New Bigfoot Documentary 2023 | The Cascades Encounter

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anybody at Hilltop copy hey this is Kirk and Kip and we're at the trucks coming up the trail to Hilltop okay coffee [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] in August of 2020 there was a group of friends that were camping in the Washington Cascades and we encountered what we believe was a Sasquatch this is that story I reviewed a lot of the audio so I kind of know the time frame basically around 12 50 a.m Jonathan and Shane talk about both hearing a loop and that shows up on the audio but what also was going on were some Knocks and from about 12 50 a.m up until the tree fall which is around 1 10 am those are give or take a minute or so on the times there were distant vocalizations and knocks all around this area and if I was to guess there was at least two individuals watching them possibly three um like I said just before the tree fall there's a definite percussive that no one heard and actually about 30 seconds before the tree fall there's a distant vocal percussive and then there's a percussive here close and then the tree comes down after that I didn't find any more distant vocalizations it's my impression just from the audio is that after the tree fall whoever was here took off for a bit it eventually came back but took off for a bit everyone was excited at 1 45 is when Kirk and Kip Morrell were up on the road and they recorded the vocalization so prior to the the tree fall the tree crash Jonathan Brown and myself were sitting or standing next to this campfire that we had in Camp and we were just you know standing next to each other catching up talking Bigfoot making plans and as we're talking from behind us out in the woods came this whoop I mean Crystal Clear Loop one of the best Loops I've ever heard your classic and John's and I look at each other and we're both thinking the same thing did did that just happen now there was nobody there was nobody outside of Camp everybody was accounted for in Camp it was dark it's midnight and I just had a feeling right there and then that this was going to be an interesting night foreign it is okay right there you probably see us from there you would definitely be able to see the Fire Light well when we came up here we had found a couple other trees that were recent blowdowns but with this one Not only was it in the same direction but the soil around it was dry this still had moist soil I have pictures of right in here specifically because I was wanting to show how fresh it was and later on when we came out to show Kirk the soil had already begun to dry so we know it was that fresh um this was it was almost these these cracks I have pictures of this crack specifically because it was really cool but it wasn't like it was weeping because it was already kind of dry but you could just everything was for everything was just fresh and moist and it had just come down it just come down so the next morning we ventured out to find the tree that had been pushed over and we found some of the we found quite a few trees but you could tell that it had been a while when we walked up on this one it was fresh and all the ferns were much larger at that point because by then they in August they're a lot taller but the path where this thing landed everything was freshly smashed and it was quite obvious this is the one [Music] hmm [Music] um [Applause] [Music] we're about four miles away doing some night Ops and nothing was happening and my friend Kip Morrow and I decided hey we've got another bunch of our friends at a different Camp let's go check on them so we drove down here and this is the trailhead area that you hike into the camp about a half mile and we decided let's go in and check on them see if they're having an activity what's going on we called on the radio because the guys in the camp had weapons and we didn't want to spookum and who knows what might have happened and so we called on the radio we said Kip called on the radio and said hey guys this is Kirk and Kip we're at the trailhead we'd like to come in and join you guys because that's kind of protocol you never just go into a camp in case they have an activity you don't want to scare the Sasquatches away we got no response Kip called again and sure enough he got a response of a frantic voice of uh no guys don't come in Stand Down Stand Down we're having crazy activity tree is getting pushed over Etc and so then we said okay we'll stay out so Kip and I stood here for a little while trying to decide what we're gonna do and Kip kind of wanted to leave but I said no let's kind of stay we're far enough away we're not going to interfere if they're having activity let's try walking down the Logging Road to another camp and we'll see if we can get any activity from some other Sasquatches that might be further out on the perimeter and so that's what we decided to do do you have a radio I do okay then we should probably call them and let them know that we're gonna stumble in okay we don't want them to get spooked and shoot us okay so it's hey Folks at uh Hilltop Kirk and Kipper walking up the trail we're at the trucks right now anybody at Hilltop copy hey this is Kirk and Kip and we're at the trucks coming up the trail to Hilltop okay copy we started walking up this road we walked about a hundred yards until we got up there and the Kip was looking with his thermal and I had audio running on my head omnidirectional stereo mics and he was looking with his thermal while I'm listening and recording audio Kip saw a couple mice and he commented on it so I see something and I said what do you got what do you got he said oh it's just a mouse so okay so we started walking again and shortly right after he saw the mouse we heard this vocalization we were standing right up there the vocalization came from over there the camp where our friends were is down there and the vocalization that we heard was ah you'll hear it [Music] okay you got something at the mouse okay School [Music] that was not a no okay I'm standing now close to the area where the vocalization came from back behind the camera and Kip and I were standing down the road you can see where it bends and further down around the bend is where Kip and I were standing I'd say it's about 150 200 yards away and the vocalization came from that thick area you're seeing now dense forest and as soon as it had finished Kip and I were wondering exactly what did we just hear and I turned to Kip and I said that was not an owl and then Kip was a little bit and wondering what was it our friends in the camp and I said no the Camp's over there localization came over there that was not our friends it was not an owl and nobody else is around Kirk and I thought okay well let's just go ahead and take a walk uh down the road uh towards Camp seven so we're on the gravel road and not very long after that is when we heard this sing-songing cry and I think the most interesting part of that was my first thought was why are those guys yelling and making noise when they just told us not to come in and something was going on and I think it wasn't long after that that we realized that that wasn't them but it was kind of interesting that's where my brain went immediately was that it was a person not a not an animal but something what I thought was a person or a human or something but obviously in listening to it later on uh being where it was coming from which in the middle of the night in the middle of nowhere uh with really no Trails or roads or anything back there it was just extremely uh interesting and very spooky thankfully uh Kirk always has a recorder on and so he was able to capture it uh it's definitely something that I consider doing now when I'm going out it was just an interesting opportunity to capture something that had Kirk not had that recorder on we we would have never had that sound to share and to analyze okay you got something that's a mouse oh look at her right or something get ready to strike okay it's cool [Music] that was not an owl [Music] all right [Music] [Music] I'm of the opinion that uh I think they watched US Park they probably watched us walk in I think they're around here the whole time but they just didn't make themselves known until later on after we everybody went to bed after the tree came down and everybody kind of settled their nerves were settled Rebecca ants like myself and David Hallett were on the ground Cowboy camping just in our sleeping bags David fell asleep uh and Rebecca and I were awake and we were listening to something move around behind us and four or five different times I got out my sleeping bag with the thermal units and with therm but every time I got out of my sleeping bag everything would stop the movement would stop whatever it was would Retreat which is quiet and they did that four or five times and it got really frustrating to the point where at one point I just stood up with a flashlight so I wanted to see what this large thing was moving around our camp it sounded large it sounded bipedal and it was frustrating that it was obviously watching us in the movement I made getting on my sleeping bag made it go still made it go quiet well eventually around 4 30 in the morning I did fall asleep and Rebecca woke me up once she was hearing movement getting closer to us and I could hear it and I told her we're gonna be fine she was a little nervous you know we have something big out there moving around us and we can't seem to see it well I fall back to sleep and later on that morning Daylight's coming up that's when Rebecca saw what she saw moving behind the trees something very large and most definitely by pedal and it rattled her nerves big time big time yeah so we had um Todd and Zachary had gotten in your tent and David and Shane and I are still Cowboy camping on the ground David had woken up at one point because we had a power knock happen right back in here and that was the one that I fully expected to stand up or to look up and see it it was it was right in this opening back in here it sounded like it was really loud but about an hour after that Shane's breathing change I could tell he was asleep I decided I was going to try to stop talking and go to sleep and it was only about not even a minute after that I'm still looking where I had been laying looking kind of the two o'clock position so I could see these trees just the outline because it was just really dark you just tell where the trees were and we had a recorder there Todd's recorder was at the base of that tree my recorder was in the crook of that tree because after the tree went down I didn't want to venture too far in the woods and put it further outside of camp but it wasn't too far from that where I started hearing something just started walking through this stuff and walking into camp and the only thing I did see was that my view of these trees just the outline of them disappeared something broad walked in front of it and it was just pitch blackness and I don't know if that's about the time that my heart just jumped into my ears that was all I all I heard but I kept following with my eyes trying to follow the path of where it was moving and we're on the ground here so it would have had to walk between Dave over here we're on the ground here you guys this tents where that stick is so it would have walked through here the movement was coming through here we're here and I was looking up as much as I could craning over my sleeping bag I could have sworn it was right there you could I didn't see anything but I knew I was looking right at it and that's that's what I hate about this is that I can't prove anything and I didn't have a I didn't have a visual this isn't how I wanted it to to happen but it walks through and this Rush of air as it's walking past us right here comes from because it came from that way this air just goes past this side of my head and behind my head as it's walking in through here it felt like somebody was walking past you in a restaurant that's the only way I can describe it when you're sitting still and people are rushing past you and you feel that air current but it wasn't wind um I don't I don't know what to say about it other than that's that's just what happened and I hate that that happened because it's not it's not how it's not cut and dry I couldn't film anything I didn't have a visual and but we did have recordings we did have audio going and we pick up the movement we have the the percussives and so we're just going to keep coming back and see if it'll repeat it so hopefully that's what this was for had my tent set up had recorder inside it with a lantern guys I did have the lantern because I just wanted to have my tent I didn't want something to destroy it but trying to repeat as much as possible without actually having a cowboy camp out here again because I don't know if I want to do that the next morning I was awake in the tent I was waiting for everyone to get up and I I unzipped the zipper a little bit a couple times just to see if anyone was awake or moving around and no one was so I just kind of laid on my back and I was just staring at the top of the tent like grab my phone check what time it was and it was 701 daytime it was overcast but uh at my feet I'm laying on my back like this and at my feet I saw a shadow go across the tent like that and I thought it was Shane I'm like oh good let's get going someone's awake let's go because I want to get out of here I want to get back to camp and regroup because it was a real freaky night so I unzipped it you know I sat up and I unzip the tent you know just a little bit so I can pull it down and I'm all shame Shane I called him like four times and he finally he he wakes up like what he was under the tarp and I couldn't see him I thought he was I thought he was over here because this thing walked right here or whatever it was I don't know what it was and I'm like did you did you just walk by the tin he's like no I'm asleep I'm like oh great I'm all and I just laid back down just trying to think like what did I just see it kind of freaked me out and uh that's really about it I I did not feel like getting out of the tent and running anything down I I don't know what it was it wasn't massive or anything it was like Shane's size so I don't know it's very strange [Music] [Music] [Music] the reason that we were at this Camp was because of an audio clip that Kirk had captured in 2010 as well as an encounter with the Sasquatch that him and Nathan had in 2015. [Music] foreign [Music] I was here with the Sasquatch research group and we'd come in from another area and this is our first night at this camp and my tent was exactly where it is now in the exact same tent and it was uh a cold night it was in mid-may early May and I had eaten some bad food and so I just crashed and I was dead asleep in my tent and I was awakened to loud vocalization that started with lots of other weird sounds after that but what happened is that awoke that woke me up and I didn't know what it was I was trying to get oriented in my tent remember where we were because that was our first night there and then the sound started going off again and I thought oh my goodness my friend Nathaniel is being attacked by a bear I'd need to go help him and so I grabbed my gun is Pitch Black I just but I knew where I'd laid it I grabbed the gun unzip the tent halfway and then I realized it's quiet there's no more sound if he's being attacked by a bear that I'd still be hearing something what's going on so I laid there in the pitch Blackness wondering what did I just hear and then it happened again it started making more vocalizations and it was making vocalizations that sounded like it was yelling words it wasn't just making sound it wasn't just shrieking it was yelling a language and so now I'm laying there with my heart just pounding out of my chest I'm trying to think what language am I hearing because you know you don't have to understand Russian to know somebody's speaking Russian or Japanese or something like that but this language was one I was not familiar with at all but my brain kept trying to place it but it never could it was nothing I'd ever heard before and behind the language was an overriding emotion of frustration and disappointment behind what it was yelling and between intermittent fits of yelling it would Stomp and break branches and it all happened right over there you can see the vine maple and it was happening behind that and a little bit to the right of it and it went on for a full 10 minutes I remember checking my watch when it started it was 12 37 am and then when it finally finished its display of trying to I believe run us out of here it stomped off down the slope to the west and southwest and we have two friends who were camped about a quarter half mile away in that direction and they had audio running and it picked it up as it was stomping through the forest near them uh throughout the display of it of it yelling language and the e ah that started the whole thing it would go into a coughing or clearing its throat and then there are spaces where it wouldn't make any sound and that was the worst you think it was the worst part hearing it vocalizing but no it's when it's quiet and you didn't know where it was that's what freaked me out the worst because when it was making a sound at least I knew where it was not near me and uh my friend Nathan was camped right over in that direction I'd say his tent was right down there and so he was quite close to it I was camped out right down here this is where my tent was Kirk was right back there and my tent was it's a Four Season tent it was right here the door was on this side my head was down here that vine Maple was about a third of that size but uh yeah the animal came in as I mentioned in another video previous but we're on site today um had come in behind that vine Maple between that Doug Fir and that Doug fur there had come up and got just in that section there and let out a long and then commenced its whole vocal fit at this point every time it started yelling I would slip out of my bag a little bit more because I figured that it can't hear me moving if it's yelling it's that was my logic and so I slid out turned around in the tent and I remember facing in my tent right here and just being like Oh my gosh I'd kill for a window in this tent but I it's a Four Season tent there was just no way so 10 minutes go by of this thing yelling and talking and at this point I'm just praying that other people are awake and that they can hear what's going on and luckily Kirk was and it threw it started talking and like Kirk had mentioned it was it was coughing and spitting and moving around back there you could actually hear it going from that tree Thump Thump Thump Thump to that other tree and then sometimes to that one it paced back and forth back over here and uh we actually had enough forethought the next morning that we came out here and immediately shot video and Recreation of everything that happened so we could have it for the record and yeah it was it was crazy just how close it was it was no more than 35 feet from the my tent and it was as close as that vine maple um at the time and well that was that's well over seven years ago now and it it came in here vocalized moved away went down to the homestead after 10 minutes of throwing a fit and Kurt Kirk and I he's like yeah you're like yup and we exited the tent we figured it had to have been right about here when it did the first vocalization Maybe closer to that vine Maple but it came in and it just oh we were just startled awake by oh and then you just hear this boom boom boom and it paused there'd be silence just complete silence for a moment and then you hear and then it would just stomp stomp stomp to the next tree and just go back and forth for 10 minutes and in between every once in a while he'd stop go silent and then you'd hear you um this language some kind of as we would Define it language you couldn't understand anything other than that it was obvious disappointment and frustration in its voice and in the way it behaved it just you could tell it was it would vacillate between being terribly upset and then right like anger and then into emotion of sadness disappointment almost like like it couldn't escape some kind of issue and after 10 minutes it finally became more sad sounding in its tone and eventually let out one longer moan and then it walked down toward the homestead area below [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music]
Channel: Salish Sasquatch
Views: 377,728
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bigfoot sounds, Sasquatch sounds, Bigfoot documentary, Sasquatch documentary, Bigfoot screams, Sasquatch screams, Sasquatch recordings, Washington State, Cascade Mountains, Mystery, Scary stories, Scary sounds, Bigfoot hunting, Bigfoot expedition, Bigfoot movie, Sasquatch movie, Bigfoot sighting, Bigfoot encounter, Bigfoot encounters, Sasquatch encounter, Sasquatch encounters, PNW, Pacific Northwest, history bigfoot sightings, Bigfoot evidence
Id: O7Budc5WVEw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 34sec (2134 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 06 2023
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