This Circle is in Vanilla Minecraft

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👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Bruxinth 📅︎︎ Sep 04 2021 🗫︎ replies

It does need command blocks

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/kickTM 📅︎︎ Sep 04 2021 🗫︎ replies
circles in minecraft possible or not i'm gonna push vanilla minecraft to its limit to test if it's possible to make a real circle in minecraft so my friend qipla made a video where he made an actual circle in minecraft and all he did was he took a couple blocks and stacked up then you put a rail on top of it and you surround this rail with a bunch of blocks that are not a full size so you can see the chests have like a one pixel gap here it's gonna surround the rail in that and then we're gonna get some mine carts and you just spam mine cars onto the rail and once you've placed a ton of rails you're gonna break the rail right here or some of minecarts you're gonna break the rail right there you're just gonna touch it real quick for a second move around just to try and shape it and they should sort themselves out into a circle but that's not good enough for me i want to find a way to build with these such as breaking this maybe putting some sand around the sides so that it fills in and then oh the circle's gone one thing that a lot of people forget about is that whenever sand or a block like that falls it makes an entity of the block and you can actually summon that so if we summon a falling block at my location you can see it disappears immediately so let's give it a longer life span there you go you see you can summon blocks like this but the issue is whenever we type them you see it falls and then it turns back into a normal block however what we can do is also give it no gravity and now we just have a permanent floating block just like this which gives me an idea let's try to summon a minecart but give it a passenger of a falling block so passengers like this and then inside of here the passenger will have an id of falling block and it disappears immediately passenger will also have a time of one and no gravity all right now we have a block inside of a minecart so now let's try and build that same thing from earlier we're going to place a rail and then get some chests on the side and then we're just going to spam some in a bunch of minecarts like this all right that should be plenty so now if i break this let's try and step inside and see if it can turn it doesn't look like those blocks can turn though yeah since the falling blocks are passengers and not actually in the mine cart then i don't think they'll be able to turn so i have another idea we can summon an armor stand on our location but we can put a block on its head so if we go armor items and then make a list of nothing on the feet nothing on the legs nothing on the chest and then on the head we want sand with a count of one that should make an armor stand with sand on his head and of course we could just summon a bunch of these and like make a circle on our own over time by just running in a circle but that sucks to get a perfect circle we're gonna have to do something really clever and what that's gonna be is we're gonna have an armor stand in the middle of where the circle is gonna be like where i am and it's going to spin in a circle and spawn new armor stands all the way at the edge of the circle and i got this idea from notch1792 so let's get ourselves a new repeating command block that's always active we're going to run the command as any armor stand this filter as an armor stand within a distance of two blocks at the location of the armor stand and this is going to run the command to summon a new armor stand let's go three blocks in front of where it's looking and then on top of that we're going to have a chain command block that will do the same filter and this time we're going to slowly spin the armor stand by about this much so now if i just place one on top it should slowly start making a circle around the command block you can see this guy spinning spawning them in front and then once it's done we just got to break this guy there's actually a lot we can do with this since there's no collision or anything but these guys are in my way so this time let's actually get the parameters from earlier and add them on to the armor stand we're summoning right here at the end so now if i get an armor stand and place it on top it should make a circle of sand and stop all right although you may notice these aren't actually turned so i'm gonna have to turn the armor stand so now once it makes the circle if you stand in the center and press this button they will all now face the center and get rid of this little outline here and so i cleaned it up a little bit and made it a little more automated so you stand on top you flick the lever until it makes a circle you don't need the full circle once you're done you break this guy and press the button and there you go but how do we build with this we can start by actually making all of the armor stands we spawn in visible like this and let's also make them invincible like that so they can't be broken by players and now when we make it we should just have a bunch of floating blocks like this awesome all right and so if we get some sand here we should be able to actually build up and drop it in place on top of those like that although it doesn't line up perfectly oh no it kind of works there let's take away the gravity and move them down about let's go 4.4 should be right and it should be just barely above uh it still turns black damn so the issue we're having is that it's turning black because the armor stand is inside of this sand block which makes me think if this was just floating here we wouldn't have that issue so if i get some sandstone stairs smooth sandstone stairs like that will this work oops if you don't break the old armor stance before running the thing again it breaks so just break that one first and now dang that still counts but what if we used glass would that count if anything glass wouldn't count so if glass counts okay yeah we have a bigger issue on our hands all right according to online if you add marker set to one then dang it then it works okay this is how we're gonna get it to work but i don't think we're gonna be able to fill this gap with blocks uh maybe maybe like this one nope okay so i think we're just gonna need to have two rows of armor stands okay i added a command block for another row and let's hope it works first it works first try okay i think this is actually gonna be possible look at that that's cool now let's just make a little outline all right we have the space and if we flick this we should have okay there's a little bit of issue here i'm not sure why the black things are there but i think it's working maybe if i turn it it'll fix no because breaking the block fixes it i'm not sure what the issue is does it still have to be glass it actually seems to fix it okay wow all right this is really weird to look at in game like this is actually this actually exists and that's strange although i guess now that we have the uh the marker thing set we can make these flat with the ground all right so time for the actual test okay it's flat and there's like the the smallest amount sticking up but whatever and then we stop it right there hop up here we press the button and we have our full working circle in minecraft you know let's actually make this like a little pool let's fill this up and get some water and let's put it all in here okay so the water is full but we have more blocks that need to be glass nah we're going to use smooth sandstone slabs like this it this one oh that doesn't count maybe that's not even here i'll just do this yeah there we go awesome and i can even change the glass back to sand the only problem is we have this weird little lip underneath but i guess i can just add another row of blocks underneath so in order to add another row of armor stands on the bottom we're going to need to make it have a lot less armor stands so this time you can see it goes faster it turns about five degrees instead of three each time and so when we press this it turns and it still looks the same so that's a lot less armor stance so let's change this from minus six point five to seven and when we run this hopefully that looks like barely not enough height let's just press this again all right oh and okay i see an issue these are the slabs meaning something got messed up here attempts to uh closer i'm not really sure what what's wrong it's just like just skipping the main one that's weird although this does this does look pretty sick i'm not gonna lie got to change the distances okay so now i also forgot to break the armor stand so now let's fix this and it should do exactly what we want this time and we'll stop that go up here and turn it and now we have a full step one right here and i guess if you wanted to look like those stairs you can just make this command block empty and then that'll make the stairs like that these are pretty cool actually you would just have to make these stairs like this and there'd be a little gap but you could debug stick and make it diagonal so final test flick the lever generate the three different rows of armor stands stop the lever break the target and then stand in the center press the button and then we fill it up with water and we now have our very own circular swimming pool in minecraft get all this out of the way this is vanilla minecraft at its maximum look how cool this is with shaders i think you should check out the time i made a glitched minecraft horse that ran 60 000 blocks per hour in vanilla survival well i was in creative but you can do it in survival
Channel: Mysticat
Views: 16,380,435
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 3u65Dk1bqWg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 54sec (594 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 29 2021
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