BLACK HOLE Slime SO BIG It Will Destroy ME and the UNIVERSE - Slime Rancher Mods

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hey what is that whoa i got one i got a shiny hey it's a ruined slime he looks like a dusty poo oh yeah look at that placement that is professional jukebox placement oh no oh the white slime's there i keep teleporting through the white slime [Music] don't want to miss a video subscribe to the channel and stay notified how's it going chance we're playing slime rancher today we're finally going to build the jukebox and we've got a popular slime return and you guys have asked me to put it back in we're going to do it it's going to be cool we're going to put the singularity slime back in i almost bucket up his name it's such a big word singularity wow anyway we're gonna build him hang on a second what should i get rid of what should i get rid of i don't know maybe this thing let's just empty this out let's just get its crud pick it up i can't fit that one in my gun i can't fit it in all right let's pump it in here the range is looking a little bit rough at the moment i mean we are producing plenty of money all right we might actually hit 1 million new bucks in this video i'm not too sure maybe we will let me know in the comments if you think by the end we're going to hit 1 million new bucks that would be 50 000 new books you got 50 grand on your bum there you taking that over there to the markets you've got plenty of cash those are ruby plots what are those things worth price on those ones are down at the moment you can see the little red arrows they're down the what are those they're unstable plots those ones are up at the moment hey i just realized the singularity plots they're not on there oh hang on or is that them maybe that's them i can't remember those things are worth a lot though that's how we would get plenty of money we would get loads of coin doing that yes that right there is our awesome shiny red cube slime that's cool man you can see he's pink that means he's shiny version that is so awesome i like that dude i like him he's one of my faves and in the last video we also planted some of these things the gilded gingers so that if we see any gold slime so we can just shoot at their faces and then get some gold plots that's what we do so if there's any mods that you guys want me to check out all right let me know in the comments or any slimes that you want me to to ranch all right i can go ahead and i can ranch them i can do it i'm gonna go out to the grotto for the moment though we've got a big slime in the grotto we've got a huge one he's absolutely massive he's gone where is he gone he's disappeared we had the giant phosphor slime in here and now the dude is just he's just up and left that's fine i'm gonna put a corral in here just a regular corral all right with high walls and a roof there we go an air net there we go got a nice little air nest on that one how's the fire slimes going you dude's doing okay in here i think they might need maybe a little bit of food or something and i'm just gonna water my drones all right let's go ahead and water those things there we go just splash them if you guys are fans of slime rancher and also fans of bug snacks or one or the other i just started playing another game called the eternal cylinder where you're basically this little tiny alien guy and you have to eat stuff to evolve it's a very very cool game if you've already watched it though and if you like that game let me know in the comments all right i'm gonna grab just a couple of these chickens we're gonna make some nuggies all right because i love chicken nuggies sorry there champ that's my shiny tabby slime i'm just gonna get these little chickens little painted hen hens if they're painted we're about to burn them that's gonna smell like burnt paint that's gonna be gross i wouldn't eat those nuggies they would taste disgusting those would be some bad for you nuggies all right hang on can we pick up these things oh yeah oh yeah cool fire slime to the face no good that burns there we go they just disappeared oh hang on maybe maybe they disappear if they're not in ash maybe oh maybe if it's raining is it raining yeah it's raining i think that might be it watch this bang disappears okay you can see all the drones look at them constantly flashing because it's raining they're getting watered by the rain that's incredible all right let's sleep [Music] oh it's no longer raining okay hang on yeah that's what it is i was getting mad because the fire plots were disappearing and the entire time it was because of that i'll do it and this guy's ready to be emptied again let's go ahead and empty him and let's delete him you are deleted step one we need to make the cloney thingy what's it called what's the better name other than cloney thingy probably utilities a chicken cloner okay bang got ourselves chicken corner right there oh i gotta clean this up i feel like i need these gold plots for something i just don't know what it is okay i'm gonna get these cookie doughs all right i'm gonna get them because we can actually plant these things we can do that we can make a kookadobo tree all right we're out here in the wilds dude that slime is so big oh where is he oh he's still there i'm gonna shrink him okay now he's size four that is a much cuter size and less menacing i don't feel like i'm going to get crushed by a big giant slime brick anymore hey look at that purple puddle i reckon that would taste like grape i'm going to demolish this tree uh remove crops there we go and punch a cook it over in there whoa that's cool look at that whole bunch of the plants just popped up and now they're growing now that's due to a mod all right it's a special mod that allows you to do that it's pretty awesome hey dudes do you guys eat these no they of course they don't why am i even why am i even doing that i don't know hang on you get these ones and then you give them to ogden and then he gives you tofu for every three of those things he gives you one cube of tofu by the way let me know if you like tofu tofu is one of those things that people either love it or they hate it or they think it's okay personally i don't mind tofu i think it's pretty good all right got some fireplace bang oh damn oops i thought i didn't know ow i didn't know he was already a lago oops and now he's a slime tarman and he's in the ocean that was a bad move okay so we need to get some more twinkle plots get out of the way drone if we can get some more twinkle plots we can finally make this jukebox i'm pumped are you pumped you guys got any twinkle plots for me your chorale sure as heck is full of stuff two okay bang bang and let's have a look so if we have a look we got the jukebox the image is needed but we need two more twinkle plots and then we can finally make the jukebox and then the people will be happy we can finally do whatever it is that the jukebox does i think it actually gives us some stuff i think it gives us like music or stuff why are you guys not eating your veggies what's going on okay here have a veggie have a veggie if you put the ditto face on them you can't tell when they're sad that's what i do so in order to make a singularity slime right we need a certain kind of slime i can't remember what one it is and we need to put it into the uh chicken cloner is it the chicken corn yeah we have to put it in there let's have a look out here though let's have a look hey it's a ruined slime he looks like a dusty poo should be called the dusty poo slime not 100 sure what we need to combine this quantum slime with hey what is that whoa cool i got one i got a shiny hang on i'm just looking for a good spot where he won't run away oh dude he's green it's actually green that is cool i like that green too it's a little bit like the tangle slime green dude how's my luck that is so good i think i've got like three or four shinies now i wish you could battle them together like pokemon i don't know why that is maybe they'll make like a slime range of battle mode and you get to battle them together that'd be the best hey there dudes any more shinies around here that'd be cool super rare shiny bros oh check this out show you guys something pretty awesome look how cute he is he's the best he's such a beast oh the ditto face makes the cube slimes just it's so good oh man name a better slime you can't you really can't the ditto slime is just opie [Music] oh everybody's a ditto slime i'm still yet to see a shiny pink slime out of like the most common slime and i haven't seen a shiny pink slime yet what up with that i've got quantum red i've actually got red twice it's either quantum boom or quantum crystal that we need to make and then you have to put it inside the chicken thing the chicken cloner if you had a chicken cloner what would you do with it i know what i do i'd have one in my kitchen and i'd be throwing nuggies into it all day 24 7 nuggie fest 2021 oh man it'd be a happy time it would be the best there would not be enough barbecue sauce to to cover all of the nuggies how we going here chaps just going around making some uh making some plots some puddle plots oh what's that oh it was just the top of a boom slime and i was getting like i was getting like all one color so it looked this cool blue color oh hang on wait no it's yeah boom rock so it's got a bit of a metallic tone to it that's impressive i like it that is a shiny dervish slime that is one cute slime i like it alrighty quantum slime you can go ahead and sit in there dude given that you're an awesome shiny version oh he lost his ditto face all right get one ditto face i missed i was a bit early with my hua bang who being there we go got him he's a ditto cube twinkle plot ah two more look at that twinkle slime it looks so good all right bang bang that's pretty good and we should be able to make the jukebox now yes okay i'm gonna put the jukebox right at home okay i was gonna put it there no no no we'll stick it at home given that that's where the rest of the stuff is so we've got this thing this allows me to switch the instruments okay but i think the jukebox allows me to unlock the instruments okay i've placed a gadget site here now i'm gonna go uh jukebox oh yeah look at that placement that is professional jukebox placement now i can activate this thing hey hey cool hey long slime singing there's like extra ones chiptune cool so these are the ones that you can unlock at christmas time but you can only do it on a certain day if you miss the day too bad that's it electric piano glockenspiel bells oh this is cool hey an unobtainable instrument what oh organ low vibe you cannot purchase this twice looks like i can't purchase it once okay so if i go oh bang like that i get this one and say i put it right there now i run over that [Music] yes it makes a slime noise uh withdraw chimes oh i can switch it up like this okay get a b and then we go oh that is really cool [Music] that is really cool i like that so we'll get this quantum slime this is the regular quantum slime not the shiny one not that it matters but i'm gonna need to let him go ahead and eat that oh dude what that's one cool looking slime okay yes yes cool it's the it's the singularity cubes wow wow that hurt ow stop it oh it's so hard because they're they're a black hole that's what it is the black one is the black hole slime and he's like sucking me towards him oh he disappeared something happened and they vanished i have to make another one thankfully i've got loads of boom thoughts come on eat it eat it yes okay now we go done all right get the gun it's really hard to do ah ow yes got him okay oh where am i taking him oh take him into the grotto just like that ow i just teleported what oh the white slime's there i keep teleporting through the white slime oh what i just realized he is bending the water away from him wow i didn't even know it could do that that's amazing that is so amazing dude dude how cool is that all right so the white hole and the black hole slimes are like they're attracted to each other right they're gonna want to try and hang out with each other i feel like the black one should be over there though i had the white one yes okay okay um it's not the order of things that i wanted to do it in wow stop teleporting me bro if you guys haven't seen this before as soon as you touch the black hole slime you get teleported from the black hole slime to the white slime it's what happens okay i'm gonna put him just ah okay i'm gonna leave this guy stop it i'm gonna leave these guys as they are apparently there's some boots i can remember some boots that you have to be able to get you craft the boots and allows you to walk around near them that's a better size i like that size i just died it actually hurts when you go through the black gravity cuffs there we go it's laughing at me gravity cuffs yeah buddy yeah yeah you're not gonna drag me around now i gotcha dudes all right put him in there i'm gonna make this guy big oh that's cool giant black hole giant white hole that's very awesome they eat veggies or they they actually eat everything but watch this teleport and a singularity plot yes job done and we managed to make the jukebox i could call that mission success like i said if there's any mods you guys want me to check out let me know in the comments and thank you very much for watching this video if you liked it give us one of these ones i'll see you guys next time
Channel: Fynnpire
Views: 256,610
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fynnpire, Slime Rancher, Slime Rancher Mods, Slime Rancher Update, Slime Rancher Scuba, Slime Rancher Treasure Pods, New Slime Rancher videos, Slime Rancher Fynnpire, Slime Rancher Youtuber, New Slime, shiny slime, rare shiny, shiny, slime rancher 2021, slime rancher 2, unstable slime, ruby slime
Id: xYrkGk1W9FY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 53sec (1013 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 12 2021
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