with gold from unfortunate Adventures mixed together in the puddle did some sexual activities just happen things got a little messy and then they toss gold at me like what is that what just happened so maybe I do this and defend I'm going to be honest that noise in my eard drums is very satisfying I love it deal six damage at a copy of this card to your discard pile the angrier you are the angrier you get I like that actually deal three damage to random enemy three times right click to see the upgrade Mr streamer anger is Mana cheating okay does this game follow the principal rule of every card game where Mana cheating is the most important thing it's infinite I'm going to pick the boomerang cuz I'm going to upgrade it more time it is time for the hardest challenge so far the final boss of floor one all right who we got the [ __ ] we're definitely doing that he's going to block I can put him in defensive mode whatever that means whenever you play an attack take three damage that's talking to me right when it says whatever it means me right just for the record like is it talking about this it's the Buffs on him huh all right I'm going to do this oh how long does this go on for forever oh he's back oh so if he's a defensive mode that's what he does I get it holy [ __ ] I'm going to take it I'm taking it though or am I taking it I could do this at this idiot right and then we do this and he's back in defensive mode holy [ __ ] I GED so hard dude that guy didn't even know what the hell happened okay we can do this we can do this I believe we absolutely need to defend can I do this damage I think it's too good not to do it oh my God I'm so dead oh he's doing 20 seems like a pretty good deal I don't know if dealing seven is better than basically taking less damage I think taking less damage is probably better this fan kind of sucks my ass if I'm going to be honest oh okay you don't do any damage this turn right okay so we can do uh this this okay we're definitely upper cutting I think it's absolutely mandatory you ever die take six here right if I take 6 and 39 I think this is fine okay it's it's just that easy kids it's just it's just just just do better you know what I'm saying all right easy all right we'll take a blessing holy moly if deal 10 damage if fatal raise your max HP by three skill cost zero whenever you play a skill exhausted ooh that is uh that's a Spicer right there damn that's a cool card I'm going to take that though Market pain gain energy at I think that's energy right at the start of your turn the start of combat Shuffle two wounds into your draw pile wounds are unplayable status cards gain energy at the start of your turn you can no longer attain potions the start of your turn draw two additional Cards start each combat confused whenever you draw a card randomizes cost what's like the maximum cost a card can go in this game three is the highest so potentially it's gas sneo with a bunch of two cost attacks yeah but it could also backfire so much all right [ __ ] it we'll just take the eye as crazy as the sneo eye is it led to some of the most fun gameplay I have ever had in a card game oh my God okay hold on fun we're straight cooking to be honest and I bash first cuz I'm bad but it's also free navigating an unlit Street how is there a street in a Spire you come across several hooded figures in the midst of some dark ritual as you approach they turn to you an eerie Unison the tallest among them Bears Fang teeth and extends a long pale hand towards you join us brother and feel the warmth of the Spire move all strike receive five bites lose 26 match HP uh I'm going to refuse an abandon Temple you find a giant book open riddled with cryptic writings as you try to interpret the elaborate script it begins to shift and morph into writing you were familiar with I I'm definitely reading it odd the book seems to be about an ancient named Nea this pequs your interest but you have a general feeling of malice seeking Vengeance Neo blessed Outsiders using them for her own purpose you're starting to feel very weak and tired oh God those resurrected by now remember only fragments of their past selves cursed to fight for an attorney as you're near the final page your Old Wounds begin to reopen at the end of your turn you may Shuffle one of three random cards into your draw pile and then fed on a statue yes I realized how weird that sounds and then I went to a shop Thunderclap I did that to your mom last night all right let's get rid of strike that seems correct the rest of floor two was pretty easy I was getting some pretty great cards and honestly I was feeling really good about myself all the way up until the final boss do I want to upgrade this it's not actually optimal unfortunately but I will be doing it today it changed the cost how was I supposed to know it did that oh my God I look like a [ __ ] Muppet dude I'm a muppet do I strike or do I defend if I defend it take significantly less damage okay oh no he's angry yo this I think is trolling oh my God it's [ __ ] horrific well that's my turn thanks for asking I'm just worried I don't know what he's going to do oh no I've done it now what I do oh [ __ ] he just cleansed all my debuffs hey I mean that's happening this is also happening I think it's time I don't feel like taking some fat d damage it's only doing 16 there don't feel like dying doing that you take three that's fine face my wrath if I could write something I would say eat my ass well you know I would love to use it uh I would love to feed him but I'm just going to [ __ ] kill him I think damn look at that animation let's [ __ ] go man uh Pawn pick up transform and click the upgrade them transform cards becomes a rarity of any Rarity upgrading cards makes them more powerful cards can only be upgraded once get to start the turn all start with one one potion gain 50 gold raise your max HP pay one card upgrate one card I'm going to take this Stone I don't like these I'm picking the stone the beyond the shop there is there a shop on this path there is oh my God this is this is long bro okay I'm going to go boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop no it can't go there boop boop I don't know if I was getting really lucky but I was breezing through the third floor like look how fast I deal with an elite giant head well I okay I knew that okay me when I go to it all you can eat sushi buffet and soon after I was at the final boss of this run and if I beat this I slayed my first spire on the first try oh my God I'm going to bash this actually let me read let me read and if it's turn heals 10 HP when you play a power card gain one strength okay we don't have any power cards that's good that's fine I don't really care about that okay that did not do as much as I hoped heal nine five times I can't do the bth in my head that that seems like a lot though I could do the math in my head for the record I just didn't want to okay this guy's watch this chat this guy's dead this turn watch watch watch watch watch watch watch watch he's so dead watch this watch watch watch everyone pay attention I pay your attention or type one in chat if you're paying attention [ __ ] okay he didn't die hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on I should have played this it doesn't matter actually uh we do this right okay yeah uh that's kind of trash if I'm going I'm going to be honest can we can do this right okay I mean he's basically dead if you think about it right theoretically speaking like it's it's one turn off right okay it's one turn off we're actually so close let's kill him what's happening oh my god oh he's mad oh he mad he actually lost all his debuffs too that's actually insanely cringe if I'm going to be honest this is still Giga free I think we're cooking as long as there's not a third phase I think I'm okay oh I can do it again we might just be dead though right oh let's [ __ ] oh it's so free dude oh it's so free a deep pulsy drad can be felt throughout the room is this the heart of the Spire the source of this evil you ready your blade damn ask yourself if I've been here before you feel that you've dealt 2,934 damage to the heart 140 billion 636 m643 77 damage has been dealt by all who have challenged it I'm going to be completely honest with you I kind of gamed see this game does a really good job of being super easy to understand at a glance but also insanely nuanced this is like Hearthstone literally as like a rogue deck builder and this is like probably why so many people consider this like the best Rog light card game that's what you want all of your games to be like every game should look at this and be like this is how I should design the game and that was only the first class of slay the Spire there are three other classes to go through that all play complet completely differently and have their own card collection to use the silent a deadly Huntress from the fog lands eradicates foes with daggers and poisons at the start of each combat draw an additional all right let's see if I can do this first try hey what's up whale with three eyes welcome back uh yep the silent is a much more nuanced class than the Ironclad the Ironclad plays like a Brute Force Warrior where the silent is more like a rogue from Hearthstone and I found this class A lot more exciting than the last one and as much as I would love to show you the full run this video would be way too long so here is the final fight on floor 3 this is it okay dude if I win this I did [ __ ] two spires in a row dude holy [ __ ] all right here we go okay this is getting played this will get played this will get played this will get played this will get played this will get played oh he has the [ __ ] F [ __ ] that [ __ ] is so cringe I want to do this all [Music] right not he my poison stacking we're not dying which is good good I have actually no idea who the [ __ ] I kill I'm going to kill him I think first and we're definitely blurring definely doing this doing this doing this discarding what first card of my hand is probably this a you [Music] [ __ ] okay I'm taking 24 a little nervous here hold [Music] on he's [Music] dead God damn bro damn this is so free [Music] wow that's the card I needed new character poggers slay the Spire is like the dream game for someone who plays Hearthstone regularly because it plays so cleanly and it plays just like it and it makes me want Hearthstone to have another [ __ ] dungeon run cuz the game is so good like imagine this is in Hearthstone dude this is 3 hours in this is really [ __ ] fun this is really fun I don't think I've actually played either one of these characters so I am I'm kind of nervous if I'm going to be honest but let's get into it shall we the third class is the defect this is probably the most nuanced class in the entire game because it uses ancient technology that allows him to manipulate orbs of energy and you could tell that I am pretty nervous about this crack cord the start of each combat Channel One lightning I have no idea what that means so let's do this channeling an orb puts it into your first empty slot if you have no empty SL slot your first orb is automatically evoked to make room deals damage to random enemies the end of your turn deal three damage to a random enemy evoke deal eight damage to a random enemy hold on I just got to test this out for science if I Channel I should do six damage here if I'm reading this correct Let's test okay I don't know if that did cuz only proed once so this is my next orb so if I EV it it gets rid of the orb oh my god dude my brain's already exploding Rost the start of your turn at a random common card into your hand hello world that's cute all right they not just five instead of three okay gain one block perly increase this card's block by two oh so the earlier you get it the [Music] better I mean I I'm actually not against this at all right gain seven block x times dude this one hurts my brain so much more than the other two cuz the other two play like hearstone classes this is so weird and again as much as I want to show you the entire run the video would be way too long so here is the final fight on floor 3 to see what this class can do I really have to start reading it's Scot it's over it's [ __ ] over bro it's fine I'm not worried about it what the [ __ ] do you do play 12 cards end your turns G C you strength intends to inflict negative damage 26 damage all right we okay it's fine we have to find the bottle we have to find the bottle we have to find the bottle we have to find the bottle we have to find the bottle everyone relax everyone relax everyone relax we toss it on him it's fine I know what he does am I going to die from this no we don't never die [ __ ] God we're fine we're fine okay we do this it's 12 right we do this do this do this do this this will end my turn he takes he does this strength thing right that has that has to happen he we can just VI do I ever lose this okay what if I just don't do anything here what if I just what if I just don't do anything and I just chill okay so he does he does 18 oh sorry not 18 27 so I I have to do this my discard pile right so we can actually do we can do this this until this do I even play a card oh [ __ ] me it triggered wait I lost oh no I oh my [ __ ] God yeah I'm looking for uh I can't [ __ ] play it I I'm so bad at this game it's [Music] ridiculous this also seems good [Music] I'm assuming this is going to stack right I'm also going to play this I think he healed and he's not attacking this turn I didn't like this at all the Watcher is the fourth and final class of slay the Spire this class uses stances to manipulate the way that you play Combat in this game and it's honestly really cool in this stance you deal and receive double attack damage oh no it's a stance chat what is Cal oh upon exiting The Stance excuse me hold on what does that mean oh my God this is so insane there so much you have to think about when you're doing this deal five damage to a random enemy five times so if I'm in Wrath that's literally 50 damage I'm going to take it I'm not sure if it's good but it's fun as [ __ ] holy [ __ ] uh I think I have to upgrade this legally I have to upgrade it right I'm looking for that ragnaros card let's go oh [Music] oh as you can tell with the Watcher I was having an extreme amount of fun because of the Ragnarok card and as much as I want to show you the build it would take too long so here is the final boss on floor three and yes I'm tired of saying that I be Des Spire with every character first try this is the time meter Boy again right okay here we go all right all right what does this potion do yeah let's do that we're definitely doing this and I will be playing this this evening hly I'm probably just going to play everything here okay take this we take this oh that's a lot of damage though bro okay let's go dude holy wait actually insane actually insane that was [ __ ] awesome bro this game is so fun God damn this game is so good oh my God what am I playing hearstone for man I'm not just say this cuz I'm winning either dude how is that the fastest for me it's so [ __ ] good holy [ __ ] it's so good it's so good it's such a good game dude I'm [ __ ] it's so fun so surprisingly with all four characters I was able to win a Spire run on my very first try and the best part is I even decided to do act four which is collecting all of these colored keys to unlock the true ending of actually fighting the heart and I was able to beat it my first time with the silent I think it goes without saying if you haven't played this game yet and you're a card game player for God's sakes buy it the next time it's on sale on Steam or buy it on your mobile phone you won't regret it because I haven't and I have played much more than 10 hours this game is arguably the best car game I have ever [Music] played
Channel: Rarran
Views: 260,425
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hearthstone, card game, new expansion hearthstone, new expansion hs, kripp, trump, regiskillbin, zeddy, hs, hearthstone battlegrounds, hearthstone rotation 2022, hearthstone new, hearthstone gameplay, thijs, thijs hearthstone, sunken city hearthstone gameplay, review, hs review, hearthstone review, core set, hearthstone core set, new core set, best colossal hearthstone, tier list hearthstone, tier list, grapplr, magic the gathering, magic online, pvddr world championship, pvddr
Id: 6yXLCKPcq7s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 12sec (1512 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 19 2023
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